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I've gone to many solo. Only the last couple years I've joined up with a condo group. Easier to check out the vendors and panels you want solo. I tend to a fair bit of photography, which keeps me pretty busy, and saying hello to many cosplayers. There are also other people posting here you could arrange to meet up with for a bit as well. I usually spend 60% of my time solo, then hang out with people the rest of the time.


Even when I've gone with people in the past, there are times when we split up and do our own things. Last year and this year I went solo, and it is still absolutely worth it.


Def worth it. Good chance to meet some new cool people, and you get to do the things that YOU want to do.


Last year I went technically with friends but we were in different hotels & only hung out for part of the day. It's honestly pretty easy to do solo


I usually go with some friends but we do split up occasionally which makes things a lot easier in some ways. I can go to panels they're not interested in or navigate AA or the dealers room quicker. I'm a pretty speedy walker and very goal-oriented in navigating where I want to go. Or even at the food trucks, my friends and I usually split up to get food then meet at the lemonade stand (the default meet up space for us every con lol). I'm also pretty content with being alone at events and my social battery drains pretty fast so it can be nice. No one will be judged for going to a con alone.


i go alone to most cons as i like being unconstrained by other's schedules haha, but i usually find people to chat with no matter where i go!


Yeah, definitely. I've done solo, like most of the time I've attended. I'd recc you cram your days full of activities, and don't be afraid to chat people up either. I've talked and made friends with people just by waiting in lines. Everyone's very friendly, so if you see a cool cosplay, don't be afraid to say something to them!