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Mormonism is a cult ran by 12 evil business men in new york; Your parents are victims who were forcefully kept uneducated. But I do see the majority of natalist not in a hateful light: They do not know any better. They themselves are just children who got big and wanna play baby dolls for whatever selfish purpose they have to make kids. "We need a new cult member" "need someone to pay for my retirement home one day" "babies are cute! Sure hope it doesnt get older and form opinions one day! 😍" "I must continue my bloodline of literally nothing special" there are 8 BILLION humans right now, plenty of which will never truly get to know any better. And thats okay, ignorance is bliss. I follow my philosophies personally, not cast onto others. But I will always pitty the children born into this world after seeing the asphalt literally melting in central India this year.


Im glad you got the point of the post. My parents were believing members until they discovered two years ago it was a false religion. The Church’s headquarters are in Salt Lake City, but they started in New York and moved because of persecution. I think there might be official building in NY though.


Calling breeders overgrown children who wanna play with baby dolls is accurate.


They wanted new cult members. Sad.


They were unaware it was a cult at the time.


This is not uncommon in religion.


Did you grow up religious




What religion?




What denomination?


Err, ignorance doesn't justify an immoral act, buddy. That's like saying human sacrifice to the volcano god is ok because people back then thought it was "good".


I thought there would be a reply like this. And if having children really is like what you’re saying, you’re right. Your reply reminds me a lot of an unofficial Mormon apologist on Reddit who would your respond to your claim like this: “Wow. Comparing human sacrifices to things such as having children shows complete ignorance…”


Huh? You are making less and less sense with every reply. facepalm


Sorry. It means your argument is so good I cannot find a good claim against it other than having children isn’t immoral.


Mormonism is evil, bud, I don’t know what to tell you.


Neither me nor my parents believe in it anymore


Also, I’m curious about your reasons why do you think it’s evil?


I’m not sure what the point of this post is, but would you be willing to explain what “pre mortal existence” is, specifically in the context of Mormonism?


It means we all “existed” before we were born. Our “spirits” were in heaven with God and he gave us the Plan of Salvation or the Plan of Happiness. We would go to earth and be tested, then we would go to 3 of the following kingdoms in the afterlife Celestial Kingdom - Faithful believing members who did everything they were supposed to on Earth. You must be married to someone of the opposite sex and sealed in a temple, get endowment, be baptized as a member of the church, and you are either required(or strongly encouraged) to have children. Terrestrial Kingdom - Good non believing people Telestial Kingdom - Wicked people Outer darkness - People who committed the unforgivable sin(denying the spirit when it once had its place in you) If you happen to die before you do the required things to get into the celestial kingdom, you can have people on earth do the work for you. Additionally, there will be a “lobby” where you are taught the gospel and given a second chance in the afterlife to do the required things on earth. Lastly, people who die under the age of 8(minimum age to be baptized) will automatically be in the celestial kingdom.


You ask a few questions regarding reproduction to all religious people and they are at a loss of answers. It's simply not justifiable.


Unless, you use your religion.


Didn't get you.


Using your religion to justify Natalism


I don't understand what a religious cult's belief have to do with my beliefs


Mormons are encouraged to have children


And like I said that has nothing to do with me and my beliefs. What do I care what a cult believes? I don't


You’re right it doesn’t. I was sharing how Mormonism encouraged my parents to have children


We understand why people have children. We think they are wrong and misguided.


What other reasons other than “no consent to be born”, “made only for your parents”, etc


I don't disagree that there is a powerful social proof bias in the act of having children. However, my heart breaks when i hear people discuss their reasons for having children because it is obvious to me that they aren't fully aware of what they are doing. I've noticed that people who have children are often moved by a subtle kind of optimism that they haven't actually processed or thought about. It's deeply troubling to think about the full scope of suffering that exists simply due to a miscalculation.


This is how antinatalism ends up acting like a religion, itself. It's a small group who are convinced they are right and EVERYONE in the world who's not part of their group is stupid/evil/misinformed. Many Christians believe that, for example, Hindus in India who've never heard of Jesus in their lives, are heathens condemned to Hell even though they never had a chance to even learn that Christianity existed. Similarly antinatalists in this group condemn *everyone in the world,* who regardless of their societal/cultural background have been told having babies is wonderful, even though hardly anyone has ever heard of antinatalism.


You’re speaking facts




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