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This is fake news. I live in Paris, nothing of the sort happened yesterday, and no French newspaper mentions such incidents.


It was not a riot, more like an assembly of 8000 persons from the popular front : [https://www.letelegramme.fr/elections/legislatives/legislatives-a-paris-une-foule-timide-pour-protester-contre-lextreme-droite-6616441.php](https://www.letelegramme.fr/elections/legislatives/legislatives-a-paris-une-foule-timide-pour-protester-contre-lextreme-droite-6616441.php)


Well? Get to it already. You’ve an international reputation to uphold.


same, there were mini scuffles with predominantly young students in a few streets, but that's it.


Random question, any safety fears pre olympics? Going to attend olympics from Aug 1-10th and some recent news made my SO a little wary. (Shootings, riots, etc).


Nothing more than usual. It s actually safer because of the increased police and army presence. However our secret services have already aborted several terror attacks. It mights still happen during the olympics.


"However our secret services have already aborted several terror attacks. It mights still happen during the olympics." -That's the news I was worried about, but good to hear that the average person doesn't have that on their mind.


Well, there are constently terror attacks in the making in France, but that s the same in the US, the UK or other culturally powerfull western countries.


Actually we use to (and maybe still do) defuse a lot more of them since the Muslim countries absolutely hate us for choosing to side with freedom of speech rather than Muslim censor laws when Charlie Hebdo happened


Maybe UK, not really the US (unless domestic). We don't share borders


yes, the river seine is unfit for swimming.


Isn’t there a shark in it?


Really? Thank You!


>Really? Thank You! You're welcome!


Le Pen kicked her dad out of the party he founded for not being antisemitic enough. Would rioting really surprise you?


That's quite the opposite actually, she wanted the party to be more polished and less "scary", hence why she quicked her dad out.


Delusion is a hell of a drug.


Funny, the biggest media in my country, that supports macron and is extreme-left aligned (the same of the current president), said yesterday that since macron party lost, tons of macron supporters went down to streets for riots, burning things, making blockages and such, with photos of it lol


>that supports macron and is extreme-left aligned That doesn't make much sense but ok >tons of macron supporters went down to streets for riots, burning things, making blockages and such, The demographic of the Macron's voter is that of a highly educated person, with high income. You won't have them tip over a garbage can.


Macron, extreme-left? Say what now? I wonder where they are from to think that. To swallow that kind of bait, probably someone from the US watching Fox News. Or a supporter from that coke addict libertarian in Argentina.


I'm going to guess it's Brazil. I remember reading [an article](https://www.politico.eu/article/behind-france-macron-brazil-lula-bromance-eu-mercosur-amazon/) some time ago that made me go a little "WTF?!". Just missing a Brezhnev/Honecker style kiss.




Macron. Extreme left. Okay. 


I didn't say he was, learn to read.


Election are not over, they haven't won anything yet


Unfortunately, the far right has already won 39 seats. The left has won 31, and the government only won 2.


Putin must be giddy


Because France is finally coming to senses? That doesn't add up. What are you trying to say? Please elaborate?


Le Pen historically supports Putin. https://www.lemonde.fr/en/les-decodeurs/article/2022/04/21/what-are-marine-le-pen-s-ties-to-vladimir-putin-s-russia_5981192_8.html#


As was Angela Merkel, Donald Tusk and most of the others. Most of them changed their stance in 2022 soon after Russia invading Ukraine, just like Le Pen did. That's even in the article you linked. Btw, it is pay walled article. So argument that le Pen support Putin is moot. Anyone else is able to elaborate?


Yes but this was before his quote blatant dislike of the EU and most European countries. And the fact he's been trying to sabotage everything in said European countries to help him win his stupid war. Now everyone but the fat right is against him because he's a threat to well democracy and all of that.


Everyone dislike Putin because he is a threat to the sovereignty, not democracy. He is a threat to democracy too, bit that's not what makes him unpopular.


How can you threaten something that only ever existed for superpowers in the first place - and even then, generally briefly?


Usually by force. It isn't rocket science.


Yeah, like I was telling an American friend of mine - no sane American can wish for the same president that Putin wishes for. So yeah, if Putin wants to see le pen president of France and you agree with him maybe you should look as to why Also before your ignorant ass starts praising Putin, I’m Russian and you simply can’t start comprehending to what extent him and his clique are pieces of shit


The only thing I can't comprehend is why do you think I might start praising Putin? As a citizen of Poland, I'm what you Russians call "a Rusophobe". Right? Are you sure Putin wants to see le Pen as a president? I doubt Putin is happy with Le Pen recent success, but judging by your comment, you are far away from understanding the subject.


Because of how vehemently you defend him, in other comments as well so that’s why I got that feeling - if you don’t support him then all is right I guess. Bro you won’t believe me but I’m also French lmao double nationality and all so I am pretty aware of the situation in France too. Also he did give her money so there’s legitimate doubt as to whom her allegiance goes, and when speaking about our next president I don’t want to allow even that doubt to be present


I don't defend him at all. You are mistaken. Le Pen did get money from Russian banks, but that doesn't mean she is on Putin payroll. There were important European politicians getting money from Putin and they didn't need Russian banks for that.




Oh Russia, masters of disinformation! Do you believe anything they say or do? Don't be Russian so called "useful idiot".


I assume because Putin likes Western countries to be deeply divided, and Russian psyops tend to focus on stirring up division and hate. 


That's probably right, but division and trouble in Europe and France isn't the fault of right wing governments of Europe and France. Le Pen isn't responsible for creating situation in which french people (and European) are so divided on issues like defence, immigration and future path of Europe. So again, I don't understand why Putin should be, or us Happy with Le Pen in power.


Le Pen's party is the most pro-Putin. she's historically been in favor of russian irredentism and expansion. why a french politician would be in favor of that? idk  https://www.france24.com/en/france/20230603-le-pen-s-far-right-served-as-mouthpiece-for-the-kremlin-says-french-parliamentary-report


My previous comment pretty much stands, with the exception that Le Pen went as far as calling Crimea Russian territory and calling annexation an reattachment. That's as far as it goes. Other than that, the article is indeed a farce.


yeah just those little exceptions. no idea what putin would like about that. Also the fact that she's a euroskeptic, which putin is also a fan of - see russian involvement in brexit. European nationalist isolationism is very good for russia. Le Pen is the best outcome for russia in the french election. Hope that helps explain things a bit more.


A little bit. But I doubt Putin supports Le Pen because she didn't mind him annexing Crimea. Europe is in tatters and that's why is currently leaning right. Somebody has to clean this mess created by too liberal governments. Strong Europe is nothing good for Russia so I doubt Putin is happy with Le Pen possibly being in charge in France.


Well some Fr*nch might want to recover their country’s balls at some point and time, which means a muscular foreign policy and reasserting itself in their old colonial sphere. As such, you will see them take a generally less cucked line on these topics.


your vocabulary is really interesting. So you're saying russia has balls and is not cucked - which means being more aggressive towards other nation states - and Le Pen wants france to be ballsy and not cucked too (but not in regard to russia) ? idk if that makes sense especially when russia is competing with french influence in africa


Lol Putin *is* responsible for a lot of those things that get La Pen elected.


Probably yes. But Le Pen might be someone to clean Putin mess. That's why I don't think Putin is happy with Le Pen getting significant. It was weak leftists government that allowed Putin to meddle with internal affairs in France.


Allowed? He's going to push for as much as he can get away with. He wants to break European unity by fostering nationalism and self interest in individual EU nations. His long term goals depend on it.


>Allowed? He's going to push for as much as he can get away with. Exactly, and weak leftists governments allowed him to get away with everything in the name of tolerance and because they were scared of making Putin angry. >He wants to break European unity by fostering nationalism and self interest in individual EU nations. His long term goals depend on it. Europe can only be strong united. But Europe can't be united when individual nations are weak. Individual nations have to be strong and only then they can stand against Russia. Eu has to redefine itself because destroying individual states is exactly what Putin wants.


>Allowed? He's going to push for as much as he can get away with. Exactly, and weak leftists governments allowed him to get away with everything in the name of tolerance and because they were scared of making Putin angry. >He wants to break European unity by fostering nationalism and self interest in individual EU nations. His long term goals depend on it. Europe can only be strong united. But Europe can't be united when individual nations are weak. Individual nations have to be strong and only then they can stand against Russia. Eu has to redefine itself because destroying individual states is exactly what Putin wants.


>Allowed? He's going to push for as much as he can get away with. Exactly, and weak leftists governments allowed him to get away with everything in the name of tolerance and because they were scared of making Putin angry. >He wants to break European unity by fostering nationalism and self interest in individual EU nations. His long term goals depend on it. Europe can only be strong united. But Europe can't be united when individual nations are weak. Individual nations have to be strong and only then they can stand against Russia. Eu has to redefine itself because destroying individual states is exactly what Putin wants.


>Allowed? He's going to push for as much as he can get away with. Exactly, and weak leftists governments allowed him to get away with everything in the name of tolerance and because they were scared of making Putin angry. >He wants to break European unity by fostering nationalism and self interest in individual EU nations. His long term goals depend on it. Europe can only be strong united. But Europe can't be united when individual nations are weak. Individual nations have to be strong and only then they can stand against Russia. Eu has to redefine itself because destroying individual states is exactly what Putin wants.


Some seats were won.


It s blatent fake news. There was (surprisingly) no riots. Like, for once that there is no violence, OP posts fake news about it


>Paris riots break out Nihil sub sole novum.


Maybe the this will be a wake up call to the left and the center that their immigration policies aren't popular.


The Left was the second biggest winner, it was centrists who got fucked.


After two whole terms they still had 20% of the votes That’s a massive record in France


The entire French left combined scraped less than 30% of the vote. The remainder of the electorate swung hard for various center-right and right wing parties (namely RN, Ensemble, and Les Républicains). I’d very hardly call that winning.


Being second in a tripolar arrangement isn’t half bad.


It won't, and the double down will just push people further


Honestly, if the left ditched Melanchon (leader of the biggest left party, pro Putin, pro Hamas, anti EU,anti OTAN, you get the picture), and if they did adress immigration problems, they would win by a landslide.


If the left ditched left causes, it wouldn't be the left.


The end of an era


When can we start to call them terrorists, golpists and anti democratics for doing it? Or are they safe since they are on macrons side?


So they are basically throwing a tantrum cause they didn’t get their way? 


I really don’t understand how sub-humans are now trending in electoral challenges.  I wouldn’t trust this woman serving me at McDonald. 


>I really don’t understand how sub-humans are now trending in electoral challenges. The far right is wondering the same thing


My side didn’t win! Let me throw a tantrum that pushes more people over to the other side!!


I can only assume that these scripted 'riots' are intended to scare votes away from the Right. Sort of 'cancel culture' taken to the streets. I expect it will have very much the opposite effect from what they desire.


no, not really, this is a pretty normal thing in france, we get those often to voice support or oppositions to things and no one is scared


Indeed pretty normal for the left but it still is very much a cancel culture/scare intended riot


the right does it to, like with the protests against abortions


Protesting against a law being made and against an election is two deferent things


it's not protesting the election existing tho, just showing opposition to one side, the same way the anti abortion protests happened to show opposition to it


When the far right does it’s totally cool though, right?


The far right doesn’t go protest against elections