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Great job guys, here’s something we give third graders for graduating to fourth.


I worked for a company once that sent me an email inviting me to come to a conference room and get a sandwich. I got a six inch sub and ate it. Two days later my boss came to me and said I’d been included on the list erroneously and needed to pay $6 bucks for the sub. They couldn’t break a $20 and demanded exact change. They couldn’t take it out of my check. When I forked over the $6, I asked for a receipt. The person I was dealing with said $6 was so paltry a receipt wasn’t needed. I got my receipt and quiet quit that very day.


I would’ve refused to pay it. They are going to fire you over $6? What kind of juvenile toxic work place is this?


Yes. And why would you have to pay if it wasn't even your fault? You got the invite. If they want someone to pay then ask the one that sent out the invite to the wrong guy. But probable that one was some higher up in management.. anyway its patetic to demand $6...


Give it to them in pennies.


As well, don't pay more than 1cent /day


I would have given the 6 bucks along with my resignation letter. No way I would stand being humiliated this way


They fired me two weeks later. They completely pooched the unemployment hearing and wound up paying for nearly a year. The day of my hearing, I was in the unemployment office with about 100 people. Someone announced anyone there for an eligibility review had to go into a separate room. The HR person got in line and said to me “Now is your chance” before marching off into another part of the building. Thing is, we were there for a Hearing, not a review. By the time she figured out her mistake, my hearing was over and they had lost due to a lack of attendance! Just a bunch of stupid assholes from top to bottom.


Good on you. Getting fired from a toxic company is the best. No wonder they even screw up on a sandwich invite


That’s awesome that they screwed themselves. Fuck that place.


It was so paltry but they made you pay it??? One kinda contradicts the other.


They just wanted to screw with me.


Shows how dumb they are. Ended up costing them a fortune. Ego Vs Brains, Ego always wins


My boss had to buy me a $15 headset out of pocket because the company refused to requisition anything else, even after how much they boast about the business being successful in their daily/weekly emails.


Do you mean just regular quitting? Quiet quitting is just doing “the bare minimum to keep your job”


... American capitalism in a nutshell ...


not to mention they're all getting cold with those boxes all open like that...


Bought them at the beginning of shift, everyone can grab one on their lunch break in 4 hours


ah - what a great party


This exact thing happened working for a paint company. Our "end of year bonus" was pizza. We were told 10min after our shift that pizza is at the company shop - for most of the guys, that's an easy 25-45 min drive from their job site, plus the opposite direction from home. The ones that did decide to show arrived to 5 pizza boxes on a flimsy table. All of them open, cold, gas station (Casey's) pizza. Partially eaten already cause the guys who work at the office helped themselves. The boss couldn't even be bothered to give us some half-assed thank you or a handshake cause he was at an expensive hunting trip in the Dakotas at the time.


Many of us can relate. Management thinks a few slices of pizza is all the reward workers deserve for busting their butts.


The fact this counts as a business expense too is even more insulting




It's TRUE. Our management training module explicitly says that raises and bonuses do not motivate employees because they become accustomed to the higher income and then demand more. A manager instead must create a team atmosphere where employees are motivated solely to help accomplish the team mission. Yep. Nothing about exec bonuses or compensation though.


I’ve seen a multi-billion dollar corporation cut spending so deep that the managers chipped in for donuts / bagels / pizza / subs whenever the team got together once a quarter. Sucks they had to pay for it instead of the company, sucks that’s all they could do for people, sucks that the team noticed and started bringing homemade baked goods to supplement. That was a micro-culture that worked (ish). Then they let go of 2 key leaders and it got much much worse.


I work at a Canadian grocery store (yes, that franchise) store manager was "You did so well I'll buy pizza!" I submitted my receipt, and he fucked me on the tip. Store manager literally saved the big wigs $20 🙄


Sounds like the expense authorized what the cost of the pizza. A tip is not mandatory, nor was it authorized. If you decided to spend extra, that’s on you. The boss did not screw you over.


Considering the previous manager had been reimbursing me for a year with zero comments, I'm still going to stick with my original statement.


You can’t expect every manager to have the same mindset of reimbursing. The old manager may have indulged your extra unauthorized spending. If you assumed the new manager would be ok with it without asking, they didn’t screw you. You screwed you.


Hey, everyone: I think I found the mole!


I just got a voicemail from my kid's school talking about how the first class to hit their "stretch goals" will get a pizza party, and I literally thought to myself "this sounds like some corporate bullshit right here." they prep 'em early.


Enjoy some covid and bad food!


Warm Coke, cold pizza, no chili, plates, or napkins.


Fake. Too many pizzas


And the first person to go by is coughing and sneezing...then touching all the tops of the sodas amd fingering the paper plates before moving on to the slices where they have to pinch both sides and it rips the cheese off of the other slices. ..


And then the dude basically takes an entire pizza for himself, but gives me the fucking eye of shame for taking a second slice. Fuck these pizza parties. Pay me and I'll make my own.


Square cut pizza in a group. Nasty.


We had a ‘custard cream bonus’ in a job I was in once. That is, the employee who copied the most number of (gruelling monotonous data entry) files by the end of the week, ‘won’ a packet of custard creams. (For those in the US, they were worth about 50 cents). Unsurprisingly, we all thought fuck that, and our work rate remained unchanged.


About 1/3 of people don't wash their hands after using the restroom, so enjoy that slice.


This is just the classic "I don't know what everyone wants and I don't have time to find out so I'm just going to order one of everything" strat.


Don't worry guys, each slice covers a month's rent


Oh, you wanted to benefit from your extra effort? Here, have some shit that's terrible for you. Hope you die soon!


I've always wanted to know why it's referred to as a party when it's pizza. If it's anything else, it's just a catered lunch.


Everyone loves alliteration


*all adore alliteration.


I just knew such bosses also forget about some employees allergies. Some cant have cheese. The only vegetarian option is also the only (maybe) halal option. The vegans wikll stick to the coca cola. And after that party the boss will remind the team of this glorious party for the next 5 years.


Last time I went to a pizza party, I got asked what I wanted and when I got there there were 4 pizzas and 20 staff...I didn't even get my own pizza! Also to top it all off to accommodate everyone, all of the pizzas were Vegan and Gluten Free.


Be sure to clock out before eating!


I work night shift so we get the leftover crusts…


Remember folks, 1 slice each, use the spoon for the dip (half tablespoon each) and the meat lovers is only for the managers.


High production numbers? Shit, yall getting laid off and the CEO is getting that bonus and raise.


Dairy and Gluten Free here… I hated these with an extra passion


Why not the pizza party and the raise? I don't get why everyone always thinks it should be one or the other. I WANT BOTH!


While you're eating their pizza, organize with your coworkers to form a union.


My place would stand there and hand out the pieces. You get 2 slices each. The company would have the pizzeria slice the slices smaller than standard so you’re really only getting 1 slice of pizza. Management would receive 4 slices as well.


Pizza parties should only be given to celebrate the announcement of raises for all employees invited to the party.


Man, they even sprung for Dominos. Good job!


So much pizza….lol


Start working slower and sabotage the place of worm.


Only thing that would make it complete is if the boss happens to be a vegetarian so they order no meat on any of the pizzas!


Aaaand it’s cold




Also it's one slice, on your break in 45 minutes, so it's not even hot, and they only had money for the morning shift so if you come in the evening there won't be any left. I had a cool boss once. Company gave him a pizza party budget. Got them to order enough pizza for 3 slices per person and we got 2. Then if those who were still hungry wants more they could get a third, then he'd take the rest home and have leftovers for a few days


We didnt get raises this year, but we did get lunch boxes!


At least it isn't 8 cheese and 2 pepperoni.


I'll bet there are some companies who'll announce "Pizza Party!" and everyone gets excited only to find when they get there that it's Lunchables pizza. 😖


Not even real pizza it’s dominos


Coworker got a cheap low quality thank you certificate with a black cardboard frame and a pizza party for his 41year retirement party last week. Looked exactly like the photo. Cheers


Thanks for selling your labor for the fraction of the thousands to tens of thousands it does produce, hourly. Do not forget, you are working, and that's eminently more important than enjoying this reward worth even less than the fraction at which you sell your labor.


Woo, thanks for the food I can’t consume due to work-related stress and trauma. Can I have an extra two slices to pay my therapist this month?


of course they couldn’t even spring for decent pizza either. fucking assholes.


They really went all out and got more than 1 topping


Damn, we just got a COLA. I love having a union.


We wished we had a pizza party, instead employee of the quarter gets one week of free parking in the director spot. And that's because the director is on vacation that week. Fuck you state of Florida!


At least you didn't have to buy your own drinks.


They got a meal - not a raise.


I refused to attend pizza parties and when they asked, i told them exactly what i thought of their childish pizza parties


Line on the left, ONE piece each!


And its always from the crappiest pizza place around too


My employer literally just did this. It’s like they know and all collude to be pull this shit, thinking they’re funny.


Make sure to only take one slice so everyone gets some


That volume of coke is really jarring. Where is the Pepsi?!


I remember my coworker cleaning up the lower bay and lobby here where I work. It’s for sure nice to have everything cleaner, but I remember him saying how we may get a raise. That’s wildly optimistic of him thinking that. Hell it won’t even get us pizza, since our boss gets us that like once a week alrwsdy


Honestly, those pizzas look very nice. Better than all the pizzas I've ever gotten from my company.


"party" I wouldn't call this a party so much as hey, thanks for buying me lunch. Also, you don't have what I would have ordered. They never do. I know it's not the point, but seriously, if you like sweet and you like savory, anchovies with pineapple. Don't question me, just do it. Extra cheese for that additional Juushh *I don't know how to spell that word, I think it's yiddish, but I think I did a close approximation. Call it a certain je ne c'est quois*


And least it looks like a local place and not a chain


I always say...have some, it's time to eat your raise.


Yeah you can’t really take a raise back, so if things go back to lower levels then you’re stuck - that is why lol