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I'm missing something because those prices seem absurdly cheap.


That's just for the lot of land and then you pay to build the house which will need an airplane hanger attached to it so you can park your airplane. Then the HOA fees will be 5k a month minimum because they have to pay for maintenance and the running of the airstrip a long with all the other amenities.


5k a month!?! I thought $600 was a lot. 5k is absurd


It's not absurd when it includes an airport.


Now, I am a aviation nerd, but there is no way in hell I'd want to live next to a runway like that.the noise would be a pain in the ass.


But it’s probably really not busy, and really restricted to when it can be used


Depends what kind of planes they're flying in and out but smaller personal aircraft aren't going to be nearly as loud as commercial jets, plus I'd guess there is a lot less activity.


Unless you neighbor is John Travolta.


Yeah, that man can really make a smaller personal aircraft as loud as a commercial jet. I still don't know why he insists on doing his own rendition of an aircraft engine while flying a plane.


Obviously it wont be as bad as a large commercial airport, but one of the best things about where I live now is that its quiet. Having grown up right in the center of a fairly large city with lots of traffic, sirens from police and ambulances all the time... The silence here is pure bliss


I don't mean absurd in general. I just mean for my wallet, specifically. I suppose if you're a billionaire then 5K is nothing, and apparently there are quite a lot of billionaires in the world today.


yeah I don't really think billionaires would live on a tiny plot in a neighborhood and be happy with a... \*shudders\* SHARED airstrip!


Two professionals who earn $200k each will bring in around $20,000 per month in after-tax income, even after maxing their 401k contributions. A couple of software engineers, senior corporate managers or directors, lawyers, medical professionals, etc. could afford this. You don't need to be a billionaire to afford an expensive hobby like light aircraft. Airport communities like this aren't geared towards $30 million private jets, they're for people who own little Cessna prop planes.


These people pay more than that just gassing up their planes.


I could afford maybe two months of the year at that rate :( As in, if I didn’t spend any of the money I made on anything else that year


Add in that it will be the most infuriating people possible on the HOA board. I lived in a place like this. Golf courses, equestrian center, taxiway lots to county airport. It means a lot of residents are weekenders rather than full time residents. Which means the full time folks can become obnoxious dictators with a minimal amount of people having time to vote for them or put in a word on what they want since they aren’t there enough.


You're not. Those houses are adjecent to an airstrip. Living next door to one is a noisy nightmare.


It’s for when the plane flys into a house


Maybe a week?


This is gonna be one hell of a noisy neighbourhood


These types of communities exist in other places of the US. General aviation aircraft really aren't that loud usually. Most idle extremely low in frequency. Fort Worth Texas didn't invent something new here. Add the fact that most people interested in these homes are already small aircraft enthusiasts. They won't care about someone taxiing or taking off.


These places are for aviation enthusiasts with money, there aren’t a lot of them but there are others. Not much different than living at a fancy marina


Having lived in a marina, and no longer do, it’s because the noise grew to be unbearable.  From them building flats next door because everyone wants to overlook boats but no one wants them running engines. So you get the worst fucking neighbours 


Yes very very noisy. And I'm sure everyone will feel entitled to fly whenever they wish aswell, regardless of time. It won't be long before use of the strip is limited or people abandon it for sanity sake. But I'm sure any flight needs prior approval from a government agency in most countries so the freedom this seems to offer is limited anyway? 🤷 Edit: looks like I'm wrong and such places do exist and curtains planes don't need permission. Miss me with this though even if I had the money


This looks more like something aimed at people who fly small aircraft for fun. You can't really use the runway for anything much bigger than the plane you see in the lower left corner. There's also no hangars for anything larger, or space to taxi larger planes for the houses further back. Also, if you live outside the city center there's probably an air field closer than you think.


These communities are aimed at pilots and people with an interest in aviation. Most Airparks have hangars built into the house/ garage portion of each property. Most of the planes will be Piper and Cessna single engine propeller planes, but there can be a few jets, too, like the Cirrus Vision SF50. You don't buy these houses expecting peace and absolute quiet, you buy these houses because your backyard is a runway. These people are expecting the noise from the planes and don't mind it at all, since they have their own small plane, which can be pretty quiet.


I live in a neighborhood like this- decordova Texas- it's definitely not aimed at pilots. Most people here have never flown. And only a small minority of the houses are attached to the runway.


DeCordova Texas does not appear to have an airfield. There is a small private airstrip nearby called Nassau Bay which certainly seems like it’s aimed at people who want to live next to an airstrip and be able to keep an airplane at home, based on the neighborhood layout


People take off and land there all the time so I'm not sure what your point is. It's inside the community gates.


>It's inside the community gates. It isn't... The gated community to the East of the airstrip is advertised as a "[private waterski community](https://latcpoa.com/)" and does not include said airstrip. The airstrip is not gated in the slightest. [It doesn't even have a fence.](https://www.google.com/maps/@32.4227054,-97.7150003,3a,60y,156.07h,87.23t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNHZa-90dqQO6MSf_MdQQDg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu)


Close enough. We consider it apart of decordova suburb.


That would be your more common airpark community. Just a regular neighborhood with a runway of some kind nearby. What I'm talking about would be more like Spruce Creek Airport in Florida. The neighborhood surrounds the runway, and the taxiways all connect to every house, the garages of which are small hangars to fit the planes. There are similar ones I've found in California, Montana and upstate New York and they all have the taxiways connected to the houses as well as dedicated roads for cars. I know this because I did a lot of research into living in an airpark, it is still my dream house/lifestyle.


I guess it's not the same from all the comments I'm getting lol


Lol I certainly mean no harm with my comments at all. But yeah, no, I had a whole (theoretical) budget, even down to which plane I could buy that could land on the runway, and how much house I could afford if I get the luxury package on the plane, etc. They're a very interesting housing concept, with actually a lot of perks, and while aviation is an expensive hobby/career, it is a nice and attractive one to pass down to your kids, if you have them.


I went to a yard sale once in a neighborhood in Florida that was just like this one. It was cool, everybody had a little prop plane in their big hanger garage behind their house. The guy said he and his wife could fly to the Bahamas for the day and to half a dozen different Caribbean countries with a refuel stop in Miami.


I was wondering if you'd have to purchase a lot and put a hangar up


Every house seems to have a small hangar attached. Though I'm not sure if this is just an illustration or what they're actually building. But if you are buying a lot here you'd want a hangar anyway.


Bruh I can get a goddamn YAK for under 50 rofl what a world https://airplanesusa.com/?planes=1981-yakovlev-yak-52


Yeah so this would for sure just be for single props you can tow then. You can actually pick those up for relatively cheap if you don't mind taking your life in your own hands lol


I'm guessing most of these are propeller planes so they're not nearly as loud as a jet engine. Also flights don't need prior government approval in the US, where this is based.


You don't need approval and also, it is not the first area with a landing strip like this, it's nothing new and people won't abandon it..


Yep, I grew up next to one in colorado. It’s still thriving with planes coming and going all the time. They’re not that loud and the rich people that fly them are usually old so they’re not flying them in the middle of the night.


Also I think that if you are the type of person that would live in a place like this, you won't be bothered by the small amount of planes that leave/land there. Probably aircraft enthusiasts all of them


There have been places like these in Alaska for a while. They make it work.


In Alaska, it's basically the only way to reliably get around in these rural and rural-ish communities. Tons of private pilots in Alaska.


Uncontrolled air field so they can take off whenever. As long as they have runway lights (I'm fairly certain you have to) they can go into the night.


Look up spruce creek fly-in, it doesn't have a single strip like this but spread out through the community connected to houses with hangers are runways, they do have strict regulations on flight too.


They've had this where I live near fort Worth in decordova for a long time and it's fine. It's a highly sought after neighborhood. You guys just like to hate for no reason.


They don’t need approval from any agency to fly VFR when ever they want (when conditions are within VFR standards) the only time planes are required to even file a flight plane is when they are flying IFR or they are carrying passengers for hire (but commercial has a bunch of rules on its own.


It’ll be like the third or fourth one in the Dallas Fort Worth area, I live a few miles from a place like this in the area, the airstrip isn’t used all that much outside of holidays. It’s kinda like when people buy a motorcycle for Sunday cruises except it costs a lot more.


I doubt it. I live right next to medium size airport with private jets of all sizes and multiple 737s, legit never hear a thing unless I'm outside and one is taking off. Won't be anymore noisy than a major highway.


Well, science shows that over time, your brain learns to block out certain consistent noises. It's why when you live next to a railroad or an airport you might not notice a thing, while your visitors from the country or the town over or even downtown might complain how deafening and horrible it is.


Yes that's correct, but I mean this is how it's been as soon as I moved lol. Never heard a thing since day 1


Private air strips aren't that noisy.


The kind of people who buy airplanes and fly them themselves actually like the noise. I am one of those people who run outside to see an airplane that I know by sound. I’m also a pilot with a few license and ratings. A lot of residents of these kind of fly in communities are retired airline pilots, and retired professionals who buy airplanes instead of RVs. And the airplanes most of these people own are the price of new luxury cars, they aren’t corporate jets for $10 million. The runways are too short for those.


And also your kids are gonna get lead poisoning from all the leaded aviation gas that small planes use: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/02/20/aviation-lead-fuel-00081641#:~:text=The%20results%20helped%20convince%20researchers,other%20East%20San%20Jose%20toddlers.


This study was cherry picked. The county also sat on test results that showed no elevated lead levels in the soil on airport grounds. They want to close Reid-Hillview so they can get a whole bunch of land cheap to make expensive luxury condos. 


Here's a different review from NC https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3230438/


Where I live, housing prices are below average because the city next to us has collectively decided to route all air traffic over our city.


That’d be convenient when you need to fly your daughter out of state to get healthcare


As if these people need to worry about Healthcare. Probably have their own doctor right on site.


Not for abortions 🤡


Fly to Mexico for cheaper healthcare that dosent milk your insurance and make you pay a horrible deductible , and quite possibly offset those hoa fees


and yet I’m the villain for wanting a straw that doesn’t disintegrate in 5 minutes


You fucking monster.


Think of the children!


Living next to a runway is definitely not a flex.


It is when you live there so you can have your personal plane parked next to your house for easy access.


No. Anyone with actual resources would simply ask why they can't just be driven to their hangar space at a real airport instead of converting their life to live like some sort of hangar hobo next to a dinky runway.


"Hangar hobo" and "dinky runway"? I don't know if you looked at the photo but these people aren't living in their hangars, these are actual houses that have a hangar like other people would have a garage and that's a pretty respectable runway like you'd find at a lot of smaller airports around the country. For some people, flying is their hobby. This isn't much different than people who have a house with a dock next to a body of water because they frequently use their boat. If I had the money, living in one of these houses would be really cool.


These people are flying their own planes. They are aviation enthusiast. Obsessed with planes and flying. They aren’t asking to be driven to a hanger where someone else is going to fly them. Their life revolves around planes and that’s why they live here. It’s not about being a flex. It’s about living on a runway so you can fly anytime you want and hang out with other people that enjoy your hobby.


It’s not a million dollar private jet lmao, ur car probs costs more than the planes held there, these most likely aren’t for Uber wealthy rich people but retired aviation enthusiasts that have been in the field for decades 


You're not very familiar with how expensive planes are, are you? A 40+ year old Cessna 172 for example is going to cost you upwards of $100k, let alone a new one. That's not billionaire rich but it's way out of reach of most people and certainly more than most people's cars. Edit: also, I think you may have misunderstood me. I think it's awesome and would like to own my own plane one day. They're expensive though and owning one, let alone a house with your own hangar for it, is most definitely a bit of a flex.


It’s a personal runway and everyone there definitely has their own plane it most certainly is a flex


Tell me you like exporting drugs without saying you like exporting drugs.


Are you saying these people didn't worked a minimum wage for 50 years?


There’s a runway similar to this in Carrollton, TX called Air Park-Dallas Airport. It has been around since the 60s and, like this, the homeowner purchased the adjacent lots with the guarantee of runway access for primarily recreational use. Interesting legal battles over shutting it down to be redeveloped. I live nearby and have never heard complaints about the noise despite being in a now fairly developed area, though planes still use leaded gas and I wonder if the effects are noticeable if you live almost on the runway like what is pictured here.


Yup, the leaded gas does poison everyone around the airport: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/02/20/aviation-lead-fuel-00081641#:~:text=The%20results%20helped%20convince%20researchers,other%20East%20San%20Jose%20toddlers.


....yer the best housing is always near the airport. .......


But make sure you separate your recycling! You're making a difference! ![gif](giphy|l1IXWaOsgYSU8IC7m|downsized)


Good luck finding people to staff those amenities


Eh? What amenities? Fuel and such or what?


Two golf courses, equestrian centers, and a marina


Americans will build anything except walkable neighborhoods


Why walk when you can fly, peasant?


To be fair, I know two friends who live in one of these kinds of neighborhoods and they're both union airline pilots.


Yeah; the airlines are one of the greatest examples of union success.


That will be perfect for flying cars.


You fly in, sure, but what about once you are there? I doubt anybody who owns a plane is willing to walk to a corner store or coffee shop. Do you get golf carts? Ebikes? And is everyone flying out to buy groceries? I don't think this was thought through well.


It's not exactly for that. And that actually does happen. Some small airports will have a loaner cars to give to pilots for a small trip to town.


It’s a neighborhood like any other. You hop in your car. These airport communities are common. These homes have streets just like any other neighborhood; they just happen to also have a runway.


Are those prices right? My shitty little house cost over 200k and it doesn't come with any amenities or fancy neighborhood.


That's the price for just the lot, still need to pay for home construction.


Ahh, ok, that makes was more sense. Thanks


This is actually really fucking cool. When they say direct access Lots, are they talking about the house and it's own mini hanger? Cuz that pricing seems like a steal in this market.


The Lot is just the land. You'd then have to build your own house and hangar.


That makes a lot more sense


One Home Owners Association to rule them all.


private planes still use leaded gasoline, these morons are just crop dusting themselves with neurotoxins.


These are the people who cry about minimum wage raises, gas prices for their pickup-truck commutes, and the taxes they pay which are already less than people who actually earn a living.


In the land of heat, humidity, and unregulated utility bills. You enjoy that.


Jokes on them, they are being bathed in leaded gasoline fumes. If kids live there, it’s basically impossible for them not to have actionable amounts of lead in their system with real cognitive consequences.


Swing and a miss with this post. This isn’t greed, this is passion, albeit out of range for the average worker.


This isn’t greed, this is just people paying enormous amounts of money to have a house for their fuckin airplane. It’s just capitalism!


Guys, nobody forces you to move there. If you don't like the noise buy a house somewhere else. That community is for people with their own aircraft that know aircraft make noise and don't mind because to them, the convenience of just being able to get in your plane and go exceeds the bother of the noise when the neighbors do the same. Seriously, you sound like these idiots that think their shit doesn't stink, that move to a farming village, then complain about one neighbor's rooster and the smell of the other neighbor's manure.


I don’t understand the hate this is getting lmao. This isn’t for Uber wealthy people, this is most likely for retired aviation enthusiasts that have been working in aviation for decades and own a small cheap inexpensive plane to fly around.


Yeahhhhh none of that is the actual issue dude.


yeah this person is so far out of the loop


That’s awesome, I’d love to live there


But it’s fuckin Texas.


The one thing it doesn't have is a guillo... oh wait that word is banned on this sub...


Good luck living near airstrip. Imagine the noise, lol.


These people are aviation enthusiasts and don't mind the noise. Also, the small planes aren't crazy loud like jets are


lol I live right around the corner from that too


I thought there were regulations for noise pollution close to residential areas


This isn’t what we thought they meant by flying cars


Wait till they start complaining about the planes making to much noise and it slways smelling like jet fuel


…when disaster hits it won’t be looking that nice. Like they’re one accident away from gettin obliterated, but okay.. could hit worse ppl ig🥴


Wait, just how destructive do you think a Cessna having an accident is going to be?


3 mile crater, at least, from the explosion.


I assume more than a .. idk, car.. right?🥸✌🏽


No, not really.


Drugs in and out without fear of being caught... rich people shit


Got to get that coke from somewhere. Beats paying Tom Cruise to fly it in, the way the Clintons had to in the 80s.


Enjoy the private plane leaded gasoline.


Pay a shit ton of money to live next to an airport? No thanks.


And no bike paths and no walkways. That would be communism, I guess.


I wouldn't live near a landing airstrip for free.


lol only 400+?!?!?!? Dude I’m from loudoun county VA. 400+ is a townhouse.


For the lot. JUST the lot.


I would hate to live there just for the noise alone


Convenient that there's so much easy access for cars to that drag strip, I mean landing strip.


I would not want live that close to an active runway, even if it is just recreational aircraft. Imagine some rich idiot gets drunk and takes his plane, but misses and hits your house, or all the other disasters just waiting to happen. We have at least one private plane crash out here every couple of years, and some of them end up on the interstate. No thanks, they can pay their outrageous mortgages and home insurance for the privilege of pricing out ungrateful peasants like myself, I wouldn't want to be in their way when the cereal box planes fall apart over their roofs.


I was like wow that seems pretty affordable. Then I realized that’s only for the piece of land haha.


These are the people republicants cut taxes for. Definitely keep voting for them.


Where do the workers live?


Who the hell is paying extra money to live on an airstrip except maybe a few maniacal aeronautics aficionados? Do you know how loud and annoying that would be? Especially when you are part of a community that is designed around this shit? There would be at least a dozen flights a day to put up with, and I'm guessing most of these private planes are going to be prop planes. Forget the money involved, this is just stupid. But, then again, it is Texas.


Name areas hit first in a potential riot, go!


You ever see something that makes you think "maybe arson shouldn't actually be a crime?"


Lol yall about to flood the system with noise complaints. There's a reason nobody wants to live near airports if they got a choice.


People pay good money to not live under a flight path.  I don’t know why you’d pay good money to live under one


And the people who built it were compelled to work for free. Oh wait!


these things ALWAYS go out of business once recurring maintenance starts to raise it's ugly head. They had a good number of these in the 50s and 60s during general aviation's initial boom.


Have you seen where John Travolta lives? https://www.hellomagazine.com/homes/506061/john-travolta-amazing-florida-mansion-private-airport-photos/


Gee, what a location , /s


This isn't the flex you think it is. This type of airstrip is generally suited for smaller aircraft which are still dependent on lead based fuels and will be for the foreseeable future. Living that close to lead fumes isn't ideal.


Not related but I thought there was 4 pictures in the post


Small planes still burn leaded fuel. Perfect place to raise a family /s


Imagine living that close to a fucking airport. You'd have to pay me a lot of money to live there


lol, this post and these comments. This air park is not for the uber rich with a business jet. This is for the aviation enthusiasts who are tired of small airports getting closed down or want to be able to fly without driving to the airport. This is for prop planes or maybe a very light jet. Yes, this is not something you can afford on a minimum wage but it's obtainable for anyone middle class or above. All the people thinking that noise, lead, or whatever else is going to put people off are missing the entire point. This is like someone who builds a shooting range on their property. Yeah, it's not something you want but that doesn't mean it's something that nobody wants.


Ah yes nothing like moving into a community that has loud af planes flying into it and all the fun health risks of huffing jet fuel.


Most of these planes will not be jets, the smaller planes tend to be pretty quiet, and the community is made up of aviation enthusiasts, so they don't complain about the noise because they like and expect it. It would be similar to Tony hawk building an entire neighborhood that's connected by a skateboard stunt arena. Or Kyle Busch doing the same with a racetrack that connects the whole neighborhood.


There's a good chance those planes mostly still use leaded gasoline, though. Which makes it not great to live right next to the runway, especially if you have small kids.


No they don’t… 100 LL (low lead) is what we call AVgas it’s 100 octane, low lead content gas. The same stuff you can run in your car (don’t though it’s crazy expensive) the other fuel is Jet-A which is basically kerosene, like a step above diesel… most GA aircraft you 100 LL


*Any* lead in gasoline is bad for you. Even low lead.


So then you should hermetically seal up your house, sell your car and convince your neighbors to do the same since there is no more lead in AVgas than there is in the gas you put in your car… it’s literally the same thing… but please keep pretending you know what you’re talking about….


Regular gas has had *no* lead in it for a while now, bud. LL gas has about half of what used to be in regular leaded gasoline. The only places you use leaded gas today are small planes and some race cars. That's it. The move to unleaded gas for cars was like a whole thing to reduce pollution... How have you not learned about this?


Nobody is moving into a neighborhood like this just for the hell of it, they're doing it because they want the easy runway access. It's like telling people with a boat they're wrong for buying a house with a dock.


It's always sad when people get hit by extreme weather events caused by global warming. But it's a lot more sad when those people are poor workers from Bangladesh, who never flew in their lifes, don't own a car, and can't afford meat most of the year. It's a lot less sad when it hits, well... \*this\*


The houses don't look spectacular, the prices aren't exorbitant, and nothing about people living here reads non-working class. This just looks like a neighborhood for flight hobbyists. Planes like the one in the photo are only like 35K-40K btw. They're cheaper than a lot of pickup trucks you see on the road. And the loans to get them tend to be much more reasonable.


Yeah I think everyone is picturing private jets when they should be picturing 40 year old Cessnas.


This isn’t exorbitant for a lot in Fort Worth. If I had to bet, many of them will be bought by retired American Airlines pilots. Airline pilots have a unique skill set that has a high barrier for entry and the demands of the job are such that they are paid pretty well for their expertise, judgment, and experience. They also have to retire fairly early (compared to many careers). There will also be some doctors and dentists and other professionals who enjoy flying as a recreational activity who buy here. Many fly-in communities also ban jets, which tends to keep the ultra rich out. There are all sorts of communities like this all over the country. What’s more is that this is less reliant upon the work of others than most. These are private airstrips, have no ATC services, and receive no federal funds. They don’t get federal money for construction or upkeep. This isn’t the example you’re looking for to illustrate the point you want to make.


Isn't there a massive catastrophic homelessness crisis going on in the US? Like so bad family's with jobs and normal life's have to live on the streets and not only addicts and other lost souls? Places like this should burn as long as that's the reality for the not so rich.


Most of these people aren't dirty filthy rich. Most of these homeowners are lawyers, doctors, or even retired military, all with an enthusiasm for aviation.


It could have been an apartment complex for normal people to live in. One of these lots could house 10+ people.


The problem with homelessness in the US isn't lack of housing. It's lack of housing where people want to live, as well as a lack of mental health resources.


You don't need that much mental health resources if you don't have to work 3 jobs.


A large portion of the homeless community suffers from serious mental health problems that make them unable to hold down even 1 job or keep an apartment. If they had access to the health care they needed a good number of them would be able to live a decent life.


That's true, however we don't have to only build apartments and condos. We can have a mix of development styles and prices that can cater to people of nearly all budgets while providing the amenities people need and desire. This community isn't one of them, and while popular, they're still a niche development. There's only a few hundred of these places in America, even less in other countries, and ones like this with nice new houses and hangars for garages number only a handful in the USA. Most of them are just regular neighborhoods that happen to have a runway of some kind very nearby. I feel similar towards golf courses, but I do recognize that a golf course is better than yet another shopping mall parking lot being built.


Lawyers, doctors and retired upper-ranking military - all famously working class salt of the earth types lol.


One thing they have in common with each other is that they actually did work for their money, and now they can do what they want with it. Bout the most they would have gotten handed to them is a sizable college fund. I'll take that kind of rich any day over Elon musk kind of rich.


Well, username checks out at least 🙄


Coming from the most useless person on here. I know this is the r/antiwork subreddit, but Jesus Christ I thought you bastards at least could recognize between a practical level of wealth and an obscene level of wealth. As if your comment ever held any weight the first 4 million times it's been typed aggressively at another Internet stranger.....


“Practical level of wealth” - did you read the part of the faq here that explicitly lays out this is a leftist subreddit? Owning a plane for fun is the diametrical opposite of “practical”. The audacity of trying to convince us we’re wrong lol. Lick the boot harder and maybe they’ll give *you* a lil plane of your own you can tootle around in


Most of the people who fly small prop planes aren't super rich and most aren't even rich, they're middle class and dump a lot of their money to own a small plane. It's no different than a pleasure boat or an RV. I'm working hard to hopefully build and own a small plane one day and until then I'm in a flying club to help with the cost. I make middle class wages. This airport is not for jets. It's like saying owning a sports car makes you rich. No, owning a Fararri means you are rich, owning a 2005 Porsche does not.


"The employees of this firm have enabled our CEO to have a mansion right next to his smaller airplane. You know what that means... PIZZA PARTY!"


This title is weird, I live in SC, how does my labor have anything to do with this?


\*Buys a house with an attached airstrip\* \*complains about flight noise\* Ladies and Gentlemen, rich people for ya.


This post’s comments: shameless capitalist simps who just wanna fwy dey widdle pwanes awound