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Why are people so obsessed with their own genes that they want to force unwitting souls to have them?


They are even more problematic than those who are just obsessed with their own genes (yeah, i also hate those people). These zealots are those types who love and romanticize other people's, even children's tragedies, prolly religious (almost 100%), and truly find sufferfing beautiful. It's the most sickening fetish ever.


“God made you perfect even if he made you without eyes it was god’s will to inflict tremendous suffering on an innocent child” 🤡🤡


Ah yes, i know these zealots sadly... 😬 Tbh how can someone be so creepy? 😨 Geez, and a natalist downvoted me for saying these people are creepy mofos. 😅


I wonder how these people would feel if it was them dealing with this. It’s easy to say when it’s happening to someone else


Yeah, and only them, because they even romanticize their own children's suffering. 🤮 Seriously i don't know and can't understand how can be someone so sick in the head... Never forget when my grandma told a story about a JW zealot who said "God gave it, God can take it back" like the child was just an object.


Wait what’s JT? But wow that’s messed up. Honestly I think some of these people have some sick martyrdom in their head that they enjoy. Like god gave them that kid to test them or something or a “challenge” while completely disregarding how much the kid suffers


Jehovah's Witnesses. Yeah, crazy people with an extremely disturbing fetish for suffering, and they are even proud of it. 😕 Even call us normal people "satanic". If someone truly thinks this way then his / her children should be removed from home asap.


Oh yeah my family was heavily involved with JW’s for a while and I went to quite a few of their meetings. Absolutely insane. They all cut me off because a family member of mine did something the church disapproves of. I myself didn’t do anything, complete guilt by association. But yeah everyone who isn’t JW is “worldly” and that means satanic. They definitely have a “suffering is god’s plan” type of view


Ah sorry, i wrote it wrong, edited (JT instead of JW for some reason). I'm glad you escaped from that utterly disgusting cult! They should be banned fr. Those zealots ruined millions of families, friendships, children's lives, etc.


Kinda blows my mind… it’s main character behavior to think that their genes MUST be passed on. I wish people would adopt/foster more. So many kids out there that dont have a family to love them. bUt My BlOoDLiNe 🙄


I have a friend who doesn’t even want to raise kids because she thinks it’s too much work but wants to donate her eggs so she can have kids because she wants to pass on her bloodline. Absolutely crazy.


bc this is what the game is about, passing genes. we're quite literally the arms and legs of the dna so it can use us to replicate itself. although, we have rational thinking but some of us dont use it






This is the biggest part of why I won't have my own children, my genetic pool is a swamp of cancers, mental illnesses, and other diseases. I'm only in my 30s and I already have been dealing with chronic joint, lung, and heart problems. I also have adhd and asd, and serious allergies that have taken away from me things that were really important to me. There is no way that I will pass on even the possibility of any of this to another person. My mom is always like, "oh but having children is the most beautiful experience you'll ever have..." While I'm here constantly having to deal with problems that have slowed me down in school and in my career and having to deal with the mental health repercussions of that. There is nothing beautiful about watching a child you love grow up with problems that make them feel physically and mentally shitty.


This is beyond fucked up. It's one thing to bring a child into this world knowing that there is a generic risk they could be born with a genetic illness. It's quite another to know the actual statistic and still plod along with your decision.




ON TOP of fucking to have three kids. That third little shit is possibly going to be the ONLY one without eyes. This couple is fucking selfish!


Did u even read it🙄their second child DOESN'T have eyes so the third WOULD NOT be the ONLY child without eyes if it was born with the same condition.


Makes this shitty couple even WORSE!


How do you know the third one will have eyes because the second one doesn’t?? The risk doesn’t compound with each successive birth, they are mutually exclusive events. Each child has a 1/20 chance of inheriting this condition regardless of previously affected or unaffected siblings.


Did YOU not read my comment all the way through? What is wrong with yalls reading skills? I said IF THEY WERE BORN WITH THE SAME CONDITION...IF...IF...IF...where on earth did i say the third child will be born WITH or WITHOUT eyes🙄i did not


not even blindness- no eyes. empty sockets that fill with pus…


Exactly. And needing surgery every 3 months to stop the baby dying from eye socket infection.


Breeders be fucking breeders, huh? They DO NOT care about the suffering of their damn third child. Edit: AND second.


What a wonderful way to live. 🤩 life is truly beautiful!


Does the condition have a name?


Yes, but I don't want to get into rule 7 territory.




but she's our little warrior who shows us what strength is everyday 😍🙏


that's actually kinda terrifying


Absolute insanity that anyone could hear this story and not see how selfish and cruel it is to do shit like this. I get that people with disabilities can live fulfilling lives, and that’s great, but why on earth would you ever risk having a child *with no fucking eyes?* How could you be willing to put someone you love through that?




Man, I have a disability and it’s not even close to not having eyes but it causes me chronic pain, fatigue, and memory issues and I would not wish this on anyone. It’s one of the many reasons I am never having children and why these kinds of stories upset me deeply. Everyone has the ability to pass on a genetic illness of some sort to their offspring, which is why it shouldn’t be encouraged or thought of as a good thing.


1/20 is so insanely high oh my god.


As a long-time Pathfinder/Dungeons and Dragons player, yes it is. In a game where a 20-sided die is used for most actions, I tend to roll at least one nat-20 and one nat-1 every session. Only that’s just a make-believe game, not an *actual human life* being created out of selfishness.




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i have to sit down from the dizziness i feel when i hear people respond to "how do you feel about this terrible suffering your child is going through" with "its been a great benefit to our lives because now we (the parents) appreciate what we have more" and not, oh, i dont know, "i feel very sorry for my poor child and what they must suffer through as a result of my actions". its like they have to give a reason for why they still care about their child even though its "broken", instead of just expressing normal empathy.


"This doesn't change anything for *us*."


This caught my eye too. Of course it doesn't change anything for them because they're not the ones suffering.


Don’t think it would catch the baby’s eye


I noticed that, too. These people are monsters.


they're probably happy that now they can use their "little warrior" for clout on social media


This article baffled me particularly hard, as I personally am in a somewhat comparable situation. I come from a bloodline that is very strongly predisposed to mental illnesses. Almost everyone in my bloodline has had a lifelong, genetic mental illness. We have experienced e.g. several horrific schizophernic episodes - even attempted >!child !!children!<. As you can tell, this is why abstaining from procreation was the natural choice for me. I don't want to carry *those* genes on. So, I was really baffled when I read that article. It seems like the parents here are so preoccupied with passing on their genes, that they're forgetting to actually evaluate the morality of their choices.


Same here. My mom was already scared enough that she decided to be childfree. Except she only found out about me at nearly 5 months. And she demanded a cesarian so that she could her tubes tied- illegally, law said a minimum of 2 for that, but the doctor was understanding. She didn't even give me baby dolls to play with, just Barbies. On vacations, in another state, many times I witnessed with my eyes the devastation caused in a family with multiple schizophrenics. She was: see, that's what I escaped from. Many of my cousins, and now their children, are diagnosed as well.


My mother is schizophrenic, I lived every day in fear of the very hereditary condition. I will never have children because I don’t want post partum or that child to live in the same fear. Absolutely not


Breeders just do not care. They would damn you for eternity if it meant they could get their rocks off.


My uncle today just told me that no one owes you shit in life and that being happy is a choice when I came out with my antinatalist views. I can accept that he really believes the bullshit he spews, so why oh why can't he accept mine?


My first serious girlfriend had Hashimoto's disease, it's a genetic condition that makes your immune system attack your thyroid. After the diagnosis she told me she definitely really wanted kids. If you have Hashimoto's disease your children are 6x more likely to develop it themselves. That was the last nail in the coffin with my desire to never have children myself.


1/20 chance of a plane crashing, no one would enter that plane. I would like to personally ask them.


Blindness and cancer are my biggest fears in life. 😬 People who romanticize other people's tragedies, especially their OWN children's tragedies are beyond crazy and need to be in a mental asylum. It's like a sickening fetish, and they are even proud of it.


Like, I’m all for not having a child at all and not making them suffer on this fucked up world. But if you NEED to have one, DONT use your defected genes! It’s common sense!


That's compassion! Which they don't have obviously.


"we appreciate life and appreciate the small things in life so much more than we did" Like being able to see?


This is straight up child abuse. Hey our first child has a rare disease that causes them severe pain and to be born without eyes but god (I’m assuming) wants us to have another one and we’ll deal with whatever is in his ‘plan’ with a 1 in 20 chance the same insanely painful disease will happen to the other one. Let’s not even think about the fact that they’ll have to have these procedures done throughout their life as well, not just while they’re under this roof. No it’s literally the universe telling you absolutely do not have more kids. If you’re that fucking desperate ADOPT ONE.


How are these people able to live with themselves knowing that they've subjected an innocent child to lifelong suffering? The poor girl has had 100 MEDICAL PROCEDURES before even turning 3 years old. AND they are willing to gamble with another child's well-being? Free will was a mistake.


>We're embracing whatever comes our way. Child born without eyes: "That's really fucking great for you, mom and dad."


Seriously, if people even thought of such possibilities, they would not reproduce. It's like they're playing Russian roulette but they don't realize it. 🤨


The stupidest and most selfish among us breed the most. The age of reason is over. Our future is in a death spiral. Idiocracy is a prescient documentary.


I have no words. But they do, all about how they have benefited from their disabled child. They don't have to live her life, she does. Why don't they have their eyeballs removed so they can "teach someone so much" and help that person to "appreciate life and the very small things far more." They should also make plans for the 100 medical procedures they both should get. Infuriating! Only a ghoul would deliberately subject their own child to a lifetime of suffering and disability.


"I think that she has taught us so much, she has changed our world in a way that we appreciate life and appreciate the very small things far more than we previously did." So they know how fucked up their childs life is to the point they now appreciate life more because of it.




I'm sure they are certainly benefiting from all the pity and attention. They might want a second so the train of donations and sympathy not only continues...but grows stronger. Those poor children.


My initial reaction to reading those red underlined sentences: “These people are truly evil.”


These people are demented.


This should be considered child abuse. Those poor kids :( ETA: My family has massive amounts of mental illness AND cancer in its history. I cannot imagine a scenario where I would WILLINGLY subject someone (who I am supposed to love) to those diseases. Fucking tragic.


I've seen this so often. Like [here](https://youtu.be/YKpCTpRShI8?si=8DCIDSdfbeDGhd74), the mother has crouzon syndrome, said she got bullied so much as kid. Her first also is born with that condition. (Normal human would think you don't want your kids to get bullied the same way you did) they decide the kid needs siblings. They do IVF, she gets triplets, EACH of them has crouzon! And one has a terrible deformed head. These kids have to go under so many surgeries! It makes me so mad.


I mostly agree with you, except for the bullying part. Bullying occurs with *any* socially undesirable traits, not just medical conditions. I could also get into a whole separate debate here about how we should overhaul the Prussian School System to efficiently locate bullies and give them actual grave punishments for their behavior. But this is not the right subreddit for that


Right I forgot to mention the health problems. Sorry, was fed up




“Bravely”? Fuck that noise. That’s just pure selfishness.


i have a similar genetic history and have brought it up to multiple doctors as one of the reasons i do not want produce offspring. every single one of them replied something similar to "well, everyone has some sort of genetic defect". i think it's crazy that people can acknowledge the above and still be on board with reproducing.


I don't often flat out hate ppl, and hate still isn't the word I'd use. But I'm immensely aggrieved by their choice, and upset they are still allowed to make it. Yes yes I know limiting reproductive rights is a touch subject but hot fuck how in hell's handbasket can they make an army of eyeless children, but ppl still aren't allowed to choose to end their existence if they want to, without needing to jump in front of something? It reminds me of the 2016 film Arrival. I angry sobbed at the end of that thing. Fucking areghhhhhhhb


The parents always act like they're such saints for going through with a pregnancy where they know their offspring has a high chance of being disabled, makes me so mad.


Adoption seems like it's impossible for these people..


But den it ain't gonna be muh own flesh n blud!


BRUH. Look at how it’s all about “me me me”. “It’s taught us to appreciate life”, “we are really to face challenges”. NOTHING about the kid’s well-being. They have one kid with this condition, knows there’s a chance of the other kid having it and still decide to have kids. People like this should be sterilised.


No amount of logic or empathy will ever convince these nutters not to damn an innocent into a horrible existence, none. They'll always backfire with this trope " life it's worth it and no amount of pain will justify depravation of this PrIvIlEgE". In reality, all that they want is a cloned human *pet* to entertain them. A reputed ophthalmologist in my country is very vocal on this topic. She gave a similar example with a family of breeders having a passable dominant faulty gene that's making one be born eyeless. And they kept on breeding and all the kids were born eyeless, despite the warning. She flat out went against the conservative idiots and stated that those people should never reproduce. Heck, people are born limbless and they don't give a damn. This veritable lack of care and empathy seems mental and pathological at this point. There's definitely something wrong with those sadistic people.


Munchausen syndrome by proxy.




No, the "by proxy" part means someone else is inflicting (or faking) an injury, usually on their child, for attention or sympathy. I think they've changed the name of late, to an acronym, but it still feels apropos.




There may have been a better term for me to use but I don't know what it is if so. I believe the parents are getting a sick thrill from the whole experience, and that is why they are seeking to have another child who may have the same problem. A skim of the current Munchausen wiki page seems to suggest this isn't that after all, so I apologize for that.


I think more-so at least in this case, it sounds like they value their daughters ‘life’ and expanding their family unit, more than her or her future siblings *actual* physical or emotional wellbeing. Still sad, but yeah you’re right, not Munchausen’s. I think this comes up when lets say one parent is deaf or has a limb difference, they may say “we’re okay with whatever happens”, not only are they already equipped to handle a child that’s deaf like Mom or missing the same fingers as Dad, but those just simply aren’t the same kind of long term, surgery after surgery to clean your non-eyeballs out kind of suffering 😬 *I* feel those ex. are way more appropriate context to be getting pregnant and crossing your fingers, genetically speaking


Awful, awful, awful...


i found the original article, evidently a charity organization has been helping them with their child since she was 12 weeks old. i wonder if their outlook and decision to have another child would be different if they weren't receiving charity support?


Yeeah imagine if they had to pay for everything out of their own pockets, and thus go into massive lifelong surgery debt. They'd probably come out the other end with a completely different view of the matter. Lol!


This is so fucking selfish.


It's not possible to have compassion for children, to want them not to suffer, yet still bring them to this planet. Every pain, every terror, every cry is because you made it happen.


Wow. I understand being blind isn't a death sentence but having over 100 operations or medical procedures before age 3 is a lot to handle


Make no sense, sterilization should be forced upon people like this




Problem is that whenever people hear the word eugenics they think of evil


my friend and I were just laughing that we couldnt ever run for President or similar office bc if we’re being honest both of us believe in eugenics to some degree lol but like.. 🤭


Exactly, it’s those things that make me wonder if Brave New World was actually a dystopia


But but eugenics, ableist ... bad. Don't you know that genetic disorders and diseases aren't actually going to increase suffering for the child?


Kinda!??!?!?! Pure evil.


oh god 🤦‍♀️


This is so vile and disgusting. Talk about selfish


They are sadists


I recently saw a video where a mom was 3 months pregnant and found out their fetus stopped growing limbs or hands/feet. The dr suggested termination, but they declined to do the abortion, and now they have a baby without fully developed arms or legs. They are looking into prosthetics, of course, and while that will improve their quality of life, i know it won't stop other kids and teens from being cruel while she is growing up...


This is sickening and should be illegal


If they think it's okay to intentionally bring a child to this planet who will not have eyes, would they think it was wrong for a parent to intentionally remove the eyes of a normal baby? The result is the same.


ONE IN TWENTY? ONE IN TWENTY CHANCE. And you’re having more CHILDREN. I don’t even have words. Sick.


>she has taught us so much >But this doesn't change anything for us Look how they only talk about them. Because it indeed is, all about them. Not the child. Complete fucking vile pieces of shit, these natalists.


Its easy to see whats going on.. the parents think its a gift to bring them from nonexistence to here and its even more admireable to take care of a child with horrible diseases even they could avoid it by not bringing em into the rigged game of life.. They feel moraly uplifted even a logic thinking human would see this total different.     Tzz I'm not intelligent or wise, 1+1=2 but lets not bring logic in this sooo happy and beautyfull World.. I'm such a savage..lol


Absolutely psychopathic


People who knowingly bring disable kids into the world are the lowest kind of trash in my eyes.


JFC.... To force a being to be born and live like that? Knowing full well about it!


I love this sub! You lot are my people! I can’t believe we are the only ones who think like this. It is insane that we are actually the minority with this logical way of thinking! ❤️


Probably because they like all the attention they get from doctors and nurses


This is so sad


Hey, uhh, random couple. There's this thing called adoption. Its pretty cool, look into it, basically you get your own child and have the opportunity to give them a good life. Not to mention you won't have to go through childbirth pain and risk your child getting blindness/horrible diseases. What's that? You want your kids to carry your "gene"? Your gene is nothing but a random sequence of codes. It really isnt that important. I can only pray that the child comes out healthy.


That is truly evil.


It's evil even if those chances were 0/20.




The problem of consent itself makes every antinatalist unconditionally antinatalist. There is no greater evil than forcing a life on someone without their consent. This is non debatable.


yo… this cannot be real


Yeah this is repulsive.


It's incredible how they never think about what will happen to the poor children when they pass away. Who's going to properly take care of them with all of those special needs?


I agree, it's stupid. However, the act of procreation in general is not at fault here. In ancient times, hunter-gatherer societies most likely abandoned or even killed handicapped or severely impaired infants, particularly in harsh environments where resources were scarce and the survival of the group depended heavily on the mobility and productivity of its members. It was a numbers game. The actual problem is a society and system that lets stupid individuals thrive in the broadest sense.


Well, that’s just not true. I’m an anti-natalist. And I totally agree with the sentiments of everyone on this post. But as someone in the midst of getting an anthropology degree, I can’t responsibly let you just go around saying shit like that. Humans have always been human, empathy has always been around. In archeology it is not uncommon to find skeletons of people with disabilities that they would have had from birth. Skeletons hundreds of years old, skeletons thousands of years old, skeletons hundreds of thousands of years old. Skeletons of people who clearly would not have survived without support from their community around them are found frequently.


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This couple is fucking horny and selfish. Not only they fucked to have three kids, but they are WILLING to have a child without fucking eyes. That child is possibly going to be the ONLY one in that family with no eyes. How selfish and fucked up can a couple be?!




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my mom has adhd, now i have adhd too, and she thinks im lazy lol 😂😂😂😂


I’ve inherited illnesses that are genetic, granted not to this extent, but at least one that has unknowingly lead to me having chronic pain for almost all my adult life so far. While saying this, I wouldn’t be upset at my mother for trying to have me even if she had previously known about it 🤷‍♀️


[Anophthalmia - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anophthalmia#:~:text=Anophthalmia%20%28Greek%3A%20%E1%BC%80%CE%BD%CF%8C%CF%86%CE%B8%CE%B1%CE%BB%CE%BC%CE%BF%CF%82%2C%20%22without%20eye%22%29%20is%20the%20medical,eyelids%2C%20reduced%20palpebral%20fissure%20and%20malar%20prominence.%20) -sounds like this, but I\`m not sure. Terrifying!


Truthfully this is nothing. I know families whose kids have a 25-50% chance of dying from an excruciating, degenerate disease before they are 5. Both of these families have had 4+ children. It's disgusting. 






I wouldn't.


Remember all of it is gods will. It’s all good. God heals everything.




Did you read the article? This isn't the same as regular blindness. This kid literally needed 100 surgeries to survive.


What's the big deal? It's ONLY a 5% chance. Still a 95% chance the baby will have the gift of sight. Worth it! Reporting this post for promoting eugenics.


You don’t know what eugenics is if you think this is eugenics


But it's a 1/20 chance so they would need to have 19 children before any are born blind. Nothing to worry 'bout.


That’s not how it works, in practice.


With the power of positivity, it always works! 🌈


Do you have a cognitive disability?


This isn't the same as regular blindness. The girl literally had one hundred surgeries. You think the typical blind child needs 100 surgeries?


One hundred or even million surgeries is a cheap price for the gift o' life! 🤩 stop being such a downer and get a job. All that negativity makes people question their world views (yuck).


Why are you here if you believe the “gift of life” that a child didn’t ask for or consent to is worth a million surgeries? Can you see the name of this sub on the device you are using?




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Why, to preach the goodness of life the jesus christ gave onto us. His world is mighty perfect and intelligently designed. Now you better git right with Gawd or its fire a barbeque for you crittrers and I hear its mighty hot down dere and aint letting up no time soon. But satan da devil overtime to keep people from birthin' the Lawd's soldiers. He said BE FRUITFAL 'N MULTIPLY! And multipy we damn will! All is done fur hiz glory, and we cain't question dat.


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