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The best is when they have AMEX branded items, like a store hours sign or those reserved card for tables then you see a big NO AMEX on the machines. You bet I'm going to use my AMEX.


Yeah thats true too! i always tell them to not advertise if you’re not gonna take it! Its illegal


And then narc on them to Amex, adding that they have Amex branded stuff


Not amex, consumer protection.


Never heard of this consumer protection is it like a gov agency?


Well yeah? In every provinces


Can stores not refuse Amex?


They can choose not to sign up with Amex. In this case, they've signed up with Amex and are trying to prevent customers from using it. But it is true that Amex are the ones to report it to, as they are most motivated to do something -- and the merchant is breaking the terms of their agreement with the payment processor, which is something that can have immediate consequences. It costs more to accept Amex than Visa or Mastercard. But often the store can get better rates for accepting more cards. So the store signs up for Amex to get the better rates on Visa and Mastercard and then tries to not let people pay with Amex. This is not allowed, and pretty shady.


These days it really depends which Visa/MC you’re comparing Amex with. Unless a merchant is using a flat rate payment processor like Square (in which case they pay more but there is no difference which credit card a customer uses), a customer swiping a Visa Infinite/Infinite Privilege or MasterCard World Elite/Metal probably costs more than one swiping a Cobalt.


this is right on the money. any premium visa or mc card cost more basis points than say a visa or mc normy card. And branded debit cards are the cheapest obviously larger merchants generally sign an agreement that is a set price per transaction rather than dealing with the rate spread at this rate, I’m sure we’ll be back to merchants passing off cc fees to customers again


They can work with the credit card transaction provider (like Moneris) and choose not to accept it, but in this case they did not set it up like that and the other people on this thread are referring to the receipt holder or the door sign that is AMEX branded - you shouldn’t get AMEX merch if you ain’t accepting :)


Yep! Here in Quebec we have one and it is very useful!


“illegal” lol


Right!? Went to a Shawarma restaurant in Mississauga last year and despite the Amex branding and labels, the cashier gave me attitude and told me to not use my AMEX there again. What!? Never went back.


Is it just because they don't want to pay what Amex charges?


Most of the time its due to higher rates or they don't want to deal with chargebacks, which is a lot easier with AMEX. A lot of it is just ignorance though. AMEX does a lot for small businesses who can't always eat the extra fees, like advertising them on their site, working with CC processors to give promotional rates, etc.


I had a small business owner tell me he didn't mind the fees but AMEX was a pain to deal with and took forever to pay them. That was his reasoning for not using them. If true, it would be understandable. Small businesses don't have much wiggle room with their finances.


That's what my mechanic told me. He politely asked if I had anything else and explained that the high fees are annoying but the real issue is they take forever to pay him. In that situation I don't mind and I just used my MC. What annoys me is the owners that want the discount for taking all 3 and then turn around and try and say 'No Amex'.


meh that’s likely the payment processor holding amex charges for longer due to chargebacks before releasing the funds to the merchant. Amex is a transaction network rather than a bank that holds cash


Had a moment like this, but upon seeing the card type on the receipt the cashier reversed the charge and made me use another card. Seemed like some sort of policy of the management which is ridiculous, so I filed a report at takeamex.com but no change so far since I’ve been back.


"hey, i paid and im leaving. if you reverse the charge that's on you"


I’m normally 100% with you but the last time this happened the poor 16 year old girl behind the counter at the marine supply store damn near started crying and said she was going to get yelled at by her boss. So I let her reverse the charge but made sure to find out exactly when her boss was in so I could give him a piece of my mind.


Yeah this really felt like a management policy, it was a fast food place in a mall and I wasn’t feeling like getting involved more than I already was. I just wanted my food!


"that's the only card I have" what are they gonna do, search me? 😂


If this happened to me I would make the tip $0 on the second attempt. If it’s a store, I would let them do the reverse and walk away without the purchase.


You had a receipt that showed successful payment. You should’ve walked out if they want to reverse the charge it’s their problem.


It was a counter serve food place and I hadn’t gotten my order yet, so it would’ve had to become a bit of a back and forth I just wasn’t in the mood for. If I go back I’ll try it again and see what happens when I’m prepared to make a point of it.


I literally would leave Lol. Where I am I’m legally entitled to every receipt so if tape the approved received and go whether they reversed it or not


someone should make a visa or mastercard sleeve xD


We have that with mobile payment though - I can just tap with GooglePay and it rings through. Though when the transaction is above their tap amount, I suppose. Though thats one thing I like about the Cobalt, its not overly obvious its an AMEX card unless you're really looking. Being that merchants aren't to handle your card, its quite easy to just pull it out and slip it into the terminal.




If they say no amex and you have one of those Visa infinite privilege cards you can hit them with the highest visa interchange rates (if you dislike the merchant)


This. If you have a VIP card, always this.


That's what I do! I also ask more than once if they take Amex, it's surprising how many have said yes after asking again.


Exactly what I love to do!!!


I love doing this, especially when I ask them do you take Amex and then say "no", tap anyways and it gets approved ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I "pay with credit" not "pay with AMEX"


I’ve gotten so used to saying that haha


Lmao same


Hahah I have this exact thought process every time now


Imagine "loving" this. Why be such a dickhead? If they don't want to take amex and pay the fees, just use another card?


If they don’t want to take Amex, they don’t have to. They can disable it but doing so would take away their discount package deal for Mastercard and Visa. However having the “no Amex” sticker breaks their agreement and should get their discount taken away if they get reported. Companies should just either accept Amex and be happy or deny it with the discount.


Getting approved means they have a deal for lower visa/mastercard fees if they take AMEX but are violating their agreements


getting approved doesnt mean they take amex, it means they dont have a transaction plan! Hence they will get charge 30% or so


The difference between Amex and a no rewards classic Visa/MC is less than 1% and Amex vs. a World Elite/Infinite is the Amex is probably on par or cheaper. Unless they got screwed by their payments processor. The business should go to Amex directly to get a contract.


they should but they dont!




Yep, with a plan its about 3%


Even without a plan, 30% seems unreasonably high. Has Amex published this somewhere for consumers?


its through POS


If this isn’t just some BS a shopkeeper told you, I have a feeling it’s a specific POS vendor or payment processor situation. In any case if a vendor doesn’t want to accept Amex they can talk to their processor to have the machine decline the cards. But, from what I read here, vendors want it both ways: get a discount on processing Visa/MC subsidized by Amex for accepting their cards, have the flexibility to accept Amex if the customer has nothing else, but mostly avoid paying Amex’s fees and dealing with them for chargebacks and settlement.


lmao people are mad! Its just the truth


loudly yelling "Its just the truth" doesn't make your arguments any more coherent.


But it should! Because it is lmao


Tim Hortons pisses me off. Amex supports their roll up the rim promotion, and they claim to take it.. and then a bunch of the franchises won’t accept it


Step1: don't go to tims, their coffee is crap 


I’m on the road a lot, so it’s convenient. I’d much prefer anything else, yeah.


McDonald’s coffee isn’t bad now, I’d drink theirs over Tim’s any day.


This is why you reload the Tim’s app and always use that. I do this for all my fast food apps (Tim’s, Starbucks etc) and never have an issue with acceptance


Reload? I have it set up as payment on the Tim’s app, but it won’t work at certain locations.


Have a Tim’s card and use your Amex to reload the balance, then use scan to pay.


Good to know


Or you mean a literal physical card… not a scan


I had a gift card and transfer the balance on the app, now I just keep reloading it on the app, so no physical card.


App? Lol no


Why not?


Interesting good to know, never had any amex acceptance issues with any of the Timmies I go to in BC


Out east there’s at least a few that won’t take it. they also happen to be the ones closest to me home. Hurts especially when the Interac machine says they take Amex


They want you to think they don't take Am Ex but they really do. That's shady. Am Ex does cost the merchant more -- so I kinda get it.... but this is BS


Whenever I see those stickers or just Mastercard/Visa signage, I always try anyway. It actually works quite often, it’s not like we have anything to lose since there’s no penalty for the transaction failing.


The business does! It cost them 30% fees


No it doesn’t https://www.americanexpress.com/ca/en/merchant/wholesale-discount-rate.html


Thats amex website! Lmao the pos charges the fees. ask the merchant next time!


They choose to have it, if they have it I use it end of story


NO they dont choose it! It comes with the POS. Stop being so entitled!


Who chooses the POS lol. Don’t be so dense


They choose the one with the lowest fees duh!


> NO they dont choose it! > They choose the one So they do choose.


Sure! If you say so 😂


Lmao, so the business does something to their benefit to get a deal and then tries to shaft consumers? Sorry if I’m not sympathetic


Can anyone explain the politics behind why Amex charges vendors more than Visa/ MC?


My guess is that Amex customers skew higher for net worth and spending habits, so Amex has a stronger position to negotiate from, they give much better rewards to get these people, giving them a higher cost base. It's basically the opposite strategy of Visa or MasterCard, who compete to be friendly with banks and merchants to ensure universal acceptance. Amex competes by being super compelling to the type of cardholders merchants want


When the smart idea is for Amex to charge more for transaction that are above the tap limit. Match the rates with Visa and MC for those within the tap limit and charge more for those you can't tap. Small merchants won't complain with tap rates and buying more makes up for the transaction fees.


If I recall correctly it has something to do with AMEX being both the network AND issuer. VISA/MC, they'll operate the network, but the isssuer is through the bank. I'm sure I'm missing details, but the basic of basic from what I saw somewhere...


Fun fact: there are two issuers of AMEX cards in Canada.


scotiabank and Amex Canada right?




The monopoly of Canadian banks!


They charge more everywhere


How does that make any sense? The banks all issue VISA and Mastercards, and only ScotiaBank even issues an AMEX card. If the oligopoly of the Canadian banks was the issue here then the cards they offer would charge more, not less.


Whats happening here is they have deals in place with the banks to keep it low, this way amex can never take over. Scotiabank amex 😂 they don’t count lmao


So you're saying the banks use their monopoly power to keep their fees LOW? To gouge the merchant LESS? 🙄 Also, Amex having high fees is true outside of Canada too, and most countries don't have a banking oligopoly like we do.


hmm yes its lower in the US and europe.


I noticed more Amex signs on terminals so I decided to try to use mine as my daily driver again. Well now it seems no one accepts it. 


I’m seeing way more people take it. Loblaw’s still doesn’t, but that’s okay, because F Loblaw’s




Crazy, must be a regional thing. In my hood i run into a store that doesn’t accept it like 2% of the time.


I rarely see this anymore, unless it’s like super small stores


Tried using AMEX in a restaurant the other night and they have it pre programmed. Rejected the card immediately But just like most here I go ahead and try doing it lol


I don't have an issue when merchants do that. Its the "shady ones" that will no nothing and expect no AMEX.


I saw Amex on the screen at a Popeyes once, even though their signage said no Amex. Payment went through just fine. She then REFUNDS IT to get me to pay with another card. I went along with it but how ridiculous is that.


Why go along with it?


I mean, I didn’t really wanna fight with her about it. I said “well I saw the Amex logo on the screen” and she was pretty honest in just saying “the owners don’t wanna accept it”. I wasn’t gonna get into some big argument about it.


Or order from Uber/Doordash and let them take a cut of the profits. We can still use AMEX to pay with them


Bahahahah I always do this too. At restaurants my policy is basically Amex or I take 5% off the tip.


Yeah that makes sense, because it's definitely the server's decision which credit cards are accepted.


pay human wages. tipping is stupid.


Japan was so refreshing, they don't take tips there


Bro I’m not trying to change the world. If im not getting my cashback which works out to 5%, I’m not paying it either.


I learned recently that a popular local restaraunt group in Kithchener-Waterloo takes from the servers tips if their customer pays with AMEX. It pissed me right off because that’s a cost of doing business, not where I intended that tip to go. Trying to figure out how I can expose them out without outing the server.


What the fuck is wrong with you?


I like my credit card perks?


Lol, so you punish a server who has nothing to do with Amex or their employer accepting Amex? That doesn't sound extremely childish and entitled to you?


Yes. Servers make a living wage here, tips are optional.


No they absolutely do not make a living wage here. You're just throwing up bullshit to justify being a prick


They definitely make minimum wage and tips are on top of that. This isn’t America, serving is one of the most lucrative entry level jobs in Canada.


Minimum wage is not *living* wage you bimbo. Almost everywhere the minimum wage isn't the same as the cost of living per hour assuming a 40 hour work week. It doesn't even sound like you know what you're talking about and you're still defending punishing someone who doesn't deserve it.


Minimum wage + tips is absolutely a living wage you dipshit. I’ve worked as a server and have had family members who ever worked as servers so I know exactly what I’m talking about. And besides a tip is optional, it’s not a punishment even if I choose to not tip. I’m only obligated to pay for my meal so get off your high horse.


I take the entire tip


Why do company’s not like to accept AMEX?


I hate canada where most of places don’t even accept Amex… now days I can’t even pay car insurance… greedy companies theee days




so currently working a retail job. don't give a shit about the specifics but our debit terminal and pos are not linked. our terminal will take amex no problem but i assume they setup the pos on purpose so there's no option for amex. basically when someone pays amex were just told to refund it because we wont be able to receive the funds. i know that's not true but can you not just opt out of amex on the terminal side? if its approved its approved. i cant see how we wouldn't receive the funds.


Yes, the merchant can opt of accepting AMEX. Its something they need to have configured with their processor.


Only experienced this twice


Where is this?


You’ve a very sad life if this is a highlight for you.


if you load your AMEX on google/apple pay and pay with that, would it still be considered paying via Amex? or paying with Goog/eApple Pay?


Yes, tap with mobile wallets like Apple Pay still function similar to a regular card tap, it still needs to go through the same network of the card so the terminal still needs to support the network of the card like Amex.


Dude… when it says no amex it means they dont have a plan with low fees! They will be charged over 30% in fees! “No amex” almost never means the card wont work its just very expensive for small businesses.


Well then why are they using pos systems that accept Amex


Because people that want to take amex would get a plan on top of their POS plan.


That bullshit, most vendors who don’t take Amex don’t even have it as an option on their machine. If you have it as an option then get the plan. To me saying no Amex is the same as the tax dodgers saying cash only.


Most vendors who dont take amex dont have a pos that accepts it! You dont have to argue me on things I know as a fact!


No, stores that refuse to take Amex even though their POS agreements permit Amex are cheating their POS suppliers. The store signed an agreement with their POS supplier and processor that in exchange for accepting Amex, they also get a discount on processing fees for Visa and MasterCard. By preventing Amex cardholders from paying with Amex, it's a major violation of their service agreement and the POS supplier can pull their contract with the store accordingly.


then they shouldnt accept it in the first place?


they dont decide that, the POS vendor does.


i dont know enough on this so im asking from curiousity. the terminals at the asian supermarkets i go to dont even accept AMEX. so what stopping small businesses to do the same?


Because those POS are crap and overpriced! Most people just go with light-speed since their monthly fees are cheaper, but you also need a plan for amex.


then to me it sounds like a cost of doing business since everyone has to deal with it. they can decide to go cash only but by choosing one terminal or another they are signing up for the risks/cost of business. my job is not to subsidize their low cost monthly plan. i am trying to pay my bills too and the cash back helps.


You can use your mastercard 20% of the time, it wont kill you


i do :) as i said my fav stores dont accept it which i think is the smart move, instead of expecting customers to understand and save the business costs. everyone has it tough rn. but the big stores/fancy restraunts that do accept it? it wont kill them either.


The fact that you're getting downvoted for this says a lot about how incredibly selfish people are in this sub


People dont like the truth


Can you please provide a source for 30%?


Yeah apparently not, and especially not when it might have to make them reconsider their selfish behavior


Do small business owners ever drop the woe is me act? Fuck me. If you don’t want to take Amex, get a pos that doesn’t support it.


I'm not a small business owner. Far from it. I was shopping for a new credit card. I noticed Amex seemed to have the best rewards, but wasn't accepted everywhere, and I wondered why. Now I think I know why




Bro. What are you doing on a sub for a credit card if you fundamentally disagree with it 😂


someone's gotta stop you ugly monkeys jerking each other off


And how’s that going for you?


you sore yet


You are scum


Gold cards don’t tap. Gold cards don’t tap. Gold cards don’t tap. Gold cards don’t tap. Gold cards don’t tap. Gold cards don’t tap.




Merchants can disable amex. Merchants taking the discounts for enabling amex and THEN not taking amex, is what we take issue with.


Entitled people that know nothing about how pos works.


Fk the police amirite?


Worst credit card


It’s a useless card in Canada.


Yes there is. Having the cash to pay for things you can afford.