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'It's not an MLM' Why not? 'lists all things that definitely make it an mlm' 🤦🏻‍♀️😅


I saw it. I can't believe these people actually tried to pitch her. I was cringing listening to the call! It really shows the mindset these people have, though. Like the woman kept deflecting her questions and Hannah was calling her out on it. Definitely a must-watch!


SO CRINGEY!! Also, how was she not rolling her eyes all over the place? She has far more grace and patience than I do!


She is more compassionate than me for sure ... I have no patience for these people at all.


It was incredible the way the two Huns kept digging deeper and deeper and deeper...


I really wonder if they actually listened to what she was saying and will re consider what they do.


We can only hope. She was so kind and patient with them, but sadly they are probably in too deep at the moment.


I was a little surprised that they were unwilling to listen to someone who clearly knows what they are talking about when it comes to MLM’s. I feel like there must be a pretty deep level of brainwashing going on over there.


I think that *because* she knows a lot about MLMs, she is a clear threat. These people have made the company their whole identity. If something threatens that and their identity crumbles, that's going to mean facing up to all the crap they've been through ... and have put other people through. Easier to mute the threat. Like instantly delete the Zoom meeting.


a cautionary tale of what happens when you girlboss too close to the sun


I fucking love that 🤣👏


This deserves an award, but I’m poor so 🏆🏆🏆


So good! I’m so happy she recorded it on her own because she KNEW the hun would never send her the recording, even after agreeing in writing that she would.


“Our products always use fresh ingredients.” WHAT!? Ma’am, what does that have to do with your compensation plan??????


I couldn’t believe that’s how they decided to try to get around that question 🤣


That video was a masterclass in how to maintain respect and good manners while absolutely taking someone down.


She’s the type of person who could insult you and you wouldn’t even realize it was an insult until you thought of it while laying in bed. Hannah is amazing!


Exactly 💯!


It came up in my feed, I cant wait to watch it.


It’s so good! I can’t believe the audacity of the Melaleuca reps. You’re going to love it!


Me, too!


I saw her teasing it on Instagram. When she said they let film it, I was in awe and have been waiting to watch it since!


I didn’t even know she was on instagram. I’m gonna follow her there too


I just finished it. I can’t believe the mental gymnastics they have to do to truly believe they’re not an mlm. Wild.


I am listening now. She is eating them TF up. Hannah didn't have to be a snarky, mean girl to them. All facts. But the sidebar PowerPoint was fking classic. 😆 If she had put in a bubble over her head, I would have been deceased.


The bubble over her head would have been too much 😂😂😂 That side bar was top notch. I was doing dishes when I watched it and didn’t even notice until about halfway through the call. I had to go sit down so I could read them haha


Reminded me of “The Word” on the old “Colbert Report”. The Colbert character would give his right-wing spiel, and the translation would show on a sidebar.


I've never seen/heard of Hannah before today - is she former MLM?


No, not former MLM herself but great anti-MLM content.


Her channel is amazing. Lots of deep dives and I loved her MLM horror stories! They’re experiences written by viewers that she reads to everyone.


So good. It was amazing to watch. The delusion is next level over at Melaleuca


I really just don’t understand how they are actually convinced it’s not an mlm.


When I was in it ten years ago we were all convinced it wasn’t MLM because we didn’t order or handle products for the people we referred, just “helped” them enroll in the shopping club. They really pushed that hard, and back then I didn’t understand that it’s not necessarily the products that make it an MLM, it’s the payment structure.


I saw it on my feed. I'll have to watch it. I like Hannah.


I feel like the way Hannah presented them with the truth - intelligently, logically, thoughtfully, respectfully - is the best way to change their "mindset." I'm sure she sowed seeds of doubt. They'll be thinking about her questions and comments a lot.


I’m watching it right now 😆


Ohh I need to watch it 👀


Is there a way to watch this charade? Instagram name, please! I need a laugh!


Look up Hannah Alonzo on YouTube and it's her most recent video. She's an amazing anti-mlmer. I listen to her videos while I'm at work.


Oh no, YouTube did not show it to me. I will go watch it now!


I’m 12mins in!


Wait till you get to the Zoom 😆 Hilarious


They didn't even bother to look at her channel - otherwise they would have seen her content about Melaleuca and would never have even approached her. Dumb move, huns.


YES!!! omg, she makes some of my favorite anti-MLM videos. I watched it on my lunch break yesterday and I was like WTF.... they clearly do not know how to sell because she was the WRONG person to try and poach.


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Thanks for the heads-up, for some reason I didn't get a notification when she dropped her new vid. Loved how the Melaleuca huns thought they were being soooo smart by pretending to lose the recording, then Hannah says "Mama didn't raise no fools" before revealing she took her own recording LOL. What a QUEEN!!!


When she opened with the sponsorship joke….I felt my heart jump! lol!


So brazen of them