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You can be more physically attractive by staying active (you don't need to be jacked or anything--men seem to care about that more than women; just be healthy and in decent shape), eating well, having a good haircut that suits your features, dressing sharp in a way that is flattering for your body type, and by smelling good through great hygiene and a nice cologne (only a little--cologne should be discovered, not announced). Confidence goes a long way. Being able to maintain eye contact is important, as is your posture (a lot of women will test your eye contact to see if you break eye contact first in order to see how confident you are). Being a good listener and a flexible conversationalist is important too. Be funny, empathetic, kind but not needy or a pushover. Don't push too hard, ever. You will come across creepy. You have to develop a natural rapport with the person and give them the space to enjoy your presence, and then know when and how to ask for the number or date without rushing into it like some weird robot. Flirtatious conversations are about play, and about tossing the ball to the other person so they can feel charming. They should feel better when they talk to you--not because you're comforting them or showering them with compliments, but because you are helping them feel like a more attractive version of themselves by giving them opportunities and set ups to be charming. I worked in bars when I was younger. I saw thousands of dates unfold within earshot. Bartending was probably the absolute best thing I ever did in terms of learning how to be effortlessly personable and incredibly comfortable talking to thousands of women. So many men are terrible at dating. Girls would come back into the bar after dates to give me their number because they had more fun talking to me before their date showed up than they did with their date. I was an awkward kid when I was younger--being a talented and attractive conversationalist is a skill set and if you're smart you can figure it out and it eventually becomes second nature. Also, have a clean living space.


>a lot of women will test your eye contact to see if you break eye contact first in order to see how confident you are I need a woman to confirm this cuz I don't buy that anyone is like "lets see if this dude will hold eye contact longer than me, cuz that is for sure an important data point I need"


Haha yeh you have potential to give off serial killer vibes if you don’t blink.


As a woman, this is not a thing. A lot of neurodivergent people struggle with eye contact. I don’t think anything about it 😁 I have adhd, and I struggle to hold eye contact and listen. If you want me to hear you, then I need to be looking away.


People do these things unconsciously


Nope, definitely not a thing (Source: I am in fact an actual human woman)


On the internet?!? Unpossible.


Generally, if you don't want to appear skittish, but don't want people to think you are a serial killer out for their blood. Hold eye contact for at least 2 seconds from once it starts, then break it off. It's not about who holds contact longer, it is about not looking away the second someone makes eye contact with you like a shy boy caught staring. Holding eye contact for long periods of time, can come across as threatening, and can send some people, usually thuggish men, into a literal frenzy. With these people it is usually best not to make eye contact at all, unless they get very in your face then you have to do it to make sure you do not signal fear. Mileage may very per country, in some countries making eye contact with a stranger at all is considered very rude and threatening. Honestly, it is absolutely exhausting to have to live in a place where you have to think about these things to make sure you don't get harassed, while also making sure you don't accidentally make people who are afraid you will harass them feel threatened .


Most don't consciously test it. It's a subconscious thing. Their mind will make the decision for them based on the eye contact you give. In most cases, they wont have even realised they tested you, but they have made their decision.


Where did you get this from? This seems like some weird sigma male instagram post content someone just made up.


i think it's true. Women will definitely fish for eye contact and a smile when they're attracted to you.


What your saying, there is flirty eye contact but that has a different vibe to me than making eye contact to "test your confidence".


Do you advice going directly to a woman and ask her for her number? Or should you wait until she notices you and have eye contacts or some sign?


You should never just approach a woman randomly and ask for her phone number. If you do even manage to get a number in that situation, the girl will flake on you 90% of the time because you haven't built any kind of rapport. You want to actually chat with the person for a while and build chemistry and gauge their interest.


As a guy who has been taught by many women eye I can confirm eye contact is the key. It’s the line to be crossed that says I’m in to you. Most girls on the first day tell me they test for two things, eye contact and if you kiss. I get told this ALOT, they say if you don’t give them eye contact and you don’t kiss on that first date they put you in a kind of friend zone. Not on purpose but it’s just to them there is no spark if you’re not willing to take it there. If your not willing to make eye contact or kiss or have those romantic intimate moments then your not in the “romantic” category for them, your in the “friend” category. And once you’re in the friend category the eye contact and kiss on the first date becomes creepy. So you def need to win her over first time, and set the conditions. 200% agree eye contact is a test, it’s a game of chicken to see if your a waste of time. My go to when she initiates eye contact is to look at her back don’t break and say something honest like “oh man your making me nervous the way you look at me” her “omg how? I’m not doing anything” me “idk but I like it” giggle and now you can get closer and have an even more intimate conversation. If you call her out you make her nervous and giggle and ball is in her court again and you just passed the eye contact test. It’s a dumb game a lot of girls play by majority I would say 80% of them do it. But if you pass it you have an easier time going to the next level and locking it in with a kiss


I think that basically everything you said is dating bro science. There's not such thing as a "friend zone" you get yourself put it. I have plenty of female friend that I slept with years after meeting them, often just out of mutual boredom. This is all just stuff people make up to feel better when they get rejected. Like its easier to think you made a mistake than to think that you just weren't good enough in her eyes for reasons out of your control. Most of this comes down to: * Does she find you physically attractive? 90% of this happens in the first 30 seconds of seeing you. This biggest skill in dating is probably being able to identify this quickly and move on if she doesn't. * Are you safe? Not just are you a serial killer or going to turn into a stalker, but are you gonna go tell everybody you know about it if a woman sleeps with you.


I don’t think what we are talking about here is bro science. I think there is such a thing as a friend zone, but it’s not what people think it is. What I mean by friend zone is a girl isn’t interested in romantic flirting. Like I out girls in friend zones too, girls who I know aren’t gonna do the whole flirty thing and so I don’t do the whole romantic thing with them. And I mostly see them as friends, unless they make it explicitly clear they wanna be more than friends. And I think ultimately that’s what the op of this comment is saying is you have to be implicitly explicit that you want her, and the eye contact thing is what gets them going. If you don’t seal the date with eye contact and a kiss girls will just move on. It’s not a hard and fast rule but it’s a good general direction. It’s like for us guys, what do we like? Big boobs, big butt, and her to explicitly come in to us and make it very very clear she wants us, but in reality most girls don’t have or do that and yet we still manage to find partners. What op is trying to do is distill the essence of the dichotomy between both sexes and how we perceive each others advances.


>And I think ultimately that’s what the op of this comment is saying is you have to be implicitly explicit that you want her I mean, you could always just tell her.


No, that’s the point, women like the thrill of the hunt and the game. If you outright tell her you put her in a position where she has to reject you or forced to commit. Not fun, but a fun eye contact game gives her the opportunity to look away and act like nothing happened, and nobody gets hurt or dragged into a scenario… or if she likes you she can smile, keep the eye contact going and that’s your sign to close the deal. Then at that point it’s foot in the gas all night, always moving to the next level. Girls hate stagnation. It’s always let’s get out of here and move on to something more and more intimate. Which is why a lot of girls think some guys are creeps and/or hate the dating game because the name of the game is always moving to the next level. And eye contact gives you a good gauge on weather this girl is willing to play the game or she just wants to be a normal participant. Because remember girls are human too, so not all girls have the experience needed to play the eye contact game. Some will just want to remain neutral because for them getting hurt or commiting like that is scary too.


>If you outright tell her you put her in a position where she has to reject you or forced to commit. Again, this is exactly what you want to happen. If you find out she's not interested then you can move on to someone who is. Someone is either attracted to you or they're not, you don't jedi mind trick people into attraction. In my experience directness and clarity with intentions has always been appreciated over trying to play games. I feel like your talking about women like they are some mysterious creature that needs to be figured out. Its not that complicated.


You seem like you really wanna push this whole bro science narrative, JFC dude. Nobody is saying that. Nobody thinks women are mysterious creatures nobody can understand, that’s LITERALLY what my posts have been about, that they are just normal people you just gotta pay attention to their cues. Second, no, I don’t wanna put a normal poor girl in the situation where she has to reject me or commit, and just feel bad the rest of her night. That’s just asking for trouble pressuring of the get go, because some people could be out just looking to hang with friends. Instead I test the waters with the eye contact and getting closer, if she seems uninterested then you know she just wants to hang out and it’s not awkward and you can still talk and hang out and ignore what just happened. But if she gives you eye contact back then that’s when u don’t break it because that’s her testing you to see if your down to take it all the way, to go from non romantic to romantic. It helps if you think about yourself in that position. I don’t want a girl I don’t like sexually or romantically asking me out in front of everyone or forcing me to reject her outright because I would feel bad and would ruin my night. But if she gives me a subtle flirty eye thing then I can just break eye contact and not play her game and she gets the hint and we can still hang and have fun but now she knows it’s not like that and I didn’t have to reject her and feel bad. It’s a whole thing girls do. Trust me I wouldn’t make this shit up from no where you just haven’t experienced it yet with girls and I doubt most guys ever will because it takes a certain situation where girls are willing to show you and you are receptive and you tested it right away and you where smart enough to process it and just get it. Believe me it’s difficult to explain I kick my self now thinking back at all the times I though girls where being weird. And their subtle ques just flew past me. It’s not like you can’t get laid with out this, men, we are just too dumb to it and so it’s women who have had to adjust. But if your willing to pay attention the bar is so low that simply listening and picking up some cues can put you waaaay ahead of everyone else in terms of a sex life


You sound young and inexperienced, but your giving out advice like some sort of expert.


Yup. I don't know why I bother writing all this advice when it's met with people who are either like "No girl would **ever** give her number to a guy! Women **aren't like that!"** because they've never gotten any attention from women, or it's women on reddit who are like "Eye contact isn't important!" and then you click on their profile and the first thing you see is a list of all the mental illnesses and trauma they have along with the fact that they have a morbidly obese BMI. Like...you're not the type of woman this advice is for. Those little unconscious challenges women put men through are typically done by attractive women who get a lot of attention and they've gotten more attuned at quickly filtering out men lacking in the qualities they find attractive, and confidence is a big one. I haven't slept with a ton of attractive women and had more threesomes than anyone I've ever met in my life because I don't know what I'm doing, but these people just want an excuse to not take advice and not change anything in their life. Oh well.


I know exactly what you mean, I used to be that guy, until idk how in gods green earth I upgraded my friend group to include those types of socialite girls and I just became friends with them, they took it upon themselves to teach me how they think. And the first date I had they told me, is this a date? I’m like idk, we just hanging out and feeling the vibes, their response was fuck the vibes, only guys think in vibes, girls want a yes or no, it’s either a date or it’s not, and I was like i like her but do I tell her it’s a date ? And they where like no you idiot, you gotta kiss her, no kiss it wasn’t a date, and then second thing they told me was to look out for eye contact, and don’t break it. I took their advice and it’s been one of the best dates ever, ever since then clubs are more fun, events are more fun, even random interactions with girls is more fun. Now when a girl looks at me I look back and smile or say hi or interact, without breaking eye contact and 8/10 times I break them and make them shy instead. It’s fun, now I know how women feel in the dating world, shearing your shyness is such a tough and hard thing to do but once you do it it’s like a second life. I’m so much more different than my goofy 15yo self. I wish more people would learn from this advice


People do things unconsciously without realizing. When people don’t hold eye contact, most people interpret that as a lack of confidence.


It’s not very good advice all around


Eye contact is important, but it is only about who breaks eye contact first in a staredown between two people who are confrontational. Being able to make some pleasant, but not too intense, eye contact. Is a big part of coming across as confident, pleasant, interested but not too intense. It's terrible advice to never break contact first. But if your eye-contact etiquette is very poor, i.e., you constantly give people laser starers or never look them in the eye at all when talking to them, adjusting how you approach eye contact is one of the easiest ways to come across as more pleasant or more confident.


Agreed. This is serial killer vibe. I feel that you would look to catch their eye and if they look, you pop that coy eyebrow raise, a small grin, and if they continue to look you tell your friends I’ll be right back and make it obvious you’re going to speak to them. Then they’ll get a chance to mentally prepare and consider you. The stare of death might be seen as don’t step into the shadows or an alleyway.


Stare into peoples fucking soul friend. Youll be taken more serious because no one wants to make eye contact that long. Swim in confrontation and youll always be confident. Just a general rule. But thats me friend.


They don't. This is complete bollocks. Whoever posted that is a moron with extremely limited experience of women.


If she can stare you down. How the fuck she gonna feel when your on 5th St and a junkie with a knife is staring you down with her and your newborn 2 yr old bro.


Is there is some correlation between holding eye contact and being able to disarm junkies?


Yes, fight or flight.


Fighting an armed junkie is a stupid idea, thats a 50/50 situation at best. A rational person in this situation is just going to give the junkie their valuables and move on with their life, people are rarely killed during muggings and its almost always people who think they can Jason Borne the mugger.


Woman here, never once done this. Ever. Haha its some bs for sure


Maybe you should try it next time a guy tries to hit on you in public. Just stare intensely and as soon as he looks away whisper "pathetic" under your breath.


I'm a woman, this is the first time I've heard of this... I think barely any women set tests for men hahaha But maybe if you can't keep eye contact at all, that's when it becomes noticeably unattractive.




>Girls would come back into the bar after dates to give me their number because they had more fun talking to me before their date showed up than they did with their date. I was an awkward kid when I was younger--being a talented and attractive conversationalist is a skill set and if you're smart you can figure it out and it eventually becomes second nature. What changed for you? What are the best things you did that helped you figure it out?


When you're bartending, part of the job is being able to talk to anyone whether they're a doctor, a celebrity, a welder, whatever, and you learn how to create dynamic conversations with whomever because having small talk over and over with strangers is mind-numbing, so at least for me, I wanted to actually have fun and have good conversations. It takes practice, which, luckily as a bartender, you end up having tons of because you have to interact with dozens if not hundreds of people constantly night after night. I probably had conversations with minimum 20k strangers while bartending ranging from a couple minutes to several hours. I just sort of naturally became super comfortable talking to strangers and being able to read the dynamics of what was happening in the room. It's crucial if you're a decent bartender to be able to understand the different social dynamics happening in the room, because sometimes you may need to intervene on something (guy bothering a girl, an unhappy customer, someone looking for a shoulder to cry on \[metaphorically\], etc.) or you may need to give a failing date an extra little boost by injecting a new more fun energy into it by interacting with them briefly so both people start having more fun and then when you walk away, that new energy lingers and helps the date. One of the main "tricks" I realized was that within a conversation, whoever has the stronger emotional frame controls the interaction. In other words, I learned how to force myself into specific emotional states where I was having fun and being playful, and by putting out that energy and staying in it, people would naturally end up entering into the same energy. I do this with guys, I do this with women, it doesn't matter. Attitudes are contagious, and if you maintain your frame more strongly, people enter it. You have to learn how to psych yourself up into that energy and then stay there. This is also why bartending is absolutely emotionally exhausting and why on my days off I would barely leave the house unless I was going on a date. This is also why people should **tip their fucking bartenders** because there's a lot more that goes into it than people realize.


Bartender here, thanks for putting into words the emotional exhaustion. Coming home from a long shift and not being able to talk to my girlfriend until three shots deep is not a fun time.


Great advice, I appreciate it!


I echo your bartending experience. I worked in and managed music venues, restaurants, cafes, and bars for 10 years and it taught me so much about human interaction. And yes, it got me a few cheeky dates too from women who were just done with their dates/boyfriends/and I hate to admit it, but husbands too (hey, i wasn't the one cheating).


Yep I’m going to die alone. 


How do you make them feel charming?


Not a lot then


As someone who’s on the spectrum, some of those things don’t come naturally to me. Eye contact for one. How would I do better even with that? I have had a few advances, but I’ve been too oblivious to them that the women lose interest.


Probably just through practice, but I'm not a therapist or anything and am probably not qualified to give advice on how someone on the spectrum can work through that.


Very good advice EXCEPT for the part about women testing to see if you’ll break eye contact first-nope. That would totally creep me out!!!!


Too on point. AI response 😂


Damn, men gotta do all this shit, but chicks can just slap on some makeup and job done? 🤣


Lmao keep dreaming if you think women would just randomly give you their numbers


Yes, if something never happens to you personally, it must be false for everyone.


>What can men do to look more attractive and how can I learn more about it? -Keep yourself well groomed and clean -Go to the gym and start losing weight and pumping iron -Cut off porn addiction if it’s a problem That’s what I’m doing this year and my mental health is improving and [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/s/QB6NWXu69g) resonated with me


Make a lot of money and have a sense of humor... Or don't have a sense of humor and just make a lot of money. Women love this. Its why you see ugly guys with beautiful women.


Consider the following: Women, much like men, are not a monolith, so it requires trial and error to find a compatible match.


You are right for a small portion of women. What I am stating is a reality for a great deal of women from the perspective of a man who has dated women. There are recent articles, heres an example out if Denver Colorado - https://www.westword.com/arts/colorados-single-women-rank-among-pickiest-in-the-nation-21004057 This backs up a lot of what I'm saying. Yes, there are exceptions to the rule, but you don't see good looking poor guys with supermodels or really anyone. You do see ugly guys with a lot of money with women falling over them. Edited: link


many men only attract gold diggers because their personality isn't good enough to attract normal women... it's silly to think only a minority of women care about personality


Look at history. The most desirable men were the ones with means. Its a human trait.


You’ll always find a certain type of woman hanging around rich men, but don’t make the mistake of thinking they represent all, or even the majority of women. Gold diggers, like fishermen, go where the fish are! If you keep away from flash places, ditch the designer labels and cars, you’ll find a lot of women that aren’t after that, but of course, they won’t be putting 90% of their time and money on curating their appearance with regular hair./nail/tanning/fake lashes/ high heels/bandages dresses and jacked up boobs, like the women in flash places, because they have other priorities and stuff to be doing! They are actually out there earning their own money and just living their own lives and newsflash, they are attracted to men for reasons other than wealth


History? Most women were made to marry men they didn’t even know, usually the family picked who their daughters would ultimately marry and that was usually a guy of means


Yeah... No. Don't listen to this guy.


Why though? It's never a bad thing to have money. Dressing well, looking and smelling good, maintaining your physical and mental health, planning dates - none of that is free, it certainly won't *hurt* your chances to be well-off.


Too difficult, just become a rude brainless macho who hits women. They also seem to attract lots of beautifull girls.


That's an overcomplication that is simply ignorant of the fact that you only ever need Rule 1 and Rule 2.


I've actually seen this and I'm convinced some women have a fetish to be beaten and controlled by thier mates.


why have i seen this same question 4 times today


Probably bot mining karma


Cooking chilaquiles and beef Wellington


Being clean, good clothes, good hair cut and exercise.


Being self aware and confident worked best for me.


Lift heavy things, put heavy things down, lift heavy things, eat meat, eat fruit, hydrate, sleep, repeat.


As a male, I did this. Now, a lot of males are flirting with me.


Lmao, this is the truth 😂


By not obsessing over dating as a subject of discussion online. By doing masculine things (doing what you say you’ll do, working out, working toward a liveable career/college degree). Dating doesn’t need to be this paramount topic of discussion that American society has made it. We think way too much about this as a country. We should just live like Europeans (focus on hobbies, friends, family and general experiences, and find significant others through those things- rather than trying to get a SO to feel validated). This lack of reason runs parallel with our propensity for electing would-be theocrats and fascists. People care more about things like stuff like hoarding wealth and racking up a sexual body count than genuinely important things here (family, authentic communication, science, combating climate change). It’s a sad state of affairs


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Europe is equally fucked. The image we've propped up of Europeans being free of the woes of American individualism is unfortunately about as rooted in reality as the fake taxi real-estate agent porn they produce.


Yes, our style of capitalism is some Western European countries (UK and IE), but still not quite as much in a large swath of Central, Northern and southern Europe.


In terms of dating and everyday life, having grown up/lived in Central Europe for 20 years, it's unfortunately hardly any better than the US. It's extremely disappointing to see, but all the issues we have in the West have steadily carried over.


dude here in europe is the same lol


shhhhh don't tell them!


What region in Europe? Southern Europe? I was speaking more about Western and Central Europe


Old fashioned manners are always attractive, such as open doors and holding chairs for ladies. Being well groomed and some of us prefer men to be clean shaven. I like men in suits and ties but also think cowboys can be hot.


I have been hanging with this lady here recently. She is awesome. She is from a city, and I from a small town in Texas. She can't get used to me opening doors. Where I am from, 3 peole will try and hold a door open for the same person..it is just how we were raised. That and the sir ma'am thing seems to annoy some people. It is non negotiable for me , so she just let's me go on while being amused.


Excel at something and be comfortable in your own skin, and sociable. Boom


Palestinian alarm clock? Lol


For me, attractiveness is all about the personality. You could be gorgeous but have a shit personality so I wouldn’t interested at all. Looks aren’t everything


look is 90% because if you are too ugly no one will let you show your personality and reject you immidiately 


Basics: look respectable - work out and have your body shape manlish, don’t simp and don’t live for others, and competence in any field just be competent and women that get it will see you as attractive. Mid: have your life sorted, both financially and mentally. Have a life that shows you have at the very least your life figured out. I’m not talking 6 figure scam / hustle lifestyle- but not go under within the next few months both financially and mentally. Top tier: have the experience to know what you want from a relationship and the confidence to say it. Whether it’s just initial flirting where she pokes around to see what you’re looking for or durring an argument down the line when you feel you need to concede just to keep the peace, having respect for yourself and your wishes and being able to communicate it clearly and considerately is a premium top tier skill that women find very attractive and important.


If you're pretty, score, if you arena, hit the gym. This will at least give you the first step, then from there is all mouth, you don't have to be the most charismatic guy ever, just showcase your drive and passions. This is enough tbh


Just a bit of deuglification.


Clean; clean cut; confident; smile; genuinely interested in people outside their agenda to get laid


Half of it out of your control (beyond surgery). Facial structure, symmetry, blue eyes, hair genetics, height genetics Half in your control Dress well, workout, have nice teeth, a good career, be able to defend yourself and others, etc Initial attraction (ignoring obvious wealth show offs) will be more down to the non controllable, mind ..


I don't think it's that much of different between man and woman - dress well, smell nice, have good body shape - friendly, easy to talk, harmless but reliable - showing self respect and respectful to other - sharing same perspective on things in the end I think nice chest or good abs just come after. people just perfer life drama-free with people who agree with them.


Learn to love and look after yourself first. This includes taking care of your hygiene and appearance, shower daily if you can and wear clean clothes that don't look like dishcloths or that are badly kept. Look after yourself financially and at home by keeping your living space clean and tidy and find a job that financially supports you. Try and exercise and eat healthier. Again, caring for yourself. Build better rapport and confidence with people by being a bit more social, find things you enjoy doing that are healthy and not about hate or violence. Doing and talking about things you like and have a passion for builds confidence in yourself, if you never go out, these skills are not going to improve. Maybe take a night class in something, this all improves your social skills and how to hold yourself. I was friends with my husband for many years before we were dating (he was hard into the dating scene and I really wasn't ready to try that yet) and the first time we kissed was a day he invited me over and he had a new hair cut, glasses and a nice button shirt on rather than an old tshirt. There was nothing wrong with him before (was battling with his hair for a while style wise), but he really brought the Wow factor that day.


Very respectful, well-mannered, artistic guy


Not sure never had that problem,but some advice on here is good value


Get a good physique from regular exercise including weight lifting. Don’t eat crap like donuts. Wear a good fitting shirt with a nice pair of jeans, smart but comfortable shoes and a jacket. Get a neat haircut, shave or have neat beard. If you have shit teeth get them fixed. Then when you want to look attractive, walk tall, shoulders back, make eye contact, smile, be polite and make conversation.


Being kind. Being funny. If you don’t feel as though you’re attractive enough, try being one of those things. It’s so simple and it works.


Talk sensibly. If you can do that, no one really cares about your appearance anymore (ofc you still need to be clean and neat)


- Calorie restricted diet, snatched waists never go out of fashion. - Makeup - Gym 5 days a week, mostly glutes and lower back pain - Hydrate and moisturise - A great skincare routine - Learn to shop sales at Zara / Primark, always be on the lookout for something to complement what you already have. And finally, cute is an attitude, more than just one thing. You're already flawless, just show the world.


Be spawned by attractive parents, eat healthy, exercise, and make lots of money. Hope this helps.


Idk maybe read the awnsers in the other 5 Threads that were posted today


Eat healthy, be active and exercise, wear clothes that fit right, be clean and well groomed, and work on posture. Posture is perhaps the most difficult one to change but people will react to you differently if you have good posture.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, meaning everyone got different beauty standards according to your taste so an answer to your question will always be biased


Wrap yourself in a copper coil. Run some current in that coil. Now you're surrounded by an electromagnetic field that will attract any lady wearing ferrous materials.


It all boils down to personal preferences but my tip is tonstart by being healthy. Cook your own meals with unprocessed ingredients that come straight from the farm. Nothing with added sugar/salts/whatever.


Just be clean and don’t put your date on a pedestal


1. Exercise - absolutely no need to have a six pack which is frankly irrelevant to most women, the “gym bro” types seem to be most appealing to other men than women. But obviously taking care of your body has an impact including when you’ll start putting on a huge belly (statistically very common as men age). Men who are very fixated on nutrition / have low key eating disorders aren’t attractive at all though. 2. Develop a sense of fashion. Whatever style you decide to go for (highly personal decision), you should learn to recognise good fabrics, good cuts and good quality garments. Start from building a portfolio of basics and move from there. Highly recommend to follow Derek Guy (menswear journalist) on socials / follow what he writes - he gives insightful tips on every day menswear. Develop your own taste and follow 2-3 high profile personalities to be inspired by their outfits (eg i keep an eye on Rihanna - I’ll never be able to afford 1/10th of what she wears but it helps me develop my own taste and a cohesive sense of personal style). 3. Grow a beard and take care of it. Improves the looks of 95% of men. Invest in quality toiletries, take care of your hair, go to the barber more than twice a year. 4. Good perfume. Find your own signature scent, not overpowering. 5. Take care of your surroundings - your house, your car. Personalise your space as that contributes to developing your own style / touch that haloes on the overall image you convey to others. 6. Be a balanced mix of confidence and sweetness. Overly masculine and cocky guys are repulsive to women, what we find extremely attractive is someone who has leadership skills but is not afraid to be open about their feelings and is comfortable with their feminine side. I wish more men practiced this.


By smiling a lot and loving life. A man who is happy and content and clearly loves the people around him is a very attractive man.


Dm sent stunner


There's a Mythbusters episode you need to watch. I won't tell you the result here because it won't go down well with a lot of people!


Be a good weight (not too fat, not too skinny, but average or muscular). Find a style that compliments you. You don't have to wear what everyone else is wearing as long as what you wear looks good. Walk with good posture and your head up.


Lift weights and wear clean clothes that fit you.


I feel the first thing to mention is that everyone is different and has different body types and different features that affect how they might look. Doing any one thing is hard to suggest because doing one thing might substantially improve man A’s looks but barely do anything for man B, or doing some other thing might work for man C but not man A or B. I feel facial hair is a good example, certain people look better with certain beard or mustache styles and other people look weird with facial hair and should be clean shaven.


Personality. Like, yeah he’s alright looking. But his humility and willing to help others makes him so attractive. Not only is he smart but willing to admit when he’s made a mistake, that’s a hard quality to find in a man. I hate when men bullshit and lie, I figure it out and never trust them the same way again


Cardio Cardio, then some weights, but mainly cardio. Seriously you can have a but ugly face, but if you’re HWP and get regular cardio, confidence and attitude will make your face attractive in a woman’s mind because of hey mainly feed off energy and confidence.


A smile on face and anyone becomes attractive.


Be confident without being arrogant. Be witty without being a smartass. Be helpful without expecting anything in return. Be assertive without being aggressive. Be happy without being complacent. Be friendly without being intrusive. Make choices to promote a healthy lifestyle.




Play with small children and seem comfortable doing so. Nothing more attractive than “good dad” energy.


Other than being fit and clean not so much actually because most of beauty is inherited with good genes




Healthy diet and exercise make a woman look good. You can't put makeup on missing teeth, tights on a fat body. The same is true for men. But the hard truth is that we all get lazy.


Confidence and a great sense of humour, green eyes and the best laugh. Singing silly songs and bsking perfect scones. Damn, I'm just describing my husband. K, the first two are key, the rest are key for me lol.


What about a guy who is 5’5” but broad shoulders and well kept?


Win the lottery


The first three answers should be confidence!


Finds some Cash on the Floor.


Exude wealthy vibes. Be confident. Be fit. Be a good person. You need any 2 of those to have a chance at any woman finding you attractive. Which 2 you have will filter which women are likely to be interested.


kindness. cooperation. listening. gentleness.


To get stared at everywhere he goes, a man probably has to be quite tall and very fit and lean, so that he looks amazing regardless of what he's wearing.


Let me know when you find out


For the typical ken doll look take steroids, hit gym, get covered in tattoos, get veneers & use tanning injections or sunbeds 😂🤣


Eye contact is huge because not a lot of people do, for some odd reason. Showing that you don’t care either, meaning being yourself, not being worried of what others may think of you, not being concerned about what may happen, is attractive. It works for me.


Fitness - Don't be noticeably under or overweight. Being more muscular helps draw attention sometimes but packing some muscle on to a bad frame is just putting lipstick on a pig. Fashion - Dress for the event you're attending, put effort into your outfits and coordinate colors. I'm admittedly not great at this and wore tshirt/jeans/hoodies 24/7 until I met my girlfriend and she helped me with clothes shopping. Appearance - To me this refers to your haircut, facial hair, skincare, and other assorted grooming habits that aren't related to fashion. You can be the most jacked, well dressed fashionista at the party but if you look like you haven't washed your face or trimmed your neckbeard in 12 weeks then nobody will want to talk to you. Put effort in to choosing your haircut, pick one that suits your face and maintain it. Personality - This one can't really be learned. If you have genuine confidence in yourself, if you genuinely care about the people around you, if you tell jokes because you truly want the people around you to laugh, these are the things that give your "aura" a positive glow. If you have a shitty personality you can hide it behind the fitness/fashion/grooming for a while but your energy will leak out and people will ultimately see who you really are.


Be basically fit and healthy, not overweight, be jovial and friendly toward others, having a good time. Wear clothes that fit appropriately. Do well in life, such as be able to support yourself and still have extra money, etc.


Don't try so hard to be attractive.


- get a good and flattering haircut - improve facial hair and overall grooming - Get in shape - Improve dress sense - Improve hygiene and wear cologne


Money, money, money. See European beaches and that


Minimum. hygiene.


Wearing a nice white collared shirt also goes a long way


Confidence . Every. Single. Time. I dated a 5’4 guy because he knew how to make me laugh, and the way he flirted just *did something to me.* People looked at him crazy when they saw me kiss him hello or goodbye, it made his ego massive tho. We dated for 2 years, and he’s still the funniest most charming person I know. If you have a nice smile and you’re confident, you’re more likely to be considered hot as fuck, at least to me.


<~ 55M whose wife still gets feral for me. 1. Like previously said, be active. Doesn’t mean you have to live in the gym. 2. Take care of your skin. Fucking moisturize and stay hydrated. 3. Find a style that you feel confident in. If you walk around like you feel you look good, some woman (or women) will find they shit hot. 4. Learn how to talk to people. Conversation makes guys more attractive


Be tall and muscular. That’s literally it. Tattoos help too


I find a nice button up shirt with the sleeve rolled up to the elbow, and good hygiene is very attractive! I also find smell is quite attractive, if you can find a good cologne and apply an appropriate amount where she can catch a whiff without suffocating you'll catch her attention!


Going trans or atleast crossdressing, I'm not too picky as long as they don't try and kiss me too much.


I think it’s more of a confidence and personality thing than anything else. It’s how you carry yourself.


Money bro!!




clear skin (don't touch your skin and it should clear itself over time unless you have cystic acne or some other issue, then visit your derm), curtain bangs, muscley arms (show them! biceps are a man's boobs), general overall fitness (but thats true for everyone, we all look better leaner) look at boy bands for example, especially one direction. just do NOT copy their haircuts unless it's zayn's hair, everyone else's is horrific.


PinkCupcake325 when PinkCupcake325 realizes that there are women who ask this question and many women who are, well unattractive who also wears tight clothing when they probably shouldn’t.


First you get the money. Then after that, you get the power. And then from there you get the women.


I don't know, Tony. What if I just flick my tongue at them mang?


What the fuck was that? What you just did? Ech, disgusting. It's like a bug coming out of your mouth. This country, you gotta make-a the money first. Then you can get some kind of a lady tiger in your passenger seat. And get one of those phones with a scrambler.




Get lean and muscular, that's way more important than the clothes you wear. Then just show it off in sleeveless shirts if it's warm enough.


Putting potato in your Speedos when you go swimming


In the front! I misunderstood the first time...


By genetics. A man does not become attractive , he simply is attractive by birth , by parental genes and familial background


Best advice I've found true. Take a womans advice about how to attract them with a grain of salt, although some things are true like confidence and eye contact, a womans responce will mostly change depending on how she is feeling and what's right at the time, and it rarely, if never, is what they want. You need to attract and not pursue by engaging our natural instincts. You can look it up. it's about being genuine and real so you can make a quick connection while staying out of the friend zone. There's no tricks, manipulation, or creepy shit. It's just how we all naturally work. Advice: If it feels weird, it's probably not natural.


Most of the stuff that determines how attractive you are to women like height, body shape, facial structure and symmetry etc is genetics. Easy stuff you can do, dressing nice and and being groomed is probably the basics. Slightly harder is exercise to get fit and healthy, build some nice lean muscle and arms. Harder still is have lots of wealth or status.


Gym, skin care, wardrobe.


Shave and Have a Beer!


Wet socks, trashbag around the socks, then shoes. Facial scars. Constant raspy cough. Meningitis. No living relatives.


Men can achieve the same attractiveness by wearing tight clothing, good makeup, and overall good looks.


Well those women are physically attractive, it's not just the make up or cute outfit. I've never gotten stares no matter what I wear. So for a man to become attractive, you do have to be born with attractive features like women. But some men and women could become more attractive via exercise. That's about it. Confidence doesn't make anyone more physically attractive. It just makes someone to be more pleasent company.


Obtain personal wealth..


Shave your head. Grow a beard. Hit the gym. Maximize profits.


Part of me wants to say learn toxic traits.


A man just need to show off his large............wallet !