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Post removed. Please refrain from posting sob stories with your photos of how your partner or family call you ugly or anything similar which is written to attract sympathy. The best way to receive unbiased feedback on your appearance is to post your photos without these type of comments. Feel free to repost without the sob story.


I think you’re very cute




I like the glasses. I think you look better with them tbh.


You really have really low self esteem and you really shouldn’t, you are not ugly not even close, you look really natural and cute, my only suggestion is to find happiness so that you smile more, happiness will improve your outlook, take it where you can find it


OP I think you might have body dysmorphia or something. You definitely have bad self esteem. You're an attractive woman. You look younger than 24 honestly. Maybe go see a psychologist because you literally posted a giant paragraph about your face and like almost none of what you wrote is true. I hope you can either find a way to be happy with how you look because a lot of women would probably want to look like you, or get some help for your mental health because it sort of seems like you're obsessing over things that aren't even a problem. You just have a normal woman face. Good luck.


Many people here suggested me body dysmorphia but I don’t really get it I don’t think I’m crazy..? I just see that I’m really ugly, I can’t find a single thing that I like about my face, every single feature looks bad. I know people are all different but also I have many beautiful people around me that don’t even do much to look like this. I feel embarrassed showing myself to anyone including walking on a street while looking like this. It sometimes reminds me of a monster. People here say it’s not and that I look ok or even cute or pretty but I feel like they don’t want to be rude and put me down. You can’t possibly look at the same photo as me and think that when I clearly see these small, drippy eyes, huge ass uneven and too short nose, ugly big gap between my nose and mouth and these wrinkles that I had ever since I was a baby


You literally have body dysmorphia if what you're saying is how you genuinely feel. Just look it up on the Google and I bet when you read the description of the symptoms a lot will apply to you. Body dysmorphia is hard to diagnose because it's literally completely it's own thing and people with it tend to not consider it an actual problem. They think they are just super ugly and "monstrous" looking and obsess over tiny imperfections, either real or perceived. I really can't tell you 100% for certain but I can say you should talk to a psychologist and see what they say. And fyi if you're comparing yourself to other people, no one who looks really good does it without a lot of work. Everyone who you see around you who looks good is putting consistent effort into their appearance. I used to use drugs very heavily and Id literally watch a human go from gorgeous to hideous in the space of a couple weeks on a meth or heroin bender after being clean just from not showering/not eating/not grooming themselves. Yes some people have naturally better looking features or attributes but no one just wakes up well groomed, hygienic, or stylish. Those are all things people have to put forth effort into, usually the better they look the more effort, and most importantly money, go into their beauty routine. You're not ugly, I hard disagree with the way you describe yourself and I seriously recommend seeing a real professional who can tell you if you have body dysmorphia or not. Lots of people have it, there's treatment for it and medication. I hope you don't have it and you have low self esteem but just realize that when you see someone good looking, don't think, "Wow I'm so ugly compared to them, I hate myself." Think, "Wow they probably put a lot of work into looking that good, if they can do it I can, too."


Nobody can diagnose over the internet, especially people that aren't licensed to do so but there's a strong sense in your words of not being able to see reality. No matter what people tell you you'll just think they're being nice. Could probably be every human being on the planet and you wouldn't believe it. In one sense you're right - we aren't seeing the same picture because maybe what you're seeing isn't what the rest of us are seeing. Illustration in the Wikipedia article for bdd kind of illustrates this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_dysmorphic_disorder#/media/File%3AIs_this_me_mental_disorder_of_looking.jpg I won't sit here and try to convince you of attractiveness like the hundreds of other comments already did but I will tell you that for example nobody sees small "drippy" eyes. Probably the opposite (in a good way). That and the rest of your incredibly uncharitable self description. I'm saying this objectively, not talking about attractiveness, like if you gave me a set of words to describe your features and your descriptions were part of the options I wouldn't pick any of them.


You are cute cmon


None of those things you believe about yourself are true and no-one sees you that way. You're completely normal and very decent looking.


The lack of self confidence is the only thing holding you back not your looks. I’d say you’re average but, cute


To be honest, I can’t see what you’re seeing. If I saw you I’d just think you were an attractive young woman. What’s happened to you to feel like this?


In fact, small NORMAL face, i dont even know what asymmetrical means (jk i do) so not that, and its definitely NOT melting. What the heck, where did you even find these stuff out. Ur really beautiful , just some random red line on ur nose which is literally nothing bad cuz its probably just sunburnt. I get these all the time. And definitely dont use makeup, its wayy too much. And glasses suit u.


Sorry about the line it’s from my glasses 😅 they are heavy


If u Look Like this with Low effort then you would be Ultra hot after a Stylist makeover. Very good genetics besides eyeseight. Grüße


girl you are a natural beauty!!! so so gorgeous


Your face is not huge, the glasses make your face look small imo. Also not ugly at all!


Hi!!! I’m 22f, I just want to say I think you’re very pretty!!! Definitely work on your confidence, because you’re beautiful and even tho it’ll take awhile for you to realize that for yourself (I’m currently on the same journey w that), I hope one day you’ll realize you’re a catch!!!


You are cute.


I think you look great. There’s genuinely nothing wrong with your face. At. All. Perhaps no-one on here will convince you of that. If you did want a heads up I think it is actually your hair that could need some love. Pic 7 you look gorgeous because your hair is a little wavy - I would look into trying curls or waves in your hair and see what it does to you. I think waves would make you look more than gorgeous 😊


Hey bro. Don’t worry, I get the same thing to and I feel like my face is doing it all time. I’m a male but I used to be very insecure on how I looked but as time went on, I don’t really mind on how I look. Even if your face may not look right to you, everyone else may tend to disagree. So don’t worry, you’re attractive.


Everything you said in your op is wrong. You are very pretty and do not look like your melting. I'd say your biggest thing you could improve on is developing a self care routine. Do you use moisturizer and do you clean your face every day or most days?


Your face is none of those things.


You have a very unique and delicate type of beauty which many people would genuinely do anything for. I think you are very very attractive and pretty. Just because you don't fit in mainstream beauty standards it doesn't mean that you're not beautiful,some of the most attractive girls I've ever seen have unique types of beauty. You're gorgeous


You have no reason for questioning your looks. Your head and face isn’t too big. Your confidence is very low. Dress nicely, smile and be engaging. And your lack of confidence will disappear.


Face not huge. Also not ugly.


Absolutely nothing wrong with your face.. nothing wrong.. there is nothing out of proportion.. your glasses are kinda big tho, but your natural self is not ugly by any means, not even close.


There's nothing wrong with your face you're not ugly. Give yourself a break 😊


Actually you are pretty…. You have pretty brown eyes. I think you touched on something that will help you. If you are under weight, start working out, eat more and that will balance you out…including your face if that is what you are worried about. You are probably a late bloomer and haven’t filled out yet. You look younger than 24. Do the work out thing, seriously, with some weights, etc. —it will do wonders for you including making you feel better. 😊👍🏻✌🏻


You're fine. Don't let anyone tell you different.


A pretty young woman with beautiful eyes is all i see here.


You're absolutely gorgeous when you smile 😊. Don't be so afraid to believe you are beautiful.


I think youre very pretty. You defo dont need plastic surgery. And no your face doesnt look like its melting, unless you mean melting my heart !!...........


You're VERY pretty. You just aren't your type.


You have big doe eyes, clear skin, nice eyebrows. You're very pretty!!


You’re cute but are you high?


I swear to god you are the type of girl I would wife up. Such an innocent feminine face with nice skin


Put a smile on that beautiful face, dont you like seeing People smile, everyone does. Being insecure is normal and its not because theres 1000 People telling you youre hot that you find yourself hot. Its because you cant seek love from other People. Only you can do it. Learn to love yourself and to accept the fact you are not perfect just like literally 8 BILLIONS people. Change what you can change and always try to improve but dont go to extreme just like everything in life. In my opinion sugery is extreme and shoukdnt be done unlese theres a massive trait. If you had one, you would've had the comment telling you so dont be afraid to think you are worth something big. You look great, love you G


You look really pretty.


2. Maybe try a different glasses dealer. I don’t think they suit you so well


You look cute


If you think you’re ugly what do you think of the truly not attractive of us out there?? You must see those people out in the world and think They are hideous. I think it’s actually fairly rude to make a post looking how you do and asking if you’re ugly. You’re obviously super cute and I think it’s self-centered and really mean to others that you’re even asking.


My dear, you are very pretty. Your face is lovely and I hope you will discover the beauty that others see. The fact that you aren't narcissisticly enchanted with your reflection is a plus, but many good looking people are dissatisfied by their physical features. You're NOT ugly. NOT ugly at all. If you take the time to examine the faces of celebrities and even some super models, you might see features that, in isolation, are less than "perfect". An eye, a nose, or mouth might be misaligned, too narrow, or wider, but the collection of the feature is what separates them from the multitudes and makes their look unique. There are a zillion faces that are "pretty", many of them uninteresting and forgettable. Though you mercilessly pick your looks apart to identify your "flaws", you are NOT flawed. Your looks are vastly improved by your smile. I'm not suggesting that you go about vapidly smiling, but it certainly lights up your face. I hope that you find find confidence in your beauty and that you find occasions to smile and laugh. A confident woman with a kind heart is the best definition of beauty. I wish you those qualities to compliment your lovely face.


Your beautiful


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Asymmetrical??? I'm trying to see where. I mean have you gotten a good look at yourself? You have a very feminine and modest look to you. If you've ever seen anime, the way they portray the optimal beauty standards for women are those that look like you. You're very pretty.


You look good to me


Beautiful face. Bad glasses frames. Bad haircut.


Na chick, you are good, that someone will see it. Those eyes,,,again, you are good.


You look great tbh. I love your makeup in last pic, really anime looking. Were you bullied younger? I hope you can accept yourself.


Nah you're cute af bro


You are really, really beautiful. I mean, wow. You are really good looking. Sometimes it is hard for someone to see that about themselves.


No girl you gorgeous


Unconventional but cute!


You are very very attractive and feminine. Just slightly underweight , but this is easy to fix. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your looks . However...... the way you have written the whole thing and your responses here makes me think you have some mental health issues. I think it would be useful to seek professional help . Also quit social media. You are probably experiencing what a lot of women experience on there- they develop unrealistic expectations towards ...well pretty much everything. Comparison is the killer of joy.


You look like Pam from The Office


I think you’re absolutely beautiful


You are exaggerating. Now, cut your hair so it doesn’t make your face to look longer. Haircut can make a huge difference.


9/10, would subscribe


girl you're beautiful


None of that is going on.


I think you're pretty and you may be very overly critical of yourself.


There is something deeply unsettling seeing you making these posts for three years in a row.


Actually the glasses suit you. Cute


Nope, it’s not, it isn’t, and no it doesn’t. Sorry but you are not ugly. Hope you can learn to see it for yourself.


I would say the glasses are too big not your face, but not ugly, you are very cute.


Those glasses aren't working for you, other than they you are really pretty.


Still very beautiful


Nah u fine, just be a nice person


Nope, your attractive, love yourself


Nah, you’re cute 🥰


What are you talking about


You look good with glasses on!


You’re certainly not ugly, nowhere near in fact. The glasses make you look sexier if anything. You’d definitely get a second look from me.


Damnnn i love your eyes ♥️


Nah I'd marry you


If it helps, you look a lot like Marisha Ray, and she's amazing as well!




You look like Alanis Morrissette crossed with Cate Blanchett. Nothing wrong with your looks.


You need therapy


Smaller glasses would help or even contacts. Maybe a haircut with bangs or shaping around your face better. You absolutely don’t look like your face is ‘melting’ or is ‘huge’.


Ur face maybe have, asymmetrical and melting bit those are the features that r working for u. Don't beg for attention ur so pretty.


I think you have severe dismorphia


“My face is cute, asymmetrical and it looks like I’m always crying” fixes it for you


You not ugly at all great eyes!


You're fine. Seek a career as a scientist or veterinarian.


You’re gorgeous


I truly do think that you are beautiful




You’re good looking and you are working your features correctly. So far from ugly.


Natural beauty 10/10


You look sooo adoreable!


What? Your face isn’t huge. You’re not ugly.


Honey, girl to girl here. You are really pretty, I'm not saying that for that sake of the post. I love your features they are all super cute and you have that whole wholesome/ super cute feel about you. That being said, you gotta stop saying all that nasty stuff about yourself. I have no idea if your bullied or if it's just you but honey, it's all wrong. Not a single thing you mentioned.... exists. It's all in your head. So the next time you go out, you better practice telling yourself that you are beautiful and you don't care what anyone else thinks. Work on it. P s reading through every one else's comments here it's easy to see we all see the same thing. You are Beautiful but can't see it. Work on that and love yourself.


It’s all in your head.


Yeah, you're "cute" or "adorable." I would try to embrace what ya got. There are plenty who would find you attractive.


You're super cute, not remotely close to what's in the description


you look ill, are you ok?


I came here to say you are actually really pretty. we can be too critical of ourselves at times. Also i peeped your jungshook shirt 🥰 automatically made me smile!!


You’re not giving yourself enough credit. Work on the smile, I think with a happier face, your face will become more brighter and glow. It’s definitely the glasses so get rid of them and change style/color or stick with contacts. Make-up does help a lot. But you can pull off the natural look if time and preparation was an issue.




You have nice eyes and a nice facial shape. I think a makeover would do wonders.


You look like a Disney princess. You’re fine. 😊


Nah, really cute! Adorable nose, friendly eyes, nice lips, and healthy looking hair. You got nothing that stands out in a bad way.


I like melted ice cream. What’s your problem?


Look like a million bucks, now go out there and get yourself a man


You have nice bright eyes and your very cute most men would consider you to be attractive. Pic 7 is your best you look fantastic there.


None of those things are remotely true and you look fine. Nothing to improve


You have great facial features and your glasses fit your face so well. I am jealous!


Bist du dumm? Frage für ne hässliche freundin


You are damn pretty.


You’re so pretty. You have a warped view of yourself




Very pretty


You are really pretty. You're even cute in those giant glasses.


My biggest concern or the oversized glasses improperly setting on your face. It's gonna cause permanent indentation on the bridge your nose. The only other suggestion is the same for most people, is skin and hair regiment. You are not ugly. There is nothing wrong with you. I didn't read your entire paragraph, and I really don't care too. I have a feeling that you're just holding yourself up to unrealistic standards. Delete your social media. If you have comments in there saying that you think you're ugly or you need surgery. My suggestion is to go get therapy.


You look like a normal and pretty early twenties woman. You are way too hard on yourself homie.


Wtf, who has hurt you? The only thing wrong with you is your self esteem... you are honestly really pretty.


ok my girl, you can be so cute by small changes, you are cute :)


You are very cute. You look kind of sad, though. I’m not saying to smile more. I’m just commenting because if you are really feeling down that I hope it improves. If it’s been going on for a while, there’s no shame in getting help. Life is too short to feel down for an extended period of time.


None of those things are true. You're a cutie


Gd what do people think these days? That if your facials proportions aren’t the comparable equivalent to Jensen Ackles’ perfection that you are a wretched, hideous, and unsightly creature? You’re pretty. That’s all.


Not ugly these photos are really cute .


I think you’re ADORABLE!!!🥰




You're gorgeous


You sound like you really feel the way you described yourself. Not true. You look fine.


You look fine to me


8/10 no criticism no issues


I think you are beautiful


Lol huge? Your very cute and your face is not huge


You're very pretty, stop being stupid


I look at you and see someone who is unconventionally pretty. I’m not fully symmetrical either and couldn’t care less. You have a beauty that shines through your eyes. Never, NEVER forget that you are one of a kind




I think if you just felt better about yourself your looks would get better immediately. Just saying you’re very pretty but the unhappiness is very obvious. I would absolutely love to go out with someone as pretty as you are


None of those things are true but I would go with smaller glasses


You’re very cute, but I highly recommend getting glasses that don’t weigh as much, it clearly leaves a mark on your nose and I’m guessing it slides down a lot. I also think a smaller set would suit your face better.


So there’s a lot to unpack here. 1. Those are you calling you ugly or unpleasant looking probably are a little threatened by you cause you’re actually pretty. And also have a lot of potential to be better looking than them. 2. Your face doesn’t seem uneven really. Sometimes little things but to the person it can seem big, but you’re fine and cute as you are. 3. Your boyfriend isn’t lying. He’s being honest. 4. Maybe put some lotion for the little wrinkles to help a bit. Honestly you’re beautiful and don’t let others drag you down. You look amazing.




your face isn't huge, it's just your body is very skinny


Yeah the true problem is your self esteem. You are quite pretty, and I find you attractive but sad looking. If you can just accept that you are who you are and put your faith in the other aspects about you that you talked about, you will shine and people will be drawn to you for that and your pretty features will be even more beautiful. Everyone who isn’t a movie star or a model has to deal with what you’re dealing with, which is that we all can’t be drop dead gorgeous, so we accept it and do our best to be the best we can be.


You're beautiful, and I don't notice the face thing at all. Your hair is great the way it is, but messy piggy braids would be so cute


Very cute, try smaller frames though. Also I think you look best when your hair is down.


Come on you’re not ugly. Not even close really


Naw, your face is marriage material for sure.


10 / 10 Wife material


Where did you get the idea your face is huge


Well, I think you have a very cute face and really beautiful eyes. And wearing glasses makes you look even better. So you probably don't need to worry


You're not the slightest bit ugly. You have a very cute face, and gorgeous eyes.


Nothing wrong with your face at all. Actually you're very cute. Not ugly.


Hello friend. Please please **please** go to therapy. The way you’re describing yourself is incredibly unhealthy. I can’t attest to your personality because I don’t know you but you have beautiful features. I barely see the “issues” you’re worried about. In fact, they’re not issues. It’s how a normal person without filters and makeup looks. You may have body dysmorphia or something along those lines. I know you whole heartedly believe what you said and I don’t want to invalidate your feelings but girl.. please get help. If you won’t do it for yourself then do it for your relationship. It is incredibly exhausting to be with someone who doesn’t love themselves or they have huge confidence issues. I’m not saying he would (or should) leave you, but it does cause strain on a relationship. Again, you are beautiful. Please keep your head up. Tell yourself you are beautiful when you look into the mirror, every single day, even if you don’t believe it. Hopefully one day you will.


Get help for your body dysmorphia


You need to build some muscle tone. You look like you are going to blow away.


You are beautiful.


Hey you look absolutely gorgeous! Your boyfriend is a lucky man :)


Na your cute asymmetrical can be really cute. My face is asymmetrical.


No...not at all. Being way too hard on yourself...you are very cute girl!!! I keep shit real...look at other posts... You have nothing to worry about at all!!! Now wake up tomorrow morning with a new attitude!!! Try it...walk into every room you enter tomorrow like you fucking own it!!!


You are not ugly. Your face is not huge. It is asymmetrical because you weren't popped out of a mold. You are unique. That's good. I honestly think the fashion industry has mind fucked a lot of women starting at a young age.


You are definitely a cutie..just believe in yourself you got it!!


Dude! You look soo cute I just got a crush tbf.


Looks great to me. 8/10.


You look very young and very cute i honestly thought you were 18 before i checked the title


I know a girl that looks a lot like you that used to model. You aren't just "not ugly", you're the polar opposite. Anyway, I suggest lifting weights. You don't need it to look better, though it will help you *stay* looking good as you get older. What it will really help with is your self-confidence, which is clearly your biggest problem.


What social media does to a mf Not ugly


Please get some therapy.


It’s giving Pam Beasley


Your face is beautiful and you’re being too hard on yourself.


You are super cute. If someone is telling you you’re ugly, they are dead wrong. You don’t need a makeover, you need to get some positivity.


I have a 27f sister who is your doppelgänger with the exception of her having blue eyes… this whole post had me in awe!! I think you are gorgeous!!!


I normally just lurk here, but I'm particularly bothered by your post. You're very pretty, there's nothing wrong with your face at all, and your glasses are cute. The only thing wrong with you at all is your self-image. You're wonderful just the way you are.


Stop you look cute on pics 7&8. You know why. Your hair is down and you semi smile.


Your face looks fine. You can’t compare your neutral unedited/makeup less face to other girls who have crazy amounts of cosmetic adjustments


You're the variety of hot that I like to denominate as "stupid hot"


You're very beautiful. Try to work on your self-confidence.


Ahahahah you're beautiful lol. I dont get it??


It’s not. It’s again not. Once more it does not. You’re super cute my dude.


you're gorgeous


No way. You have beautiful large and expressive eyes. Stop focusing on “flows” and focus on your mental health and find a way to get your low self esteem problems fixed. Be happy, you’re really cute 😁


You’re smoking crack because all that stuff is literally nonsense. You’re a cutie


You’re overthinking it and hyper focusing on teeny tiny, inconsequential details of your appearance. None of those things you mentioned are accurate or immediately evident. Therapy might help you to get out of a frame of mind where you’re constantly hyper focusing and overanalyzing.


you’re genuinely one of the most effortlessly beautiful people I’ve ever seen. ur ethereal, ur eyes and your nose and face and jaw like they’re all stunning on their own but they combine wonderfully. 


Literaly one of the best looking people i’ve ever seen


Find things to smile about and try smaller frame glasses


I mean, no, no and no. Except that last pic, not sure wtf is going on there. Quite cute in the first 8.


super pretty


I think you're cute :)


Calm tf down. You look fine. Please seek therapy.




Your face is not huge. It's not rectangle or square shaped, it's slim, diamond shaped. Like a young beautiful girl. You look like that. I have a suggestion, rounded eyebrows would look best on you ;)


idk but the dva makeup is fire