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When Kafka started running towards the bomb I got extremely hyped, I haven't felt like that in years.


bro i literally jumped out of the couch and forgot that I was doing this irl and start cheering lol


I was hype too but goddamn I had to pause and take 5 just to put my head in my hands and remind myself “I can’t control what’s about to happen” since such a big reveal was about to go down. Also it seems someone from dragon ball was in charge of the title, “Secret Revealed” huh? Sounds like a beach episode for sure!😭


When they killed the Kaiju No. 10 I was wondering Kafka hasn't revealed his secret yet, and then the Kaiju bomb appeared, and I was like, "Oh, here it comes." Lol


>Also it seems someone from dragon ball was in charge of the title, “Secret Revealed” huh? Sounds like a beach episode for sure!😭 I thought it was red herring. Love that they fooled me again! I was also so hyped that I clenched my fists and started shadowboxing!


[Kafka was locked-in](https://i.imgur.com/MPd3eBm.jpeg)


Last time I felt like this was when Deku punched the giant robot in the exam


The shot of them pointing their guns at him to arrest him inside the semi-circle area he protected was great


Great wallpaper material


Free my mans Kafka he ain’t do nothin


Mfs really trying to use pistols to arrest someone who just punched a nuke away with his bare hands


[Kafka next episode](https://imgur.com/djZTzcp)


The K stands for Kafka. Well, on our planet it stands for kaiju.


Yeah, that's basically it.


A little too accurate


[TFW no one can stop you from leaving but your moral compass forces you to stay.](https://i.imgur.com/RXqTeov.jpeg) [](#shatteredsaten)


The shot of all of the Defense Force soldiers pointing guns at No. 8 with the total destruction in front of him and all of them safe behind him was pure art.


It's comical in its procedurality. What are those plinky guns gonna do to the highest fortitude kaiju on record?


if he "used up " his power on saving all of them perhaps they can actually kill him as hes "armor " was showing cracks and human skin. Perhaps


Kafka’s power condition seems greatly tied to his emotional state rather than actual power consumption.


Anime protagonist no. 8 lmao


Hell yeah, kinda looked like the shape of a heart too. Well framed.


Tbf Kafka was barely able to maintain his transformation after


The look of absolute resignation on his face when he looked at Mina...poor dude.


He’s also probably exhausted as fuck too


Too old for this shit


Hope they won't treat him like shit and hear him out. Kafka deserves better. 😭


His name is Kafka. He's not getting a fair trial


Not after his *Metamorphosis*.


Can you imagine the pain and soreness after all of the kaiju adrenaline wears off lol


Yeah, when Hoshina's suit powered down I thought "oh he's gonna feel being punched through severa buildings now for sure."


That ending was something. The look of "I did it. But at what cost?".


He had the same "i'm fucked now" look as that guy from the Chernobyl tv show that they forced to look down into the exposed core.


It's not really like he had a choice. I don't think he would even be alive if he didn't transform or if he did he would be the only one alive and they would have found out he was Kaiju 8 anyways.


He just punched a nuke and used an electric field to protect those behind him, he's probably dead ass tired too.


The quivering of Mina's eyes too. She and Hoshino are probably pingponging from shock, to betrayal, to anger, to grief.


Kikoru and Reno are also probably going to get it in the neck for knowing the truth and not telling the leadership. To be fair, they don't know if this isn't just a long con for him to destroy humanity, or even whether the kaiju parasite that infected him isn't going to take over his mind at some important moment and use him to destroy humanity. They are going to putting a *lot* of needles into him next episode probably.


At the very least, Mina knows Kafka since childhood, so that should provide alibi for his history.


Would it though? It's shown how they've both changed tremendously in the years since they parted.


He has an alibi that he is not a Kaiju disguised as a human, like Kaiju No.9. But it still depends on whether they can trust Kafka. They can still accuse him of betraying humanity and working with the Kaiju in hiding. Or accuse him of Kaiju taking over his body within the period Kafka and Mina were separated.


But would she be able to know for sure he's actually Kafka instead of a kaichu who morphed into his likeness?


> or even whether the kaiju parasite that infected him isn't going to take over his mind at some important moment and use him to destroy humanity. This is my biggest worry. That thing was specifically looking for him and I can’t imagine it was because it is secretly a good Kaiju. Especially not since it forced itself in him. At some point you gotta expect it to try and take over his mind.


I've been wondering for a while if Kafka's exposure to kaiju viscera and excrement in his job somehow made him resistant to the parasite taking over and turning him into something similar to Kaiju No.9. But that doesn't explain why he was targeted in the first place, so maybe not....


The kaiju that took him over was the slacker kaiju in the colony and just wanted a safe place to hide. Older man who just cleans up shit is a safe bet.


He could have been targeted as a counter to Mina. She's the #1 military asset against Kaijus and they could be planning to throw her off by making her fight the body of her childhood friend. Also we now know she's great with guns, but bad with swords, so close quarters combat with a humanoid-sized foe is one of her worst match-ups, and that fits Kaiju no. 8 perfectly.


With no 9 wearing people, if I was the defense force I might isolate division 3 whole base. Can’t tell how many of them have been eaten or converted. Kafka clearly passed the physical examine to enter division 3. Equally clearly read as human to everyone in day to day.  It almost looks like a targeted kaiju attack at Mina as the Kaiju converted someone she knew to get close. Side theory, I have some doubts that Kafka was originally human. His conversion to no 8 was remarkably quick and as non traumatic as a 2 foot worm crawling down your throat can be.


Intriguing theory. I agree - they ought to be suspicious because a childhood friend of their most important military asset getting turning out to be a kaiju is *too convenient*.


The doubts are warranted, for all they know, Kafka was always a kaiju who's so good at lying and faking human behavior that he fooled everything into liking him.


Exactly, or a humanoid kaiju that killed and replaced the original Kafka after somehow absorbing his memories. They already learned that hostile kaiju were blending in as humans from their encounter with Kaiju No. 9.




\+ he just did


They pulled a great red herring, with the title first seeming to spoil his secret was gonna come out. Then when he's about to go kaiju to save Vice-Captain, it's seemingly undercut by Mina's heroic entrance. Then the ending happened!


Hey can I get a set of those earbuds that stay in even after you get thrown through a couple of buildings?


"This episode was sponsored by Ra-"


"Raid Shadow Legends!!!"


Damn, now I can't wait for next week. Thought we somehow would get more conversation between the defense force and N8 before episode end...


>Thought we somehow would get more conversation between the defense force and N8 before episode end... Got to leave some tension in for the next episode. Assuming a typical 12 or 13 episode cour, this will probably end on the Defense Force deciding what to do with him.


This season will end on episode 12.


I once thought the first season would end with this episode, Kafka being outed, but I think I know now where the season is really gonna end. And it's gonna be awesome.


Yeah, the tension at the end of this week’s ep was palpable.


I’m sorry, did she just use the tiger to bear the kickback from the big gun?! Fucking brilliant.


They should give the tiger one of those kaiju tech suits too


And make it Liger Zero? Yes please.


*snort* haven't seen a zoids reference in years


I rewatched it late last year, it hasn’t aged the best, but god do I miss the models I had when I was a kid


Those models as much as I loved them developed an anxiety of pulling things apart too hard and breaking them.


I think that Tiger has some special abilities, it's too weird for it to be in the defense force otherwise.


I think I saw it pulverize rubble (boulder?) with a swipe so yeah probably.


I love that they have done zero to explain the tiger. This is Captain Mina, she's an incredible badass with a giant gun and also she has a near telepathic connection with a giant white tiger. Sorry, a tiger? Why is she the only one with a tiger? We don't ask about the tiger. Just accept that when you get to a certain degree of badassery, you get an extinct animal minion that does your bidding and helps you in kaiju fights.


I'm just waiting for the inevitable scene where she rides the tiger.


I'm guessing she's faster with the suit on. Which means if it does happen, it'd be casual Mina. I like that potential image better.


Well she is only proficient in ranged weapons, so having a mobile, support unit that obeys her commands is pretty good, especially if it specializes in close quarters combat, which is does because it is a tiger. It makes logical sense.


I don't think anyone's debating the *why*, it's the *how* that's the question lol


a recoil support cat


Between that and Mina avoiding kitchen knives in general she had some good little moments to pair with her big gun ones.


I just love the idea that she's attempted to cook multiple times only to nearly kill people (and possibly herself) with kitchen knives lol.


"These delicate fingers are for kaiju blasting. Not cooking."


She sounds like she has a similar problem as Yor.


Nah Yor's problem is that she has too much skill but zero finesse


I bet Kafka would make a great house husband if he put his mind to it [](#shirayukieavesdrop)


Maybe not from all the empty cup noodles lying around his house.


The "... if he puts his mind into it" part at the end is important. It is one thing to cook for just yourself, but when you care about others, it is a completely different story.


Hilarious that the reason she needs a domesticated Siberian tiger is to be her back brace


That tiger is more than just eye candy (and detects Kaiju it seems), it literally helps Mina blow giant Kaiju up.


It is also her emotional support tiger for when PTSD kicks in.


Who wouldn't want a whiter tiger to cuddle with at any moment? Best fluff.


You can see it breaks one of the boulders falling near her after the first shot, it's clearly kaiju-augmented somehow


Imma be a little pissed if even a couple comrades turn on Kafka next week. He saved EVERY. ONE of them.


You forgot that he also saved all the civilians within the vicinity.


From their perspective they may think saving the civilians was an unintended consequence and that he did it for self preservation.


Sure but then there are also all the other times he was seen by the defense force actively fighting other kaiju and never attacking humans, even the vice captain realized that he could have lost their fight if #8 hit him when he was wide open instead of disarming him and fleeing. It bugs the hell out of me that none of the defense force people could hazard a guess that he was trying to help them when they saw him fighting #9.


Communications were blocked when he was fighting #9 and you don't drop decades of precedence without substantal premise to back it up.


Comms were blocked but not the eyes and ears of the two squad mates he saved and the other two faceless officers that he later defended from #9 who can later report what happened. Plus in those decades of precedence no kaiju was known to shapeshift into human form, talk, to not attack humans on sight, or to disarm a human without harming them and then run away despite having an opportunity for a kill. So despite dealing with this for decades these people have clearly learned fuck all about what ever is really going on, so it's not a big leap to expect them to accept that this is not a normal kaiju situation and so it can't be treated like one.


Iharu was pretty vocal about kaiju no. 8 saving them, he was telling everyone at the dinner too. The leadership definitely knows about it too. They just can't afford to be optimistic about a friendly kaiju. It's not something that happened in recorded history, so it's safer to treat no. 8 as an irregular, but very dangerous specimen.


he is faster than even top of defense force, he could flee, yet tried to minimize damage and protect members of defense force, only complete dimwit would see this as just move for self-preservation


I feel like some of them might be willing to accept him but I get the sense Hoshina won't.


I bet more than a few, especially Hoshina, won't appreciate feeling duped by a humanoid kaiju


Like he had other options ["Hey guys, I'm actually a kaij-"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/598/137/25f.png)


I think it depends because in their mind he could be like 9 who assumed the body of a human. How do they know for sure it’s not a really smart kaiju that hijacked the body of Kafka knowing he’d join the defence force.


I don’t expect any named characters to betray him but he it is possible he will get a cold shoulder and be doubted by some like Hoshina. I could be wrong, but the show has been fairly light-hearted so far. Serious betrayal/ungratefulness doesn’t feel like something it would do.


I'm getting big "Trial of Eren Jaeger" vibes for the next episode. Gonna be a lot of posturing and confusion, but ultimately they'll decide to use Kafka as a glorified tool.


This has been a terrific adaptation but what truly surprised me is its soundtrack. It's been tremendous so far and has motifs present in old-school monster flicks. Kafka's full theme is badass.


This anime has exceeded all my expectations in adapting the manga. All the spectacle, wild fights, and heartfelt character work have been done TO THE MAX. The color grading, the soundtrack, the worldbuilding. Mad respect to the studio, the animator, and the director of this episode, who surely was bringing the Attack on Titan influence throughout!


It’s honestly better than the manga


I think I noticed this on ep.9. The music playing when the kaiju transformed, especially the brass sounded like it came straight out of a godzilla movie.


Hoshina showing why he’s one of the most badass characters this week. Bro was up against that big red bastard with an overheated suit and he still pushed on. He even went past his limits on some Yami Sukehiro shit lol. Shinomiya and the rest of the team were also amazing. They gave Mina enough time to blast that kaiju. At least before it went all “suicide bomber.” Kafka really had no choice but to blow his cover. Man essentially punched a nuke away from the city and he still gets taken in. I get it but also at the same time HE BASICALLY PUNCHED A FUCKING NUKE AWAY FROM THE CITY.


If you're going to blow your cover as a wanted Kaiju, you may as well ensure you indebt everyone who would otherwise be coming for your ass when you do so.


Yeah, at the very least they can't completely dismiss that he's seemingly human and can communicate and has been helping them either as Kafka or Kaiju No. 8, though I feel some (like Hoshina) will be harder to convince than others. But Mina's reaction probably hurt the most.


Similarly, it probably hurt Mina the most, even more than Hoshina. She'd been waiting all this time for Kafka to fulfill his promise to her, and when he's finally almost there it turns out he's somehow a Kaiju.


For her, that's enough to wonder if the Kafka she knew was always a kaiju or he got replaced by a monster at some point and her friend already died. It's gotta hurt.


that might actually backfire on kafka ,as basically during interrogation : so basically you became kaiju just before your last exam , knows the face of defense force and captain of 3rd division , conviently always there for kaiju no.9 , has really good knowledge of kaiju anatomy . Aren't these too much of coincidences


Main counterpoint being that he was in presence of the entirety of the 3rd division completely defenseless (no shit and no weapons) and could have wiped them out super fast When you think about it it’s really scary, it could have been a completely one sided quick slaughter if you swap out Kafka with Kaiju no.9 in the same setting


Plus the fact that the captain knows Kafka as childhood friend means that it's not an assumed identity. 


Could always be assumed identity since the other human kaiju transformed his human form to someone else. However, Kafka's personality is definitely genuine.


Honestly, there's a finite difference between a high fortitude kaiju who acts, for all intents and purposes, human, and a human with a kaiju-powered suit and weapons on their back. Kaiju have access to more resources for a protracted hit and run campaign since they don't need ammo and weapon maintenance, but if you're worried about something going back on its word and unleashing a 96% blast in HQ after a history of saving people, Mina can also do that at any time.


Even in a few episodes back we see how the officers didn’t really about kafka saving their lives. They’re still on the hunt for kaiju no 8 even after that little girl told mina about what happened. They really want to eradicate the kaiju no matter if they’re good or not


Hoshina has been battling accusations that he's outdated and unnecessary to the Defense Force, but Mina saw his potential and he displayed it with gusto in this battle, breaking past any and all limits from his suit or his body to cut up a giant Kaiju (his weakness) and set up Mina like is in his job description. I kind of wanted to see Kafka fight the Red Guy, but as far as dramatic reveals go transforming to one punch a nuke away is pretty amazing.


To be fair the defense force is kinda dumb because the Kaiju could have easily evolved into some op smaller hand to hand creature eventually. Hell even real nature works like that sloths to avoid getting killed and eaten by humans into extension went from giant strong tanks to small low energy creatures that taste like shit.


The thing is, they weren't against hiring hand to hand specialists. Hoshina was looked down upon for not being compatible with guns AT ALL. They wanted people like Kikoru who have the best of both worlds.


I think taken in makes sense. They have to figure Wth is he. At least they didn't shoot him on sight. 


Yeah, he's also weak right now, if you think he might actually not be a threat this is your best chance to actually talk to him. You don't risk anything trying to reason with him and if he actually is a threat you can take him out right now. It sucks for kafka but this is 100% the correct choice.


> Man essentially punched a nuke away from the city and he still gets taken in. I get it but also at the same time HE BASICALLY PUNCHED A FUCKING NUKE AWAY FROM THE CITY. And not only that. He also protected a bunch of people from the blast. There's a huge cone of safety behind the spot he was standing in.


Hoshina is proof that bringing a knife to a gun fight can work…when your friend brings the gun and blasts the enemy to pieces! 😂


He's a Kaiju Slayer born in the wrong era but Mina saw value in him and his skills and he's been proving it by slicing up smaller Kaiju and even finding the power to slice up big Kaiju for her sake. He really is the best Vice-Captain.


The main weakness of a long range shooter is against something small and fast that gets close. What she saw in Hoshina is a way to cover her own weakness.


Also shows Mina's foresight in how the kaiju will continuously evolve. Their generation saw the rise of progressively bigger kaiju, but she saw the coming of smaller, but more agile and powerful kaiju. She probably didn't anticipate them gaining intelligence though!


they honestly need more melee fighters. no way those puny 15% rifles are doing anything to keep the kaiju in place.


At the end of the day, the suit compatibility matters more. Kikoru kicked ass even with normal rifle, though she seemed to be more compatible with giant axe.


Oh shit, the cat's out of the bag now. Come on, man! Kafka saved your asses and you treat him like a criminal!


Mina uses the tiger to brace her big gun and absorb the kickback, allowing her more manoeuvrability in the field. … Maybe I missed something, because up until this point, I had assumed the tiger was a visual metaphor


I want to see the story of Mina and this tiger and how they became partners.


I wanted the team to defeat the kaiju but I also wanted Kafka to be cool as hell. Turns out I got both. It's crazy that this year has given me 2 Kafkas to fanboy over. #KafkaDidNothingWrong


Whos the second kafka, if you dont mind me asking


Kafka from Honkai Star Rail lol


I'm glad the flashbacks didn't overstay their "welcome"


For real. Nothing shits me off more than when a show finally reaches its climax and after weeks of enduring cliffhanger after cliffhanger you finally think you're at the best episode, about to watch the best scene of the season when suddenly the flashbacks kick in and soak up another whole fucking episode milking time with a backstory that should have been shown half a season ago. You finally think you're about to see the finale of the main fight and realise there's 60 seconds left. I feel like Demon Slayer has done this a couple times and it pissed me off so much.


rookie mistake by Hoshina there, everyone knows you need Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear for Kaiju of that size


Y'know with the weird air burst stuff Shinomiya's giant ax did, I wouldn't be surprised if they could make one for him.


And the weakspot was its nape lol


I wasn't sure whether I was watching Attack on Titan or Kaiju no. 8 this week with Hoshina looking like Levi and Kafka playing the role of Eren. It makes sense that they had to take Kafka into custody, but I do wonder how the fact that he just saved the lives of everyone in the base will factor into things.


> but I do wonder how the fact that he just saved the lives of everyone in the base will factor into things. He did save them from Hiroshima 2.0, I think he at least deserves the chance to explain himself. EDIT: Stop being pedantic you guys know what I meant.


Yeah, he's never attacked any humans and from all accounts he's just fought other Kaiju, I feel like he's just going to have to battle the fact that they're automatically hostile towards him as a Kaiju and have no idea what he really is now...not to mention his comrades will probably have very split opinions on him now.


The one time Hoshina fought him, he was later informed that it wasn't No. 8 that had attacked his soldiers (that was No. 9).


It's pretty impressive that it was human teamwork and skill that defeated the giant Kaiju, not Kafka, even if they still needed to be saved by Kaiju No. 8 in the end. I think it's definitely going to be a complicated issue because he's saved them but he's also a Kaiju and they're already suspicious of sentient Kaiju as it is. Either he's been a deep-cover infiltrator or is just half-Kaiju, but either way they probably want to find out what he really is especially if there are more humanoid Kaiju.


Really shows how good the defense force is, I think last episode they also said n8 was the only Kaiju they failed to eleminate. I do wonder how humans hunted Kaiju in the past without the suits. Maybe kaiju and humanity are on an arm's race and the humanoid Kaiju are their latest attempt.


> I wasn't sure whether I was watching Attack on Titan or Kaiju no. 8 this week Well Levi doesn't shout his attack names all the time.


I called the same reference like 2 episodes ago haha. What are the chances that Kafka gets to “stay” as part of the defense force through Minas suggestion and Hoshinas supervision as hes the “close quarter Kaiju expert”? Surely thatd be a bit too similar to Erwin, Levi and Eren. They are absolutely setting it up to go exactly that way though so thats interesting atleast. When you deep it further, axe girl and “senpai” guy have similarities to Mikasa and Armin aswell. This is just Attack on Titan with bigger guns wtf. When is Kaiju Rumbling, Kafka wants to be free


>This is just Attack on Titan with bigger guns wtf And without the depression. This show has much more wins for the good guys than AoT so far.


Considering the “dont get too close to your comrades” talk they had in an earlier episode, surely the depression is being saved for season 2. Watch one of his other comrades be a Kaiju aswell. Season 2 Episode 6 titled “Fighter” is gonna go crazy let me tell you


“I’m kaiju no. 7 and he’s kaiju no. 6.” “Reno! Are we doing this?? Right now??” I’d be dying lol


Yes true. But hopefully this time it doesn't involve children watching their parents getting chewed up.


I wonder how many kaiju corps officers' origin stories is exactly that


When the walls of the training area got blown away my brain went "RUMBLING RUMBLING IT'S COMING RUMBLING, RUMBLING!"


Yeah that slicing reminded me of Levi vs Titans


> with Hoshina looking like Levi Thank goodness, I'm not the only one. The way he was moving and piecing up the Red Guy reminded me so much of Levi.


That’s funny I literally sent to my friend group chat that this show is essentially the future version of aot


I think everyone will agree with me that this is the best episode for this series so far Don't forget #JusticeForKafka


That was some amazing explosion animation, the destruction of environment was beautiful. Some attack on titan vibes with the protagonist getting arrested after using his transformation powers in front of the military, let's see how it plays out in this case.


Can’t remember a time I enjoyed watching an episode of anime this much. As an anime only I was crushed when he didn’t transform the first time this episode but holy shit was it worth the wait. Can’t wait for next week


That was the best 25 minutes of anime I’ve seen in a long time.


that was THE shonen moment of the year god damn


Kafka giving us folks way past our twenties and thirties our own hero moment


[30 year old boomer kaiju hero](https://i.imgur.com/hKFG3Dy.jpeg) [](#gintamathispleasesme)


The reveal is here and it was very well done. I expected the defense force to still be at arms against him, but the pain in Mina's eyes show doubt. I hope our boy Kafka stays safe and I'm sure those closest to him will vouch for him but, for now, it doesn't look good.


Also the look of anger on Hoshina's face when he realized Kafka had put the wool over his eyes because he liked him too much... Mina is probably thinking a lot of things. "Is this really Kafka? Has my precious Childhood Friend become a Kaiju? Or been taken over by a Kaiju? Can I still believe in him? But I have to do my job."


Reno and Kikoru will probably be taken in and questioned deeply why they didn't reveal this to the rest of the defence force too. Shit is getting real now.


There is no way I'm waiting a week for the next episode. Into the manga I go. Edit: I am now caught up to all officially translated chapters.


Looks like you want Chapter 33.


with the quality were getting, keep strong and wait another week brother.


Was there a reason why he couldn't transform while nobody was paying attention instead of running and transforming in front of everyone?


They play with anime time in this show a lot, so the bomb and kafka transforming is happening within a few seconds of each other. So Kafka just jumped in immediately because he didn't know when the bomb would go off and he didn't have time to excuse himself, hide, transform, then punch the bomb. We have to remember he was in the open at the time surrounded by colleagues. Really hard to get away from that many people.


Girl could've at least thanked him for saving everyone.


I feel like they'll explore that conflict in the last 2 episodes. And I'm down for it. We already were fed good with some insane action.


Sorry, 12 is not enough, I'm going to need at least 24. Life will be meaningless if I have to wait for season 2


Well a pretty reputable leaker just said that [S2 is in production now](https://x.com/SugoiLITE/status/1801992960579658040).


###Stitches! * [Short Hair Mina](https://i.imgur.com/26usrWM.jpeg) * [Capt. Ashiro & Bakko](https://i.imgur.com/dX9eLbZ.jpeg) [Hoshina really went full-on Levi](https://i.imgur.com/XV8CMWr.jpeg) this episode with him jumping all over the Kaiju's body, [trying to slice and dice him in every way he can.](https://i.imgur.com/nzfQ1Dm.jpeg) He really could've gotten the drop on the Kaiju as well [if only he didn't yell the name of his move!](https://i.imgur.com/ircIB6u.jpeg) I do love how Hoshina's backstory [is everyone telling him to give up](https://i.imgur.com/mmaeRT2.jpeg) because Kaijus are getting bigger and [blades aren't any use against them.](https://i.imgur.com/cX4LQWu.jpeg) Meanwhile, Mina wants him to join her force [because she's horrible at using blades](https://i.imgur.com/ife0NYf.jpeg) that she can't even handle kitchen knives. xD The fact that [Kikoru's massive axe bounced off the kaiju's body](https://i.imgur.com/ojEaph6.jpeg) really shows the power difference between her and Hoshina. Kikoru may be the third-strongest fighter in the First Division but she still has a long way to go to reach Hoshina's level. [That Kaiju is a fucking sore loser](https://i.imgur.com/gn9IkaA.jpeg). He couldn't win against them so [might as well blow everyone up](https://i.imgur.com/4tFKekW.jpeg) along with him. This is the equivalent of flipping the table after losing a board game except [he's using a fucking nuke!](https://i.imgur.com/Gm1cHlw.jpeg) [Kafka finally does it.](https://i.imgur.com/1y6pgcf.jpeg) The dude had no other choice. Everyone is completely battered and they really have no other way of moving that massive kaiju-bomb. [Kafka flying](https://i.imgur.com/VGL1lse.jpeg) and [punching the kaiju-bomb as far away as he could](https://i.imgur.com/KmVnHnA.jpeg) was so fucking cool. [Come on, now!](https://i.imgur.com/KssNLk5.jpeg) Let's all be chill here, Mina. You did just watch Kafka save your asses and the city from being wiped off the map. Cut him some slack!


Mina rocks short hair as well as she does her ponytail. And her tiger isn't just there to look cool, he even helps with her blowing up Kaiju. It didn't even register to me that we hardly see anyone else really using blades against Kaiju like Hoshina outside Kikoru using that axe. I guess it makes sense that a method that is more useful for fighting smaller Kaiju would be looked down upon or underestimated in an era of lasers, but Hoshina showed exactly just how far you can go with tearing into Kaiju with a blade when you push past all your limits. Now I imagine many a cooking mishap with Mina. Kafka might even have some stories to tell on that front lol. I think it was also true that Kikoru was running on fumes like Hoshina was by that point, though she also couldn't push past overheating like he did. If you're going to expose yourself, may as well do it in the biggest and most heroic way possible. And once again Kafka settles a problem just by one-punching it. I can kind of understand Mina being shocked and having no idea what's going on when she faces Kafka in that moment, and retreating into her Defense Force persona. I'm really curious how everyone else is going to handle it, Hoshina did not seem happy.


Hoshina: I've got the element of surprise! I'll attack from the back! Also Hoshina: *Gives away his position by screaming his attack form* The Kaiju: 👁👁👁👁👁👁 Me and probably everyone else: 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


"NUMBER SIX!" "Oh well lemme make you Number Two in your pants--WHAP."


* Wait, just how [long](https://imgur.com/KFSUJCy) has humanity been fighting Kaiju? Like with those things around, how could we ever become the dominant species on the planet? * [Gapmoe](https://imgur.com/FYKPbgy) * [Awesome](https://imgur.com/IP5bJtZ) [](#dekuhype) * I see [Cougar Senpai](https://imgur.com/gH6erCG) is fine as well * Ah, what a nice fight, and they managed to do it all without Kafka transforming... would be a shame if [something](https://imgur.com/pxMK7fE) happened on top of all this [](#forgotkeys) * Shit, this was an awesome save, but he's still [fucked](https://imgur.com/OgI1Aht) because rules are rules. It's stupid, all these people are more ready to believe that Kafka would betray them all and saved them all for selfish reasons than to believe that maybe there is a non evil Kaiju...


Hooooly fucking shit. Goosebumps. Tears. Such a powerful emotional episode. At the start of the episode i thought i knew where this was going. It's episode 10, the fights are gonna draw out and they'll leave us on cliffhangers until the last episode and then Kafka would swoop in right before Hoshino was about to take a deathblow and Kafka would save him. I was delusional... As soon as i saw the Kaiju form i checked the time left for the video. 3 mins left. Fuck yes. Yeah we got left on a cliffhanger again, but we got to see the full kaiju scene, it was so epic, so many emotions, my god. I absolutely loved this episode.


I love how it was not "Hoshino guts up and solos him anyway," and it was not "Mina arrives and solo bodies it," it was "*everyone* plays a part in creating the conditions that allowed it to be killed." None of them could have handled it alone.


I called it last week that the captain would come to save the day! I did not expect the secret to get out, but it's better that it did.


I was actually surprised they managed to beat the Red Guy in giant mode without needing Kafka, even though it took everything they had and they still needed him to punch a literal nuke for them. I guess silver lining is now he can stand by Mina's side in battle assuming they acknowledge Kaiju No. 8 as a resource/weapon and not another Kaiju to kill.


what an episode what an ending theyre going to have to realize hes not hostile right taking him into custody is just a precaution since theyve never dealt with this before right


It's not like they stupidly opened fire so they're at least treating him like a human captive


I doubt a pistol and some rifles will do much against a kaiju with a 9.8 rating anyway.


Mina's shots could probably do serious damage, but yeah, the rest of them might as well be squirting water in his face.


Especially because from their perspective this might be their first chance to take a humanoid Kaiju into custody and find out what they're like, setting aside the obvious questions about Kafka they likely have.


I love how Kafka just didnt hesitate a single second. That bomb showed up and he just went for it.


Still wondering how on Earth they clean up after an event like this. Or even the last one. Just cleaning up the kaiju guts looks like it takes months. Cleaning, preparing samples, disinfecting. Then you have to rebuild the entire infrastructure of the town or city worth a few miles radius at least. That'll take years. For the frequency that kaiju appear (and even though it's been more frequent lately I'm sure in the past it was still quite constant), it seems like a town is getting wrecked every few weeks or months. And supposedly it is more frequent in Japan than the rest of the world. I would *not* want to live in Japan if that's the case.


No way they actually revealed it?? I figured they would eventually but I did not expect him to let EVERYONE know like that. Not sure how I feel about that but Kafka was a definite badass for that.


Rusty and Mina with a bigass cannon: "I won't miss."


each episode gets better and better looking forward to the next episodes


The fact that this isn’t a two cour season is criminal.


Yo, that episode of Shingeki no Kaiju was *sick* But was it just on my end, or was the speech audio quality really low at times?


Episode 10: **Secret Revealed** Yes, since Hoshina excels in small to medium kaiju, he's no match against the giant Kaiju No. 10. Mina using her tiger as a pad to absorb the recoil is kinda genius. And to protect Tokyo and The 3rd Division, Kafka finally forced himself to turn into the kaiju mode. And what a sacrifice indeed. \----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Kaiju No. 8 has been announced as a mobile game, also comes to PC. Release date TBA.](https://x.com/Kj8_TheGame/status/1801984554858934272) [Naoya Matsumoto's illustration for Episode 10](https://x.com/ringo_inuS/status/1801964873376809214). Curiously there's no Episode 9 illustration.


Wow what an episode, honestly might be my favorite episode so far. Mina and Hoshina are really are the Mikasa and Levi Ackerman of this show, what an incredible duo. Wasn’t expecting Kafka to reveal himself that early on into the series. Now I’m interested to know where we go from here.


And people in previous episodes were saying Mina and Hoshina are comparable to Kafka in kaiju form. Especially Mina. Dude Kafka is like a Superman compared to Mina who uses fancy gadgets like Batman. She is still a human at the end of the day.