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She’s been blocked for years 😂😂 cannot stand her


alright i know it’s complicated and tbh im not sure exactly what i’d do if i was an influencer with a huge platform. but what blows my mind is why do they think “i feel bad” is a statement? “bombing people makes me sad” should go without saying. this isn’t any kind of statement that’s going to satisfy anyone but herself. and calling it israel with no acknowledgment of palestine….yikes didn’t even do the smallest amount of research


She’s a loser and a genocide supporter. Not complicated at all.


Why do you think she’s a genocide supporter?


Because she supports Israel. She didn’t even mention Palestine which she did on purpose and chose to say Israel only. You cannot support the actions of Israel after 7 months of continuous war crimes and not be a genocide supporter.


I’m so sick of all of these “influencers” claiming they can’t do a thing because they aren’t “educated enough”. You don’t need to be to see this genocide for what it is.


Right she has an engineer degree I’m sure her comprehension skills are good enough to figure this out


She can’t continue to flaunt that degree and say she isn’t educated enough. She can’t play both sides.


*block* Anyways...


Literally go educate yourself… what a poor fucking excuse. how do you see videos that “break her heart” and make her “sick to her stomach” and yet not even take some time from the comfort of her 2 million dollar condo to educate….. what a bad fucking take not to mention she doesn’t shut up about her engineering degree and how smart she is and how her purpose in life is to make others smile…. has she ever taken a second to think she could have combined those two things and become an activist? work for an NGO? be educated and speak up during genocides? do anything to make an actual IMPACT? christ


Literally go educate yourself… what a poor fucking excuse. how do you see videos that “break her heart” and make her “sick to her stomach” and yet not even take some time from the comfort of her 2 million dollar condo to educate….. what a bad fucking take not to mention she doesn’t shut up about her engineering degree and how smart she is and how her purpose in life is to make others smile…. has she ever taken a second to think she could have combined those two things and become an activist? work for an NGO? be educated and speak up during genocides? do anything to make an actual IMPACT? christ


I’m sorry. Do you really have to be educated to say that murdering 50,000 Palestinians is bad?!?! I know where she stands. Absolute disgrace. 


When was this!?


Unsure of the exact date. Late 2023 is my best guess


I believe a few weeks after October 7th but my memory may be wrong. I just remember reading it around then and thinking it was tone deaf lol


She’s an idiot


If you're 'not educated enough', then just educate yourself.


*spends countless hours posting and editing horrible thirst traps and stupid tik toks* Won’t spend an hour or two researching and educating herself on what conflicts are going on.


The fact that she only mentions israel????


This was posted right after October 6th so that does make sense she only mentioned Israel


If this is recent all I gotta say is she's had 7 mths to educate herself. She has no excuse.


This screenshot is from a few months ago


“The situation in Israel”? In Israel? Really?


Yeah that’s all I had to see to know she doesn’t give a fuck


Fastest block in my life

