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Yea, definitely attractive. Natural beauty. What can you do? Try to grow some confidence?


I just get insecure about my baby features, I wish I looked more womanly I guess? I hate my lazy eye and baby face I just want to look like a model


I lived in New York City for a long time. I would not compare myself with them. I knew many models and they have their own issues just like any one. The pictures are doctored and they have lots of make-up stylists, ect. In real life they look just like you.


You are not going to look like a model and that's fine - you're fortunate to be cute and attractive. I hope you can be grateful for that and accept yourself as you are. Consider spending much less time looking at Instagram and tiktok.


Not sure who you’re comparing yourself to, sweetie, but I don’t see baby features. I see an effortlessly beautiful girl with amazing eyes and a nice body.


Thank you.


I wish you didn’t want to look like a model. Models are beautiful, but are they attractive? Not in my book. If asked about most models I would have to say yes, they are beautiful. But am I attracted to them? Not so much. I’m definitely attracted to you.


You’re still also only 22. I feel like I didn’t get my “full grown woman” face till I was 27. You are beautiful as you are. The only thing I think you could possibly work on is fitness. Going to the gym will help you get more of the strong jawline you’re looking for and it’s also an excellent confidence boost and will help you in the long run. Also wear sun screen and moisturize ❤️


That kinda connects everything, you're trying waay to hard to look perfect when you're already a good lot above average... Settle for what you have, the path to perfection usually destroys lots of people... Everything about you is in place, no nose issue, no odd facial structure, not overly skinny or fat, maybe just the teeth need a check-up but even that's not a big deal... Maybe dress more mature and try to find actual hobbies that you're into but dressing and acting like a high-school girl will literally leave this impression of you for a good while and anount of people


Only thing I noticed about your eyes was the pretty color lol. Didn't even know there was a lazy one till you said it 😂 you already look better than 80% of models I've seen so I think you're doing ok haha


I don't have to swipe through 20 pictures to see that, and people who think they're ugly don't even have 20 pictures of themselves. You're good


My first thoughts upon looking at your photos. She's very attractive with a great smile and nice eyes. Very woman-like. I don't see what needs to be changed.


You have pretty eyes, cute dimples and freckles, a nice body. Nothing really ugly about you. Pretty attractive actually.


If you think that you are not attractive... You're in the wrong country lmao 😂.Come visit any asian country and they will treat you like a princess's crown ❤️ 😂 BTW you look great, a solid 9/10 ,(there's always a room for improvement iykyk...)


Social media has everyone second guessing themselves, even more so with the younger generation.


There’s nothing to improve looks wise. You have an adorable face and great figure. It’s all in your head. That’s the only thing you need to improve. Your self perception. Good luck w that. Just please don’t ruin your appearance w horrible plastic surgery


Wanna improve. Stop these inane posts re looks. Your attractive but less so when showing vanity


Someone asking am I ugly on the subreddit r/amIugly? Unprecedented.


I suppose show a bit more confidence in yourself, otherwise I se no reason to hange. :D ABSOLUTE STUNNER! GORGEOUS!


Thank you, could I change my hair at all or anything?


If you want to. Ultimately it's about how you want to look like rather than what everyone else thinks. That's what I've begun to understand.


Maybe im biased to a certain type. But i think you're incredibly beautiful. Exactly the look and features i find attractive. Worth 100 fake ass Instagram models


I don't think you need to do anything, you've got that girl next door look which plenty of people like.


Jesus Christ you're stunning. I'm not really sure what more you could really do. Maybe some eyeliner and eyeshadow, and a little bit of lip gloss, but I definitely wouldn't do anything more than that (foundation and blush would hide your natural beauty). I do want to emphasize, you are very, very good looking as you are, and the stuff I mentioned is by no means necessary, and is largely personal taste.


9.5 out of ten. What do I see? Someone who could turn heads and do numbers if she saw herself the way others saw her. I wish I had beauty of that caliber.


girl, you're gorgeous. anyone who says you're ugly definitely has their standards too high.


You look good, what makes you feel insecure?


You get a plus ten from the start just for not having a nose ring. Not ugly in the slightest. Used to be called the Ivory girl look. You’ve got no major issues to fix.


All I'ma say is whoever's wit u it's probably a lucky man but I sat "probably" because beauty its one thing but how that beauty portrays her personality is what matters most, so u may see all these varied comments that'll boost ya high horse but try not to be arrogant jus of ya looks cuz some of not Most men sure do hate a girl flaunting her looks, other than that you are Very very Attractive and need no improvements, only improvements I'd recommend is jus stay true to who u is and don't let anyone thing your better or worst appearance wise, be humble about it, all that said not trying to be harsh or anything of the sorts jus shedding light on sum things and again u are very attractive👍🏾


Photo 5 - wow. Gorgeous. Love the dimples.


You’re incredibly attractive! You’re only 22 so of course you still have baby-features but don’t worry that will change in good time. Right now you look young, healthy, and very beautiful. It’s easy to see our “flaws” when you compare yourself to something you want to look like but you’re honestly very pretty




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You're definitely not ugly you're quite pretty


start putting yourself first and you’ll start to see the glow. you’re beautiful and need to stop comparing yourself to others. but just remember every girl you wish you looked like, there’s a girl wishing she looked like you!! after all, there’s only one you!!


I don't see how you can improve, you're pretty.


Girl you are super fn pretty


Yes you are very attractive. Off topic but i think you’re wearing eyelash extensions in some pics? Maybe get doll eye styling or have more lashes near the inner corner of your eyes, to make them more opened, because your eyes are downturned and having them heavier at the end kinda makes it look more downturned. But its just minor haha


You are very pretty and there’s nothing you need to change.


You really are very cute no need to change anything


You are a very attractive woman. Just need to get you weight down to present the best version of yourself.


Why are you asking this group in Reddit? You are unavoidably beautiful.


You're fine...........NEXT!


Incredibly pretty, no improvement needed


Absolutely perfect! I'd treat you like my queen!!


You are a master of angles


You’re here to consume compliment aren’t you?’ T


I would not call your face a baby face. Sure you look a little younger but that's a good thing in my book. You are very pretty. I don't know that anyone would notice your eye had you nit pointed it out. Remeber, when you look in the mirror, you are focusing on individual features especially flaws. Where the vast majority of us see your whole person. Your personality plays a big part in that as well.


You're beautiful darlin wouldn't change anything about you


Focus on your mental health like don’t worry much about what others say. You are pretty for sure But it’s not about looks with some people It’s about what’s inside you that personality heart mindset attitude confidence and or The way you step to carry yourself Be something you want to be but my response is take more time learning what works with and for you. Hair styles clothing whatever it may be change up things your face and body and beautiful but not in a X rated way. But as in beauty.






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You are such a cutie, good style too. People are definitely going to be doing double takes to get another beautiful view.


Why so sleepy? 😂


Perpetual social media is not attractive.




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You are gonna be so happy when you're in your 40s and 50s and still look like you're 20s 30s. Be patient with yourself. Wait till you get the "wow you're 40 no way". I'm 30 and got told I looked 35 this week and that hurt lol. And I'm a male. It's also unfortunately that it seems to be alot of young girls in their 20s are getting face work done and are looking much older. (And that's not a good thing) at least my opinion


Yes luckily you are naturally attractive, not much work to do. You could dress better maybe?


You are naturally beautiful, and it will only get better with age.


Really pretty 🙋


You look like you would give good hugs.


Okay, pullesse,you're not even serious


You are so pretty ;-;


You're a little wide, but some guys prefer wider


You’re super cute


Honestly I'd just count your losses and roll with what you got it's to far gone to try and fix it


You’re very cute! Learn to love yourself please 🙏✨


Yaaaas dude


Pretty cute and pretty hot


Come on, stop clowning.


you're a cute girl-next-door type. lean into it.


You are gorgeous. If you were my GF I’d be showing you off constantly


My reaction: sheeeeeeesh 😏


Ellen Pompeo


Fairly attractive. Above average but not hugely. I’d say your worst feature is probably the angle of your eyes being downturned a bit. Overall though definitely not ugly.


Very attractive very cute


What about having your makeup done professionally one time? This would move things forward for you. No, not ugly.


Definetly attractive. Not much more you can do


You look like FrameWhisperer.


What’s that


He's a youtuber, u look like brother and sister. Look him up.


Girl WHAT. You’re gorg!!


I think you're looking for r/freecompliments, there's no way you think you're ugly.


They all look good besides 17,16 and 4. 17 is a trend that should never exist. The other 2 make you look fat plus the filter on 4 is just bad. You look beautiful those 3 pictures take away from that


you are pretty but i think you're overweight


I need to lose weight ik


Hottie!!! 😘






If you have to ask, you don't have any men in your town or state. That or they are afraid of your beauty


That one hot girl in McDonald's that you will never see again.


It’s all in your head, as looks are very general but also subjective. I personally think you look good. I’d assume that most men feel the same way. (I’m 27, not some old desperate fart).. One thing I learned is that insecurity expresses itself passively. When you’re out, be sure you have a smile often, it’s much more welcoming than razor eyes. Not saying you don’t smile, or that your looks are intimidating, just passing along some tips I’ve learned that seem to be effective for me.


Opposite of ugly.


Gorgeous, and you look well reserved, which adds value.






Comment removed. Even if you think a person is too attractive to post here, attacking, harassing, or otherwise insisting someone is fishing for compliments or validation is not permitted. People post for all different reasons and there is no prerequisite of thinking that you are ugly to post here. Body image issues can affect anyone at any age. Even attractive people have moments of doubt and may seek polite, respectful feedback from internet strangers. Continuing to break this rule will result in a permanent ban.


Very cute and attractive


Yesssss she isssss


You are so attractive my dear do you not see your own self in the mirror… like if I was the mirror I wouldn’t mind seeing that reflection


You’re mad pretty. Your eyes are very attractive




If someone doesn’t recognize your eyes, that person needs an eye exam


I would say above average


Attractive based on pic 4


I feel like I’m missing something here. You’re objectively gorgeous. I’m so confused as to how you could possibly think you’re ugly. I feel like I’m about to be tricked into buying something I don’t want or signing up to onlyfans.


Lovely ♥️


Adorable and pretty. Lovely hair, nice figure. Yes you are attractive 😊


Seriously?? You are smokin


Very attractive


I have the banana cat in picture 12 on my desk :D


Oh your poor dms…


Definitely not ugly. Looks like your weight may fluctuate a little, but you have a very pretty face and are attractive.


Eyebrows are whack, but attractive overall.


Naturally beautiful.... Please do not try to enhance yourself, it will not work. You are too beautiful to begin with ❤️


Very cute, amazing eyes. I wouldn't worry about anything at all




I think you look better with certain hair styles than just straightened hair. You look great with the braids. 4, 6, 12, and 13 I think look really nice on you. I wouldn’t call them improvements I’d say it’s more of an adjustment tbh. You’re already very pretty


Come on, man.


Cute face, nice curves, fun vibe, I don't really see anything I'd change!




Very attractive just live life and have fun don’t worry about what others think.




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Yes you are and have nothing to improve


Yes, you’re attractive.


Yall really posting in here like yall don't know if you're attractive. Gawd. Seriously think this post is just for affirmation of something already known. 


You color in your eyebrows a little strongly.




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I mean seriously? I think you already know you are hot.


I think you’re cute.


Very attractive to say the least..you’ve nothing to worry about imo




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Comment removed. Even if you think a person is too attractive to post here, attacking, harassing, or otherwise insisting someone is fishing for compliments or validation is not permitted. People post for all different reasons and there is no prerequisite of thinking that you are ugly to post here. Body image issues can affect anyone at any age. Even attractive people have moments of doubt and may seek polite, respectful feedback from internet strangers. Continuing to break this rule will result in a permanent ban.


Don't doubt yourself. You are perfect just the way you are.


Totally attractive, open your eyes when you smile!


7/10. Your eyebrows are the biggest downside, try switching that up.


U hit the gym and it’s over for the women in yo city




I don't see a thing wrong with you. I know, you're missing confidence. No, you're not ugly.


You're beautiful 10/10 literally would treat you like a queen cuz that's what you look like.


You’re very cute! You have the certain look about you like the proverbial cute girl next door look. You’re perfect just like you are. Like your shirt says “You matter” ✌️




You look good, no further notes.


You are not exactly my type but you certainly arent ugly


youre pretty.


I would say you’re wholly average. Trying to ego boost on the internet with 20 pics ain’t it chief. I don’t even have twenty pictures of myself on my phone, as others have pointed out many times to other posters you are either terminally online self obsessed or like I said ego boosting.


Have you just taken screenshots from another post??? Not ugly, just tired




You are very beautiful


1) Atrractive, yes. 2) In shape, yes. Recommendations: 1) Take care of your skin from the sun. 2) Keep similing


You’re drop dead gorgeous!


The ugliest person i have ever seen in my life, lol😂


You got a lot to work on,and ur looks are not particularly impressive to me!!!!




the opposite of ugly actually


Very pretty but i would remove the fake lashes i feel like they drag your eyes down. Also personally i dont like ur choice of outfits if you dont like your baby features i would suggest looking into dark feminine style. changing your hair color to dark brown would also look nice on you


You are beautiful af. If you have these appearance issues, 99% of women in this world are cooked. Do you really think like this or you need some ego boosting???


You are attractive. Your body/face will evolve in time.


Attractive would be an understatement. You sweetheart are gorgeous. Beautiful eyes and a very cute pretty face. An amazing body. You do not need to change anything. You have natural beauty. You have been gifted by beauty and just from what you’ve mentioned in the post. You are very humble. I can tell you have a great heart. So you are beautiful and kind. ❤️❤️


Only if you Hawk Tuah and spit on that thang


If I just proposed rn would that help you believe how beautiful you are? 😍😍


Why are you so unsure and insecure? Some little douchebag cheat or choose someone else over you? Past trauma? Not enough love from your parents? I don't understand why you feel the need to even be here with these weirdos. Log off. Go out and enjoy your young amazing life.


Pretty gorgeous honestly


Goddamn yes you are


Giving too many vibes of "I wanna be a popular high-school girl" based on most of your expressions... Maybe you're trying too hard to belong, but you're like an adult, at 22 I finished my 3 years of college...


Yes you are very attractive and your eyes are lovely and unique


I would take you to date🥰 you are very attractive 🥰


You’re literally gorgeous




Lose about 2 stone


I think you are completely beautiful and cute as hell 😘




You are stunning. 😍


Pics 10 & 14. I LOVE the dimples. You look gorgeous.


You need to develop your internal self-esteem instead of asking others "am I attractive" ? Are you sure you want to attract just ANY BODY ? What do YOU intend to do in life ? Because I think you must be trying too hard to get somebody to tell you what to do, and they all know that's a bad idea. You look exhausted from your failed attempts, whether from lack of sleep, too much alcohol, or whatever. Will you ever get your daily affirmation? Maybe a psychotherapist could guide you to a trusted person, organization, or interest that will give you constant verification that your life is worth living, and does not require continuous improvement beyond your stable existence. Just be yourself.


you couldn't mirror an image? :D


I (53m) think that you look gorgeous and way better than some of these so-called “models”. You’re an effortless natural beauty. I can guarantee that there are plenty of girls who which that they looked like you!


You look great. You don't need to improve at all.


Attractive would be an understatement.


Not a single good picture in the bunch, but there’s no way youre ugly






Oh whoops I typed nope to are you ugly , you are attractive.


Yes I think you're very attractive, u can find someone I believe in you


You have beautiful eyes


Id very most likely fall in love with you at the airport only to never see you again or some shit, you're very pretty!!! I normally don't comment on this sub because its almost r/freecompliments. But I really hope you learn to love yourself!!!!