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>Family member: "Why don't you want kids?" Me: "Oh I'd love to have kids... .....but ethics and love for the child, prevent me from 'gifting' an innocent, non-consenting being, with suffering and eventual death. *Better Never to Have Been*


Also but at that point they start rolling their eyes


Appreciate the vibes. Think it's more of a childfree stance than an antinatilist one though. But again: thanks for not having kids.


Hey if you decide not to have kids in the end it doesn't matter how you got there


Well, apart from not all antinatalists are childfree. Step parents, Foster parents, parents who had kids before becoming antinatalist exist. I've definitely seen a lot of the latter.




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I don't hate kids but apparently don't love them either. More of a neutral feeling towards kids. And tbh even nature supports me in this ordeal. I don't have any biological urge to have kids. So i don't need to go against nature as well. I like freedom and peace and over the years nature adapted with that stance and anything that will disrupt this, nature rejects it itself. I don't have to do anything at all.


As a woman, the joke is I would have a dozen if I could be the dad.


Childfree not antinatalism


"Because I don't wanna be Hitler." "Hitler? What?" "Yes, procreation is Nazism, parents are Hitlers." /s