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If you consider me your prospect and not your friend, that there is the reason I haven't responded.


If you consider me a prospect, we are _not_ friends.




I wish this could be made into a banner. I’d cross stitch it on a pillow, hell I’d even finally use a bumper sticker.


Right?!?! LOL


Every second post from these huns is all about something big happening that will change the world.


And Bravenly makes this claim every other month, but nine times out of ten it’s just a “revamp” of an existing product.


What do they actually sell? They spend so much time talking about what an incredible experience selling it is that I have no idea.


Overpriced vitamins and nutritional supplements- marketed as “health and wellness” products.


Just like idk probably 80% of all the other MLM companies. Hilarious that they think they’re special.


Stay away from Amway, (Quixtar) as well. They are a huge MLM


Preaching to the choir here, friend. Haha. But yes, Amway’s pretty much the worst of the worst.


Haha. Sorry about that...😊 They really are! It's been worse with these Huns since social media . They are EVERYWHERE! LOL


Not uncommon for cults - some wait for Jesus to come back in rapture soon or a lil later in more traditional cycles, some waiting for lizard alien from sky and huns waiting for their company to be the most succesful company ever that changes the whole world any second now.


What do you bet it's just a new flavor of their standard product?


Prospects?? 🤣🙄


Yup. Universal term I suppose for MLM's prey. During my "educational sessions" in one, they refer to *all* your possible social connections as prospects. Doesn't matter whether they're your sister or your friend of 10 years— they're all just prospects, waiting for a business opportunity full of financial freedom!


“ how to lose friends and alienate people”


There’s 7 principals to that. Social media pestering is like #4 Talking about their mom is like #9


If you continue to send messages after your first has gone unanswered, then you’re just harassing somebody at that point. It’s so annoying that these Huns feel so entitled, that they just can’t accept a no and move on. And I’m sorry, but if I was part of an organization that encouraged me to ignore the word no, and put pressure on them until they hopefully change their mind.…I would have serious issues with that company!


To them it’s a personal attack when someone says no, or it’s “Satan” attacking.


The MLM leaders tell their down line that people who say no or "bash" the company don't want you to succeed. They tell then that their family and friends are jealous of you, so on and so on. It's crazy!


>if I was part of an organization that encouraged me to ignore the word no, and put pressure on them until they hopefully change their mind.…I would have serious issues with that company! This is why I lasted only a week as a telemarketer, when I was young. If someone tells me that they are not interested in buying something, I cannot pressure that person to change their mind, it's so invasive and disrespectful. Everyone has the right to prioritize their expenses as best suits them, and you can't assume the reasons why a certain person decides not to spend money on what you sell, so a simple "no" should be acceptable. But if they are telling you the reason, you can't dismiss those reasons and try to convince them anyway. It's a lack of consideration, you only care about the sale, not the person. Especially when your product is not an basic item, some people has to prioritize food or medicine before overpriced clothing, beauty products or magic powders and pills. I have my online art store and I know that art is an unnecessary luxury, but I'm not going to be offended because people decide to spend on something else instead of buying a print from me. We all spend our money as we can and want.


Interesting—with telemarketing slipping away with the landline, MLMs probably attracted a lot of that personality type that doesn’t feel shame in pressuring people into buying something they don’t want or need.


You're right, I remember hearing the speeches of some co-workers at phone, there are people who really have the ability and lack the shame to convince others of anything. I never could do that lol


Tell me more about this art store of yours 😍 And yes, a simple no *should* be acceptable… I find people are getting more and more aggressive with door to door sales too. I ended up posting a sign that says ‘We buy nothing at the door including religion.’ So far, it’s working awesome 😂


That's a great idea 😅 I'm not in the US, but here we don't really have door to door sales anymore. I remember seeing book sellers and such when I was a kid, in the 80's. But now if someone comes door to door, it's surely religious folks. They aren't pushy tho, if you say no they leave. I do art, mostly about cats lol I make commissions and also sell stickers and merch on print on demand shops 🙂 I'm not sure if I can post links here (don't want to break rules of self promotion) but I have them available in my profile 👀


Thank you for putting your beautiful art out into this sad world 💌


Thank you for appreciate it 😊


I’m not in the US either. I’m on a very busy street though, so we get a lot of salespeople trying to sell things… I’ll check out your art for sure, I’m an artist myself. I'm actually in the process of rebuilding my art studio right now 😁


I lasted a morning.


Well that was my second attempt of doing phone sales, I tried because I thought "maybe the product is easy to sell" (it wasn't lol). But I remember trying before, for some other company, and there I lasted just the training and a few hours of work. I was 18, zero experience at any kind of job. I called a few ppl, they all rejected me, so I had a very small anxiety attack, I lied about having an emergency at home, and flew away. Never came back, I just ghosted them lol I didn't have a cellphone that time, so they couldn't reach me again. I bet they didn't even try because they knew the job sucked.




\*smiles and waves shyly\* 😅😅😅😅


This is what makes sales a skill. There really are people who can turn a “no” into a “yes,” but it takes deftness and some insight into your customer. It’s not just about wearing a customer down.


So many of these rah rah posts start with “just came back from the conference…” and “just got off a Zoom with my team leader…” etc. It’s very sad, because it’s a testament to how skilled the leaders in these scams are at brainwashing their down line with motivational BS and empty promises.


Everyone knows why they’re ignoring you, hun. I don’t think trying to guilt them into a response will help your case.


If anything they'll just block them on social media if they haven't already.


The name “Bravenly” has such “little engine that could” energy it’s hard to imagine anyone taking it seriously as a company. I just don’t get it; even if all you’re choosing from is MLM’s why would you choose that one??


This gets me every time this one comes up! It’s such a condescending name for an MLM - it sounds like something SNL would have come up with. It’s a perfect mix of fake self-actualization, subtle Christian-girl-autumn coded, and r/tradgedeigh


The spelling and grammar errors in their posts don't help, either. I usually ignore that sort of thing on social media, but when a person is trying to use their personal page to promote a "business," I have higher expectations.


Lady if you see people "watching" but not joining it's 'cos they DON'T WANT TO. They're not hesitating. They are actively refusing to get involved.


*'Rewrite the record books! Life-changing!'* This level of hyperbolic hysteria is frankly bizarre. The company is probably changing the colour of their shampoo bottles or something... #earthshattering #JesusReturns #mankindsaved


And you know, there are actually things that are life changing that you can get excited about too,. I understand they are marketing their product, but we are in an age of real innovation where we can use those words seriously. We literally just did the first pig kidney transplant into a human! Do you know how amazing that is? That is life changing, hundreds of thousands of people will be able to go off dialysis.


I just saw a documentary about JWST and some of the things it had determined since its launch. Things like that, things like pig kidney transplant (or the regeneration of organs from cells) is actually incredible stuff. A new flavor of supplement powder or another incentive trip to Cancun or whatever is really not as game changing as it is touted to be.


And before people come at us, I get things can be personally life changing for you or a loved one, like win a overseas vacation for the family when you couldn't afford a vacation in 15 years, but inconsequential to the rest of the world. But they tout these tiny, tiny changes to their products so hard when they don't even really affect the lives of the huns, as though it's going to change the entire world as we know it.


You know, I had cataract surgery a few years ago. Got artificial lenses implanted that are *better* than the original lenses I was born with. Multifocal toric lenses with UV filtration built in. I have always worn glasses or contact lenses. My eyesight was terrible. Finally had to get bifocals, then cataracts. Now, I wake up and I can see! Never been able to do that before in my life. Surgery took 10 minutes per eye, and I was awake through it all. Machines and lasers made all the incisions, took all the measurements. We live in amazing times. Not as impressive as the new shape of their vitamin bottles, but still.


#life chagnging


Yeah they really over-exaggerate little things as if it’s the biggest news ever. I remember when all these huns were still at Happy Co. and in Mexico about to break the internet with mind blowing news. I commented that it was probably something dumb like offering a pink lemonade powder in addition to their standard drink. And I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what happened. Not exactly earth shattering. I imagine whatever this big news is supposed to be will be equally if not more underwhelming.


Might as well just call them a “mark.”


If someone calls me a prospect instead of friends or family, I will be calling them deleted and blocked


"Soon very soon" is the MLM mantra. Makes me laugh every time. The goal is eternally just around the next corner.


I have missed every single MLM product launch since forever. I keep succeeding in business and in life. Mabey I should sell my master reseller rights to others?? Sucseeding without and MLM....My StOrY


you are so BRAVE~~enly~~ for writing this and YES you NEED to sell your course to us all! It’s your CALLING!


Down vote for not using enough emojis. /s


The hashtags are always cringe. Even when they're spelt correctly.


Is it just me, or does Bravenly sound like something a white midwestern/southern couple would name their daughter?


My thought exactly!!!


I wonder how many people fall for the “700% growth” thing. First, it doesn’t give us an idea of what is growing. Is that reps? Sales? Gross revenue? Second, there’s no baseline to understand what they’re growing from. Going from 1 employee to 7 is 700% growth. Third, no time horizon. 700% in 3-4 years isn’t the same as 700% in a quarter.


See, hun, your first problem is thinking of all your family & friends as prospects. That's why they ignore your calls & messages.


SPELL. CHECK. Please, for the love of all that is holy and sacred.


Cracks me up how many hun ceos and even just friends assume you’re online waiting 24/7/365 to reply Sometimes I’m on my laptop, fb is open, but shock, I’m outside hiking, running errands, doing research, reading a book, etc Aka just bc it “shows online” doesn’t mean I’m literally sitting on fb waiting for the next hun to message me about how to be my own boss and retire my spouse…on $20/year or whatever they “make”


I spent way longer than I probably should have trying to figure out what thoa meant


Does it mean anything, or is it a typo? I was scratching my head at that one too…


I still haven't figured it out. I can only come up with "this" but that still doesn't seem to work either.


It’s insane to me that these huns actually think someone might be “watching” the Bravenly brand. It just absolutely does not compute. These people are delusional.


Oh, some people are *watching*...it's like a train wreck that you can't turn away from.


Wonder if huns are aware they're behaving like "nice guys" who don't take no for an answer? Coz this type of behaviour is not respecting or empowering women, which is the opposite of what huns claim to promote.


The grammar though… always atrocious!


Don't worry, there already *is* a household name for you lot.


Wanting to wave a flag representing the place you work is just weird.


🤣 yes. Ditto telephone calls. I was cleaning out my contacts the other day and came across one I had named “Nasty Tracey Tupperware”.


Here's a hint.. if you think of them as "prospects" there's a good reason why they aren't getting back to you


I’ve never heard of this company




You mlm huns always say something big is happening and nothing happens


“…that will rewrite the record books” SIR PLEASE STOP OVERHYPING THIS SHIT 😭😭 this whole post is dramatic as hell lmaooo


The scammy'ness of it all is so infuriating.


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I thought Bravenly was going down the pan?