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Having more babies is critical, just as getting more recruits in a pyramid scheme is critical. People have babies for selfish reasons, including monetary benefits or pitting their children against others and feeling satisfied when their children win. Yes, there will be suffering if people suddenly stop breeding, just like the failure of a Ponzi scheme. But I believe that the sooner this scheme is ended, the less net suffering there will be.


What's scary is how on point you are about the pyramid scheme. that is literally what is happening and has been happening since civilization began. the more the poor people breed the more the value of the wealthy is valued at.


You don't die from not procreating, so it's definitely not a critical need. You should get some real therapy if you actually suffer from the thought of not procreating.




I don't have that feeling, so idk.


Procréation is a need, but we should still stop. 


Why is it a need? Explain


Pyramid scheme. We need fresh blood to keep all these fragile systems we have running, and to wipe our butts when we grow old


So it's a selfish and immoral need?


Pretty much 


If it were a necessity, a maternal/paternal instinct would be activated for ALL of us when we reach fertile age, something that, if we are honest, most parents do not even feel, most parents only have children because it is "the that's supposed to be done."


They believe the future of the human race is more important than the accompanying pain, suffering, and death that are necessary for life to exist.


So basically they have no empathy?


In the moment they do, but they don't seem to feel a responsibility for the wellbeing of others in the future. 


So they don't care about future people? At all?


They are just stupid.


Why would you leave out the fourth option? Procreation is a need, but we must stop.


Because if it's a critical need, there is no way to stop.


Not critical, no need to stop: If a plant has soil, water and sun, it will grow and eventually procreate. If humans get horney, they fuck. If more babies are created than can be sustained; child death. If humans fuck up the earth too much, many will perish. Just let nature do it's thing and don't try to force anything.


So do you wanna go live in the mountains as a "natural" hermit? Just let nature do its thing, dont need to change it, eh?


I mean nature as in the process of a species going into overpopulation / extinction. I'm no treehugger. You asked why, and I give you my honest opinion.