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You're average looking, not ugly. You really need to do more with your hair besides going over it with clippers at the same length all over - grow it out and style it, lose a bit of weight too, there's potential there!


Crazy I just wrote the same advice without seeing this— trust us OP!


Grow your hair out and lose some weight. Everything you've got going on right now looks low-effort and basic. A little bit of style and fitness and you'll be on another level.


Skin care, grow your hair out, keep your eyebrows and facial hair in check, go to the gym. You really don’t need to lose weight just cut yourself up a little bit, you’ll do fine with the ladies as long as you’re normal and not weird.


You’re not good looking but you’re not hideously ugly. You’re like a 3-4.


Across between Paul Franklin Dano and John Oliver


You’re a cutie. Grow out your hair, try a fade. Get in shape and get a basic skincare routine, you’ll be golden.


You're not "UGLY", you're middle of the road. Unfortunately it just happens to be the case that most women don't even see "average" guys so it probably feels to you as though you're hideous. I have no advice or solutions to this, just sayin that's how it tends to be


I totally feel this is exactly the case for me. I have been getting that feeling a lot lately.


You're fine dude! You seem like a cool guy, just need better hair style, dress nice and lose a bit of weight you'll be damn fine 😉


Your greatest “flaw” is you’re a young baby faced guy. As you age that baby face will gradually disappear. Good news for you baby face types is you stay young looking all your life. You’re a teen now at some point you’ll be a young man in appearance. Right now most people won’t see past the “just a kid” look but that will change. You’ve got your whole long life ahead of you.


This is actually really motivating. I’ve always struggled to believe or accept my age. I always felt like my face wasn’t maturing. I guess maybe it’s not such a bad thing. Hopefully I grow into it soon.


Nah you’re cute 🥰




I think you are. If you want a recommendation maybe try growing out your hair. Work out a bit and get some button up style shirts. You’re not ugly at all but even putting in a little extra effort will go a long way!


Thanks for the tips. I have been told by many people to consider changing my hair and I totally agree. I just hate change and worry I’d hate it. I’m think I’m going to change it soon.


The good thing about hair is if you hate it you can always change it back! Give it a shot


I’m sure it will look infinitely better as I don’t like it now. My problem now will be what to do with it lol.




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I'm not sure how bad you think it is, but i can assure you that you are not ugly. You aren't exactly hot at the moment , but you definitely have the potential for a glow up. Grow out your hair and invest in some good pimple patches. Some people are saying to lose weight, but personally, i don't think it's necessary. :) You got this!