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The difference between high waisted leggings and pulling your leggings down under your tummy. Obviously the latter is not flattering on any body type


Fitness influencers have shown how much posing, lighting, clothing, etc can do to show the body in the best way.


High wasted - LOL. One would have to be wasted to believe these huns. Do huns really think people don't notice where on their waists their pants sit?


I cackled!


Hi ladies! 😍💕 Just wanted to announce my new exclusive course that is super super limited. 👀It’s going to cover all the details of how to pull your trousers up higher 🤯 and it can be yours for the low low price of £666,666 🤑. Don’t miss out spots are LIMITED!!! 🤗 You can’t get this information from anywhere else either 💕✨🌹


You could tell they’re pushing out their tummies for the before pics, and then sucking in their tummies for the after pics. 😂


Imagine posting your worst angle for all your friends and family to see just to win hundreds of dollars of product you can’t sell for your trouble?


Nah, I’m good 😂


Why is her butt so low and pointy?


She's running on Tomb Raider 1996 graphics.


This made me literally LOL. Sooooo accurate 🙌


That’s what made me think it was bad photoshop. She claims she has booty gains but I don’t see it ![gif](giphy|gKCh5SiWhid0X9CmyU)


I like my butt, and yet there is no amount of money you could pay me so that I would post it on social media talking about how “perky” it is. Do these people not have their family, friends, coworkers on social media? I guess their coworkers are just fellow perky bum people though..


Yeah, if I pull my gut out and let it hang over my pulled-down pants, the same thing happens. I also look slimmer with a sports bra underneath a black top and my pants pulled up over my belly button while sucking in my tummy. MAGIC!


Has anyone you know, ever, used the phrase 'my hormone health journey'? Ugh


No, but now that I’m in perimenopause, I’ll start using it. I’ll report back on how it works.


Have you considered some $51 shampoo?


Nope it never occurred to me.


I’m sure not being pregnant helps too…… I also just noticed her butt in pictures 2 (week 7) is photo shopped


Yes, you can totally tell she has altered the photo on the right hand side where she is wearing leggings. If you zoom in on the photo, there’s a white line outlining her body! That, or perhaps her butt is glowing…😂


How much money do you think I could make selling PS lessons to huns? J/k ... kinda


It depends… but it can be so much money if you do the PS for them. My good friend (former coworker as we’ve both since changed jobs) used to make serious $$$$ side hustling with this. She was a graphic design major and this was before there were dozens of DIY photoshop apps - she would make more money per hour photo shopping/teaching people how to photoshop than she did our salary 😵‍💫


Former Bodi coach here-on top of the lighting, waistband location, sucking in/sticking out, something we would do is ear really crappy the weekend before a “before” pic was taken. Booze, burgers, pizza, fries, whatever makes you look puffy and a little bloated. It makes the progress pics look more impressive. It’s all smoke & mirrors.


Thats what I figured. She posts each week transformation Tuesday/enter day with a very old photo of her post partum from 5 years ago and a recent photo that’s been edited or misled like you have said. Then a few days later she’s posting photos with her family and you can tell she’s not as thin as she claims.


Sadly, people keep falling for it.


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Oh for crap's sake, that second photo is an insult to my intelligence. By "shrink your gut", I hadn't realized that meant in length as well, because below the navel, boom, suddenly pelvis. I wish these huns had just a little more shame and humility. Enough for them to say, "hey, isn't that really misleading?" or "won't someone notice that the waistband is immediately below the navel in the After pic, meaning the stomach being shown in the Before pic is simply covered up?" or "that's a fashion model & body building pose trick!" Speaking of which, look up "Amber Liu Bikini Bodybuilding Poses 101" on YouTube for some laughs regarding poses that accentuate your strengths and hide your flaws. Technically NSFW because there is a lot of comedic "sexy" posing and a shirt is removed to reveal a tank top underneath, so not something you want to be watching when suddenly someone appears and asks what's going on.