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This is it


Because he is perfect for this kind of mind fuckery


How do you do fellow essential workers?


Buscemi is such an amazing actor, he can play as a good guy or a jerk.. and be equally convincing


He is amazing in Miracle Workers. First season he plays God, third season he plays Billy the Kid


Steve is amazing in almost everything he appears in.. I liked that movie where he played a hitman


Things to do in Denver when you are already Dead?




I came here to say this too!


I came here to think about saying this too


Because he's the only one acting like a professional.


No. The teeth aren't all...uhmm. weird like Steve's teeth. Don't get me wrong! I love Steve, but no way this is him.




Essential workers are by definition only paid the essential amount for them to come to work, which translates to enough for a shower and transportation. They can live off the occasional pizza party, 2 cups of water we give ‘em and the Friday fruit day


You must work for Kroger/Fred Meyer's.


Get ready folks! If this Avian Flu thing gets any bigger we're right back in the thick of things but worse off due to the right wingers.


And we're probably not gonna get any stimulus checks this time around either


Yknow. I don't think folks realize that if we just got rid of the "burger flippers" and make fun of the job, people would be pissed wondering why their fast food is taking such a long time. Sorry, you're right. The employees aren't worth their time, so they all quit.


Corporate profits = exploitation. I hate it here.


>(1) By reducing the worker’s need to the barest and most miserable level of physical subsistence, and by reducing his activity to the most abstract mechanical movement; thus he says: Man has no other need either of activity or of enjoyment. For he declares that this life, *too*, is *human* life and existence. >(2) By counting the most meagre form of life (existence) as the standard, indeed, as the general standard – general because it is applicable to the mass of men. He turns the worker into an insensible being lacking all needs, just as he changes his activity into a pure abstraction from all activity. **To him, therefore, every luxury of the worker seems to be reprehensible, and everything that goes beyond the most abstract need – be it in the realm of passive enjoyment, or a manifestation of activity – seems to him a luxury.** Political economy, this science of wealth, is therefore simultaneously the science of renunciation, of want, of saving and it actually reaches the point where it spares man the need of either fresh air or physical exercise. This science of marvellous industry is simultaneously the science of asceticism, and its true ideal is the ascetic but extortionate miser and the ascetic but productive slave. Its moral ideal is the worker who takes part of his wages to the savings-bank, and it has even found ready-made a servile art which embodies this pet idea: it has been presented, bathed in sentimentality, on the stage. Thus political economy – despite its worldly and voluptuous appearance – is a true moral science, the most moral of all the sciences. Self-renunciation, the renunciation of life and of all human needs, is its principal thesis. The less you eat, drink and buy books; the less you go to the theatre, the dance hall, the public house; the less you think, love, theorise, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you save – the greater becomes your treasure which neither moths nor rust will devour – your capital. The less you are, the less you express your own life, the more you have, i.e., the greater is your alienated life, the greater is the store of your estranged being. Everything which the political economist takes from you in life and in humanity, he replaces for you in money and in wealth; and all the things which you cannot do, your money can do. It can eat and, drink, go to the dance hall and the theatre; it can travel, it can appropriate art, learning, the treasures of the past, political power – all this it can appropriate for you – it can buy all this: it is true endowment. Yet being all this, it wants to do nothing but create itself, buy itself; for everything else is after all its servant, and when I have the master I have the servant and do not need his servant. All passions and all activity must therefore be submerged in avarice. **The worker may only have enough for him to want to live, and may only want to live in order to have that.** https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1844/manuscripts/needs.htm




Why does he look exactly like my old boss


The moment they start calling you a hero is the moment they deem your life expendable.


Start your own company!


> silly poors, just buy some more money.


You don't buy money, silly, you sell stock shares to raise money


You got a pizza party at year end, quit complaining. Don't forget to clock out before going to the party. Break is still 15 minutes. Oh, and everyone has to pitch in $5 for the pizza. Thanks again for all your hard work. We wouldn't be doing so well without workers like you.


Imagine having such a childish understanding of how corporations work


Stop asking for a living wage. Asking for anything in a work setting is an automatic no. They love when you ask for things cause that sets up the power dynamic in the first place. You: ask for thing. Boss: says no. That's how it works. So you gotta like tell the boss what's what. And you gotta be ready to leave if you don't get what you want. Or band together with the rest of the wagies and demand a couple things. Change doesn't just happen because you ask the boss nicely. Even outside of work asking for permission from people is usually a losing play, people don't always have your best interest in mind and are usually (always) thinking of themselves.


If you only knew how correct you are. I speak from experience, and now I had enough so I started to be more "aggressive" in my rhetorics, backed by facts and the law being on my side, obviously. It felt both empowering and was a huge relief after kind of walking on eggshells for 12 years.


In fairness Batman is a hero too…. He don’t get paid shit to clean up Gotham.


He doesn’t pay for the millions in damages either


He’s a billionaire fuckhead. Probably could have affected more change by donating money than beating low level bad guys to death, but that’s another discussion.


Ever ask yourself where does the money rich people in today's world donate end up. Or even where the money the poorer people donate end up.


Too funny and also sad. USA a far cry to what it used to be.


Reminds me of all those essential nurses they got rid of because they wouldn't get a shot


If you're a nurse and you don't understand how germ theory and vaccines work, get TF out of the medical field. Go open up some mystic shop that sells overpriced rocks and artisinal journaling books or something.


If their refusal to be inoculated results in them missing months of work then hardly filling the role of an essential worker.


In what fantasy are McDonadls cashiers essential?


Uh do you remember 2 years ago when they were deemed essential workers? This literally happened dumbass


A lot of businesses lobbied for essential status towards the end of the lockdown. McDonald’s and other fast food chains repeatedly disregarded pandemic safety precautions especially during the HEIGHT of the pandemic. Please don’t misunderstand the word “essential”. Fast food workers may have operated under that guise but business such as McDonalds very likely contributed to the spread of Covid-19. I know you believe you’re a white knight fighting for the “people” but the only reason those businesses lobbied for that status was for the release of PPE funds, they didn’t give a crap about the workers, only the gov payout! Obviously we can tell those funds were not appropriated or used effectively given the current state of affairs!


The whole point of the cartoon is the CEO is saying essential workers (those that had to go to work during the pandemic) are heroes and when the ragged employee says "cool if I'm so essential and a hero can I be compensated fairly" the ceo says "fuck off and die" making his initial statement bullshit.


Since you can't remove greed from humanity, there are NO cures


They were open and exploited during the pandemic while small businesses had to close… CORPORATION PROFITS


If they weren’t essential then they wouldn’t have a job.


Lol exactly this. Not be be rude, but there are a lot of specialized jobs requiring decades of knowledge to perform and produce appropriate results. A McDonalds cashier is not essential. There are self service machines, and even if you need a cashier, it takes 3 hours to train someone to do an equal job.


If they weren't essential to McDonalds they'd be gone already. Is McDonalds employing people to be nice or something?


The service of taking customers orders is essential. The person isn't. It's not a specialized job because you can get a highschool student to do it, and you can pretty much automate the position. Plumbers, HVAC technicians, IT, Software developers, Accountants. These are crucial positions in businesses because you can't just find a 16 yr old to do the job.


"McDonald's cashiers aren't essential" "McDonald's cashiers are essential, but the person working that job isn't." You could have just said you don't want to pay a livable wage.


They literally deemed fast food workers as essential you rube. You're conflating low skill with essential


You're right. Every job is essential because the employer wouldn't hire someone if they didn't need them. Even so, low skill positions should not have wages increased. We have already done this in Canada by raising minimum wage from $9.05 to $15 in the past 10 years. There is not cure to getting more compensation than to work at a more specialized position.


You're in the wrong forum


You’re so ignorant. There are so many cures to the world’s problems, but greed takes over. Cut that bullsh*t out.


So do you agree they should get less and less value for labor every single year?


Fast food generally has never and never should offer a wage to live off of. I’m the 1970s the wage was $1.95/hr which is the equivalent of about $15 today which I often see McDonald’s advertising to start. The idea is you work your way up. Not stay in the same low skill job for 20 years. Factories offer living wages at entry level positions.


Why should fast food not be a wage to live off of? Tradition? Does this rule apply to everyone who works in food service? And what's the difference between a restaurant and a fast food job? Who draws the distinction if something is a restaurant or fast food? Does it apply to cashiers in other industries? Stock people? Warehouse associates? What about secretaries? They don't do much more than a fast food worker, maybe less. Where does the line for living wage get drawn?


What is a livable wage? That varies from person to person. Lifestyle choice, geography, physical capability. Everyone wants low skilled labor to pay a “livable wage”. But what in the world does that mean. Let the required skill set define the wage. Not the lifestyle situation because you’ll her no where. It’s far more efficient to have the market decide based on skills.


We will always have a class of people that are not capable for whatever reason to move up. And we will always have jobs that are low skill. These people are supposed to not survive while working? I don't even understand what kind of society you envision. A liveable wage is shelter, food, medical treatment. Currently in the US we have a situation where we are dominated by service industry jobs, the low skill ones, while experiencing massive cost of living increases. It is simply impossible to survive on what they are paying, but they are all over the place. Drive down the road and look at what you see. A bunch of factories or industries? Nah, just chain stores and fast food joints and gas stations. Everyone who works in those places should not be able to survive?


The proportion of people not capable of moving up is is pretty minuscule and of course should be taken care of (whoops ended my sentence with a preposition). To take the bottom extreme of society and use it to set parameters for the general populace is completely asinine.


It's asinine to build a society ensuring that people that work can support themselves? What is wrong with you? You're basically proposing a slave underclass exists.


Well that escalated quickly. I love when people lead with “you’re basically proposing”. No. What I’m proposing is the labor skill set required define the wage. Should I high skilled job pay the same rate as a low skilled one?


No. More skill = more money. But the lowest job should provide basic necessities. That is not the case with the United States currently. Also the whole conversation was should fast food provide a livable wage. You said, no it should not.


Exactly. On what moral grounds should someone adequately serving society through their work generally not be able to be paid enough to live on?


Right, this is an insane argument. I think it's a boomer who got lost off Facebook


Correct the lowest job should not provide basic necessities. And yes, they should be taken care of. That’s what government programs are for. It’s far more efficient to have assistance programs to assist those with needs rather than blanket wage requirements. I’ve worked with a local housing authority in my city to assist the homeless and I think it’s a fantastic program. I personally think that approach is more intentional and meets individuals needs on a personalized basis. This has been my first debate on Reddit! Thank you for indulging me. I appreciate it. Always good to talk with those of different viewpoint.


What? You think people who work jobs should be on welfare? And where does that welfare come from? Taxpayers. So essentially we are subsidizing business profits from tax payers. Why should a ceo make 10s of millions of dollars or more and the people that work have to be on welfare? We are basically subsidizing CEO salaries through taxes. And how many jobs does this cover? Just fast food? Or every chain corporation? You need to think your ideas through a bit more.


http://docs.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/odnirast.html In my Inaugural I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living. In other words, you should be able to pay for necessities, some entertainment, and have some leftover for savings. You should be able to support a family on a "living wage" And stop it with that "marketable skills" rhetoric - that's a red herring the business owners use to keep you seeing other people as "unworthy" to climb up the ladder. You're so busy criticizing other workers you don't realize how bad the owners are screwing you by slowly breaking your job down into a "lower skill/lower pay" category. If you pick up the people at the bottom, it raises all of us up.


http://docs.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/odnirast.html In my Inaugural I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living. If it's a job worth paying for, then it's worth a living wage. When you pull up the people from the bottom, we are all raised up. Do you really think these CEOs have 50,000 times the skill and effort the rest of us have? Do you think they really *earned* those golden parachutes for failing and crazy stock options? No - they took it from you and me and said "we can't afford it for you anymore. You're just going to have to tighten your belt." And we fucking did it like chumps because so many people fell for the union-busting rhetoric.




“You’re essential! $40/week more for 6 months!” Everyone: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


It's crazy cuz it's true


Happy roadkill did it better.


Shut the fuck up and get back to work, hero. /s


As a retail worker in 2020 I was a hero, putting food on the shelves through the pandemic. In 2021 my employer decided they wanted to abolish evening/night rates, effectively reducing my pay by 40%. Fuck these arseholes.


"It is essential that you keep shut, do the work and get nothing in return."


Wow! Each panel represents every year I spent working at Amazon.


That’s funny as fuck


Really makes you hope your consciousness doesn't hop over to a new body after death so no version of you has to respawn into future America


I worked for McDonalds for a couple years in high school Everyone should be paid a living wage. In fact, everyone should have basic universal income, education, healthcare, etc. Then, it would be up to individuals to decide how much extra they want. I'm not calling anyone that works at McDonalds a "hero" though. Nope.


Why take the extra effort the draw the vain on the forehead tho o.O