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100% i watched like 3 seasons of strike the blood but i couldnt tell you a single thing about it. not the mcs name not the characters name not the plot not the music not the dialogue not the visuals not the op not the ed not how anybody looks not any of the VAs.


All I remember is "no senpai, this is OUR fight!"


I forgot what's the show I was watching but it was an ecchi about half human half animal people basically having a battle royal. And the MC had a catch phrase that she repeated a bunch of times every episode. And someone in the comments said it was annoying because it kept reminding them of the character from strike the blood that kept saying "no senpai this is our fight"


Sounds like it could be Killing Bites.


Yup that's it


Omg, you literally unlocked a forgotten memory with that line lmao.


I still have ptsd from it and I only watched maybe 2 seasons 5 years ago. Anything similar sounding brings it back.


I have it market as completed in 2017, and I have no idea how I've even heard of this show at that time.


Bonus: watch it all again, but 4 seasons this time.


i wont say youd have to put a gun to my head or something first but ill put it this way i think id much rather eat a dorito milkshake than do that


I like how "eat" implies the milkshake is solid


A dorito milkshake actually has some potential I think.


brother u smokin something


It can't be worse than a protein shake, can it?


"strike the blood but i couldnt tell you a single thing about it." lmao, completely forgot also. If you didnt say anything about it, would never remember. But just watched one or two seasons though.


its gotta be one of the shows of all time


To be fair, i was on that stage of anime fan, of consuming alot on my younger years (yes i am old), there must be more shows i dont remember also. But that one, i completely forgot. I thought some right now that i remember plot points and such. But Strike the blood. Nothing. Surprised i recognized the name.


Trying to remember a show I don't remember?


Lmao right. I watched a few back-to-back over the course of a couple weeks, Darker Than Black, Mushi-Shi, Death Eater, and idr what else.


Darker than Black! Love that show.


It's so good! I immediately told my friends about it and they loved it


I’ve heard good things about it! Maybe I should try to get to it soon.


Is that a difficult concept? You might be really young and/or have really good memory. I remember watching and binging a ton of anime, especially isekai ones a while back. The smartphone harem anime, I watched it. I know I watched it. I can't tell you a single thing that happened in it or anyone's name (then again it's difficult to remember the thousands of Japanese names of anime characters) or even the show title name. I just remember thinking "huh, if they ever do a s02 I guess I'll pop back in" But don't remember anything past that thought. Yes once I restarted the series and went through it again, I rediscovered it but also already knew the outcome to a lot of it. So wasn't a huge surprise. Some shows are more forgettable, that or it's been sometimes decades. I can't remember what most happened in air gear or sket dance or xxxholic.


>that a difficult concept? You might be really young and/or have really good memory. Bruh lol. He's just meme'ing. He's joking about how OP said to remember basically a show that we have forgotten. i.e; how can you remember something you forgot? lol


Classroom of the elite and Oregairu


Oregairu yeah I cant remember, Classroom of the elite felt like the tv show Survivor I liked it alot


The direct result of seasons being so damn spread apart…


I watched all 3 seasons together. I just didn't like the show. Completed it for the sake of completion.


Every time I watch a new season of COTE I have to brush up on what has happened because I literally don't remember anything from that show other than like the broad plot points. I constantly have to google names as I'm watching because I forget names constantly.


I mean yeah tbh like u remember the overall story but when a short randomly pops up then go like really? Did I miss it?


There are some shows that I've seen 7-8 years ago so it's totally natural to not remember them. But I watched The misfit of demon king academy a year ago and within a month I started wondering if I even finished the show, because of how forgettable it was. Now it's even worse, the only thing I remember from that show is the protag's name and some vague fight that involved a castle (maybe) from ep1. It's crazy to think that I remember shows from 7 years ago better than a show I've seen only a year ago. No offense to anyone that likes the show...


At least I remember "did you really think killing me would be enough for me to die?" or something like that lol


When season 2 came out it was like "ready for season 2?!" Meanwhile I had no clue what the show was. I scrolled through the episodes fo season one. They all said watched but I let lathered it. "I have no idea who this is."


Crap, I had also forgotten due to how generic it was. Main things I remembered was a frog demon during an entrance exam and how much I could not stand whichever dialect they were speaking (it had a lot of slurpy ‘shhh’ sounds, so it constantly sounded like they were trying to spit out a piece of food while talking).


Ergo Proxy. I don’t think I remembered what the previous episode was about when watching it. I couldn’t even remember the name of it until a few months ago


Same! Might need to go back to it.


I actually think that that show is better on rewatch, but the first watch is certainly a unique experience. Lain is the same in that respect, but Lain is generally a lot easier to understand on the first watch.


I swear it was kinda complicated to understand


It was so 3deep5u that it got so lost in its own air it didn’t leave anything memorable.


lmfao same 😭 i just remembered watching it bcos the show looks so cool and edgy lmfao


Actually, basically all the animes I've watched, I don't remember that well, probably because I watched it too quickly to assimilate everything (or too slowly at the point that I don't remember what happened before). There are some that due to rewatch or some more search about I have a better memory of it, but in general everything is blurry in my mind. Anyways, probably the anime that I least remember is Nanatsu no Taizai. When I saw that, I was watching one season per day. At this moment I just remember some key points, but nothing special


Do you watch the shows at 2x speed or what do you mean?


Tbh, i don't know too. Actually I take more than a week to watch 12 episodes.


Most anime are chock full of tropes, so it's easy to forget them.


Samurai Champloo


I remember that it was good and the characters but the rest of it is a blur


Sirius the Jaeger. I have no idea what that show was besides a vague feeling that I didn't enjoy it much. Toji no Miko is one where I remember a yuri doujin about its characters way more than the show itself.


> Sirius the Jaeger. I have no idea what that show was besides a vague feeling that I didn't enjoy it much. I can only remember two scenes out of the entire show, but I have a vague feeling that I DID enjoy it lol.


Holy shit I totally forgot sirius. I only remember / belive that I remember that I liked the visuals and hoped for more since it had potential but I doubt I finished it. But overall I also didnt enjoy it much sas well.


All I remember about this anime is that it is about vampires (?) and there are some cool fights in it.


Mekakucity Actors


The song series was very memorable and it had songs featuring each character which made the characters memorable too but shaft butchered the adaptation and even I as a fan of the kagepro song series, who read the manga version too, don't remember much from the actual anime series...


Erased. I can't remember jack about what happened, even though I remember liking it and disliking the ending. Something about [ending spoilers]>!the MC falling off a roof, but there's some B.S. landing pad below?!< Lol.


So I watched it all in one sitting while doing a serious homework assignment. I remember it for the most part but it always felt like it was 24 episodes to me because of the stressful time


Might want to add a spoiler tag there friend.


Thanks thanks thanks for the reminder, my bad.


No worries. Hate for you to ruin that for someone lol.


LITERALLY SAAAME!! I watched it a while back, but it's not even bc of time, I just don't remember anything that happened. Except for the ending ofc, which I was also disappointed with for some reason.


I read somewhere that you should watch the anime through episode 10 and then switch to the live action for the end. I did that on a second watch and man was it more satisfying.


I liked erased too. One time, I started playing it on Netflix since it seemed interesting and after a few minutes, I realized it seemed familiar. Yep, I had already seen it and just completely forgot.


Not s single show, but the Isekai genre is one of my guilty pleasures. They are plentiful, derivative, and most of the time don't do anything new. If I were to look back at the Isekai I have watched these last few years I doubt I would remember half of them.


The thing with remembering the plots of trash Isekai is that I can't tell whether I remember the plot or if I just know what is going to happen because the plots are generic and predictable. Did I know that Kirito clone #437 would bust out an OP move against the enemy because I've seen the anime before, or have I just seen too many trash Isekai for any plot development to be new to me?


Oh yeah, trash isekai are so forgettable. I find myself only ever remembering the setup for why the Mc is OP and little else. Checking crunchyroll seasonal listing's for a few years back is always a trip.


I have the opposite problem. Because a lot of modern isekai put their synopsis as their title I remember more of them than the average show I watched.


She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Kenja no Deshi), the only thing I remember is she pees a lot, and it's directed by the infamous Motonaga Keitarou


Tokyo Ghoul. I need to rewatch it tbh.


Read the manga instead


I don't remember it. All I know is that it was a women's high school baseball anime where they got the team together after putting a lot of efforts. Lol this has become one of the help to find anime posts.


Probably either Cinderella Nine or Tamayomi.


Thanks a lot, it's actually Cinderella Nine.


lol well there's not many to choose from. It's those two, Taisho Baseball Girls (which I figured is more memorable than those two) and a few pre-2000 shows.


Mawaru Penguindrum😭 P sure I loved it I watched it twice (once as a kid and another a few years ago) but I just can’t seem to remember shit about it…


A LOT. Here are some anime that I don't remember anything about apart from enjoying them: Blast of Tempest, Chaika: The Coffin Princess, Dennou Coil, Canaan, Ao Haru Ride Maybe it's because I took a 5-year break and I just started watching anime again this year.


Trinity Blood. I might as well have not watched for what I remember of it.


Most animes, even if I really enjoyed them. This is not exclusive to animes either, I forget my favorite shows as well. I don't remember Erased, Magi, Noragami, Your lie in April, Blue Exorcist, Durarara, Snow white with the red hair, Beyond the boundary, Parasyte. I also completely forgot Bungo Stray Dogs twice and rewatched the show twice to watch whatever new season came out at the time (newest season was 🔥). Same thing with Boku no hero.


My top 3 -Ergo proxy -Deadman wonderland -Higurashi no naku koro ni. (I only remeber the village name :hinamizawa this is how i found the complet name of this one)


Higurashi is confusing as fuck on first watch. Definitely would recommend a rewatch. (and then watch Kai, the second season)


Did you get to the end of season 2 of Chaika? What happens at the ending should be pretty memorable even if the details in the middle are lost. For me however it was this one Joshikousei no Mudazukai / Wasteful Days of Highschool Girls. I even rated it a decent score, but nothing that actually happened in the show stuck with me. I guess i've seen too many of this type.


I was even thinking to myself before I wrote this "wait this has a season two did I watch that??" And I checked and I gave it a good score lmao


I did lol I still don't remember anything about it. I'm sure if I looked it up it would pop back in my head. I just have like quick flashes in my head of the characters.


Am I actually the strongest. No clue what that was about.


I only know about this due to vague memory and it annoying me to the point I had to look it up. It's called Shinzo and I remembered that defeated monsters turned into cards the main characters could absorb to give themselves power and armor. What I didn't remember is that those cards were absorbed through the chest and now my girlfriend knows this show because of its "nipple slots".


Infinite Dendrogram like i can somehow tell you the plot or story of every show i watched but this is just a blank slate in my head


I watched elfen lied I remember that the end lowkey traumatised me but I don't remember why lmao might watch it again


Redo of healer. I think it was slmething about making things right as a healer that messed some shit up? maybe?


In Search of The Lost Future. I'm surprised to even remember some of the scenes in the anime, but not the name. Hell, not two days ago, I tried to figure out what's the name of the anime AGAIN after rediscovered it after years. So, basically the opposite of the question.


Kaiba I saw it several years ago, and I don't remember any details of the story. Just that I loved it; I think it made me cry at least once. It also had a distinct visual style that was really cool.


Took me 3 episodes before I realized I had already seen Aria the Scarlet Ammo and had not liked it the first time. Apparently I also watched Nisekoi at some point and completely forgot the generic romance plot.


Tokyo Ghoul:re. I've seen the anime and read the manga, both several times, and I still don't understand or remember what the hell is going on in the :re anime. Once I wanna rewatch it and take notes to figure out all the inconsistencies and missed scenes, because a manga reader and an anime-only are having two entirely different experiences with different plot and characters in this case💀 I first watched :re when it came out, and then rewatched it last year while reading the manga for the first time, and all I remembered from the anime was that it was insanely confusing... But I thought I was probably just young and distracted or something. Nope, the anime is still a mess. I do remember certain scenes but the overall plot is one big chaotic mess in my head and I could not tell you what is actually happening in the anime adaptation, even though I've seen it like 3 times and read the manga like 5 times. And I still can't decide whether this anime is the type that you hatewatch because it's so bad that it's good, or the type that has you screaming crying throwing up because of how awful it is. It's kind of both, I think. Truly a masterpiece. Everyone please pray for a reboot, amen.


Getbackers. I remember these two protagonists- a guy with lightning shoes and a guy in a white /flirty/ shirt and that’s it..


Oh man that's a throwback... that I remember nothing about.


Devil man: crybaby. Very underwhelming anime.


I saw it and thought is was a poor excuse for a Go Nagai! series.  


These days I have a memory of a goldfish, I don't remember jack shit most of the time. Recently i watched season 1 of eminence in shadow, but I don't remember anything from it honestly.


Full metal alchemist, I remember bits and pieces like the most memorable parts, but everything else is just blank even though I know I watched it.


I don't remember.


I would say "I don't remember", but after a lot of digging these last few weeks I actually found one: [Hanaukyo Maid-tai](https://myanimelist.net/anime/403/Hanaukyou_Maid-tai), an utterly forgettable early 2000s slapstick ecchi harem about a boy that goes to live in a mansion with a bunch of maids. And that's really all I remember. I doubt I finished it, but I can't think of a single detail that is not in quick view on that MAL page. Maybe there was a butler as well? I couldn't tell.


Black bullet. That show was mediocre as sin.


This is terrible but Attack on Titan… I watched it like 5 years ago and I do not remember much, and I don’t feel like rewatching the first few seasons to refresh my memory


Elfen Lied, watched it long ago and I remember how it made me FEEL, but dont remember anything about the plot other than main girl being found with no memories. I can only assume based on the feelings the name brings up that it was so traumatic I erased the memories from my brain.


Me too I know the anime left me traumatised but I don't remember why




Tari Tari, I don't remember a fucking thing about this anime, not a single thing except I know I watched it because it's on my MAL


Seiken tsukai no Word break… i have no idea


So I can’t play H (saw it 2 or 3 Times) Starry bridge under the sky (or something like that) I have no fucking memories of what happens in those 2 animes


Starry Bridge Under the Sky is one that came to mind for me that I *know* I watched. Idk a damn thing about it but I know I watched it. I Can't Play H sounds familiar too... it isn't on my MAL but like... did I watch it? I mean it sounds like every other 00s ecchi so maybe? Who knows.


Our last crusade or the rise of a new world all i remember from it was that useless senpai and enemy to lover romance. I probably need to rewatch it before season 2


Ghost Hound. I barely remember anything except for 1 or 2 characters’ faces, some counseling and a dark environment with some street lights or something. Feels like I was pretending to understand the appeal of it last time when I actually didn’t.


Needless. Everything about it is extremely vague. I remember one of the openings and thats it.


So... that one was needless?


I was just thinking about it! I watched Kakushigoto as it aired weekly, still regularly listen to the OP, and remember liking the series- but for the life of me I can't remember almost anything about it.


I watched a school romance show that I thought was good, but can't remember the name. I have spent the last three weeks trying to find it. I'm at the point now where I think it was a dream. Hahaha


Well Chaika is good but the ending is very underwhelming. Maybe your mind is erasing any memory you have with all good moments to cope with disappointment.


Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai - What is that series about? I wouldn't be able to tell unless I open a wiki or something all I know is it's on my complete list and the only I remember is the OP is a little catchy. I was supposed to put God Eater but even that I can at least remember that it's like an post apocalyptic setting with CGI.


Don't remember cause I was asleep through it: Patlabor 2 Don't remember cause it's been so long/it wasn't amazing: Canaan


Kurokami the Animation. It was action, yes, someone had black hair, yes, that's it. Most of the series mentioned by others are pretty memorable to me. I'm fairly sure remembering or forgetting series is more about where you were at life at the time than anything about the shows themselves.


Synchro.... And some guy died... It was a good anime.


Sunday Without God. I don’t even remember having watched this anime at all until one day when I was scrolling through my MAL list. 


Tenkai Knights


Most isekai since they're almost same and plentiful in numbe


Gundam Wing, really. I watched this in 2010 or so and I can't remember most of the plot. Looks like I have an anime on my rewatch pile.


I watched a Fairy Tail movie which i dont remember watching at all but i rated it on MAL so i mustve watched it There was also that Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon show with the girl as lead instead of Bell and i have 0 memory of ever watching it, but again its rated on my MAL


Fighting Foodons. It was trying for a piece of that Pokemon pie, but I have NO IDEA what it was about besides food-monsters, and I watched a lot of it as a kid.


None that I don't remember what happened, but I don't remember how far I got into the Tenchi franchise before I dipped out. If that counts...


Mayo Chiki. I enjoyed that anime but I can't remember what's it about lol, aside from the tomboy butler


I remember watching an anime called K on Hulu years ago. I remember enjoying it at the time. Never heard anyone talk about it and I couldn't tell you anything about it now


Kiznaiver, Eureka 7, Gleipnir, Dimension W, Shomin Sample, Deadman wonderland but I also dropped that show anyway, was gonna say Juni Taisen but turns out I do remember a good chunk of it. Prob a few more than I totally forgot the names of.


Kagashi Dashi... because like wtf it is even about?


Kenshin. Granted, it's been years since I watched it, but I can't remember a thing about it other than his hair.




ReLife, I guess. I remember the character designs and the MC's backstory and the basic premise but I genuinely can't remember anything that actually happened within the episodes.


Code Geass


high rise invasion. all i remember is a school and a hot guy wearing a mask.




Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight. I forced myself to watch it because I loved the ovas and now I barely remember anything of it. Great opening though. Stellvia of the Universe. The only thing I remember is that the MC was annoying but I can't remember why.


Great Pretender. Only thing I recall is it involved scammers teaming up to take down criminals.


I couldn't even begin to list them because most of them I couldn't even remember without looking at my MAL. But I can confirm there are several.


This cavalry anime with a girl who has pink hair and a sword. Can't remember the name. Another anime I can't remember the name of, but I do remember the MC had blue hair, it was an isekai, and at the end, he was on a dragon with his heram. I also remember the anime was TERRIBLE! But I watched it because I was hoping it would get better. Parasyte or parasite, idk. It was an anime about a guy with an alien in his hand, and I only remember like 3 things. The Alien gave him crazy strength, he went emo. and there was a naked girl. I also remember really hating the way it ended. It was like trying to be trigun but worse.


Grisaia no rauken


I watched some show called Magikano. I don't remember shit about it other than it was a harem, there was a pair of talking panties, and the ending was a contender for the worst anime ending


I watched Chaika also and I too don’t remember anything other than she carried a coffin around.


And that coffin had like a gun in it right?


A magic Sniper rifle specifically, which was baller. All else I remember was SHOCKING TRUTH being a meme, and the eyebrows.


One Piece. All background noise while I drifted off and did stuff around the house. I remember it being funny and pirates and stuff. Dont ask me more


In reality quite a few, and some with fairly high score.   What’s worse are another group where I have a warm and fuzzy feeling, but I can’t remember anything more.  The most recent in this category was The Witch and The Beast from a couple seasons ago. 


Classroom of the Elite. Did season 1 and half of 2 I think, and just remembered nothing from it. I kept seeing people say how good it was and it was just nothing keeping me interested.


Lol so many


every anime which I watched on their release day week after week I do remember them or recall few scenes but those binge watched those are for my grandkids to figure it out.


I can't remember a thing about angel beat except the girl had white hair


Yk that one with chika dance I only remember chika dance thats all


Oh no! Haikyuu! I watched the movie and I can't even remember the character names and storyline of the past seasons. Probably because I was so into Prince of Tennis, it became the standard for sports anime for me.


Sword art online. I mean I have broad strokes of the plot memorized but by the time I get to the second half of alicization I get burnt out and then wait about 6 months and try pick up where I left off but by then everything is pretty fuzzy so I start from the beginning and get burnt out by the second half of alicization. Same thing for My Hero Academia. These are the only two series this happens with though. I researched AoT and JoJo start to finish and never got weary of them.




Speaking of Chaika, I do remember that show; but there was another adaptation of a novel series from the same author as Chaika called *Scrapped Princess* which has almost completely left my memory... I do remember one very specific plot point from the very last episode, but nothing else leading up to that point. I also can't remember anything about *Kanon* for some reason. I know I watched it almost immediately after Clannad, which might have influenced my opinion on it.


Taboo Tattoo. I watched it years ago. I have the OP on my phone since it's kind of a bop, but I do not remember anything about the actual show


When I first started playing animemusicquiz Seiren came up from my list and I had no idea what it was. And at that point the anime was only 1 year old. That's just how forgettable that show was to me.


A while ago i was on MAL and it said i watch "how to keep a mummy" or "keeping a pet mummy". I saw that and thought "ooh yeah i guess i did watch that"


Lol, there's a fuckton of anime I've forgotten, I've been watching anime (beyond what was on network TV) as a hobby since '89.


Death Parade. I had to rewatch it when I heard the OP on my playlist's shuffle!




Most of them. Most of the time I only remember how I felt when I watched something. The memories are there, but only surface when I am arguing to prove how my friend is wrong about the anime.


There's like 20 different 12 episode anime that I watched on Hulu when I was staring out that I can't remember a single thing about. I can read the title of the anime and go "oh I've seen that before," but I can't recall a single plot detail or character name. I can't really name any right now because I can't even remember the names of the anime unless I see them out in the wild.


Fractale. That show was just a gigantic blur of boredom in hindsight.


During my summer break I over 87 shows In a span of 1 month Out of those 87 I can't remember shit about princess connect:re dive I don't even remember what the show was about lol


Seraph of the End


Amnesia Love the OP, but... I can't... remember....


Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi. Funnily enough it was illustrated by the same person as No Game No Life.


Most of everything airing if it's a one-off lol. I'll watch those 40-50 airing shows every season but don't ask me to describe them cause I cant even remember any of the names.


Any anime I binge I have a hard time recalling names or objectives in the story until it’s said again lol but like Rokka Braves of the Six Flowers. Blue Dragon when I was like 9. Log Horizon


Hitsugime no Chaika


Horimiya and Ranking of Kings


Digimon, bakugan, also I dont remember the name of sooo many. Like I remember the ost, but not the show or its name. I dont remember most of the animes I watched in early 2000s, well its been more than or almost 20 yrs so..... But I really would like to remember the names atleast, y'know?


Probably half the anime I have watched.


That show with two voice actresses/idols It was cute, but I remember nothing about em or their problems.


Tbh most of code geass.Being one of my fav animes,i should remember a lot but i just can’t seem to recall some parts


Most of them honestly


Ghost in the Shell… I know I saw it, I know I liked it… but the only thing I remember is the name and it’s maybe about an android?


Kenja no Mago. I cannot remember a single thing that happened in that series. Every time I think I remember something from it, I realize that it was actually a different show. The only thing I remember about it is people in the discussion threads praising it as one that would be remembered as an all-time classic.


Your Name. I watched it a few months ago and rated it 9 on mal, so obviously i loved it, but completely forgot everything abt it literally the next day


Unsurprisingly, most of the stuff I've watched 15+ years ago and haven't thought of since fall into that category. For example: Kannazuki no Miko Black Cat Heroic Age Seirei no Moribito Kaze no Stigma X (1999) Shangri-La 07-Ghost Bonus: Almost every 'magic battle school harem' type anime I've watched. There used to be at least a half dozen of these every season before the isekai craze took off, and good luck telling any of them apart.


Honestly, a bunch of the shoujo shows I watched in the 2010's have blended together into mush in my mind: My Little Monster, Say I Love You, Wolf Girl and Black Prince ect. I don't think I could tell you which one had which characters/plotlines, only that no one likes Wolf Girl and Black Prince now and I can't even remember if I liked it back then.


For as much praise as it gets: From the New World. Legit forgot I watched it and saw people recommending it a year later and got partway through the first episode before I even remembered the show. I don't know what it was because it has all the elements of a story that I love but it was 100% underwhelming and forgettable for me. Also, Astra Lost in Space had the same effect. Just... Forgettable. And forgotten. Until someone recommended it and I went to check it out and realized I'd already watched it but remembered nothing.


Aho girl


Urotsukidoji. I can only remember one scene, that I cannot describe here unless I want a permaban.


Probably some of those i watched on free tv around 2008-2010. Like shakugan no shana, mai hime, moncolle knights(it actually took me years to find the title of this show because i couldn't remember. i remember the dark angel guy cause he was my favorite in the show, and the funny team rocket villains) and some other anime i cant remember the titles of


Classroom of the elite. The only scenes I remember was of the short haired girl exposing her true personality and some parts of the last episode. Other than that, absolutely can't remember anything that happened lolol.


it’s probably the detective is already dead


Flip flappers, I remember nothing but the ed


Ano Natsu de Matteru (not even sure I got the name right), I remember the premise-- group of highschoolers in summer who for some reason are making a movie? They encounter the Third Kind in the form of cute girl, and romcom shenanigans ensue. Beyond that, I CANNOT remember any of the fine details from that show. I think I can recall that the main dude is carrying some sort of familial trauma or something


I legit don't remember what Golden Time was about. All I remember is that there was one moment that pissed me off so much it made me drop the show.


Golden Kamuy I remember really liking the first season a lot but then when i picked up the season after a couple of months i'd forgotten it to the point that i had to stop watching cause i could barely understand anything


Grenadier maybe, I remember blonde main character who is kind of like Vash and reloads her revolver with her boobs. Can't remember a name of any character or story beats. Maybe Zoids, I think I watched a couple of them and one of them had a tiger robot and I couldn't tell you which one it was.


Shield hero. Just remember pieces. I remember feeling it was very generic and cliche. Watched it all but don't remember anyone's name or what happened.


Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko. I know I watched it a long time ago, but the only thing I can recall about it was that the tone shifted substantially from what I expected early on. But I couldn't name a single character, event, or noteworthy scene.


Watched like a season (maybe more?) of High School DxD and don't remember anything other than there was a club and they were like demons or vampires.


Madlax. I am positive I watched the whole thing, shortly after Noir. About a year later I started it again and got 2 episodes in before being sure that yes, I'd seen the whole thing. Anyway, that's why I've never watched Cazador.