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There are a lot more high earning people than you think, especially at airports. For a lot of people dropping $1300 on a flight just isn't a hassle compared to saving what amounts to pocket change to fly coach. You also have to consider that the next class up (flying private) for domestic travel costs $50k+, so you have to be REALLY rich to jump to the next tier. Also a lot of people you see in first paid for upgrades in the app for like $200 a ticket, and some even paid nothing and got upgraded for free via status.


There's also people who fly for work and either their employer buys them a first class ticket outright, or they upgrade the main cabin ticket bought by the employer. I know myself and a handful of my colleagues pay to upgrade the ticket our company bought.


I am one of these people. I always upgrade to first when traveling for work. I run trade shows for my company, so getting a meal in the air is turn key and allows me to really hit the ground running. I can also make great use of the two free checked bags because I normally have a suitcase with conference supplies. Additional personal space allows me to show up in a better head space…all the way around, it’s the way to go in my position even if I am paying out of pocket.


This man just said turn key on Reddit.


Can you please explain? I don’t get the significance. Thank you!


I never buy first class and usually (4 out of 5 flights) get upgraded for free. I just fly a lot for work


How do you get upgraded for free?


This, 100%. I fly internationally in business class for my employer (quite a few trans-pacific routes) and get upgraded to first on domestic flights pretty regularly. Sometimes I’ll pay the $150-200 on the app for a short-haul upgrade, but other times I just gamble on my odds. I got a last minute upgrade on a flight to LAX today. 12C to 1A.


We've only flown 1st a few times. Twice to/from Alaska, and once to New Orleans. The trips to Alaska were purchased through a cruiseline, soon after flight schedules were released, so we got them relatively cheaply. In those cases, the long flights up to Anchorage and Fairbanks made the larger seat with more leg room more than worth it. The meals, better snacks, and more attention from the attendants didn't hurt either. The trip to New Orleans, I was talking to customer service on the phone about an issue, and she mentioned she could upgrade us to first class for less than we'd paid for extra leg room seats with priority boarding, so that was a no-brainer. So far, we haven't paid what I would call full price to fly first. That's usually well out of our price range.


Bigger seat, no middle seat, more leg room. Also, you don't have to board first. I usually board as late as possible when flying up front.


“Does anyone know why it would be preferable to take a six hour drive in a limousine when me and my 3 friends can just cram into the backseat of a 1991 Honda civic instead? It will get us there in the same amount of time and I can bring a bottle of water”


Except your friends might take off their shoes and put them on your seat or they might watch a movie with no headphones. Sometimes your friends are dicks


I know international is different, but on domestic first class, would a, um, heavier than normal person still encroach upon your seat space or not likely?


I sat next to an obese man in first class recently and there was no encroachment. The divider is more like a center console in a car.


That's what I figured. So any encroachment would have to be egregious and purposeful. Good to know. Thanks.


Not likely - there is a hard divider between the seats. If they somehow spill over that, that’s a problem. North American domestic first is generally the same seat type as long haul premium economy minus a leg rest that pops out


So in your opinion, aside from free drinks and snacks would premium economy be fine for space only?


I just flew premium economy on Thursday from Spain back to the US. It’s equivalent to domestic first class IMO. The seats were wider, had a pop-up leg rest, the seat divider was like a center console in a car, and just generally had much more room than the economy seats. And the meals were decent and could be selected ahead of the flight on the AA app. I’ll definitely book this class of service again.


May I ask which airline?


American Airlines. Get the app for AA if you fly with them. You’ll get updates, notifications to check in, you can order your meals if served on the flight, and get your boarding passes. It was very convenient.




Are you talking narrowbody (small planes with one aisle) or wide body (big planes with two aisles)? Premium economy is not the same thing as extra legroom economy, to be clear. Premium economy is a fundamentally better seat while extra legroom economy is just economy seats spaced further apart


300 lbs here, I fit perfectly in the American Airlines smallest first class seat (20" on the E175). I think that seat could fit fine someone up to ~50 pounds heavier before it starts getting uncomfortable. On bigger planes I got room to spare. You also won't encroach on other people's space because there's a gap between the seats, the divider is a whole console with a table top, storage space, and a remote if the plane has screens.


It really depends on the seats, configuration, and your size. Most domestic first class seats are 1.3-1.5x larger than regular seats.


I try to board asap because every time I wait to board as late as possible I find out the line is backed up on the plane. I think I’ve waited longer in line


I try to board asap because every time I wait to board as late as possible I find out the line is backed up on the plane. I think I’ve waited longer in line


I try to board asap because every time I wait to board as late as possible I find out the line is backed up on the plane. I think I’ve waited longer in line


Boarding earlier ensures you have overhead space in general - there’s always overhead space in first. Free alcohol, meals on longer flights, kind of dedicated bathroom, lots of snacks, hot towels, bla bla - it’s just a nicer flying experience and to some the price difference isn’t significant.


Dedicated bag check lanes, as well as security lanes is pretty dang great.


Ha dedicated bathroom. As soon as they can get up old women are charging the cock pit like they are hijacking the plane to use that restroom.


I follow the captain & flight attendant’s instructions to not congregate/stand/wait around the bathrooms. Then, when I am on my way to the bathroom, some jerk will jump up and rush in front of me to get to the bathroom first. Even though he/she sees me walking to back there! Yes, I do make sure to ask a flight attendant if I feel the need to use the 1st class bathroom. Usually they see the AH & just direct me up there before I ask. Not an “old” lady, but some of us REALLY have to pee. I can tell you’re a man who has never had a baby stomping on their bladder - 3 kids & it’s never recovered, LOL!


Free alcohol and snacks, that you paid for with the 3x ticket price.


If you are taller than average or wider than average, that space is virtually priceless. For me at least, not that I regularly buy 1st class, but I love free upgrades.


I have ridiculously broad shoulders. This is not a brag, bc I am an old man now and it just sucks to sit for three hours with your hands in your lap and your shoulders hunched in order no to touch/bother your neighbor. Funny thing about getting older: Money is worth less and convenience and comfort are worth more.


>Funny thing about getting older: Money is worth less and convenience and comfort are worth more. This is insanely accurate and wise insight.


Thanks...could you talk to my wife? LOL


I'm getting there. Flight to Japan in my mid 30's? Woo hoo, I'm going to Japan!!! Flight to Japan in my late 40's? I'm buying one step below First/Polaris.


It is directly proportional to the duration of the flight. The difference between business/first class and coach on long-haul international flights is night and day, bordering on not even being the same general thing (flying).


I'm more than happy to not spend another $3-5k or whatever it ends up being for a few hours of comfort. The way I think of it: in what other circumstance would I ever spend that much for 8 hours of anything? It's kind of insane when you think about it. And yeah I get that people pay for it with miles, or at the gate/app for a huge discount, but still, there are plenty that pay full fare


My husband and I pay full fare and always fly first class. My husband is 6 ft. 4 in. tall and has long legs. Plus he has back problems. There's no way we're flying in economy because we'd lose at least one day at destination if my husband's back gets messed up. So I guess we're the opposite...perfectly happy to pay for comfort. We only travel for leisure these days, so we figure we should enjoy the journey.


I've only used miles for biz class but we have found that we get adjusted to our new time zone/location a day earlier if we fly biz vs econ. Even just getting a few hours of lie flat sleep and room to be comfortable makes us feel so much better on arrival. If I was going to Asia from the US without miles, I would seriously consider paying for business at least on the way there. Anything 10+ hours basically.


Credit card points baybeeee


It’s so you don’t have to sit with the poors /s


This is the real reason we fly first


the poors lol... I've also heard it called peasant class or flying with the unwashed...


I recently flew AA to get to a cruise (CID > DCA > MCO, MCO > CLT > CID). We paid $150/person to upgrade from main cabin extra bulkhead to first class bulkhead for the return flights. The day before departure we got a free upgrade to first class (also bulkhead) DCA > MCO. Free drinks, better snacks, better seats, early boarding, guaranteed overhead bin space, two free checked bags per passenger up to 70lbs versus the one free at 50lbs bag we get with our card status. The price definitely has to be right but if it’s right, it’s a no brainer.


The two free 70 lb bags are the only thing that has ever motivated me to pay for FC. A single overweight bag costs $100 in economy, even if you get an economy checked bag free with status. When I have had to move a substantial amount of luggage (e.g., my parents sold the house I grew up in and I get all any possessions I wanted to keep to my college town out of state), that $200 for FC is a lot more palatable than having to shell out $200 for luggage and then sitting in MC anyway.




So the largest commercial real estate conference for retail is in Vegas every year. It doesn’t take the whole convention center but is a good portion of the space. If you work in CRE in the retail space - you’re there. I knew I flew a lot but I really realized how much I was flying/spending on AA when I got an upgrade PHX-LAS that Sunday a few years ago when half the plane was headed to the conference. I’d been upgraded over several people I knew who I used to think “they’re always traveling.”


Generally the people who proclaim they “fly all the time” are the ones who are barely scraping mid tier status…


I fly all the time. I’m in the air more than I’m on the ground. Don’t look at my flair.


As I'm #75 on the upgrade list on a hub to hub on a 777, you can say AA is talking about me only when they welcome status members on the PA.


Fly longer than 6 hours and it’s a medical necessity for a person of my age.


Worth that much? Not sure. Better - absolutely and the longer the flight the more the perks (International Business is a whole 'nother level). You get... - More space in every direction. More in front of you, a wider seat, a section of the plane where people are not as crammed in. A steeper recline and no attitude from the passenger behind you. Notably less claustrophobic. - No competition really for overheads and if they are full your FA will find a spot for you. - Your own bathroom for a lot fewer people. - Boarding in a smaller group and first may mean more "plane time" but it is easier and less stressful. You also often get a drink before takeoff to sip on while the plane continues boarding. - Priority line for security, check-in and can include lounge access before you board and during connections. - A dedicated flight attendant who is quick to provide drinks or whatever you want or need. - Often a better meal. Less so than in the past but sometimes. - A little towel to wipe your face and neck that's really hot for 0.8s then turns freezing cold, but does feel nice and you feel less grimy. Aside from the cost the only downside is you can feel kinda like a douche while every single other coach passenger walks by on the way to their seats.


Yeah I'm sometimes torn on boarding early but what I realized is gate areas are really unpleasant in busy airports. Lack of seating for the multiple departures, the huge crowd of gate lice, non-stop announcements from multiple gates. It's sensory overload. In a place like DFW, CLT, DCA, get me seated on the plane. Even with nose cancelling headphones, I'd rather zone out on the plane, especially in a larger seat. In a smaller airport, not such a huge deal. In my home airport in Columbia SC, there's always an empty gate within announcing distance you can get 3 or 4 seats to yourself.


This is a good summary. I would add. It’s simply much more pleasant. The flight attendant greets you by name, pretends at least to care about you, is nice to you I can’t count how many times I have been stuck on the tarmac with a delay, for hours sometimes, and hanging out in first, boozing…talking with flight attendant. Having snacks. Getting up to go to bathroom when light is still on and no one cares. It’s way better. PDB is nice The full meal on transcon or international is way better. It’s not fine dining but it makes the time pass so much better. My first FC trip in the 1996 had lobster. It was awesome. And sundays. I miss the newspapers.


So that price jump is dramatic, yes. But as one of those people who will book a flight of that length direct in premium, I’d still do it even at that price. Why? Because there is a solid divider between seats, so there’s no one encroaching on my space (and other petite females know exactly the bullshit I’m talking about), and I can basically ignore everyone else around me for the entire flight. The leg room is also nice, but not as important as that nice solid barrier. Plus, even when turbulence is shutting down beverage and snack service in coach, they’re usually still doing something in premium because they don’t have to have the carts out. And there is something to be said for basically having a new beverage of whatever in your hands any time you blink.


Bigger seat, baggage allowance, drinks at boarding, easy carry on stowage, on first and relaxing, never dealing with a middle seat. Loads of reasons.


They don’t give a wet towel and free champagne in economy


I pay extra for the privilege of being treated like a human being vs like a cockroach which is how they treat everyone else


Wider seat. That’s it. All those people who complain about fat people sitting next to them and touching them … well, I can promise you that we (the fat people) don’t like it either! In fact, we are generally mortified. I will upgrade to FC whenever I can just to get a few more precious inches.


First class includes checked bags, more room, lounge access if flying to certain areas, priority boarding and drinks and possibly a meal. I don't flt first all the time, but if you can get a good price or just can afford it in general, it's worth the extra cost more times than not.


This, the experience starts from the second you enter the airport. Getting through TSA quicker, having access to a lounge where it's 100x more enjoyable than sitting next to the gate. AA also seems to work with FC passengers a lot more. I had an experience where my connecting flight was boarding while I was still in the air landing in DFW and they held my seats until the last possible second. I got to the gate 2 minutes before they closed the doors.


$1300 for domestic first is a bit steep. I think 50% of people in first class are there from status upgrades or upgrade offers in the app. There are cases where it is worth it. Over 900 miles is a meal, you get two free checked bags(I believe?), and you get free alcoholic beverages if that’s your thing. Bags are worth ~$100, meal is $20/30, drinks are probably another $10 - $30. So $150 is the real dollar amount not counting any addition peace of mind things on routes that are 900 miles+ during a meal time. In app upgrade offers are typically between $60-$200 per segment Another way to justify it might be for work. People might be working on a plane. First class gives you the space to do that. 100k a year comes out to like 50/hr so it is reasonable for someone to take a first class seat just if it gives them access to work a few more hours. If I booked too late to get main cabin extra seats, I find myself taking the ~$60 upgrades as I am a big guy and the upgrade that price is worth it for me. At the end of the day, I think most people aren’t paying those crazy prices and the ones that are can certainly afford it.


Don’t forget 2 free bags up to 70lbs


Man I'd pay 60 in a second, almost pulled the trigger on 200 this week but it's short enough where I passed.


I’m a bigger guy, but I also find it to be less of a hassle. You always know you’ll be taken care of. But everyone values things differently. It’s a personal decision. “If you don’t fly first class, your children will”. Not sure who coined that phrase, lol.


Spending $1000 to the rich is just like average people spending $15. Would you spend $15 more for a much better flight experience?


I fly first for comfort. The coach seats cause me bad back pain, and the first seats are significantly better (but not as good as they used to be). I assure you, nobody flies up there for the food…


You're missing nothing really. It's a personal choice. I started flying first class during the pandemic to have less density around me (I know air travels). For me the benefits include. - I never have to sit skin to skin with a wide body (I'm a big guy). - leg room - a phone/laptop charging outlet - no issue with Carry on luggage - a meal on longer flights - not great but breakfast on a 6a flight out of SeaTac is a Godsend - generally better seatmates. I don't get the smelly guy wearing sweats and house slippers. - no seating lottery. There are no bad seats, although I'm not a fan of bulkhead. - because I can. I'm blessed to be a high earner. - priority checked luggage. Last trip to ORD my luggage was pulled off the belt and waiting, when I walked up, and the belt was not even running for economy luggage yet. Once I started, I'm never going back. I have resigned myself that any ticket I buy is $1000. I have a small family so they are converts also.


It’s like this: Do you want to catch a public bus or hail a taxi?


But I mean I could see the first class people from my seat on my last flight. It didn't seem very exclusive just bigger seats and a thin wall with an even thinner curtain. Heck the front half of the plane even goes up and uses their restroom


But they got to go back to their cramped seats, it’s just a bit less crowded and better experience


Then you do you and leave the rest of us in peace. wtf do you care how others spend their money. If you don’t see value, then enjoy your economy+ seating and feel smug in your own moral victories.


Higher cost, more/ better amenities, and far less seats is the definition of exclusive. Have you ever flown first? If not you need to do it before you can have a real opinion on whether it's worth it or not. Edit: Also, many flights will announce that passengers need to use the bathrooms in their cabin. Have heard that on my last 4-5 flights.


Sometimes first class is cheap thats when it is worth it to me. My wife and I usually book normal cheap seats and about periodically check the upgrade fee. We went from LSE to ORD to SAN and the round-trip upgrade was only $100 person so to us that was a no brainer since we had tight layovers.


Aside from all the other reasons people have given, I always find it interesting that people talk about “leg room” so much. I could care less about the leg room. I just hate being so close to people, having their legs touch mine, having to share an armrest, etc. I fly first so that I have extra sweat width and personal space so that you aren’t on top of me.


This is it. I don't care about the legroom, food, service etc. I don't like to touch people and I like as much personal space as possible. Back when I flew eco my back would hurt for days from leaning into the aisle. Flights are the only form of public transport I take and I will get as much space as I can. I pay for my own FC even when flying for work.


I wish I was short enough not to care about leg room. But I have a 36” inseam and bad knees. If I get stuck in coach, the person in front of me is upset at me because they can’t recline. Not that I ask them not to, but their seat won’t move because my knees are pressed in it that hard.


Many of those people you see up front are probably complimentary upgrades due to their frequent flyer status. And some maybe upgraded with points. It’s not like every one of them actually paid a first class fare.


No way. Most of them are probably business flyers who paid the fare or this sub wouldn’t get complaints so often about not being upgraded. 


Airlines are selling more FC seats than ever. Delta talks about it in the earnings releases. I’m too lazy to search for it but it’s out there. I fly weekly. Paid FC every time.


Jesus Christ, why do you pay for FC as a CK??? You’re literally throwing away money.


I wonder what the breakdown is between paying FC and upgrades


depends on the route. If it's a business heavy route, a lot of people are going to buy FC because their company pays for it. I'm a peon so my company won't cover it, but I do get upgraded on occasion.


For me, being able to deboard first so I can catch my connection. Plus if I'm taking an instrument, I have a better chance of it being carry on instead of the instrument death trap of checked.


Today on a 175 some FC guy brought his instrument on and basically wanted one entire overhead to himself. There’s 9 people in FC and only one other bin on those planes. F-that. I put my bag in the same bin as his instrument and definitely didn’t care about being gentle tossing it up there with that entitlement. Gotta share that space lol.


I don't mind sharing but I do hate it when others get pissed with my luggage (especially if they then put two bags in the overhead instead of just one). I do my best to be super nice to the flight attendants on the chance they'll put it in the tiny closet with about a 75% success rate. Also helps the bins as it keeps the odd shaped gig bags out if the way.


So this is just speaking for domestic first class: Some passengers are there from status upgrades, business travel and other benefits, while some genuinely have the money to pay for the even slightly elevated experience. And then there are people who medically need the space (we’re talking about 3’ of legroom versus 30” *at best* in coach, and only slightly more in Plus). For me, it’s usually just a nice little treat to myself, especially as an avgeek. But I also like whatever solitude and room I can still get in a shared space. To clarify, I’m inclined to book First on flights at least 3.5 or 4 hours in length. It’s the same as why I buy lounge passes if I’m flying UA or AA (I fly all the airlines as needed).


I paid $47 to move up to first class once. That pedestal isn’t as high as it feels. But a lot of folks are up there because they travel for work and you get into those tiers pretty quickly compared to folks who travel a couple times a year at most.


My dad used to fly first for work (or whatever the equivalent is various places). This is because he eventually got to the point where he was causing serious problems taking long (usually international) flights, as he has congenital structural issues and long legs. He asked for it as an accommodation after being in immense pain a few times and realizing this was nothing to his (worldwide, massive) employer, but had a direct impact on his health. When I was young, we got free upgrades a lot due to how much my dad had to travel, so we would be in first sometimes without paying for it. When I was 11, I did a solo international flight (13 hours on a plane). I got bumped up up because first was pretty much empty and I was an unaccompanied minor, so the poor flight attendants were basically tasked with keeping an eye one me (sitting and reading my book quietly lol but still, they have enough to do without babysitting!); I think I got bumped up to make that easier for them tbh, or just as a nice thing to do for a kid. I have family members who are over 6'6'. They're huge. They kinda have to fly first to fit nowadays. If I could afford it, when I'm matched with my service dog, I'd take first class for my first flight with her. It's already overwhelming and such tight space that the peace of mind and extra wiggle room on this extremely stressful first experience would be almost worth it for her comfort as well. So there are reasons!


On domestic, unless you’re chasing status, you’re not paying for first. Unless it’s a hub route to DFW, even a lot of the CLT, PHL, and PHX flights you’ll get the upgrade. MIA is the only one where I ever really miss it sometimes and bite the bullet to pay for it. On shorter flights the benefits are meh. On longer flights where meal service is available I think it’s worth it. It’s really all about convenience. When I get to the airport I have the credit card and will head to the Admirals Lounge to grab some food and a banana (to show my Delta friend we don’t get arrested like they do taking out food). There’s no real line or anything or worrying about where to sit to eat or anything. It’s pretty chill. From there I can head to the gate, board early and get settled, and maybe even get a drink. No need to stop at a store for an overpriced water bottle or carrying a bag of food praying they don’t count that today as a 3rd item because they are bored. The FAs are friendly and having one or two focused on just us throughout the flight means I’m not trying to get someone’s attention as they scurry on by. In the air, the arm rest trays are nicer to take out my laptop on to work. I’m not worried someone is going to recline and snap my screen. I have extra space for my drink to sit as well so it’s not a Sophie’s choice of work or snack/drink. When meal time comes - the food has been pretty good recently at all hours - it’s a good holdover on a 3+ hour flight that’s not completely garbage for you. Then when we land, I’m gone before the minute the doors. Compare that to finding the nearest starbucks, waiting on line, then figuring out what I want to bring on the plane - do I want a hot sandwich that will get cold or cold cuts that will end up with the meat sweats - then carrying over all of it to wait at the gate. To me, time is money. I end up with a pretty predictable experience no matter what airport or plane now, and thankfully, it’s at least been consistent.


I only fly first class when I’m going international what makes it worth it is I am so well rested when I get there that I’m not wasting a full day by being a zombie however I work for an airline so I don’t have to pay as much as a regular passenger would if I did Would be in the back with the common folk


>I saw the attendants serving water to the first class folks. You missed the cocktails, wine, juices and other beverages of choice that were served at no extra charge in addition to water.


Tbh, getting off first is the best…


When I was younger I didnt care. I could sleep on the cargo bin floor if they let me. Now older, everything aches if you stay in same position too long. Helps to have more room to spread out and recline more. Even so, I tend to fly coach and to upgrade is expensive. Thats me. Some folks with gobs of money do it because they can.


I always book AA first class out-of-pocket, even on domestic flights. For me, personally, I have issues with claustrophobia, so bulkhead first class really makes flying easier and more enjoyable for me. Plus, priority check-in/bag drop makes a huge difference in the airports I frequent. Certainly isn't "worth it" to everyone, but it is to me in a lot of ways.


I would not pay the price you mentioned for a PIT-PHX flight, but I did recently pay $250 to upgrade a red-eye from Phoenix to Orlando. It was the only way I could a) ensure I'd at least get a couple hours of sleep and b) I do have a medical condition that is rendered slightly less painful by the (theoretically) more comfortable first class seat. But as with others here, it is about cost-benefit to me. The food means nothing to me...I am vegan and rarely is there a true vegan option. Or if there is, I order it and it's never actually available. So I decide based upon length of the flight, whether I need to sleep, and how active I need to be upon arrival. If I am just going to a hotel to relax, then comfort on the plane can be sacrificed. If I need to go right to work or to an event upon arrival or if I need to drive another 90+ minutes from the airport to my final destination, I am more likely to spring for the increased comfort.


You can request a vegan meal up to 24 hours before your flight (meaning you have to have the request in at least 24 hours before departure). They're true vegan meals but my god they're awful.


If they’re that bad, I suppose it’s for the best. I’ve requested them 3 times and never got one. But I know better and eat in the airport or bring food with me 😂


We travel with a pet so the extra leg space is very nice. More comfortable seats, pretty much assured overhead space for ALL carry-on, cocktails, meal, close restroom, first on/first off, tagged bags as priority which usually means your bags are off first at your destination. We take 3-4 trips a year and make it part of our indulgence. We save our miles for international business class.


You arrive at your destination well-rested because seats are more comfortable.


Yup. I started outright booking premium for flights over 2:55 when I flew from ORD—>SFO in business for the first time, and got off the plane and realized it was the first time I’d done a long flight without hating everyone in the world.


There’s a ton of value for very tall and large people just in terms of comfort. Some people honestly just feel cool and important for sitting in first class. The actual board first and get free checked bags etc value is probably not worth it, objectively. For those of us who fly a lot of- we buy economy and get upgraded for free pretty regularly. The big value, for me personally, is paying for business class on long haul international flights because I’m often flying from the U.S. to Australia or whatever over night on a very long flight and have to get to meetings and then go back home / so getting good sleep and being productive on the plane is super valuable. Therefore the value of a business class ticket with a lay flat seet that is essentially a bed is enormous. A first class domestic seat on a flight that isn’t a red eye? I honestly think that it’s about the biggest waste of money on the planet. It’s subjective though.


For me being 6'3" and 240lbs, the wider seat and extra legroom makes it worth it. When I was around 215-220 lbs the emergency exit worked pretty well, but now I need that extra width to be more comfortable, especially on a longer (>2.5 hr) flight.


It’s simple - what’s expensive to you is not expensive to me


I booked a flight SEA to MCI (I think 4 hrs?). Normal PE was like $600 on Alaska. Delta had 1st Class for $800. Keep in mind that 1st Class (kinda discount price) did not even get me lounge access due to the cheap cost (it is Domestic 1st. But it got the other freebies like luggage, dedicated check-in line, etc. Plus the extra room and meals. Where it makes a big difference is long international flights. But the cost difference is much greater as well. For Business - Lie down seats, food, lounge, etc. I did get to do Emirates 1st Class a couple of times due to free upgrades and points. They were for 14hr flights and it was awesome. But no way I would pay for that. But I will definitely accept it for free. I feel the best bang for the buck is PE. What you get for the extra price is a value. But if you can find a great deal on Business, then take it - Like those last minute upgrade offers.


PE is a great balance between value and comfort and upgrade expierence for international flights. It’s basically the same as domestic first class


I buy economy tickets, do my company reimbursement, then upgrade. It's usually way cheaper to do that. Like 4 4-hour legs all in first for less than $300. It's worth it for the comfort and room. I am tall and old, so FC makes the trip survivable.


Last time I flew I upgraded to first glass for $46 when I checked in on the app the night before my flight. I've also gotten free upgrades to first class on occasion. It's *a lot* roomier, the seats are cushier, the snacks are better, and there's booze. Including pre-service, which means booze while the plebs finish boarding and while we taxi about. I'm usually a pleb who has already paid extra for a extra legroom seat, but I will *always* upgrade if it's under $100. Oh, and you get to check two bags, which I always do on the way home from trips to visit my family in PA because I fill both suitcases with birch beer until they weight almost exactly 50 pounds.


OMG, I love birch beer. Which you can’t find anywhere but a small area around PA.


I flew Chicago to Spain round trip about a month ago. Spent $500 extra and got the seat that turns into a bed and nice food on the trip there but it wasn’t available on the return. I got decent rest and arrived feeling good. Barely slept on the way home and felt like shit. On a 10 hour flight, if you can afford it it’s worth it. Less sure about a Pittsburg/Phoenix.


Most people don’t pay for first. Most people on domestic first are upgraded.


You’d be surprised, as I was, at how many people fly private. When you think about the costs involved with that, a grand here or there for a seat upgrade doesn’t seem so unreasonable.


Firstly, most of the people you see sitting there didn't pay full fare. They were auto-upgraded based on airmiles status, or offered the option to buy up with $ or points because of the airmiles program membership. There are full fares too sometimes. For many, 1300 is not that much. And/or it's worth it to them. I mean, the Corolla is a good car. 4 wheels and an engine. So is a Mercedes S class. But there is a significant price difference because of what is offered, and because there is a segment of the market where selling each is viable, some people buy the S class. Because they CAN. They can also buy the Corolla if they wanted, but they opted for more, as is their right and as allowed by their means. It's not just a better seat and boarding first. It's also priority bags, shorter lines including check in and in some cases TSA, and lounges. In some cases with showers, free fine food, and quiet spaces. It may not be great in domestic, but it's way better than being crushed up in 6 across seating in coach with a tiny bag of peanuts thrown at you. It's the least worst.


The biggest benefit for me as a tall bloke (6ft+) is the space. I have an inherent dislike of people. Understanding its an aircraft, so you're in close proximity anyway, the more personal space I can have the more comfortable I am. For me, it's worth the extra spend.


I have no status with American. I have a grand total of 14 LP out of 200,000 LP needed for EXP so far in 2024. I buy my domestic tickets 6k-9k miles each way rather than cash. For 1st class, I buy the longest segment greater than 2 hours in the app if I'm checking bags and traveling with my better half. Cost I'm willing to buy ranges from $50-$200. I look up on the Internet the cheapest someone else got for the same route and wait for that number or something close to it. If you get a good FA that does pre-departure booze instead of mailing it in, the food, drinks, two 70 lbs. bags, and more comfortable seat can be a very good value.


My company buys me a regular seat, and I can usually upgrade to first class for ~$200 on my own dime. I do it for the elbow room mostly. I've got broad shoulders and a barrel chest, making economy seats suck for me and my neighbors. I got tired of seeing that look of disappointment when someone realized I was their seat neighbor. So, now I upgrade, and I can watch the poors shuffle by me while I drink airplane whisky.


More room, more and better food options, free checked bags, you never get bumped, flight attendants address you by name, easy to get a spot on a later flight if yours is canceled because you can bump someone out of first who was upgraded due to status or points. But for me it’s primarily the physical comfort. The money is irrelevant to me.


I always buy first class fully paid for by me for medical reasons


Like a lot of people on here I travel a lot for work. So anything I can do to make a travel day suck less I’ll do. Sitting up front with a cocktail, a meal and more personal space is worth it to me.


I have only flown FC for work. I bet that’s most of it. I agree with some of the above commenters that some people are just rich — and on top of that, I think there are enough rich people who would be embarrassed to be in coach. Gotta say that it’s hard going back to seat 24B when I was in 1A last week on the company dime!!


I fly about 75k miles a year and get upgraded to first class on flights most of the time. While there are definitely people who will pay for it, a lot of people are status upgrades


Economies of scale. It's worth it when you can afford it and not care what it costs. It's for people that aren't rich enough for private planes, but a few grand wouldn't mean anything.


We always do 1st if the flight is more than a couple hours. It's just way more comfortable, plus the 2-2 seats mean we don't have to share a row with strangers.


Space is my biggest reason, not only legroom but air spice around my seat, noone banging or bumping into me...usually so i fly it with long trips


Space, comfort, service are primary reasons. As you earn more and have less financial insecurity, luxury purchases where you pay more for minor convenience become something you consider.


Lots of flights from the US to the Caribbean only have an upcharge of $200-300 to go from Econ with extra legroom to Business Class. I need the legroom anyway, so a wider, more comfortable seat, a meal, more attentive service, and free checked bags are well worth the price. If the price difference is under 50 percent extra, it’s a no-brainer for me—I’m doing it. That’s just where I am in life. On an intercontinental flight, I’d gladly pay $3000 for a Business Class seat over $2000 for an Econ. Those deals are hard to come by, though.


I have been a flight attendant for more than 30 years, personally I wouldn’t pay for it on a flight less than 5 hours. After that I would consider doing that but check out the exit rows. Lots of leg room and please pay attention to the flight attendant during the demonstration. Couldn’t hurt to bring wrapped treat’s for the crew. Don’t offer any money!!


We travel a lot and because of our status with the airline we often get upgraded to first/business class for free, but sometimes we upgrade it ourselves. It's a huge difference from coach. Seats are bigger and more leg room, and sometimes recline completely flat and become a bed (usually on international flights) so you can sleep. Drinks and food are free and better quality, and usually they'll keep refilling your alcohol as long as you're not acting drunk. You can ask for more snacks if you find yourself hungry again, and it's still free. You're usually in the first boarding group, so guaranteed overhead space. If you're on a long flight, they give you a little care package with cleansing wipes, sleep masks, socks, and more blankets and pillows than you'll ever need. It's a much more comfortable experience that's for sure. Edit: You also usually get Lounge access in the airport if you're flying first/business class. I never even knew this existed until a couple years ago. It's usually like a giant, quiet waiting room with lots of seating, with free food and drinks. Sometimes there's even showers available. It makes sitting at the airport way more enjoyable.


I only fly 1st class for various reasons. I can afford it without any difficulty. I enjoy the priority check in and boarding. The seats are larger and have more legroom. The flight attendants are very attentive. I get all the free food and beverages that I desire. Many times I get full meals on my flights. Plus rarely are children, babies or loud obnoxious passengers seated in proximity to me. All these reasons are more than enough to justify the additional expense.


Basically your own armrest, not having to touch shoulders with your seatmate, substantial recline and leg room. Everything else is secondary. Early boarding is nice because you get a drink inside while everyone is boarding.


I absolutely don't care. An airplane is the same as a bus. A non-event. I put on my headphones, pull my hat down over my eyes, and check out. Oh, are we landing? See ya.


100% I'm out 20min in and if I wake up I try to make sure not to check the time. Finally ready to wake up when the pilot starts saying we'll be landing haha


Ask a few of them next time you’re passing through the cabin. You’ll get varying answers probably centered around: 1. My company pays for it 2. I got upgraded for free because I’m gold/plat/PlatPro/execplat/CK 3. I find good value in it for the space 4. I took a cheap offer in the app


>>What makes first class worth paying for? First, marginal cost. If the airline upgrades me for free or a relatively small amount of money, why not? Second, miles are fun. Third, purpose of the trip. I booked domestic first class flying one way to pick up a new car 14 hrs away on the road. Why? Because my driving partner had 1 day before his next work shift, so we’d have to fly down, get the new car and drive through the night to make it home on time. We *needed* to sleep on the plane down as a matter of safety. FC tickets were cheaper than a car wreck. Fourth, tight connections. Being first off the plane cuts a whole lotta time spent deplaning.


Not every flight has that drastic of a price difference between economy and first. I’ve seen the difference between Main and First be less than the cost of 2 checked bags, which is included with First anyways. Have not seen it on a flight that long, however. Also, some people are extremely uncomfortable in economy seats and can only fly in the bigger domestic first class seats.


We pay for first class.


bigger seat, more legroom and no middle seat are the main drivers for me. I'm 5'10" 200, the MCE seats are a tight fit even for me, and my knees are up against the row in front of me. I prefer the aisle, and my wife prefers the window, which means if we are in coach, I'm in the middle seat. I just don't like being crammed into a seat. It's nice to be able to get off the plane quickly too. I actually prefer to get on the plane first too, then I can ensure my carryon is with me. It's especially needed when you have row 1, because there's nowhere to stow the personal item, so it has to go overhead. I usually get in my seat and startup a movie on my tablet, right away, which allows me to actually get through those that are actually longer than the flight. Some airports have a separate priority line for first/business class ticketed passengers, which is nice if you don't have pre-check. Often the line is shorter than the pre-check line. I usually don't like the meals served, and skip them, but it's nice having the option when you're traveling and didn't have breakfast/dinner.


I get upgraded to first class for free because I’m Platinum or sometimes I pay extra for first class upgrade before online checkin (it’s a pop-up offer on my phone usually for like $97/each way, but only on Main not Basic Economy tickets). You also get your bags out first in the baggage claim carousel because they mark them with an orange “priority” sticker.


You can get the priority sticker on your bag with status, you don't have to buy FC.


Many businesses pay to put their staff in first class


I started flying first class when I (60f) weighed close to 200 lb. The thought of being smushed into a coach seat gave me the worst panicky feeling. Then on a long car ride, I got deep vein thrombosis and had severe blood clots and had to stay the night in the hospital. So although I have lost weight, I fly first class so I can be in the terminal until the last minute and also for the leg room


It’s nice to not be squished — seats are much wider. But domestically not really worth it. For long hauls, over six hours, it’s the difference between crying and laughing.


Tall guy here so highly like FC and no middle seat is a plus. I actually board almost last but with Fc I normally have guaranteed over head bin space so that’s nice


For a 4 hr domestic flight probably not worth it. For a 16 hr international flight with lie flat seats, worth it. I recently paid $350 to upgrade to international business class on a flight from AKL-DFW and for a flight of that length it was 100% worth it. Also many of the people you see sitting in 1st class for a domestic trip probably didn't pay the full price in cash. They may have purchased their flight with points, they may have upgraded with points, they may have gotten an offer to upgrade with cash or they may have received a complimentary upgrade based on status.


On shorter flights, I think it’s mostly business travelers, status upgrades, people connecting on a business class itinerary, and the folks who just fly first as a matter of course.  On longer flights there’s an economically rational argument for the affordances of first. 


I fly first every now and then. My motivating factors: 1) If it’s a deal. Sometimes I might find a $200 first class ticket on a 2-3 hour flight. Sweet. 2) If I’m traveling during prime working hours. I have broad shoulders and working on a laptop in coach is problematic if I don’t want to be a jerk to my neighbor. If first isn’t too bad and the flight is long enough and I might need to do work, I’ll consider first. 3) International flights. If I can find a reasonable enough price on lie flat seats when going in a direction where sleep on the plane will greatly reduce jet lag, I’ll consider it. I’d say I’d pay up to like $750 one way for that. I would never pay $1,500 for first class Pittsburgh to Phoenix. I did just do it for like $210 for Chicago to New Orleans, though.


Value is a personal decision


Some % are getting comp upgrades Some % companies are paying for it Some % are doing in app upgrades for cheap Some % are doing MUA I would wager a very small % of people are paying out of pocket for the full fare first class ticket Asking if it’s “worth it” will vary a lot from person to person. I, for example, don’t care about early boarding, service, or free checked bags. Therefore I would never spend more than $35 an hour for a first class ticket.


On that flight I wouldn’t pay for it but on international flights (or super long domestic like MCO-IAH-ANC), I want extra legroom.


Would you take a free upgrade ? What if the special price for you is just $5 to upgrade ?


How long are your legs?


Keep in mind that you will virtually always see the first class seats filled. If first class seats are unsold prior to boarding, AA will upgrade those who purchased economy tickets. So regardless of flight length, people will be sitting in first class, but it doesn’t mean all of them paid for it.


I’m taller and wider than most people. I barely fit in MCE, regular coach is a nightmare. My femur is longer than the space allocated when the person in front of me reclines. Personal comfort is important especially for a longer flight. Plus, there are relatively few women in first during the week so I’m usually first in line in the ladies room when I get off the plane. Totally worth it IMO. Plus, drinks in actual glass is more civilized and gotta love the warm nuts. 😎


19M college student here. I almost always fly first domestically, rarely pay for it unless it’s <$100 for a flight over 3 hours (partially because of the mileage boost, partially because I’m tall and spoiled to legroom). I go to university in Ireland, and commuting back and forth, I almost always fly intl business as well. I tend to spend hours scanning mileage availability to find good redemptions for premium awards, as well as ways to earn extra miles. Also pay rent and tuition on an AA credit card, which racks up miles fairly quickly. All this to say, if it’s something you really prioritize, it’s not too difficult to get up front without paying ridiculous prices. I would care to bet that a majority (or at least close to one) of passengers in premium cabins aren’t paying full fare for it themselves. Was able to redeem 49k miles (less than the sign up bonus for my AA mastercard) for a first class ticket from Heathrow to DFW and onto my connecting flight home yesterday. Cash price was $15k. I wouldn’t dream of having the kind of money to buy that ticket, but it’s fun to pretend when you have the miles!


They give you beers


I’m fidgety as fuck and my husband is 6’7”->*Viola*, FC


I regularly fly into a regional Midwest airport that has frequent service to various hubs. If I’m on evening flights it’s not uncommon to see sub or ca $100 upgrades to first. That’s worth it in my book and I suspect you’re seeing those people who pay cash to the tune of $100-300 for upgrades where $1000 plus certainly isn’t.


My company allows me to buy FC on all flights over 90 minutes but my status is high enough I get upgraded on shorter flights. Full fare FC racks up the LPs quickly


I fly first. Why? Because I'm big, I can afford it, and I really don't want to make some stranger's flight miserable. That said, if I were a more regular size, I'd never do it as the price is ridiculous for what you get. I was on a flight operated by British Airways (booked via AA) a few weeks ago in Europe and "first" was basically just economy, except they don't sell the middle seat. Nothing special about the service either.


I fly first as my company pays for it on any travel over 5 hours which all of my US domestic is as it’s attached to long haul flight.


I only pay for business class on international flights with lie-flat seats so I can sleep comfortably the entire flight. Domestically I only fly business if it’s due to a free upgrade from my status with an airline. I could care less about the free alcohol


When I was younger with less money I asked myself the same question. Now that I’m older with more money I value convenience. The up-charge from economy+ to business is not that significant to me to skip on the perks. Internationally I’m not booking first. I stay with business as I don’t see the incremental value other than prestige. I really love the flat beds.


Like you say, the extra money is just for a larger seat and more legroom. The food surely isn't worth paying extra for. So, in most cases, it is hard to justify the extra money. The main cabin extra seats do have extra legroom, so that is something worth considering on a longer flight. Then, there is always the issue of overhead carryon space. FC and main cabin extra board first, so there is little chance of being asked to check your carryon. So yes, in most cases, it is hard to justify paying all the extra money for first class on most domestic flights. Main cabin extra is surely worth the extra money on longer flights if you are tall, the main cabin seats are jammed in pretty tight. Always best to bring a bottle of water like you did! Bring snacks, sandwiches as well. The food for sale offered in main cabin usually runs out quickly, and the offerings are not very enticing. A few words about basic economy though. Read all those stipulations/warnings. Misconnects, cancellations might leave you stranded. I don't know if basic economy is a great idea if you are connecting, especially if you have travelling companions. Make sure you have plenty of time to connect, don't get suckered in by those short connections! You are asking for trouble booking connections with less than a two hour layover at most airports/hubs. Flying just isn't what it used to be....


Maintaining my EP status is the only reason why I purchase FC seats regularly. EP helps when I need to upgrade my spouse. Comes in handy for international trips. Plus, I’ll be honest. It’s the prestige of riding up front. If I can afford $50K to fly privately and be able to say “wheels-up or down” - sure I would do it. Until then, it’s FC all the time. Plus, the comfort of having a large seat, hot warm towel, switching from coffee to wine on a whim - it’s nice. Also when flights are delayed and you’re sitting on the tarmac for God knows how long - it’s nice to have a big seat with legroom. JMHO.


I recently sprung for a first class ticket on the return flight from my 2 week vacation in Alaska. I had a 3 hour drive to get back home after landing, and the extra comfort of first class made the journey home so much easier to negotiate. I wouldn’t choose this extravagance on the regular, but for this one time it was certainly worth it.


People who travel a lot get rewarded with free upgrades or they can use reward points to “pay” for upgrades. My friend who travels a lot for work gets so many reward points she always uses them for first class upgrades for work or an entire personal trip in first class.


My six foot six body with long legs prefers it 😅.


A family member of mine is 7'4", so it's basically rehired for him to be able sit in the seat


I’ve only flown first class on quick flights SYR-DCA. It’s not much more than regular fare (last trip, I upgraded for $50 total round trip), the seats are comfier, and I can get on and off the plane quickly. The free checked bags could be a perk, but I do carry on only. We are planning an international trip in a couple years, we’ll be budgeting for business class. Purely for comfort purposes! I don’t think first class is worth the thousands extra.


For domestic flights it’s really not worth it, short of long haul NYC-LA type flights. If you’re not paying for the flight (business expense) then sure, why not. Little more leg room, better seats. More of a recline. Better food. Free drinks. Lounge access. It’s worthwhile. There are also people who get discounts on the ticket price. And frequently on short domestic flights the 1st class cabin goes unsold, so it gets filled by employees or family, people on standby, or folks who buy an upgrade, which is much cheaper than the full price.


I love flying first class especially on long flights. I like the extra leg room, delicious meals, and the extra attention from the FAs. I only upgrade if there is a last minute deal with reduced prices.


1.More room overall not just leg room. I especially appreciate the room in between seats. I hate fighting for elbow room in the rest of the plane. 2. Free drinks although that one is no big deal to me. 3. They never make 1st class passengers check their carry-ons. Once when I offered the GA dismissed my offer withd me, "Your 1st class. Let someone else do it." 4. I don't care about the first on the plane but first off has value especially if you have a tight connection. 5. I am in Delta's SkyMiles program so my paying for 1st class helps my Medallion level and complimentary upgrades.


There aren’t a lot of first class seats and people are willing to pay for them. It’s a market, it’s not about whether it’s “worth it”


Fly it and you will understand.


There's a simple rule to networking events. The higher the entry fee, the higher value relationships you can create. First class is like this.


For me I started having travel anxiety a few years ago. Full blown panic attacks in the air. Before trying the medical route my boyfriend suggested I do first class to make the airport experience and boarding easier + more comfortable. And it works, so that’s why I do.


I never buy first class initially but do sometimes upgrade after buying economy class, which can often be the cheaper way to fly first class.


I fly first on long trips. I fly for work. I like first class because the seats are great,. It's a different work in first class.




Being able to look down on everyone walking past you going to the back of the plane.


I only do it trans oceanic or transcon if it's under 1000 to upgrade to it. The legroom amd lie flat seats, anything under 3 hours I don't view it as worth it. Literally only want legroom and lie flat seat.


Hell no i wouldn't pay for $1300 for first class from Pitt to Phoenix roundtrip. I have had 1st class going to Europe, but those seats lay flat, and the tickets were reasonable for 1st. I have flown first class domestic on short trips, once because i booked last minute and that's all there was. Another trip I used points for the ticket and paid less than $100 to upgrade to 1st class since both trips use(d) small planes with no extra legroom seats, and....why not? I'm not bougie, but sometimes I want to be more comfortable on longer flights. For oversees trips, if you can afford it, 1st is worth it, but i would wait till the last day to try and get 1st class on oversees trip.


Also, boarding priority in first class, they serve you quickly instead of waiting. That is, if you care for drinks and snacks


The last time I flew first was for a cross country flight to visit my parents. I had to go to work the next day coming back and the difference in how I felt versus how I feel flying coach was significant. I'm a big guy and I usually feel kinda beat up after a long flight in coach. It felt like a normal day in the office the next day after this flight. I won't pay for it every time, but it was definitely worth it for that trip.


Usually it’s cheaper to book the economy seat and then upgrade to first after the fact, especially on empty flights. I’m 6’3” so for me it’s worth the leg room on 2+ hour flights and a couple of free drinks don’t hurt, along with free checked bags and getting on and off first


Oh, but those warm nuts they serve!


Wife hates to fly, I love to travel. More than a couple hours, we pay for first class if it’s not crazy. It’s our compromise. Also, greatly reduces odds of screaming kids and babies.


How many viral videos of whacked out passengers are from first class?


1) personal space, no one rubbing up on me 2) can work at normal pace, not “elbows out” typing so if I can knock out work I don’t have to do it at home 3) vacation starts at the airport rather than destination … no “dread” of the flight 4) I usually even upgrade a short one hour flight if the cost isn’t insane for reasons above and especially if there’s an added ground stop or similar delay on either side then it’s always extra worth it. I hate the food and rarely eat it, don’t drink much any more. But if I didn’t travel so much and it was more occasional I’d probably suck it up and deal with economy more often. Averaging a couple flights per week aggregates to a lot of time I’d prefer to be comfortable and productive.


I only fly 1st or business. On domestic US, it’s only a wider seat (2 vs 3 in a row). International is a big difference. I think It’s ridiculously overpriced but I’m retired so I’m spending it or it gets left on the table for the estate action.


How do you get upgraded for free?


Have an account with the airline for years, use airline cards, fly all the time


Domestic “first” eh whatever. International business or first…yes, please. Have had many amazing flights thanks to credit card points.


I've done the upgrade when the price difference isn't too crazy. I'll tell you why I think it's worth it (sometimes) 1. I'm 6'2, and the extra leg room and bigger seats are so much more comfortable.And it's only two seat, so less awkward interactions with the middle seat. 2. Getting in first means my carry on is getting in and not getting checked 3. Free drinks 4. Free food ("free" as in paid for by the upgrade), including free and usually better snacks. You paid 7 dollars for a bottle of eater that usually cost 3. In first class you get it for free. 5. You get out of the plane first. 6. You get extra points to use in future travel. Some airlines, like Delta, do have the comfort plus thing where you get some of these perks, which is why I rarely get first class (that and the outrageous price). Some of it depends on the length of the flight, too. When I was living in Seattle and flying to Miami, I would get first class whenever I had enough money to do so. My height alone means I get the extra room regardless.


If you are asking these questions and breaking your head with math to try and justify it for yourself then im sorry to tell you but you simply cant afford it. First class is a luxury product. Meant for people who have the money to afford it and paying for it wont ruin their whole finances for the week. If first class was easily affordable by most average travelers then it would not be first class. The reason you cant comprehend how someone could spend that money to travel is because $ is relative. And unfortunately you are at the lower tier so that is why first class seems so expensive to you.


Sometimes, when I check in, I can get an upgrade for like $30/40 bucks on a domestic flight. A couple of jack and cokes, the extra room, getting guaranteed overhead space, first on and first off is totally worth that. I flew first class to Europe from Chicago once. It was overrated. I think I paid like an extra $1800 bucks for 2 first class upgrades. The food was better. The seats were a little better. They laid flat, but I didn't get any sleep, and the whole cabin was boiling hot. I would have been better off back in economy. That was not worth it.