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I tried recommending Baccano to someone but how the fuck do I even explain the plot when the plot jumps around every 5 minutes to one of four separate stories that aren't necessarily told in order. Then you have to add to that the basics of the plot which the best I got were who's the immortal monster on the train. Whilst three separate train heist go on. It's the best I got and that's ignoring the two other heists going on involving the train and the three additional heists that take place off the train. TL;DR. watch Baccano it's really good if you have the time to pay attention.


You could also go for the series by the same author that was actually finished (unless Baccano got an anime original ending, idk if it did) called Durarara. That show is really great and made me wanna check out Baccano. It’s more of the same type of storytelling with different perspectives and new characters every episode and even in the same episode.


I tried recommending Durarara to a friend and they asked what it was about…. I couldn’t fully answer without it turning into a whole thing.


Iirc Vinland Saga has literally 0 anime bullshit


That’s why it’s peak


Just an unproblematic farming story


Just gotta remind people that it's not an action series. Don't know how many people I saw bitching about season 2 due to lack of action.


Closer to a game of thrones type drama series with lots of action sprinkled in


Peak character writing too. Askeladd is in my opinion one of the best written characters of all of anime. Perfect depiction of a morally gray anti-villain who’s just trying to make the best out of the shittiest of times in England. Thorfinn is also a perfectly written character too, especially how he grows over the years and finally begins to understand what his father’s last words meant.


Depends on which type of anime bullshit you're talking about.


I'm guessing ecchi fanservice, plot armor, philosophical monologues during fight scenes, absurd power scaling.


Plot armor is just a fiction thing


Ya but there’s “I know the hero probably won’t die because then the story ends” and there’s “the MC is literally unbeatable in every way, doesn’t even have to try in fights, and the universe conspires to make them more powerful with no real effort on their part outside of lip service”


What you’re describing isn’t really plot armor. Plot armor is when a character is in a position where they have no chance of winning and/or surviving, but they still somehow do because of “plot”. Being too OP with no effort is called being a Mary Sue/Gary Stu, not plot armor.


MC: starts losing an on the verge of death Looks at time: still 14 minutes left and only on episode 9


The difference between normal anime and Baki Hanma. I'm going to spend 8 episodes building up Not Mike Tyson as the strongest dude in the prison, he beats up Che Guevara and 3 Asian assassin's, and there's a weirdly long metaphor that he's holding back his muscles from exploding the prison by flexing. Final episode ends with baki winning because..... uh.....hmmmmmm Author fiat. Baki wins, because the author needed/wanted him to win. Now let's have a random cut to Baki's Dad Yujiro and jerk him off for his OveRwHeLmiNg PowAh


Baki Baki has none of that. Baki is simply insanity


I watched that stupid video a couple days ago. The one where it talks about the final episode and it's just Baki and yujiro talking about invisible food and what all happens in that season. It's honestly fucking amazing The only thing that I find comparable to it and the reason why I like it so much is JoJo's bizarre adventure. Because both are actually just insane. (For context: "at first I understand I was just trying to fight you become stronger than you, But now we have a re-animated caveman He's eating people, his name is pickle, My bones are turning into water, This guy's getting even more bones using imagination, OBAMA!?")


At that point I just throw the nloodiest goriest thing I can find their way. Blood C rabbit massacre scene galore.


Attack on titan, fma, dbz, deathnote, demon slayer off the top are top tier and dont really have these problems imo except db with the powerscaling


A good one I remembered although it was never made into an anime. Vagabond. But it won’t ever be finished. Still really good tho


If it's fanservice you're avoiding. Any recent new mass-produced anime. Usually, Isekai. I can't help but think new anime just has fan service heavily. I spired into it.


power of friendship and just absolutely RANDOM shit that came from knowhere is really hard to sell


I think that's the point. There are many types of anime bullshit and people have different tolerances for them. For example I have friends who are way more tolerant of loli nonsense than I am. Only somebody with extreme tolerance for absurd fan service could watch something like strike witches for darling in the franxx.


I've always felt like Studio Ghibli keeps anime bullshit to a minimum


Howl's Moving Castle was one I was able to introduce to my very Disney-only mother, who's finally learning that animation's not only for kids.


My mom binge watch all of Ghibli movies in Netflix during quarantine after my sister and I made her watch My Neighbour Totoro. Then this year she finished watching Gudetama.


When I recommend anime, either its aot or spy family. Very safe choices imo.


apparently not. my friend who i recommended to is a contrarian scumbag so ig its too good for him


Spy x family is what I call wholesome "anime bullshit". It's got the sister complex and somewhat cringy overreaction to romance thing. Very embarrasing when my relatives found those aspects weird.


The sister complex is definitely peak example of anime bullshit. There's no universe where it had to be that intense. Can definitely understand why some people think it's too much


Wtf is a sister complex?


Ever heard of an Oedipus complex?


Oh God I was hoping this wasn't the answer. Why can't it just be cool cartoons why everyone gotta try to complex their family members?


At the very least it isn’t really condoned. Everyone quite literally gives him extreme shit for it every time he does anything and usually try to get him to calm tf down. That said, yeah it’s still really weird and overdone.


Yuri isn't around that often if it makes you feel any better. Plus the first time it comes up it's in response to finding out his sister is suddenly married and taking care of someone else's child so it's not as bad as you might think. Show is goated


Sorry to be the bringer of cursed information


And then they realize, "I'm adopted! We're not blood relatives!" If you wanna see something really amusing, watch Tomoe-Chan is a Girl. One of the supporting characters is in a relationship that would make most people go, "WTF!"


Spy x family is NOT a safe choice lmao


it's the safe choice for mfs who watch anime casually so there tolerance level was already a little hardened. gigguk and the op said it best. anime fans REALLY gotta remember to step out of their bubble when reccommending shit, especially to someone who's seen 0 anime or even jp/asian/asian inspired media like avatar or turning red before. like you got double check even the safe anime that has the stuff you turn a blind-eye too out of being used to far worse lol even simple stuff like chibi's or REGULAR non-sexual nudity and sex stuff can be a turn off to some. But admiteddly that's par for the course reccommending anything foreign, not tryna justify incest or loli shit or anything just that the second you go out your comfort zone to see what different cultures find entertaining, it feeling even a little alien is inevitable and not 100% something weebs should be TOO ashamed of


Spy x Family has that weird incest thing going on, and AOT is very gorey but decent if you can handle that


Gen Z anime fans will recommend you an anime as "the best thing ever" and the first episode will legit be pornified sexual assault on a girl to which they then look you dead in your eyes and swear is essential to the plot.


Is Gen Z recommending Goblin Slayer again?


I seriously didn’t get the hype with this one. Once S2 came out I sat down and watched a few episodes, just seems like a filler flavor of the month to me.


The best bits of Goblin Slayer are honestly in between missions. It's a little barebones, but I like the way it gets handled. Watch Frieren instead, honestly just superior in every imaginable way.


Worse… re:monster


“The Boys”


right? the double standards. A live action show does no one bats an eye. Anime does it and they have a spazz attack.


When it's live action it doesn't involve little girls


Well……okay…..but….you see…..it’s ah…..got to……um…….okay fine I’m all out of gas for my lighting here.


hunter hunter...... idk why i said that i just wanted to say something because im a genzer


Boomillenial detected


Examples? lol, this is true though.


By anime bullshit do they mean stuff like fanservice and tsunderes weird loli shit and stuff like that? Because if they do I understand completely. I want to recommend people Scientific Railgun but it's hard when there's a whole episode about one 12 year old trying to date rape another 12 year old.


It's a good point my anime bullshit I don't like are the perverts. I'm no prude its just not funny. I quit watching My Hero Acidemia because of that little purple turd. On the other hand I love One Piece even though sometimes Brooke can get under my skin. At least he's not just a one note pervert.


Yeah, not a fan of the perverted characters either. I can tolerate it if it’s not too frequent and the show has enough positive aspects to make me keep watching, like with DBZ for example, but I would still prefer if it wasn’t there.


don't diss my boy jiraiya, he the goat


He’s an exception for me because he has an actual character to him other than pervy. While Mineta has nothing other than his pervy-ness


How you stop watch hero academia because of sone side character who has a minute screen time per season I’m calling bullshit, just say it was bad overall


Im fine with them as long as they aren’t actually straight up bad people. I mess with Jiraiya but not Rudeus for example.


At least with Brooke (I can't believe I am saying this) but the worst is him politely asking for panties. Which granted if it happens IRL, it would be weird and creepy, especially if it a "running gag" but by anime standards, that practically almost chaste. He also takes "no" as an answer.


Brooke is hilarious. The man spent 50 years alone as a skeleton and only went mostly insane, least he deserves is some panties. Fight me. Sanji on the other hand....


He'd say the same about you, but he doesn't have skin! Yohohohoho


Can't be thin skinned if he has no skin I guess. Those skeleton jokes really tickle my bones.


Cyberpunk Edgerunnes? As far as I know, it seems more like an 'animated series' meant to tell a rich story rather than an 'anime' with your usual tropes and stuff done to cater to the tastes of a small Japanese demographic.


there's a sex scene in the first ep i think with a decent amount of nudity so ima have to say no


Sex scenes I wouldn't call anime bullshit and especially when the series takes place in a world of sex addiction as we see all over the series. This was more just our introduction to how normalized that society has made it, and to get you prepared for the rest of the show and what you'll see


That last parts important too. This shows pretty gory with kinda messed up scenes. A sex scene to a degree kinda sets expectations of maturity level


Theres sex scenes in everything


Can someone please tell me what episode Winry and Edward Elric get it on?!? Talk about easy answer no order: ghost in the shell, samurai champloo, trigun, fullmetal alchemist brotherhood (yet i liked toonami versions before the manga finished). They are short more serious with less goofy anime shenanigan’s . Trigun and alchemist would be the ones that push that bullshit limit to the lowest. From there if they like it you move to a genre they may like…. That when you drop the SoA, log horizion, reincarnation as a slime or vending machine(this was low key fun as fuck lol), more lol.


I was talking more about films, almost everything you’ll find on netflix is gon have them. You’ll be watching a sports movie on BET and then, bam, a sex scene.


Lol. My mind went to, baseball. Pitcher throwing a nice pitch but the batter getting a nice hit . As soon as the ball and the bat meet. Bang 💥Scene change to a sex scene on a couch.


I hate the fact sex is forced into so much shit these days. I'm not even a prude, but like jeez. 95% of the time it just comes of as crude and tasteless to me. Like writers think it's some kind of easy and free gimme that can elevate there story without effort. Sex is no longer something special and intimate shared between two characters/people. It's just a product to put more butts in seats.


Do you mean tropes?


Frieren is peak anime without anime bullshit


Guarantee there are idiots who say that Frieren is "loli fan service excused by being a thousand year old fantasy creature" even though she is not sexualized at all and her personality is mature and doesn't actually look that young. By the way I agree with you, there is basically no anime bs tropes in Frieren.


I would say Welcome to the NHK, except the anime version takes the source material and does everything you’re asking for it not to do. Because otherwise it’s a great show about a trio (mostly a duo) of very broken people with actual psychological problems. And it’s kinda gutwrenching at times. It’s just the anime doesn’t know if it wants to be a comedy or not. Either way I recommend Welcome to the NHK. Manga if you want a reimagining of it with a new story, novel if you want the more serious source material and potentially the greatest book you’ve ever read.


how many chapters is it? and would you recommend reading it instead of watching the anime


Idk how many chapters it is but I think it’s a less than 200 page book, the novel. And yes I would recommend reading the novel first and foremost, then watching the anime after because they share the same ending which you do not want to be spoiled for. Also you can read the manga any time you want (I think it’s around 6 volumes) because while the story starts off the same it veers off into its own unique plot and it has its own original ending. The anime is basically a loose adaptation of the novel but toned down and includes some new parts and arcs but the manga is essentially its own story separate from the novel and anime. But the novel is still to this day the best book I’ve ever read. But be warned it can get depressing at times. Anime: dramedy loosely based on novel Manga: grim dark original story Novel: sometimes depressing serious story and the best book ever and it has many things not in the anime Also the ending and overall message is so good!


Cowboy Bebop has minimal anime bullshit


No tweens and their problems Compelling characters that can get hurt No super powers (other than plot essential stuff) Actually effective bad guys Faye Runs around half naked most the time though...


I'm on chapter 18 of Monster. So far it's as mundane and realistic as any live-action drama I've seen. I haven't even seen any fanservice!


Eh… if you watch anime, you know these “huh?!” moments will happen. So the most non-anime anime? How about BERSERK? 😬👍 It’s a whole different bag of non-anime trauma


I think Attack on Titan has very little of that trope-y anime BS.


Attack on Titan (when I hear “bullshit anime” I’m assuming, like, female fan service right?)


I've been recommending Pluto on Netflix to people. I don't think it has really any bullshit but let me know if i'm wrong lol


Attack on Titan doesn’t, it has no bullshit shonen tropes whatsoever and no fanservice..


Eren's edginess is the only thing I can think of in season 1 that would be a little annoying


Bro saw his mum get munched on lmao cut him some slack


attack on titan. now the only bullshit you have to deal with is the fandom. though you could also just not…


Yeah block all AoT subs and never unblock them. No spoilers and no bullshit.


I went straight to the deep end and got my cousin to watch Jojo's bizzare adventure


Probably monster


IMO Miyazaki films are usually a good, easy entry point for the non-anime watcher. But if someone is already in the shallow end of the pool, just force them to do an all-night Evangelion marathon. If they break then they are unworthy.


Haikyuu, just a wholesome sports anime that gets you feeling hyped up but no loli’s, 800 year old 5 year olds or inappropriate relationships. Honestly this goes for most sports anime but Haikyu just happens to be my favorite. Good introduction into what anime is before you take the deeper dive


Its easy. Ask older anime heads who grew up with it in the 90s. Anyone from the Toonami era will tell you DBZ or Tenchi Muyo is the way to go. Ask anyone with a Vegeta or Goku profile pic and they'll tell u DBS is life. Go back to basics. Start with the classics lik Gundam 00 and then move up to other classics like Hokuto No Ken, Votoms Armored Soldier and Dirty Pair. Then explore the animes we all learned aboit growing up likr Dragon Ball and City Hunter. Good luck!


Cowboy Bebop. If you don't enjoy then I just don't have anything else to say... maybe full metal alchemist if they prefer fantasy


Aside from what others have said… First thing that popped in my head is haikyuu. Unless you count Tanaka and Noya being in love with shimizu. Felt pretty normal that teenage boys would be in love with a girl though I don’t remember keep your hands off eizouken having any weird things or ping pong the animation but been a while since I’ve seen either. Other ones I was thinking of where link click or mob psycho. That’s all I got off the top of my head. I’m sure I’m forgetting something in all of them though


I'm gonna have to say Delicious in Dungeon. I'm not finished with it yet, but the only "anime bullshit" I found was one homoerotic bath scene between two adult characters.






nichijuo is the only anime i can think of that doesn't have much bullshit... mainly because every moment is bullshit sooo always Reccomend nichijuo


The word you and the tweet are looking is "Trope".


Not always. Like, unnecessary exposition isn’t really a trope.


like what? like if I could recommend Made in Abyss for its epic world-building and mystery; but the mangaka's barely disguised fetishes seep on several pages/episodes, that it can cause a turn off and might question my sanity level? that kind of bullshit?


Another reason why it's hard is when you remember the scenes they're fire, but when you YouTube them to show people, you forget they have no backstory or contaxt and you can feel their boredom increase with every mid-fight dialogue.


Vampire in the Garden could be a decent choice


graveyard of the fireflies


I love Kaiju No 8. I read the manga and psyched about the anime, but the comedy scenes are kind of annoying. Same with Demon Slayer when Zenitsu is YELLING all the time for comedy. Or when the comedy is just sexual for no reason during a serious scene. Like when Nel saved Ichigo, the tension was cut because LOL BOOBAS IN HIS FACE XDDDD Anime style comedy has never really hit for me, but I can ignore it enough because I overall enjoy Kaiju No 8 and Demon Slayer as my examples. Although, Kafka peeing out his nipples made me laugh.


And then there's me, recommending kill la kill it's nothing


Hmmmmm.. obvious stuff I could think off easily are - Saga of Tanya The Evil - Vinland Saga - a lot of korean manwhas that got adapted into an anime - Ghost in the Shell - a lot of sports anime that tend to be well received by female audiences - Pokemon - Doraemon - Studio Ghibli Films - those romance movies that even non-anime fans like that construction worker over there or your grandma would watch too like "A Silent Voice".


Probably Frieren and Edgerunners


Just recommend them something either 'Boku no' in the title.


AOT has no anime bullshit


Attack on Titan and Vinland Saga have exactly zero "anime bullshit"




King of the Hill


Vinland saga has action anime bullshit


Monster is the most normal show anime I've seen so far, but I'm only halfway through




Dungeon Meshi or Frieren seems like a safe way to ease any normie into getting familiar with "anime bullshit"


Assassination Classroom does better than many I would say.


Cowboy bebop. And just about most anime from 80's-2000's.


Vinland saga


AOT doesn’t have any of what I consider anime bullshit. JJK has a lot of what I consider anime bullshit but it’s far more tolerable than most anime bullshit, it’s also just an amazing anime so it makes up for it.


FMA Brotherhood has the least amount of "anime bullshit", from what I can tell. Best anime ever made.


You can say this about any piece of media or any genre. All stories movies, tv shows, comics have troupes and copious amounts of “bullshit” this isn’t exclusive to anime


Throw them in the deep end and see if they sink. Give them something like Black Lagoon, Attack on Titan, or Delicious in Dungeon. Then hit them with Jobless Reincarnation, or How not to Summon a Demon lord. Thin hit with a classic like Boko no Pieco.


i’ve accepted that if someone isn’t willing to deal with the anime bullshit that i shouldn’t recommend anything to them


Nichijou is devoid of bs


Think we need direct examples of “anime bullshit”. One man’s bullshit is another man’s fertilizer.


You probably want something that is serious and doesnt use fan service or over the top character writing to appeal to a wider audience. There are a few anime like this such as monster, a very slow paced psychological anime that has many real themes and hardly relies on anime tropes. You also have spirited away or any studio ghibli film which is more disney than anime and was specifically created for kids. An anime that came out recently that feels more original than most is made in the abyss.


Mashle? It’s literally fucking insane but has a negative amount of the weird pervert shit.


Cowboy Bebop. It's just a good sci-fi show.


I think a movie would be a good choice. Your name is a fantastic movie that I don't remember having any anime bs. Ultimately the most important thing is to get them to realize that a story can still be good animated. Most who don't want to start anime are like that because either they think it's for kids or they consider anime a genre when anime is just a medium with every genre within it.


Dr Stone since the only BS seems to be the stone stuff at the beginning and the fact that the one high schooler is insanely strong.


Bro just show em the first episode of food wars and see if they really with the shits.


Charlotte. For the feels!


Anime with the minimal amount of anime bullshit. Tough one. Most isekai anime are right out. Suppose this also depends on what a person considers "anime bullshit"


We all know what anime to recommend. It's tradition.


Full metal alchemist Brotherhood is one of the few anime that never has a cringe or unplanned moment. No random cheesy episodes or BS just consistent quality content. Also AOT and Tokyo Ghoul


Solo leveling has a lot of bs up vote if you agree


The key is to not be so picky


Recommend something like Death Note or Attack on titan that have none. Once they’ve seen at least 2 really good anime that have little to no weird anime bullshit, they’ll be willing to watch anime that have some anime bullshit.




Debatable on the classification of show but the Castlevania series has a low amount of bs. Nocturne, included. I find it too "quiet" at times but that's it


I'm kinda surprised that there isn't more mention of Frieren. Cause even the few scenes that could be anime bullshit feel much less like anime bullshit since it never feels like it's trying to be titillating. The scene that comes to mind is the meme scene with the potion, but honestly the shot of the feet feels more like it's trying to appeal to someone than the actual nudity in that scene.


Um...JJK maybe? There doesn't seem to be any bs that the characters just do out of nowhere, even Gojo sticks within the definitions of cursed energy and his technique There's probably bs in it but I've only seen season 1 so idk


Odd taxi


Just recommend Baki and the reaction will let you know where to go from. (Who else can gaslight anime bs like the Baki author)


Vinland saga


I’ll say this, JoJo is out of the question💀


Monster, most semi realistic in my opinion


Thats my issue too, I got a limit. Sometimes I ignore it, because some anime is too good to let my limit stop me. Yet, idk if I should ever recommend to someone. With less of a limit than me


Vinland Saga, Clannad (but you’ll probably wanna be holed up for months after completing it), Wotakoi, Code Geass, Nana if you like heavy drama, Frieren, Dororo, Cyberpunk, Akudama Drive, Monster, Great Pretender, AOT and Golden Time


That’s how I feel about Overlord. It’s my favorite anime of all time but it’s very niche in its own way and not for everyone so it’s hard to talk about it casually unless someone is really into that kind of thing specifically.


definitely futoku guild


just recommend Gintama, even GIntama is questioning it lol.


Full metal alchemist: brotherhood, little sexualization except with a character literally names Lust….fuck! I forgot they sexualized winry and she’s like 16 nvm


You can't go wrong with Naoki Urasawa (Monster, Master Keaton, Pluto)


Dragon ball Z, it's famous but is mostly a fighting anime with little bullshit


Vinland saga has minimum bullshit. A little but close to nothing compared to most other anime


Show them any anime from the 80’s and early 90’s always bangers


I feel death note is pretty bullshit free


Then you just recommend Prison School and then what for them to tell you what's wrong with you. Lol I watched it not long ago and it was... it was something.


Does Fullmetal alchemist/brotherhood have anime bullshit?


AOT & Made in Abyss


…honestly, imma say Hunter x Hunter. It’s got bullshit, but very little of it is *anime* bullshit.


I've recommended Baki to several people, and it's only stuck for maybe 2 out of the 10(ish) people I've recommended it to. It definitely has a lot of "anime bullshit" even for a more "grounded" anime, but most people just can't get past it, I guess. Other than Baki, I always recommend Fullmetal Alchemist and HunterXHunter, especially for people who have never watched anime before.


I’d say Death Note is the best starter anime for anyone brand new to Anime


Black lagoon is a good choice if you ask me sure the twins are... really fucking weird but the show plays it straight and actually acknowledge how fucked up that situation so I don't think that counts.


Fullmetal alchemist doesn't have any anime fanservice. Oh cool! So nothing you wouldn't see in a live TV show? Ummm so theres this girl Nina....




I need the power to be consistent. not the power LEVELING. but if you’re power is based on water and this is the law of your lore, you better not be using sun god powers.


Baki 😏


Death Note, Vinland Saga, AoT, Spy Family, FMAB, maybe Mob Psycho 100 are all pretty safe bets, I think.


Idk abt anime but ive tried reading Classroom of the Elite manga like 4 times now. At some point in like chapter 40 there are too many characters to keep track of and i dont understand the rules or how ppl are winning in any of the events anymore


Code geas would be a good one


Record of ragnarok, other than Aphrodite’s tits being the size of 2 zangeifs, it’s pretty much just all fighting


One punch man is perfectly balanced as things should be. Then after that recommend Hunter X Hunter.


Re:Zero. Probably one of the greatest animes and iseakis, on account of its great story/storytelling and very little fanservice. Admittedly I've watched half of season 2 so far but I think it's gonna be great


Ranking of Kings is a good one that doesn't really have fan-service or weird uncomfortable tropes.


Monster is my go to




If I’m recommending a first anime to someone I go with Parasyte The Maxim, because it’s short and they don’t have to invest heavy into it. If they want something with fighting but not the gore, Hajime No Ippo is top tier imo. And since it’s on Netflix now it’s more available. I don’t really watch Slice of Life or anything like that, but Way of the House Husband is one I would likely recommend to someone who doesn’t want an action anime. There isn’t much bullshit fan service in any of those three. Two of them are shorter so they’re easier to consume. There is a small bit of plot armor going on in them. Mostly Ippo winning fights he shouldn’t be winning as a boxer that just began training.


True statement


Demon slayer. If they can’t even do that much, then maybe they should stick to nonfiction. Anime doesn’t have a lot of overly cringe moments and overall isn’t a weird story for audience to adapt to.


I think Pluto and Monster are pretty low on the anime bullshiterry


Solo leveling, AoT, strongest exorcist


I’d say Vinland Saga has the least amount of anime bullshit. Actually, I’d argue VS has no* anime bs whatsoever, but I could be wrong. A couple others could come to mind if I think about it, but off the top of my head, VS is pretty universal in terms of it standing as a show on its own that isn’t just anime.


banana fish


Lol… I was just explaining degrees of anime bullshit to my 73 year-old father the other day. We realized most of it is the same kind of bullshit that crops up in classic Western mythology: over the top violence, gratuitous sex, love triangles/squares/etc, Deus ex ass-pulls, and incest.🤣


you've lost me at bloody noses when they look at a female.


Run with the wind works as a good intro imo


The real trick is you need to find an anime of a style and genre they already like to nudge them into it Or just show them One Punch Man or Mob Psycho or something


Me when I have to fight myself not to recommend jobless reincarnation no matter how good it is simply because rudeus is who I he is
