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Question: You are 24 years old and have THREE kids with your GF?


and ones apparently 12? šŸ¤Ø


Sheā€™s 29, itā€™s entirely possible the 12 year old isnā€™t his biologically, itā€™d put her at 17 which is a hell of a better way to conclude that than OP being 12 with a kid lmao


ah shit, ykno what, i didnā€™t even see the gfs age lmao šŸ’€ my bad


OP isn't responding to my question.


He posted it an hour ago right? Maybe give him time?


Maybe heā€™s sleeping


Idk he's replying to anything. I'm assuming it's fake


Looks like he was sleeping. Giving more time seemed like the right move apparently.


Just waking up sorry


Considering that the ages of the children have nothing to do with the situation at hand, I wouldnā€™t hold my breath for an answer


They have EVERYTHING to do with the subject at hand because she was using them as an excuse to demand he not get enough sleep. If they aren't his kids, she should not be making ANY demands related to them. They aren't married.


The GF is an older woman with older children.


The GF doesn't exist because this is a fake post.


They live together - so plans for the two of them are impacted by the presence of children in the household.


Let me guess. You're a single mom.


tf? why are single mums catching strays?


It extrapolated out from whether or not these children are even his, because three kids and he is only 24? Attacks ensued from those defending single moms and her right to expect him to go without sleep so they could go out for breakfast and get back before the kids woke up. Plus - >She said mid argument that ā€œeven when Iā€™m wrong say Iā€™m right because youā€™re the manā€


i just donā€™t think the hostility towards single mums is needed at all.




Thank you for confirming my assumption.




Let me guess youā€™re a loser.


Another single mom jumps into the chat.


Why are you bashing single moms though? The fathers were deadbeats and thatā€™s the parent that stayā€™s fault? Weird perspective.


She shouldnā€™t be making any demands, period. he works a night job. He only wanted to sleep till 10 and she wasnā€™t going to compromise even 30 minutes.


Mentioning the kids, isnā€™t ā€œusing them as an excuseā€œ. You donā€™t need to know anything about their children in order to know if these two are toxic for each other. In fact, you donā€™t need to know whose kids are whos at all for any reason. Thatā€™s just you being nosy.


>Mentioning the kids, isnā€™t ā€œusing them as an excuseā€œ. She freaking said that she wanted him to wake up and take her for breakfast "before the kids wake up." That's not "mentioning" them. That's very specifically related to them. Plus, who just leaves their kids home sleeping and thinks they will sleep until 10AM? And be cool to wake up in a house with no adults?


Leaving the kids alone is the type of thing that can get your kids taken away from you. A 1-year-old could open a door and go wandering outside. A 7-year-old can be stupid and get into all kinds of trouble. Years ago, in our local city, a kid of about that age was playing with a lighter and caught the house on fire. Kids need supervision.


In the vast majority of states a 12 year is considered old enough to be left home in charge of younger children.


Unless they're the one still sleeping!!


Without telling them they are in charge of the younger children? Even if they got up they wouldn't know the adults weren't home so wouldn't go straight to childcare.


She literally - in the very meaning of this word - used them as an excuse.


Exactly! They are simply just an excuse. Therefore irrelevant.


I'm more concerned with the fact that OP said they'd want to leave before the kids wake up. There's a 1 year old, a 7 year old and the 12 year old. Was the 12 year old supposed to watch his siblings, or were they literally going to leave them without saying something? Am I misreading this or what


Nope. That was apparently her plan. She wanted to leave at 9AM and return at 10AM before they woke up. Like THAT would even happen with a 1 year old and a 7 year old. The only one likely to sleep until 10AM would be the 12 year old.


Also they are leaving at 9am but getting back before the kids wake up? So leaving three kids alone? Also in what world are three kids that age going to still be asleep at 9-10am? This fiction writer clearly has no actual experience with children.


That's what stuck out to me - leaving 3 kids, two who are really young, alone, and even with the comment that they live above their family and expect the kids to go for help if something happens - very irresponsible IMO.


Maybe they parentify the 12 year old and force them to watch the smaller kids? It is a sadly common thing among crappy parents.


They usually stay asleep until 11-12am depending on what day it is, we live right above my gfs sister and husband so if they needed anything they could have simply went downstairs


Your one year old is going to walk down the stairs to tell your SIL they need help?


No but she wonā€™t hesitate to pull your nose or bop you in the forehead to wake you if she needed something, for a 1yo sheā€™s incredibly smart but she cannot open any doors in our apt. But she will go wake up her sister or brother , still not great but thatā€™s where weā€™re at


Great plan to one day come home to a dead baby in her crib. Your issues are so far beyond this date, my man.


I know itā€™s a bad situation but thatā€™s a little dramatic, understandable but dramatic in my case. Either way Iā€™ve discussed my concerns with my partner with leaving the kids home alone saying itā€™s a bad idea but unfortunately šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø itā€™s where weā€™re still at


Itā€™s actually not dramatic. Have you researched how often babies will die from suffocation or choking? Are you aware that this is grounds for CPS to have the kids taken away? Why would it be illegal if it were perfectly safe?


Like Iā€™ve said in another comment this isnā€™t an all the time thing, weā€™ll leave the kids alone like once or twice every blue moon and the other times we have a sitter.


Nooooooo. Why do people have kids and leave them alone. 1, 7, and 12 in blue moon leaving alone is never ok. They deserve better.




Again you arenā€™t even reading youā€™re just saying shit. ā€œWhere weā€™re still atā€ as in thatā€™s where weā€™re at in the argument, NOT that we think leaving them alone is a solution to us going out. I think everyone is attacking me when Iā€™m LITERALLY taking the kids side in this, am I missing something?


Yes, you're missing something. You had no problem leaving them home alone and asleep. You just wanted to do it 30-60 minutes latter. You're a terrible parent and shouldn't have kids.


12am is midnight


Sorry 11-12pm


We have one kid together and the other two are hers


Well, I wish you luck. This comment >She said mid argument that ā€œeven when Iā€™m wrong say Iā€™m right because youā€™re the manā€ is very, very disturbing. Coupled with her selfish behavior about your sleep, it just doesn't bode well for any kind of healthy relationship.


Yeah it surprised me when she said it but it shouldnā€™t have because she has a pattern of needing to be right even if she doesnā€™t see it


She sounds like a real peach.


She usually is but when she gets like this itā€™s almost impossible for me to willingly be around her/ talk to her


Sounds like a perfectly healthy relationship that will stand the test of time. /s


"This is a wonderful sandwich, except for this piece of shit in it"


u/ConvivialKat was being sarcastic. They don't think she's a peach at all, and neither do I. Age gap is concerning too ...


ā€œThe age gap is concerning tooā€¦ā€ Oh for the love of god, itā€™s 5 yearsā€¦ be fucking for real, thatā€™s not a problem at all. Focus on the shit that actually matters.


The age gap is not concerning


We live in Texas and Iā€™ll be 25 this year so the gap isnā€™t that crazy, but like I said she CAN be a peach but when sheā€™s like this sheā€™s more of a ā€œbeachā€ if you get my play on words


People who are peaches only when they get their way, aren't really peaches.


Sheā€™s a little more complicated than that but I get what you mean, thinking about it all I can admit I was also in the wrong. Instead of planning another date I avoided the situation entirely because in my head she was wrong for not giving me 30 minutes to sleep (which couldā€™ve avoided this entire thing if she had compromised like I asked). I didnā€™t talk to her really for days because I wanted her to see the wrong in what she did and apologize but maybe I shouldā€™ve just talked to her šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø so many shoulda woulda couldā€™ves


And are you leaving them alone when you go out???!!! I know this isn't what you asked, but that's the serious point here. And your gf is totally unreasonable. You get, what, 2 hours of sleep? Not on.


Iā€™ve answered your first concern a few times in the comments but that night prior I did not go into work but I did only sleep for maybe 4 hours which was fine for me before the date


Okay, my maths was poor. But not my maths about the age of the kids. You'd leave them alone??


Most times (when everyone is awake) weā€™ll leave the two older kids home and take the baby because she can be a handful. The 12yo has watched her countless times (asleep/awake) and has done good each time and she knows if sheā€™s too much she can easily go downstairs with her cousins and aunt/uncle. I admit it wasnā€™t the best plan of action for the date (might I add wasnā€™t my idea) but it worked out before so we tried doing it again


Not only that, but they were going to go out and leave 3 small children at home? Something fishy šŸŸ šŸ  with this story.


Maybe there's another adult living Ʈn tbe house.


The one year old is probably both of theirs while the seven and twelve year old could be hers from a previous relationship.


I'm waiting for OP to respond. I want a real answer, not conjecture.


You'll be waiting a while then. A quick look at their profile tells me this isn't a real situation or theirs anyway. The last time op commented on anything was a month ago and then they resurface posting this? Yeah, this must be fake.


I completely agree. I posted this question because I was pretty sure this was completely fake.


Happy to answer any questions


Says the asshole while not answering the question.


I answered lots of questions so maybe look instead of just talking


Don't know why you're being downvoted, totally fair.


Have you ever considered that the GF it's a single mom who has older children?


No. Because this is a fake post.


With all do respect, if it's fake why keep posting on it?


You shouldn't have any respect to the "this is fake! and this is also fake! everything is fake!" people. They are some of the worst trolls on Reddit.


Because it's 6AM where I am, I'm feeling cranky, and it's fun to wind up all the single moms who think OP should have just done what she demanded.




I mean, I would think the 12 yo is just hers and the other two may or may not be his.


If the 7 year old is his, that would mean she had the kid when he was 17.


I think thatā€™s super young, but itā€™s the same age she had her first so I guess this isnā€™t all that uncommon in their community? In my community, them even dating at that age would be seen as creepy and weird and (depending on the area) illegal. But I know thatā€™s not true around the world and it might be unremarkable for them.


Except that would make her 21 getting impregnated by a 17 year old. šŸ¤¢




Yes, which may have been the same as when the gf had the 12 yo just with the genders flipped (only a maybe, since we donā€™t know how old the 12 yoā€™s bio father is.) Creepy and disturbing where I live. Even where and when my parents grew up, it would raise eyebrows, but not to the same level as where I live now where she might have been criminally prosecuted if anyone had raised the issue with authorities.


Iā€™m guessing the two oldest arenā€™t his. Maybe none of them.


You have the lifestyle of a middle-aged married man at 24. Why???


Well - if she doesnā€™t think you need more then 3 hours of sleep after working a shift - thatā€™s going to be a long frustrating life. She sounds like - she just may need some attention and time. But needs to be reasonable and let you sleep.


Who is watch the kids when y'all are out?


Probably the 12 year old. I know I was tasked with babysitting at like 11+


Yep same, babysitting siblings at 10yo for my mom to leave the house a few hours at a time.


I worked 12 hour swing shifts for 35 years. Even after all that time, some people just couldn't understand that sometimes I needed to sleep.


>She said mid argument that ā€œeven when Iā€™m wrong say Iā€™m right because youā€™re the manā€ Uh. No. Just no, no, no. I agree with her. You should definitely break up because this is just a completely terrible attitude. You're only 24. Why are you wasting your time with this person who has no appreciation for your hard work AND thinks you should just be her puppet. It makes no sense.


I laughed right after her saying that because it was a total shock to hear


Well, I don't know if I would laugh if I were you. She is showing you who she is. Believe her.


She usually says ā€œyou knew what you were getting into when you started dating meā€ as an excuse to whatever problem I had with her, I told her thatā€™s not an excuse for her behavior at times but šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Fortunately, you are also fully capable of knowing what you are getting OUT OF if you stop dating her. Anyone with two brain cells knows that this type of behavior is completely toxic and unacceptable. Her insisting that it is OK doesn't make it OK. It just means she is trying to gaslight you.


So, it's okay for her to mistreat you, because she's a garbage person who can't take others into consideration? Do you really wanna be with this when you're 50 years old? I'm gonna tell you dude, if you stay it's not gonna be fun.


There are so many problems here. Why is she even planning something that time of morning knowing you work night shift? 30 minutes of sleep is not a compromise. A compromise is she gets up a early and you go at 7 or you wait til the afternoon. And who the hell is watching the kids? ā€œGet back before the kids wake up.ā€ They could wake up at any time, and anything could happen even while theyā€™re sleeping. What are you people doing??


To be clear because I forgot to mention, I didnā€™t work that previous night but I was extremely tired. I usually wake up at 1-2 sometimes 3pm so I thought just asking for 30 minutes would be fine. My gfs sister and her family live right below us and is aware of our date plans. The kids (if woken up) could have easily went downstairs as they have before and there would be no problem, they sleep in very late and we were pretty confident they would still be asleep when we got back


Dude, you got finessed into being a stepdad. Iā€™m guessing you only have one kid with her and the other two are with some other man or men? Bounce, rock, skate and roll your ass out of this relationship. Sheā€™s older, but acting younger.


ESH. Not because you want to sleep but because youvare going to leave a 12 year old, a 7 year old and a 1 year old alone while they sleep to get breakfast. I 12 year old probably has the wherewithal to take care of their younger siblings for a couple hours, but leave them sleeping? Nope. First that's incredibly wreckless of parents to just leave kids sleeping in the house. Second a 12 year old should not bare that responsibility of doing morning routine with their siblings espicially the one year old who needs diaper changed. Cleaned up. Dressed, hand fed breakfast etc. Yall need to plan your dates better.


Literally the only part I picked up on, like how do.you rationally think that's a good idea! Social services need to be involved not a fucking alarm clock!


That part has me perplexed


Agreed - I don't care what else is going on, they're both being extremely irresponsible by leaving young children alone and expecting the 12 year old to take care of them as soon as they wake up. That makes them both assholes.


My first thought is fire. I know it's unlikely but how many fuking news stories do we hear where the kids were left alone sleeping then got killed in a fire. If it was in middle of the afternoon and they were only going to be gone for like an hour. Depending on the maturity of the 12, maybe I could see it. But noway no how in this situation.


What do you expect from the mother? Given her attitude in this situation, she sounds like an awful person


Y'all were planning to wake up and leave three children sleeping alone while y'all went out to breakfast? You're both horrible people, I hope this is fake. Not everyone should have kids.


I'm sorry but like.... on top of not letting you sleep she wanted to leave the kids at home ages 1-12? I'm sorry but like no? That's called "child neglect" and aside from the 12yo the 1 and 7 yo should not be left unsupervised. Period. This is out to breakfast not, you go snag breakfast from the diner and I'll wait with the kids. They're KIDS not dogs. Honestly should have the cops called on your stupid asses cuz that's a sure fire way to lose your kids. Breakfast out is at bare minimum an hour. Shit can go haywire in an hour. Y'all have messed up priorities and breakfast out is the least of your issues.


The 12 year old would be it. It was normal 20 years ago, but not any more.


If you work nights, why are you doing breakfast dates at all all?


I don't see why he doesn't plan breakfast dates right after work, before he goes to sleep for the day. You can get breakfast at 7am after a graveyard shift.


I would imagine after a 12 hour shift of physical labor plus the commute, he's probably exhausted


I mean that is fair, but actively planning a date for 9 or 10 am when you go to bed at 7 am is ridiculous and a guarantee that he will cancel or sleep through it. 3 hours it's enough rest to be anything but more exhausted after working all night.


I mean, I used to back when I worked the graveyard shift regularly, but the *way* I did it was at the end of the shift, *before* going to sleep. OP's way makes no sense.


24, 3 kids ranging from 1-12 , working 12 hour overnight shift. Seems like you have more things to worry about than sleep or even dates. The both of you


Wrong to want to sleep? No. But WHO exactly was she leaving her 3 kids with so you could grab breakfast? I donā€™t care if her sister is in the same apartment building, you donā€™t leave a one year old baby alone. Are you both completely irresponsible or just her? No normal child wakes up at 11, unless their idiot parents donā€™t put them to bed at night. This is disgustingly bad parenting.


You work hard overnights with overtimeā€¦ Get yo sleep and a woman who respects you!


I wanna know why your work hours are so weirdly specific!


Nah 1 and 7 shouldnā€™t be home alone honestly donā€™t care about the rest of the stupid story.


Do you drug the kids? You are waking at 9 so you can go out on a date - be back before the kids wake up????


You'd willingly leave 3 kids under the age of 16 home alone when one is a BABY, so can go out and get breakfast. I feel like this is a social services report waiting to happen Edit:- I mean your concern is how long you get to sleep not the fact she wants to leave 3 minors alone


12 year olds babysit all the time.


It's against the law to leave a kids at home if it puts them a risk, I somehow think leaving a baby at home with a child puts the baby at risk


I was babysitting babies at 12. For several households.


GF wants you to get up and go out after your overnight with 3 hours of sleep. I would say that is not going to happen. You deserve, at absolute minimum, a 7 hour sleep. Sounds to me like this isn't going to work out. This is really too one sided.


Whoā€™s going to watch the children ā€¦.?


Not sure if the kids belong to you or not but if not then yes, may be time to reconsider your relationship. The situation you presented to us here sounds toxic in my opinion. Sheā€™s 29 and doesnā€™t understand how you may need more time in the morning to sleep after a 12 hour shift? I donā€™t blame you one bit for letting her go, you have to put yourself first sometimes. This is one of those times. Ur not wrong in my opinion


Goodness gracious, y'all have a mess. Showing those kids how not to live a life.


You work overnights, 12 hour shifts. You shouldn't be awake before noon at the very earliest... You'll burn the fuck out trying to do morning activities.


I'm asking this in earnest, so it's not a loaded question: has this happened many times before? have you agreed to do something with her and then asked for more time sleeping? are you never available for breakfast even on your days off and that's something she's wanted for a while? it's hard to tell from this post what the build-up to this was. if it's that you usually keep your word but were extra tired today, sure, not wrong. but if it's a situation where you promised because you have missed breakfast dates before, I can see why she'd be frustrated.


When I say I never ask her for anything I mean anything, I donā€™t ask for favors or for her to bring me something from another room. Hell my phone could be next to her and I would just walk over and get it. So no this is the first time of this happening ever, the ā€œbuild upā€ comes from other relationship qualities that she says I lack in, like; affection, gift giving , pillow talk etc. Like I said in a previous comment I know Iā€™ve been working on those things because I try to be more conscious of them but I just think itā€™s hard for her to remember that in the middle of an argument.


that doesn't answer my question. has this happened before? or something like this? do you go back on your word? again, I'm not assuming you do; I just think that's relevant info for determining if you're wrong or not.


Date wise I want to say not really? Most times when we plan dates itā€™s in the afternoon or night where we have a sitter and the date goes on like normal. Things like me saying Iā€™ll take out the trash, wash dishes, run errands etc . Yes sometimes I have gone back on my word and havenā€™t done them, I donā€™t have good excuses for not doing them other than I just lost track of time or something came up. So you can say yes I have


this sounds like her response is the result of pent-up aggravation/annoyance. so like technically you're not wrong here but you all need to communicate about the state of your relationship and maybe even have some ultimatums regarding how you spend time together. again, I'm not there so I don't have the full picture, but in general I think communicating more effectively about how things are going and what needs to change (if anything) is important. saying you'll work on things is not a solution, though.


NW. you work a demanding job and just want to get a little extra sleep when you can. I get she wants to be back for the kids, but she needs to understand if youā€™re home at 645 that 9 am just doesnā€™t work. Her waiting for you to get up and leaving right then is passive aggressive ah. Then the whole ā€œeven when Iā€™m wrong back down because youā€™re the man.ā€ Thatā€™s a no from me dawg. I had a gf like this. Ending it is probably the better solution at this point, and just for that single comment alone. Someone is unwilling to admit fault or compromise without blaming you for anything. You donā€™t want to deal with that for the next however many years.


>Keep in mind I work a 12 hour overnight job (6:35pm - 6:37am That's literally the answer there... She's the asshole...


Perhaps more context is needed than just this instance as it seems like this was building up for her. But if we are just referring to this moment, and maybe itā€™s happened a few times, I totally understand your frustration. Having completely opposite schedules is taxing on any relationship. Finding time that works for both of you Iā€™m sure is exhausting. I do think itā€™s unfair that she wouldnā€™t even compromise knowing you work those hours. And Iā€™m also sure sheā€™s frustrated that she doesnā€™t get to spend time with you which is why sheā€™s considering ending things. But 30 minutes to one hour is not a dealbreaker to me.


Um...what? Dump this inconsiderate bitch.


Youā€™re not wrong. Your GF js sexist and childish. Do you have kids together? Cause if those kids are yours itā€™s going to make it impossible for you not to be in each otherā€™s lives. If theyā€™re not, take this chance to run before you get baby trapped


This whole story sounds like a whole bunch of bullshit. So I'm going to lean toward. Yta here.


Not Wrong. Demanding that you take her out to breakfast at a particularly time, no matter the reason. Not considering your need for sleep. Not compromising by Ā½ hr. Seems selfish. Rethink this relationship. Good Luck.


Did you work the previous night or just stay up late because ā€œyour body is used to itā€? If you didnā€™t work and could have gone to bed earlier, YTA. If you did work, NTA. Iā€™ve worked nights before & if I had a commitment in the morning after an off-night, I popped a melatonin and went to bed early.


NTA.... are these her kids or both of y'alls? It's one thing to leave kids alone when they're prepares for it. It screams bad parenting when someone's okay with leaving sleeping kids alone at the ages of 1 and 7. Those kids wake up before the 12 year old, bad shit can happen.


The 7yo goes straight to fortnite in the morning and knows how to feed himself, the 1yo goes to sleep pretty late and so she usually wakes up kinda late like 11-12 some times later. 1yo is both ours , other two are hers from previous relations


But as a mom, that 1 year old can wake up before the rest, while you're gone, for medical or other reasons. I get you are tired, and you're with a very selfish woman (breakfast dates with a nightshifter ? Seriously? ) and so you're not fully powered, but do not leave a small child like that alone without at least making sure the 12 year old knows, or another adult can monitor them. And find yourself a woman who isn't so self centered. Heads up, your custody battle is gonna be hell with her. Be prepared.


I realized a long time ago that leaving a 1yo alone is NOT a great idea, this is really the first time weā€™ve done this. Other timeā€™s everyone is awake so if I gotta do a store run Iā€™ll leave her with her sister. I will do better at being more stern with not leaving her alone while everyone is asleep


And be more stern about taking care of your own health as well. Night shift work is very bad for most of us. 12 hour shift are even worse (I do the same schedule with my current job. Just switched back to days tho ) Get your sleep in, and keep up with your healthy foods and water. Please try to go to bed a few hours earlier on your days off, likeat 2 am or something.


Iā€™ll admit i definitely need to sleep earlier, i often find myself awake at 4-5am bored doing nothing but canā€™t sleep or atleast I donā€™t try to put myself to sleep? Truthfully Iā€™m a mess and wish sleeping was never a thing.


Change your wish. Wish that you had a supportive partner and a better job. Have you looked into state government jobs? Don't know where you live, but they are usually union and have great benefits. Most of the state jobs out here in Cali are day time shifts too


JFC you're a shitty parent.


Who was going to be watching the children?


I think itā€™s funny that people are flipping out over the 12 year old babysitting. That was normal 20 years ago. I wish I could go back before the newer generations ruined everything.


I was 8 and left alone to watch a baby under 1 and two 2 year olds. My mom swears that never happened lmao Iā€™d never leave a kid alone let alone to watch other kids.


It depends on the kids and the ages. One 12 year old can run their own daycare, while another one would burn the neighborhood down.


Apparently I was ready to run a daycare at 8 šŸ˜…


Some 12 year olds can do this, some can't. Mine absolutely can and does, but all kids are different.


It's normal nowadays too. People are just holier than thou.


This sounds entirely made up and makes zero sense.


Unfortunately not, this happened earlier this week


Well, that was an expensive win fella ,was it really worth it ,I think not.


I think lucky escape


You aren't wrong


Not wrong. Given that OP works night shift, gf should have been more merciful and given him an extra 30 minutes. Insane to lose a relationship over something this small, though of course other issues not mentioned are also involved here.


I don't think you're wrong at all. It's totally reasonable to catch up on sleep after working so long. My partner has a very tough, similar schedule to yours so I try to let them sleep as much as they can when they're able. However it seems there are 100% underlying issues at play here. This is just the straw that broke the camel's back unfortunately. Long shift work takes you away from your partner, and with three kids, I'm sure she's under a lot of stress as well. If there's still time to salvage the relationship, try to get to the root of the issue. Does she just miss you? Does she need help? How can you both come together to meet each other's needs? This is a balancing act, for certain. You may find a break is what you need. But regardless, you're definitely not wrong here, but get to the heart of the matter, and you may find it may not be black and white.


As someone who has worked every single shift (including day off relief for all 3 shifts in a week) I know exactly what OP is going thru. People just don't comprehend that you need to sleep during the day when everyone else is awake. They think you should be awake too. Not wrong OP


>ā€œeven when Iā€™m wrong say Iā€™m right because youā€™re the manā€ Is this what you want your life to be like going forward? Also, how long have you been together? Whose kids are these?


Have fun being a single mom. PEACE!!āœŒļø


Not wrong. She's got 3 kids with you and she wants to end it over something so silly? Something else is going on and you should try getting to the root of it. Sit her down and say, "instead of arguing over something so petty why don't you tell me what you're really upset about?"


Sheā€™s upset over multiple things which built up to this apparently, but the things sheā€™s really upset about are things that I have been working on which she doesnā€™t realize mid argument , when weā€™re not arguing Iā€™m sure she can remember everything Iā€™ve been doing


NTA AT ALL - she sounds miserable tbh, and at almost 30 there's no guarantee she can mature. Couples therapy (for her, but do not frame it this way) might help her see the problem. What if she wanted to something with your kids, like say take them on a big hike, that seems innocent enough but could actually be dangerous, even deadly, and she says "I need to be right about this." And then when you disagree she waits til you're vulnerable and takes them anyway. Pretty psychotic if you ask me. I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with a partner that not only doesn't respect me, but also doesn't respect basic logic.


She has her sisters for ā€œcouples therapyā€ . There has been times where weā€™ll have a disagreement and she wonā€™t see my point of view UNTIL her sisters say it . Example: Gf - ā€œThe sky is greenā€ Me - ā€œNo babe itā€™s blueā€ Gf - ā€œNo itā€™s not but whatever ughā€ *Gf talks with her sisters about situation* Gf - ā€œYou were right babe idk how I didnā€™t see it that wayā€ Not a real story but hopefully you get the idea


I do, unfortunately. I'm sorry man I wish I had better news for you but I've seen this a couple times and I've never seen the couple come through. You're not going to surpass her relationship with her sister, and your gf has it in her mind that all she needs is her sister to be happy - you're just icing on the cake. If I were you I would insist on a professionally certified, LSW for couples therapy where you're both there - your voice matters. If she is unwilling to do that then she is 100% unwilling to change and I would recommend exiting the relationship. She thinks she owns you bro. You deserve so much bettter.


Dude, looking at your post history it seems like she may be getting a bit overwhelmed, from staying home being the sole person caring for them and its starting to wear on her that there's never the chance for it to be just the two of you for a while. I mean maybe you should not have agreed to a breakfast date, knowing your work scedule but it is understandable she wanted a date, and you pissed her off by sleeping in so long it would have to be a family outing instead. Would have been better to schedule a better time for you and make sure you could get a babysitter or family member to watch the kids. Also, would it be impossible to start searching for a job where you don't work at odd hours to where you just aren't ever available in the daytime? That may be worth considering.


ESH. - You clarified that you did not work the night before your breakfast date, which is what the original post was insinuating. - You canā€™t just leave the kids alone without discussing it with the eldest, who you mentioned would be watching the other two siblings if they woke up, first and foremost. You also clarified that your sister lives below you, but you did not contact her to say youā€™d be leaving your kids alone and if they needed something, theyā€™d need her. You also shouldnā€™t leave a one year old alone without a better plan in place instead of ā€œtheyā€™ll wake up after we get back.ā€ What if there was an emergency? Fire? Incredibly irresponsible and dangerous. - She obviously sucks for her ā€œeven when Iā€™m wrong, Iā€™m right.ā€ You two need to both sit down and have an adult conversation about the future of this relationship, because it seems incredibly toxic in its current state.


Does she not understand that night shift work, even if not physical labor, is extremely taxing on the body?!? I mean, it quite literally has been proven to take years off your life. Itā€™s the opposite of the natural rhythm of our bodies clock, it adversely affects your overall health even with the best of sleep schedules. And sleep deprivation is also a killer. Literally. To limit the damage you have to find ways to force this to become your bodies new clock, that requires strict consistency to work against what your body wants. So the best thing you can do for yourself is to keep that same schedule on your off days, otherwise youā€™re constantly trying to adjust back to the day sleep and night wakefulness. Itā€™s just an unnatural schedule to keep, so our bodies *easily* revert back to what weā€™re physically craving. It works against you big time to try to be a night sleeper or not sleep at all only on your days off. Donā€™t make a habit of doing that unless on the rare occasion there is an emergency or an important event you donā€™t want to miss. Breakfast with an entitled, ungrateful, self absorbed, spoiled brat is NOT a good enough reason. Sheā€™s demanding that you to do something that is literally bad for your health. Why does it have to be breakfast?!? Why canā€™t it be lunch the earliest, or better yet, dinner? Like, why does someone who claims to love you so flippantly and selfishly want to cause you harm?!! Sheā€™s an almost 30 year old adult, but sheā€™s unwilling to be reasonable with a man who clearly took on helping raise *her* kids. Itā€™s reasonable to assume that 12 year old isnā€™t yourself unless you knocked her up when you were 12 yourself. Iā€™d bet the 7 year old isnā€™t yours either. Yet not good enough. Sheā€™s demanding you dangerously deprive yourself of sleep to take this immature selfish woman to breakfast, thatā€™s her line-in-the-sand ultimatum?!? Itā€™s no wonder why she was single and raising those kids alone when you met herā€¦ šŸ™„ Dude. Walk away. If any of those kids are yours, take her to court for a court ordered visitation schedule that she must comply with and pay your child support. This isnā€™t someone that cares to make ANY adjustments to help keep you healthy now and alive in the longterm. She certainly isnā€™t going to be a willingly rational and reasonable coparent.


You're leaving a 1yo unattended with a 12 yo to look after both the baby and a 7yo. You and your girlfriend need CPS called.


We were very certain that the 1yo would still be asleep by the time we would get back, she left and I stayed asleep. By the time she came back around I think 12 close to 1 she was still asleep and the other two kids were awake (like we predicted) Still wrong nonetheless and wonā€™t happen again


You're not wrong. I used to work night shifts a lot when I first got married. I'm a nurse, and at that time, it was A LOT. I was in Med-Surge back then, and I would be exhausted when I got home. On my off days, I'd also stay up late because, like you said, your body gets used to it. My mom was an RN for 43 years, retired in 2013, and still stays up all night lol She worked nights for about 33 of those years. It's really incredibly hard to make yourself go to sleep at night lol Anyway, I think 9:30 was a good compromise. According to you, it wouldn't have taken you long to get ready so she could have waited. I'd rather wait the 15mins and go out with my partner than go out alone, ya know?


This. Iā€™ve explained numerous times my job is very taxing ( I sometimes walk around with my eyes half closed from exhaustion and when I get home my body is over it) Unfortunately I think the only way sheā€™ll understand is if she works my job OR I record what I do at work BUT my job restricts video recording in any way on campus, especially in the building.


Sheā€™s super passive aggressive not allowing you to actually sleep. You deserve better. Also, itā€™s not legal to leave sleeping kids alone just because she wants to go to breakfast.


I got the answer to your problem. Simply state youā€™re not ok leaving the baby home. This is grounds for cps honestly. 12 is allowed to be home alone but when we talk about a baby totally different story. Even leaving her with the 7 year old is iffy. Even if your family lives down stairs because are they are theyā€™re watching your kids well you go out? This whole situation is bigger problems than I think Reddit can handle.


This is toxic My husband used to work those hours 6 days a week and we did everything possible to make sure he got his rest because SAFETY. If he ever had a day off, we let him sleep as much as he needed before doing what we needed to do because we love him?!?!?! You got with an older woman who has no issue leaving a 1yo baby alone with two other kids, who doesnā€™t care about your health or safety, who is manipulative and toxicā€¦ Cut and run




What province are you in that has a minimum age of being home alone at 16?? Iā€™m in Alberta and thereā€™s no minimum age and most kids start babysitting at 12.


There is no legal age in most of the US.


In the US it's common to let kids start babysitting around 11


Leave before the kids wake up??! Whoā€™s looking after them then?? Working night shifts isnā€™t conducive to having a ā€˜familyā€™ life, without compromise on both sides. Are these kids yours OP? If not, I donā€™t think itā€™s fair that she expects you to suffer yourself and f up your routine for them. Not wrong.


I think sheā€™s immature. She should be making breakfast at home to bring to you in bed after work 12 fkin hrs. And waiting for brunch on the weekend instead. I donā€™t get these women nowadays.


Sheā€™s vile, and you can do better.


You are leaving a 1 year old alone? FFS please be a better father


tell her if she wants to break up her family over sleep and breakfast, thats her choice and not a good one. how about yall hire a baby sitter for 2 hours or ask someone to come over. hire the 12 year old even.


Bro she has three kids and shes that dumb and selfish? Cum on her face and dump her off. Dont give her a 4th person that will serve you as a prison to her worthless self