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You’d be amazed how often seats open up in a flight. Problem is they get filled quickly. People (especially in that cabin) are constantly changing travel plans. It sounds silly but I’d suggest opening up the app as often as you can and keeping an eye on things.


It does sound silly but I second this comment. Open it 10-15 times a day and you just may luck out.


I was booked on a 787 this morning (in flight now). Only open seat was in the very back, middle. Between yesterday morning and now I made 6 seat changes, each one getting me closer to the front. Finally ended up in the seat next to OPs seat in the photo above. I call that a win and worth the 20 times I opened the app instead of some social media app that I’d usually waste time in.


I’ve been opening non stop for the last week lol


Good chance it's a couple hoping to have the entire aisle by booking the outside seats. I see this a lot.


I hate people.




So you’re telling me there’s a chance


When is the flight?


Next Sunday night


My gut would be a couple may open up, but IMO unlikely to be together.


Keep checking. There are some tools (I think expert flyer does this) that will watch this for you.


> Besides asking a traveler if they will switch seats, do you think any seats may open up prior to check in? You (should) be sleeping, do you really care?


No but my gf wants to be next to me. I’ll be asleep prior to take off most likely lol. The power of Xanax and edibles


Same, I’m asleep takeoff to landing!


Careful w edibles to Europe. You can take before but i wouldn’t carry on. Airport is considered federal so even if your state is legal the airports aren’t. Also a surprising number of EU don’t allow. Apologies if you already know this but I’d hate for your vacation to have an issue


I appreciate you looking out. I didn’t plan on bringing with me. Just going to be eating them prior to airport.


Get a trial subscription to expertflyer and set seat alerts.


Some people get upgraded to first class and their seats become vacant.