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A 70 year old moving like that is wild


These Newtypes really are something else


Grey Stokes too


Fin Funnel! :P


He is good at channeling his cosmo.


He has the power and swag within him. Not that I'm condoning what he did. It is disgusting what he did.


Last edit: [Full translation by Zeonic](https://zeonic-republic.net/?page_id=11486) If there’s any discrepancy please refer to this article instead of the paragraphs below. ****** Brief summary of the paywalled article: (google translate + some edits) Ms. A was a huge Furuya Rei (Detective Conan) and Toru Furuya fan. Ms. A’s relationship with Furuya began in 2019, but she experienced many hardships during this period. The following is an overview of these events: [Villa Incident] • ⁠Furuya assaulted Ms. A in his villa and hit her two or three times with the palm of his hand. During the quarrel, Ms. A said she wanted to go home and Furuya lost control • ⁠Furuya also took Ms. A’s mobile phone, fearing that the truth of the incident would be exposed to the police. He fell into a panic, and the police were also present, but in the end the police deemed it just a couple's quarrel. [Pregnancy and Abortion] • ⁠Ms. A found out that she was pregnant in March 2021. Furuya wanted her to have an abortion and questioned whether the child was his. • ⁠Furuya accompanied Ms. A to the hospital and paid the fee and some condolences. He also said, ‘That can't be regarded as life’ as an attempted effort to comfort her • ⁠Furuya once refused to sign the operation consent form, but later signed the non-submission memo. • ⁠Furuya said that he had never considered marrying Ms. A, because he thought he was too old to bring her happiness. [Family Reaction] • ⁠Furuya told his family everything before the interview. The wife condemned his stupidity and recklessness and will survive with him under social humiliation. His daughter also said that she would support him. Edit: Assault happened in 2020 but they reconciled shortly after. Abortion happened in March 2021. They broke up for a few months but their relationship eventually continued until September 2023, when they had a huge quarrel in the public. Ms. A was apparently a huge fan of Detetive Conan and Furuya’s character that she watched one movie 40+ times and sent lots of gifts to Furuya’s office since 2016. One day in 2019 she received a private message from Furuya and the affair began. Ms. A said Furuya was a gentleman at first but was a different person during sex. He refused to wear a condom, claiming himself ‘infertile’. There were frequent quarrels on how their relationship should progress but Furuya strongly refused divorcing his wife.


>Furuya said that he had never considered marrying Ms. A, because he thought he was too old to bring her happiness But not too old to string her along I guess. Pretty scummy move trying to make it out as though any part of that decision had anything to do with her happiness as opposed to his own. And also wtf is up with the police thinking it's a couples' quarrel? I feel like even with the translation there isn't enough context here, either that or the police (or law) here are just comically inadequate.


https://zeonic-republic.net/?page_id=11486 Judging from the latest full translation by Zeonic, the assault could easily warrant an arrest in many other countries.


Sounds like America, domestic violence isn't real violence to a lot of cops


Police in asian countries like South Korea and Japan, supposedly have laws regarding not meddling with family/couple's quarrels. To them, ties to families are supposed to be a 'stronger bond' than any other. This is just how traditionally it is viewed. I don't personally agree with this law, as there are many messed up people in those countries who abuse that law, taking advantage of their own family members and stuff.. but hey, there it is.


Nah, they don’t mystify “family bonds” like that. Perhaps it was so a few generations ago, but most people, at least in Japan, don’t think that way. The police just don’t want to deal with private matters since they think it’s better solved by the parties directly involved and/or they don’t wanna deal with basically doing couples therapy type thing.


hitting someone is assault and the police’s business at this point.


Well then I stand corrected, but at least I wasn't too far off... just a few generations off 😅


She wasn't even family tho!! She was his mistress!!


Yes, that was the case, but anyone can say "she's my fiancee, girlfriend.." whatever the case. Anything couple related? Especially in this day and age when the marriage and birth rates are in the lowest decline? (Idk if these authorities really care, but their government does) they wouldn't want to be involved since they wouldn't want to add onto any cause for breakups or whatever. At least that's what I've heard 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's what makes it terrifying. All a man has to do is say "We are together" and suddenly everyone takes their word for it and leaves the victim with them. Like that boy that escaped from Dahmer naked and bleeding from his rectum but Dahmer said he was his BF and the cops just laughed at the boy and helped Dahmer take him back. It's sick.


This is just saying "it's de facto legal to beat your wife" in more words.


It’s not like that attitude is totally absent in America


This is just how cops are in a lot of Asian countries.


> • ⁠Furuya assaulted Ms. A in his villa and hit her two or three times with the palm of his hand. During the quarrel, Ms. A said she wanted to go home and Furuya lost control Weird how sites I'm seeing report this seem to be deliberately avoiding saying he hit her, using obtuse phrasing that makes it unclear if he just threatened her or what. Had to go searching for a more direct translation to figure out if he'd had a moment where he stopped himself (not ideal, but at least someone consciously not doing something terrible) or, as seems to be the case, just straight-up did the terrible thing.


The use of euphemisms is nothing new. We had a rape on campus and the announcement was that the girl was "mounted on". 


What in the actual fuck, that's deranged.


Wait until you hear about the back scene pressure to hide rapes on campus... This only got out because it happened by some stranger, not staff or another student. We had s rape in the lab upstairs and the guy had previously been reported for being a creep. The uni said "it was your [female students] responsibility to not leave the girl alone with that guy". He safely graduated... Nagoya University, Japan.




What a nice wife and daughter


Then again, peer pressure is another can of worm in and of itself in Japan.


In Japan, most choices are absolute. Where you work, who you marry, etc. Once a person makes a decision, society expects them to stick with it for life. No matter how bad things get (unless it's murder), social pressure low-key demands family to forgive family.


Even murder is debatable since the mothers of the pieces of shit that killed Junko Furuta stood by them


> No matter how bad things get (unless it's murder) Yes, even the japanese struggle to stick to anything for life after being murdered. Commitment issues smh.


As it turns out, people die when they are killed.


That's not what I meant. If the guilty party is accused of something like murder, arson or terrorism, then society would pardon family members for cutting ties with the them.


Was prolly joking


We're in r/anime not r/welladjusted


Believe it or not but Japan is a conservative country


these days most are. it’s just levels of conservative.


Misleading title I think. It's not really just an "affair" when it involves assault and abuse. The affair part is probably the least concerning part of this.


Seeing this post on r/Gundam just a few minutes ago scared the shit out of me because for a second I thought it was going to be an announcement of his death (because that's usually what happens when there's a news post being made about a particular voice actor in the industry, and I know Furuya is getting up there in years). My thoughts on the actual situation at hand: *Yikes.*


He's 70. A large amount of Japanese fans on Twitter are reacting to this with "Damn, he can still get it up at 70?", which I find morbidly amusing.


> He's 70. Yeah, and [a *different* Gundam VA just died at 68](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/1cx1l7g/breaking_news_hideyuki_umezu_the_va_of_ian_vashti/), so you can see why I would assume death rather than big scandal before I finished reading the title.


A little blue pill can go a long way. Just not over 4 hours long.


Wait.. knowing he is 70 changes my opinion on this quite a bit. It's still on the "yikes" level but more like.. a singular Yike instead of YIKES if that makes sense. Edit: Ok, so it's more than a Singular yike, I just learned that the assualt was in fact his actions on her, I had a different interpretation. And I didn't realize he also forced the abortion. What a wild ride.


Yeah still creepy for an old man but the woman is 33+ years old. 


She is old enough to make shitty decisions. That doesn't excuse the assault and the police not doing shit though.


I mean, I don't disagree, but when I saw "37 years his junior" and my inital thought was the dude was like.. early 50's because of his twitter pic. I thought MUCH worse of the situation.


And i thoight this would a 40 yo engaging with a minor...still an abuser tho.


Affair as in he was married or she was married?


Based on his wikipedia, he's married


He's been married since mid 80s. Affairs are fairly common with older Japanese from my understanding. The big issue will be coming down to the physical violence, whether or not it contributed to the abortion in any way and the fact that it was not only a fan but a fan nearly half his age.


Age is the least alarming issue, unless the girl was underaged. A 30 year old lady with a 70 year old man is weird but in no way it's necessarily a bad thing. The problem is the physical violence and god knows what caused the abortion, not a good looking case.


>The problem is the physical violence The crux of the issue. It seems to have been a one-off incident where Furuya was in a panicked state and police was at the scene, but it was seen as a lovers' quarrel and no further action was taken. It being a one-off in a stressful situation is less fucked up than if it was systematic, but still not good at all. >and god knows what caused the abortion Apparently, Furuya persuaded her to terminate the pregnancy early in the term. He himself seems to have had second thoughts about it at some point, but eventually resigned himself to it. It's legal in Japan, so couple power play aside, it's not really THE worst.




this is not the tuxedo mask way


Well, if we're talking about the '90s anime...




But it is the Yamcha way


Furuya to Sunrise: "My job here is done."


Sunrise: "But, you didn't do anything..."😔😔


Insert: Amuro getting slapped


I guess Char rubbed off on him huh


But not in the way a portion of the fandom wanted.


Insert Char: I come to laugh at you


First reply is Yamcha in the crater 🗿


Wow... Before this it's just cheating problems but this is just something else. Not to mention, it comes from one of the most respected Japanese VAs.


at least he came clean, but damn, what a bastard


still fully synchronized with his yamcha role


Damn, even as a huge fan of his work, dude shouldn't just get off with just a slap on the wrist. Dudes like Pierre Taki got their whole life imploded just on drug charges, but I'm sure Furuya will be just fine after admitting to physical abuse. Goddamnit Amuro/Sabo.


If it was just cheating, he'd get off easier. Takahiro Sakurai is still out there, after all, infidelity is a larger-scope social issue. The admissions of getting physical are definitely what's frying Furuya here.


From Amuro to Char damn


Or just Ribbons Almark.


Fucking Ribbons!~


You die an Amuro, or live long enough to become a Ribbons.


Some of the older seiyuus indeed got some behavioral problem. Not surprising to the acts, but the person who did that. Even if you can separate the acts and the characters he/she voices, you just can't unthink about their personality anymore.


Older seiyuus? Lol Almost everyone in the industry is like that, be it drama or music


I won't say everyone, at lease there're still some people who makes you believe in humanity. Until their bubbles got popped, that is......


Especially when his most popular character right now, Amuro Toru/Furuya Rei is named after him. Gosho should've thought twice before associating his character with a real person


> Some of the older seiyuus indeed got some behavioral problem. Not surprising to the acts, but the person who did that. Wait until you hear about the shit that goes down in Hollywood.


This is really awkward timing for this announcement since he's supposed to be a guest at Momocon in a couple of days 😬


Imagine being Ryota Ozawa and reading this news


[Well, speaking of which...](https://nitter.poast.org/MomoCon/status/1793271262178861403#m)


Oh ok the women was 33 that’s just normal shitty.


It's the cheating, physical abuse, and forcing her to get an abortion that are really bad.


True but at least it didn't happen to a kid.


Oh, for sure. The list of roles he's done in the headline were a solid indicator he wasn't going to be a spring chicken, but I was relieved to read he was 70 (making the victim in her 30's).


Man the bar is low in this day and age.


It's very low for men yet they still want women to lower the bar even more. I can see why more Asian women are deciding to stay single.


It’s crazy that I was concerned about the same thing.


What a low bar we set for men


This news made me feel young at least if the age of 33 was relevant.


Holy @#$% Furuya-san!?


Well, at least he didn't do drugs. If he did, the police would actually give a shit.


Send it in the VA for Bright Noa to give a classic ass whoopin.


Unfortunately, he has already passed.


They already recast Bright, with ~~Jeremiah Gottwald~~Orange's VA [Ken Narita](https://myanimelist.net/people/109/Ken_Narita).


Meanwhile Shuichi-san:"I'm come here to laugh at you"


[The Momocon appearance has been called off.](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2024-05-22/voice-actor-toru-furuya-no-longer-appearing-at-momocon-2024-following-of-his-4-year-affair-with-fan/.211069)




Sad to hear. He currently voices Sabo in One Piece so not sure if this will affect whether he will continue to voice him or not. If this were America he’d be cancelled immediately and replaced but Japan is very different when it comes to these things especially in the entertainment business.


Sakurai and Namikawa did retain some of their roles so maybe this will be the same though this is more serious than just an affair.


Yeah Sakurai got off easy and still has his role in Demon Slayer. Can’t say much for Tatsuhisa Suzuki who was the guy that had an affair and cheated on LiSA. His career was over after that whole ordeal which isn’t surprising since LiSA is such a big name in the music industry.


Suzuki is the exception that proves the rule. He only ended up burned because his wife was fucking LiSA, a supernova-tier superhypermegastar who happens to have a sob story to go with it - she has a deeply traumatic history with divorce and was very patient when choosing a marriage partner specifically so her children wouldn't go through what she did. Not to mention, his mistress would actively taunt LiSA and blew up the jig by taunting her and accidentally exposing information she shouldn't have, which gave the affair away.


LiSA's story was wild Dude just bombed his career Why cheat? Why can't you be honest and drop out the relationship. I mean see it this way, that atleast you dont bomb your career that way.


Cheating culture is absolutely rampant in Japan. There’s even an industry dedicated to it - [wakaresaseya](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wakaresaseya). Basically, you try to deliberately get your partner to cheat to get more favorable grounds for a divorce or various other reasons. Shit is wild.


Ah yes I am aware of this. Actually in an anime this season called "Henjin bowl no salad" they even show this, lol


No kidding? Yeah the BBC did a report on it over the pandemic which is how I first heard of it. It apparently led to a murder in 2010 where one of the hired lovers ended up murdering the mark he was paid to seduce (after he actually successfully seduced her but she found out about the scam).


Not a surprise. Oof


But then, Suzuki came back since a few seasons.


And Okamoto, though his "affair" was supposedly while he wasn't even properly engaged, so I think it's not really the same.


They only cheated not committed abuse


I'm not familiar with Japanese VA's since I usually watch dub , who are they and what happened?


They all had affairs. Their Wikipedia pages describe their most well-known roles and what happened succinctly: * [Takahiro Sakurai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takahiro_Sakurai) - Cloud Strife (FF), Giyu Tomioka (Demon Slayer), Diablo (Tensura) * [Daisuke Namikawa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daisuke_Namikawa) - Choso (JJK), Rujierd (MT), Oikawa (Haikyuu!!) * [Nobuhiko Okamoto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobuhiko_Okamoto) - Himmel (Frieren), Bakugo (Hero Academia), Genya (Demon Slayer) Sakurai's case was a bit crazy because it was allegedly with 3 people, although that was what I read aeons ago when it first came out, which isn't mentioned in the Wikipedia article, so that may have been debunked.


Oh no... This is not what Himmel would do...


Takahiro Sakurai is everywhere. Most recently, he's been in the spotlight as Suguru Getou in Jujutsu Kaisen and Tomioka Giyuu in Demon Slayer. Daisuke Namikawa, among many other roles, is Chousou in Jujutsu Kaisen, but is mostly known for being the official dub voice of Elijah Wood and Hayden Christensen in Japan, so he's Anakin and Frodo. Tatsuhisa Suzuki, the one that got burned for cheating on LiSA, is getting bottom of the barrel roles now, and most of his old roles had him kicked out and replaced with Yuuichirou Umehara (Goblin Slayer).


You act like there haven’t been and are currently a lot of scumbags in Hollywood right now. America’s not some amazing place where victims and rights are taken seriously just because of more discussions over the past decade or so. Look at Kanye, Chris Brown, Sacha Baron Cohen, Justin Timberlake, e.t.c. Chances are, this guy will keep his job, maybe even get more popular. Maybe, if Japan works a certain way, certain aspects of that way should change.


I mean Oda has let a convicted pedophile do cover work for one piece in the past, this is practically nothing.


unless you get caught with drugs, then you are cancelled immediately and erased forever 


The affair is scummy sure whatever, it’s not illegal to have an abortion or sleep with a fan. But the physical altercation thing is what peaks my interest.


> peaks my interest. "piques"


Police arrived but it wasn’t arrest worthy. Forced abortion was way shittier.


I cant imagine that abortion was completely her choice, given power dynamics in the affair and the pressure he might’ve given her since he didn’t want this secret out.


Well, that's a massive bummer, to put it lightly. It'll certainly negatively tinge my memories of all the roles he's done that I've enjoyed whenever I think about them. It sucks to think that the voice of Amuro Ray or Tuxedo Mask is a massive asshole.


What about watching Rick & Morty.... oh wait Rick was *already* a massive asshole lol


Tbh for someone in their 70's doing it with someone in 30's is not as uncommon. Specially in their field. Also in japenis twitter everyone is surprised he is that potent at 70, and to which I have the same question too. On a serious note what's up with the violence ? 😶 also isn't he married ?


>Potent at 70 Well, idk if it's the right time to joke, but Toyota's are pretty reliable innit? I guess it applies to people as well....


Japenis reliability


This is just despicable 😭 I don't know what to say honestly, I just fear that it turns out that Ryusei Nakao was a creep in his youth or something 😭😭😭


Deserve a world record of bright slaps.


I believe references to the iconic yamcha pose are appropriate here.


whelp, went from cool guy to worst guy. disappointing.


Live long enough to become the villain


And I bet the female gets blamed.


Is it really so fucking hard to not be a sex pest Seriously you just have to not be one, that's all it fucking takes


With great power comes great responsibility. A lot of people are awful at being responsible.


Considering how many people fail, it appears to be remarkably difficult.


Well now i know who yamcha can defeat


We already saw him beat Kid Chichi.


Ugh gross


You only live long enough as Amuro to see yourself become a Char. Wait none of the Char pull anything as vulgar in the transcripts


This is some fucked up shit. Real distressing and saddening. I feel bad for the woman, for his wife and everyone else hurt by his reckless, selfish actions.


he is a 70-71 yo man and having an affair with 33 yo woman?


More like why is he hitting women?


He was born on born July 31, 1953. Which makes him 70y/o. So his fan would be 33 y/o. The age gap is still gross, but at least its not one of those grooming a young fan cases.


He was hitting her, that's the biggest problem. Who tf cares about the age gap in this case.


It worries me that all these guys are skipping over the abuse part... it's either misogyny or they're too lazy to read.


also, the alleged r\*pe by deception that I missed at first >“The moment I stepped into the room, he pushed me onto the bed with a force I hadn’t expected. There was no buildup, no romance. It was so abrupt. As he grew more aroused, he tried to enter me without protection. I pleaded, ‘Wait, please,’ but he brushed it off, saying, ‘It’s okay, it’s okay,'” she recounts. >She tried to stop him again, but he explained, “I can’t produce sperm. My wife and I tried fertility treatments for about 7 years. Even if I finish inside you, there’s absolutely no chance you’ll get pregnant.”


The fan he had an affair with is 37 years younger than him (33) which is the around the same age as his daughter born in 1992 grossss. And they probably started their affair when she was 28/29


I mean even if it was scummy what actually makes it bad is how he beat her, a 29 year old woman is fairly sensible to know her stuff


It is gross but does a 29 year old woman not have enough agency to reject this relationship if needed?.


Jesus Christ, I hope the victim is okay. This dude fucking sucks.


Details from the original news article: A-ko is the woman who was the affair partner and she was the one who told the news/tabloid Bunshun. She meant him during a fan meeting and he contact her personally after for a private meetup, later after meeting up a bunch of time, he asked to come to his hotel room pushes her down and had unprotected sex with her while she protested to used condom, he said he’s not able to have kids ( while he has a grown daughter…) they meet up to have sex a bunch of time, she asked him if he is leaving his wife for her which he refuses. While arguing over their relationship, he slapped her a bunch of times, she calls the police after locking herself in the bathroom, he forced his way in and hangs up her phone then apologize. Police come to check on her, she lies while he hides. When she becomes pregnant, he pressured her to have an abortion and then refuse to sign off the consent form with his name. Finally after returning from an event, he decides to really break up with her.


Holy shit


Ah the Old , I am infertile no need to use condoms excuse. Nice.... oOoOO Gambatei Ojisan.but no to violence.


Toru Furuya is the narrator for Baki Hanma vs Kengan Ashura which should air on June 6. I wonder if airing will be delayed to find a replacement.




Surprised he isnt in jail for the assault


Fucking Jerk


Oh my god


God fucking damn it.


is it somekind new side-effect for being newtypes, and i know you're lonely Yamcha but jeez


Well considering he played Elizabeth, who is known to have a Massive D, this comes as no surprise to me tbh


Ey another Gintama fan like me!


bros heart got stolen by the phantom thieves


The best part is that the girl will be slapped with a $2000-5000 fine for this confession, which was probably done intentionally to set the adultery fine on her. 


Voiced Amuro. Is actually Master Roshi.


i didnt know bro was a minecraft YouTuber


No wonder he was picked to voice Yamcha




The whole "physical altercation" bit is pretty hard to slip under the radar. If it was another cheating scandal, that's sorta like par for the course (it's a recurring social problem), but the extra stuff tacked on kinda makes it really, really shitty.


Amuro Nooooooo! You should've got with Fraw Bow when you had the chance.


And just watch this dude retaining most (if not all) his roles, while Aya Hirano got blacklisted for nothing -_-




"Oh shit did he die?" "Oh" "Wait how fucking old is this guy again?"


70. The lady was in her 30s So it's less "He's a pedo" and more "he's _just_ a bog standard asshole"


A strong example of the saying "Never meet your heroes." His career is going to take a comet dive after this.


I have no issues with anything except the physical altercation. Is that a way of saying dv?


According to the post itself, Furuya mentions he and his mistress had a disagreement that escalated to physical violence, which he mentions as being "the worst of the worst" and "something I should never have done". If it was systematic DV, he probably wouldn't mention it, but the fact that he did points at a one-off discussion that turned violent, which is still pretty awful but could be much worse.


Yeah that’s no good man


And people want to think the abortion was her choice. Once someone does that to you they will hold it over your head and you never truly forget. He beat her into submission already, he didn't have to keep doing it if it worked.


Damn he wilin


A lot of people are saying it was a forced abortion. Any details on that?


The term is being pushed by a bad machine translation. More accurately, he persuaded his mistress into having an abortion early in the term, with no further detail given, and paid for the entire procedure. He seemed to have second thoughts about it at some point, but went through with it. Furuya claims he wouldn't marry the mistress because, in his own words, he's too old and can't make her happy


‘Persuaded’ might be someone’s attempt to soften the situation, it very well could’ve involved worse.


Considering this is Furuya's own confession, I would be inclined to believe it moreso than not. This isn't the sort of statement that is crafted in a day without heavy lawyering up, especially not for a high profile celebrity, so if it was anything more serious than that, it'd probably not be mentioned at all since you're leaving yourself wide open to getting sued into oblivion. Of course, there's couple power play involved, but I personally don't think there was foul play or else he wouldn't even mention it.


Getting ahead of the curve, maybe? And I wouldn’t underestimate the extent to which people would be willing to let the actions of powerful people be swept under the rug. Edit: Wait, the translation says regarding the abortion, that he made an unforgivable mistake and ‘I made her suffer mentally and physically’. Translation might be somewhat off, but I’m not sure how it could be so off that what happened is THAT different from the translation.


The verb is the causative, which means "to make someone do X". Other than that, I don't believe there's any further details. Probably won't be unless the woman in question decides to press charges, if that's a thing in Japan.


Was it 37 years ago? or A fan 37 years in age?


A fan 37 years younger than him. He's 70 now, and the affair started in 2019, so he would have been 65 and she would have been 27. Huge weird ass age gap, but hey, if it was just that, I wouldn't have found it that weird, she's a consenting adult. It's the everything else that is the problem


God damnit, yamcha


Who cares about the personal life of voice actors.


japanese people do


Her name didn't happen to be Beltorchika did it? Also explains how he could nail his role in Birdie Wing. DV is not acceptable in any way though...plus the power dynamic of fan and actor.


I thought for a sec it was just gonna be the mistress thing and write it off as “Grown folks business of 2 consenting adults”. What the actual fuck is this shit? 33 or not, this is predatory and psychotic behavior. Using his stature and control to physically abuse and manipulate her. Can any motherfucker be NORMAL?!


Saint seiya later Toru!


37 years ago , or 37 year old fan?


37 years younger than him. He's 70, so 33.