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Styx Helix and Stay alive ost are so memorable it reminds of the some of the scenes even tho its been years


Well said. I remember waiting weekly for Sunday episodes!


Damn the visuals and the ost in Stay Alive ED made me love EMT more and more.


The direction to sync Stay Alive too *chefs kiss* šŸ˜­ Also subaru's VA being so on point too.


People forget Julius POV. -Saved this loud-mouth life by tarnishing your reputation and getting punished for whooping his ass. -A couple day later, the same guy defeated the whale and apologized to you. -You guys made up and you continue to protect him with [edited:]Ia (the fire spirit). Defeated Sloth. Victory was in grasp. -Out of nowhere the guy you **saved** is telling you to **kill** him.


also killing the white whale is a HUUUUUGE deal to all the knights. it's a huge bit of shame for all of them that the whale has been rampaging on their watch for so long. so there's probably great pride for julius having saved this guy who helped lift the shame all knights felt, and he apologized to you.


It's really gut-wrenching :(


Julius over the arcs has truly become one of my favorite characters in the series, without a doubt.


Arc 6 solidified him as one of my favourite charactersĀ 


Definitely, can't wait to see it animated.


Itā€™s Ia


Thanks for the correction.


I'm surprised by how this episode is rarely mentioned in Re:Zero discussions. The start of the final scene, where Subaru is taken over by Petelgeuse, is a very strong twist, in an otherwise standard climax episode. At one point I thought the last 2 episodes of the season were probably just filler content.


So much shit happens in Re:Zero that a lot falls by the wayside. I also think anything that gets "undone," so to speak, often is forgotten a bit which maybe is sort of the point: everyone does forget except Subaru.


Which makes certain episodes in S2 so interesting when they consider dead Subaru timelines continue on without him. Though probably all converge on an... Unthinkable future


[Re:Zero S2] >!Technically, it's still speculation by Echidna that the dead timelines continue on. Probably very well founded speculation, but speculation nonetheless. She even mentions that the Witch of Envy is the only one who could know the truth!<.


I dunno I'd take anything from Echidna with a HUGE grain of salt. I also felt Barasu's stupidity is really the only thing that saves him in their encounters. Even she gets taken aback by the brazen abandon he displays. I think she is just telling/showing him that in order to wear down his spirit and manipulate him. In other words Witches be Witchin. Can't trust em the folks in Salem were right.


Exactly, one of the reasons this scene is so great is because before the twist, it feels like they've fully won. No one saw Subaru getting possessed by Petelgeuse coming, and wow did the ending of this episose hit hard


We weren't also aware of the new checkpoint


One of the coolest parts for me as well is that just like every twist in Re:Zero, it doesn't come out of nowhere. Petelguese possesses Subaru in the loop where puck kills them both. He just doesn't realize because 1. He's in a bit of a breakdown at that point And 2. He's literally dying as it happens But as the audience you can infer that something weird is happening if you pay attention, and it's something a lot of people won't catch on their first watch. Damn this series is so good


w forshadowing and writing from re zero like always


its one of my favorites episodes in re:zero and probably the scene that hurts me the most in the anime


You explained this beautifully. Definitely one of the saddest scenes just from pure emotion of it.


Considering lots of it gets undone and its like never happened impact of those scenes is really lessened . The one with permanent effects hit harder imo


One of my favorite parts of this scene is that this isn't the first time the viewer has seen Petelgeuse take over Subaru. Subaru also gets taken over at the start of episode 18. > I've heard this laugh before. It's the voice of a man I hated to death. No... It's me. I'm laughing at myself. I let Rem die, killed Emilia, and now, I'm going to die in vain. I truly am... > You truly are slothful, Subaru. That's some next level foreshadowing.


Yeah this is one of those things you miss on your first watch but catch upon rewatch


Typing a whole comment about this just to scroll down and see yours was a moment of all time for me lmao


Man, I barely remember all this, I think I need to rewatch the show before the next season comes out


Sounds good to me


The opening scene completely escapes me. Do you remember which episode and season this was?


Season 1 Episode 23 - Nefarious Sloth, right towards the end This is the last loop before the successful one in Season 1


I just did and it was great (again). Think next season drops in Oct!


If possible you should try to read the light novels as well As goated as the anime is it skips over some pretty important details regarding world building and character lore.


Yeah I recommend this too. LN for Arcs 1-3 and WN for Arc 4 The anime is amazing and Whitefox did their best to adapt the LN, but ultimately a LN adaptation is gonna skip over certain scenes/details


Why would you recommend WN for Arc 4?


Yeah Arc 4 is debatable. You'd be fine with either but personally I'd say WN for Arc 4 because it's beefier which means more character interactions. I think the only Arc post Arc 4 (because 1-3 don't have an English WN) where the LN is definitely better than the WN is Arc 5


Hmm I read up until the WN version of Arc 5 so when the anime comes out everything isn't the same as I read it Really looking forward to Arc 6 since people have been hyping it up.


If Whitefox do it justice, Arc 6 will 100% live up to the hype


Legit the only studio I would trust to do the job well. Hope they put the same love in Season 2 in this one as well


Getting the opening 6 episodes into the season šŸ”„




Up to which point should you read to be prepared for the new season?


Are 4 end in Vol 15 so if you want to cover both seasons you have to read until there Arc 5 which the third season will cover starts in Volume 16 You should read them at your own pace since they're quite beefy


same, but I'll probably just watch a summary, dont have time to rewatch all that


There is a deadless run compilation that shows the whole first season but only the routes where he survives past the death loop. See if you can find it.




Same here. I briefly remember major events, but I don't remember these things. Can't forget S1E15, no matter what. Peak Isekai for a reason.


I should also go back and watch it again, incredible series.


I just started my rewatch for this reason


I'm waiting to see if anyone hosts a rewatch before that, I don't remember this at all


Someone posted a rewatch interest thread when promotional material came out a few months ago. 50 episodes leading up to October so it should be scheduled for August if I'm not mistaken. I'm keeping an eye out for it.


Man subaru VA is crazy


That's why Kobayashi Yuusuke is the goat


God the performance was so absolutely amazing


[S2] >!This really reminds me of that trial where Subaru would see the sequence to his deaths. Fucked up.!<


[Rezero] >!The scene after he jumps from the cliff was kinda funny tho ngl!<


It was hilarious from her perspective. Ram was just like, "wtf was wrong with this dude? talked about fixing things and just offed himself"


Re:Zero is my favourite isekai of all time, but I really wouldn't call this one of the saddest (of all time no less), because by this point we already know Subaru will loop back. It is a very beautiful and well directed scene though. I think editing in the "extra" portion shown in season 2 would make it hit harder.


I agreed with you up until he went through the trial and it poses the possibility that those lives really happened and he just gets to leave them behind and they have to live with the shattered pieces this scene is flashed and it hits SO HARD. When I see this scene it's through that lens and all of the unfinished business. The budding relationships that he just left behind. This shit hit hard that way. Obviously, we don't know if that's REALLY how his power works, but it's heartbreaking that it might be.


God I think I would absolutely love if there was just a pure tragic spinoff short story or season of anime that just goes into the near future of the iconic loops after his death.


Some of them might be interesting but tbh a lot of them especially during this arc just ultimately lead to puck killing everyone


Doesnā€™t Reinhard stop Puck in most scenarios? Sure he might do a lot of damage but Iirc itā€™s not an apocalyptic event.


That's brilliant actually


Yeah, this is why a Re:Zero rewatch after learning that hits just so much harder.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure the entire episode where [spoilerino] >!he "goes home" and sees his family and says goodbye is probably the saddest scene. Like, there's so much sad in the show but generally he can "fix" things in some way or shape depending on how you view how return by death works. Seeing his family again is the one thing that he can't fix as far as we know at the time.!<


That scene is even sadder when you realize itā€™s not real


Personally I don't think Subaru being able to loop back detracts from the sadness of this scene This scene got me more sad than many permanent deaths in anime


yes i completely agree with you . it's not simply a matter of being permanent or not since that doesnt make subaru's suffering and the cruelty of this scene any weaker .. failing so close to the goal and having to ask someone else to end it for you before you completely lose it was very sad to see.


seeing him and julius robbed of their moment hurt too, and to have it replaced with this instead...


I always wondered how that timeline would have continued for the characters other than Subaru.


did you watch the second season?


Real shiz, god I need to become a youtuber or something. This whole "Subarus death aren't bad because time reverses" is a good video topic.


it is incredibly sad from julius' perspective. another commenter pointed it out. julius shamed himself to save subaru's life, in this timeline subaru then goes off and kills the white whale. lifting a century of shame on all the knights for their failure to kill it all of that time. subaru returns after accomplishing this incredible feat and apologizes to julius and starts to befriend him. it's very very sad for julius.


the emotions of julius and ferris are real though even if he loops back.


Personally some of the saddest moments are in arc 6 in timelines that didn't happen. The effect on Subaru stays even if the events itself doesn't.


Betel-Subaru screaming about love is my alarm sound. Nothing gets me out of bed faster than that. Never fails to wake me up.


Have you tried the music when you're drowning in the first Sonic game? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Yw5jkAHgME)


Lowkey one of the hardest to swallow deaths in the anime (at that point in time). With the other deaths you often had this feeling of "well it was going to complete shit anyways...". But here you actually felt a lot of hope because everything was going pretty well. So to get the rug pulled out from right under when we were ONE STEP from entering the door. It hurt so badly man. And the way Emilia (who finally got to look like a hero for the villagers!!) looks in that direction because she "sensed it".... F\*ck me this anime is the best.


This show just keeps getting better and better literally every episode. There are so many iconic scenes and quotes just within the first season itself. I'm hopeful season 3 about to be a banger as as well.


Let's just say anime onlies aren't ready for the greatness that will be Re:ZERO Season 3 :)


Arcs 5 and 6 are back to back insanity, my heart couldn't keep up. šŸ’€


Fr I read that shit so fast, I pray Whitefox will deliver because these arcs are amazing


Damn, y'all getting me hyped up fr.


Itā€™s worth noting that each arc is quite different to each other (except 7-8) so even if you like one, not a guarantee youā€™d like another.


so the usual stuff then ;)


yeah personally there isnt any other anime that makes it such a hard job to list all the legendary episodes and scenes since there are so many of them


It has the potential to be the best season of anime of all time


Fine, I'll rewatch Re: Zero for the 24th time


lol i'm glad


I think about this scene all the time


This episode truly left a mark on me the first time I watched it


I always wonders what if Subaru actually doesn't rewind time but instead move between parallel worlds. What happened to the worlds that he left behind?


They literally talk about this in S2, and you even get to see a bit of what would have happened after his many deaths.


They go more in depth in the novels and I'd recommend reading at least just that scene to see what happened in timelines not shown


Yup I read the WN way back (before the LN was even there actually) and the arc in general is much better in novel. Not WhiteFox's fault, they did the best they could (and that was still really good) with the limited episode count they had.


Maybe something like Magicami, where worlds the protagonist "rewinded" time from end up dying or falling to ruin.


It is impressive that heā€™s died like a billion times but the deaths can still make you feel sad or horrified


It's because the deaths are portrayed as big deals and as extremely traumatic events . Re:Zero isn't some edgy show that uses death to show how "mature" it is . Despite the lack of permanence of the deaths in Re:Zero it handles death unbelievably well


Man it's been so long since I watched this and it still hits hard. I don't even remember what it took for Subaru to finally get rid of Sloth, but this scene definitely stuck in my mind because of his history with Julius. It's especially interesting because even though you fully know that Subaru's death isn't permanent still doesn't make any of his death and less impactful to the story. Can't wait for the new season.


This scene is peak for so many reasons Julius blaming his own lack of virtue for this situation; the light that dies out from Subaru's eyes when he says "please" to Ferris (I cried during this bit); the fact that "Stay Alive" is playing when Subaru is asking Julius to kill him; according to Tappei (the author), if Felix didn't do what he did, then Julius would never have been able to gather the will to kill Subaru and Petelgeuse would have ended up attacking the village; the growth of Subaru and Julius' dynamic was also really nice to see, but the fact that Subaru was unable to convey what he wanted to say to Julius in this loop makes this scene even more sad; the dual meaning behind Petelgeuse saying ā€œI will never dieā€; the beat drop right when Emilia turns back; I also found it heart-breaking that they had to put down Subaru as if he was some rabid animal. Also gotta appreciate the voice actors, they did an absolutely amazing job


I donā€™t understand why Subaru got possessed, like it came out of nowhere, or was it because he had a Bible on him ?Ā 


Petelgeuse can possess people with high spirit affinity and no contracted spirits ā€œForcing a contract onto a human being qualified to be a spiritual arts user and taking over their bodies. Thatā€™s the truth behind your possession. Sin Archbishopā€¦no, spirit, Petelgeuse RomanĆ©e-Conti!ā€ from Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 9, Chapter 4, Section 1.


He has an affinity for spirits, which just made it easier for him to be possessed. It happens again during his next rewind, but heā€™s ready for it then and uses it to his advantage.


So it's been ages since I watched that but I never understood the first time - how did he resist possession the second time around?


By having Satella kick him out


People shit on the anime because the light novel and web novel is so expansive but holy shit thing gets my emotions going like season 1 of the animeā€¦ the OSTs and voice acting are top notch. One of the best series at making you feel something.


This and the puck sleep scene always stick out for me as times when I said "god this anime is so good"


or the rem twister scene


Wow I don't even remember this happened.


> Wow I don't even remember this happened = It's ok neither does anyone else (except Subaru)


Seeing this again is so gut-wrenching. It reminded me of those episodes where they spent analyzing Subaru's power and what exactly happens after he dies that Subaru doesn't exactly restart in the world he respawns in: its just another branching timeline with a different starting point. Seeing those timelines again and how the characters around him felt after he had killed himself just made me really sad when it sunk in.


after really liking the start of the series, i hated the mansion/oni twins arc and it gave me a bit of a negative bias for the series, but even with that bias this scene got me teary eyed lol. i really liked the crusch gang and julius and them playing the ED overlapped was playing dirty thank god i ended up really liking the whale arc, and after really enjoying season 2 id say im a fan of the franchise and im hyped for season 3


Definitely worth reading the novels before season three comes out. White Fox doing their best, but so much is cut, it's kinda heart breaking. I was so disappointed with how they adapted Subaru's confrontation with Garfield I dropped watching season 2 and didn't come back to it until it was over.


The amount of cut content from Arc 3 is honestly absurd . Most anime onlies need to read the novels for Arc 3 to really appreciate the next arcs and the candidates


The most egregious cut was during the witches tea party imo




this and the scene where subaru ran up to the frozen mansion is what goated the show for me.


Makes me remember how well done s1 was (the trade off being horrendous cut content but eh)


one of the most unforgettable and saddest scenes in re:zero .. i cant even bring myself to rewatch the scene


Honestly I'm super surprised with the number of people saying they forgot about this scene


I should really rewatch this before the next season.


You should!! It'll get you in the Re:ZERO mood


broo i swear anime always has the saddest scenes cant believe people sleep on it


What is Felix's power again?


Healing. But I think here he was boiling his blood if i remember correctly.Ā 


Yeah he basically fried his insides, which led to Julius killing him on the spot otherwise Subaru would have died a slow and painful death


holy fuck


I think he reversing his blood flow? One of the most painful thing that happen to him in season 1


they must work for canada


Why can he posses him?


I thought it was because he had the witches factor but apparently itā€™s because he has an affinity for spirit arts and doesnā€™t have a contract with a spirit


Probably my favorite scene of the series.


I only watch the show so I don't know where the story goes beyond it, but the most messed up episode for me was the one where Subaru is (hallucinating?) and has a vision that when he dies, he doesn't "reset" the timeline, he just jumps to a different timeline to try again, and then it shows like...8 different timelines where Emilia and everyone else have to deal with him being dead in that timeline. Then he wakes up questioning if that is how it really works or not. Messed me up hard for a minute.


The 2nd trial ?


Honestly this scene broke me at the time, I cried like a child


When the music kicks in, its just impossible for me not to cry


I know Rezero does a lot of "What If" scenarios and I wouldn't be surprised if they had one for this moment in terms of Subaru being trapped. Imagine if Julius says no and Petelgeuse ends up killing him/the others. Subaru is now trapped for potentially decades or hundreds of years. He would bear witness to all the horror and tragedy that would happen. I assume upon Petelgeuse dying Subaru would restart but that is still even more mental strain he now has to bear. He just got over being mentally broken and this would do it again and potentially worse.


This scene is peak!


Peak isekai here, Subaru is just the best


Yeah Re:Zero and Mushoku are honestly the pinnacle of Isekai for me. The story telling and world building they both have is just Incredible. But what separates them apart from the rest of the isekai is the love for the adaptation they receive. The staff truly love the IPā€™s. And thatā€™s the important thing. Joyously awaiting Season 3 in October


Only real ones know Subaru is the goat (Goatbaru)


One of my favourite characters, he's such a breath of fresh air from other isekai protags and he's also just an amazingly written character in general


This scene is peak for making our greatest catboy say Subaru-kun normally before killing him, and then Subaru-kyun when turning back in tears to Julius


I love this show so much, great art, great story, phenomenal voice acting, but just watching the series wrecks me *every time.* I have to prepare myself mentally to sit through it even though I know it's a great story, but god is it worth it.


I didnā€™t even know just by reading a novel also can do the same effect. Was the first time I feel thigh in my stomach and raising heart rate just by reading text, I need to pause for a solid 4-5 minutes to continue.


I feel bad for Julius, a person whom he started to consider a friend, with whom he fought against witch cult and the whale, and just when victory is at hand, the friend is possessed and theres no other option than killinng him (though do we know why Subaru was possessed and not some other person? was it because of witch factor?)


Man re:zero was such a fresh breath of Isekai anime imo. I keep thinking about death and watching him think about it so much made me sad for him. Relatable anime for me in that angle I guess


then his hate speech bro


Why did the subs just skip certain scenes?


I was meaning to post this, stitched together with aftermath we see in S2 sanctuary trial, beat me to it...


Damn you had the better idea, sorry about that


if you do that, also include the first time he gets possessed in episode 18


Actually I just clocked according to this sub's rules you wouldn't be allowed to do that since it counts as editing




Forsure, it honestly makes me tear up sometimes


It gets even sadder when itā€™s implied that the worlds that Subaru ā€œfailsā€ are still around


It makes his sacrifice more meaningful, though.


Certainly one of the best scenes in the anime. Julius is one of the most well written characters in the entire series, I can't wait for the anime to adapt the next couple arcs as well.


This is my favorite ed song transition


Not even the saddest scene in its own anime though. That happens when the save point moves.


It's even sadder when you see them griving for him in the "behold an unthinkable present" episode.


Fuck, i had to cry when i watched that. Im a dude, and we donā€™t do that usually.


Crying to 2D just hits different


And then there is this song playing in the background, damnā€¦ who is cutting onions again?!


Why not?


"I'm a dude and we don't do that usually" .... the fuck.


This is an excellent scene and certainly not talked about enough, but I probably would not call this one of the saddest scenes in all of anime.


I just watched this scene without sound and with happy music in the background I'm sorry but it was amusing with the sound I was playing.


I loved this anime cant wait for more


" I will never die" What do you think he means by that. Was it just an empty threat, arrogance or did he have one final trick up his sleeve? It's always been a line that has stuck with me, and tbh I have no idea why.


I presume it's a reference to his body swapping thing. The idea being that he'll never truly die because he'll always have another body to swap into.


Wait, you have to hear the demon's story before they run into one in Demon Slayer!


Sucks you can't buy the blu ray for this anymore


I love this anime, though personally I kinda felt the fact bro needed to die to "retry" was more of a necessary step - and since it's for a better outcome, kind of hard to see it in a sad light.


And it might not even be top 5 saddest scenes in the series.


Stay alive also goes insanely hard.


In all of anime is crazy lmao


Personal favorite anime but that neck snap always gives me chills like Jesus Christ chill out Betelgeuse




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I really love how they execute these "dead end" reveals. It completely compensates for everything else in the show. It knows how to lean on its appeal. "Yeah, we won!\~" **ominous SFX** **sad soundtrack** "Noooo!!\~" (Yeeeessss!!\~ I am so excited!)


it is not.


This was my favourite scene in S1 and so so brutal. I felt so massively sorry for everyone here but most of all julius. Also kudos for Subaru's voice actor.


I think when he broke down to the witch was saddest part for me .


Absolutely amazing scene. The voice acting, the music. It's one of the most memorable in the entire show for me


Man Subaru really is one the people in anime that have suffered the most. Dying multiple time in countless ways can't be fun, and having the psychological stress as well as the physical stress of that weighing on your constantly. That's gotta be rough. Here's to hoping my boy gets to relax a bit in season 3...


Going from hope, all the way to what's going on? To oh you gotta be kidding me, to tears and stayyyyy alive as the kicker. Even if Subaru's getting reversed in time, that doesn't mean any time soon his memories are going away. :((((( I love this series fr fr


Why do I hear?: Stayyyyy alive Everyone in the hood : \*sobbing\*