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And technically 'I'm sick' is true - you're just not voicing the other half of the sentence 'of working here'


😂😂 Not to mention I dont even get PTO and get paid almost minimum wage (16.20$ an hour since CA minimum wage is 16.00$) so they can fuck off with their stupid interrigation techniques as if I committed a felony.


Pretty sure California has pto laws, might want to look into that


Interesting but even so its fucked up either way to force me to work on my cousin's wedding


Oh fuck em. It was never a request. You told them you weren't available. Frankly, my petty ass wouldn't be calling in sick, I would just tell them exactly what I just said. "I told you 2 months ago I am not going to be available that day, I suggest you make alternate arrangements, because I'll be out of town"


I swear if they fucking make me work the day I am fighting a jiu jitsu tournament💀😂 (hotels, tournament price, gas)


The fuck they gonna do, kidnap you? The absolute worst thing they can do to you is fire you.


I just need another job halfway lined up (via interview only) then I can risk it like how I always do when I quit a job without another lined up


You don't even need that. File for unemployment. The company will try to fight it saying you no call no showed, which you counter with proof that they scheduled you outside of your availability.


Depending on where OP lives, unemployment isn't always enough to live on


What do you do?


Im a courtesy clerk at Crapway (Safeway)


Staffing agencies can often get you into a job quickly if you're not picky. And since you're making min wage, the wages can only be the same or go higher


That's the thing man, they can't *make* you do shit. Especially when they're paying nothing lol


They cannot make you work. They can fire you, but there are plenty of shitty minimum wage jobs you could bounce to whilst looking for something better.


Or better yet "hey boss, I noticed a mistake on the schedule. I'm not available this day, so you need to fix that" if they try to argue "I wasn't asking. I won't be here. Plan accordingly."


Don’t. My favorite is companies thinking they can control you. Simply decline and go to wedding.


We do. OP look at your pay stub. You should find a "time accumulated" or something like it. DM me if you have a stub and can't find it.


Can you get another job lined up that way when they write you up you give them notice you are leaving?


I hope you haven’t stopped job searching. Plenty of jobs will pay above minimum, or treat you better (plenty others won’t but sounds like you’ve got little to lose with the current place)


I have my own house cleaning business, and I make 38.00 an hour (in the Denver area). There is a need in the personal services business. As the boss, you're free to take off for family obligations.You might want to consider it.


I am having eye problems...I can't see myself going to work today.


I'm sick..............of this shit


Lemon juice will make a COVID test positive. Just saying.


I forgot about that😂 I think I will just go with that I got a concussion from sparring muay thai instead as that sounds easier because concussions are literal hell.


If they question why you called out sick, the answer is just "I was sick" don't give them more information then you need to. If they really won't let it go, say it was explosive diarrhea all day. They won't ask for details again.


You gave them an opportunity to plan ahead to have your absence covered and they declined. So instead, they’ll be fucked when you call in sick that day. Sucks to be them.


Yeah and I dont even get paid enough to do the most demanding job in the store.


“Boss, I’m concerned you misunderstood. I was informing you I’ll not be at work these days, not asking permission. I leave it in your capable hands to plan around my absence.” Then don’t show up. Never ask permission for time off. Just say you won’t be in. It’s not even their business why, but it’s best to be polite.


I had a boss try this with me. He had approved the vacation months before, then less than a week before he told me he was cancelling it. The wedding was in a different country and I was in the wedding party. After some argument, he says “Listen, your vacation is cancelled. I am telling you I need you to be here on those days. That’s it.” So I answered back: “No, *you* listen. I am telling you that I will **not** be here on those days. You will let me know, today please, if I will come back after or not.” My vacation was re-approved.


For me that’s when a “time of request” comes out of the closet and reveals its final form, a “time off notification”


^^^ This




I can't believe that you're going to be sick. On this, the day of your cousin's wedding! :D


Going to be a blast. Fuck these pricks, my mother could literally be in the hospital dying of terminal cancer and my job will still try to force me to come in thinking their schedule is more important thats basically what they are like.


Go, that place can suffer. Family first


Good thing I am putting my 2 weeks notice soon FUCK SAFEWAY!!!


I'm pretty sure they don't deserve that notice. Quit on the spot at the worst moment for them


Yup, that's the level of respect they are earning.


how long ago is long ago? but yeah, managers suck farts take the day off, enjoy the wedding, and maybe tell someone whos supposed to work (and you trust not to narc) so they can frame their mental for a busier day


Like almost 2 months in advance. This place is progressively becoming worse than my old job. I can't really trust any other co workers here working that day and last co worker I was able to trust got fired for sacrificing himself getting a shit manager fired.


i had a co worker request off a month for her wedding a year in advance and it was approved. then 5 months before her wedding the manager and the person above the manager quit. new manager came in and told everyone to resubmit their leave requests if they had any (he denied everything). co worker went to HR and explained shes already paid for everything and they said to take it up with the new manager..her leave approval was even taken off the calender on the computer. she "got covid" for 4 weeks and used all of her sick time then she quit and all of her pto was paid out..she only had like 60 hours of sick time tho


Good for her!


oh yeah 2 months fuck em lol weird illness going around that day haha


I will just tell them I dont feel well and if they question it and interigate me like they always do I will just say I have a concussion from muay thai


Diarrhea. Always diarrhea.


I have a feeling they will force me in for that as that "wont be enough" for them especially considering I literally got gaslit once into coming into work with a stomachache and a headache


I wouldn't even think too deeply. Honestly, they likely won't ask too much. bosses suck but they're really adverse to firing to avoid any chance of you receiving unemployment. I used to call out often for mental health at lots of jobs, and while they weren't sympathetic, they carried on just fine.


They will ask a lot, I called in for a family emergency once and the manager tried to question every little detail of it out of me (I did not give any detail I just said family emergency) and even called in for being legit sick at my old job but my voice wasnt gone and all I said was "I am not feeling well" and they full on gaslit me into coming to work but I didnt so this job would do the same thing Its pretty hard to fire me since I am under UFCW union so worst case scenario is I will get written up so firing me wouldnt really be possible unless if I were to act like a idiot and go into the extremes like assaulting a manager, skipping work without notice or talking back to a manager


It's none of their goddamn business. "I'm sick" should be enought. I hate bosses like yours.


If they ever do try to force me to come in I can report it to the UFCW as thats my right. It pisses me off these managers take time off as they please but gaslight me who almost never calls sick.


Something I've said elsewhere, adapted for the above line: > so they can frame their mental for a busier day ----- Do not worry about "the environment you leave behind" when you depart a company -- or in this case, call out sick. This includes how much notice you provide before leaving/calling out sick. Notice is a courtesy, not a requirement. You can't predict being ill. Continuity of THEIR business operations is THEIR problem, not yours. They should have a plan if you accidentally got hit by a bus full of winning lottery tickets. Always be kind to your peers, but don't worry about them when you leave/take time off. If your absence hurts their effectiveness -- that's a conversation THEY need with their manglement. The company left them hanging, not you. Everyone -- you and your peers -- should normalize a fixed output for the day. If someone's out, shit just doesn't get done. Because let's be realistic -- where's the line of demarcation? How much harder can you work to cover? For one person? For two? For twenty? For a hundred? There's a real, practical limit here. And more so, since you're not being paid to labor harder, there's an ethical boundary too. If you CAN work harder to cover two people being out, then two people can afford to be laid off. Now your 150% full-tilt emergency is the new normal -- and you can be threatened "if you don't perform, you'll be the next one laid off." This problem is literally the reason why a Union clearly defines job responsibilities and output requirements.


while I see your point, I'd still say I disagree with the idea of just letting the environment be handled. while I can acknowledge that shortages are the fault of the employer and not fellow employees, knowing a shortage is occurring in my experience makes doing the work far more manageable. you aren't screwing them over by taking the time you need the corporation is, but it also costs nothing to help out your fellow little man when possible


It's not going to get better until it gets worse. What if you were sick? Or got hit by a car? The business processes and procedures are NOT in place to sustain that gap in coverage. You can only TELL them so much until they recognize the PAIN of it. If your coworkers are scaling up their efforts 150% to meet "demand", then you should be fucking YELLING at them. They're devaluing the concept of labor by doing work for free (by working longer or by working harder than normal). They just made the situation worse for you, and everyone who comes after them. Because tell me, why the everlasting fuck would your employer ever pay for coverage when they know people will enthusiastically do it for free? People's lives aren't literally on the line (EMS, fire rescue, etc). You're not earning the lion's share of the profit -- if you work harder, you don't get more in your pocket. You don't own the company. So stop caring as if you do.


my friend, if you think the best way to deal with shitty companies not caring about their employees is yelling at your coworkers, you may need to reevaluate what it is you're even after I wasn't even suggesting making anyone work harder just that being prepared for a situation makes that situation easier to deal with.


If someone is actively devaluing my labor because they keep working for free, of course I'm going to tell them off. Why the fuck wouldn't I? If you can't see the flaw in their logic, then the problem is with you too. Once again -- "Because tell me, why the everlasting fuck would your employer ever pay for coverage when they know people will enthusiastically do it for free?" That wasn't rhetorical. Since you seem to have the answers, pipe in when you think you have it.


fam, it's not that deep 😓 the answer to your question is I didn't say what you think I said. I said, "Try not to screw your coworkers at the same level as you," and I said, "Don't yell at people." If you think those two statements are problematic, im glad you're anti-work cause I wouldn't wanna work with your belligerent ass anyway.


It is tho. This is how hardcore union jobs operate. You do *your* job and that's it. If you start pulling shit like this and trying to "save the company" your coworkers will fuck you up


Thank you. This bloke must be the CEO, otherwise, why would he care as if he owned the company?


I'm not saying to save the company, never did all I intended was to help the mental state of your fellow employee (if possible) by letting them know their day may be slightly worse maybe I just worked a different kind of job. I would not realistically be able yo function at a job where my mental state is pushed consistently, I lost my job during the pandemic because of the massive amount of work we had and I couldn't take it. if possible, alleviating some amount of stress from your fellow cog is respectful and kind.


And you seem to think I'm just yelling randomly. No. I'm not. I made it crystal clear -- I have a genuine issue with people who devalue the concept of labor by working for free. They need to be told. Sternly. Yelled at even. If they keep behaving that way, it has REAL WORLD financial consequences for everyone on the team. But go ahead, just pick out one word I said, twist it around on me, and demonize me. I mean, that's what they do on the telly and (m)ass media, right? Swing things out of context for an emotional response. You want to pick a fight, to feel superior.


have a good night man. 👍


As an adult, I don't ask permission or forgiveness. I do what I need to do. You gave notice. It's up to them to handle the schedule from there.


Good for you. Think of it this way. Years from now will you remember all the 'important' work you did or the good times you spent with family at the wedding?


Me regretting calling sick 15 years later:💀 *too lazy to insert a gif*


Basically minimum wage, no PTO, yeah, this is one of those times when you should tell your manager "this is a courtesy informing you that I will not be here on this day, regardless of what the schedule says, so you can plan accordingly."


That's the funny thing about working in these places. They think they can tell you what to do. They are bottom of the barrel jobs. Call in sick. Whatever threat that they conjure up for you, and they will, just respond cool and evenly with: Do what ya gotta do. Be prepared for their next trick of cutting your hours to go with that write up so definitely be looking to move along. No notice required.


The most they will do is write me up, I doubt they will cut hours since we are insanely short staffed to the point it will only hurt them and benefit me.


If you're young and don't need this job or reference go wild with it then. If they write you up tell them you're sick and go home again. Keep doing it. See if they'll cut off their nose to enforce their "authority"


I am only 20 and live at home and got 3 references from managers from my old job I can use if needed and one of them agreed to lie for me if I need it to get to Costco


I wouldn't even say you're sick, tell them you notified them well in advance you'd be going to your cousins wedding so that's what's you're doing


Call out. Remember work doesn't give a shit about you. My last location a lady put in a 3 day off request for her wedding and it too got f'n denied. She called out sick and filed a union grievance. Like hell she would miss out on the most important day of her life and be out $20k for the set up.


Just don’t mention it at all between now and the wedding. I’m curious if they’d even bother to connect the dots. Managers who can’t grant a simple time off request (especially unpaid, wtf) are some of the most out of touch ones out there. Guarantee they’re bad at their job, and I’m sorry you have to deal with it.


Good point, I might not say anything until the day of the wedding and just say "I am feeling unwell"


Good luck with that bad case of anal glaucoma heard it can be real tricky!


Call in sick


Given that it's unpaid, what's the difference from getting it and a simple no show?


I just did this for my nephews' 5th birthday party. We're very close and I'm his favorite and he asked a million times if I would be there. I requested off like six weeks in advance and they denied me. I'm also a cake decorator but am being forced to clean at night since I'm the newest hire in that department and the usual guy hurt himself... Three/four months ago. I bought 1000 water balloons, we had an epic fight. There was only like ten people/kids participating lol. I jumped in the bounce house with my best little dude, and after the kids tuckered out the adult fam got blitzed and played drinking games. It was a blast. I got the write up; was half expecting it. Idgaf, I'll do it again.


Oops I'm sick


You own all of your time. You and only you decide how it is used.


If you get sloppy drunk at the wedding and spew in the parking lot, then the lie becomes the truth.


Notification of your upcoming unavailability is not a request - it is information and they can choose what to do with it.


If they try to write you up tell them that from this point forward all of your PTO days will be unannounced sick time. If they can’t respect a warning then they don’t get a warning.


An old job tried to do this to me once and wouldn't budge. I ended up quitting. Employment has enough control over my life, I'm not giving them that too, especially with months of notice. I can find somewhere else to work that pays just as shitty


Crazy part is we literally have like 20 courtesy clerks here and yet still somehow refused to give me the day off


Can you find a different job that pays more? Life is too short to work for AHs.


Im trying, I am trying to get hired at Costco but they wont read my application and I am considering being a firefighter since the police force will reject me for my learning disability


There are so many other places, though. Even working as a busser at a restaurant, you get a share of tips.


Cough cough, looks like you can't come in anyway. Not like you didn't extend them the courtesy of making them aware of it ahead of time. After that it's their problem, that's what they're getting paid for.


How dare you care about your cousin's wedding than to slave away for the shareholders?


This is a near-minimum wage job. You can get another one. You can't get another cousin.