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I can already hear people crying incest.


This step shit is so mild... I don't get why we never get the real stuff


Username checks out.


It's just the author pussying out. They want to write incest so bad, but they don't want to make waves so they go with this "technically legal, but still kind of incest" schlock instead. Still a lot of conservative people in Japan and they might raise a stink.


I feel it's not even that, I think they just want to portray romance between two teens under the same roof and they don't know how else to do that except surprise 'parents just got remarried, here is your new sibling'


yes! thank you! finally someone with a brain ... there are so many crazy mangas with insane premises just to get a cohabitation plot... becoming step siblings is just such a simple concept with very little baggage to affect the rest of the story


A co-ed dorm situation makes about 10x more sense to shoe-horn a living together plot without adding anything extra. I'm not out here kink shaming, but there's no shot at least half of these authors aren't actually into that step-sibling shit lol. At least as a fantasy. It's whatever, but it's like when people try to excuse someone wearing skimpy clothing because it's "how their powers work better". Yes...because the author knowingly made it that way because they find it hot. I know nothing about this work specifically, but just talking in general.


co-ed dorm is not the same as living in a house together... and if they share a room whatever explanation you need to get opposite genders to be sharing a room in a dorm is more than just a shoe horn it's almost genre changing to a comedy


How would co-ed dorms (as in...co-ed roommates if I need to spell it out) work any different effectively if the only goal is to get cohabitance going? Also how in the world would it change any genre just off that fact? You can make apocalyptic dark shows comedies if you want; it's whatever the author wants. There's literally an anime out there that does this and it's majority a drama. It gets them into living together without anyone having odd feelings while watching. There doesn't need to be an explanation for anything lmao. Co-ed dorms and that's all you need to know.


The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior


I think conceptually both settings have different psychological contexts Coed dorms are locked doors, and there’s an expectation of privacy as well as boundaries of space. Living in the same house, however, doesn’t give the same psychological safety - you have to absolutely trust the persons you are living with. And given that there’s less people , chances to “be alone” are more common Societally, no one really bats an eye if two opposite sex individuals live in the same dorm. But raise eyebrows when they live in the same house. So yeh, it’s not just about the cohabitation but how people perceive the setting that makes a difference. Just my opinion 🙏


Tell me you haven't read any manga in this genre without telling me so.


Isn't portraying incest as a good thing essentially banned now in Japan due to [Bill 156](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokyo_Metropolitan_Ordinance_Regarding_the_Healthy_Development_of_Youths#Bill_156)?


> Any publisher who has more than six works declared harmful under the new criteria in a 12-month period can be referred to the relevant industry self-regulation body. If the publisher breaches the criteria again within the next six months, the Governor can publicly identify the offender and comment on the reasons for declaring their work in breach. Looked over the link and I guess it depends what they consider “works”. Is it chapters? Episodes? Volumes? Seasons? Or the entire body of work? Either way, 12 months for 6 obstructions leaves them a lot of room to skirt the law. Even then, they’re just referred to a self-governing body if they break these rules, there’s no real punishment. Also, this is a prefectural law. It doesn’t apply outside of the Tokyo metropolitan area. So, if the writer, or maybe even the publisher, isn’t based in Tokyo then it doesn’t apply. Lastly, it looks like it might only apply to works under certain labels, like genres or publishings directed at a younger audience, not work directed towards adults.


It’s so hard for me to write less than 6 offending works in a 12 month period, I get it.


And to be fair, they might get stopped by their editors (or even higher up) if they try for full blood-related incest, like with Oreimo. Tho at least Oreimo's author got the last laugh a bit by being a lot more "subtle" about their relationship status, with some extra chapters written later that heavily imply if not pretty much confirm the ending his editors made him rewrite.


I mean, i’d maybe agree with you if we were talking about KissxSis or something… but this is just a sorta brainless take.


You're entitled to an opinion, but I have exactly zero of my zero slots reserved for incest shows free for the next season, so I'm not going to care or watch this show whether it was hardcore incest or whatever this "inseki" term they use for this "fake" incest is.


Yeah but it isn't an incest show, like having read it... very little of the appeal is at all in the """incest""" (well it isn't even remotely incest, fake incest or anything adjacent to incest). I don't have any issue with you not wanting to watch it or not liking it, the issue is with the assertion that the only reason it's got a step sister in it is "the author pussying out". I don't think the story would fundamentally function if it was his actual sister.


> Yeah but it isn't an incest show Okay, if you really want to be super pedantic it's not literal incest, it's inseki, romance between non-blood-related family members. Same difference, I'm still not into that.


Yeah, you don't have to be into it... I don't expect anyone to be into it. Again that wasn't the issue being raised, the issue being raised was the inaccuracy of your statement and then saying the only reason the author wrote it this way is because they really actually want to write incest but they're just scared of upsetting people. Which doesn't actually really line up with the content of the series at all.


Listen to someone for once and look into things for once instead of just randomly claiming oH nO iNcEst No No, having read the LN, it's nowhere remotely incest, but actually closer to the angel one


> Listen to someone for once I do: [Anilist: LN, tagged inseki](https://anilist.co/manga/126268/Gimai-Seikatsu) [Anilist: Manga, tagged inseki](https://anilist.co/manga/130837/Gimai-Seikatsu) [Anilist: Anime, tagged inseki](https://anilist.co/anime/152681/Gimai-Seikatsu) [Mangaupdates: Manga, Tagged Stepbrother-Stepsister Relationship](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series/s35zc7r/gimai-seikatsu) [Gimai Seikatsu wiki on their relationship:](https://gimai-seikatsu.fandom.com/wiki/Saki_Ayase) [Gimai Seikatsu] >!After the Halloween incident, Saki acknowledges his feelings for Yuuta, so they start a relationship unofficially.!< We get it, literally every synopsis for this show is a lie and everyone online talking about the show is lying and this romcom definitely will not involve any romance.


This thread is full blown delusion and I’m here for it. These people are lying to themselves sooo hard lmao. I’d be so ashamed of myself for watching this shit


Not true at all. The stepsibling set-up is used for basic dramatic tension. The marriage of their parents pushes the two characters to meet and learn about each other, and it also becomes the looming obstacle of the story. It’s like the author looked at the inseki fetish and said, “But how would the relationships actually work if it wasn’t just someone’s fetish?”


just go read irregular at magic high


I only know of Yosuga no Sora and it was great. Definitely wish there was more of the real deal.


True. Step is a cop out.


Blame the Tokyo Bill.


How it will be incest if I understand correctly they are just related by law not by blood.


People like to pretend that's incest.


It’s not incest if they’re step siblings


If you do it with step-sibling, would it be half an incest? /s


my favorite tag is inseki


Saki is going to be most popular girl of the season


I think it'll a fight between alya and saki !


oshi no ko s2 might destroy your expectations tbh


Most likely, I'm betting on Saki 1 alya 2


Only cause Lum is gone.


I swear guys, the story is actually wholesome despite the name.


Aw rats!~ **swiper leaves**


Sibling-Shipper No Shipping! *Sibling-Shipper No Shipping!*


So not only we'll get a Bunny girl senpai-isg clickbait in the upcoming season, we get a My stepmother's daughter is my ex-ish clickbait as well. Not to mention the one girl "harem" anime. It really is the season of clickbait romcom.


which is the bunny girl clickbait?


If my wife becomes an elementary school student, from what I've heard it's really emotional and has basically no pedo shit in it at all


I've read the manga. It's basically entirely about dealing with loss.


Title isn’t doing it any favors though lol but I respect where the fans come from


oh yeah that one, i'm excited for that story


The name isn’t even unwholesome, people are just degenerates.


yeah, that one genre of porn forever ruined the word stepsister.


Yeah I'm sure the anime is not at all about step sibling attraction!


Not particularly no, certainly not the main themes. Nor is it particularly fetishistic like say Kiss x Sis or something similar.


I really enjoyed the novel


Broadcast starts July 4, 2024 Synopsis: When his father remarries, Yuuta Asamura winds up sharing a roof with a brand-new stepsister, who is also the hottest girl in his grade! But Yuuta and his new sister, Saki Ayase, have no delusions—they both carry trauma from their parents’ difficult divorces, and they agree to keep a respectful distance. As it turns out, however, the two have a lot in common, and slowly, cautiously, they grow closer. But is the emotion blooming between them simple admiration, familial love, or something more? ([Yen Press](https://yenpress.com/series/days-with-my-stepsister-light-novel)) https://gimaiseikatsu-anime.com/


>But is the emotion blooming between them simple admiration, familial love, or something more? I'm gonna guess something more. Idk, just a hunch


Anime title checks out


Sounds like ‘My Stepmom's Daughter Is My Ex’ without the “ex” part.


Except that one was actually a pretty damn good look at teenage romantic relationships, how people drift apart, and the things people do afterwards.


But we have a university assistant professor who studies ethics using her students AND passerby main character as targets!


>a ***brand-new*** stepsister So they've only just met, and weren't raised together? Honestly, I'm okay with it then; they're more like roommates than family at that point.


Correct. They've never met.


First half read as a porn plot.


Am I on the wrong subreddit


Jesus Christ this reminds me why I don’t watch SOL/romance anime


The 3 episode premier today was lovely! Even though it's not a perfect 1 to 1 reproduction of the source and the animation is maybe a 2.5 or 3/5, the music, sound and pacing makes up for it! Please do watch it when it comes out on Crunchyroll in 2 weeks!


Well, it's Studio DEEN. I wouldn't expect a good animation from them nowadays. But if the music and sound are good I'll be glad to watch it.


Can you let us know whether the adaption is closer to the novel version or the manga version?


Novels for sure.


Where were you able to watch the 3 episode premier today?


It was on YouTube but geoblocked to Japan only, no subtitles of course. It included a cast special with the VAs of Yuuta, Saki, Shiori and Maya. They removed the video after the prescreening but I'm sure it's available somewhere if you search hard enough.


You know, for the record, I do find this narrative idea kind of touching. Two completely unrelated people from broken families find unexpected family in one another. But... has it ever been done well in any anime so far? Feel like I always drop the things before they're even done airing.


As a long time reader of the novel, I think this story does it rather well.


You manga guys say that for everything! But I will give it a good shake when it airs.


Another long time novel reader here to back the other guy up. Story is very well done, only have to pray they adapt it well. Give it a shot yall!


Im quite positive we won't get a good enough adaptation and it will be forgotten as yet again, hot steamy incest fuckery which it is not actually. As another novel reader, this one is quite nice. Like the MCs and side characters too.


*Asks for opinion*  . ."Well since you are well informed your opinion is invalid" ..  *Denies opinion* .. ffs


Man, that is quite possibly the most negative way you could take that. I was being playful and joking.


House of the sun, manga was somehow never popular enough to be adapted to anime but fits the bill for what you’re looking for


Not just 2 but 4 people. Romcom rarely put a focus on the relationship between the parents and their stepchildren so this one kinda stands out to me.


If you want the good version of this premise, check out Slow Loop. It's a cute girls show from a few years ago with basically this exact premise but it's incredibly sweet, funny, and heartwarming, and takes the characters' feelings about living with a new family and dealing with the grief of having lost a loved one seriously. Basically this idea combined with the fishing version of Yuru Camp. Was one of my favorites of 2022. **Edit:** Not sure why I've been downvoted for this, Slow Loop is exactly what's being asked. It is about "two completely unrelated people from broken families finding unexpected family in one another" and it's done well. It's the exact same premise but without the taboo aspects and done well, as far as I can tell that's what the comment is asking for.


Oh, I have watched that actually. Was kinda only talking about the romance approach here where they come out of it in a relationship, but you're not wrong. Yeah, Slow Loop was good. I recall it doing a very good job of getting into the main girls head, doing an authentic representation of how someone would feel in that situation, about losing the parent she was closest to who was essentially her hero. The relationship with her new sister was gold too if I remember right, her taking on fishing just to get close to her. Don't think I finished it myself though, because the fishing aspect started to outweigh that appeal as the show went on, and as someone who doesn't really do the CGDCT genre, I didn't get a whole lot out of it by that point.


Oh, I thought you were referring to "two completely unrelated people from broken families finding unexpected family in one another," I didn't get a romance vibe from that at all. But yeah, it's a really sweet show that does feel very authentic in handling this situation. I definitely do recommend finishing it, it has some very heartfelt moments towards the end and it's still really good CGDCT material that works as natural slice of life.


I din't watch the preair episodes but some in one discord i frequent did and the response was very positive.


I read a bit of this . It was decent


Was it a manga or a LN?


I believe the source is LN but there's also a manga


I read a bit of the manga. It was fairly new when i read a bit of it tho. Idr much tbh.


"Dis bitch keeps getting stuck in the dish washer."


Personally I like stuff like this because it’s typically VERY slice of lifey and little drama. I like how sometimes it can be slow paced then jump into fast paced just because they have constant interaction with each other. I like how they see and talk to each other in ways where normal romances sometimes don’t have. Maybe I’m just weird idk


Anime of the year


The Oppenheimer of stepcest


Been watching the youtube channel since it was launched back in 2020 although I haven't watch the more recent ones. Wonder if they have the same voice actor from the youtube channel for the anime? [Here's the channel by the way, I remember the older vids had subtitles.](https://youtube.com/@gimai_seikatsu?si=dBiMCT4L06sRQaUe) Looking forward to it actually.


Yup. They kept all the same VAs, except for the mum and dad IIRC. Also, the YouTube Channel one is more comedic, whereas this story is official a Slice of Life Romance instead of a Romantic Comedy. Edit: To Add, all of the videos in the channel have been subbed.


two cour?


1 cour, 12 episodes confirmed.




the best romance anime of the years


Gonna be "Days with My Step-Wife" after a few seasons.


This premise has been done quite a few times, though I've surprisingly found more than one where the execution was quite good (eg up to where I read "She Was Actually My Stepsister" where MC basically tries to be a good older bro for his new younger "brother") so I'll give it a try.


>She Was Actually My Stepsister That stepsis is truly legendary.


Weirdo anime


Bratty sis anime adaptation be like


Reminds me of My step mother's daughter is my ex


Me as an incest lover YaY


On today's episode of "Heartbreaking Anime or Porn Title”....


Why is it always a fucking stepsister like touch some grass and maybe go to therapy since you like incest so much




Are they gonna bone?


What happened to the time when SoL had intriguing titles? like Fruits Basket. These are getting so straightforward lmao


'Stepsister' anime is basically just vegan meat. 


Where's the washer and dryer? Shouldn't someone be stuck in one or something?


Is this the one where they talk about stuff that are non-issues for people who can communicate normally?


I swear I've seen this exact image before for some other series


Anime 🥰 Hentai 💀


Damm that sound sus ass hell




Well... Honestly it's a bunny girl senpai situation. Pretty wholesome story.


Shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan 


Absolute peak


LMFAOOOO bro got downvoted for Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan like people just hear or see Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan and they lose their hair and shit I don’t get it. What is there to hate or dislike? Is it because it’s popular that’s enough to mald over it? Or is it because of the fact that when you Shika, and then noko and then, wait... Hol up, Nokonoko! Now just wait a sec, it’s coming... When you hit em with the, uh, I say uh, Koshitantan. BOOM! THAT PISSES YOU OFF DOESN’T IT? Lmaoooo. I swear these peeps bro. I’m telling yall that shit’s peak and fire. In fact, it’s so peak that I literally peaked in my pants. It’s so fucking hard to walk around peaking in my pants 24/7 when I listen to that shit 24/7 too. Anyway, Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan.


I loved it when he said Shika and then Koshitantaned all over the place.


Is it a trash love story or is it a wholesome family friendship anime?


Is this actual romance or more like mix with teasing - sice of life ?




I see that anime is now entering its pornhub era


Title is misleading


Eh the plot synopsis says otherwise


Nah, they not even hiding it now


Middle girl looks better, make her the main heroine. Tired of blonde long haired heroines who are soulless as fuck. What are these never ending combinations? Not the mention she is damn hottest girl who happens to be mc's step sister. Seriously, enough of it. As far as I'm concerned the short orange haired genki girl is the hotest. Lol.


let's go my sweet home Japan


Brother-sister complex 🤮


The fact you’re downvoted for not wanting to watch incest anime with some backstory is so telling of the anime community lmao. Like who watches this shit come on