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That 10 second zenitsu scene went so unbelievably hard with the music.


Zenitsu has to be the studios favourite. They never miss a chance to give him a cool entrance with that theme of this


Zenitsu falls eyes closed: "oh is he gonna be asleep the entire arc again?" Zenitsu opens his eyes: "oh damn! he's locked in"


someone should make that the new "i sleep, REAL SHIT" meme


I will never get over how cool the Infinity Castle is in anime form


This is ufotable's playground. Hoping for the best for Yuichi Terao and the rest of Ufotable's digital team. I'm getting goosebumps by just imagining the fights in the infinity castle.


The studio is just flexing their 3d animation skills at everyone.


[Very few studios can make an episode as hype as ufotable staff can](https://i.imgur.com/pRG7zCi.mp4) [](#waah)


that moment he drops them all in is some boss ass shit


It is the final arc now. The big boss battle.


some villians have a volcano as a base. Muzan has a whole ass Backrooms level


It's actually insane, it's so perfect that it's like the Infinity Castle was imagined just for Ufotable to animate it. A true match made in heaven.


with how insanely animated it, for a moment my head started spinning as well lmao


I have never seen an anime adaptation be this much better than the manga tbh.


Muzan didn't even get the chance to personally kill him, the disrespect lol. Ubuyashiki pretty much said "I'll die on my terms, thank you very much." Also the little fake out with Zenitsu thinking he was sleeping and when his eyes open up, it got me chills, its all business now.


Muzan: "I know it's a trap, but really, what's he gonna do? Blow up his mansion with his wife and two children just to slow down my regeneration?"


You know you're metal as fuck when the progenitor of all demons thinks you're nuts even by his standard.


I'm surprised that Muzan didn't pick up on all the explosives. His senses are supposed to be completely next level.


if tamayo can use those blood art concealments to hide her presence from muzan, her progenitor, im positive the concealments can be used to hide explosives.


Ubuyashiki residence is filled with wisteria incense which can be seen as a smoke when Muzan entered the mansion. Also Tamayo could easily conceal it


Zenitsu opening his eyes, goddamn the man is locked in


Looking forward to learning whatever was in that card.


"You are actually the main character of this show."


“Hi zenitsu if you beat muzan I’ll marry you! Love, nezuko”


If that was on the letter, this would've been the last episode


He’s a *sleeper* agent and it was his trigger phrase


i think i'll actually finally like him this last bit


He's at his best when he isn't talking.


Zenitsu stopped becoming the comedic factor since last episode. He's all business now


The Muzan vs Ubuyashiki conversation was some great fucking writing ✍🔥🔥🔥


This is how you incorporate comedy relief into a battle shounen, couple it with an endgame deuteragonist instead of a tertiary character. Laughs AND thrills!\~ My arms are visibly shaking.


Imagine thunderclap and flash in this kind of battlefield with so many platforms and columns. He can combo as much as his legs can hold out, and with the possibility of his slayer mark awakening too.


Muzan just gifted Zenitsu the perfect arena


I legit was overloaded with hype this whole damn episode omfg


That snowflake melting, and the resulting explosion, was easily the best animation i've seen all year without question. Absolutely incredible.


Even if that was pure CGI rather than hand-drawn, you don't see this level of CGI in anime.


It's CGI blended with hand-drawn animation. Ufotable has always been leagues ahead of other studios because of how well they're able to do this.


>I just hope no more of my precious children have to die Blows up his own wife and 2 daughters.


"They're just gonna live 22 more years, might as well take them with me".


To be honest, anyone in a one mile radius of Muzan is dead by default. You very much could argue that they should have had at least the children go away prior to that moment, but at that point in time where Muzan is here and the family too, death would be the most merciful thing that can happen to anyone there.


Ubuyashiki: "i know that muzan will come in the next 5 days to kill me" Gyomei: "i see, so we should prepare the evacuation of your children from the mansion" Ubuyashiki: "nah fam, keep them here. I never liked those 2 anyways"


"I need them to play ball here to make my metaphor stronger."


Muzan isn't a complete idiot, if he sees all his kids are gone it's obvious there's a trap set.


He said that he was expecting a trap anyways. Besides that, his plan was to get everybody in the infinity castle anyway, so as long as ubuyashiki is present he doesn't care that there's a trap or an ambush


He got 5 kids, see the op


I don't recall if its ever stated but I always took it as he needed some of the kids with him to project "business as usual" to Muzan. Because obviously a mere pitiful human wouldn't blow up his own fucking children right?


"If you're saying I play favourites, you're wrong. I love all my precious children equally." *Earlier that day* "I don't care for those twins."


"I will kill as many people as I have to as long as you are one of them" Ubuyashiki letting out his inner Vegeta


yeah that line right before blowing everything up is lowkey hilarious


No more will die... but not yet. Okay, startiiiing...... NOW!


The wife and children are badasses. Willingly chose this end.


Well it was left open that weather or not they knew, but they all seem to have that special aura about them so maybe they all did, shoutout to the kids playing with a paper balloon moments before their death


Honestly not sure about the kids, but if they really had foresight its double weird Wouldn't even need to tell them, they just know they have to play ball and then die




Honestly they creep me the fuck out. Even this episode where they were like playing hacky sack while satan himself was about to kill their whole family was creepy.


Because of the curse they need to have heirs asap - Muzan would probably not waste time if he sensed no children around.


I think the foresight told them they needed the kids there to lower Muzan's guard enough for their trap to be successful


pretty messed up but I guess he knew that. I do wonder if they knew about it though


I'm assuming so, for how calm they were with muzan literally right next to them.


I feel like the ubuyashiki clan have this supernatural vibe that's supposed to parallel demons, but in a divine or angelic sense. They're not evil obviously, but unsettling. Even Muzan seemed freaked out by the twins in the courtyard.


Guess thats what all those eyes were doing then, marking all the demon slayers for this very moment. And damn, Ubuyashiki rigged his entire home to explode for this moment. plan sounded pretty good too until Muzan decided it was time to move venue.. Also Muzan said he was still looking for Nezuko and i didn't see her at the end there so i guess she managed to stay hidden? though i would be surprised if she doesn't have some part to play here in the final act final arc announced as 3 movies, which i guess is bad for us in the west... unless you are lucky enough to live where they actually show the movies in theaters


I'm pretty sure Crunchyroll confirmed we'll get the movies worldwide near the time they release in Japan, but I don't know if in theatres or streaming on their platform


Wasn’t Mugan Train an actual theatrical release, as opposed to the one-off events that most other anime movies are?


Yeah, after Mugen Train the series is big enough that it should get movie theatrical releases almost the same as any Hollywood movie. I fully expect it to rake in even more money than Mugen Train too.


This episode taisho era secret was really good too. Made me a bit sad and most importantly even more hyped for the upcoming titles. Do it for Rengoku


The fact that they had one for Rengoku caught me off guard and made me shed a tear.


I didn’t expect them to hear his ghost lol


[You know shit got real when even the Taisho Era Secret segment is serious](https://i.imgur.com/kJEsHrx.jpeg)


It’s insane that rengoku had so little screen time but bloody hell, that’s all he needed to capture our hearts. Dude was a straight badass


It was actually kind of surprising and unsettling, but in a good way


The literal acknowledgement of the fourth wall, the insta mute of the silly music and the switch to a more serious drawing style. It was a great unsettling flourish that didn't need to go this hard!


Ubuyashiki caught Muzan with the ol' exploding wheelchair trap.


“Where you see one man, I C4” type move


TFS just comes up with such fire ass lines.


Muzan: "Last chance to look at me Ubuyashiki-" *Muzan pauses with confusion and surprising horror as the Master's eyes are now somehow on the outside of his bandages and looking at him.* Muzan: "**HUAHHHH**-!"


The Gus Fring special.


Even Muzan got spooked by the creepy horror twin girls. [](#azusalaugh) Holy shit, Guys, this episode was fucking brilliant. Ubuyashiki absolutely owned Muzan. Sure, he can regenerate, but that disrespect is going to eat him from the inside out until his last day. He walked for two episodes like a boss and got bitch slapped out of the mansion by a man who can't even stand up. I did not see that coming and I'm shocked I didn't get spoiled. I can't wait for the movies!


bro, i thought that blast was muzan's power because he was angry, i did not see that coming


I kept thinking "Damn why is muzan exploding different parts of the castle? Also he can explode?" the reveal was great


That's exactly what I thought too, and I was like well fuck what a hard power scale for the hashira crew, bro just dropped a MOAB. and then Muzan falling to the ground made me think he just stood and took it intentionally. Only until he started inner monologuing did I realize.


Or Himejima using his powers, not like actual TNT.


UBU's Revenge == *Directed by Michael Bay* *Starring Michael Jackson*


Same, legit jaw dropped watching Muzan break it down for us


I idiotically thought Muzan used magic to explode the entire area and as a result became confused at him being upset. "..." ***gasp***


Same. I went from "damn, he can do that?" to "bro, that's a bit excessive, he was like two feet away" only to feel like an idiot when I realized that the explosion was *for him*, not from him. I even noticed all the little metal caltrops in the explosion, and thought it was a weird detail, and still didn't put two and two together.


Lmao you are probably not alone with that, bet some people thought he pulled a sukuna move with randomly pulling out a fire move out of nowhere.


Oh, don't feel bad, I thought the same thing. I was even like "Damn, Hashira have to fight against a dude who can do *that!?*" It totally looked like he was casting some arts and I saw no clear indicator that Ubuyashiki had his finger on a remote controller, so I only realized what happened after Muzan started cursing Ubuyashiki.


Amane (Ubuyashiki's wife) actually [started raising her left hand (15:40)](https://i.imgur.com/MF2F2vi.jpeg), almost as if to pray or something, once Ubuyashiki thanked Muzan for taking the time to listen to him. I think that was the trigger.


on the other hand, absolutely fucking brutal for Ubuyashiki to blow up his own kids just to make the trap more convincing


"CCoommee ppllaayy wwiitthh uuss MMuuzzaann, ffoorreevveerr aanndd eevveerr."


gyomei about to get biggest jump in popularity contest of demon slayer. dude deserves it kind, humble and strongest hashira. this episode was banger, even zenitsu looking serious now. i hope ufotable doesnt make us wait too long for movies.


I had high expectations for seeing stone breathing for the first time and they blew it out the water, if this animation is a taste of whats to come, we will be eatin good soon. 


The king gyomei deserves it, nearly 5 years in the making


Of course the ROCK AND STONE Hashira would be a badass.


stone skin was fucking insane


Animators went bat shit insane for 10 straight seconds and it was sex


Zenitsu is locked in. The man is on his own personal mission.


The explosions look so real I'm convinced ufotable actually blew up a japanese mansion


> Mansion 🔥 > > Muzan 🔥 > > Budget 🔥 [The entire episode was pure fire](https://i.imgur.com/8cMEN0y.jpeg) [](#seasonalcool)


Holy fuck killing your own wife and children..... Ya that's pretty hardcore, I def thought Muzan did that somehow at first, caught me very offguard. Such a good episode but I am not ok with this cliffhanger, want more asap. I heard it's gonna be 3 movies or something to finish it? Hope they come out asap.


ya i saw the explosion and assumed it was him only when he became a charred corpse flying around di i realize something was up lol


Is hilarious how Muzan was walking in like he was hot shit only for minutes later get an explosion to the face


You know Muzan assembled the perfect drip for the confrontation just for it to be completely disintegrated.


"Within five days Muzan will come" because it takes him that long to decide on his fit. To borrow a quote from the harry potter series, "you may not like him, but you can't deny, Kibutsuji Muzan's got style"


Nah it probably literally took him 5 days to reach the house with that walking speed


"did you really have to walk that slowly, I almost died before you arrived" - *Ubuyashiki, maybe*


Except Hulk pants.


Muzan keeps it PG 13.


You know who are badasses? The children playing with a ball next to the devil himself.


Master: "Hey kids, we're going to bait and blow up the devil, want to leave or put on a show?" His kids: "Fuck it we ball."


Ball is life after all


The commitment to the family's ultimate goal. They willingly suicided, if it all ends up saving more kids in the future.


"oh hey its the fucking demon lord here to kill our dad and probably us too" "wanna play catch?"


To really rub in the disrespect Ubuyashiki should have just blasted Muzan's ED walk in song right when he was blasting him too.


Inosuke's reaction to getting warped into infinity castle is great. Everyone's confused and hes just turns into Doom Guy Best Boy


And Zenitsu is fucking LOCKED IN


These two handsome boys keep surpassing my admiration for them. Chaos Incarnate and Impostor Syndrome. But damn these production values, talk about lethal quality movie advertisement. This is clearly an ad, but it executed its role cleanly, because I might just pay to go to the theater at this rate.


If the movies have this epsiode's quality I will watch each movie more than once. I watched season 3 episode 1 in the theater, the upper moon meeting and let me tell you, it's mega worth it. Just the sound work alone, we don't get everything that is done sound wise at home. In the cinema the sound just pops. That added, to what I hope will be top tier animation, will surely make the movies an unforgettable experience.


I really wonder what was in that letter that silenced his entire series long infinite yap session. the Zenitsu we've known up until now would've been screaming & crying at the idea of suddenly being dropped into the Demon HQ


"There's only 1 thunder breathing form, I meant to tell you earlier but it was way too funny to see you struggle, lol" -Gramps


>You're not that bad looking, I'll be your gf if you shut the fuck up forever


Or “Thunder Breathing doesn’t actually exist. I just taught you some random shit because I was bored lmao, didn’t expect you to take it so seriously. It was funny seeing you scream Thunder Breathing like it’s a real thing, it’s so chuunibyou lol”


This is the Zenitsu character development manga readers have been yapping about for so long.


“If you kill 100 demons I’ll be your gf” - Nezuko


Bro just wanted to enjoy his shrimp tempura. Now he’s gotta go stomp demons first lol.


Fight now. Eat later


Zeintsu was composed af


Puts on mask and get ready to fight


The King of the Mountain lives for this shit.


Gyomeis defense against Muzan looked so crisp. These movies are going to be insane.


Gyomei is a fucking monster


God that Gyomei animation is fucking nuts. You could feel his power and skill. Truly the strongest of the demon slayers


I think it’s the best animated representation I’ve ever seen of someone moving at a speed beyond what your eyes can track. Normally it would be animated as just a squash and stretch blur, a bunch of looped effects, or the classic blink/teleport, but in this case you can tell he’s actually doing all of those movements, even if they’re happening too quickly for you to track.


Don't just decapitate the demon's head, reduce it to atoms, shrewd fighting style.


Funny how that move would destroy basically any other demon, he didn't just cut the head, he completely destroyed it. Granted Muzan was pinned but if he was given a chance to fight an upper moon it seems like he'd have an easy match if basically any attack from him would be lethal.


Man has the Nichirin ball 'n' chain


Everyone falling into the fortress is a S tier anime moment


I watched the train arc in a 4d cinema and the chairs were shaking crazy af For that final battle I am sure they will somehow do flips and shit, its going to be crazy


They cooked. Couldn't have done it better. The whole talk about eternity, the explosion, the Hashira arriving and switching to the castle with somehow even more hype sequence than Akaza entry in s3 ep1. What a way to end the arc, perfection. Kagaya Ubuyashiki you'll be remembered, literally went out with a bang and made Muzan look pathetic laying on the ground It is truly the beginning of the end now


That eternity always stuck with me and made me think IT really is true that ultimately irl what endures is feelings, ideas and what is inflicted on people The individuals die but the hate, ideals or love of people can endure far beyond themselves Even that eventually dies when a society,culture or mankind itself dies. But that is the closest thing we have to immortality and eternity honestly


Let's hope we don't die before the movie.


Man can you imagine if the 1st movie was in theaters like next week? After an episode like that people would be leaving their house to buy tickets and wait in line like TODAY lol. This episode was one of the best movie trailers ever.


Even if that kind of thing is unlikely to ever be logistically possible, it would be one hell of an amazing way to capitalize on the hype and ride it out at its peak. Even if it was at least just a few months wait it would be huge. The Mugen Train movie released a year after S1 and then took an additional half year(-ish) to reach North America. I'm hoping the release timeline is a little quicker now that lockdown times are behind us. At the very least, the waiting period between the three releases will likely be shorter, so that's something to look forward to.


Funnily enough I do think the waiting period will be shorter for international theatres. Mugen Train was such a success it feels so many anime are trying to capitalize on movies now (basically the new 90s OVA trend) . So now many international anime movies are releasing sooner to Japan showings (still behind by months) and in more theatres. But we won't know for sure until it comes out.


Ubuyashiki 🤝 Netero


You know nothing ~~Meruem~~Muzan, of the ~~bottomless~~infinite ~~malice~~will within the human heart.


The Whole Demon Slayer Corps falling into the infinity castle was so hype, it's like Ufotable's playground with this kind of battlefield. I can't imagine how much 3D movements they will incorporate in the movie, especially for Zenitsu. He probably can do thunderclap and flash hundred-folds with all the platforms in the castle. This will also be the first time we'll see Serious Zenitsu fight, all his fights are amazing, from his OST to his breathing style. Inosuke's spatial awareness also works on his favor, he'll never get lost. There's so much moves he can bullshit here. It seems like the whole crow information network is being established again in the infinity castle, they will definitely be useful in reporting the locations of the upper-moons and maybe steer the weaker corps away from it and make them focus on the fodder demons? But they have to kill the biwa-woman first, I'm not sure if the infinity castle will collapse if they killed her but her teleporting abilities makes it possible to teleport three upper-moons behind Tanjiro, then it's all over. I hope the first movie will be in early 2025, or maybe december 2024(copium overdose)


What a fucking banger of an ep. The movies are gonna be so fucking good.


That was the best explosion I've ever seen in any form of media. HOLY FUCK!! That shot of explosion with sanemi running and the 10 second battle sequence between muzan and the stone hashira was sooo great.


They've been trained with "gas leak" explosion in any Fate series


Ubuyashiki: "True Art is an EXPLOSION!!"


Zenitsu looked like he knew this was gonna happen lmao


That mf is locked the fuck in


He's been locked in since the letter came through.


Ubuyashiki practically leveled the forest to basically tell Muzan to go fuck himself lol. Straight up cooked that mfer before he got skewered with Tamayo’s seed “bombs.” Her sacrifice won’t be in vain if the meds work and turn the dude back to human. It was awesome seeing the whole team showing up to stomp on this fool before he pulled his little magic trick. Gyomei even turned the bro’s head into minced meat. I’m really looking forward to the final showdown between the Hashiras and the Demon King of Pop. Shamone Tanjiro! Heee hee!


> Tamayo’s seed “bombs.” The bombs are actually from the guy that Muzan turned when Tanjiro first met him.


Holy freaking cow?! That's who she meant?! I'm thinking she was talking about some random guy from centuries ago. Stuff like this is why love anime that much more.


Ubuyashiki really went "YOU AIN'T GETTING MY KIDS MICHAEL JACKSON! I'M MORE OF A ROCK AND ROLL FAN ANYWAYS!" [Hits the detonator and the music as Gyomei starts charging.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhsK5WExrnE)


DAMN and Muzan thought he brought smoke. Master went harder than any other demon out there in brutality. Muzan was not ready for Ubuyashiki to use his wife and 2 kids as bait and collateral. "Let me show you what demon time actually looks like Muzan, say hello to my kids, T and T."


Ubuyashiki's words did more damage than the literal bomb. "Kill me and I become a martyr giving the Demon Slayer Corps a guild wide buff. If we kill you, the demons cease to exist."


The Star Wars "if you kill me I will become more powerful than you could even imagine", but far cooler.


If Obi Wan was strapped with enough explosives to crater half the Death Star lol. [Or if Yoda decided to drop the Death Star on Palpatine's head](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fk9rhgpe8xql21.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D4a80acf1b0ae17e20741bf5656a4b7f845560912). "Collateral damage? What's that?" lol


> say hello to my kids, T and T. [](#cokemasterrace) For a moment I thought you meant the twins and I was wondering if their names were revealed and then the realization hit. Brilliant.


Muzan really thought he had the upper hand. Imagine getting outplayed by a man who couldnt even sit up lmao


Muzan’s head looked like a titan when he regenerated lol


Gorgeous visuals. Ubuyashiki totally spat in the face of Muzan Jackson with his stunt. He certainly married a woman who took ride or die literally. A shame for the little girls, though.


Ufotable really loves Zenitsu!


Half of the anime this season feel like they ran out of budget 2-3 episodes before they ended. Ufotable: **Y'all wanna see some serious shit??**


Imagine meeting your arch-nemesis for the first time and then sacrificing you and your family to blow #@$% up and tear him a new one. Ubuyashiki truly is based. What a banger way to kick off the final arc.


“Thanks for letting me monologue” lmao


I loved that because I was definitely wondering why Muzan didn't just take his head off mid-sentence. Ubuyashiki was like even I didn't expect you to let me stall for this long before I blew your dumbass up.


“But wait, I have one more thing to say…” *monologues until the sun comes up*


Should be illegal to end a series at a part like that. God damn man.


Small "training arc" is so much better than last season.


They played me for a fool. I thought that was really all this season was gonna be. Boy was I wrong this time


The character moments and slower pace was really nice before all of this action too


My thought exactly. I think the problem is they had a set number of episodes so they dragged on the smith arc as much as possible. I remember the part with tanjiro not doing much beside repeating over and over that he needed to go back to the others as quickly as possible was very irritating... But even so it was kinda meh with the lack of world building for the smith village itself and the upper moon 5 being dispatched without much of a stake. There was also lot of questionable forced humor that broke the vibes.




Oh my God, I got chills when zenitsu opened his eyes and didn't scream, Bro is LOCKED IN


Gyomei is HIM


Hard to argue when the guy had a literal title "Strongest of the Demon Slayer corps" as one of the episodes


That he did, but then we finally see him in action and man absolutely fucking SMASHES.


Can't spell Gyomei Himejima without HIM


EXPLOOOOSION! - some crazy explosion girl


I had been wondering how they would get into the castle, didn't expect Muzan himself to teleport them inside. I know it seemed he only brought the demon slayers, but I wonder if he was able to bring Nezuko in as well. It sucks how underutilised she is.


I fucking love how the "indomitable human spirit" was used this episode. Muzan wants to be truly immortal, has lived for over a thousand years, and in all that time never realized that humanity's spirit is already immortal, and that every effort to stop him over these thousands years has been proof of that. I can understand people not liking this series, I get people who think it's just Ufotable carrying everything, hell even this season has just been kind of okay (still better than last season...) but it's moments like these that show why even the manga is loved and enjoyed by a lot of people.


Ufotable blew up a mansion irl and put it in the anime. Respect.


Holy fuck Ubuyashiki! I wasn't sure what kind of plan he had against Muzan but [I definitely did not expect him to do that!](https://i.imgur.com/uqns1xq.jpeg) Sacrificing himself and his family as bait to deal a massive blow on Muzan is fucking insane! It was so satisfying [to see Muzan's body get blown apart though.](https://i.imgur.com/zslzzR2.jpeg) The sacrifice was 100% worth it! [Tamayo showing up to deal a follow-up attack](https://i.imgur.com/gndiWu8.jpeg) was pretty baller too! If what Tamayo is saying is true, [Muzan's days are already numbered](https://i.imgur.com/G8L7wn5.jpeg) if that drug that turns him back into human works. He's probably going to be weakened over time. I'll never get tired of how cool the Infinity Castle is. It looks like we've entered the final arc considering that Muzan has dropped every known Demon Slayer inside his Infinity Castle. I love [how excited Inosuke is](https://i.imgur.com/3ikESN3.jpeg) that he's about to fight a ton of demons. And then you have [Zenitsu who's so serious](https://i.imgur.com/CKyZlzZ.jpeg) that I don't even recognize him. I'm still worried about what the letter he got contains but whatever it is, he looks like he's goddamn ready to kick ass! The final Taisho Era secret of the season got me emotional though. I definitely did not expect to hear [Rengoku cheering Tanjiro and Mitsuri on from backstage](https://i.imgur.com/HauX0c8.jpeg) for the final battle! I can't wait for the final arc!




I mean it was just a couple of minutes longer than normal episodes. The first 3 minutes were just a repeat of the last episode and then the last 7 minutes.


Everyone is LOCKED IN. Hashiras open with their breathing forms, Tanjiro immediately saw red and went after Muzan, Tamayo goes directly at the demon king with no hesitation. Inosuke is excited to hack and slash and Zenitsu has murderous intent WHILE AWAKE. And genya brought a gun to a knife fight I just wish that we saw some teases of the initial matchups for all the slayers, or even an appearance from the upper moons


Ubuyashiki: *I have nothing more to say, I will die now in peace. Except...* Also Ubuyashiki: **I HATE THE WAY THAT YOU WALK, THE WAY THAT YOU TALK! I HATE THE WAY THAT YOU DRESS!**


I shouted at my screen "WHO ARE YOU" when ZENITSU was the only one not to freak out as the mass teleportation thing happened I guess that Hashira training really paid off with him


Zenitsu is all business now. Whatever is within the letter changed him


I bet the letter said "I'll marry u if u kill muzan - signed nezuko"


It wasn’t the training lol. The training didn’t do dick. It was the contents of that letter. Presumably Muzan killed someone dear to him such as his master, or something of the like. Either way he now has a look of sheer bloodlust


This right here is why Ubuyashiki is an absolute legend. By all means, he should have died half a year ago but he’s been hanging on by sheer willpower for this very moment. At the age of 23, he delivers the most devastating blow Muzan has suffered in centuries without ever lifting a sword. Muzan came here to kill a man that’s basically already dead and gravely miscalculated what was awaiting him. The contrast of the two is amazing. Muzan is a demon who’s been doing his best to avoid death for a thousand years. If he dies, the demons die with him. Meanwhile, Ubuyashiki is but a man who’s lived all his life with a foot in the grave, they’re old friends, but his death doesn’t spell the end of the demon slayers, it will only fire them up more to end Muzan for good. He and Tamayo both know that none of the three are walking away from this night alive but they’re willing to do whatever it takes anyway, but Muzan is a coward who’s only alive because he’s so much more insanely powerful than everyone else. HOLY CRAP, that explosion was fucking brutal! It was not that gruesome in the manga. But it really highlights how far he’s willing to go to kill Muzan. Watching the pillars running towards him all the while knowing they won’t make it is heartbreaking. You can see how Gyomei isn’t in the montage because he’s already there waiting to strike. I love the design of the Infinity Castle and similar buildings like the God Hand realm from Berserk. The messed up surrealistic mindfuck architecture looks incredible when done well. Like this place shouldn’t exist in reality. THIS right here is the reason why Ufotable is consistently among the best anime studios in the business. When they go all out, there’s very few studios that can compete in terms of quality. The visuals in this episode are legitimately insane. I think this is about a chapter in the manga turned into this “one of the best episodes of the whole goddamn year” spectacle. Ladies and gentlemen, demon slayer fans in arms, prepare to witness absolute Peak. The movies will actually be insane when the best part of the story is adapted in the way it deserves to be.


This episode has got to be the top definition for the term edging now because I NEED to see what comes next. Top tier visuals, sound design/scoring and choreography as usual. Ufotable really does great work.