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Dare I say best Date a Live episode??? So that’s why Mio calls him Shin! FINALLY got Shido/Shin’s backstory and it’s as tragic as I expected. Mio and Shin’s love story being so cruelly interrupted by Westcott and his goons made me so mad, man. This guy is just straight up irredeemable trash. I think Mio and Shin had the best chemistry of any of the spirits and were so cute together. It’s a shame it came to such a tragic end. Figured something would happen with how happy the two of them were. Nothing lasts forever, but I didn’t expect to see my boy shot and killed like that right after Mio had finally started learning to live. The high of the beach date followed by that lasting image of Shin lying on the ground bleeding out.. Mio snapping and destroying the city was understandable since she still didn’t have full control of her spirit powers, but I’m a little confused on what her abilities are.. Couldn’t she have just healed Shin after he got shot instead of absorbing him? And did she recreate the world/timeline or what?


Whiplash aside...I'm interested to see if they can continue to make each new episode "best" moving on. Next ep looks insane as usual, though the previews (+cliffhangers) might have been cherry picked to maximize the "hype" The question now is how long until they answer all the other remaining questions. If we're lucky they might just fill us in next ep, or we might have to wait a few more eps. The cliffhanger at the end of ep 3 wasnt really dealt with either, this entire ep was basically a standalone. Could have been a single ep ova for all we know, ironically. Also right now I'm working on the assumptions that shido didnt actually see the events of the flashback, so even though we the audience know the characters dont know. For now.


You can't revive someone once they are dead (after all this isnt delicious in dungeon). She was probably in shock for the few moments she actually could have healed him.


Yep, and it's not like her ability at the time is strong. Even it took her several seconds to heal normal bleeding. If the shot reached vital organ, there might be no helping him:(


Wouldn’t she have all abilities of the spirits at that point? She could go back in time.


Probably wasn't mature enough to control her powers. It been 30 years since Shin died so she had all the time to grow her powers + find vessels to purify the sephara crystals. If she gets all her powers back now she will be basically omnipotent. And even if she could go back in time to redo it, shes so far into this timeline and her plans with Shido that she wouldn't just undo all of it (otherwise that would have been her original plan).


Shin was dead, so she couldn't heal him.




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now the 5th episode is named mother mio so she will prob tell shido or somthing will happen that will tell shido that shes the one who gave birth to him in his recreation its still a mystery whats gonna happen (i dont read manga or lns so yeh am curious prob cannon episode)


A lot to unpack here. It’s not like the ship is suddenly Shido/Shinji x Reine/Mio but there’s been a lot of build up that led to this. Reine has been calling him Shin since episode one despite his name being Shido. Real reason is he’s a Shinji Takamiya. She also cares for him like a mother while having some longing feelings. And she’s been master manipulator all this time. Then the doll she cares about. Everything she’s done up to this point makes sense in hindsight, tho if Team Isaac is her enemy and he is also the enemy of our girls, then why is she kind of a bad guy here that the girls fight in the OP? Am I the only one who thought the red haired girl was Kotori? Different name and different voice but keeps the lollipop. I guess another lore dump we are yet to get is when Kotori enters the picture. Poor kid can’t go on a date without getting shot or brushing with death. Judging by Mio’s hands in the end, did she just… Oshi No Ko him?


> why is she kind of a bad guy here that the girls fight in the OP? Enemy of my enemy doesn't necessarily mean ally. Already have a third side in the conflict with Kurumi, so presumably has a separate goal. Guess it would involve Shido obtaining Shinji's memories so Mio can have her old life back?


Also she's killed/wrecked multiple peoples' lives to get what she wants, so she's probably not someone you can really negotiate with at this point.


Kurumi wants her revenge lol .


Same can be said as kurumi also killed ppl for her goals... So who has the better goal?? Nobody knows, but you can't condemn one person and be okay with the other.. they both had choices to make and reasons behind them..


Though I guess Kurumi at least intended to undo her own victims by changing the timeline.


Probably. After all Mio has been calling him Shin since we first met her. She just can't let go of her darling Shinji (very Yandere like)


It really recontextualizes everything and Reine's relationship with Shido knowing she was in love with him as Shinji, still carries the bear he got for her to this day, and has possibly been carrying out this entire plan for his sake. Though now I wonder...is Shido even really Shinji or just reincarnated version of him created by Mio? Is she trying to revive the **real** Shinji? I'm guessing Mana's BFF was actually Kotori's big sister, the resemblance is too uncanny down to the lollipop. Now I have to wonder if part of the reason Reine was so close to Kotori, and gave her the "shall we start the date" line is because she still remembers Haruko. It's funny in a dark way that even before Shinji was Shido Westcott was still getting in the way of his relationship with Spirits and killing him to make them unleash their power in anger (though it didn't seem like Mio went Inverse).


>I'm guessing Mana's BFF was actually Kotori's big sister, the resemblance is too uncanny down to the lollipop. Given the time frame of 30 years, it is more likely to be Kotori's mother


Wescott? More like Westcunt


I'm not even sure where to begin. The episode doesnt tell us what happened before mio met shinji, and what happened afterwards, so we're still in the dark. I'm curious as to exactly what is going on, since back in s2 its implied that westcott knows something about shido's past. But shido and mana both have amnesia, and shido was adopted into kotori's family and they were also both separated. The other question is as to exactly how far does mio's powers go, and how it ties into the whole kurumi and kotori flashback things from the previous seasons. For me, a lot of information has been left out, I can't tell how much is "implied" vs "speculating". I've been wondering if the op/ed is misleading. Next episode we continue the battle against dem, but they barely show up in the op at all. Is dem going to get crushed, or do they have some kind of trick left to play?


Westcott didn't knew about Shido's past, but Shinji's, because he met him with Mio. That's why before leaving in season 2 he called him Takamiya.


Hopefully it'll all make sense if/when he finally explains his side of the story. S2 was some time ago so I dont remember exactly what he said, all I remember is the whole itsuka vs takamiya thing. Like we see(?) mio wiping kotori and shido's memories of their incident, but I have no idea how much westcott does or doesnt know.


Mio was probably summoned by Ike and co to use her powers for some nefarious reason (Ike mainly). After all, Mio said/implied that she wasn't from this world.




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BFF is actually Kotori lol Everyone in this world is the original world most likely






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When I see the name "Shinji", it is almost by default I might think of Shinji Ikari.


Keep him away from any hospitals


Date a live did took inspiration from evangelion.


There's an [older and even better Shinji](https://myanimelist.net/character/4008/Shinji_Hikari) :D


Did Anno take inspiration from that name or was it coincidental? Might be hard to say.


Most likely coincidental. I mean, [this particular Shinji's dad is long dead when the story begins] >!and it's later revealed that he came to the rescue of an allied warship, single-handedly opening up an escape route, and when his space fighter was badly damaged, rammed the enemy mothership and destroyed it.!< He was an ace pilot and a hero.


> Judging by Mio’s hands in the end, did she just… Oshi No Ko him? Ohhhhh. I was wondering what happened there. And with next episode being named "Mother Mio" and Shido being able to somehow use spirit powers him being probably the only child of a spirit in existence basically wraps everything about this series up in one neat bow!




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Id recon she needs to take or destroy something to fully achieve her goals of restoring Shinji, and the crew is trying to stop her. Probably has something to do with the girls Sephara crystals that she spent so long purifying.


she gave her powers away for a reason


So, was that the original timeline? because of what I've seen and from your comment. Yes, it is.


Mio has the power of time. it is possible she age while jumping timelines. idk


>Am I the only one who thought the red haired girl was Kotori? Different name and different voice but keeps the lollipop. I guess another lore dump we are yet to get is when Kotori enters the picture. I thought so too. Shidou and Mana as siblings have a different vibe as Shidou and Kotori being siblings. That said, I was kinda happy in this alternate universe Mana and Kotori was able to become friends.


Now this episode recontextualizes the whole ED. He was not Shido all along. Also a fun fact for some people here: Mio at the end said the line "I'll never let you go again. I'll never make the same mistake again" This line was also said by Phantom(who we now know is Reine/Mio) to Shido back in Season 3 Episode 9 after Shido travelled back in time for a 2nd time and went to confront her, hoping to prevent Origami's "canon event" But the first time this line was said actually goes way back in Season 1 Episode 1. After Shido got knocked out from the fighting between Tohka and AST, he had a "dream" about someone with a mosaic voice relieved of seeing him again and says that very same line before Shido wakes up with Reine(who we now know her true identity) doing a check up on him. This just shows that the author, Koushi Tachibana already set this twist up way back at the start of the story.


Also why Reine always calls Shido Shin. She still sees him and has always seen him as Shinji.


Now I wonder if/when shido finds out, how would he feel. Hmmm. It's still kinda fuzzy as to what actually happened to shido. The way reine phrased it is that its implied that was her first time seeing shido. Except we know she was there in kotori's flashback. Hurr. Also if I have my timeline correct. Shido was already adopted by kotori's family by that point. Ugh.


I mean of course she can't give any hints to basically everyone given her true identity.


Man that is some expert freaking writing, and so cool to see such a normal line being revealed to be something incredibly important after watching today’s episode. This was my fav episode of dal so far tbh. Such a good one


We are reaching ATTACK ON TITAN levels of foreshadowing!! Holy shit!! I'm so glad Date A Live persevered over other harem shows of the era, like Infinite Stratos


I'm glad too, i disliked the series til now. TIME TRAVEL, TIME LINE, MIO BEING BEST GIRL


On my first watch of s1 it was...something. But on my rewatch around the time of s3 or so it definitely felt super out of place. Didnt help that the whole mio thing wasnt kept under wraps very well. They did somewhat try to keep it under wraps by having or not having reine but the scene with reine was just really awkward


Let's kill that guy the dangerous entity has affection for so we can catch her more easily, what could *possibly* go wrong? I guess the result of her recreating Shin would be the current Shidou we see now.


Westcott trying to kill Shido to make Spirits go crazy even before that became his go-to plan lol. Though honestly it seemed like he really didn't realize how Mio would lash out until she did, a rare surprised Westcott expression, but he didn't seem to mind it at the end when he transformed (?). Is Westcott even really human...


It's a weird one. Westcott doesnt even show up in s1, and inverse doesnt happen until the very end of s2. Because of anime pacing its easy to forget the pacing is different in the novels, where origami went inverse by herself in s3. Then nia, and whatever daheck was going on in the mukuro arc. It was only after the mukuro arc that westcott went full "kill shido" mode, but hmm. I dunno. Maybe its just writing convenience. Come to think of it, they still need to explain why/how shido got the ability to seal the other spirits. But out of all the things this is probably the easiest to just handwave


Westcott wanted to kill Shido after Mukuro arc because he got the first inverted crystal in the Nia arc. He wanted first to make sure that it would work on him.


I suppose thats true I guess Part of the issue is the anime. S2 aired in 2014, S3 didnt air until 2019 and s4 until 2022, so in anime timeline it feels really far apart (tohka's inversion also happened at the end of s2 as well) While in the novels, it goes (tohka inversion) > natsumi > origami inversion > itsuka disaster > nia inversion > mukuro > kurumi, so there it feels more direct with maybe the exception of natsumi.


What does Westcott want? Other than taking crystal from super-pissed-off girls. And causing the end of the world


What the hell is this bastards overall plan anyway!?


The revival of the Demon King, whoever that is... I think he also mentioned something about wanting to remake the world in his image using the power of the Demon King. We know that his plan involves Inversion, in some way.


Holy shit, this might have been the best DAL episode ever


i hope right, if this was the 1st ep ever i wouldn't been hooked. so glad i am still here. and finally mio reveals herself


Wait a moment, if Shinji was reborn as Shido, does that mean Mana is a lot older than she looks? It has been some time since I watched season 1 to 4, was that ever mentioned?


The episode immediately mentioned the First Spacequake so it would mean it's closer to the 30 yrs in the past. Also in Mana's first appearance back in season 1 she showed both Kotori and Shido, a picture of Shinji and her when they were young and it can also be noticed that it's already discolored due to how old it already is.


>does that mean Mana is a lot older than she looks? Yes if i remember right it was 30 years since the flasback


Westcott , Ellen , Elliot and DEM. After Westcott killed Shinji, he really has Mana in his custody 30 years prior to the start of the story. You can probably deduce what happened after that clues. 


I think Ike did some experiments on Mana that gave her a fountain of youth. In addition to the brainwashing.


Man DaL just keeps better. I was sad when the ED kicked in, Shin and Mio were so cute. And when all those references such as his name being shin and the tiny teddy bear popped up, I was doing the DiCaprio pointing meme. Also someone please kill Ike fast.


###Stitches! * [Naked Mio](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcdol6o7.jpg) * [Sundress Mio](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcwovn67.jpg) Throughout the previous seasons, we've seen [different versions of this incident](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xck8bxx4.jpg), but we finally get to see the full story for the first time. So it turns out that Mio was the first, not just the first Fairy but also [the first woman that fell in love with Shido/Shinji.](https://i.imgur.com/d0cijQ5.jpeg) [I'm guessing Haruko is Kotori's mom?](https://i.imgur.com/me5UYPt.png) I mean she has the signature red hair and lollipop combo, who else could it be? It's just funny how she's Mana's BFF. I always forget that Mana is supposed to be waaaaaaaaay older than the other girls, she just managed to keep her same appearance. [Mio/Reine and Shinji/Shido's date was adorable.](https://i.imgur.com/D04Dc1h.jpeg) I love how they even start the date with [Shido's future line whenever he dates a Spirit.](https://i.imgur.com/NJ4ug6N.jpeg) Of course tragedy was about to happen [now that Westcott found Mio.](https://i.imgur.com/7pEwW1G.jpeg) It is good to know though that [even back then Elliot was already cool.](https://i.imgur.com/2KFaBNb.jpeg) Who knew that [shooting the dude the Spirit they're after has affection for](https://i.imgur.com/E9Tplw4.jpeg) was a bad idea? Seriously though, did Westcott think that Mio was just going to sit there and let herself be taken after they killed Shin right in front of her? [Of course she's going to Invert!](https://i.imgur.com/ysjHmQZ.jpeg) [This just made Shinji/Shido's relationship with Reine/Mio even more complicated.](https://i.imgur.com/IUjTZZ6.jpeg) So they're lovers but at the same time, Mio is also kinda his mother? Also, is Shido still Shinji or is Shido a completely new person? Mio did absorb all of Shinji so I guess he's still himself after being reborn as Shido. Hmmm...


> Of course she's going to Invert! Should be the first time Westcott sees a spirit invert? After seeing her power, it explains why he's later obsessed with causing it.


He also transformed right when her Spirit Quake hit.


Right, in the mess of the whole thing I forgor about that. So it seems he has some kind of tricks of his own. Too bad after all this time we still dont know much. Westcott doesnt show up until s2 for some reason, whether or not there's a good reason for this remains to be seen...


We finally get to properly meet Mio and not only do we see her naked (she really is a Spirit!) but she's an absolute cutie who looks amazing in a sundress. No wonder Shinji fell so hard for her. I see hair color, lolipops, and tendency to help girls out on dates runs in Kotori's blood. It's also kind of funny how she and Kotori's moms were BFF's knowing how Kotori and Mana don't get along over the whole "who is Shido's real little sister." Mio and Shinji were too cute together. It made the tragedy at the end hit even harder. Now I'm wondering if Kotori got her catchphrase from Reine. Westcott killing Shinji/Shido to drive Spirits to rage before it was cool. Shido seems like a near 1-to-1 recreation of Shinji down to the personality and looks, which is probably why Reine always calls him Shin, but is that enough for Mio or has she always been trying to bring back the real Shinji?


It's kinda weird because. Is mio more like reine now, or is the entire reine persona an act? Not sure how long it has been, plus the whole events. It's kind of a shame really because mio seemed like such a nice girl (ages aside, she's actually shorter than shinji). A part of me is kind of sad that date a live introduced her so late.


I fell out on her. lol after all these seasons, i finally meet the true best girl. the core of the anime


I think the clusterfuck of Shinji and Mio relationship is a reference to [Evengelion] >!Shinji and Rei!<


Evangelion also has the Sephirot/Kabbalah imagery but apparently not as blatant as DAL




I forgot about mana not aging? When was that revealed?


Wow what an episode just when I thought they couldn't top the last episode they did it again, this season is shaping up very nicely! The art and animation was stunning it felt like watching a mini movie, that how great the production value was hats off to Geek toys. The scene of Shinji and Mio on the beach, playing in the ocean and Shinji succumbing to his injuries were high quality. Speaking of Sinji or should I say Shido it's cool we are starting to finally get some answers! Shido seems to be a reincarnation of Shinji Takamiya. It now makes total sense why Reine/Mio called him Shin when I first started watching DAL I didn't think much of it but now Kōshi Tachibana really planned everything since the start what a genius move. The foreshadowing is crazy good it explains why Mana ended up in DEM, the teddy bear Reine always carry, how Shido got adopted by Korotri's family, why Westcott called him Shin, Westcott's obsession with spirits being inverse the iconic "shall we start the date" line. There are still many unaswered questions such as Shido powers, if he's really Shinji or another person now, Mana not aging, why Reine was creating spirits. I believe we'll get these questions answered in the episodes to come which I really look forward to. I wonder what happens now Mio/Reine seems to have a plan which I don't will sit right with Shido and the other spirits, I sympathise with Mio but she has caused the deaths of millions and seems obsessed with reviving Shin I feel shes gonna go yandere mode and achieve her goals at all costs.


My heart. That episode was so beautiful. Oh my god, there beach scene was so cute. I can’t wait for episode 5


\#1 thing Shinji and Shido have in common: [naming spirits after the day he met them](https://i.imgur.com/oBNPgm6.png) (Tohka includes 10). What Shido didn't learn: don't [kiss another person during an "I love you" confession.](https://i.imgur.com/P3GNehJ.png) So, [Haruko Homura](https://i.imgur.com/ylNXLpi.png) is probably [Kotori's mom](https://i.imgur.com/Kz5hynG.png) and Mio's appearance in [S3 episode 9](https://i.imgur.com/uaXkiZz.png) is possibly Haruko? Hair color is a little different. Assuming *Homura* is a PMMM reference. Mio inverting creates her [(opposite of Angel)](https://i.imgur.com/71rySHY.png), which is the halo in the OP? Assuming this is 17 years ago for [Mio to birth Shido.](https://i.imgur.com/bg8eMst.png)


> Mio's appearance in S3 episode 9 is possibly Haruko? No, that's a character from the video game Rinne Utopia. Arguably a nod to suggest that the events of the game are canon to the LN/anime timeline.


The Fraxinus AI is also another reference to the games, if I recall correctly.


Indeed, to the game *Arusu Install*. Nibelcole's design is also based on a character from the same game.


Seeing as Homura just means flame, it's probably just another nod to Ifrit/Kotori's fire powers first and foremost.


the appearance in S3 was the guise of a visual novel girl Rinne Sonogami


It was cute how so many hallmarks of the show were first exhibited through Shinji and Mio's relationship, with tragic consequences.


Our homie not-Shido went out of Mana (sorry couldn't resist) Also, Mio unintentionally sneeze-baiting a kiss was so damn cute.


It also made their actual first kiss all the more tragic.


Unsurprisingly, they decided to merge the scattered flashbacks from the novels into one coherent episode. I think it was the right choice, and I must say that the animation looked very fluid and consistent throughout the entire episode. The best one so far of the season, in my humble opinion.


So, it was incest all along?


Shido's final love interest might also be his mother who recreated him from her dead boyfriend.


Reminded me a manga about yandere who locked soul of her dead boyfriend and in the end \[end spoiler\]>!attached his soul to her baby!<


The series started with Kotori's pantyshot for a reason


The Mahouka approach: if you dilute it in a metric ton of MAGIC, it stops being incest


If by incest you mean the reincarnated soul of her dead boyfriend, then yes. Although you would be stressing incest to the absolut limit.


Genetically not, because he still has 100% Shinji's DNA.


it's called Cloning, it has been done with animals. take one's dna , and someone's womb and there u have it


no because she didn't make him with her blood, she only used her womb and his dna , basically cloning him


Damn, that ending... Yup, this entire episode is a flashback Mio's teddy bear has no stitches while Reine's teddy bear is stitched


She's probably been holding that bear close and taking care of it for years out of love for Shinji.


That bear is his temporally replacement. all her blood sweat and passion is fused in it, lol


I'll be honest they've been deliberately messing around with reine I'm not even sure. But I definitely wouldnt have noticed such a small detail, reine barely shows up at all in the recent eps


before this i notice The cute teddy bear never leaves reine ever. not once. The meaning behind shin and why she looks very suspicious at times and this ep solved most of that and she is now my best girl


Yeah. I mean we saw a little bit of it previously but its funny how just a single ep. Part of it is also how, mio is kind of like the opposite, like compared to tohka.


Tohka is noutenki tyoe of girl Mio is soft spoken and is very smart compare to tohka


Westcott is a future “WatchMojo Top 10 Anime Deaths Everyone Liked.”


Spotted Fafner in the Azure this week. I like the little random manga Easter eggs they throw in this series sometimes. Mio had a nice little life with Shin and Mana. Even had the sweetest date. Then that asshole shows up and kills the poor kid, she goes apeshit, absorbs him, and I guess we end up getting the origin story of how Shin became Shido?


Some things never change; * Shido and naked Spirit women. * Shido going out on dates with girls and making them fall hard for him. * A girl with red hair and a sweet tooth helping Spirits go on dates. * Spirits being smoking hot. * Westcott interfering in Shido's love life, never leaving Spirits alone, and hurting him to make Spirits go crazy. Though poor Mio and the Takamiya family...she truly loved Shin and couldn't bear to lose him. Has this all been part of some plan to resurrect him? What does that make Shido?


Fafner is a 2004 anime series referenced in the 30-years-past flashback Making the first DAL episode from 2013 take place at least 21 years into the future from when it first aired :o


>We're family now. Did Shin just casually propose to Mio?


Mana was basically treating her like a future sister-in-law when she agreed to help with the date.


So "Reine" is a pun, with the "rei" coming from the 零 that was modified to form her name 澪 in this timeline?


Really fantastic episode. I was a bit confused when it started because they changed the beginning a bit. Then, later they talked about the first spacesquake and the 3 there who witnessed it. It's a interesting change but not an important one. Also they did adapt both flashbacks of 17 and 18 in a very good way! The date was so good. I had tears when the beach scene happened finally getting to see that animated. We made it we got this far into the series now. We're actually at the homestretch. Next episode puts us back into the action of things. It's gonna be a fun one. Now begins Mio Game Over!


Well... I guess we managed to officially fill every character quota for a harem. It took five seasons but we got the MILF(?) which also happens to be his actual mother(?). Shin/Shido taking a knife slash without a scream is pretty amazing.


Shinji died 40+ years ago, and Shido is just 16/17. Damn that's one long af pregnancy.


don't forget the timeline got mess with 100+ times 100+ times kusumi trying to stop shindo from dying 1-3 times .. one of them being shido going to correct some events. 2 times has to be with mio and something i'm not sure but thats what my guts tells me


The title being "Date A Live" hits differently now...man that ending.


Another pretty late fun fact: In the last two eps of Season 2, the moment Wescott first met Shido until he leaves, the only thing he did was drop tons of hints here and there when talking to Shido. Everything about Mio, her plan, and Shinji.


So Shido is shinji and Reine is Mio and shinji was reborn as Shido. Holy jeez this is all a bit overwhelming. So Shido was reborn and kotori became his sister? Yea Ngl this is a lot to unpack and I’m a bit lost.




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How are you guys so fast man. Anyway so yes. This episode. Uhm. I'll be honest, I still have a lot of questions, but it seems next time we'll be going back to the battle. I honestly thought there was a chance there would be a second episode of flashback. maybe there still will be but uh. We're still missing a few things, like what happened immediately before and after what we saw in this ep. What does DEM want, and how much do they know? It feels like intentional perhaps, which has been one of my issues with the entire date a live series, it feels like the author is just stringing us along It's also not entirely sure how the mio we see in this ep connects to the mio in present day.


Guys that was such a beautiful episode, I love this anime so much




So in the end all this is a story of a love that never went ahead because of third parties (Westcott), I just think it will be funny to see that Mio/Reine loves Shinji/Shido who reincarnated as her son lol. And I believe that red-haired girl has some connection with Kotori




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Our story truly began not with Shido Itsuka, but SHINji Takamiya, who even back then ended up caught up in Space Quakes with hot naked Spirit women he couldn't just leave alone: Mana back when she was Shinji's only little sis! Still cute as a button and devoted to her brother, though I have to wonder what "sin" she thinks he committed when she found a woman wearing nothing but his jacket in their house. Shinji knew how to fall for the charms of cute Spirits, and equally charm them in return, and he also knew how to name them even back then, thus giving Mio her name and adopting her into their family! And she immediately gravitated to Shinji for giving her an identity and accepting her. Shin wasn't just Reina's nickname for Shido or her because she was a quirky-sleep deprived assistant...it was what she called Shinji when she was Mio. Even her precious bear plush is something Shinji gave her. Wow, getting a love confession from Mio already! No wonder Shinji wanted to immediately go on a date with her. It's kind of surreal watching him work up the courage to ask her out, the first girl he ever asked out before going on dates with cute girls literally became his job, and Mio equally wanted to go out with Shin. There is nothing more cute in this world than Mio realizing Shin returned her affections. Mana's BFF Haruko? She looks a lot like Kotori. She even has a lollipop in her mouth. Is she Kotori's real big sister? Mio looks absolutely gorgeous in that white dress and her and Shinji's date is great, spending time on the beach and dancing together on the waves even when they get wet...might've even kissed too if not for Mio sneezing. Of course no one knows how to ruin a date like Westcott when he and his men find Mio, though Shinji finally fully realizes Mio is no ordinary woman when she princess carries him to safety and heals his wounds. So were Westcott, Elliot, and their people who released Mio? And Westcott wanted to use her but Elliot wanted her to just be happy, setting up the divide that would turn them into enemies and forming their own organizations? Even before he was Shido, Shinji would never abandon a Spirit or give up on her, even at the cost of his life. Equally so that the Spirits who love him...don't take it well when he gets hurt in front of him, causing Mio to induce a Space Quake that destroys pretty much everything in her vicinity (what did Westcott transform into though?). And then she absorbs Shinji's dead body (via their first kiss) to resurrect him...which begs a lot of questions.


This episode is from 40+ years ago, so the redhead is certainly Kotori's mom, introduced with her maiden name.


i don't buy it yet but okay , later ep will explain it to me better




yes but did the anime already explain that?


The fact that they didn't tell this is 30 years ago. The only clue we have in the anime is they are talking about the first space quake. In hindsight they must say this is 30 years ago


let me ask you something: why is so important that i buy it?\~! I'm not that big of a fan of this anime in the 1st place . I'm sure next ep will convince me anyways


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"Mio looks absolutely gorgeous in that white dress and her and Shinji's death is great" uhhhh typo? LOL


Got ahead of myself lol.




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It always hurts when you see 2 characters being all happy and then something goes so wrong that one of the characters becomes evil or starts commiting crimes. About the episode, I think it would have been better if the episode made more clear when the episode took place because I thought that Shinji Takamiya was Shidou but from an alternate timeline and then I realized this episode took place 30 years agos. Or maybe I'm juste stupid. Well, after this season I think I'll start reading the light novel from the beginning to see the differences between the anime and LN.


For my two cents I've read the first season, and the first 4 arcs (tohka, yoshino, kurumi, kotori) are almost 100% accurate with some omissions. I heard the anime starts diverging more, mostly the itsuka disaster section which they decided to cram into one vol. For s1 the two main omissions, there's some stuff regarding yoshino and yoshinon in her arc, which is mildly relevant during the natsumi arc (remember that natsumi impersonated yoshinon) More importantly there's a bunch of kurumi scenes that were left out from s1 which actually has a rather significant change.


The only other hint we had that this happened 30 years ago was the mention of the first spacequake. Aside from that, I guess having a note at the corner that it states "30 years ago" or something


I never actually questioned why Reine calls Shido "Shin". In retrospect, it is kinda weird but now it makes sense. It seems Mio has Ifrit's power so I guess she has the power of all the other spirits that she gave to the girls at some point. I wonder what exactly her plan is but I guess her final goal is to resurrect Shinji somehow.


Been a long decade with some rough spots, but we've finally made it to the point where we get some answers and pay offs to early hints.


Wow when I thought I couldn’t hate Wescott anymore. Seriously fuck that guy. Mio was so precious. Also I may have missed it or just don’t remember, that was definitely mana and kotori right? I’m so confused with them.


Yes that was Mana and and Kotoris mother since its 30 years in the past.


Ohh okay makes sense about that girl being kotori’s mom. Mana is that old? It’s been awhile since I’ve seen the other seasons, I may have to rewatch cause I don’t remember. Thanks btw!


shit i should've waited to watch the entire thing in one go. now I'm hooked and need to wait every week


Same bruh


Again a Masterpiece of Anime Art !!! Finally we got a lot of answers ! (yes LN readers calm down, some poele watch the anime first and read then) Finally we know, why Shido and Mana had no memory anymore ! Why Mana was captured by DEM ! Why Reina always called him Shin ! One thing confuses me... was Goddess Kotoris memory replaced too ? Well I am not 100% sure but, the twintails, the Lollipop, the red ahir and eyes (and I am not sure but when she opened the suitcase I thought I saw her black ribbons) leave me always no other explanation ! Besides (That is completely my own theory now) Goddess Kotori had a little sister which was maybe removed or killed due all of that ! Not to mention the little secret at the shop where they bought that teddy (what also explains why Reine always had that Teddy with her) we saw on the sign the little bear that Origami and Tohka gave to Shido in the OVA ! (well Tonomachi said back then that they are "currently" in trend if i am not wrong ! A small msitake but not one I would dare to complain about ! But the moments when they introduced themsleve to Mio and when Shinjy named her !!! Just too great !!! Not to mention he named Tohka in the same way as Mio !!! ( I mean he used the same strategy) Ofc Elliots action again showed that he is actually a good guy, but it was ncie to see both of them as partners ! (Sad we didd't saw Ellen). Also, Mio said there were 2 young man and one little Girl (Ellen ofc) but now I am asking myself... Elliot said they founded DEM together, but why would a little girl do that ? I bet there is more behind it ! Also the way how she healed him with Camael was too nice !!!! And ofc I am excited to know how she revived him !!! A big surprise that Westcott himself killed Shinji... he will pay for that... But I am also curious what this thign was that we saw hwhen he suddenly disappeared when Mio went insane (I don't say she inverted cause she didn't really) But again I am EXTREMELY hyped for the next Episode !!!!


Jesus I got jumpscared by the loud gun sound effects. But this is confusing and sad as hell


There was just too much unanswered questions to fit into 20 mins. That and/or the author did it deliberately, they've been withholding information from us since vol 1/ep 1/s1 so its not new thats for sure... But yeah the dramatic mood whiplash at the end is uh...something. The question now is how long until they answer all the other remaining questions. If we're lucky they might just fill us in next ep, or we might have to wait a few more eps. The cliffhanger at the end of ep 3 wasnt really dealt with either, this entire ep was basically a standalone. Could have been a single ep ova for all we know, ironically. Also right now I'm working on the assumptions that shido didnt actually see the events of the flashback, so even though we the audience know the characters dont know. For now.




What is it you are confused about?


All of it


Ask me any question and i can see if i can help you with it




I think this episode was really good adaped tho imo


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Damn, what an episode... What is westcott's game here though? From my understanding, seems like he created/summoned Mio? What's with his obsession with making spirits invert and their inversion crystals? Feels like it's a race between him and mio in regards to who can complete their collection first and there's some reward/power tied to it?


That beach date is genuinely one of the sweetest thing I've seen. Making that fact made that last scene that much sadder. Also kotori mom genuinely looks beautiful.




No, I do understand what happened in the episode, the episode still left me in a state of shock and confusion.


The episode was actually fire, the plot became from the first harem anima that actually had a good plot. To wtf this plot is amazing, the store just became so much more complex. But for some reason it didn’t fully got the five star in my book for a very unfair reason, WHY DO WE GET NO INFO ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO KURUMI?!?


WOAH! This changes some things! First off, I assume that timeline we just saw is the original first timeline of this show. Which then would also mean that Mio was Shidou's original waifu! I am still hoping for a harem end, but Mio has gotta be the main one know because of this yeah? Also, it is clear Mio is Reine but we saw that ghost Mio come out of Kurumi. So is there like two versions of Reine then? IDK it is kinda confusing. Will be interesting to see where the story goes from here.


is it ever explained why mio didn't have the same god like power she has currently to fight off Westcott including all 10 angels ? or was she simply not experienced enough yet ?


OMG no cgi


I rarely have any clue wtf is happening in this show but I enjoy it anyways lol


I want to know if Kurumi might come back, she is the character i care about the most in Date a live.


Damn ! Date a live V ? Last time I watched there was only one season


I think i finally know why i continue to watch this anime til now , even though i didn't like it , it's because i will find best girl in this season. Mio


Story of date a live in a nutshell really. S1 best girl, s2, s3, s4, and now even in s5 they're still. She seems great in the flashback but a part of me wonders if what we saw of mio/reine is like her real/current persona.


Reina seems to be holding back alot of her emotions. she's so deadpan and emotionless like, it's hard to tell she is mio. However , i always loved that teddy bear, now i see why


I'm ngl idk why they put episode 3 before 4


Idk why they even dumped all the fragmented stories into a single ep even. The way the story was told in the anime is just too weird.