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Making only 19 per hour after 20 years os exploitation


20yrs for mcdonalds wages


Honestly it's a struggle to get that much even working at a bank or credit union. greedy employers are awful.


What even McDonald’s starts at like $20 where I’m at


Not in my state, 15 is pushing it. I once had to explain to my bosses that we couldn't find line cooks at the wage they offered. They seemed offended when I pointed out Arby's 400 feet away was starting highschool kids at 14 with zero experience. Then they tried to tell me to get highschool kids to work till 1 am. So instead they had us team up with a local drug rehab. As soon as 99 percent of those folks got a second paycheck they would unfortunately go back to meth or heroin and drop off the radar. This was a little after COVID was done. Now you can't even get most highschool kids to work for less than 15. The disconnect is real.


I worked at a bottle screen printing company, and we had the most insane turnover on the floor, because it was pretty demanding physical labour in the summer, and they'd be next to a giant oven making it unbearably hot in the summer. Our CEO was pissed when we all told him he had to start people higher than .50 above minimum wage, because why the fuck would someone come work here when they can flip burgers for the same wage


It’s really crazy. I’m a dental tech and people in my field with a couple of years experience make around $25 an hour. I worked at one company that decided instead of hiring experienced people, they would just hire randos and pay them $12 an hour. They couldn’t understand why they couldn’t get anyone who a) could do the job well and b) stick around long term. I literally had to explain to corporate managers SEVERAL times that people can make more money at McDonald’s and if someone does decide to stick around and get some years of experience, they will leave to the competitor offering $20 an hour. They refused to listen and now that particular location that I worked went from 40 employees to 5. I don’t understand how these poorly run companies stay in business. Too big to fail I guess.


The margins are huge so they can afford to be stupid. In restaurants you see failed store after failed store.


That US dollars m8?


California just raised minimum wage for fast food workers at restaurants with 60+ employees to $20/H.


Last time I was in LA the McDonald's on Santa Monica was starting at 24. I saw it on the way to LAX and was like damn that's way almost my overtime rate but I pay way less in taxes and gas.


Yep, certain high end communities already had over $20/H rate. This is the state’s way to get more places up to $20/H.


And then in Wisconsin, they're still paying people 7.25 an hour. The average wage at McDonald's there is still $12 an hour. It's gross.


I know the California has a much higher cost of living especially la but it makes me sad that I don't make more than $24 an hour when I work in a skilled profession with certifications. And honestly I was happy with what I made until inflation started going nuts and my food budget's literally eating through all my money. I mean I'm making around 6,500 more than I was 2 years ago but man is not keeping up with inflation.


Inb4 they keep employees right below that 60+ number.


The independent restaurants do. The 60+ number is to keep the big chains from avoiding it.


Not really an issue. If a place already has 59 employees and is looking to expand, there are a number of ways to be profitable enough to pay what every chain restaurant will have to pay as a minimum anyway. As a side-effect, it encourages smaller businesses and gives them a (minor) advantage over larger ones. Not likely to be a huge difference, though, as employees who aren't being paid the new minimum can just go down the street to any chain (or anyone else willing to match minimum chain salaries). So if you're already paying enough so that all your 59 employees aren't walking out the door every time McDonalds says there's a job opening, it's not likely that moving to 60+ will put a huge dent in your profits.


The 60 refers to # of locations the chain has (anywhere, not jus CA).




That's crazy, I thought the states preffered to go by the "we swear it's not slavery, see you're getting money" hourly wage


Bizarrely, given how poorly workers are treated in the states, we are still in something of a worker shortage. It’s relatively easy to find a job with (seemingly) better conditions and commensurate pay to McDonald’s, to the extent that I recall them paying incredibly (literally, I always questioned the credibility of the source) well, even more than a decade ago. I suppose part of it is that “burger flipper” is synonymous with both “low skill labor” (which is laughable) and “lousy working conditions for the pay”, so people avoid the jobs where possible. And the campaign to talk about minimum wage jobs as “starter jobs” has been so successful that it’s actually pretty hard to convince adults to flip burgers, even if it comes with a good wage.


Even better if you're willing to work day shift M-F, aka when the kids are in school and can't be there. As someone who moonlights in an industry that heavily relies on teen labor, it's mildly infuriating knowing the ones screaming in the teens faces to go get an adult when there's an issue are the same ones who think it's all teens working there and they don't deserve a dime over the $3/hr they got their first job at. It's almost like if you want an adult in charge then the adult probably needs to be making "adult money" to pay for an "adult lifestyle", no?


I can’t seem to get hired at those places bc I’ve been in office/white collar jobs most of my adult life. I’d be happy to work there, especially the day shift. I’m going to go to a few and see if I can talk to managers or something. Online gets me nowhere bc of my experience. It’s hard ass work but it’s a job and it’s better than living in my car for sure.


In Spain, topping the unemployment charts across the EU, the employers are still complaining that they can't fill positions and that "nobody wants to work", to the point that they bring unskilled (!) people from south America to train them in trades. When there are plenty of trained workers here working below their skillets and wanting to upgrade or unemployed people eager to retrain in something that wound bringing gainful employment. Wages not only have been stagnant during the past 20 years but, while minimum wage has risen, skilled pay has gone significantly down, so it barely reflects on the statistics if you look at median or most common wage. I have +20 years experience wrenching on planes and, if I ever quit, going to work at a supermarket stoking shelves or other similar gig, I probably would earn more. Definitely more if accounted for all unpaid overtime and with a teeny tinny fraction of responsibilities and life-threatening hazmat exoosure. The labor market sucks big time here. Making a job attractive through better pay and T&C seems like a foreign concept here. They view the lack of bodies willing to work for peanuts as a supply issue, that is why they look for people to fill those positions abroad instead of offering better conditions. Bonus points in that it heats even more the already tensioned real estate market, strangling even more the workforce to compliance.


This sounds very similar to the US.


Really needs to be a minimum wage for foreign employees which is 50% over that of locals, or something. An industry which is screaming that there's no local labor supply for something could then have access to all the foreign labor they wanted... for a price. If they bitch about that, ask them why they're not training locals up, if there's such an apparent shortage.


The federal minimum wage is still $7.25/hr, but many individual states or even down to counties have set higher minimums. Still too low though.


What country you from?


That's true in most places, too many places, but some municipalities have living minimum wages.


Yeah. I'm in Phoneix and the In-n-Outs around here are like 19.50 an hour.


Ours is now "**up to** $11" when it was at $10 for some time.


That's wild. My first real job was as a bank teller, when I was a junior in HS. It was part-time. I made $10/hr. This was in 1997-98.


Bank of America currently has a minimum wage of $24 and next year it will be $25


Not ture, BOA starts all bank tellers at $25 an hour


Our CU starts at $20, lowest pay in the CU


Hell, in the 1970s, my oldest childhood friend's dad put himself through college and bought himself a Corvette for a graduation present working part time at Wendy's. The idea of "high school jobs" is 2000s new wave, not in the idea that someone can pick one up part time in high school, but the idea they weren't meant to pay enough for you to survive. That's Corvette money going into "can't even afford rent" money.


Shit...in-n-out's wage is already $5 and they haven't done the shrinkflation...and their burger is still cheap... Hell, it still privately owned and they're still making a killing. The last "increased cost" wad like $.50, not like McDonald's, where it is now nearly $3 for a chessburger...


Love In-N-Out! I only hear positive stories about working there. Delicious food with fresh ingredients, good fair prices. The staff are always pleasant and seem happy, and it doesn't seem fake (but who really knows). Anyway, I'll continue to patronize In-N-Out.


Rook to Pawn 3. 


Right?? Like… what profession is this I’m so curious!


I dug into his posts/comments.... maintenance work apparently?


Op needs to move maintenance work where I’m at is easy 40+ an hour


Yeah that's where I'm at. Industrial maintenance. OP might be apartment maintenance or something. I know around here the wages are much lower for places like that.


Hell apartment maintenance around me starts at 21-23/h


For real. Even at Amazon, maintenence is at least $30 just about anywhere in the US, with the exception of the mechatronix apprenticeship thing that you start in the $20-$25 range for a year. Shit pays better than my IT degree ever did.


It depends on what kind and for who. Maintenance is a big field. The dudes who clean the public schools for example, would probably be making $19 after 20 years. Not that they don't deserve more.


I was thinking maintaince like dudes who do repairs. More like mix of hvac electrical and other basic repairs


HVAC dudes and sparkies both make good money for sure. A sparky with 20 years experience making $20 straight up doesn't exist lol. Usually speaking "maintenance" guys don't do any of the actual involved work. Especially not power. They'll spot a problem and get the correct contractor to fix it. Of course I'm sure there are tons of exceptions.


My buddy cleaned schools after hours for awhile. He was making $25 an hour to start.


Like I feel like this can’t be in the u.s Or if it is probaly in town of like 100 people


$12 an hour is well below any legal minimum wage in Canada. So it's not Canada.


Look at their username


I work security in Ontario and newly licensed people are hired at $20.75; we’re all paid the same. I can’t even imagine being paid this if I had 20 years experience in a single field wtf. Edit: My god $19 USD is $25 CAD, didn’t realize the gap was that big now


I got laid off in October and half the jobs I’ve applied for the wages are lower or the same than they were 5 years ago when I was job hunting. Meanwhile the COL feels like it’s doubled. It’s bizarre


No kidding. I've been shopping around because my job is wearing on me, but all the jobs in my scope feel like they're paying the same as 6 years ago the last time I changed jobs. It's ridiculous.


Yep. I kind of fell on the sword at my old job because they were talking about laying off 2 staff who’s roles I would have basically absorbed and I was already at the the end of my rope and was like ‘I will accept the layoff instead” lol. And I’ve never been unemployed this long. Feels like I’m going to end up being a store manager again.


For real. Wtf? I worked for 18 an hour for 6 years with no raise. Moved companies and have almost tripled my income within 2 years. Never settle for bullshit. Unless you're making bank


With my 20 years of sewing experience, I got offered minimum wage to do high end vintage garment construction.


You got offered money? I was once told I should work for free with my years of sewing. I was so insulted that I quit sewing, and now just sew for myself and my own joy.


This doesn’t make sense.


In over here with 6 months experience making more. wtf


And people always question why I stick to production work instead of going to go get my degree. My current job, walking in the door with no experience will net you $21.56/hr. For modern day, it's not great pay, but when places are offering $10-15/hr for a substantial amount of experience... I'll take it.


My company hires people full time, decent bennies, 24 days PTO, with no degree or experience for $19/hr. $19.50 after six months, then yearly raises and lots of opportunity for growth. Could be at $25-26 within 3 years, though it's not easy work. $19 for 20 years' experience is 100% exploitation, you deserve much better than that.


What do you do?


It's a research facility, that's entry level. I don't do that job, just aware of it 




Pharma research


Would you mind dm’ing me the name? I’m currently applying for research assistant positions at pharma companies and would be interested in your company. 


Good luck!!! 🤞🤞


Aww tysm! 😊


How the hell do you think $19 is ok for 20 years experience? 


Normally I disagree with this kind of behavior but making 20 an hour with 20 years of experience is criminal. And they want to underpay you to 12 ugh


It's not criminal. Wages are determined by the scarcity of qualified labor candidates combined with the difficulty of the job. Any unskilled labor just isn't worth more than minimum wage because the potential candidacy is massive and requires no skills.  Someone else said it appeared from his post history OP was in maintenance. He should be looking for a supervisor position with his experience he'd make close to $30 an hour. It seems like he applied for an entry level position and is offended they're offering entry level wages. 


Close, but try again: Unskilled labor is worth, at a minimum, whatever money a person requires to live a decent life. Regardless of how much the law allows a company to underpay someone.


Post the name of the company, stop protecting them


It's considered doxxing by reddit rules so that's why it's not allowed in this sub. You are able to describe said company enough that people can figure out who it is if it's a larger company.




In the immortal words of one Mitt Romney: "Corporations are People" Horseshit argument, but reddit is also a corporation, so. . .


"Corporations are People", then why arent you paying your fair share of taxes then pal? Huh.


because they're only people when it comes time to buy politicians


Or why arent they serving time in jail


Soylent green is people!


i need to uno reverse this into people are corporations so i can start claiming my losses on my taxes and get govt bailouts when times get tough


You can claim losses? Gambling losses, investment losses. If you're buying enough stuff you can do itemized deductions, but the standard is so massive now it kind of doesn't make sense.


In the eyes of corporations, all it takes to be a person in a court of law is to have an address that someone you fucked over could mail a bomb to


We should doxx reddit


Mitt isn't a even a name. Fuck that guy. At least get a real first name before you lick boots.


Some people is gonna comment that “company are people since in the eyes of the law, it is seen that way”.


like if it was a grocery store that was named something Roger’s?


Yeah exactly!


Is it really “said company” if the company was never said?


While sometimes we wish the doxing rule didn't exist, can you imagine how EASY it would be to ruin small businesses by fabricating stories, say by competitors, disgruntled customers/employees, personal enemies, etc.?


So we hide the truth 99 percent of the time because 1 percent might be a lie? That’s a horrible policy


While I agree with the sentiemt, I can also understand the issue: The 1% lies might cause enough damage that the 99% don't matter anymore, sadly.


That's actually really like the trolley problem from a philosophical standpoint. Hurt one to beneficially shame the others.


He said X so I'm guessing Twitter


That's against the rules


Workaround - create a clever puzzle that leads to a source that isn't Reddit (And obvious: Avoid using a direct link) and say the name there. These corps deserve nothing but pure, ugly spotlights for transparency.


We'll call it VillainARG


Fuck the rules. Justice


Then our rules need changing.


Wtf 20 years you only making 19-20$ an hour???? Might be time to do some other stuff. I’m just saying….


$19/hour after 20 years? What field are you in? That’s pretty low, to be honest.


These numbers are crazy. You asked for 19/ hour with 20 years of experience? My kids make close to that with a high school education and no experience. They offered you $12/hour? I just can’t believe any of that.


What industry pays $19 after 20 years?


Early childhood teachers. I would not be surprised if this is exactly what this person does. The pay is absolutely horrific and it’s never going to get better.


I came here to comment the same, I would absolutely not be surprised if OP works in early childhood education.


I can confirm food service will pay you less in a red state (private business).


Most jobs


19 dollars for 20 years? what is this 1970?


Tell that to all the preschool teachers. Including myself. Was making $24 an hour. Moved far enough the drive wasn't worth it and interviewed and was told I would only start at 19.


Sounds like you chose housing in the wrong direction


OP never responded to a single comment... sus


Is this a joke post?




Then sat on your ass until they had to fire you. Literally do nothing. Then if its a big company sign up again using your middle name and do it all over again.


don't forget the fake mustache


If you have 20 years experience and that warrants you $19/hour I highly suggest you switch industries cause that’s what you should be complaining about. Not the $12 they offered but the $19 you’re actually worth


12 an hour for any job is an insult. 


OP just posts this shit. Realizes what terrible choices he’s made, and bounces.


Christ, that’s not even $40k a year. If I was at a job for 20 years and only making that, I would have bailed years ago.


I would've started playing in traffic.


This is so fake.


It feels easy to believe that, but from experience I can see it. I worked at a company (Buffalo Air Handling, not gonna hide names). I started as a temp making min wage, but I eventually got hired on full time at $16 per hour (including shift differential). I was working a split shift between running a CNC press brake and generating G code for the CNC machines on the shop floor. I was making less than the average floor worker because most of them had their wages set by a Union in the 80s that was gone by the time I was hired. That shit is absolutely a reality in manufacturing


Holy shit Assemblers (downstream in the factory) are currently making 17 an hour there. That means that wages have gone up about $1 in over 30 years.


$19 after 20 years is not good. What do you do?


And people wonder why "Nobody wants to work anymore".


$19 an hr after 20 years? I was making $25 an hr after 2 years.


What kind of job are you in that pays $19 after 20 years? Wow.


19 an hour for 20 years experience doesn’t sound liveable. I don’t know what kind of work you do, but man. Having them only offer 12 is absolutely criminal


Imagine asking $19 an hour with 20 years of experience. You’re clearly bullshitting us. Probably a teenager with no life experience that thinks that amount sounds reasonable.


Right? Like $19 / hr is starting wages these days or close enough. I make almost double that working in a warehouse as a union employee. Anyone with 20 years of professional expertise in a field should be above the 100k a year mark easily.


Yeah, like there are states where people make $19/hr with 20 years of experience, and there are states where $12/hr is minimum wage, but there is very very little overlap between those two. Most of the $19/hr with 20 years states are shitholes that have a $7.25/hr minimum wage.


Not true. I live in a 7.25 state and started my new job at $19/hr with no experience in that field. Story is definitely fake


At some point you just have to tell the recruiter that you are able to offer a work product commensurate with 20 years of experience in the role. Unfortunately at $12.00 per hour they will only be able to subscribe to your work product at a level equal to that of a new entrant to the role with the opportunity to subscribe to a more proficient work product during monthly compensation reviews.


Sigh. 19$ for 20 years. What a waste of your time. Maybe you should try something else


OP=Michael Scott


"I said I will be there ready to be trained. So the next day came I blocked the companies number and never showed up." I like it.


Ice cold take: Minimum wage should be more than $19 per hour.


I made $25 an hour after six years at my last company (switchgear manufacturer in central NC). I don't even want to know what industry you're in where $19 an hour is considered standard after 20 years.


Why aren’t we just publishing the actual names of these companies at this point. The system will never be corrected if every time this happens everyone is unwilling to publicly disparage the offender. You have to hurt their public image, not just make a petty gesture that’ll somewhat annoy them.


$19 for 20 years of experience makes each year of that worth less than a dollar. Don't sell yourself so cheap.


Lol the minimum wage in Australia if you're over 21 is $23.23 / hour + 10 sick days, 20 annual leave days and an additional 11% as superannuation. The USA is a third world country in a Gucci belt.


Say the field so people can help you find a job that pays more. I live in ND but i'm from MN.


I’ve been doing my job for 6 months and make $22… I’m 99% sure there’s someone who will pay you better than I get paid.


20 years experience in what?


I get payed 20 an hour for only having 2 years of experience I think u need to get real buddy


My company hires on at $21.90/hr and within 2 years everyone is at $30/hr. Decent health insurance, dental, 401k and pension and only need a high school diploma. Easy work as well. Mostly watching equipment and making sure it runs right or driving forklifts or if hired onto the quarry you’ll drive big equipment like haul trucks, scrappers, loaders.


You have over 20 years of experience and you’re only asking for $19/hr? 🤔


Bro, In & Out burger starts at $23/hr. What the f*** are you doing for $19/hr?


I wouldn't talk to a recruiter at minimum wage


You did it right! Im trying to see if there is any basis for their stupid lowballing. Which field is this? What is the cost of living like in your area? My 17yo son was making $18/hr much running parts for a car dealership and the dealership was happy that he showed up for work when scheduled. (Low bar here)


All minimum wages should be abolished as they are arbitrarily set by employers, and is never not based on living standards. $25/hr is probably enough for a single person to live, but only if they have their own place to stay. A living wage should be mandated by law. If landlords want $2k month for rent, which is cheap for some areas, then a minimum wage would pay at least 2x that monthly rent to cover daily needs, like food, energy transportation, energy, etc. And EVERONE deserves leisure time and money to spend on things they just want. I am not talking about getting high end things everyday, but if someone wants to be able to buy a nice TV, tiem away somewhere, they should be allowed to earn enough to be able to cover that by from extra savings on top of retirement saving for wanted goods and emergency funds. $25/hr\*40hrs/week\*52weeks/12months would be $4333/month before taxes. Subtract $2k for living spaces a month, and the remainder dwindles fast with food, energy and the other aforementioned costs.


I feel like abolishing minimum wages would have the opposite effect you are hoping for


any field with wages this low is ... not going to be valuing experience at all. It's designed for anyone to come in at minimum wage. You need to change careers. I am confused by this post.


My 17 year old makes 19$


YES! Normalize fucking with those who fuck with us.


Things that never happened for $200


They had a position open and could afford to pay $12 an hour. You were the best candidate for the position. You accepted the position and chose to totally blow them off instead of just declining it. The amount of experience you have is irrelevant if the position only pays $12 an hour.


Funny if you look at his post history, first, 2 years ago he said he had 8 years of work history in his broom and trash can filled field, and now magically he has 20 years.


You sure showed them


Youre absolutely correct sir.....welcome to Colorado, lol.


I am so curious. What was the wage listed when you applied/asked (prior to negotiating). Also, you may want to negotiate once you have the job offer. such as, "I would love to accept the position for $15/hr with a raise at 30, 60, 90, 120 days as I prove my worth. I am unable to accept the position at $12." That way, you have the possibility of getting your requested wage while maintaining your integrity and possible call back when they get a bunch of junk hires and are finally willing to meet you at your higher wage request.


i flip burgers for $19/hr you deserve much more than $30


Downvote this post to oblivion until OP responds




Bro. You can get a job as an entry level employee at ANY Costco in the US for $19 an hour.... You're being severely underpaid. Idgaf what you're doing unless it's like watching paint dry. 20 years deserves more than that. 


What industry is this and what do you do?


They were in custodial services at Sam's Club according to past posts by OP. $11/hr.


Shit in blue collar work some places pay $40 for 5 years experience. (Ball corp)


companies are shit crazy. in this economy, they have the advantage. some people are looking for work for a year or more. the minimum wage should be $15-$18 an hour federal .


What’s your field? 20 years for 19 buckeroos per hr sounds pretty low


20 years experience on $19 am hr , what exactly do you do ?


>Most people I know in my field make $19 per hour by the time they are at the 20 year mark. What?! Why am I not surprised though. Give a company 20 years and the best they got for you is $19/h. Outright shameful. And here you are complaining about starting at min wage. OP, you should be pissed that's the norm for 20 years in your field, regardless of what field it is.


People that are confused as to the OP’s line of work… try reading their account name.


Name the company


OP where are you working or what field are you in that $19 is proper for 20 years of experience? I have 4 years of experience in mine and make $27 an hour.


If you've spent 20 years working and $19 is your target hourly wage, you need to stand up. I don't care what you do, if you've done it for more than 10 years you deserve AT LEAST $20 per hour. I was making over $20 per hour at my first corporate job about 6 or 7 years ago.


When is the General Strike happening in the USA?


$19 in the field with 20 years experience, wow definitely time for a new career my guy/gal


$19/hour for 20 years seems super low. Granted we don't know the field, but you should probably expect higher pay for that kind of experience.


That's less than a dollar per year of experience, and it's not even a livable wage where I live.


Yeap. Just dealt with this today.


Just tell them when they ask if you’re coming that you changed your mind and can’t survive on $12. Why screw up a perfectly good job for someone else that really needs it while ruining your ow reputation? Sounds like you did that company a favor. They might have come back with a better offer if they found no one, but that definitely won’t happen. People in the industry talk BTW and remember jerks.


I don't think $19 hourly for 20yr experience is the flex you think it is. In my field it's not uncommon to be low 100s after 5 years if you play your cards right. 20yr is easily mid - upper 100s at the worst paying places, mid 200s to 300s at FAANGs


At least shoot a mail saying you didn’t realise the pay was so low until now. You thought they meant 12/hr plus the 19 you asked for.


There is no way this can be real. In what country are you where $19 per hour for 20 years experience is okay?


Fake and weird if real 


You dancing around the statement of what exactly your field or job duties are and your refusal to answer anything related to that, leads me to believe you are either working at McDonald’s or bagging groceries. 20 years experience in McDonald’s or grocery bagging doesn’t mean anything.


Your real fail was lowballing yourself for $19 an hour with 20 years of experience.


You sound like a real peach….. with 20 years experience in a single field and you didn’t go straight to salary and work expectations? Why the fuck are you going through normal interview processes.


Not sure what’s worse that you did all that work to troll them or that after 20+ years the top wage in your field is 19 an hour.


Dude - you do have to tell them you aren’t starting work cause the offer was insultingly low. Otherwise they are just going to write you off as a shit worker. Companies suck, but they do need to know why, or they‘ll never even have the chance to change. I quit my job and told them I did it cause they didn’t give me a promised raise. They didn’t try to retain me but 4 months after I quit, everyone got a raise.


Bro what? This is almost unbelievable. Even McDonald’s pays high schools like 14-15 an hour


I figured Twitter paid more than that.


Good God what do you do?


What’s your field? $19/hr for 20 years experience doesn’t seem like much


I averaged more than $19/hr in a service job when I was 16 years old. 20 years of work…..$19, doesn’t add up at all.


Not surprised Elon is paying minimum wage smh.