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It’s a morning flight in Miami, there will be at least 20 no shows. You’ll get on just fine.


Standby is sorted by status. Do you have any? You are about 15 hours out. I am not 100% familiar with the route, but I would say you have a decent shot.


Plane is a standard Boeing 737 MAX 8


If you're insistent on getting that 8am flight, I would call them and request a same day confirmed change if available and take the hit, but if you can wait then I would take the gamble and hope for the best. Unfortunately, flights can book up like crazy last minute.


I booked basic economy so I’m not sure I can?


Right now it is fully booked at 172. Like OP above said, morning flights there tend to be no shows. You have a chance.


EWR is operating under IROPS (sustained staffing issues). It’s a coin flip as others may be trying what you are doing with higher status to just get up there. It’s been pretty bad with delays that build up pretty quickly.


So did you clear the standby?




There’s no 8AM flight from MIA-EWR tomorrow. Are you talking about the 8:50AM?

