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Where do they even get this shit from that the Quran says the earth is flat?




Which is?


their ass


Makes sense




Ah these have all been discussed and refuted you should re check your arguments here https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php?topic=2243.30 https://www.answering-christianity.com/sutihat_miracle.htm https://www.answering-christianity.com/earth_round.htm enjoy!




Those have been refuted have you not checked the links? It refuted the whole website there




Here is the whole thing here https://www.answering-christianity.com/ac20.htm#rebuttals infact it’s stupid you think that’s it’s an old website or that it hasn’t refuted the dawahganda website infact they’ve been refuted many times




It literally says in the Quran that the earth is shaped like an egg. But of course a little bit of research is too demanding for them so they rather type random bs


That's a weird way of describing a ball


The Earth is a semi-sphere the ostrich Egg is a semi-sphere. The verse was specifying an Ostrich egg. **Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said:** ​ **The heavenly bodies are round, according to the Muslim scholars among the Sahaabah and those who followed them in guidance; that was also proven from them with isnaads mentioned in the appropriate places. In fact, more than one of the Muslim scholars narrated that there was consensus among the Muslims on that point.** But to be fair I have to point out this interpretation of the verse(saying it is like an ostrich egg) got criticism by some Muslims like this: LearnQuranArabic: [https://youtu.be/5D4ChAnqkxU](https://youtu.be/5D4ChAnqkxU) and Muhammed Hijab: [https://youtu.be/RH9zhfpmpzE](https://youtu.be/RH9zhfpmpzE)


Oh an ostrich 3gg is reasonable I think. It looks a bit not round but it's round enough I could see a reasonable person describe the earth as one if they knew it was a sphere


Scientifically speaking, the earth is oval shaped due to the gravitational pull in combination of earth's rotation makes the poles slightly flatter which makes the earth oval shaped. Of course this isn't something immediately recognised by looking at pics You can hear Neil Tyson speaking about it.


Well, it is, but not on a level you could notice


quran doesn't say it. It says the earth is spread out. Its ludicrous islamic apologetics that converts that into 'egg shaped'


>It says the earth is spread out Where does it say that????????


In the exact verse that is being claimed to mean egg shaped. In fact in the same very word. That's actually what it means. Instead of saying 'egg shaped' in actually says 'spread out'. https://corpus.quran.com/wordmorphology.jsp?location=(79:30:4)


No here is something refuting it https://www.answering-christianity.com/why_do_i_use_rk.htm


The exact wording is “Ardh” which can translate to both land (undefined quantity) and Earth. Aside from that, it is pretty widely accepted that the Quran is not meant to be a book of science. The Quran is supposed to be timeless, and if the Quran said back then that the Earth is round, well the people at the time who believed it was flat would have deemed it wrong and thereby the whole book wrong. Even then, there are other verses which hint at the idea the Earth is round (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hkzR_ZtQ2nA) such that they hint at, for example, the existence of timezones, which a lot of flat earthers tend to get wrong (https://www.quora.com/How-do-Flat-Earthers-explain-time-zones). Some people also believe that what the Qur’an meant by “spreading the land out” is that the earth was made mostly level for the people to live on.


> The Arabic verb "daha" also suggests that the earth is egg-shaped. The noun form "dihya" is still used in some Arab dialects to mean an egg. Based on 2:29, 41:9-12, and 79:27-33, Allah ordained both realms, then formed the earth and created its provisions, then formed the heaven into seven heavens—all in six heavenly days. Source: Footnote no.1275 for verse 79:30 — of The Clear Quran translated by Dr Mustafa Khattab






earth is not a heavenly body


A heavenly body is same thing as calling something a celestial body it is what it is?


the earth is not a celestial body.


Technically it is search it up


But earth is not shaped like a ball...🙃


no it doesn't. Zakir Naik is an absolutely terrible source of information


How so?


Zakir Naik has persuaded many Muslims of the lie that the quran describes the earth as egg shaped. When in fact it does not. [http://dawahganda.blogspot.com/2013/01/ostrich-egg-shaped-earth.html](http://dawahganda.blogspot.com/2013/01/ostrich-egg-shaped-earth.html) To take one example out of thousands.


It does but it’s been debated and also confuted by other murtadds that it says the earths flat


the murtards are correct.




I agree. If that's truly what was said, then that is his fault. However, the Quran still has evidence that the Earth is round. For example He created the heavens and earth in truth. He wraps (Yukawweru) the night over the day and wraps (Yukawweru) the day over the night and has subjected the sun and the moon, all move (Kullun Yajrii) to a specified term. Unquestionably, He is the Exalted in Might, the Perpetual Forgiver. (39:5) Here the word Yukawweru is present tense of Kawwara which means to roll into a ball, to make round, ball shaped (See Hans Wehr Dictionary). Here Allah is mentioning how night and day wrap around the Earth like a ball. If you look from space, one hemisphere is dark (night) and the other is bright (day) and when the Earth rotates about its axis, day and night continuously wrap around the globe. In fact this is the best possible description of how day and night change into each other. See the realistic video below: https://previews.customer.envatousercontent.com/h264-video-previews/f331dcfb-a64d-449b-bfd3-2da2ad8ef031/21168816.mp4 Another interesting point to consider here is that when Allah mentioned that “all move to a specified term”, He did not use the dual form of verb which would have been “Kulahuma Yajriian” which would have meant that only two bodies i.e. Sun and Moon are moving while Earth is stationary (which was the popularly held belief at the time Quran was revealed). Instead Allah used the plural form which indicates 3 or more i.e. “Kullun Yajrii” hence indicating that all three i.e. Earth, Sun and Moon are moving. Thus by mentioning that everything is moving, Quran does away with geocentric or heliocentric model of the Universe.


Even so, one wrong claim doesnt discredit all of a persons work


there is no shape that cannot be wrapped. ​ "indicates 3 or more i.e. “Kullun Yajrii” hence indicating that all three i.e. Earth, Sun and Moon are moving. " the sun, moon, night and day, all around the earth. Making zero distinction between the movement of the sun and that of the moon.


Did you read what was said, "Here the word Yukawweru is present tense of Kawwara which means to roll into a ball, to make round, ball shaped (See Hans Wehr Dictionary). Here Allah is mentioning how night and day wrap around the Earth like a ball."


the heavens are a dome. there is nothing interesting here. The moon and sun look to the uninformed desert dweller to be circling the (flat) earth.


What is this?


muhammed's view of the world. 7 geocentric heavens and a flat earth,


That's not correct. From *The Study Quran* on Q 39:5; "God’s rolling the day into the night and the night into the day is elsewhere expressed as His making the night pass into the day and . . . the day pass into the night (22:61; 31:29; 35:13; 57:6; cf. 3:27); see 31:29c." So, God rolling the day into night and night into day hasn't anything to do with the shape of the Earth. It's part of a set of frequent motifs the Qurʾān uses to describe the night transitioning into day, and vice versa.


I disagree with your interpretation, but even so, there's other evidence to prove my claim. Go read the rest of the comments if you want to see other evidence for it. I dont wanna debate rn.


funny how people here are making fun of the guy in the pic while upvoting absolutely bs like this comment lol. the quran never said anything about earth being egg shaped


Yes, I agree that Quran never said that it is either egg shaped or flat. I hate it when murtad like you or apologist make things up to support their argument in a wrong way, just face truth that Quran didn’t say and we all know that the earth is round.


[It does not, nor was it meant to.](https://asadullahali.com/2020/01/23/backbone-ribs/) [I would also recommend this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slb2CP45utQ)


Kemalist moment


Honestly, Ataturk would also be disappointed in these modern "kemalists" if he were alive


I debated with that moron on r\AskMiddleEast, I lost a few hundred brain cells from his retarded argument


That's where this argument took place too. I've decided to not waste anymore of my time on him




This guy on askmiddleast has one of the dumbest takes.


the chad pakistani vs the cringe turk


I miss 2me4u


Ikr rip 2balkan4you and 2middleeast4you


There's a new one




r/ 2middleeastforu


"your allah", I've only heard that phrase coming from ignorant Christians who watch David Wood and Christian Prince.


Antitheists say it often


That dude must be smoking some of the GOOD stuff




Found the cheesecake


Does it take a cheesecake to spot the absolute fail in the OP? If so, I do not mind being a cheesecake at all. It's clearly better than the alternative.


No your clear lack of understanding towards the Quran and taking things all to literal and that you will shift the goal post a million and two times over on Muslims just to try and win an “debate”


Anytime something incorrect is pointed out in the Quran it’s “lack of understanding of the Quran” lmao Maybe a 1400 year old book isnt actually compatible with science


It is? It’s like if I said the theory of evolution is just a theory or that the space landing was faked proof? Nah bro maybe you should go back to your dumb stupid pseudo science researchers. See how dumb that sounds? Also how dumb you sound?


Do you think the Quran is the most accurate scientific book out there?


Quran is not a scientific book but it isn’t against science either. Just some apologist or murtad interpret it to match their own argument that Quran is for/against science.


It goes against science in many ways yes it does. But people like you will call it metaphor


Because Surrah Imran 3:7 said so, we didn’t suddenly called it a metaphor without reason. Some of the message aren’t a comparative metaphor but it isn’t literal as the purpose is to make people aware of reality in the dunya as well.


So don't even bother wasting your time on me. Please.


I am for the ones who will be misguided by you.


ok whatever. Either you have something intelligent, relevant and worthwhile to say or you do not. Here is your chance. Go


I don’t care for you people because you will not understand no matter how much I say I only spread this again for the iman of others who will be misguided.


So don't waste your time on me. I already gave you this advice. Get lost


You are on the subreddit that’s for anti anti religious things you should be buzzing off.


Lol. Get lost he says. Go back to your rabbit hole.


Lmao, brigading this sub then told the sub member to get lost, your logic fallacy really describes who you are. Get the fuck outta here and get a life, you murtad spend times obsessed with Islam more than my prayer time.


[*Are you sure about that?*](https://youtu.be/NdKePQRUcA8)


Yes I am certain that OP has no idea about much, and that Zakir Naik has even less than no idea.


And you have more idea than Op and Zakir Naik???. (didn’t say that either Zakir is right or a good guy, don’t use you schizophrenic brain to assume that).




Then I have more idea than you because trust me bro.


I simply answered your dumb questions. Your trust is not required.


Imagine being so dumb not getting what the "trust me bro" phrase means.


Definitely a hinduvuta larper


I don't think so, as this sub is also a place for Hindus to defend their own religion from cheesecake.