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Hey RatoVelho, this post has been removed because of the following: No Self-Promotion In Topic Titles Or Comments > "Do not include social media (Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, etc.), website (portfolio, blog, etc.), or crowdfunding links in submission titles or as a top-level comment. If someone explicitly asks for links, you may respond directly to that comment. > Please submit your personal links to the monthly Self Promotion thread. You may use your subreddit flair for promotion." We specifically include a monthly post for self promotion, and you are welcome to include your Instagram handle in your user flair for example, but please don't include it in your post title. If you are uncertain of the rules, you can find them listed here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/analog/about/rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/analog/about/rules) We encourage you to re-submit taking the above into account. Thanks, - The mod team.


How are these so crisp omg


I only have self scanned B&W, but I get better “scans” with my D750 and 55mm macro lens then I do from a professional lab. It just take me a bit more time. But that’s fine as I generally don’t like/keep 50% or more of the photos of the photos I take anyway.


Nikkor 55mm? I have one and a DSLR, just would need the rest of the set up. Where did you get your stand and light bed?


I have the 55mm f/2.8 AIS, extension tubes, and the Nikon over priced film scanning holders/ attachments. I’ve been using a flask with diffuser to scan but am thinking king about trying different methods.


Hahaha thanks! They are lab scans btw, mostly scanned on Fujifilm Frontier I think 🤔 Shout out to Carmencita Film Lisboa, Sagrada Película and Máquinas de Outros Tempos for the excellent work with the development and scan!


Desculpa a pergunta, mas esses sítios, que mencionaste, são lojas de revelação de rolos fotográficos? Ando à procura de alternativas em Lisboa, sem ser a Colorfoto, para revelar os meus rolos uma vez que não o consigo fazer em casa. Cumprimentos e boas entradas :)


Tranquilo :) São sim! A Carmencita é em Lisboa, é uma das melhores em PT (pela minha experiência) mas tem o senão de ser cara… Na minha opinião vale bem a pena o investimento se souberes que os rolos vão ter boas fotografias. A Sagrada Película só funciona por correio, é em Aveiro e os resultados são excelentes também, com a vantagem de ser um bocado mais barata. Por último, a Máquinas de Outros Tempos é no Porto e tem a grande vantagem de ser a mais barata que conheço (5€/rolo) mas os resultados não são tão bons. Ponho lá rolos que sei que vai ter fotografias mais banais! Espero ter ajudado


Altamente! Obrigado pela resposta. Vou experimentar a Carmencita, numa próxima revelação 🙂 E quando for ao Porto, darei um salto ao Máquinas. Btw, óptimas chapas que postaste! Keep it going!


They have to be lab scans


Sorry, new here. Lab scans as opposed to what?


You can scan your negatives at home using a flatbed scanner, dedicated film scanner, and/or a DIY digital camera scanning set up. I’m a bit sleep deprived so I’m not sure what the other commenter meant by “they have to be lab scans” since I don’t necessarily associate lab scans with superior quality unless it’s something like a drum scanner (that was my experience with lab scans, anyway). Hope this helps! Happy to expound on anything


Love the newspaper reflection in the man’s eyes!


Thank you so much, that’s one of the favorite shots I’ve ever taken!


Which lens did you use? I read you used 35mm and 50mm




Nikon Nikkor 35mm 2.0 D and 50mm 1.8 D


there'a a unique charm in each of them. I can see why it was hard to pick your top 10!!


Thank you so much, I tried to showcase some variety so it wasn’t all from the same genre 😅


2562 exposures, that’s like 71 rolls of film which is impressive. Love this set and the labs scans are dope!


Why’d you have to make the math, now I’m counting how much I spent 😵‍💫 Honestly though, totally worth it for me! If I had shot them digitally I’d have taken like 20x as much pictures and would go mad trying to choose between the keepers, that’s one of the reasons I love shooting film. Gives me peace of mind after a shoot is done.


I love the 4th, 5th and the 6th photograph.


Thanks, I really enjoy the ones from the ski trip as well!


7 hands down for me


One of my favorite as well! Thanks


Number 7 looks amazing!


Thank you, the men was super photogenic so that’s half the work right there


Good shots


Thank you!!


Really like the saturation and tonality; the summer sun photos stand out. Only criticism, because you’re asking, the white and distressed black backgrounds- vary the distressed black borders more, you have the same template for several of your photos in this grouping.


Hahaha it’s actually not a template, it was scanned like this from the lab 😅


Well… TIL. ;)


A well travelled year! Really great photos.


Haha it really was, I feel very lucky! Always a hassle to go through airports but worth it in the end. Thank you!


I love your street photography, but the tone and texture of the water in the first shot and how it contrasts with the model's skin is frankly gorgeous.


Hahaha that’s actually my gf and it is a picture I really cherish! Thank you so much


The last photo is amazing!!!! I gave you a follow on IG


I love it too, really like the composition for some reason 😅


Where's the second picture from?


Varanasi, India


Exceptional work! Outstanding!!!


Thank you so much!


The variance of the colour treatment for your photos is impressive


Thank you so much! I posted the labs on another comment, they’re all great


Lots of amazing shots here! 3 & 6 are the only two that didn’t have much “story”, but obviously that’s just my opinion. Regardless those are still incredible shots! 7 & 9 are my favorite pieces by far, I feel like they capture a lot more intangible details, especially 7, wonderful portrait. Fantastic work!


I see what you’re saying… The 3rd one was actually a photoshoot for a brand so it’s quite a commercial picture but I liked the end result either way! Always love shooting portraits on ektar100 even though it’s not what it’s made for 😅 Thank you so much for the feedback, much appreciated!!