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Basically, it's Fate/leveling


Broadcast starts July 6, 2024 The story follows Kaito Takagi, an ordinary high school student who works part-time exploring the “dungeons” that have appeared all over Japan. Kaito has low stats and can't even confront a goblin without having to flee for his life, so he spends his time hunting slimes. One day he encounters an unusual “golden slime” that drops a rare item known as a “servant card” which allows Kaito to summon a Valkyrie, a powerful battle-maiden, and his luck as a low-level slime hunter begins to change. https://twitter.com/mobkara_pr/status/1804076795865538815 https://mobkara.com/


* Ordinary high school student ✓ * Stock standard medieval Europe fantasy/Isekai/RPG ✓ * "I'm so weak" -MC becomes OP within first episode ✓ * Female slave companion ✓ * Harem cast where MC is the only male character in the series ✓ * Not getting on the plan to watch list ✓ Holy shit, what a speedrun to the trash bin.


Maybe the animation will be good >Animated by Gekkou Gekkou is the one who made Jiisan Baasan, One-Hit Kill Sister, and TenPuru. Well, not exactly a heavy hitter. So yes, probably just watch/listen to the OP and ED and on to the next anime. Saturday is too packed anyway.


Packed Saturday anime is my favorite


> Well, not exactly a heavy hitter. But also director of Steins Gate experience (ep director for some of the highest rated episodes) combined with Monster/Hajime no Ippo/Tensura/SLF writer


> Stock standard medieval Europe fantasy/Isekai/RPG ✓ Description sounds more like Solo Levelling with fantasy dungeons in modern times.


Nothing as sweet as people here taking their time to click on the post of an anime they know they will not like, commenting generic stuff they always do and then that exact "trash" outperforming their favourite "hidden gem" of the season by miles. 😂🤣 People seething over Isekai and Harem is my favourite thing here.


It's honestly baffling. Like li'l bro, making hating isekai your personality isn't gonna get you anything more than a few upvotes. Why even bother making inane comments about a show you know you're not gonna like and have that same comment turn away people who don't even know if they're gonna like it yet? Like I know more than half of these isekai shows are terrible or forgettable but you can also say the same thing about literally every genre. Just downvote and move on.


We seethe therefore we must cope


oh I was just reading this (manga adpt) like a week or two ago. I think I still have the browser tab with it open. Seemed mid as hell. 10/10 would mid again.


> Seemed mid as hell. 10/10 would mid again. This is how I feel about half of the shows I watch. I love having low standards.


Damn this is so ass, might watch it though, since the art seems more decent compared to others of this genre.


Was this premise a thing before solo leveling?


Solo levelling wasn't the first of its kind , it just got very popular first...


Ahh. Yes I was just asking a genuine question... 30+ downvotes is kind of crazy 😅 I was talking about the dungeons randomly appearing in w/e country btw. I never heard of the premise until solo leveling came out


I am always taken off guard how awful anime posters are. Like all they can think of is to put the girls on the front and call it a day? It sounds and looks like generic dogcrap


Half of the replies here are slobbering to consume this absolute sewage. That's why this stuff keeps getting made


How does it affect you?


Hopefully not a serious question. It affects every last person who is a fan of the medium.


If it ain't broke


Look man, not every series out there need to be good, sometimes I just want a series with a bunch of cute girls so I can self-insert as the male mc, imagine myself inserting the female cast, and buy swimsuit figurines. It ain’t that deep man


You say that like 80% of seasonal shows aren't that. The medium has become a hyper commercialized slop spewing machine.


Summer season is stacked with so much good sounding trash. Consider me a dumpster diver because I cannot wait to consume it all.


I'm genuinely looking forward to so many new Isekai coming out, I can't wait


Same, if the MC/Girls are fun this could be a good show.


ah yes the major archtypes of anime, angel, devil, samurai, furry, and high school


I’m not sure if I’ll end up watching this show, but having HanaKana play the adorable blue-haired ‘angel’ on the left is definitely a strong selling point. The dynamic between this little angel and devil might be fun. The protagonist does seem to leap into battle and protect his “servants” judging from [the PV](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4-B3heXYK5w&feature=youtu.be). Watching him potentially acquire and summon more servants through these cards could be interesting - like what made Yu-Gi-Oh so appealing in the past.


Me whenever someone mentions KanaHana : “You son of a bitch I’m in”


Maybe the amount they pay to get the likes of HanaKana on these shows should instead go to a phenomenal writer, concept artist, and composer. It'd probably cost less for all three combined, too.


If AI is gonna easily replace any media it’s gonna be this dogshit copy pasted nonsense from japan first, jesus christ is this shit so unoriginal. How tf do people consume all of this slop?


Every year new Teens grow into their horny Harem/Powerfantasy phase




Our government did no such thing and "Isekai novels make people want to kill themselves" sounds more like a tabloid headline in the vein of "call of duty creates school shooters" than something that actual research went into Sure it's wish fulfillment, but nothing more


That was [Russia](https://animecorner.me/russia-bans-isekai-anime-for-promoting-reincarnation-beliefs/) but yeah more to it than horny teens, isekai is the salaryman culture making a cry for help


I like that the “main character” is tiny or absent on these posters 90% of the time


Cute girls be cute


It's like there's a competition this season to make the most generic isekai.


I'mma watch them all and figure out which one it is.


It's like trying to reach zero through division


Not sure what part she plays (based on the synopsis/tags), but I do hope we get to see lots of the smug little demon!


Naaaaah i just read this and it gets fucking animated!??!?!


I'm tired, boss.


Everything looks flat, and I'm not talking about *that*.


I see nekomimi, I'm in.


Wow I like that


That title really doesn't flow very well in English lol


they look 10 yrs old


Some of them must be, while others must be 300 years old.


fr. If Harem shows have to be a thing we can't we have some milf harem shows???


Multi attack mother. That's the milf harem you're looking for.


I've seen a few... highlights of the show. Maybe I'll have to give it a watch when I'm feeling in the mood to consume some garbage hahaha


[I miss them.](https://imgur.com/a/2Oh2xj1)


having a less sexualized design is plot relevant tho [early chapter stuff]>!Wasn't there a whole "expectations vs reality" thing about how she looked on the card vs when he summoned her. He was expecting a total bijin and got a loli and was very disappointed.!<


Hmm looks slightly better then generic


Just looking at this poster, I'm finna throw these AI generated harem waifus directly into the trash bin.


So generic looking mc, and more than one chick on the key visual, could it be an Isekai by any chance?




To anyone who read this, does the MC get overpowered and have no challenges after 2 chapters, or does he remain an underdog for any significant amount of time?


Read the manga which I don't think has gotten very far, but [manga spoilers]>!MC himself hasn't gotten overpowered at all after summoning the servants. Servants are OP as hell but he still tries to beat monsters himself and get stronger.!<


Thanks, I'll probably give it a go then


So he getting this C or HD?


This show looks like complete isekai trash and I can’t actually tell you how excited I am to watch it cause isekai trash happens to be my favorite.


I like the art


Will there be deaths?


Mid girl bottom is student like him and all other girl shown are summon slave is it?


Firefly with brown hair


This has potential


Top 3 girl in picture are normal girl not summon slave. Bottom middle girl also normal one too. Left and right side girl are slave summon of mc.


Doesn't look like any English streaming service has picked this up yet.


Yes! Bring all your isekai trash to me! I shall consume it all


Have you seen Outbreak Company yet? It's about a trash otaku who gets contracted by the government to go to an isekai world and teach them his trash hobbies.


watching it right now


All female cast 100 year old demon Loli. Cute animal companion with the ability to understand language. This is certified trash. I might watch it.


So many stupid generalisations in this thread. It's not even a fucking isekai, you idiots. Do some actual research and give it a go. It's actually a pretty fun series.


i have my checklist of shitty anime tropes, and i’m wondering, would summoning humans and forcing them to do things count as slavery


Yes but only if they were summoned without making a pact first.


Depends if they're real people or basically NPCs who only exist to do the sort of stuff you want them to do.


The drawing looks atrocious ngl.


Wow, how original!!!