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Look, just read the meeting minutes. Bob emailed them to everyone this morning.


Imagine if tensei was actually just full on corporate. > Dear Veldora > As per my previous emails... > -Rimuru


>As per my previous emails _attached_. > I'm damn sure I've already sent this and will make it clear.


There's actually a spinoff manga where they are corporate workers. I wonder if it still continues.


Take the hard drive out of my computer at home. Put it in the bath and make sure it's completely wiped. Regards, Rimuru


We both know Veldora is the white employee whose role to make the company look rich. He does not get emails.


As per my previous emails do what I say without a tantrum and I'll make more manga Love RimurušŸ’š


I'd watch that, just a chill series about a trading company or a merchant ship, maybe a caravan.


Farming Life in Another World is kinda like that. Dude inadvertently makes a powerful little village so ends up opening up diplomatic and trade relations with his neighbors. Thereā€™s ā€œactionā€ but itā€™s never a serious threat. You might also like Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear.


Umm well, soonish


I read somewhere that there are many meetings this season, lol. I haven't watched it yet, I like to binge this series.


Itā€™s not even that there are several episodes of just meetings, itā€™s that the meetings are almost entirely Rimuru agreeing with a room full of yes men.


When I watch, that's in a few months time, I'll see if I can stomach it.


I am morbidly curious to check out Slime anime after reading dozens of complaints about meetings.


We are gonna have a meeting about it in a couple days if you want to sit in. Seriously though it's where the show puts most of its world building and character interactions because the whole rest of the world is a mad house of demon lords, religious zealots, wars and monsters.


If only we saw those, rather than being told that they exist. :P


We do see them all the time: They're having meetings of their own xD


We do, all the damn time.


I've only seen religious zealots and demon lords having their own meetings. I've yet to see any meaningful wars occurring outside of what Tempest is actively involved in. In-between meetings, of course. Monsters were only really relevant in the first season. After that they're mostly.. irrelevant.


the first season is actually quite good. Lots of world building. It's like watching the birth of a nation and its expansion. Slime Diaries is cozy fun. Slime 2 is a mixed bag of great moments, lazy storytelling, and an absurd amount of recapping. S3 has been like 80% meetings that take place in any number of rooms with nothing of note occurring.


'Nothing of note occurring' is a weird way to dismiss geopolitics. Most of the human world conspires against Rimuru and its important to know their motivations and their intentions. The crusaders should be unified against all demons, but the meeting revealed that there is a 'realpolitik' faction who is very aware that they should not blindly antagonize demon lords (kind of like the movie *Kingdom of Heaven*). The revelation that firearms technology is being withheld from partner nations despite the overt threat of an ascendant demon-led nation on their doorstep was also interesting. Every lore drop adds one more crayon color to the canvas of the world.


There's just no stake. The human world is inconsequential because they have no power. Heck most demon lords probably can't beat ~~Raphael~~ Rimuru. Look at how all those plotting by the luminaries got crushed in 1 minute by Diablo. Hinata's knights can't even touch Rimuru's weakest subordinates. Rimuru didn't even need to do anything against the luminaries since Raphael-sensei did everything from battle plan to execution. Now we have a human girl with no power other than being from a wealthy family going to be the next antagonist. Sure is gonna be interesting watching how she'll plot and plot and plot how to defeat Rimuru. Imagine all the exciting meetings! ^(/s)


Thank you! I would tolerate all the plotting and meetings if they bring something. But when the fight started it was clear they had not chance even the fight with Hinata was totally underwhelming. "I throw this uber attack that no one can block. Haha jokes on you I can block with minimal effort". Then the eminences were also useless being deleted in less than 1 min without breaking a sweat. There is no suspense, no emotion. It remembers me of those Korean reincarnated or regression OP mahnwas.


thats kinda the point tho, its not meant to be nail biting, its meant to be one punch man. i havent seen season 3 tbf


then be OPM. Don't have this pretend political intrigue meetings. And if you're going to have intrigue, actually have discussions and tensions in the meetings. Not just yes men and "my perfect plan is executed perfectly and even if a mistake happens I find it and fix it almost immediately with no consequence". I enjoyed seeing Diablo do his plotting and OP'ing. I don't enjoy hearing Diablo say vaguely what his plans are or why for the 10th time.


Yeah, this is the biggest thing to me. The meetings are egregious but I could put up with them if they were buildup to a big payoff. Instead we have these comedically cliche fights where the enemies are too busy complimenting the heroes on how strong they are to actually accomplish anything. The fact that the literal weakest characters in the entirety of Rimiru's forces completely and totally dominated Hinata's knights without needing the help of any named characters was a complete joke. Then whenever Rimiru is in trouble Raphael literally just magics up the perfect answer. There's no planning, no strategy, no stakes. No matter what happens you can rest assured that the good guys are going to always come out on top, both in battle and keeping their moral high ground because everyone else is a cartoon villain. I've heard the manga is better. I'll probably just switch over tbh...


> There's just no stake. The human world is inconsequential because they have no power. This isn't exactly correct. Hinata could have beaten Rimuru last season and not to mention look how many people were "killed" then as well (the resurrection bit was pretty shitty IMO but the point is that humans weren't completely weak). If Luminous had come i.e. the equivalent of Rimuru, then he would have 100% lost. > Look at how all those plotting by the luminaries got crushed in 1 minute by Diablo. Hinata's knights can't even touch Rimuru's weakest subordinates. Rimuru didn't even need to do anything against the luminaries since Raphael-sensei did everything from battle plan to execution. This is true, but something to note is that Hinata would also steam roll Rimuru's subordinates. The 7 days could could also beat most of them. Not to mention the story itself was setup that the strongest entities of various factions consistently fought Rimuru himself (which IMO Is something they should change because I do agree it gives the impression of a powerless human society). > Now we have a human girl with no power other than being from a wealthy family going to be the next antagonist. Sure is gonna be interesting watching how she'll plot and plot and plot how to defeat Rimuru. Imagine all the exciting meetings! /s Pretty sure the next main antagonist are the Angels that stop civilizations from advancing beyond a certain point, as well as the other otherworlder but yeah. Personally, I do think the general criticism of too many meetings is pretty spot on. I think the main problem is how active Rimuru is as a leader compared to other similar shows like this and the fact that the meeting occur in the same place over and over. In a lot of these types the "leader" still poses as an adventurer or something like that and leaves a lot of the actually administration to someone else. Rimuru actually tries to be a leader, which honestly is a bit different to the norm and not for everyone.


People trying to justify this shit pacing by acting as if thereā€™s some enjoyable, complex plot that requires long discussion is odd. There are never any consequences in this show so whatā€™s the point of showcasing a ā€˜secretā€™ villain plotting for a quarter of every episode when we know nothing significant will come out of it.


Youā€™re getting hated but youā€™re exactly right. We just got off an arc where the MC gets no consequences because the resurrect all their allies.


I liked how despite not losing anybody at all and the stakes being zero, MC still committed fucking genocide lmao


And yet we have to create these contrived situations so that the good guys have absolute and total moral high ground to fight lol


I enjoyed it until the witness/evidence tampering happened. Like, all those deliberation and you somehow missed the single point of failure. Leading to solving conflict through mid-combat talk no jutsu in the end.


>There are never any consequences in this show We just got through a major conflict which was a consequence of a character death from S1. One of the biggest conspiracies against the human world was unearthed because way back when, some damn slime decided to put up a fight and the world order has gradually gone to hell since that point in time.


A "major conflict" where no one good died, or really even had any trouble at all in the fight, everyone easily figured out the conspiracy, and all the evil conspirators were killed, and then everyone immediately went back into a meeting and decided to be friends.


I love watching mouth flaps in the same room of events that are easily summarized. The first 7 episodes could have easily been 3. If you feel differently, please describe what happens and why it needed so much screen time.


Bro would hate the later dune books.


My best friend has read it and told me if I don't like the talking portions I should drop the show going forward. The action is apparently wayyyyy less prevalent going forward.


The pacing just keeps slowing down.


It's pretty much like watching paint dry Huge cast of spread out characters that disappear for half a season at a time and tons of monologues


The first 2 seasons are pretty good, this one is dragging on with meetings. Pretty much because the main character got a huge upgrade last season and now that they're an even bigger boss they're bogged down dealing with upper management stuff, deferring most of the combat duties to lieutenants who on their own could solo armies.


The long meetings start in the second half of season 2 and while they can be boring they explain a lot of the things happening in the world. It's still a good show with some top tier character designs imo and some great fights.


Meets CAN be good. These meetings are not.


yeah they are boring


It started off stronger so you'll enjoy it for a while. This season is a bit of a drag but tbh the show has always been fairly slow. Even big fights drag on the same way.


They did shorten them as much as they could tbh. It's just a consequence of the source material ig.


Why do you do this to yourself?


People donā€™t realize that Slime itself as a series is heavily around world building, character interactions and things of that nature. There are action heavy episodes/stretches which are fantastic, but thatā€™s not all the show is about. These complaints are a meme at this point. S3 has been meeting heavy, but dives into the thoughts of each sides and shows the politics of the world theyā€™re in. If people are this upset, theyā€™re not going to like S3.


You should watch slime, it's a pretty fun show. The meetings don't get out of control until S2, and then this season literally every episode but 2 has been meetings situated at a table. That isn't an exaggeration, but at least there's many different groups of people and different tables around which they gather. The amount of meetings is so ridiculous it's actually kind of hilarious


These people are not actual fans, like the point of the anime is being a semi political country building anime, it's awesome when the boys gets a new trade negotiation set up and then we get some slice of life antics showing dwarves discovering ramen or some shit. When there is action it is immaculately good but the anime understand it needs a proper build up and explanation to make it narratively good as well.


Just ignore the complaints about meetings, that's how Slime does worldbuilding, because it's so complicated and there's so many different factions and stuff. If they want so much action they should be watching Kaijuu no. 8.


Eh. There are other series that do worldbuilding that don't require meetings. The problem is that SlimeTime has a problem with "Show, don't Tell". It forgets the former and focuses entirely on the latter.


I call this LN syndrome.


> The problem is that SlimeTime has a problem with "Show, don't Tell". It shows the meeting table front and center at all times. What more could you want to be shown???


Did you know? Even though most people think of the stories of "King Arthur and The Knights of The Round Table", the actual round table wasn't the primary focus of those stories and didn't take center stage. Facetious humor aside. Anime is a visual medium. Just sitting around a table flapping your gums is squandering what a visual medium is capable of. All of these episodes literally could have been an email and it wouldn't have changed their impact. Hell, these meetings are almost always completely calm as well. There's no one standing up suddenly speaking in an ancient tongue to point out how foolish everyone is being. There's no one speaking in hushed tones saying "One does not simply walk into Falmuth". They're just... casually chatting most of the time. There's no real difference between watching and reading, except that I could probably read faster than they're talking.


If you have to rely on a 2 hours worth of exposition to spell out plot information to your audiences maybe youre not that good of an author to begin with


> because it's so complicated Hey honey wake up, new Rick & Morty meme just came out.


This is extremely reductive. "Oh you just want action, go watch battle shounen". Why is that the first place you go instead of maybe people don't want to see exposition for multiple weeks. Maybe actually do some show don't tell.


> that's how Slime does worldbuilding Thatā€™s how bad shows/books do world building. Instead of actually showcasing the world and what is happening, they just dump exposition through dialogue or text.


I mean, the show is at its best when it's nation building XD


This is the new norm for Slime. The majority of the LN volumes are like this, with a couple of exceptions. Lots and lots of meetings and planning, and then big action at the end of the volume.


Sometimes it takes multiple volumes to get to some action at all


That doesn't sound fun read/watch...


For the LN the meetings are super interesting and fun to read, while the action scenes are incredibly boring. If anything the best part of fight scenes is the aftermath and post-war meetings that follow it.


I stand by the fact that the best scene in the series is a meeting (with current pacing, it'll probably be the opening scene to season 5).


It would be better if they took from Oceans 11 and Death Note and made the planning enjoyable to sit through.


It is, though. Itā€™s different in the novels since you get to hear more inner dialogues that the anime canā€™t convey. Each meeting comes across very differently in the written medium.


Meetings and dialogue can be fun and engaging to watch if presented in visually interesting ways. I mean, look at the Monogatari series, which is mostly just dialogue yet the anime's direction is dynamic with cool or interesting visuals that don't make the dialogue boring. So really, the issue is the anime isn't adapting the dialogue in a way that makes it engaging or interesting. In other words, they aren't making use of the animated medium. Watching a show, after all, is different than reading written words in a book.


Its great to read. But they cut the interesting parts of the meetings. Idr this much meetings tho tbh. Pretty sure its quicker in the book


For me, those meetings and planning sessions are so annoying because Rimuru and his subordinates are so overpowered. The strategies don't matter at all.. they could do whatever they want and still win easily.


Slime it's one of the worst offenders in this type of thing though, and let me tell you it doesn't get better from this point on


After this season I'm done then. Dropped.


Then it really is like transitioning from a start-up to a big business. At first there's lots of action until it's such massive enterprise that some people only go from meeting to meeting.


This season could have been an email. /j


Can't wait until Rimuru remembers that zoom exists and gets someone to invent it by way of magic. Not being in the capital is not an excuse to miss a meeting.


Isn't that basically what he was working on in the last episode. He like projected a thought to a monitor


To be fair, the biggest conflict so far was caused by a fake email.


And these episodes suck because they lack an agenda sent out a day or more ahead. Never attend a meeting without an agenda.


the series has always been ā€œtell donā€™t showā€


It definitely wasnā€™t that way in the first season. The second season was starting to show signs of this disease but was still interesting enough around the midpoint and end, and now this season is _excruciating_.


I saw a youtube video where guy says "Slime always been this way since seaon 1, maybe its not for you" and I was like bruh you gotta rewatch season 1 it had that problem but was waay more intresting about it, instead of just these corporate meeting making you feel like a chore to sit through them.


yeah such a wasted opportunity with the colorful cast


There's a million other isekais with wacky fantasy designs where all they do is fight. Go watch them


I don't even mind that they aren't constantly fighting. It's just that meetings aren't interesting to a lot of people. If I wanted a meeting, I'd go to work.


No one said it had to be a fighting-heavy anime but who in their right mind would want to watch these boring meetings, they didn't even try to make them interesting.


Ikr? I kinda got bored watching them sit around a table discussing stuff but I managed to stick with it.


Honestly, I sped through 'em and just got the gist. I watched 2 or 3 of them in full but after that it got really tedious to watch them fully.


That's a fair reason. Personally, I've never really sped through any episodes lol


This is what happened when you have some of the very op squad of people, who just want to chill at home and watch the grass grow. I do wish they do more country visiting. Trying out more local foods or talk about scenery.


if there was anyone to blame, it's the animation director, poorly conveyed the contents of the LN. Even in the LN its all meetings but the anime poorly conveyed the gravity of the situations. I just hope they'll do justice on the next arc because it's one of the most anticipated moments in the LN


I agree. Iā€™m actually rather worried because how poorly the season went. But ironically most of the books I had our Alexa read out loud while I was doing other things and after a surgery when I had to rest so seeing the meetings and hearing it with other voices was odd.


I do have nothing against the meetings and I got my fill of action from other shows alrady. I found it honestly funny seing people complain about the meetings and the lack of action. I saw someone joking about how we are done with this peky action and finally get back to the meetings and yeah I found it pretty funny.


The problem isn't the absence of action, it's that all the meating are boring and retelling the same thing over and over. There is a lot of great show with a 0 combat and this is not one of them even the action part isn't great.


Makes sense an anime where the MC builds a nation might have to actually deal with politics and discuss things with his advisors rather than just running from battle to battle.


The MC isnt building a nation though and often openly admits to wanting to do as little as possible in regards to that. That's why Rimuru has assigned like 20 people to each area who are all far more competent and experienced with the matter of ruling countries. Rimuru is the MC but there's no excuse for 90% of the content to be meetings around a table


The nation building and politics is laughable, most of it is easy, autopilot mode. It would be another run of the mill isekai if not for the characters design.


He is objectively building a nation lol. What kinda logic are you tryna use here?


That's the issue, these 'politics' are beyond meaningless. Neither is anything relevant that they're talking about nor will it pose a challenge since they're so OP that the only thing threatening them are extraterrestrial beings rofl


With a few exceptions like LoGH, political discussions in anime are often generally handled with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer.


does it make sense? maybe is it entertaining or done well? no not at all


I don't mind dialogue heavy fiction, but the dialogue needs to be directed well. A bunch of people sitting in a room talking with little to no animation of their bodies except for their mouths flapping screams "cost cutting" to me, not "directorial intent." Look at other planning heavy fiction and you'll see that while the dialogue is happening you show the audience something engaging. For example, while Diablo was talking about all his planning, show us Falmuth collapsing into civil war, don't just zoom in on Diablo's face while he monologues.


I unironically watch the show for meetings, the action is serviceable but I'm watching because I like people sitting in a circle talking about events that have already happened and making new plans. So many shows have so much action but it's cool to have a show where it's mostly meetings. If anything there's too much action. I just want episodes of rimuru having meetings about how to set up public works projects


Most people agree that the first and the latest episode of the season's meeting episodes have been the best. It's because they share the same director. Sitting in a circle having a meeting doesn't have to be boring. Death Note taught us people talking can be exciting as hell. The problem is when you get "tell, don't show" but with bad direction, it's painful.


"tell what you've already shown"


Iā€™ve really enjoyed how they show two different groups talking about the same event, but both have different/incomplete information about what happened so you get to see how that causes the decision making to diverge. Maybe thereā€™s a better way to show that than having long meetings but I like that it gets more in depth than most isekai Iā€™ve seen.Ā 


I think it kind of feels that way this season because the action itself has been mostly filler (in a filler-ish arc). There was a bit of intriguing exploration of Rimuru's domain which explores the business and government administration decisions that were made during the crusaders' trip towards the capital - and then we get stuck in a skirmish that lasts two episodes between the mooks who aren't going to die and the orcs who can't die.


I'm glad we have more political drama anime, we even have been getting political drama trash anime. Eating good.






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Ouch, that's rough to hear for the 2nd cour. I quite vividly remember the prior season had just as much dialogue but maybe it's just the way it was presented and the repeated meetings this season really made it even more glaring of a storytelling issue.


It was more spread out, and it had the underlying war plot going in as well. Season 3 was more of a reaction to what happened in season 2 (massive changes in the political, economical and military world balance, despite how small it seemed in the anime).S3 Rimuru was chiling in his nation with the rest of the crew, while all the surrounding human kingdoms were in full breakdown, trying to find a way to not get annihilated if things get bad. Falmouth had a full in civil war for throne succession instigated by Diablo, and a economical collapse. Not to mention the 20k humans that died. The rise to power of a new demon lord is a huge event, especially since Rimuru did it in 2 year (for others it takes hundreds of years to reach awakened demon lord status) and also united the monsters into a kingdom more advanced then the human ones around, which also became a main world trade hub, diverting the trade routes. Then there's the Holy Church and the whole thing with the Luminaries, and let's not forget the Rosso family with their illuminati type shit, ruling from the shadows and criminal organisations + the eastern merchants. Look at it this way. Season 2 was WW2. Season 3, till now, was the cold war. Everyone struggling to understand with happened and trying not to go boom while the world balance is resetting. And now, Rimuru is trying to open up his nation and establish friendly relationships and alliances to consolidate his position in the whole mess. The Tempest Founding Festival. It'd say the problem is in how it's presented. Cuz this plot is damn intriguing, but in the surface, as it was presented in the anime, it's boring


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reincarnated as a teams meeting invite.


the good guys are having a meeting, the bad guys are having a secret dark meeting and the mislead guys are having a meeting but they have the wrong facts then they clash for a bit (2 episodes but most of them are standing around talking about who is gonna fight who) the good guys beat everyone and invite the misled guys to have a meeting to clear things up and what remains of the bad guys have a meeting about how to deal with this loss then it cuts to the secret mastermind and luckily someone comes in his room so they can have a meeting about what they are gonna do moving forward and then that dude leaves and he has a meeting with the next person


tbh Rimuru is a former japanese salaryman


All they are shot reverse shot, shot reverse shot, throw in an infographic, shot of the table, reactions, shot reverse shot, like bro?! STORYBOARDER?? DIRECTOR?! HELLOOO ARE YOU ASLEEP? Never in my life have I seen directing so uninteresting and uninspired in such a condensed time. Could not make it more flat and dry if you tried. No strong character animation or acting, no dynamic angles, weak characterization, weak dynamics, just straight talking at us with no variety. Weā€™re eating spaghetti with no salt, no pepper, no seasoning,no flavoring, no sauce, no nothing. Just boiled noodles butt naked, no wonder people saying itā€™s boring.


Frieren had an episode ā€˜the height of magicā€™. Maybe this will have ā€˜the height of meetingsā€™, in which they have a meeting about a series of meetings to reorganize Rimuruā€™s holdings for greater governance efficiency and set KPIs for the following year.


Meh, I liked the meetings. Honestly the action was so bland that when we got it I wanted the meetings back.


Rimuru is so op that the action is pretty meaningless.


The meetings are pretty meaningless too. It's "hey this might be a problem. you, go solve the problem. NP I have a skill that makes it impossible for me not to fix this problem in a couple days".


Rimuru and his subordinates are so OP that the meetings are meaningless. Because they get there slap some faces without breaking a sweat and then become friends with them. It is like having 4 queens on the board and still taking 30 sec to do your move. Come on!


Honestly the whole show seems kind of meaningless for me. Season 1 started strong but then just got to the point there was nothing at stake anymore and no real plot progression.


Yeah, narou-kei tend to be like that, it's sometimes fun to see how its plot deteriorates with the MC being an infinitely growing deus ex machina.


There are too many other isekai where the over-powered protagonist constantly destroys a bunch of powerful bad guys easily. I actually find nation-building and the politics of it all interesting. It's a plus to see all these characters grow throughout the series as well.


But it's hardly nation building. Like the most we've seen is "Hey we need a road. You, go make a road. The road is now made." Or "Hey this faction is against us, we beat them up effortlessly, they are no longer against us." And almost all solutions are effortless. Literally no shortness of supplies (food or materials), housing, schooling, expertise, even the culture is immediately resolved offscreen. Like at least make it somewhat clever/fun but the show can't even do that anymore.


What bothers me the most is that someone will declare something, someone else will declare the exact same thing, and then everybody is surprised like it was a brand new idea, and everybody has to piece in as to why it's a good idea.


> Somebody send a tldr every meeting ep so i can just hop in for the action episodes. If you go to the discussion thread each episode there is pretty much guaranteed to be at least 1 of the main comments being a summary of the plot. I've always thought those posts were annoying and a sign the person had zero imagination to add any of their own thoughts. But it might actually be of use now. You can read that and see if this is one of the 2-3 episodes a season that something interesting happens and decide to watch it. Saves a lot of watching flat, 1 dimensional characters either repeating what happened before, planning what will happen in the future or a weak attempt at world-building that amounts to reading the wiki of that land.


Honestly monster geopolitics has always been my favorite part of the show. If I just want to see people fight stuff like solo leveling exists.


If the show actually focused on how they managed to assimilate dozens of different monsters with their own cultures and needs as well as the inevitable internal conflicts, Iā€™d be all for it. But most of it is pretty hand wavey regarding any of the hard questions. Instead they all just become japanese model citizens overnight.


Can we even call that geopolitics when every one always agree to be nice to everyone else all the time. It feels like i'm watching someone play civilisation but with console command active solving every problem by cheating. Tempest has basicly strongest workforce, strongest military, tech advantage, access to every ressources they need, when you are at that point there is no geopolitics


Wrll this is a pure wish fulfillment show. They have not had a disadvantage in any situation since season 1 basically so if you know what you are getting into it's fine for what it is. If you want something with a bit more oomph realist hero has a shakier start point and he's gotta do some real legwork to rise to the top. Still a wish fulfillment fantasy tho haha.


Yes i know that, and thats why there no interesting geopolitics in the show. It's perfectly fine to like watching wish fulfillment show but let's not pretend this is anything more than that.


I get that but I don't think we were. We were just stating that we enjoy the talking and don't mind the backseat action takes.


Same, the op fights are nice punctuation points, but I'm all about the kingdom building and geopolitics aspects and this season has been a lot of fun for me so far.


Just drop it. The show is a trainwreck.


This is literally a world building type anime first and foremost where the guy literally does not want to fight if possible.


That's not good world building though.


Well, you're gonna have to live with it. There's a lot of that coming


Good worldbuilding is something like Mushoku Tensei or Frieren, there they actually GO to places instead of just saying it. Mushoku shows the food, the culture, the scenery, types of creatures and everything, it feels like it is well thought out and overall GOOD WORLDBUILDING!! Then you have Slime which would do all that but in a meeting because why not šŸ‘


If you donā€™t like it, this aint the series for you. Thatā€™s just what the show is, and itā€™s fine if it isnā€™t for you.


I thought people were just joking about not liking the meetings. To me, the best part of the show was always the politics. The action is good and satisfying when we get it, but doesn't really stand out from other shows.


Politics doesn't just happen around a table. And most the meetings are just yes men or people who can't fail at whatever task they are given. So there's not much intrigue their either.


The meetings are the best part imo


Slime Isekai has ALWAYS BEEN a city management anime with some action sprinkled here and there


This is just what the anime is, it's not a non-stop action fantasy Isekai like most of the others. It's not for everyone absolutely but that's what it is.


Slime is definitely a show I wait for all of it to be released before watching. They build up to incredibly hype moments but that build up takes the entire season and itā€™s very frustrating


I read the light novels and they miss out a bunch of stuff and compress it into meetings. Im pretty sure the secret behind holy magic which is meant to be huge secret thing is just talked about in one of the meetings. Then again, most of the light novel volumes are nearly all meetings and planning


I would definitely be enjoying the season if I hadn't read the LNs, anime politics are good but don't have much rewatch value lol


This anime could've been an email.




Don't speak a recap episode into existence


Next part of this season doesnt have much for action either till the end im pretty sure. This season is basically all setup for a massive war arc. Was a lot more interesting in the novel tho since it went into depth and covered other nations views on tempest after the wins etc


it wasnt an episode , it was a weekly scrum


Itā€™s the meeting season


Or we should have a meeting about it instead :)


This season is around 60% meetings lol Ah the rough daily life of an Emperor


I guess itā€™s the marks of a mature civilizationā€¦. Meetings


This anime makes a good case for why changing content can be good when adapting from different medium, especially light novels. Most of the meetings could be delivered more concisely and shown more than told. The meetings probably lend themselves better to the light novel format than anime unlike action. It is a shame cause these problem weren't really that present in the first season and s2 part 1. The vibe was way more chill and about exploration in s1 and took dramatic turn in s2 p1. The adaptation does a really good job in the backgrounds/animation departments. It just desperately needs a better script writer who is willing to change stuff fundamentally for the latter parts.


> Seriously what's up with these meetings? 7 episodes of meetings into 1-2 episodes of action (it wasn't much action), then straight back to another meeting... Currently prevailing meme theory is all action scenes were lend-leased to Girls Band Cry eps 1-8...


at this point, it's an anime about politics for people who don't care about politics and with action for people who don't care about action.


I don't get this season, was totally disappointed and bored with it.


But Slime wasn't really about action tho


There was plenty action in both S1 and S2. S3 has been extremely meetings/talking heavy. S1 and S2 also had a lot of talk, but it was at least mixed with action and some level of travel, which meant things werenā€™t stale. Just going to the capital and teaching kids, then trying to save the kids - it wasnā€™t much action, but itā€™s leagues above 3 consecutive episodes of just talking. Threw that as an example. At this point Iā€™m just thinking of picking up LNs and start reading them. Like Iā€™m not getting any animation, any cool sound design, any fight scenes that I would normally get from anime over LN. So why bother? Just read the meetings fully in LN instead of cut version from subs in anime.


S2 pt1 was action heavy. S2 pt 2 was a lot like this season. People were complaining and memeing about the meetings back when S2 pt aired.


Brain rot attention span


If it wasnā€™t for the Diablo screen time I would have been severely disappointed but luckily that alone saved it for me.


Overlord does it better anyways


The worst part is that we sat through 7 episodes of boring, tedious meetings and then the only action was the result of a stupid misunderstanding that would have been resolved with literally 2 seconds of conversation.


It's a nation building show with some politics and fighting as side stories. Of course there is going to be meetings.


Coulda been an email tbh


Because the pacing is genuinely terrible. If you take one standard sized volume and turn it into 12 episodes you can expect padding and time fillers. And I have no idea why they are even doing it. There are like 20+ volumes and there is absolutely no need for this.


Thatā€™s why I stopped reading the LN. After while I just got bored of all the meetings.


Imma be honest, those meetings are ten times more interesting than the actual action of the show, Seeing as any threat just simply gets wiped without any sweat from the main cast just isn't enjoyable in the slightest, I rather just learn about the world and characters instead, cuz as of right now that's the only fun part in Tensura for me


Those episodes were awesome lol. Fucking ADHD kids canā€™t go 5 minutes without someone punching someone else. Good lord. None of any of that could have only taken a ā€œcouple minutesā€.


We don't need action all the time, but you honestly can't say that 7 episodes of meetings is normal pace. Previous season (part) had 4 episodes of that and it was long back then.


Iā€™m convinced the different is watching them weekly vs. all together. I watched them all back to back and very much enjoyed them.


I think the issue is that half the time they were just repeating stuff that they had already talked about in previous episodes. They probably couldā€™ve condensed it all into 3ish episodes. LN readers are trying to defend this by saying that the anime is staying true to the source, but I take it as the author and studio assuming that the audience have the mental capacity of a 3 year old and canā€™t retain information. Which everyone should find slightly insulting.


Iā€™ve never read the LN or the manga. The meetings were just fine as they were. Thereā€™s a lot of nations processing and discussing the new information and hearing their side of things isnā€™t poor writing lol.


I'm glad to see popular sentiment growing that the quality in RE:Slime is dropping from what it presented itself as in the beginning. I'll admit as a manga reader, it does not change and frankly it's frustrating from a week to week perspective. From a binging perspective it's better as you can appreciate the dialogues without worrying about when the payoff is.


That's what it means to rule!


I've been watching at 2x speed since episode 4. I'm behind 2 episodes now, I think.


I like the show, but I went into it not expecting it to be a battle shonen type with a fuck bucket number of fights. It's a political anime, Rimuru is trying to world build and make everything accessible and connected like it was in the world he came from. That's way more politics and meetings than fighting to the death type shit. The fighting when it does happen is great, but it's not the core of the story. The politics are, imo and if that isn't your thing, that's fine but you're definitely in the wrong anime waiting for repeated high octane action sequences.


Donā€™t have to be high octane, just entertaining or interesting. Theyā€™ve covered the road building project at least a dozen times. And most of it is, we need a road, Iā€™ll make a road, the road is now done and itā€™s the best road that ever roaded. And itā€™s so fancy and over the top for its use it breaks suspension of disbelief. Itā€™s so easy for them. Like so easy it makes you wonder why no one else could do it. Mostly because it hand waves all the interesting complexities of road construction, especially in this setting. And weā€™re talking about roads. A really boring concept. The show talks about them even more but removes the few things that could be interesting.


No it doesn't if you keep complaining and don't like the meetings don't watch it simple. I for one like it because it's just adding to the story plus world-building. If you want action packed you are watching the wrong show and should probably drop it instead of complaining :)


May be a hot take but the meetings are one of my favorite parts of the show. Slime has always been more about world building and politics than it is an action Shonen.


I can't wait for the world building and politics to show up in the anime.


A lot of the returning shows this season have been a bit of a disappointment. But goddamn Slime S3 fucking sucks.


Itā€™s an anime about building a society. After a certain point itā€™s meetings all the way down.


Then you focus on those individuals leading those projects.


Reincarnated as a slime is pretty mid imo dropped it halfway through the 2nd season


Politics, planning, and intrigue are more interesting than flashy fight scenes imo. That kind of action just drives isekais into the ground. Side tangent: Realistic Hero is one of the best isekais out there. That and Tsukimichi are so great.


>Politics, planning, and intrigue are more interesting than flashy fight scenes imo. Can't wait for the actual politics, planning, and intrigue to happen. One nation not trusting monsters and trying to incompetently destroy them is as much politics as the baddie being bad from those flashy fight scenes. The politics, planning, and intrigue actually have to be GOOD.


Honestly, when he reincarnated as a slime i was shook


I binged the season when I had the flu and thought I imagined all the meetings in a weird dream state but apparently that happened


Remember when everyone was saying season one was too fast paced? Yeah that was a mistake