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From this point on, this is where the mangaka started to release the chapters bi-weekly. This is the reason why you hear many manga readers talk about the slow pace and being almost in the same arc for almost a year. This is where maybe season 2 could go downhill or maybe Production IG could elevate the source material in some way. They added some anime original scenes throughout this season and even changed some scenes. For example, the tiger warning them about the nuclear kaiju bomb wasn't in the manga at all. It was a welcoming change to be honest. So possibly, Production IG could improve on the source material. I knew a season 2 was bound to happen.


Is the slow pace due to the story arc taking too long and being dragged out or just the execution of it? Been impressed at the nice flow of pacing of the anime so far


Bit of both


Right. Kaiju no 8 at the start was actually a pretty fast paced manga. which was great, because despite it being bi weekly, never felt like the pacing was off. Delivered hype every time. After season 1 ends, the pacing of the story felt like it was cut down 100x. Excruciatingly slow. Worst thing was the execution of it didn’t make it better.


Entire chapters where maybe 5 to 15 seconds of action happen, and it's constantly cut off by inner monologues, flashbacks or third party commentary... it really reminds me of One Piece's anime pacing issues, except with a biweekly manga.


Chapter [Spoiler source] >!105 for example. all that's happened is Kafka throwing a single punch. That's it. An entire chapter dedicated to one attack, the rest is filled with boring reaction shots from the peanut gallery.!< My god


I mean there is an entire manga series based on One Punch man, don’t knock it 😝


regret to inform you one piece, despite its lack of similar criticisms suffers from the same problem if not more, and somehow doesnt get shit on. the past couple chapters have just been pages upon pages of character reactions we dont care for...


That's where you're wrong. Reaction Piece lets you know the world is still breathing. It keeps it vast and alive. So many different people from all over the entire planet are tuning into this moment. Just because we stay focused on the Strawhats doesn't mean everyone else isn't still doing things. Showing those people who live within this world, reacting to the announcement, adds gravity to the situation, allowing us to realize how huge this actually is. Literally, everyone is seeing this right now. Side characters from literally HUNDREDS of chapters ago are gaining character development from just a few small panels. That alone makes it worth it. One Piece is a crazy adventure in a world full of even crazier characters. It's really nice to know that anyone can show back up again if only for a moment. It's a part of what makes One Piece what it is


Kaiju8 was biweekly it never changed schedule, author just take breaks often after 2-3 chapters.


It was actually 3 weeks on, 1 week off before. I already reading the series back then


Biweekly isn't a bad schedule at all. I can understand people being upset about Hunter x Hunter, Histrorie or Vagabond where the author basically creates a new chapter every few months, or every few years. But given how suicidally hard weekly manga schedules are, a popular mangaka choosing to slow the pace of their production to biweekly should be accepted by any person who doesn't think mangaka should be pushed into a perpetual crunch schedule. WInds of Winter or Yotsuba-to this is not.


I mean sure. Manga authors health is important, and weekly manga is not a great way to go in long run. I would love for more series to adopt the 3 weeks on, 1 week off schedule, or even bi-weekly Slowing down to bi-weekly isn't a problem for Kaiju No.8. The problem is the amount of meaningful content in those 2 weeks. There are chapters in the story that ended at same spot as the previous chapters. Way too many meaningless expression panels that could've been used for other things. I'm fine with bi-weekly or even monthly, but as readers, it's not unreasonable to expect a bit more effort given the longer break. Not to the point of harming their creators health of course I read a lot of monthly manga (Dai Dark, Record of Ragnarok, Mieruko-Chan...), and all of them have way better pacing than what Kaiju No.8 offers. I gladly wait a month, sometimes 2 between chapters, because the story actually moves in a meaningful way whenever they drop You know what's a great manga with a bi-weekly schedule? Spy X Family. The story is told in a very nice pace, and every chapter contribute to overall plot. I just need Kaiju No.8 to be able to do that


Damn forgot about that, makes it look a little worse then


That happens with a lot of manga. A succinct start and finish that introduces the world, characters, and a plot to tie them altogether that leads to the climax, and then it becomes one long slow drawn out story afterwards.


But good manga makes the latter story interesting. The issue is them so focusing on one character and drew the shit out of them, make the manga boring af.


This happened with few mangas, authors throws all the best ideas at the start with a fast pace because they fear getting canceled, when the manga gets famous, they get more freedom to keep the pace they want.


Yup, chapters come out with about the same page number as One Piece, but they take like 2 minutes to read through since there's barely much happening other than action and some commentating.


Oh dang, but that should most likely be fixed by how they've been pacing the anime


The manga was also fast paced at the start. It’s where this ends which is the problem


Aside from what other comments are saying, it's also because of the paneling and art. It's pretty common for there to be chapters where it's only 2 short scenes with a couple of lines with little substance and a lot of double-page spreads of action. So you can have a situation where a chapter is literally just a few punches and a zoomed out shot of the battle, which would translate to less than 30 seconds in the anime.


Yeah, the anime should fix that pacing for sure


Honestly? Both. It has other problems of course, but the pacing is a pretty big one


I would call the manga nearly unreadable, while the anime feels high quality. I dont think ive ever seen a situation where the anime was SO MUCH better


Demon Slayer anime is much better than the manga too.


I actually enjoyed reading both, and that would actually be a good comparison. Later parts of the Kaiju manga feels Demon Slayer-ish (meaning certain fights take ages). But that is where the anime has potential, since they can do a lot of original stuff with fights.


the good news is that the anime should solve the pacing issue for the most part since it can cram multiple slow chapters into one episode. The art is good, the story is decent enough, but the pacing was really killing the whole thing. The mangaka is not very economical with their paneling for story telling. But they've basically drawn the key frames for the anime.


Currently the manga is bi-weekly, but there legitimately are monthly manga that have faster pacing There's a sequence of event at around chapter 100 that took like 3 months to start developing in a meaningful way. Some chapter basically ended at the same place as the previous one


Dungeon Meshi was monthly and ended in 97 chapters and its pacing was amazing. Kaiju no8 is legit Rent-a-girlfriend tier in pacing.


any long story manga with amazing pacing? kinda curious if some author could have pull that one off


Kengan I think has decent pacing. If we take Ashura and Omega as a continous series, it's at 500ish now. The series has weird and bad arcs, but the pacing at least is consistent. What I mean is, even during the worse arcs, every chapter at least felt it contributed to whatever was happening. There aren't really a lot of chapters that wasted your time.


Berserk I guess ? If we ignore the boat part, but it was more because it took years to releases the chapters instead than beeing too many chapter in the arc


Ironically one piece, one thing I could notice about binging it was that the pacing was pretty good, at least pre time skip It never felt like it was dragging.


I'd say the Ranma 1/2 manga had fine pacing. The manga's problems had nothing to do with any pacing and everything to do with just being a series that went on long and was often not telling a longer story and instead just had random episodic stories for much of the series.


At the arc they will be getting to, the pacing issues were mostly on the chapter releases. The most current arc suffers more from the author trying to stretch things out.


the plot was slow, there are many chapters in wich literally nothing happens


Kinda feel likes the manga ran out of steam and the author isn't sure where to take it. Things happen but they don't really move the core plot a ton.


Honestly think the manga moved too fast at first and the pacing became completely uneven after.


There are "nothing happened" chapters were the only thing on pages is the hype of "they will be the future of kaijuu defense". Like literally, that is the only thing that happened in multiple chapters.


Homeboy really went ahead and slowed down the main story to start a spin-off, absolute madlad


Could you elaborate on this??


The mangaka has a spin off manga that tells short stories about the various side characters within the main story. That manga has been rather economical with its storytelling and could easily be adapted into the anime if they need to pad things out. the primary manga has been proceeding at a snail's pace in exchange. Like towards the end of Bleach where each chapter was like max 30 seconds of anime time.


> For example, the tiger warning them about the nuclear kaiju bomb Is the tiger ever addressed? Don't get me wrong, it's awesome. But watched with a friend, and both of us were amused that Mina just randomly has a giant white tiger for a pet that helps her in battle, and *nobody* ever seems to comment on it or think that it's weird.


I sort of forgot about the whiter tiger to be honest since yeah, it's not even talked about or mentioned. It's just there and Production I.G. probably wanted to give animal more spotlight haha


NGL, I kind of love that. "Oh yeah, of course Captain Ashiro has a pet giant white tiger - what, you don't?"


I read the manga for about 60 chapters before I just forgot about it because of the pacing, and when I went back I realized that SO MANY panels are just characters' heads or torsos and it ruined my chances of reading the rest to catch up. Very excited to see the rest animated, loved what they did with it so far.


Honestly, the manga itself is only like a 7/10 (whoch is still good), but the anime has improved upon it in basically every aspect. I'm really excited to see what they do with this next arc.


> bi-weekly Twice a week or do you mean bi-monthly?


English is dumb, biweekly actually has both meanings.


English is pretty dumb...it can be understood though through tough thorough thought.


Twice a month or do you mean every other month




So every 1 battle royal victory or 2


That should mean every 2 weeks


It means every two weeks.


It will go downhill for sure.


As someone who binge read the manga, I’m still convinced the whole “pace is bad” thing is fake news and will go unnoticed by anime fans who have not heard the opinion of manga readers.


I mean there was definitely a point in time where the pace of releases was slow, but it’s picking back up again


Can't wait 🙏


I think it's gonna take off before season 2 comes out. Black clover got a lot of beef and so did Boruto when they first came out but those same people are the main fan base now. I was just watching one piece new episode and you were talking about a welcoming change, for some reason that I cannot figure out, Usopp is pale white.. they changed his skin color I know panels are black and white but everyone knows Usopp had at least a darker tan then everyone else


Finale was weak af


Isn't the next arc when manga readers say the story completely falls off a cliff


It is. It went down hill. People are going to say it’s “better binge watching”. While This is true, there are other factors which has made it go down hill. > Unfortunately a lot of chapters after this season ends, a whole lot of nothing happens. Not even really referring to action, it’s mostly the narrative. It’s like standing still in place. The story doesn’t feel like it progresses, and the constant changing of POV in characters became intolerable and repetitive. >There’s a huge disparity in pacing between how Kaiju first started and compared to how it is in the manga. And unless the anime moves some stuff around, we are going to be receiving a whole lot of nothing every episode. >The conventions also became very predictable over time, that most of the comment section in the r/manga were able to predict 99% of what would happen the following month. >Kafka’s character despite being 30 years old never feels like he’s actually developing as a character. His goal remains the same, but progression was non existent. And only until recently he’s improved on this aspect. I do want to note that the series lost a lot of its charm when the reveal happened imo. The vigilante thing was honestly the most interesting part, you don’t realise you miss until it’s gone. Copying my reply


Unless the anime straight up abridges 80% of the content, it's gonna be a painful slog.


Or they can start to mix in events from Kaiju No. 8: B-side / the 2022 light novel, and maybe some anime original content like they have been doing.


Such is the entire rest of the story


Pacing is an issue, and the series becomes slower, but I think the real issue of it is that it highlights the flaws the series. I think everything you said is mostly true, and if you take a step back and just look at the story objectively, it's not really anything special. But at least before the reveal happens, there's an air of mystery and excitement to it. Then it when the reveal happens that's all gone. Now all you have left is fairly generic battle series, where the characters aren't really that compelling and a plot that's fairly simple and repetitive. Maybe it's just a different of opinion from people who binge read the series later than others, but there's definitely is valid reasoning and criticism for the series not being as interesting compared to where it started.


I have a feeling, if IG handle it correctly, it'll be a similar situation to Demon Slayer. I loved Demon Slayer from start to finish but I'll still admit the story was very weak. Same goes for Kaiju No 8 that I just binged through after season 1 of the show. The anime, like Demon Slayer's, has a lot of potential to give us some great spectacle fights later on. I just hope IG doesn't drop the ball.


The thing about demon slayer is that it has a bunch of characters that you like, compared to kaiju the characters that can compare are probably Reno, Mina, and kikoru.


The B-sides material, if adapted correctly, would definitely buff up some of the characters.


Mina is pretty meh. Hoshina is way more interesting.


Right I forgot about him, he has a pretty interesting dynamic later on


Yea Kaiju just doesn’t have enough well written characters


Demon slayer was always short and faced paced (sometimes too much). If the problem with Kn8 is the opposite, being a slog with no real development it's going to be very hard to improve, unless they're willing to cut out major chunks. Which traditionally is the opposite of what Animes want to do (though it has happened in the past eg the promised Neverland). But it's much much harder to do when the manga isn't even finished.


The one thing I did notice was that literally every single character just talks about wanting to get stronger. And Kafka kinda loses his "kaiju biologist" expert gimmick in lieu of just being another main character who wants to get stronger


I haven't read it, but all I could think about the reveal is, "how the hell is there supposed to be tension when the protagonist, who has dominated every fight he's gone all out in, can now use his powers whenever he wants". I could be wrong and they could establish new restrictions, but it's hard for me to see.


Also haven't read it, but this is the same problem in a lot of (particularly shonen) series with OP protagonists. Either Kafka becomes the solution to basically every major problem, or some of the side characters get ass-pull levels of powerups to roughly keep up. Neither tends to be good.


I feel like the key is that you need to allow side characters to shine. Although it's not perfect and struggles with balancing at time, One Punch Man gives a good amount of time for Saitama to shine and a good amount of time for the side characters to shine


I agree with everything except the reveal comment. People seem to latch onto this and say it was better when he hadn't been revealed yet but it what would people have been expecting? For him to always magically find an opening to save people and fight as K8 and then magically come back as a human with nobody noticing? Was cool the first few times but would have gotten super stale real fast. Not many unique situations you could put a vigilante K8 into that would be interesting at all.


Blue exorcist is a great example of taking it's time to have a reveal for maximum impact on the main character and his friends, but the story is just as good afterwards. But yeah, would have been harder to do for kaijuu no 8


I really dont understand the “it becomes predictable” point. I dont think anything about this season wasnt extremely predictable. That doesnt mean it wasnt a good watch though, its been fun.


I’m not talking about this season, a lot of the readers knew this season would be a blast for a lot of people. But it’s the following arcs where the story developed a pattern and deus ex Machina for its main villains. The way it became more generic made it more predictable, atleast narratively.


Their point was that it's been predictable from the very beginning, so it's weird to make it sound as if predictability is the thing that makes it worse further into the series. It's very easy to discern why it's so predictable as well. It follows the typical shonen formula but the power balance is completely messed up from the beginning, all characters are fairly one-dimensional, and new characters aren't introduced either. As a result, the number of possible outcomes in any supposedly high-stakes situation is extremely low, if there's even more than one.


Because the most interesting part of the series was "what will the MC do when he has to hide his monstrous powers while advancing in ranks as a soldier" and that sorta thing. Revealing himself made him just into another superpowered shounen protagonist with inexplicable powers. And the villain is one of the least interesting ones I've ever seen in a battle shounen/seinen series in forever, especially since he never seems to be even remotely worried about losing. Imagine Aizen from Bleach, but he constantly shows up to threaten and beat up the protagonists rather than being the far, far away threat and end goal.


> I really dont understand the “it becomes predictable” point. the upcoming arcs is like the embodiment of the meme "Hey can I copy your homework? sure, just change a few things so it's not obvious" meme and add to that it took months of repeated but slightly tweak scenes




Like I said, you only realise you miss it until it’s gone


Part of the problem is that Kafka started off as the "strongest kaiju ever." So there isnt much shounen power growth to be had other than creative use of the power. On top of that, he's a likeable, relatively self actualized character from the beginning. So there is no where for him to go other than regression, which would feel bad. I love his character but I can't help but feel that Ichikawa, Shinomiya, or Iharu would have been better protagonists from a narrative standpoint.


I don't think it completely falls off the cliff. It just slows down a lot and isn't as interesting as the first part of the manga but it wasn't completely horrible. The anime will likely improve a bit pacing-wise since they'll cover several chapters at once and you don't need to wait biweekly between what each chapter covers


Not sure if this is a controversial opinion or not, but I feel like it's really started to pick up again in the last few chapters. The snail paced release doesn't help it's case, but I'm excited to read the next chapter for the first time in quite a few months.


it is like Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba), the anime is hard carried by its animation. After reading the manga, i know it is still on going, but the story is like the most 5/10 story i have ever read, it is filled is cliche and anime trope (if you know you know). The power level system is one of the worst i have ever read. We have an adult MC, yet his decision still feel like a 16yo shonen and i dont like that. His personality is comparable to Deku from MHA


Yeah I dropped after 3 eps it was pretty mid imo. I liked the gore tho. For the fans' sake I hope the studio elevates it.


have you seen Shiki? its slow, but i like it


It's been on my list forever 😭 Will get to it someday


It didn't go downhill at all. In fact most elements and in particularly the characters only elevated as the manga went on. Some people just got bored of how short the chapters(especially during fights) were and some of them started hating on it because of that and the release schedule. That's it really. But it is silly that some people claim that the manga got worse \*because\* of that. The manga was just meant to be read on binge. Till this day I never heard of a valid reason as to how the manga got worse over time other than the aforementioned pacing which is directly because of the bi-weekly schedule


Fair opinion, while you are right it’s easier on a binge, Unfortunately a lot of chapters after this season ends, a whole lot of nothing happens. Not even really referring to action, it’s mostly the narrative. It’s like standing still in place. The story doesn’t feel like it progresses, and the constant changing of POV in characters became intolerable and repetitive. There’s a huge disparity in pacing between how Kaiju first started and compared to how it is in the manga. And unless the anime moves some stuff around, we are going to be receiving a whole lot of nothing every episode. The conventions also became very predictable over time, that most of the comment section in the r/manga were able to predict 99% of what would happen the following month. Kafka’s character despite being 30 years old never feels like he’s actually developing as a character. His goal remains the same, but progression was non existent. And only until recently he’s improved on this aspect.


Nah, you're complaints boils down to short chapters. If the author kills themselves releasing 100 pages bi weekly, you won't complaint. At its heart, this is a battle Shounen... Idk what you expected when the story focuses on battles during some arcs. OPM have the same issue where certain arc takes literal years...


I agree with this, as someone who read the manga just before the show came out, I was a little confused when I got up to date and read online that the quality diminished and the plot slowed down To me it felt the same way all the way through, it’s just now that I only get a chapter every two weeks to a month that I can see how it might feel slow Watching a season two that covers material already finished it should still feel the same as season 1 with some interesting challenges arising, the pacing shouldn’t suffer at all


Dude It was the most trippy thing. I read the manga and really loved it. And I went online just to see shit like "I read the chapter in 30 seconds" Like ok? The plot is still moving and the characters grew over time(some massively even) Everything that Kaiju built at the start(Content of S1) It will continue building upon in the upcoming season. It won't lose focus and focus on irrelevant stuff. It will stay consistent. That's why there's a great difference of opinion between this subreddit and r/manga and their nonsensical attempts at making it out like this fell off in anyway


>it won’t lose focus and focus on irrelevant stuff. That’s why there is a great difference of opinion between this subreddit and r/manga I don’t see the correlation. This sub, majority of people are anime onlies. On r/manga.. well they are the source readers lol


Yeah there are some proper cool things coming up that I’m excited to see animated so I’ve no doubt season 2 will keep the ball rolling in a good direction My only worry would be that enough chapters have come out by that time that season 3 isn’t too much of a wait after


It will be like Made in Abyss. There is no content to adapt and at this current pacing, S3 won't be for another 5-7 years.


Yep as a manga reader, spot on. Before the anime debut, I got shit on for saying it will be a hit. It's a hit. People just mad because they're hoping the manga will move at a breakneck speed when the author decided to flesh out the rest of the Defense Force. It's a battle Shounen that focus on battles, idk what they expected this show to be. Anime would obviously moved faster so again, they complained over nothing besides ranting. 2nd season will be a hit.


Dude the absolute funniest thing is that after the author fleshed out the characters and made some absolutely great characters like Kikoru, Hoshina, and Reno these guys still have the audacity to call the characters "one dimensional" Like LOL, At least have enough shame to just say "I just don't like the characters" and move on instead of trying to force a "I don't like it therefore it's bad" it's so cringe and forced and worst of all when a character like Kikoru was finishing up her character development against 15 all those weirdos on /r/manga could say is "Where is the MC?" Like is your agenda so shameless to the point that actually developing the cast of the manga is hated and pretty much ignored just because it serves your hateread agenda? Never seen anything like it.


I wonder if they'll get western artists to work for it again for next season's OP and ED. I kinda like the one we got this season.


So without spoiling anything, I'm current on the manga and I'm just concerned about the pacing going forward. It just feels weird. Like both slow and too fast in some aspects at the same time.


I think that's what most people feel like. I started this manga a couple of years ago, but decided to put it on rest until the anime started airing since the pacing felt really off. It started to get super frustrating to get 1-2 chapters every month. I'm hoping that it will get better after the current arc tho, and it seems like it's close to the finish line soon. It was much better to binge read it, I have to say.


> super frustrating to get 1-2 chapters every month What's worse is that usually within 2 chapters, nothing of note (or just full of tropes) is happening.


An anime can adapt things well if they so choose if there is enough interest and attention from the studio. It's just that usually the reverse is true. Based on the current season's production it should be fine.


I don't think this comes as a surprise to anyone but this show has been a lot of fun, really looking forward to seeing what season 2 is like   Which American band will get to do the ED this time? I vote Green Day


That would be wild if Green Day did an ED. They would probably be ridiculously expensive though. I'd vote for Cage the Elephant.


Cage the Elephant would be a solid choice too


This is great, the series has been quite fun.


Most fun I've had watching an anime in recent times


Highly recommend ShangriLa frontier. Most fun I've had with an anime in years.  Especially if you enjoy gaming, it's just pure fun and cool fights. 


the way manga readers kept waffling about all the bad things this series would be under every key visual really lowered my expectations and honestly I did not expect to enjoy it more than My Hero and Demon Slayer all season. Hell even One Piece some weeks. I look forward to S2


Most manga readers said the beginning is a banger though, which is what the S1 cover, is the later parts which turn them off.


The beginning is what got it to be one of the best selling new series when it came out. It was a really good pace, the action scenes were interesting and dynamic, and the story was decent (albeit very shonen-tropey, which is fine). the following bits can be slow because the encounters aren't as fast paced as they were in the beginning and they go very into the tropes that even watching would be annoying. I have faith that the anime adaptation can get rid of most of the pacing issues as it's effectively a binge watch of the manga, which is perfect for the series. I just think a lot of readers are very not happy with how slow the story has gotten to the point of annoyance and disgust.


I do believe the anime has the chance to become better than the manga thanks to having the chance to fix its flaws.


To be fair this season only covered the good parts


Sometimes manga readers are weird in 2 extremes. They either hype up a series like its the best thing ever. They either shit on a series like its the worst thing ever. I enjoyed it also its been fun week to week excited for more.


It really is a shame. They can never just let anime-onlies watch a series and make their own opinions. They either hound them about how shit it’s going to be or swear it’ll break the internet. That leads to new fans having certain expectations and can’t just watch a series and form their own opinions.


Exactly and the "Manga is better" classic.


Aye, I just finished watching and am interested in seeing where it goes. This is also coming from someone who really doesn't care for kaijuu or mecha stuff, as well.


Im glad you enjoyed it and are interested for more considering this wasnt a type/genre that you were into.


Let's hope season two's episode are longer than five minutes. These ones went by way too fast!


Oh so the episodes fly by like in Shangri-La frontier? That’s some good shit.


Pretty much expected, you can clearly see toho and jump be pushing this series really hard with the one republic ed and Uniqlo collab. Would make zero sense if they just ditch it.


Yeah this was more than obvious


Thank god, the pacing in season 1 was much slower than how you'd pace out a 12 episode season, so I had my fingers crossed for a season 2 announcement.


I hope they bring back some western artists for the opening like such as polyphia, Bring me the horizon, or pierce the veil


It's all downhill from here boys


Why is that may i ask


It just goes nowhere and characters don't develop one bit


I just smashed out all 12 episodes of the first season in one day. A show doesn't often grip me so well, looking forward to season 2!




Fuck yeah. That's every series I wanted from this season getting continued.


Hot take here apparently, the rest of the manga is not bad at all. People just don’t take into account the release schedule. Binge read it or watch it in weekly anime format and the series is exactly as good as it’s been. Go ahead and cancel me for that one that’s just my opinion.


The issue isn't the story or the release schedule, it's the pacing. A lot of the chapters from this point on barely progress the story. There's parts in the Manga where they would have to adapt like ~10 chapters just to have an interesting 20 minutes of TV. I really don't think there's enough material atm to have a season 2 that reaches the same hype as the first one did.


I agree on most of what you said but I think the **story** actually gets worse once Kafka revealed who he was to the defence force. Not saying the story was perfect or anything prior to it, but it became pretty predictable and generic once the reveal happened which led to the following arc.


Completely agree with this take. If you take a step back, the story of series really isn't that special, but at least before the reveal there was an air of mystery to it. Then when the reveal happens all that's left is generic battle shonen where it's just people screaming and fighting. Maybe it's just a difference of opinion, but the series definitely weakens after this story-wise. The pacing slowing down along after also doesn't help that.


After thinking about it, yeah. Him being able to essentially be the on field kaiju expert while occasionally slip out to become kaiju would be more exciting. The tension between him needing to transform to help (as kaiju became stronger) and him needing to get away every time is good. It allows the side chara like kikoru and reno to shine as well They could've had a smaller group in the division where kafka's group agree to secrecy and allow him to vanish occasionally (and the HQ tech not being too advanced as to detect kafka missing) Now that secret is out and kafka is basically just a superman that saves the day, it needs ridiculous power scaling just to keep the action fun. And it basically became just like every other shounen action anime


>story actually gets worse once Kafka revealed who he was to the defence force Yeah once the vigilante aspect was gone, the series lost most of its charm


So I'm anime only, but I felt this season the main mystery was the origin of the humanoid Kaiju and specifically Kafka's fly-worm-kaiju. The OP seems to imply these are manufacer/experiment on in a lab.  Anyway, is this not a major plot point going forward? Has this not been addressed in the manga? 


Nope. We know nothing still. And we are like 3 years of content a head of you guys.


Well that sucks Makes me think it's getting dragged out because it got popular (like most Shonen jump manga)


are u caught up with one piece manga? crazy how this angle of critique is never prevelant for OP bc the pacing has been way way off.


Was binging it and dropped at chapter 58. The show actually lost what made me read it


Even binge reading, you're reading a volume where one fight takes up 80-90% of the book...


Without spoiling, will the story have progressed much that it will be enjoyable to binge read now? Or nothing exciting has happened?


I thought it was a 2-cour season.


Excellent news. Kind of wish it was continuous 2 cour though. Each episode went by very quickly with massive cliffhangers. Can't wait to see more


As expected. It would have been really unsatisfying if it simply ended here.


Is crazy(in a good way) how many anime get a new season these days. I'm hoping that in the future they will move to full adaptations.


The anime industry way better than it was even 10 years ago. There are a lot of series that would never get greenlit back in the day it it wasn’t super super popular. Nowadays unless the anime plainly sucks it will get a full adaptation.




Yesss I can't wait since season 1 was way to short. Can't wait for the story to continue


Great news. This isn’t the typical anime I’m usually interested in but season 1 was just straight _fun_. Kaiju No. 8 was the perfect popcorn anime this season.


Oh boy another season of a middle of the road shonen. S1 before airing seemed like it could be pretty cool. But so far, at least to me, S1 has been fairly generic. It's hard for me to even explain why it feels that way. The fights feel boring is probably part of it for me.


Anything about it's release day?


No release date yet.


Alrighty, then let's wait. Really looking forward to season 2




Kinda expected since they ended season 1 like that


Good news. It was a good surprise in this season. I was expecting nothing from it and enjoyed it a lot.


Good to se! Think they've really improved upon the manga and the OP is a banger


hell yea!! hopefully it won't be too long




that's good, season 1 was great. Honestly the OP and ED are so good I can't imagine them matching them in a second season though


Hell yeah this is my favorite anime rn!




is the Kaiju No 8 sequel anime original or manga Canon?


Season one was amazing


I’m extremely impressed with the shounen coming out right now.Top notch shiz


Yay! I've been enjoying this a lot.


Kailua No. 9 is a top tier character; we need more of my boi. 🙏 Kafka is kinda mid ngl, grown ass man with his weird shonen beliefs of saving everyone. People in the defense force are supposed to not have such a high life expectancy--no one in the cast of characters has died the entire season. Also, the "I want to get stronger" montages are so annoying. 😭




dang, 4th anime i've watched this season that's gotten a new season (this, Wind Breaker, 7th Prince, and Appraisal Skill). That's rare for me! Usually everything I watch is either an already continuing show or 1 and done


Can anyone tell me approximately when it will come out?


No date has been revealed yet


I haven’t watched this series yet but it does have a striking similarly to attack on titan.


It's like a mix of AOT, Jujutsu kaisen and Fire force.




To be expected


Hmmm, The manga has enough material for that, even if its quality has dropped sharply


The first season adaptation is really go can’t wait for season 2


Hey, I am also waiting for season 2 eagerly..


Otaku hell... Why elaborate so much? Just watch and find out ffs.. and stop abbreviating every manga name its fucking hard reading 😂


Loved season 1 so much! I know they'll cook for s2