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Lesson: don't be a chump... look out for yourself and stop giving up your life for companies that view you as cordwood.


Getting solid felonious evidence on all your bosses is also a functional method of upward mobility. (Don't neglect the board).


I wonder how many people actually make a living doing that. 1. Become PI 2. Spy on rich people 3. Blackmail 4. Profit


3 is misspelled, its: advanced or leveraged negotiations


I prefer extortion, the ex makes it sound cool


Never blackmail rich people if you're not rich yourself.


Yeah you’ll be destroyed forever


Not if you have nothing to lose!




You can't get fired if you can't get evicted


Or if the info isn't enough to sink them... find real evidence of a crime and take their wealth.


For real. I was at an awful startup with a small, 9 person team. My two office mates had something to prove or idk. They were there 10 hours a day no matter what we had going on. They always looked at me weird when I would clock out on the dot. They were the first to go at the first sign of financial difficulty sooooo…..


Sometimes the people who are there the longest are the ones who are the most inefficient (e.g. it takes them 10 hours to finish what other people could finish in 8 hours), so it's not surprising they'd be among the first to go.


> The worst take you could have from watching me go all-in on Twitter 2.0 is that my optimism or hard work was a mistake. Those who jeer & mock are necessarily on the sidelines and not in the arena. I’m deeply proud of the team for building through so much noise & chaos. The company she founded got glommed by Twitter, she was spit out 3 years later, and this is her response. I suppose she got paid enough to kiss ass this hard. Musk is a Dot-Com GenXer who earned his fortune during an era where sleeping on a cot at work was notoriously lauded as a virtue in the computer industry. Esther Crawford, a marketing specialist, definitely understood this when she posted the photo. However, it only takes a moment to realize the self-serving nature of this motion when you realize someone was standing over her while she “slept” with a face mask on. The very best scenario here is that she was communicating to her people how to get on Musk’s good side. The problem, of course, is that the risk/reward scenario of the Dot-Com era no longer exists. There are no more stock options handed out like they were during those heady days. Sleeping at work doesn’t mean you will wake up thousands of dollars richer. It doesn’t mean *anything.* But don’t cry for Esther. She’s doing just fine.


"'Earned' his fortune?!" Ha! 🤣


In the capitalism sense, in any case.


This is what bootlicking gets you ppl


She's still not learned that lesson. > The worst take you could have from watching me go all-in on Twitter 2.0 is that my optimism or hard work was a mistake. Those who jeer & mock are necessarily on the sidelines and not in the arena. I’m deeply proud of the team for building through so much noise & chaos. 💙 I can only assume that, since she was an acqui-hire, she's got options or something that makes this level of devotion "worth it".


And yet somehow those dumbasses will still worship dipshits like him, the cycle never ends.


Yeah she tweeted out that anyone being negative towards her is “not in the arena”


Sounds like she was escorted from the arena.


"Here is my LinkedIn post about 10 lessons I learned from being fired by Elon Musk after sleeping on the company floor:" Googly eyes emoji, rocket emoji




Friendly reminder that no matter what corporation’s absolutely doesn’t care about you


But... she licked those corporate boots so clean... how could they do that to her????


she messed up! she shouldn't have been sleeping, she should have been working!!!


Probably because she slept alone.


She could have gotten a horse


Do you know what that foam kneeling pad is called? A raise pad (in the office setting)


That's called simping, as simple as that. Simping to a billionaire will backfire, sooner or later.


You only become a billionaire by not paying people for the work they've done.


Combined with not paying taxes, not cleaning up, bending rules, influencing policy-makers unethically, colluding with other similar-minded people...


Bending rules? They break those fuckers right off. If you get fined a million dollars but make 100 million from the violation, why even have rules? Looking at you union busters


You forgot stealing from your own employees by way of criminally low wages.


Maybe her dumbass finally learned that hard work doesn't actually pay off.


One of the reasons I hate the term. It's easy to claim you "work hard" when you have catered meals every day and an office better furnished than most people's apartments. I've seen offices with Jacuzzis in them. Do you think Musk works harder than any of the people he laid off?


There was a CEO who detailed how their work day looked and it involved things like company dinner at a 3 star restaurant, going to a spa for half a day, flying around in a private jet, 'brainstorming' in their mansion by the coast, etc. It's easy to say you work hard if you claim every single thing you do is working hard. Sleeping? Thinking hard. Eating? Networking. Watching television? Getting inspired.


She doubled down on Twitter saying it was not a mistake to go all in.


That’s really sad


And idiots like her is why shit will never get better here.


once they are clean, what is your use?


If you lick them too clean they wont need you to clean them any more.


Um excuse me, if you're a rich shareholder or a political figure to build lobbying links with then they care about you!


Lets not forget Elon, the owner of Twitter was seen hanging out with Rupert Murdoch owner of Faux News at the superbowl.


But we’re family!


This should be a message to all white people. As much as you kiss the ring, you are NOT really invited to the country club. they’re playing you


Even the bootlickers end up getting the boot


Well, they are already in booting distance...


Similar to brown-nosers getting shit on.


Nice one!


They usually do.


Is the "I never thought the leopards would eat my face!" meme still applicable or is that only useable for Trump references?




Getting your face eaten through brown-nosing. Special.


r/SphincterAteMyFace ....God I hope that doesn't exist.




If you hadn't linked it, I would.


Someone already posted this over there.


Twitter employees are not safe. Google employees are not safe. Disney employees are not safe. Fucking Zoom employees are not safe. Three years ago, did you even know zoom existed as a company. Now the employees that built it up to what it is today are being laid off **Under capitalism employees only exist to create value for the billionaires that own the company.** And even if you do create value, create more value than they are paying you, you're still not safe if that value does not appear in the form of short term profits.


I had nothing but glowing performance reviews, I was up for a promotion, my team loved me, my boss loved me, the company had record profits seven years in a row. And two weeks ago we all got laid off.


Similar situation. At thr company 6 years. Multiple promotions. Was one of the top scoring managers in reviews. My team loved me, manager loved me. Built out multiple new wings of the company and was responsible for reducing cost/lead by more than 90%. Laid off out of the blue. No reason. Asked if it was performance related, hr response was "this is the company decision and that's final" as my direct boss was shaking his head no. Fuck corporate America.


one of the oligarch's spawn needs your job, only with 10x the benefits and remuneration package, that's the reason.


I wasn’t in a high up position at one company however one year, I received a solid performance review and a bonus derived from said review. Two weeks later, I was put on a PIP and subsequently fired. Fuck corporate America indeed.


Name the company (unless you're being offered a large severance in return for not doing so.)


Actually, it’s now illegal for employers to include nondisparage clauses in severance, so you can name anyway. https://ogletree.com/insights/nlrb-holds-confidentiality-nondisparagement-provisions-illegal-in-severance-agreements-presented-to-section-7-employees/


I had something similar. I had excellent performance reviews, my boss and colleagues loved me. I stayed late and worked super hard, then my boss was involved in an HR investigation and got fired and then I was disciplined although I didn’t do anything and my reputation there was destroyed.


Anyone who thought Zoom employees were safe were on drugs. It is a meeting app that came out of nowhere when everyone decided Zoom was the meeting app. Zoom stock at one point was worth 200 billion dollars. That is a third of Tesla stock at the moment or half of Tesla stock at that moment.


Tesla is overrated.


And wildly, massively, unfathomable over-valued in the market. *but don’t question the market…nooo don’t do that!*


The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.


On the other hand, Nintendo employees ARE safe. They don’t believe in lowering morality (i.e. layoffs) to up their bottom line.


Japan is very very different. Executive compensation is sane and reasonable. Still capitalism, but behind an entirely different culture.


The Jaoanese have some very, *very* bad traits when it comes to business (deathmarch), but some very good traits I wish we could kearn from


Uh, yeah. Where do people think sleeping at work comes from?


They die during their naps and people get mad at them for dying, how dare they inconvenience their family and workplace?! /s


I had Zoom about 6 months before COVID. "What's a soft phone? This sucks. I want my desk phone back." "Why do we need video? Just use the speakerphone in the conference room."


Zoom is just Webex but more popular.


I hate WebEx.


Could be worse, could be MS teams


My new job uses Teams. It's okay for chat but the groups are terrible. I really hated Slack. It was like Discord, only at work!


If my work could use discord instead of teams I'd be a happy guy


If discord actually branched out to create a professional oriented offering it would be really successful.


Webex is trash


And far more reliable. Zoom made sure they had the backend beefed up before rolling out, WebEx pumped their money into ads instead. Guess which one everyone uses now?


So far Apple employees have been safe. Apple didn't over-hire like all the others.


My company is bleeding I want to be laid off but it's just not happening. I'm not going to quit because quite frankly I don't do anything.


If you want to be laid off, raise your hand to your manager. I did that when I heard JPMorgan Chase was having layoffs. I wanted out, and got paid to get out. Life was (and still is) good.


This is exactly why capitalism is so disgusting. It literally tries to determine employees' value based on supply and demand. And that is why all wages should be determined arbitrarily by a 3rd party.


>And that is why all wages should be determined arbitrarily by a 3rd party. This type of thinking is what got us here. During the great depression capitalism collapsed and the new deal was enacted. It established many progressive policies that didn't exist before like minimum wage (that you could live on), an old age pension, maximin working hours per week etc. But all of this quickly became undone, minimum wage, pension, workers rights are now basically non existent beehive m because they didn't fix the underlying problem: **Under capitalism employees exist only to create value for the billionaires that own the company.** We can't just have toothless reform around the margin, must fix the underlying structure. Companies must instead be run by their employees not for the benefit of some random billionaire, but for the benefit of the community as a whole.


I used to work at Google. We had this “superstar” guy in my department who literally not only drank the cool aid but straight up injected it. He loved google. He dedicated his life to google. He created many amazing programs and improvements. He would drop anything and work 24/7 if they needed it. He was there for like 12 years or something and was quite well known. He was part of the layoffs and didn’t even get to say goodbye. His entire life purpose and identity was severed in one day. He wrote a medium article and it was honestly really depressing because you could see he still loved google so so much and thought it was some big mistake. He touted all his accomplishments as if somehow he just didn’t deserve it…. It WAS senseless, but seemed like someone who had recently been ousted from a cult and had no idea wtf to do from here. I thank god I left google after 16 months and went on to other jobs. I was honestly super creeped out by people like him who just LIVED for the company. They have no loyalty to you. No matter how special they make you feel, or how much you achieve they feel nothing when they let you go.


> No matter how special they make you feel, or how much you achieve **they feel nothing when they let you go**. They don't even know you're gone because all you are is an employee number. You're not a person with feelings, obligations, or needs. You. Are. A. Cog.


And when you think "but my manager is cool and I really get along with the HR lady and we even sometimes hang out outside of work" - those people are also just cogs too. Your manager and HR person may be genuinely good people who sincerely care about you, but the company will just as heartlessly let them go as well. Unless you have a pre-existing, good relationship with whoever owns the company (and that person has sole decision making power) and that person is a good person, consider your employment just a condition of whether you and your team are currently, this quarter, earning profit for the company above what they could get by investing your salary elsewhere.


Twelve years? He was there when it was still pretty cool. Probably bought in early and it paid off for him. Sucks to see them cut someone who obviously loves them so much, But maybe in the end it’s for his own good.


Describing it as a cult is very accurate. A lot of employees have a cult-like devotion to their jobs, but just like actual cults they’re just using you for their own purposes and will end you in an instant.


I was there end of 2014-2016 and it was actually quite fun and they still were google instead of alphabet (when I started). The program I did was super cool and I got to travel the world and even live in Europe for 3 months. I was definitely very spoiled then. They cut the travel portion of program I was a part of and made it worse and worse until they finally shuttered it. I’m glad I was there during that time though! But was definitely ready to leave. It felt like everyone was always trying to one up each other.


Agreed. I do not understand where this “loyalty” bullshit to the job is coming from these days. We are paid to provide a service and in exchanged hopefully the company makes money.


From GP's description, I'd bet this superstar guy had a lot of rolling stock vesting plus bonuses. He felt rewarded and recognized and kept working harder because of it. Then some finance guy showed up and ran some numbers that said people with a lot of rolling stock and high bonuses cost the company a lot of money according to their spreadsheet, with no corresponding measure of one's value to the company. The people who decided to fire him had never heard his name before, and no one who did had any say in it whatsoever. It's not the same Google from 12, let alone 20, years ago.


It is not the same Google in functionality either. It’s all fucking ads now.


And all the SEO has made web searches essentially useless.


The searches are fine as long as you add "Reddit" to the end of the search, then you find what you're looking for


I'm here to comment because I laughed out loud in a restaurant


>I do not understand where this “loyalty” bullshit to the job is coming from these days. Brainwashing has always been a part of the corporate strategy


Link? Or name of article ? I’d like to check it out


Wow siding with billionaires doesn’t work? who woulda thought?


Your work does not care about you. It is not loyal to you. You are expandable. You are a commodity. You are in business for you. Get your full value at every chance, don’t let your job dictate your life, and don’t be afraid to leave for greener pastures.


Musk "who is that woman more popular than me?" HR "she sleeps in her cubicle" Musk "we should do something for her" HR "fire her?" Musk "fire her."


Elmo is on a downward spiral. In a few years, he'll be a bone fide madman.


In a few years?


I may have been too charitable with that estimate 😅


Part of me is laughing at this, and the other part just feels bad for them


Lessons learned from this - Avoid posting about work on social media. - Your employer doesn’t give a crap about you. - Don’t work yourself to death just to make someone else rich. - Sometimes you can be your own worst enemy. That’s my take. 🤷🏿


I’m never friends with anyone on social media from work. Profile set to private and no friend of friends sees anything. There are people who friend their boss. WTF would anyone do that?


Back when I was on FaceSpace (nuked that shit in 2016), I'd actively seek out fellow employees to block them long before they decided to search for me and block them. Ideally they'd never find me even if they looked. After awhile that was just a hassle, never again. Social media does not need to be shared with your employer


Hmmm, it's almost as though loyalty isn't rewarded. If only someone, ANYONE had warned the guy.


* Lady


Nobody has a dream job. Dream about something else.


The only dream job is being wealthy enough to not need a job.


Nah mate, unprofessional of her to be sleeping where she works. She should have been working, you earn the right to sleep when you hit all your deadlines! /s


She shouldn’t have posted it


Just a reminder, you can be a tool for management and they'll still view as nothing more than an expendable pawn.


The photo layout is perfect. Musk is laughing at the stupid expendable pleb who fell in love with the system designed to exploit him.


Billionaires don't want to marry you. They just want to fuck you and leave before you wake up and realize they robbed you.


By this point I'm waiting for Musk to personally green light, write and direct his own autobiography and white wash (pun intended) EVERYTHING about his life and how great he is. His insecurities are at grammar school level.


It fills my black void where a heart/soul should be with joy when corporate apologists get treated like the rest of us. So many bosses etc think they are immune to corporate b.s - they aren't and there is more competition for higher up positions.


When you lay off so much of the work force below you somehow your same role just became MIDDLE management.


Geez thats just cruel


In an attempt to look on the brightside - this could be the best thing that ever happened to this young professional. It's crushing because no doubt they have defended their decisions to stick with the company and avoid the common sense disaster warnings provided by the media and loved ones - but they will hopefully never ignore such signs again in their life and as a result be able to move forward in a way that contextually progresses their life and career in a healthier and happier way at a much greater pace than many who take longer to realize these same truths.


If she’s sleeping on floors, she’s likely the type that will double down and develop a complex about not having done enough for Elon.


She sold her company to twitter before joining. She’s a millionaire. She’s be fine.


Oh yeah ok. Well you're right then for sure. Idk, I try to be positive to temper the crushing weight of systemic capitalism in it's nth degree from time to time but it's tough honestly. Who knows, maybe this can at least make her a better leader to the people she'll inevitably end up supervising as she fails upward. Edit: wanted to add - depends on if a person takes the "as to me, so to thee" or the "may you never endure what I have" approach. As a former homeless person, I go for the latter, most emphatically in the way of compassion.


Ay you that’s an REI UL 30 degree 750 fill down sleeping bag. That’s like $400, just to sleep on the floor at work


Can't wait to read her linkedin post tomorrow about how the layoffs were tough news but understandable, and thanking Elon for the opportunity to sleep on the office floor instead of in a bed in her home.


And then the subsequent post by some shitty unheard of "HR specialist consultant" who says "this is how to play the long game - now if Twitter ever chooses to hire again, MAYBE she will get her job back"


I was about to comment about how she likely was doing all she could to hold onto the job a bit longer, because for all I knew, she'd not been there long and didn't have much of a resume, since, you know, with most of the company *gone,* even newish staff could get decent titles as the tidepools shrunk. *But*... as it turns out, she's a decade and a half into her career, so this strikes me as *purely* an attempt to curry favor, not an act of desperation. Of course, I don't know her, nor do I know her circumstances, but it *seems* like she'd have been able to jump ship easily and *probably* could have ridden out some time without a job without too much pain. Then again, as I said, I don't know.


Imagine her ever trying to be in any leadership position at a non-toxic company. She’ll be a darling of abusive employers forever, she typecasted herself as a masochist. Normal people don’t want to work beneath crazy people that don’t respect a work/life balance.


That's pretty bad when muskrat fires you for sleeping at the office


I don't think she was fired \*for\* sleeping at the office.


I blocked Elon because even if I did not follow him I still got his highlights. Why would anybody worship him is beyond me: being rich is not a virtue.


Hilariously, it is _explicitly_ a Sin.


I guess they want to be him. Talk about false gods...


Lol, lmao even


What a loser. You couldn’t pay me enough to sleep at work, especially not if I worked for Twitter. If I wanted to have no life of any kind and eat/breath/sleep my work, I’d do something a lot more adventurous.


If I wanted to sleep at work, I would have joined the military


My old head of HR used to bring an air mattress to her office. The place was a "non-profit," at that. Fuck capitalism.


Sleep where you work is the civilian version of die where you stand


How many people are even left at Twitter?


They purged all the leftists


So just the cleaners?


Haw Haw!


Learning that loyalty only flows one direction with these jerks is a hard lesson but best learned young.


Looking at the picture raises so many questions. Did she actually go bug a coworker to take the picture for her? "Hey Chris, make sure I look super asleep, ok? I hope Daddy Musk really likes it~!" Lol. How embarrassing.


What is Elon still doing there? He was voted out in a Twitter poll that he said he would abide by.


He's looking for a replacement which will meet his high standard of being Elon Musk.


The same ALWAYS HOLDS TRUE...your life, your family is the only one that cares about you...no one else will care. Treat yourself better, don't neglect your family.


It's almost like . . . going above and beyond for these elitist fucks causes them to view you even more contempt. Why cater to them?


i can't say i don't find it amusing that this bootlicker got fired. let this be a lesson, never be a courtier to the rich.


she musn't of believed in tHe vISIon


He's laying off more employees? I thought they were short staffed.


Naw. It's Eelon who was blessed with a short staff


Fucking hell. She’s deep throating that boot so bad, she shits laces


They. Literally. Don't. Care. About. Workers.




Why be loyal when the CEOs don't value your time or effort? Also fuck Elon musk the #maga poster boy for CEOs.


Yea… they don’t give a crap about you…it doesn’t matter if you’re the greatest employee they have ever seen…your just a number


The only job that I will ever sleep overnight for is when I was in the military. No civilian job is EVER worth that BS.


Work will never love you back


It's disgusting how much he praises this toxic work culture. No one should be sleeping at work to show their worth.


While kissing ass, she forgot that step 2 was “Sending out your resume to get away from Tech-Caligula”.


friendly reminder in the class war. the capitalists are not your friends, they don't care if you're "one of the good ones", they don't care if you're marginalized (you're easier to exploit actually). they care only about how you serve them in their whims at the moment. outside of that they would rather pretend we didn't exist at all.


The fact that they’re normalizing the use of the word “loyalist” when speaking of billionaires is concerning.


So fucking pathetic.


The whole sleep where you work thing is hilarious because that's called work from home, which Elon had a fit and shut down.


Let this be a lesson to anyone reading this : you can sell your soul for your job and they will drop you like a bad habit the second it becomes profitable. Don't dedicate yourself like this person did. Not for any job. It's NEVER reciprocated


Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.


Guarantee this lady knew her job was at risk and posted this to “curry favor” with Elon. She prob got to where she was based on skill at “sucking up to the boss”, but it was not good enough this time.


Pack up your sleeping bag and get the fuck out! Hopefully, she spent some of her time planting some epic backdoor.


Is it still okay to bring in a random bathroom sink?


Damn, she put all her faith in Elon, and he did not disappoint!


Guess you sleep in the bed you make


There are so many company brainwashed people.


Hahahaha Hahahahahhahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahaha


No employer is worth this much dedication. What did that get her?


What could possibly be that important that you have to work around the clock at Twitter


Yum yum yum more boot please


Good. Hope she learns boots have no nutritional value.


Wait wait wait wait. You're saying billionaires don't care about us?


Anyone who worships this loser needs their head examined. All his wealth is tied up in a shell game that’ll eventually implode


Good, stupid mf’s


When you lick the boot and it still steps on you.


if you work hard, some day you too will be wealthy


Bahahaha 😭 Get rekt bootlicker


What an absolute bootlicker loser lmao


Hopefully this firing will make her spit out that boot. Girl, no matter how loyal you are, a corporation is never going to have your best interests at heart


I'm glad it happened. Hopefully she learns a valuable lesson; the boss doesn't care about your life/your hard work/your loyalty/your skills/your survival, they care about winning for themselves. If she doesn't learn then I'm sure she'll get another boss to fawn over.


Hope the taste of elons ass was worth it.


Trying so hard to scrape up sympathy but failing so miserably.


This is why you give your job the least amount of effort because at the end of the day you're just a number to them.