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Your face is honestly pretty attractive. But your style choices aren’t it. I’m not trying to be mean just honest but it kind of gives neckbeard on 3. Cut the long hair, go to a professional male barber and ask them what would look best on you. Maybe ask r/malehairadvice. Cut the beard a wayyy shorter like in 11 and get it shaped by a professional. Or ditch it because you seem to have a nice jawline, don’t hide it. I saw in a comment things can be expensive and you can’t cut your own hair, look at local hair and beauty schools they give cheap haircuts that are pretty good most of the time. Don’t wear those cat headphones, or the hat on 3, it really gives reddit mod. The shirt can be alr but it seems kinda edgy with the rest of the stuff. Ditch the 2009 glasses too. You have some eye bags or like hollowness, make sure you get all your vitamins, drink lots of water and lots of sleep! Your not a bad looking guy at all you just need some style direction. You look really good on number 11 with your hair out your face, short beard and smiling! Sorry if i came off as blunt but you have a lot of potential.


I second all of this. All that hair and messy beard takes away from the pretty eyes.


I third this I wrote pretty much same thing


All of this right here. And don't use that "staring down" angle when you take selfies. It's creepy.


> You look really good on number 11 with your hair out your face, short beard and smiling! But i wasn't attracting anyone even when i was looking like that. So would returning to that even make a difference now? There is a lot of money restrictions as well. For example bying new glasses would be too expencive for me. And doting vitamin tests as well. About the hair - i already mentioned here that i would like to have it somewhat alike Marco Hietala's style, but dying and straigthening it would cost too much and require regular procedures. My hair were a lot more straight pre-covid before i lost it, and now... i don't know what to do with it.


Don’t ask if you’re going to be an excusapotomus. Based on this response, it’s 50% percent appearance and 50% victim personality.


Not really. For people to know my personality - they have to start communication first. 99.9% people i write to do not answer. Like, i have many hundreds of messages sent on r2r, foreveralonedating, etc, not even counting other websites. All unanswered. And since some of those place only allow to post your photo and nothing else, the problem should be mostly in appearance.


That's the problem I think. Internet dating is 99% based on photogenic physical attractiveness. You don't invest in yourself according to your previous post and you aren't well groomed or physically active. It is literally the hardest possible setup for success in your situation. Average to good, even great looking guys experience the same thing you do. Imagine being a guy who heavily invests in their grooming and fitness and still face the same issues as you? In the 11th picture you look your best and most well groomed so you have to look at other aspects. Were you active in social situations where you could meet women more dynamically? Were you self isolating?


Just take a daily vitamin


I was told that overdosing on vitamins could be ever worse than defficincy. Especially with d.


Educating yourself on vitamins will go a long way, and the internet is free. Vitamin D is an essential supplement for white people (we just don’t absorb it very well, nor do our diets account for it!). It’s bad for you when it calcifies your body. Many people have osteoporosis after years of taking vit d and calcium supplements together. What you need is a lot of vitamin K to help that vitamin d go to all the right places in your body! Then you only get the benefits. Please look into it. Health is worth more than anything else in life.


Straightening doesn’t cost anything once you buy it.


Can you explain please?


If you purchase a hair straightener, you now own a hair straightener to straighten your hair


If you want it like his, like you said it will be a lot of work.What you have going now looks kind of unkempt and overgrown. You can’t just go halfway it doesn’t work. If you don’t like maintaining it just cut it too a length that doesn’t need that kind of styling, you’d look really good. One way you could get that straight look with low maintenance though is a straight perm, you’d need to get it redone though. But i think you should try styling it wavy if you really want long hair! I know it’s not the look you wanted originally but you gotta do what works for you. Get yourself a decent curly conditioner and shampoo, put curl cream in when it’s wet, put some curl moose for frizz, scrunch a little and let it dry. You’d have some nice wavy locks! Look online for more in depth tutorials. For the glasses, dont wear them in pics Id say. As for the vitamin thing, buy an adult daily multi vitamin at then grocery store and that should help if you are deficient. Make sure you get enough sunlight as well, you look a little pale, could even have low iron. To fix that use a cast iron skillet or buy an iron fish for 20$. Even though you didn’t “ attract”people in the last pic, how do you know girls didn’t think you were cute? Did you approach girls and try to talk to them and they rejected you? Guys are expected to do the chasing, you wont just attract people. And i honestly think It might have been the messy hair if you didn’t have luck with girls. Don’t try to return to anything, just do your best too better yourself right now and make an effort to start approaching girls first. Try online if your shy, it’s good practice and you might just meet someone you really click with!


> Get yourself a decent curly conditioner and shampoo, The problems is that curly hair is the worst thing that can happen with hair, for me. I hate it. It's painful even to look at it. So this is the price that i can't pay. > Make sure you get enough sunlight as well How much is enough? I only leave my house if i absolutly have to, since it's painful to walk. But sun goes trough my windows every morning. > Did you approach girls and try to talk to them and they rejected you? Pretty much this. They rarely reject with words, they just not answer anything, and on the sites that allowing to see when other person closing the chats, like badoo, i see that they always close the chat after my initial message. Also, i had a few spoken rejections, mostly on sex dating sites, one said that with face like mine i have no chance, the other wanted someone with experience. > Guys are expected to do the chasing I know that, and in most situations i write first. But at the same time it puts women in position where she can't get what she wants, and forced to chose from one of the options presented to her. A smart women does not really care abotu social expectations, and is not afraid to make a first move since it allows her to chose literally anyone she might desire. That is the type of women i perfer, and i don't think i will find mutual attraction with conformist type of personality anyway, too many key differences. I wrote to thousands of people, but all of the female friends that i ever had were the ones who wrote to me first. That has to mean something.


for the love of God don't dye your hair. it's gorgeous color. just too long for your face, which is very handsome. use a straightening shampoo and conditioner. the ones that sleek out your hair.


I tried to use the only straightening shampoo i could find in my country, but it did nothing, and it's also caused huge allergy reaction.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. I understand your style and why you dress that way, I hung out with a lot of metal dudes when I was at uni and they all pretty much looked like you. Half of them had girlfriends, BUT they were only attracting girls who were in that scene and were into that look. I would say if you wanna be attractive to a wider range of women, you need to cut the hair, and I'd leave the beard but definitely work on taming it a little. Personally with the hair, I'd buzz off the sides and back, and keep it longer on top. You can either slick it back or you can have it in a ponytail tied at the back, but then it actually looks like a style and I feel like you could make that in keeping with your personal style too. The beard, you can maintain this at home easily. Just use a beard trimmer and Sculpt it like a hedge! Sounds ridiculous but that's literally it. Practice makes perfect. I'm a female who for a while had a short back and sides with longer hair on top, and I just learned to buzz it off and fade it myself so I never had to pay for the hairdresser or anything, after a few times doing it yourself it gets really easy. As for clothes, maybe just take it up a notch. I could see you dressing like that YouTuber... 'Nats what I reckon' I think is his name. You can do all of this inexpensively.


nah bro you trinna set him up to failure with long hair with the sides buzzed off... it looks ass.


I am not sure what you mean by hedge. The word is new to me, it means the fence, right?


Oh a hedge is like a bush basically. but lots of bushes in a line and it sort of makes like a tree fence...? Google image hedge 😂 you will know what I mean. But the way the cut hedges is they shape them with shears so that there are no straggly bits and it looks full and uniform. Shaping a beard is exactly the same. You have a similar beard texture to my partner and what works best is to focus on the overall shape, and tidy it up. You can use clippers or just scissors if it's fairly long, but just tidy it up a lil. I really think the hair is the main thing to sort, shorter would just be a lot more attractive to most women. I get that it's personal style and do what makes you happy etc, but if I was single I full well know that I'd have a lot more luck with men if I had long hair, as opposed to very short. There are just certain things people generally prefer. I agree with what someone else said about the glasses too, I know it's expensive but next time you need an eye test, just pay for a new pair rather than getting those re lensed, if your prescription changes. In the UK we have some really affordable options that still look stylish


This comment reveals a major problem if you want to attract women. You need to make more money.


100% cut the hair and keep your beard short and tamed. The long, frizzy hair plus the longer/messy beard makes you look unkempt. If you are keen on keeping the long hair, look into doing a hair care/styling routine. It looks like your hair could be wavy (based off the first picture) which would look cooler! But right now it’s just frizzy and is way too much with the long beard at the same time. Also the way some of these pictures were taken (like 2 and 6) looks creepy. Looks like a mugshot or something to be honest. And ditch the cat headset for photos. They’re adorable and I had some just like it (mine were pink haha) but they just don’t look “manly/masculine”. Like someone else said, it makes you look like a discord/reddit mod. I’d work on taking better pictures and doing some hair grooming. I would say pictures 9 and 11 are your best ones.


He should fs look into curly hair routines if long hairs is his vibe. mans has potential 😭


Seriously, I think he can 100% revive whatever waves or curls he has but boy has he been neglecting his hair 🥲 I don’t even wanna know what his current “routine” is


I don’t think most guys have hair routines. Just 3 in 1😭 And like this man has so much potential he just needs to put the effort🤦‍♀️


LMAO very true. My boyfriend had long hair at one point and he used a 3 in 1 until I blackmailed him into using good products lmao. But even with the 3 in 1, his hair was SO soft and healthy smh 🤦🏽‍♀️ But he fs has potential, hopefully he’ll take the tips he’s getting :’)


he ain’t gonna take them, he said curly hair is the most horrible thing that can happen 😭idk what he expects to change if he won’t do anything.


The amount of time, effort, and money I spent on my hair when I had it long was obscene 🤣 Imported Italian hair products only. But a receding hairline caught up to me eventually


So you never was on Woodstock or now Polandrock. Or something like this. Guys like this will get many girls there, it's all about being confidence of your self. I'm not sure, but this guy propably is trying to atrract girls on something like Tinder. Guys, this kond of apps are crap and very big scam. It's not sbout you, it's app. There is something like 90% male to 10% of female. It's like sending CV to jobs offers. Chance that somebody will call you back is like 1:10...000n^2. It's easy for girls, it's like match match match match. If you send your CV, it's one of 100-5000 CVs. Recruter propably will never read 99% of this. Sad but true. She need only one, two, or three. If she like it? Who cares. Not me. In real life, if you will do something for yourself, hobby, excersises, bike, play guitar (you have long hair and beard and you looks like you are listen to good stuff) or drums, meet with friends, or band (they can be your friends too) and you will keep doing that, you will meet somebody. You are ok, but honestly grab the brush and brush beard, buy oil, cut a little bit. And be yourself.


Last picture is the best one by far imo, why are you hiding your face? I would say ditch the beard, get a haircut or style your current long hair (comb maybe cause your hair is the best in the 4th pic, try and error). If you don't want to get rid of the beard then groom it, it looks bad now. Also a change in clothing would be nice, it feels like you don't have a style and you just wear whatever. In generel all I can say is you should take better care of yourself and youll be good. Def not ugly. Edit: Also hit the gym, your arms look skinny.


Unable to do any physical tasks due to disability. And for the most of my life i was wearing whatever i could find at the second-hand shops, getting stylish clothing is expencive af. At least of the style that i perfer (there is only one shop like that in entire country, and it's online, so no trying before bying, and costs are enormous).


I don't know what kind of disability you have, but I don't believe that you can't do any physical task. Please correct me if Im wrong, but working out doesnt necessary mean picking up weights, do yoga, work with your own bodyweight, swim, anything that moves your muscles counts imo. Take a day and go to mall centers and just look around every shop, you would be suprised what kind of clothes you can find in them and for how cheap (especially in the on sale section). Don't be scared to try anything on, they are on display for a reason. For a long time I also thought that stylish clothes are too expensive for me because I was only looking at the big clothing companies (Nike, Adidas, New Yorker, etc), check out (not sure what you have in your country) Tesco, Auchan, Walmart, these type of places you'd be suprised. Not sure what style you like but dont be so fixated on it if you can't afford it, look around on the internet maybe something will catch your interest.


Chest bones deformation, if i walk or even sit for prolonged amount of time, it's painful + sometimes even more painful at night after that. I swim because it's not as painful as walking and i always liked to swim, but river is too far away to do it regularly, it hurts to walk so much (especially under schorching sun, since i am too tolerant for heat). I visited almost every store in the city, and they all sell the same sports-like wear, and some also sell office suits. I enjoy clothing from goth, punk and some other alternative styles, but as i said only one shop in Ukraine sells them (at least one i know about), they are online-only (so no chance to see if it will fit), and incredibly expencive (one piece usually costs more than i earn per month). There is a reason why most people here look really alike - there are very few clothing options available. Like, i never saw anyone in full leather trenchcoat, and those things looks amazing on nearly anyone.


I promise you, a long leather trenchcoat DOES NOT LOOK amazing on anyone…its giving neckbeard serial killer vibes


Is it, though? https://www.devilnight.co.uk/10997-64517-large/black-gothic-punk-leather-studded-multi-buckle-belt-long-trench-coat-for-men.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/474x/83/73/fa/8373fac25e906b1a4a9c94dc6b5cda34.jpg I am talking about this kind of thing. For me they look amazing, and the only people who ever gave me serial killer, or at least "would sell your organs if it were legal" vibe - were people in formal clothing, with neckties and stuff.


Bro, i honestly don't know what to say. You are complaining about not being able to attract anyone but want to dress like final fantasy villain meets columbine massacre. If you really want to attract a partner, start conforming to society.




You said fancy clothes are expensive af and you list these 2 things I can’t imagine those items being cheap at all. You say not once in your life you’ve attracted anyone and if you wear shit like that in the links you posted then you’re going to keep doing that which is not attract anyone. Most certainly live for yourself but as a 30 yo male myself, I’m a dress in sweats shorts t shirt kinda guy, I don’t buy all the fancy shoes, I dress as comfortable as I want and I don’t care how I appear to anyone. I care how I look myself so I do workout and take care of myself but do so to ensure my own health is good. Your current look isn’t doing it partner. Whether you’re a heavy set, skinny dude, or a built dude, you can be whatever you are just don’t look sloppy, you my friend look sloppy


Also here is me without the beard: https://www.reddit.com/r/beards/comments/4f271q/how_to_make_yourself_look_horrible_in_one_hour/ You can't seriously say that it is better)


I literally said if you want to keep it then the least you could do is groom and take better care of it. Idk what you want from us, everyone gave you advice but you keep dismissing them and feel sorry for yourself. And yes I do think even there it looked better on you, makes you look idk more alive ig? (also smile more) But u do u, clearly you are not ready to make any changes. First you need to work on your confidence and attitude.


Photo-wise, avoid using the flash so much, it tends to make people look pale and brings out a lot of imperfections that wouldn’t be highlighted in some softer lighting. Try taking photos outdoors so you don’t look like such a shut in, better lighting, and being outdoors rocks for happiness and wellbeing. And what the others said about hair and clothing choices, I think if that’s how you feel comfortable, or if you’re in a more rock/gothy subculture I’d say be yourself and don’t just conform to be more like everyone else. You probably won’t attract any of your average Joes or Janes, but surely someone slightly nerdy and nice would be well into you if you work on your overall self/health.


This. You are ok, but photos are not.


Isn't hiding imperfections a form of lying? Same as photoshopping pictures. I don't want to disappoint people if i will look different irl than on pictures. I am rarely being outdoors because i hate cities and it's painful for me to walk for long times. And yes, i am very much into clothing from those cubcultures, but there is no way to get good ones where i live. As for whom i want to attract - i very rarely find other people attractive. So at this point i am more interested if anyone at all could consider me attractive, since having mutual attraction does not seem like a possible task.


Mannn it’s not like editing. In real life you probably look a lot better than the flash pictures. There’s nothing wrong with finding flattering posing and angles, that’s the point of pictures, too capture your best moments and represent yourself in a way you like. Your selling yourself short. Your making yourself look worse so people aren’t underwhelmed, think ab how that sounds bro. And dw ik there’s a lot of goth chicks out there that would totally dig the alternative style. It’s very possible to have mutual attraction. God has blessed you with a nice face and you needa work w it.


> And dw ik there’s a lot of goth chicks Sadly, not in my country) Never saw any irl. Twice saw them on dating websites in like... maybe 18 years. So they kinda exist, but are so rare, that they rarely being alone for long time.


What country are you in if I may ask? But if you can’t find girls that dig your look, and you really want a girl, I’m sorry to say it but your gonna have to conform man. It’s about your demographics. You can still keep some elements of your style but sometimes you just gotta get a little basic to attract more people.


Ukraine. I am just thinking where would be the line where i would stop being myself and will become a mask that's weared to meet expectations of others. Wonder if there a way to use some of the advices from here without giving up on my own personality.


Slava Ukraini! I hope you are staying safe.


Because your style sucks man, it's like you want to look creepy and ugly. Trim your beard and cut your hair or take better care of it. Also, cute cat. God bless that precious angel baby, I fucking love cats and ppl who hv them. Just give yourself a chance and stop commenting no no no to all the comments. If you want to attract ppl, dress like you want to attract them not like you repel them.


I do not say no to everything. Just pointing out a few things that i can't do, while considering other suggestions.


It's 2024, if you dress like a minority of people. You will feel like a minority, you fit in with a small crowd... cut your hair(get a barber to style ya well) get beard lined up, go primark buy a pair of well fit jeans, a few plain t shirts, maybe a jacket and some cheapish brown pointed shoes... your probably a decent looking bloke under all that, however you don't have the style most would describe as desirable... just my honest opinion.


You could be quite attractive but you currently give serial killer vibes Cut your hair to just above your ears, trim your beard and tidy it up, start using a good moisturiser Change your clothes to lighter colours, light blues and navy would be good Get some sunshine Do this and your life will change for the better


Yeah, they have dark background and are somehow unsettling. They look like photos you show in a Netflix series about some killer, before he murdered his whole neighborhood.




The more photos to the right, the younger i was. The utmost right were taken where i was around 20.


you have a very nice jawline and face features, don’t hide them. Definitely would be better to get rid of the beard, the hair however fits you, just unkempt


You look like Rasputin of the early 1900s of Russia.


Clearly not, because as far as i know he attracted lots of women.


Already read about your struggle and I'll try to advise according to them Cut the beard an hairs, just buy the cheapest hair cutter and keep them shaved or short Have a good sleeping routine and diet with a good amount of vegetables and fruit Spend 15 minutes a day outside to take some sun, you need some vitamins D. Take another 15min a day for some physical exercise, nothing crazy if you struggle, just some stretching, mobility exercise, squats. Take another 5 for facial gymnastics because your eyebrows are coming down, can find videos on YouTube about that For clothes the second hand shop should be good and I'm sure you can find some offers on amazon like 3black t-shirt for 15€. Maybe you can try a new hobby and try sew some clothes yourself I tell you this because i don't think you're face is unattractive but you look so unhealthy and unkept that you look bad and i can see it affecting your mental health. I know it's a lot of stuff and can be scary to change all that stuff about your life, but just go a little step at a time, one day you try a thing, next week you try another. Also don't take online dating too seriously, i can tell you super handsome guys don't always get all that likes on dating app


Amazon's delivery costs too much, i might buy something on ali, but it's hard to guess the sizes properly, even when measuring. And online dating is the only one that would ever be available to me. Will consider some of the other stuff, thanks. But i think it's too late for me to change anything, i mostly wanted to know why i failed before (when i had haircuts, trimmed beard, and generally looked better because i wans't so old).


I don't know a thing about how Amazon works in other countries than the US. Does Amazon prime exist there?


My brother in what seems like not christ. You seem like a very attractive man, every feature is there. You have a beautiful face and kind eyes. Some girls like long hair, some don’t. My best advice to you is to to someone that can cut your hair in a way you both feel comfortable with: your handsome, but you look like a fucking nerd


I know everyone has different likes so please don’t take this too personally, but I think you have a few areas you could deffo improve on. Firstly I would trim your facial hair. It looks to be at a stage where it’s different lengths and straggly, having a uniform length would look better imo. Secondly I would go to a good salon/barbers and do something with the hair. Nothing against long hair on men but yours lacks volume on top and then looks out of proportion towards the ends. Thirdly under your eyes look very discoloured. Not something I have experience of but it makes you look ill. And I also don’t particularly like the frameless glasses sorry.


Definitely not ugly, agree with other comments though that you could improve your style. Off topic, but your cat is adorable! Love his/her big eyes, looks a lot like my girl😻


You’re definitely unattractive, but I can’t really tell if you’re ugly (although I’m inclined to say you’re not). As a beard man myself, SHAVE for fucks sake. Or at least have your beard styled. What makes you unattractive in my eyes is that you look very messy and unkempt. Also, from a straight guy, you have beautiful eyes.


You look like an unemployed slob. 4/10 You could look better with minimum effort, you probably need to hit the gym too


No not ugly. The ZZ Top look doesn't work for you ( or anyone other than ZZ Top). Short hair neatly manicured beard will work wonders to your appearance. There can't be much wrong with you as you have a love of cats and they are very perceptive if a cat likes you then other people must surely do so too. Sort out the hair, beard, glasses and clothes. Try the mature business type of look and see if that works for you. I sense you have a very kind and caring nature, and that is a huge plus to any perspective partner. Good luck in your search.


You need to shave or at minimum have a barber clean you up. Long hair isn’t doing you any favors. Your whole look just screams lazy.


Trim the beard. Keep the long hair and rock and roll vibe. Do you.


100% on you. At any time you could have cut your hair, trimmed the beard, and gone to the gym. Physical attraction is instinctual. If you don't attempt to have what other people find attractive, you can't blame anyone but yourself. Work out, eat well, clean yourself up, and you will attract people.


The good news everything is fixable without surgery or having to spend a lot of money. First- grow up. You look like a childish stoner with no goals who works at the head shop for minimum wage. When you’re 35, women are looking for a partner to have kids with. They aren’t looking for another kid. Second- as many have said, change your style. Long hair is okay as long as it’s cared for. If you look like you don’t take care of yourself, you also look like you can’t take care of a woman or any offspring you might have. I’m sure you’re a great guy, but people your age aren’t looking for high school stoner buddies. Clean yourself up and get your act together and see if things don’t improve for you. Good luck.


> When you’re 35, women are looking for a partner to have kids with. That's the thing, i don't look for that. So it's kinda fine, if such women would avoid me. I either need someone who is also a creator, to write stories or create games together, or maybe someone who wants only physical stuff (not nessesarily sex, cuddles would be nice to). Also i never said that i only limit myself to people of my age. They can be older or younger. So, how can i attract a childish stoner girl with no goals who works for minimal wage?


Interesting points. Even if you’re not looking for children, women your age and older aren’t looking to date a child. For women younger, who aren’t looking to have kids, you’re the creepy older guy that their parents and friends will tell them to stay away from. I’m really not trying to be mean. Your style really is the creepy older guy to younger women. The best advice I can give you is to hang out in places where you might meet women like you. There really is someone out there for everyone, but if you’re going to insist on keeping your path, you will need the patience to wait for that one in a billion. The changes we are all suggesting would allow you to find the one in a thousand. Good luck.


You look a lot like me man. Darker hair and skinnier. But remarkably similar. I can tell you the secret. Attitude. There are ladies out there that absolutely love this vibe. But you gotta wear the whole thing, which means looks and attitude. You’ve got this


Not ugly at all. You look like you've gained some weight and the beard, to me, is terrible. Nothing longer than a Captain America beard would be the way to go in my eyes. The long hair can look nice, but the picture with it deliberately hanging in your face looks ridiculous. That, the picture with the cat ears, the picture with the wolf background... Those are the things that would send me running away no matter how naturally attractive you otherwise looked. It also looks like maybe you're frequently partaking in mind altering substance, which if that's the case would also be a deal breaker for me. But you have lovely eyes and lovely kitties and look like with the right adjustments you'd be a very good looking guy.


get some nice aircut, shave beard , have a little confidence in yourself you will look handsome mate


Definitely not your face! It's the hair. Get a really nclice haircut and trim the facial hair.


Maybe a better haircut, a trimmed beard and lifting weights could help yo be More noticable


Ur not ugly but you don’t look clean! Like you look like one of the homeless people I deal with at work and have to kick out all the time.


If you don’t know then I don’t know what to tell you


Get rid of the bears and hair




No, but the long hair and messy beard isn't a good look and reading all the replies it seems like you're the type of person that complains a lot, has a lot of excuses, and doesn't care to put in much effort and it all comes out in how your looking. Maybe focus on what you have to offer and build some confidence and that will help.


Hey friend, you have a very handsome face and kind eyes. Your hair looks like it is in great condition, but I don't think the long hair and beard work for you. They hide your face too much. Maybe cutting your hair shorter and cutting the beard down will work wonders. I ain't saying shave the beard off and going crew cut, but cutting some off will probably help. You look like you're in good health. Make sure you take care of yourself, get good sleep, and those bags under your eyes in the first few pics will take care of themselves. Keep rocking your style. Cat ear headphones aren't my thing but if they're your thing more power to you.


attractive facial features ugly hairstyle and beard


You gotta bulk up if you're going with this style.


Get rid of those headphones that's an irk


But i love them so much! They invoke my inner cat. I always wanted to be a cat. Infinite cuddles and no complex bs that people are involved at.


West them at home,and not in pics =)


Bro. Are you trying to become a doppelganger of Richard Stallman? Because that's how you become Richard Stallmans doppelganger. You're not ugly. Obviously you need to lose weight. Then you need to decide on a style. Long hair is fine, but is that the best you can do with the facial hair? Clean it up. Does any of this matter? Because I get a feeling you don't care about your appearance. And that's fine, too. We all go through phases. But if you want to meet people, you either need to appeal to their niche, or become generally acceptable.


Not ugly you just look unkept. Cut all the hair off, and cut your beard and style it better. Your glasses look outdated and make you look old so look into getting frames that better suit your face, and NEVER wear those cat headphones or that “ma lady” fedora again


judicious grey physical heavy combative head smoggy resolute quickest strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You look fine. What about your personality. May need some work.


Ra Ra Rasputin


A few things: 1. All the hair is not super female-friendly. Gotta shorten it and keep it neat. 2. Are you depressed? You look depressed. Happier/more content people attract more people. 3. If you smoke, stop it. Whether you do or not, make sure you drink plenty of water. 4. This is an turd thing to say, but you *look* like you're on the autism spectrum. Are you? This could affect your social skills, even if it's mild. Could just be the low-emotion look in your pics- obviously not something that can be seen for certain in a photo. You're not ugly at all, though. You just don't look super approachable.


You mistyped "55"


It’s the cats your face is fine


it looks like you are overweight




i am attracted to


Jesus hair doesn't fit you


Get a haircut brother. Time up the beard and maybe mix in some weightlifting. If for no other reason than your own self confidence. And remember. Women fall in love with what they hear not what they see 💪🏽


You have that look of lack of give a shit in your appearance. Most women aren't a fan of that in the early attraction/dating phase. Like others have said do something with your hair, beard is fine but keep it well manicured. Put on some nice well fitting clothes. You should also probably eat more and put on a bit of muscle, I'm not saying necessarily become a swoll dude but most women like a strong man and you are pretty skinny at your age. Basically just take some pride in your appearance by maintaining it.




Respectfully, it appears that the issue is not one of base features, but of making yourself a target of attraction. You are currently styling and dressing yourself only for yourself, and it may be causing others to find you unattractive. It also seems like you have some general rigidity around routines and style, etc. Sometimes neurodivergent people can have this kind of rigidity and need to stick to their own ideas, styles, etc. If this is the case for you, you might consider seeking out dating opportunities with other people who think like you do. Your style may not be attractive for most people, which, as many others have already said here, may be significantly decreasing the pool of people who may be attracted to someone with your style. If this specific style is this important to you, you might consider accepting being single and just focusing on being happy alone. Also consider if the style matches the behavior of some others like you. For example, some who dress like this might be into the kink/bdsm lifestyle. If this is not you, consider how much smaller you may be making your pool of possible dating partners. Your style also does not look like everyday style but more like cosplay, although I do know of emo folks who might dress like this regularly. This style is maybe also not age appropriate. Even people who wear clothes like this at "age appropriate" times, usually find themselves on the fringe of society, hence the reference to serial killers. We do have a classic case of mass shootings who wore clothes like this. At least here in the US, it could be a turn off and result in people avoiding you. Best of luck :)


First two pictures I thought you were fat, but you’re not at all. Go to a barber and tell him to give you a solid beard lineup


I think you could clean up a bit.


I'd maybe trim your hair a little a lot of girls don't like guys with long hair. I met my wife when I was 36 years old and I wasn't looking for anyone it just happened by accident and we've been together for 14 years now so don't get discouraged you'll find one


I like the one with the cat and the guns and roses shirt


Well you certainly are committed to that look, it makes you ugly imo.


Listen bro I'm not trying to be rude or disrespectful. im giving you my first impressions. The first thought was, another 35 y/o lives with his patents, isn't hygienic, plays video games all day, and probably doesn't have a job, car, or license. Your clothing, beard, hair scream, man child. If you want any of my suggestions after that. I'd say dress more, upper casual, nice jeans that aren't super baggy (relaxed fit), a nice solid fitted t shirt/ long sleeve shirt. You don't need to cut your hair, but make sure it's damn clean and kept nice. Your beard in photo 10 is the best one. You could grow out the sides more, but keep it tidy. Smile, good posture.. just need to mature out your style a little. You'd go from "not worth the time" to "Oh hey, he's cute!" In no time!


You’ve got a good face dude. You just hide it behind the hair and beard/goatee




Imo, the outlook isn't too bad; I think out of this lot, photos 3 & 10 are the best look. To start, I would avoid any looks that make it seem as though you've been secluded in an Afghan hideout or any look that would make people wonder if you had someone locked in your basement. After that, I'm sure the regular, run of the mill advice applies; if it isn't already in your comment section here,but won't be hard to find. Good luck brother.


See a barber and get it all groomed nicely. Put on a nice tee and well fitting jeans. Have someone take new pics. You’ll be fine.


Get yourself groomed properly. Your face is not unattractive. You just need to polish more


Stephen McDaniel


You look like general G bro lol cut your hair shave the beard freshen up a bit.


You remind me of my brother 🥹. So handsome but he doesn’t get out much, and it shows. Get some sun, wear sunscreen of course, but get out there and you’ll glow from the inside for free! I like the long hair; but it definitely needs some styling. A curl cream and conditioning your hair would go a long way. On special occasions, wear it in a low ponytail with a middle part. You need to stick to basics when it comes to your clothes, straight legged fitted jeans, slightly oversized neutral colored t shirts or sweat shirts or polos, a classic styled shoe IE) a chuck taylor, a vans authentic, an adidas campus. Smell good, this goes a LONG way. Bath and body works has a really affordable good smelling fragrance line for men. Trim your beard down and put product in it too.


Hit up some Ren Faire gatherings, probably just need to get around more people into what you are.


Mate we could be twins and I'm married, not that that means anything, but I think you're good looking.




Not ugly at all , but style choices say you make potions and magic . Did you ever try changing your appearance?


Well, you are not my type but I can tell you are still attractive. What would help? The beard and hair makes you a bit unapproachable. Keep it a short style and style it with a razor/beard scizzor etc. You’d want to do this every 3 days depending on how fast your hair grows. Usually what people tend to find attractive is when things point more towards ‘the average’ of what people like. I don’t mean instagram. But when you use a face cream, cut your beard and hair (you have pretty long beautiful hair though, but it’s not the average. If you were in asia though, the hair would be perfect, but there no beard at all suits better.), work out regularly, these things will make you feel better about yourself and in turn make you more attractive. I’ve been down about my appearance at some point too, but I’ve been going to the gym and shaving regularly, and now I feel more confident even if my muscle gains arent obvious yet. I even talked to people at the gym and I’m autistic. Now thats an achievement. We want people to come for us to go and flirt, but how about we ourselves try to flirt with someone. It’s hard right? Now you understand why people don’t just walk over to people so simply. You need to be approachable in a way. What was my problem? I overthinked. What if this, what if that. Always in my own mind. Instead, just look around and don’t think. Be in the now. Don’t take life so seriously, this one thing is what makes me feel 100x better about myself. Do what you want, when you want it (as long as you don’t hurt anyone with it ofc). There is no judgement for and from anyone. And if they do, well; it’s not up to them. It’s your life and you want to make you happy.


> It’s hard right? Depends on who you approach. Most people have empty profiles, or just write about how they want a relationship, or how kind, smart or whatever they are. I care not for such things, i need to know an interest of a person to figure out what to say to that person. People who do not say anything about who they are are very unapprochable for me. As for looks, i don't think i would name someone unapproachable. They are either my type or not. Some things like goth style can make them look better, but it's not nessesary. Now, approaching is still a very tiring process, especially after thousands of attempts without any results. I would like for other people to approach me sometimes, that's why i write most detailed profiles and try to mention all kind of information that might be crucal to someone, or that might be a shared interest we could discuss. > Don’t take life so seriously, this one thing is what makes me feel 100x better about myself. Do what you want, when you want it (as long as you don’t hurt anyone with it ofc). I believe that any sane person should live just like that. I don't know why so many people wear masks and pretent to be someone else to be loved. I would feel terrible knowing that i always have to wear mask or everyone will leave me. But people like to judge. Many of them have illogical made-up rules on how you should act to be good in their eyes. They also follow those rules even if they don't like to. People are werid.


pics numbers 4 and 11 look like your best looks. keep your hair nice and tucked behind your ears if long, and have the beard remain kept stubble. you'll do great man


If I saw you in public I’d think you would try to murder me


I am just going to be honest with you, these are terrible pictures and to me you look a little scary in them. I am sure you love youre long hair, so I am not going to tell you to cut it off, but maybe consider wearing it in a bun or something because right now its covering most of your face. As for your beard, keep it short. When its longer it looks bad and like you dont take care of yourself. Maybe consider getting different glasses, bc these dont really suit you. Cute cats tho


You're 35 mate it's over. The long hair doesnt suit you


You have certainly attracted me 🤗


whatever you did in the last pic, do it again. you actually have a really good facial structure. trim your beard so it shows off your jawline, or have that goatee moment again as you suit it. as for hair, long hair just isn’t my preference, but a good barber that would know what suits your face shape could be a game changer


You are beautiful. \m/


I'm sorry, but OP, I feel you are not ready for the critique you face here. Some people genuinely want to help, and while I feel you will appreciate it, it appears that from replies, you are justifying the negatives those people are pointing out. It might not be your time to face the truths or realities you need to make these changes.


Just need a new hair style my man, you're a good looking guy but your hair and beard take my eyes away from your face


my dude, cut hair, trim beard, vitamin D, gym, smile, socialize. you're set.


My man… anyone telling you to cut your hair DO NOT listen to them lol. You can easily pull a hipster Jesus vibe I can see women being okay with. What I would say is maybe you can clean the mustache from being whiskery long beards are in keep that. Most importantly is the confidence tho because a lot of women will not come to you and usually drop “hints” so you gotta be a bit assertive and just strike up conversations. Develop an ablity to accept rejection and keep cool when it happens.


You have an attractive face. Keep the hair, lose the beard. The last photo of you is the best, except for being a little blurry. There's nothing wrong with your t-shirts. Wear clothes that make you feel good and reflect your personality (but the headphones just look silly.)


It's skip the hair. You have such nice hair that you could have a nice wavey look if it was shorter and styled.


The 9th photo is the one that made me do a double take. In short ans you’re not ugly you’re actually attractive it’s just the photos you take and how you wear your hair maybe and under shave with a man bun


Photos are bad, you look unkempt, but you’re not ugly…. You just need to make some effort


Just need to find yourself a cat woman. Maybe cut your hair.


Go to barber, ask them what would flatter you. Have a nice clean haircut and groomed short beard. Go to gym, do regular hypertrophy training 3-4 times a week. Nothing advanced. Compound exercises. It will help you. You look reasonable, but you are not allowing yourself to shine.


I like rock music, so I'm aware of your style. You are attractive I'd say. To others who also lime rock music and that style. But, I'd suggest keeping on top of trimming your facial hair on a regular basis and smiling. Also, it depends on who you're trying to appeal to. Those who don't appreciate rock music may not take too kindly to your style.


Cut the hair and trim the beard to a more office professional look or get some short curls in (go to barber), put on some muscle cause your frame looks a bit skinny, and switch up the clothing to more stylish ones that work well for you (try different colours and styles). After that, it will all depend on you just taking a chance and approaching some girls in social events. Try talking to them first with no expectations, the more you try to rush a narrative (be it sex or a relationship), the more desperate you will seem and your vibes would be off. That's all that I can say. I had long hair at one point, and I let it grow too long to the point where I was nervous + lazy to get it cut. But you gotta do it man. Having long hair is a lot more of a hassle to maintain than having short hair.


Rearrange your wardrobe a small bit. SOME of your clothes look tacky. Cut the hair. Hit the gym like twice a week put a little weight on. Tbh you're not even bad looking it may either be a personality issue or the way you talk or perhaps you haven't made first moves? Tinder land those apps aren't shit so please don't rely on that.


Haircut and some Sun. You’ll be alright brother


Get a faded hair cut keep the top a little long to comb it back nice and gel it you’ll deff start getting chick tbh bro you look like you don’t really care about your appearance and girls don’t like that try wearing some nice clothing to black is still good just get some nice shit


shave please


You just need a bit more confidence and a good hair care routine, also, the beard is a bit scraggly, toss it. Man buns are sexy, start being more active, and eat healthier. It feels like your biggest issue is confidence, get out of your house more and stop sitting inside playing video games. Also, I don’t believe you have never attracted anyone, just no one you wanted. If you want the pretty fit girl you gotta leave your house. You can’t sit around playing video games all day and petting cats. Moving your body will help with the self deprecation even just a little bit.


Firstly, if you wanna post on this subreddit the best way to do it is to ACCEPT the advice you're given. The style is not going to work, the hair, you need a cut. Your face? Very handsome. You're framing a decent figure and a good face with terribleness.


U look nice on 9th pic


Clean up your look. Or be more outgoing. You have to do the interacting too. You can't just wait to be approached. Charisma my friend.


I'm not into long hair but I think some people are. You look like a metal fan tho. Thats a good thing I guess. If you don't want to put a lot of effort in your hair then cut it. Try to make some pictures in nature that mostly looks good. I don't think yoir face is ugly


I think you look great


Giving off serial killer vibes. But it seems like that's the vibes you want to give off.


I'm surprised.


You look like a tow truck driver


There are a lot of suggestions here and I’d say many are good advice. But remember, these days, you can’t assume that you will attract anyone anyway. I’m older than you and have in the past taken advice that was supposed to make me more attractive to the opposite sex. I was even told to lower my standards. That last piece of advice was the worst. I say, do you; go your own way. Do your best to be happy by yourself. It is lonely but there is much worse things than that.


Trim your beard and grow your arms a little. Ditch the cat ears and fedora. Cut your hair or put it up. You aren't ugly, but the way you present yourself is hideous


cut yo hair, hit the gym and drink lots of water. U pretty my g just need to work on yoself


You look like this wizard i know named Alan Moore


Idk man you seems cool n hippie ish but yeah maybe a haircut and clean up the beard? Couldn’t help to hit the gym as well. But also there’s someone for everyone make sure to stay true to you brother!


Hit the gym and eat healthier. Lose the discord moderator aesthetic.


Go to a barber


2nd photo you look the kindest tho Everyone has different tastes Only real suggestion is do what you love to do at a place different from your home / comfort


Get a good hair cut.


You look like rasputin 😭


You're fine, a change of hairstyle would not be a bad idea, you can try new looks if you want, i would say it is worth the risk and the effort. Also, i may be wrong tho, i don't have enough info, but you seem to lack a routine of workout, light or heavy, i would confidently say that it'll affect your attractiveness and your life pretty well.


I never comment on here, but this time i wanna help out. Hit the gym, change ur style of clothing, style your hair and clean up your beard and trust me, you'll see a HUGE improvement.


Your face is actually quite attractive. Your hair and beard style is what's killing it. I think if you got a haircut and cleaned up the beard you be pretty solid!


Good looking guy. Need to get a short haircut and either get rid of the beard or keep it very tight. The beard makes men look 10 to 20 yrs older.


Keep the hair, don't let the haters ruin likely years of growing it out. Here's the real advice. Keep your beard trimmed, brushed, and well shaped. You can do this yourself with a mirror, a pair of scissors, and the power of Google. Get in shape. You're a bit lanky, so do what you can. Hybrid Calisthenics is a great app for bodyweight exercises, and lift anything heavy. You can do curls and presses with empty milk jugs full of water. It's never too late to build some muscle! It might be worth just picking up a daily multivitamin, but the biggest thing with the eye bags and sunkeness is to get on a regular sleep cycle. Get at least 8 hours of sleep. Only wear the top hat on certain occasions, with a matching outfit. And lose the cat ears. Frankly, You're too old for that kind of stuff.


Drop the rasputin look brutha


Why does the cat in pic 9 look so scared?


Very nice looking! However, need to get a more attractive haircut and maybe fresher wardrobe. If you like the long hair go to a salon and get it layered and neaten up your beard.


You may be a good candidate to play the role of our prophet Jessus.


Idk I think you’re handsome. I would just shave the mustache always


Honestly it’s been said probably but trim the beard and cut the hair. You’ll be fine


You have potential, your facial features are awesome, but you need to switch up your hair and facial hair. It's not flattering at all.


Keep the facial hair and lose the nasty long hair. Surprised you didn't think of that sooner


dude needs to keep up with himself. you look unhinged in almost all of your picks. style and groom yourself! get some cardio * calisthenics


Ur not ugly u got very nice eyes but ima tell u from my pov being a female n not every female likes what I like but cut ur hair get a nice fade and u will c results and also u never getting hit on could be from like if u act very quiet and closed off from everyone girls r going to see that n be afraid to approach u BUT NO UR NOT UGLY


Dude cut you hair and have your beard done like in picture 10 and you’ll be ok… internet dating is all about first impressions so you need to conform to what the masses like


Dude, pictures with cats is just weird. Unless you're a 69 year old widow lady. Then you expect cats. Right now, you like someone who smokes way too much weed, plays video games all night, sleeps all day and never sees the sun. Cut your hair. Start living healthier. It's ok to be nerdy. But i think you're hiding your true self behind all that hair.


Keep your facial hair trimmed above your lip. Go to a hair salon to get your hair layered. And either ask them(tho theyre gonna try to sell you their own overpriced product) or look online for hair products for dry, fine-medium hair. I think above your shoulder would look better but long isnt bad. You look like you have low self esteem because you dont put in a lot of maintenance. But really you have attractive features.


Dude. Shave and a haircut. Sunlight. Nutrition. No hate, just love here but you have the career gamer in the dark vibe. You have a ton of potential


The cats are gorgeous