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Do i understand he's complaining that WFH people have already had 3 hours of productivity before my dude's clocked in?


Anyone trying to push this back to the office shit's a wanker. That said, anyone trying to organise a meeting with me at 7.30am can genuinely go fuck themselves.


His argument is a nonsensical straw man. People with work from home jobs are not trying to schedule 7:30 a.m. meetings. He's just trying to find something to argue with to sound tough. Fail.


I mean, if you have remote employees, there's the chance that folks on the US east coast would like to put together a meeting at their 1030 am which would mean someone on the US west coast would need to be there at 730 am. That said, there needs to be an understanding when you have nationwide employees as to what times are expected / acceptable.


Yeah, I (US West Coast) have regular meetings with colleagues in Europe, so a 7 am meeting here is 4 pm there. I make it work, especially when working from home


Yeah, WFH works really well for those teams that have people across multiple time zones. 10pm call? 7am call? All of them are MUCH easier when you work from home.


My current team ranges from PDT to CEST. We make it work, usually with early morning PDT meetings.


Mine ranges from me in Pacific time to a dude in Japan. He just doesn't attend meetings, honestly. We make sure we leave him good notes. Our morning stand up is 8am for me, but that's when I chose to start, anyway. I was super happy they didn't expect me to start at 6am to match when most of the team starts, but I was willing to do it for the pay and their really decent corporate culture. Turns out that culture extends to letting us choose our own start times as long as we're consistent with them.


Yeah same here, I'm in California and work with a bunch of people in Florida (guess the company heh). I regularly have meetings at 7am (10am for them) and then another meeting at 5pm for Asia Pacific people. It makes no sense to drive in early then work and drive home THEN have another meeting from home when you could just save all that time and stay home. BTW I'm not working all the hours in between, I generally play games or take a nap, nobody expects me to be working all those hours in between meetings.




I have three 5:00 PM meetings a week to accommodate a team in Australia.


Yep I (US West coast) have both 7:30am and 9:30pm meetings with India. It sucks but it is what it is


which means WFH makes even more sense for you (and me for the same reason.)


Completely agree. If I had to drive to the office to take a online call at 7:30am and stay until 9:30pm I’d be so sad


I mean, when you work for a world-wide or multi-state organization, you kinda know your signing up for these ridiculous hour meetings. Many of them will inform you of the hours before you get hired. I have to call organization all over the US for my work. I never know when they’re gonna call me back on that important issue I left a voicemail about. I just keep my phone on me and it works out.


Yeah, it works thanks to WFH. I had 7pm meetings with US colleagues regularly, but even I got called back into the office I outright refused to participate. Nu-uh, I'm not staying until 8pm. If I'm doing transatlantic calls at weird hours, I'm doing them from home.


I have a colleague who works remotely from Hawaii (she's from there). She just accepts it means getting up early given most of us work from the Continental US.


Yeah exactly, that mismatch is a result of companies hiring a global / distributed workforce, and has nothing to do with work from home. I would still need to get around time zone problems to meet with my colleagues in India even if I was sitting in an office building in the US. Side rant, but that's why global companies really need to get over the idea that people need to meet to be productive and solve problems. Async work exists for a reason


Or in my case where I work on the East Coast for a European based company, they regularly schedule meetings at 7am/8am which is actually an early afternoon one for them(they're GMT+2). I never mind much as it falls within my regular working hour. They already know not to schedule a morning meeting with myself and my colleagues here in the US because that's super early in the morning for all of us. All it takes is your employer being reasonable and conscientious which unfortunately many here in America aren't.


My team is Central Time Zone based. We have team member who is Pacific Time Zone, and yeah, sometimes he has a 6:30 A.M. meeting. Should have thought of that when you took the job, dude. (He doesn't complain.)


The only psychos I know who schedule 7:30am meetings are the same ones who would never want anyone else to work from home. They just want you available for them to walk in and ask you shit 24/7


Not quite 7:30am but when my office was wfh people were definitely scheduling morning meetings far more commonly than they do when they're in


Yeah because your day can start at x instead of x+a+b+c where a=shower/dress, b=breakfast, and c=commute


This is a terrible excuse unless you're hourly. Just cause I'm working from home doesn't mean I'm suddenly doing a+b+c more work. I'm still gonna take the same amount of time to shower/dress, eat breakfast, and spend some time petting my cats instead of commuting. My work start time is the same whether I'm at home or in the office. That said, if you're hourly, schedule away. I'll happily work whatever you want if you're compensating me accordingly.


Whilst true, it's still annoying if you don't change your schedule.


I’m WFH and people schedule 8AM meetings. When I join at 8:01 because I still have to take kids to school they are already deep in conversation like they’ve been on for a while.


I hate that. I don't understand why people schedule meetings for a specific time and start the meeting 10 minutes early and have already started the agenda.


Yeah and expect you to join before your scheduled start time! I’m not even turning on my computer until 8.


That's actually a real issue in my case! there are people who clearly set/join meetings before even taking their kids to school. It's annoying regardless of where I'm working from. Use your extra time to rest or be with your family!


Yeah, his argument rests on his belief that people who work from home still get up at the same time as they did when they worked in the office and log on as soon as they're done with their morning routine. I don't know about anyone else, but when I started WFH, I started getting up at 7:00 a.m. instead of 6:00 a.m. to be ready to work at 8:00 a.m. I didn't keep waking up at 6:00 to start work at 7:00 instead.


For real, I WFH and regardless of what time I “clock in” to start working, I don’t create or accept any meeting invites that are before 10am.


i work from home, and it's the office jerks scheduling early meetings.


My hard rules on meetings has always been only start at 9 and end by 3 with not before 10 on a Monday unless it’s an emergency, and try not to the day before a weekend, so typically no Friday meetings.


Do you not have anyone working remote in different time zones?


I have a lot of 730 meetings because I work with a global team- I’d take that over late night calls haha


I regularly work with teams in India so I also have a lot of 7AM and 7:30 meetings. They work late over there and we start early to compensate for the 11.5 hour time difference. I am not a morning person, but I am definitely happier to start early than to work late so it works out


I agree, but 10am is my cut off


Exactly. I've worked from home for years and I don't schedule important meetings until 10:00 unless absolutely necessary. Lets people get some work done and put out the fires that popped up overnight for no reason.


The people who schedule a 7:30 meeting have a 9:00 tee time.


What kind of WFH monster is setting 7:30AM meetings. Maybe a powerful counter attack against the WFOs. Keep them sleep deprived and weak until they cave to WFH norms


I have to get up at 0430 every day… I agree wholeheartedly with you.


Gareth is a "dude", he can't help being a turd


He thinks he’s solving a problem.


LinkedIn has become a cesspool of stupid takes and arrogant posts about huge and pompous nothing burgers. These peeps are a dime a dozen there :/ everyone is a visionary there that did something stupid for a (insert timeframe here) and here is what they've learned - nothing of value and that the initial logic holds up after the experiment so you wasted your time.


Hahahahah he’s just jealous he has to go in the office. I knew it, some of these folks just want people who got a good thing going to suffer like them. Why is it a badge of honor to go the hard way? Why is it a badge of honor so often to do things in a traditional, inefficient way that really has been shown over the years, that WFH is more productive? Like this fuckin assbackwards thinking is part of why we have the problems we have. Conservative thinking. Things can have a balance. As a wise turtle pope in a video game once told me: *working from the office is not not native to the world, work from home can be conjoined with all things* For people like me it works out great, I have panic disorder, I have a structure in my life now where I’m healthy. I get to see my kid more, I get to be in a place I’m comfortable with and that helps me focus and not get anxious When I’m anxious, I’m not as productive, I get scattered. I start doing shit but may not even know why I’m doing it. Distraction. Not for intention.


They want to go back to the days when WFH was a perk, and nobody got to do that except upper management. Because if the employees "under" them are enjoying themselves, that's a problem.


I have auditory processing disorder and anxiety. Cubicles are hell and getting anything done in one is torture. With headphones at home I can hear everyone and even follow along on a transcript on Teams. People who think wfo is for everyone are idiots. Do you want my butt in a seat or do you want productivity?


Oh I feel that. It’s harder for me to focus on doing my job when I have 5-6 people around me all talking and doing their job. Or not and making small talk. Same thing. It’s like, you want me to just sit and keep myself busy because I feel like I’m being watched or I can’t concentrate because I’ve gotta filter out 5-6 other voices to focus? Or you want me to work completely uninhibited and get quality?


>I get to be in a place I’m comfortable with and that helps me focus and not get anxious >When I’m anxious, I’m not as productive, I get scattered. I start doing shit but may not even know why I’m doing it. Paraphrase this on a fucking billboard, WFH™!


WFH, atypical solutions for atypical folk. So that everyone can participate in society.


It's not a badge of honor, it's businesses that own buildings and are paying electricity/taxes/water on them without anyone sitting in them. Having a big building with a big office is a status symbol of the old CEOs - so they don't want to give them up. But in order for owning those buildings to make financial sense to the stockholders, someone needs to be using them. You can't have an empty building on the books.


culturally. Businesses and the employees seem to have a tendency to get tribalistic about it. Thinking that people who WFH are lazy, or just don’t like people. The irony is my job is 100% public facing. And I do a damned good job at what I do. it’s more then that though. WFH helps me sustain a work life balance that makes sense. And people forget that yeah, believe it or not talking to people about complex situations for 8 hours is mentally and emotionally draining. It’s hard to balance that and balance communication with others throughout the day. I’m not trying to go to a big team lunch after I had 3 meetings that were each and hour long. Cmon, I’m human, give me a fuckin break. I get the facts your saying though, but ultimately way I see it. Most them companies aren’t goinn to go broke. It’s like some people and companies take offense to people who don’t want to force themselves to spend time with people. So that they can save their energy to spend the time with the people that actually matter I said it. Not to say you can’t meet some friends at work. But that’s not why I work. I work to survive. Bottom line. I have a few work friends but we all think similarly with it. Probably why we’re friends! Lol


I always thought that CEOs feel energized by walking a noisy, bustling, chaotically busy workplace before locking themselves into their quiet, spacious, private office where it’s possible to do actual work. It just FEELS more productive!


There is a valid point in there that remote workers need to consider commuters when scheduling meetings that are attended by both categories of workers - and quite frankly, there's often no need to schedule a meeting so damn early even when everyone is a remote - but the hashtag tells me that this isn't what this tweet is about and Gareth is just being a douche and a bootlicker.


On the one hand, I was with him about scheduling 7:30 meetings. But then it turned into "get back to work." Nah man, we can have both. Work from home if you can **AND** let me get my coffee before you drop bombs on my calendar.


>WFH people have already had 3 hours of productivity before my dude's clocked in? Yep. Me working from home means I'm already getting shit done before anyone has actually walked into our on-site offices. Before the in-office people have even showered, I'm already answering emails and responding to data requests, submitting service tickets or Jiras, checking that processes ran overnight, etc. I may still be in my pajamas, but I'm being productive.


"Solving problems". Well, Gareth, since you seem to be part of the problem show us some of that skill...


"Clearly Whining"


Problem: women won't sleep with me Garrth: well, have you tried whining? Works for me


Do you think he knows that there are people clocking in at 4am? I hate the "my day is harder" competitions. No reason to be upset that someone has a more comfortable job.


Yeah nevermind the poor fuck that gets up at 3:30 to get to his freeway paving job by 4:30 to get his shit ready just to not get paid until the shift starts at 6.


Or the concrete mix driver getting up at 2, to get to work by 3:00 so he can do his pretrip then get loaded and to the 6:30 pour the freeway has scheduled just after the safety meeting.


Or the electricial apprentice that gets up at 4 to go wash vans for free, then ride with their abusive journeyman 2 hours away to the jobsite and only gets paid for on site time.


Or the scaffolder who’s up at 3am every day to go build scaffold at 5am in this summer heat… 😭


I work harder and longer working from home than I ever did in the office. In the office I spent whole days screwing around on Reddit. Instead of screwing around on Reddit while waiting to hear my name to give a status in meeting ... like I am right now.


Absolutely. At work I'd zombie out and do nothing, but wfh when I have downtime I'm doing laundry, cleaning the house, getting dinner together, maybe running to the store or post office, I can get to the doctor and back quickly and not take a whole day off. it's so much more efficient to let me balance my work around my schedule than to just block off time for ONLY work, so I'm just watching the clock count down until I can go deal with all the other things I need to do.


Same. At my work we have a lot of downtime. When we were at the office I literally had to sit there for sometimes 4-5 hours just waiting on a phone call or email to come in. At least at home I could be productive doing other things waiting for work.


None of these "grindset" chodes has any idea what a real day of hard work feels like. 60 hours a week, bro!... yeah, in a cubicle with a coffee machine on a computer. Go shovel gravel dawn to dusk. Or replace sod. Or carry shingles up a ladder. They'd crack like eggs.


This is true. And also I'm absolutely declining a 7:30am meeting


Envy if ive ever seen it, my goodness.


More jealous how he wants everyone back in offive being all condescending


If I have to waste otherwise productive time sitting in traffic, EVERYONE ELSE should have to do the same! Crab, meet bucket.


Oooh u're right


How come we only consider fairness when it involves fucking me? Why don't we average out salaries a bit so we make closer to what CEO's make? I might get out of bed for that.


The only time I ever have 7:30 meetings is when we have to work with offshore teams, which is a separate problem that douche canoe over here seems perfectly content with.


He's actually correct. I WFH and I'm also in an earlier timezone than most of my team, so I am mindful about meetings. I never, ever schedule a meeting before 9am their time, even though that's 11am my time. If you WFH and you are on a team where not everyone has that luxury - for your own job safety you are going to want to over compensate on being thoughtful and considerate of your RTO peers time.


Plus, the extra hour or three to double check anything I might be bringing to a meeting is just helpful


And you can work uninterupted for a few hours before the meetings start. Sounds like a win-win.


No one in the eastern time zone is mindful of anything. If it's 9:00 for them, screw everyone else. "What, not everyone lives on the east coast? What are they, hayseeds?"


Omg meetings scheduled at 8:00am Toronto time where they spend the first several minutes making fun of workers in Vancouver 'sleeping in' because they don't attend are the worst. It's 5:00am here, you fuckers.


I had a boss who would do that. He lived on the east coast and would schedule shit first thing. Never mind that half the team lived in other time zones.


I’m in your boat except I’m sitting there killing 5 minutes at the start of my 6am scrum call because it’s “so early” for the east coasters who can’t make it on time. Every single day.


Unbelievable that someone had to appear to defend a dude who is obviously a scumsucker - for accidentally making a point that could be valid.


Oh, I was with him on that sentiment. But then he turned it into "get back to work" which has nothing to do with allowing folks to get their morning started before you drop meetings on their calendar. I don't care if you're at home or the office, like you I try not to schedule anything at the literal start time of the work day. That's never a good way to start someone's day.


If you worked from the office, still in an earlier time zone, would you not be mindful of the times for meetings? This isn't a WFH issue.


Dude, I’ve worked from home since 2009 and have NEVER wanted to meet at 7:30 am.


I think it's funny how easy it is to tell when someone's never been punched in the face.


Puscifer has the remedy for that.


Most WFH workers aren’t the ones scheduling meetings at 7:30. It’s usually the overpaid, micromanager suits who are. edit: had WFM instead of WFH


Came here to say this.


And it is real effort with all the effing traffic. Commuting is shit waste of time


It gets worse: https://imgur.com/a/DWl3jpX


Of course it does! Good lord.


Holyyyy sh1ttytt


Yikes!!! ![gif](giphy|l1KVaj5UcbHwrBMqI|downsized)


How did I see that coming?


lol #getbacktowork? I’ve been working for hours while you waste time doing your little dress up activities and sitting behind other cars in a line.




This man is an unsolved problem.


*Decline* "Not available before 9am." Problem solved, Gareth.


Well of course, I'll be thinking of you when I take my nap right after that meeting


Couldn't help but betray his own message with that jealousy there could he? lmao


Gareth, go fuck off. Many of the happiest countries use WFH AND require less hours per week. America is far behind in this regard. You’re not solving problems, *you’re making them worse.*


I don't think it's unreasonable to think this. I feel bad from my in office cohorts. I will never schedule anything with them before 9 or after 4. I try to avoid Monday mornings and Friday afternoons altogether. I can be plenty productive during those times. In it together yo. But WTF is that hashtag for. Fuck that noise.


That is pretty bad. How can we make sure he has the choice?


get back to work hashtag, complains about having to work


he doesn’t know what he’s talking about!! i don’t “roll out of bed” to sit in front of a screen. i work from my bed in the early mornings :P


Is the meeting scheduled during normal business hours? And is there a time zone to account for. I'd rather get all of my meetings knocked out early in the day, because there is nothing worse than an afternoon meeting that makes me alter everything I've already started working on. Start my day off with a meeting so I have the rest of the day to make edits or start something new. Nothing worse than sitting around waiting for a meeting to start. If it's during normal operating hours then this guy can fly a kite. If the timing is used to accommodate time zone changes, this guy can get over it. Does this guys job require him to work from the office or is it his choice? If he does it by choice then he needs to deal with the drawbacks of his decisions.


My co-worker, who works in the eastern time zone and drives to an office, scheduled a 9 am meeting this past Monday (his time). So my WFH ass started the week with a 6 am. Cuts both ways


Did he just admit he's not ready to work at 7am because he has to commute? #workfromhomeISwork


7:30am meetings are obviously psychotic. Why are we against this guy?


Because Gareth is dumb to imply 730am meeting is due to homeworkers. The issue is whoever dumb hirgher up that decided to conduct this meeting regardless of people.


I work in an R&D lab and regularly work with people in marketing. I get some WFH days but more often than not I'm in the lab by 8:00 doing tests; marketing folks are full WFH and are constantly scheduling meetings for the moment I get in to work, sometimes with barely 30 minutes of notice.


>constantly scheduling meetings for the moment I get in to work, sometimes with barely 30 minutes of notice. Anyone scheduling a meeting with a 30-minute notice is legit batshit.


As a third shifter this is soooo real.


I don't know if OP is picking on him because he often spews other alpha CEO bullshit (I have no idea who this guy is), but it's reasonable to despise anyone who schedules a meeting before 9:00, if not wish them physical harm. Yes I have meetings with people in different time zones. We are considerate and make it work. The antiwork stance should be "I hate early morning / late evening meetings."


So are meetings at 7pm/19:00 because (american) management does not understand the concept of international time zones..


Do you not see the irony that the person working from home is already up and producing actual work for the company and is ready for meetings at 7:30am, while the in-office guy struggles to even get to work on time and needs extra time to compose himself before producing and is frustrated the other person isn't burdened by an unnecessary commute? It's poetic justice really. The point is there is no real reason to pull people back into the office. They're more productive while at home.


I'm not vouching against working at home. I work fully remotely. I'm just saying - whether you work from home or work in the office, 7:30am meetings are psychotic.


Depends on the job. Maybe he does have an actual reason to be in the office. He's right about the 730 thing, but the solution isn't to make everyone go back to office.


If work starts at 7....


I do sympathize with the whole people not being considerate of other people’s timezones and schedules though.


Who is this clown?


There’s no way I’m ever making 7:30AM meetings under ANY circumstance lol


The only person I have a problem with working from home while I can’t is my fucking boss. Shit irks me every morning


Whoa listen, he's not wrong. Let's stop scheduling 730am meetings.


I’m someone that doesn’t have the ability to do remote work for many reasons and I kind of thought about the pushback against remote work one day in the shower. The pushback seems arbitrary and this whole “well think about ____” argument can kind of go in a never ending cycle. Is it a privilege that not many people can achieve? Absolutely. Does that mean it should be taken away? No. If anything, I think the message should be to fully relish in and embrace the fact that you have something that others don’t have; it’s the same as how I grew up on the privilege of having food on my plate and my parents would tell me “enjoy the meal as much as you can, because there’s people in this world that don’t get to even have dinner most nights.” Wouldn’t it be stupid if they said “don’t eat, since others can’t eat?” Also furthermore it’s like…these same business owners won’t overlook how they get the privilege of more vacation time, control over their workplace and the people in it, they probably have the money to live closer to work on top of owning a car and thus their commute isn’t as hellish as their employees, and so on. If we’re expecting remote workers to drop the privilege of remote work just because it isn’t accessible to everybody, should business owners do the same with the privileges they have? Where does the line get drawn between “this privilege is fine, keep it” and “this privilege isn’t fine, don’t keep it?”


7:30am meeting is diabolical. Even if you did work from home and wanted to give yourself an hour before to get dressed, eat, handle any errands. That would mean waking up at 6am….. I thought it was 9-5 😩 WTF


That guy is envious AF My boss and I have worked from home for ~4 years now, and we're in the top 15% of our department by what we produce as a result. We consistently rank highly and score well in every metric. We spend less time doing BS like commuting, waste less resources, are more happy and rested and can make our own hours. Everyone benefits from this arrangement.


As a factory worker that will never be able to do my job from home, fuck this guy. If someone can do their entire job from home, fucking let them. That guy is not cutting me off on the freeway, not hogging the coffee maker or microwave in the break room, not hogging one of the too-few bathroom stalls at work, and not bringing his personal problems to work with him and ruining the vibe. If they want to work from home, and can, fucking let them.


Somebody's mad he doesn't get to work from home.


That sounds like a YOU problem.


Gareth proving that no one wants to work anymore.


Sounds like he’s advocating for making meetings only in reasonable work hours, sounds good


Bitch, your IT team is taking meetings at 4:30am with your global employees, so drink your fuckin coffee and YOU get back to work, Gareth.


Sounds like Gareth was pissed off about that 730 meeting and had to vent on social media.


Funny. I just finished auditing the seating arrangements in the office yesterday. Saying who is and isn't at their desk, who does/doesn't have the needed supplies such as a monitor, keyboard, etc. The work is being done, successfully. They just reported their 3rd record profit year. If they are WFH and it still gets done, why not just leave it that way?


Every time I've had a meeting before 8, it's been scheduled by somebody who works in an office, makes more money than I ever will, and doesn't pay attention to time zones. Sorry Gareth, you're getting pissed off at the wrong people.


Sounds like a communication issue to me.


Well, why don't you figure something out for this, mister problem solver


I'm ALL for people working from home... Having said that, as someone coming in because my position requires it, there is some worthless lazy work getting done from home. Trust me, more often than not workers spending money on gas and time on commute are cleaning up half assed BS. This guy seems like some exec so fuck him, but seriously you gotta meet the in-office workers half way on work load because I can tell you right now I don't give a fuck about you if you don't give a fuck about me. I've worked from home before so don't tell me you all ain't sleeping and doing laundry. If you can do that you can cover your responsibilities so in-office workers don't have to do extra.


I would agree with him if I knew literally anyone who schedules 7.30 meetings without considering office workers.


Get fucked GARETH.


No but legitimately fuck you if you schedule a meeting before 9:30am in whatever time zone the other person is in unless they specifically ask for that first.


What A Twat


I hope someone told this guy to go fuck himself


As an essential worker, through the pandemic. let people work from home.


I am just tired of working two jobs myself and fully support those who want to work from home. People these days just have gotten more nasty when compared to before the pandemic. You see it from all walks of life. It’s like people forgot their manners once the pandemic happened. I just try to suck it up and my job, but some days it can be hard. I just want to see things change for us all to get to work less and not more. I think anyone who says “people don’t want to work anymore” is just out of touch with reality. Many people want to work just not for bread crumbs that can barely afford apartments and not even a house. Most of us I am sure would agree that the minimum wage should be up to $15 or more and that it is a travesty that it has stayed at $7 something for the last 15 years.


anyone scheduling a meeting before 9am is the devil, WFH or not.


It really burns me when the anti-WFH people equate RTO with “getting back to work”. I am FAR more productive working from my home office than I ever was in any office building. Not even close…


Will light a candle for the onsite in-office heros from my work sofa


I don’t know who this guy is but do y’all really hate him enough to come out in defense of 730 meetings


People hatin him not because of defending 730am meeting People hate him because he is dumb enough to imply it is due to home workers. This ridiculous idea of meeting are from the higher up not thinking about other people. These just reeks of forcing people to office bullshittery - like fuck, i have meeting at 6pm too even if working from office Even regardless of those adhoc meeting we would still have meeting at odd hours due to the nature of company being global that have to sync across multiple timezone


I don't see anyone defending 7:30AM meetings. I think we're all on the same page there - 7:30AM meetings suck and should never be a thing. What we're snarking on is him blaming that bullshit on WFH personnel and telling us to "get back to work" (go back to the office). If his boss is scheduling 7:30AM meetings, it's not because his boss is WFH, it's because his boss is an inconsiderate asshole.


no wfh person wil make a 7:30 am meeting, rofl.


Someone sounds jealous


Why do they keep trying this approach that don’t work?


Go Get Fucked, Gareth. Get Lost.


I don't care where you work if you schedule me for a meeting at 0730 against my public availability (10-4 local) I'm not even dignifying it with a response, I work outside of those times but it's on my discretion.


pull yourself up by your bootstraps and leave earlier!


If you don’t like when the meeting is scheduled, Decline it. It’s not that difficult. I have far more problems with people who don’t respect time zones than anything related to WFH. Lately I’ve been having a lot of office people accept meetings during their drive time and act surprised when I say we have to reschedule because they can’t look at the slides/docs.


Hey Gareth, bend over.


I have far more problem working from home with people IN office scheduling meetings for 7:30 and after hours than any that works from home


I like WFH but I agree with the 7:30am meeting ban.


Hated it when my old boss scheduled 8:30am conference calls when my commute was over an hour and the jackass worked from home


Bong bong BRING OUT YOUR DEAD! Thats literally what get back to the office reminds me of


Here’s a thought. Fuck off.


Sounds like he's not willing to be a team player ... #getbacktowork


Lol! I will do that...as I sit on my couch in my PJs, waiting for someone to send me work to do.


I've only seen hr schedule interviews that early.




Unless there’s time zone considerations involved, anyone who schedule’s a 730AM meeting is a monster.


All I am taking from this is no 7:30am meetings.


Gareth, this is a very strange way to tell the world that you hate yourself, hate your lot in life, and hate people who have what you crave,....the ability to WFH.


Uh I agree w this in general tho I don’t want a 730 meeting even while WFH… hell I don’t want an 830 meeting!! I got emails to check bb


What kind of an inconsiderate jackass attempts to schedule a meeting before 7:30? I'm online at 7 AM but that is my QUIET time. That means no meetings, no messages on TEAMS. I am going through emails, re-organizing my day (because something always comes up in emails that forces me to re-prioritize things), and maybe tackling something that I'd started right before I logged off but didn't feel like finishing. I might accept a 7 AM meeting every so often, but only if the other person has scheduled it well in advance (popping it on my calendar while I'm asleep does not count), the other person lives on the other side of the world, and there is a very detailed agenda. Otherwise, forget about it. The other person can just use one of the many tools this age of technology has given us to communicate. Or the other person can have the meeting at a time that suits me if it's so damn important and urgent that they are unable to plan ahead.


I have no problems with this. In addition to the “no talking before coffee” rule, I don’t schedule meetings. Meetings are generally pointless. I send emails asking for the info I need, and you can get back to me when convenient. Just don’t tell me you’re being more productive by adding a commute.


The only reason why businesses want return to work is for micromanaging and recouping massive losses on high rise buildings.


Send me a meeting invite for 7:30am and I’ll reply with a picture of my dog’s butthole captioned, “You know what to do.”


This guy’s follow-up post is probably going to argue that being in the office saves time. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Jealous much?


I don't care that I roll out of bed in the 20 years I've worked at my job I'm never scheduling a meeting before 10AM unless there's something literally on fire.


Poor man; so simple minded that he believes because he suffers so shall everybody else. Boo hoo.


Pro tip: you can decline and suggest new times in any useful meeting platform.


If the work can be done, even the work can be done better with a calm and balanced worker, without the extra stressful, costly and frankly unnecessary steps. Are your ego this fragile that your "work" has to be worshipped and you must perform rituals to be able to work???? Upon objective and subjective metrics, working from home is better for everyone. ---- Worker doesn't have to commute, don't have to be interrupted by the noisy office, they are in a calm and accomodating environment. Employers don't have to pay for an office and all the ammenities that it offers and to be pragmatic, the lack of clear separation of work and other time can sway the worker to actually work more, or at least be more efficient with their times. An 8 hour worker goes into the office, you get 8 hours time, but not 8 hours of work, if there are not enough tasks Someone working at home with flexible schedule, you get actual 8 hours of work, because they do a task and if there is nothing else they can do something else and get back to work a little later


I hope he falls on a candlestick, honestly.


What I’m hearing is you want me to sleep in. Done.


Eat a dick, Gareth!


He sounds jealous.


Somebody's jealous


How did he manage to turn a complaint about 7:30 AM meetings into a bitch session about laziness? god bless.


lol 7:30 isn’t even early


Who schedules a meeting at literally the start of the business day? Maybe if it was an emergency, but it would have to be a life, limb, or eyesight emergency.


If they get their work done while working from home then they don’t need to waste time going in to the office. Too many micromanagers worried they will be out of a job if their employees work from home.


In my experience it's the commuters who push the earliest meetings, though, so ...


“Solving Problems.” Okay, so you give us this problem but no real solution except “sparing a thought”? Move those 7:30 meetings back and then the WFH person can sleep in! I love it. Problem solved for all. 👍


Jokes on him - what makes you think I get out of bed?


My guy..feel free to decline invites that are before your shift starts. If you’re critical to a meeting agenda, they will adjust the schedule. If people log in before you, for any reason, wfh, different time zones or early risers..don’t yuck their yum..ass.


He's not solving any problems.  He's creating them.


A friend of mine is a web designer. They worked a lot at home during and right after covid, which not only increased their overall contentment, but also increased their productivity. When called back to the office, they noticed productivity fell because of social expectations in the work environment and they were laid off when the department cut costs. Point being, office work isn’t always more efficient.