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"There are not a lot of opportunities in the field of dance to get to perform at an elite level," Jones told Netflix. So they blatantly underpay them as they know it’s an elite level and they are the cream of the crop yet pay barely above minimum wage. Sounds like it’s time for the cheerleaders to unionize just like the players have to get their fair pay instead of getting screwed by the owner class.


It's even worse too in lots of cases. Not only with the hard tryouts but all they have to put up with. I know Chiefs cheerleaders are required to wear makeup every time they leave their house because they are "always representing" and if they are caught without it they are kicked off the team immediately. And that's the Chiefs. I'm sure it's much worse for the Cowboys.


That’s fuckin psychotic.


The more I learn about Chiefs ownership, the more this checks out


There's a reason we told him to go fuck himself when he tried to tag along with sherman and get tax payer money.


News flash: almost every position of power is held by someone with anti-social tendencies.


Sane people don't hoard power and money. Well adjusted people don't need to have people "under them" to control. Decent humans will share and support those around them and create nice successful communities, to become truly wealthy and/or powerful (like the stupid "you can never spend this much in 100 lifetimes" ***RICH***), you can only ever care about yourself.


With ONE billion dollars you can spend $34,000 EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR EIGHTY YEARS and still have $7,000,000 left over. It would take that same 80 years at $87,500 a year to make just that. I am convinced that a significant portion of the population do not grasp just how much a billion dollars is. A million isn't so tough - if you make $50,000 a year that would take 20 years. However it would take twenty THOUSAND years to reach a billion at that rate. A million seconds is 11.5 days. A billion seconds is 32 years. I think many people (by no means suggesting you) assume a billion is just a little more than a million. It seems like if *everyone* understood just how much a billion dollars is then the outrage would be for more intense. They ❤ the poorly educated !


Actually that would only be $100mm spentafter 8 years at $34k a day. And that’s assuming zero returns on the money


They said 80 years, not 8, at about 12.5mil a year, 80 years (a good full life) still leaves you a little over 7mil. No returns on the money, $34k (over 2x minimum wage 40hr week ANNUAL gross salary) spent ***EVERY DAY***, including the day you were born. A billion is a WILD amount of money, more than that? What the actual fuck? How are you not raising up entire cities and helping people?


Thank you. 80 years is still about 8 years more that average life expectancy for a male in the US. For females it is 79 I think. That $7m left over could easily last till you were 100 if you needed it to and you would still be able to spend $350k a year.


> Thank you. 80 years is still about 8 years more that average life expectancy for a male in the US I have a sneaking suspicion that being born with a billion in the bank and never having to work, having access to the best medical advice and care from day 1, never knowing financial stress or food scarcity, never having to live with mold or bad water, etc. would probably lend itself to a significantly increased lifespan. The other side of the wealth gap is all the shit that kills us poors because we can't afford to get out from under it that rich people just never get exposed to.


EIGHTY years - 80. You are missing my point. If considering returns that would be more than a billion dollars. I am just talking about a billion dollars in the simplest terms possible given my idea that many people can not grasp exactly how much money that already is. I don't want to confuse them further. With a billion dollars and nothing else you could spend $34,000 every day for 80 years and STILL have more than the majority of people will see in a life time.


Have you not seen how these beauty pageant people act? This is an extension of that lifestyle.


Have you not met Capitalism?


It’s a complicated relationship.


That is one way to phrase it…


Stares back in stockholm syndrome.


> I know Chiefs cheerleaders are required to wear makeup every time they leave their house because they are "always representing" If they are "always representing" shouldn't they also be always be being paid?


They absolutely should.


Sounds like "always on call," if you ask me, in which case yes, federal law would require that they be paid if they're nonexempt employees.


They’re always being paid in many forms of exposure, for instance but not limited to, sexual predators. Except with how they dress they’re basically asking for it, amaright?


Please tell me you dropped this: /s


I won’t say. If it’s not clear enough, I’ll gladly accept the consequences.


I'm pretty sure WWE had a similar policy for it's female wrestlers a few years back. fucking gross, how they were expected to work out under those rules is beyond me


Plus any and all charity events for the team. Which may or may not be paid. That was a story locally back before the pandemic. The cheerleaders not getting paid for charity gigs that were part of the contracts for the players.


Imagine if they held players to the same standard.


Didn’t the chiefs owner get arrested for solicitation in 2019?


Not that I recall. You might be thinking of the Patriots owner?


The cheerleaders that have spoken out for better treatment, better pay, or not doing a tv show during a pandemic end up getting cut. Watch clips from the last couple episodes of the last season of their show and it’s clear there’s more to the story.


They do this to EMTs too. It's expected that we are using the "experience" to become nurses, firefighters or paramedics so the pay is actually less than fast food workers get in CA (typically $16/hr which they advertise as higher due to overtime). It's pretty infuriating because we all know how much an ambulance ride costs and most 911 ambulances are privatized, billion dollar corporations.


AMR- the McDonalds of the ambulance world........


Have you seen the Santa Barbara and San Bernardino lawsuits? I'm so proud of the government finally trying to kick this kind of shit but I'm really worried AMR has a mighty arsenal to fight back. Thinking of starting a petition to have california rework how it contracts ambulance companies


Wasnt aware of those lawsuits. Thanks. These ambo contracts are pure evil..


Keep a close eye. Both counties are saying amr has rigged the contract awards board in their favor and that the firefighters can do a better, cheaper (for citizens) job running 911 calls yet they're being awarded contracts anyway. A friend of mine said they even make hiring difficult to avoid paying more ppl and basically run on skeleton crews which is why response times are so awful


Having to explain to a drunk American in London who’d had their teeth knocked out that we were calling them an ambulance and that it wouldn’t cost 5k and that they shouldn’t just take an Uber is one of the weirder experiences I’ve been in. 


That's absolutely disgusting. EMT's literally save lives in the most direct way possible. In light of that fact they ought to be paid accordingly. They ought to be making more than anyone else.


Exactly. Strength in numbers. Build a union!


Imagine their picket line slogans and chants.


Well now I want this to happen even more


Yes - unfortunately most of the dance world is this way. Same reason you'll find ballerinas gogo dancing in nightclubs when the ballet is in off season - people got bills to pay.


Elite level dancing should come with Elite level pay, one would think.


If you watch the documentary, it sounds like a cult. "I know I am being underpaid, but this is a family and we are afforded opportunities i couldnt get anywhere else."


Do that and they will definitely just end up getting rid of them altogether. Shitty thing but it is what will end up happening for sure.


As a foreign, it’s really odd to need someone to get the cheering started and for that to be an acrobatic young dancer.  I cannot imagine a premier league game in silence waiting for someone to finish a vaulted double somersault into splits, point her pompom at someone and scream “ WANKER! WANKER! WANKER!” at their centre forward


Even as someone born and raised in America, I've always found it odd. Cheerleading becomes a thing in middle school, when (mainly) girls are barely 13 and at the same time school-oriented sports becomes a thing. It gives young girls an opportunity to do active school stuff, but its just weird and off putting to me. 


More like it reinforcements that society believes a woman's job is to cheer in the manly men, and act like sex kittens while doing it. 


This is supply/demand on display. They can pay these women like shit because within the dancing "career" there are always going to be hundreds and hundreds of gorgeous and talented dancers who will gladly accept shit pay to dance for them.


This reminds me of a crazy story... When I was deep into reading court docs, interviews, and reporting on the Jeffrey Epstein case there was a little knowledge nugget that blew my mind. One of the victims stated that one tough part of coming forward is the hate she'll receive from a lot of the other girls. Basically, many girls didn't see themselves as being trafficked for sex & blackmail. They saw themselves at getting an opportunity to meet wealthy & influential men such that a portion of them met their husbands through Maxwell's events.


Oh for sure that's definitely a thing. For every girl that feels victimized there are likely 10 more who see it as an opportunity. The thing is that legal minors can't be allowed to make that choice.


Lots of women just want a rich sugar daddy to take care of them. Not have to work and live in luxury. Just have to have sex once a in while with the guy. There are websites dedicated to meeting a sugar daddy.


There are so many “cream-of-the-crop” employers that do this. They leverage their status against their compensation—killing earning power in the prime of someone’s career.


It won’t work. There are millions of women who desperately want to be a Dallas Cheerleader. They could pay them nothing and still be drowning in applications. If you don’t believe me just think about Instagram influencers. They get paid nothing (from Instagram) and spend their whole lives on the platform. If they became a cheerleader they could make even more from sponsorships.


They'll just get rid of cheerleaders.


Replace them with creepy AI on bigscreens


Not to be that guy, but if they unionize the owners will just stop having cheerleaders.


Would that really be a bad thing?


From the dancers perspectives, yes.


Depends on how much pressure the fans put on the assholes who run the show.


In theory sure. Reality is they'll do what they want regardless of the backlash. There are countless examples to support that.


I'm sure people said that before unions helped ensure a higher standard of living in many other countries. You certainly won't achieve anything being defeatist.


Didn’t realize how much does cheer leaders unionizing make sense until I heard you said it.


Most corporations know they should pay people more. Most corporations don’t cause we allow them to not pay them more.


They need to be paid more, but honestly cheerleaders have never, *ever* added to the spectacle of a sports show for me. Not once since I left high school. Am I in the minority? I've never once felt more excited because they're doing their thing, or even actively watched them and while I think everyone needs to get paid a living wage, they don't really do anything valuable in my opinion. I know this is a shitty, boomery take but I don't understand why people are talking about this issue as if they should be paid closer to the male athletes salaries.


The hilarity is that they'll either just all of a sudden not need cheerleaders or will simply outsource the job to a local school community and "give the opportunity to cheer at NFL games"


I had a co worker whose daughter was a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. It is exactly as underpaid as you think, but it is also a cheat code to a modeling, acting or dancing career. Daughter got minimum wage, but also got some amazing vacations for the calendar photoshoot and a magazine photoshoot. The cheerleaders also have a few jobs they guard for their own. Apparently one local cafe was very popular with old oil men and staffed almost exclusively with cheerleaders. The pay was crappy, but the tips were legendary.


The Buffalo Jills fought for labor equity (and did win a settlement for the poor pay) but the organization responded by getting rid of the cheerleaders altogether.


The first Starbucks unions were busted as well, but it is slowly moving in the right direction.


Cheerleaders are not necessarily essential to the management and even the performance of a sports team. Cheerleaders don’t have a lot of leverage.


None of us aren't really essential, except most of us are earning millions for people who couldn't remember our names if their lives* depended on it.


But as he argued, (Starbucks) workers back then were essential to the primary business of serving coffee to customers. Cheerleaders on the other hand can be cut entirely, and aside from a few rants of some of the few passionate fans, nobody would care much and will just focus on the the sport.  'Professional' cheerleading has been a side activity at best for the NFL. They just need to move on and become the sport they deserve to be, as far as I know, this is already kind of ongoing with professional leagues already in existence. 


If the fans are interested and show they care about the cheerleaders, then the cheerleaders will have value to the ghouls in suits have value. But I agree that those girls probably work hard enough to be athletes in their own right, instead of C-level mascots with tits.


Cowboys cheerleaders are a known cultural thing though, they might have better luck if they unionized here. But who the fuck really knows, it is Texas after all.


I believe it.  My sister made the Lovables (the Bulls cheerleaders) and she ultimately chose not to do it because it would have essentially cost her money because they were paid so little.  Fuck these teams.  They make billions and yet screw over the cheerleaders. 


You don’t get to a point in life where you’re making billions without exploiting a lot of people along the way.


"I didn't get rich writing checks" - Bill Gates on The Simpsons


It’s from the new Netflix show on the cheerleaders. It’s really good also! Reece and Kelcey ❤️


I had a teacher in middle school who was a former Colts cheerleader. She said they only earned like 50 bucks a game. Granted, this was in the early 2000s, but adjusted for inflation, that's still not much at all.


That’s about what Rams cheerleaders made when they were here is St. Louis. One hopes they also got paid when they did promotional appearances.


Last time I checked, I lived in Denver, and the Broncos cheerleaders got paid nothing for promo appearances. $75/game. They were not allowed to date the football players. Gaining weight = fired. Pregnant = fired. For an organization that brings in billions of dollars, they sure cheat everybody who works for them.


>they sure cheat everybody who works for them. Well, how do you think they BECAME an org that brings in billions of dollars?!?! Sure wasn't playing quality football.


Partly, I'm to blame. Every single time I purchase a jersey of a player, that guy quits, gets permanently injured or traded away to some other team. I'm surprised the Broncos didn't send me a card when I moved away and stopped buying season tix. Maybe now the Broncos can play some quality football.


My wife's a Broncos fan, so I'm learning the ropes as I go. Fans like you guys keep the snakebitten curse alive. XD


Yep, a teller at a local bank near where I lived was an Eagles cheerleader. She only got something like $50-$100/game.


My high school English teacher was a former Vikings cheerleader!


Y’all had cheerleaders for teachers? I think mine were former Vikings.


as if income is adjusted for inflation anymore, that's probably like 52 bucks a game today.


I don't want the cheerleaders to be underpaid, but damn can we stop using fast food workers as an example. There are lots of ways to express that a group of people are being underpaid, but pitting low wage people against each other is not going to gain anything. Also, there is an established, legally-defensible way for workers to get their fair share. Unionize!


It also means we're under paying about 4.7 million other people. I'm o.k. with the reference since so many Americans have worked in fast food over their lives. It is a very hard job that doesn't pay what it should. Even back in the late 70s, when I worked at Jack in the Box, it was a hard, under-paid job.


Cheerleaders and fast food workers should both get raises. 


Thanks for pointing this out. It seems like they point at them like they are bottom tier of society. Everyone starts somewhere, or they’re in between gigs. I low key judge people that never had to start out in retail, it seems so privileged to me and they’ll never understand what it’s like to juggle many responsibilities with little pay. Every job has its challenge. People need to be compensated fairly. Their anger needs to be pointed at the nfl for raking in absurd amounts of money and paying them peanuts. If they can’t pay them then cut the program.


On top of that, it plays into the narrative of ‘so long as I’m not THOSE people’ that capitalism uses to divide us so we don’t enact real change by focusing on the top causing our misery. Solidarity for all labor, no warfare but class warfare.


Oh man, when you mentioned “those people” mentality I literally got secondhand rage. That’s the fucking truth. Everyone enjoys McDonald’s, I’m sure they’re no exception! They want fresh and safe to eat food just like any other person…you need quality employees to achieve that. So depressing seeing how people are still willing to blame other workers as to why they’re paid this or that. We will never get anything or anywhere unless we stick together.


When I was a kid, dad took me out to eat at McD. When I went to clean up after myself, dump my tray and all, dad insisted I leave the mess on the table. Called it "job security." I didn't understand at the time, but eventually realized dad's just a lazy jerk eager to make someone else do every bit of his work for him, from cleaning up after him to trimming his mustache. He shit-talked fast food so much, and me so much, that it seemed like autopilot to go apply to fast food jobs the second I was old enough to legally work. Worked at McD off and on for about a decade because I found a place with a really excellent mom-type general manager, lady who honestly gave a damn if I was eating and feeling okay. Oh ya shoulda seen how upset dad got! Especially after I finished college and just stayed at McD for another couple years because I was too burnt out to function.


>but damn can we stop using fast food workers as an example. It's also straight up just not accurate. The McDonalds I pass on the way to work pays their staff *$19/h*. That's more than people drawing *blood* or handling *dead* *bodies* make in the hospital I work at.


This is why "nobody wants to work anymore"


I pass a McD’s sign stating $17 starting. EMT’s in my area start at $9.50 and caps at $22.50 for a full medic at 20 years. People asked me when I got my emt license why I didn’t go work for AMR, well, my military contracting job in my actual career field was paying $38.50 and I liked just being a volunteer firefighter/emt. Compulsory fuck AMR.


I looked into getting a W-EMT license since we have large State and National Parks that require unconventional care since they're so isolated. All it took was to look at the pay rates and I said nvm. Not worth it. Even the new requirements for ComSAR is getting ridiculous.


Thank you for posting this. It's almost as though they are using the term "fast food workers" in a dehumanizing way. Side note: I've never worked fast food, but I have gone through enough drive-throughs to know these people bust their asses and deserve more than what they are getting.


I don't think the point was to blast fast food workers, but to contrast the pay of a commonly available unskilled job with one that requires a high degree of aptitude, is highly sought after with relatively few openings, has stringent requirements, and with the added pressure of being nationally public facing and representative of a major brand.


The Buffalo Jill's tried to get a pay raise/paid for the hours they worked using their union and the Bills just got rid of them.


I was shocked by their pay when watching the episode and they discussed it. They literally said the girls want to do this, they don't even need to pay them, after saying when the cheerleaders come out you can see the difference it makes to the crowd. Um, don't all the elite footballers love to play as well? Why do they get paid so much then?


"These millennials, X-Gen, whatever they're called, they do look at it as a job," said Tina Kalina, who cheered for the team in 1989. "...us old-timers look at it as more of a privilege." It’s not a job, it’s a privilege, according to boomer cheer leader. 😬


“It’s a privilege to be over worked and under paid, all the for the glory of our great employer” “How else will our great employer afford another mega yacht” 🤗


How do I unsubscribe from capitalism? I don't want to be part of this cult. I have no wish to bring glory upon "great leader" while pretending that's *freedom* 'cause in theory I get to pick the leader to exalt. I do not worship The Almighty Dollar.


Anyone thinking that shaking their money maker for low pay is a “privilege” never had to worry about getting their bills paid with that money. Boomer was probably SAHM that did it for fun in her spare time which her husband was excited about because he got to brag, “I’m married to a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader.”


Tina Kalina? Her and Julia Guglia sitting in a tree


This was the most upsetting part of the article to me. We should be advocating for better lives for future generations, not stomping them down and condoning their exploitation (and implying they should be grateful for it!). It's appalling and shameful.


Her daughter, Victoria, was a cheerleader. She took some time off. I think she auditioned again this year tho


I used to waitress with a chick who waitressed and was an LA Clippers cheerleader or dancer (can’t remember). She made $60 a game and $0 for contractually required PR appearances (like showing up for the grand opening of an In N Out). We made a lot more waitressing…


I don’t really think cheerleaders are necessary at games honestly but they shouldn’t be paid like shit


Coworker of my moms is a cheerleader for one of the NFL teams. She had to work 2 jobs plus being a cheerleader to just even get by. I shake my head anytime I see any cheerleader on the field and think “they’re so grossly underpaid why are they even here?”


Isn’t this the team that’s more known for having good cheerleaders than good football players?


They hate women.


"they should be honored to get to do it at all. In fact, they should be paying the NFL for the honor of being a cheerleader for one of their teams" -NFL Men, where beating women and killing dogs is acceptable, but God forbid you kneel duing the national anthem.


Did you watch the Netflix show? It’s not men saying this. It’s their own cheerleaders The entire structure is toxic beyond belief and it’s being driven by women The entire Dallas Cheerleader organization is run by former cheerleaders and the daughter of the cowboys owners. It’s women being mean to women. They have the owners daughter as part of the org. Yet even she doesn’t see it fit to pay them well


there was a TV show about it, lasted a few seasons, is the Netflix Doc anything different?


Never seen the tv show. The documentary may have been designed to paint Dallas in a good light. But it doesn’t. It seems like Mean Girls shit


They’re brainwashed.


Of course they didn’t. They just want to jump all over men.  Someone with their mindset doesn’t need to watch anything. They’re always right…..


Some teams dropped cheerleaders all together.


Imagine cheering for people that get paid millions while working for the same company


Yeah, imagine being a poor cleaner or handyman supporting all those white collar 6 or 7 figures earners, while working for the same company with their slave wage. Not saying it is right, but inequality like this is everywhere sadly. When people aren't vital, they tend to be viewed as expandable and not worth much. 


My fiancée’s mom was an NFL cheerleader. She did it mostly to stay in shape and maintain dancing as a profession while she auditioned for better dancing gigs (mostly off-broadway productions). She quit cheerleading because it cost her more money than it earned. My fiancée was a cheerleader too until college. She quit almost immediately because cheerleaders were expected to pay for tanning beds, extensions, bleaching their hair (if they were white), and waxing to stay a part of the squad at a PAC-12 college. There’s also the baggage of being constantly diminished, sexualized, and slut-shamed.


This is mind blowing, considering the amount of money that the NFL and franchise teams make. I had two friends in high school after they graduated that cheer lead for the Miami Dolphins and they have friends in the Miami Heat squad and they would all complain about how long the days were and they would only get around 100 bucks or something. Most of them said they did it just to have it on their resume, but I’m not sure how that would help help him


The owner of the cowboys has a 357 foot yacht with a live aboard crew of 30 For those wondering where all the extra Dallas Cowboys money goes


A college friend of my wife's was a Lions cheerleader. They barely made anything and had a ton of demands on their schedule and diet


I think the way treat cheerleaders is disgusting. I don’t know why the position exist to me honestly though. I love me muh sports but have no interest in the sexual sideshow.


as an ex dancer, i used to be fascinated with the CMT version of the DCC show, making the team, because it's fun to see the behind the scenes for these dancers. but the overly sexualized choreo and outfits just ruin it for me. they're such sweet girls and they love dance, it's unfair that they have to submit themselves to things like this in order to continue their passion in a performing art.


"Non-unionized worker claim they make as much as other non-unionized workers."


That much? Cheerleaders used to have to pay a fee to participate in a squad


Didn't they break this down a few years ago. They only get paid per game and they don't get paid for any events held by the team. I think some of them either have a second job or cheerleading is their second job.


This goes back to the 70s/80s when they first became a cultural phenomenon. The cheerleaders started making bank off of side gigs, endorsements, appearances, merch, etc. and the Cowboys organization was like, “Why should they be getting all that money when we could be getting it?” So from then on if you want to be on a pro cheer squad you have no choice but to agree to all this restrictive nonsense.


Men strengthening the patriarchy by screwing over cheerleaders financially.


Shouldn't fastfood workers make more


That whole documentary made it feel like these girls are being exploited and they made them feel like it’s a privilege to be a part of this organization. Gave me cult vibes…


I worked with a college cheerleader (work study). She told me awful things about how she was treated and the rules for weight. If the one size skirt didn’t fit, they either got kicked off/benched/etc or had to lose the weight. The fridge in their house (I think maybe a sorority?) was LOCKED at night. Every physical attribute was judged harshly. That was 20 years ago.


Sounds like these girlies need a union. 💅


My sister tried out for them in the 90s and it was definitely minimum wage. They made their money from appearances and endorsements.


Yeah I’m watching this doc and it is pissing me off. They are a stand alone entity that is not a cost center, they GENERATE cash for the cowboys selling merchandise. They are put through the gauntlet and have to re-apply for their job every year with no contract. The minute someone younger and better comes along they’re out. They’re leaving with hip injuries and surgeries because they do jump splits which tears up their body. They should never be asked to do this move. Bottom line is the Cowboys need the best of the best dancers. Young women who will be in this prime for 5 years TOPS. The hey need these young women to sacrifice their bodies and set their entire lives aside. The whole product here is glamour - the dream. You can’t sell that product without these perfect little women. They should be making $150k a year and they’d still be a cash-generator, not a cost center. Now let me brag on my Texas Rangers. Their “6 Shooters” make 80-100k/ year. They probably are a cost center on paper but really good for the franchise/vibe/team. They have also stuck with the same reporter, Emily Jones, who is 46 now and could easily be replaced by someone younger, thinner and prettier. But Emily Jones has rangers in her blood and wouldn’t be the same without her. I am proud of how my team employs and treats women compared to other franchises.


If the pay is the same, then they believe the cheerleaders can be replaced as easy as a fast food worker. Unionize and prove them wrong.


Had a teacher in highschool who was one. They don't get benefits either.


extremely on brand for Jerry Jones


Wait, what?! The NFL is exploiting some of the most vulnerable people that work for it?! No way!!!!!


Then they should quit. As long as women accept these wages, that's what they'll be paid.


Cheerleaders get a shit deal at every level...


Used to know a cheerleader for an NBA team. They truly make jack shit.


is this just to gatekeep the GOOD STOCK? kinda like how internships are only for the kids of wealthy parents who can afford to donate their time like that


I feel like they are paying them low, obviously on purpose because they don't respect cheerleaders. But if they push for more or try to unionize, the team can just get rid of the cheerleaders as no one really cares anymore about them anyway. They will just brand it like a "we want to be better and not objectify women amymore" type of PR. Which is sad and sucks for the cheerleaders. I'm sure they end up losing money on all of the out of pocket expenses anyway.


I’m a Giants fan. We don’t have cheerleaders.


Not surprising. Won’t be surprised to see them be an artifact soon


Don’t even get me started on the (*holds glass up to mouth*) Atlanta falcons


So why do it then?


I know somebody who was briefly a Cowboys cheerleader. Briefly because how little she got paid did not pay for her travel expenses.




If you are interested in reality-tv, the cheerleaders were the stars of the show "Making the team" for 15+ years. You see them being yelled at, asked to change their appearance on their own dime, have to hold 2nd or 3rd jobs, being denied work because of random reasons, being fired because they audition elsewhere etc.. Fascinating but super sad.


Not a claim, that’s been proven many many times


Now have them tell of the perks and side jobs that aren't available to 'fast food' workers.


Around 2000-2001 I worked with a former Dallas cowboy cheerleader, and she told me then that she made almost nothing as a cheerleader.


They get paid?  I kind of just assumed they were 100% exploited like Olympic or college athletes.


They take advantage of the few jobs that exist for dancers. My sister has a BFA in dance, and barely made any money with it. She ended up getting a job at a high end gym, where she is still working as manager now.


it's crazy bc they constantly talk in the show about how it important it is that there's no issues or minor errors bc they are "world class" but they refuse to pay them a living wage bc it should be an honor to cheer for the cowboys. lmao.


I knew a Ravens cheerleader, as of like 4-5 years ago I think they only got like $75 a game, idk if that differs for away games and what they got paid for practices, if anything


So the male athletes on the field make millions but the women athletes cheering them on make $15-20 an hour?? I just saw a post on another sub arguing the patriarchy doesn’t exist. Here is a perfect example of the patriarchy alive and well. Ugh


This is pretty consistent across the NFL cheerleading teams. Most also have this "den mother" whose duties vary, but include keeping the narrative on-brand, stuff like u/GhostMug said about "always wearing makeup outside of the house. They do weirdly tight control on these teams for paying nothing. They want to be all up in and over your personal life and what you say or do, because it reflects on the team. Which...okay, then pay me the six figures your lowest-paid players make if I'm sacrificing my personal life for the same schedule.


Buffalo Jills had a similar situation and lawsuit a number of years back. >Shortly after the squad's 35 members were selected for the 2014 season, a lawsuit was filed on April 22 by five former Jills that alleged the cheerleaders were not paid for hours they worked.[7] Management then responded 2 days later by "suspending operations" of the cheerleading squad.


There’s no way they make that much. Maybe the Cowboy ones.


 This is crazy. Underpay cheerleaders pay athletes millions and charge costumers 15 dollars for a 12 0z beer while make us pay for the stadiums. Would it really hurt these franchises to pay the cheerleaders?


I know there's money to be made doing promotional work. I remember years ago hiring a couple of Eagles cheerleaders to show up a store opening. They just shook their pom poms for a couple of hours and took pictures with people. It wasn't cheap.


If you're a cheerleader for a national sports team and can't monetize your worth, that's on you. There's plenty of fast food workers that would trade places with one of these cheerleaders in a heartbeat.


Dated a cheerleader for the NBA. She got like $50 + a meal per game. This was around 2013. Most of the girls were in school or chasing a rich husband. Being hot and on TV is great exposure for your gold-digger game.


They don't get paid enough but make way more than a fast food worker. $500 a game. About $10k a season. And extra $30 an hr for practice and $150 an hr for an special appearances. They don't make enough at all but it is a part time gig, not a full time job.


On the surface it’s part time. This does not include the time/money spent on gym, hair, nails, tanning. Sure, those things aren’t “required,” but they are.


That’s how it is for every team. Unpaid practices, buying your own uniforms, etc. These girls are trying to make names for themselves and are basically working for exposure.


They don’t have a huge amount to negotiate with. There are thousands of young women who would replace them in a heartbeat if any of them walked out. Nobody goes to the football to watch the cheerleaders, so they wouldn’t stop the Cowboys making money if they went on strike.


Watches their documentary it’s true


Packers don’t have cheerleaders. Is it because no one wants to work anymore? /s


It used to be that a prerequisite to be a cheerleader was you had a full time job. Is that no longer the case?


This is the case for every NFL team.


I've known 2 NFL cheerleaders for two different teams. They both had full time salaried jobs outside of the cheerleading, but we're expected to give as much time and dedication to the NFL gig like a full time job.


Good friend of mine was a Cavs cheerleader and she got $50 a game


ALL NFL cheerleaders are in the same boat. Not just Dallas. They know women want the “glamour” of being a cheerleader, and therefore are willing to be woefully underpaid.


I don’t think it’s a claim. I think it’s a fact. In fact, I’m pretty sure that some fast food workers, like some of the ones in California, make MORE than they do. Yet they can afford to sign even the shittiest player to a multi-million dollar contract.


I met a Raiderette. She stopped cheerleading because they moved to Vegas. I wish I would have asked about the perks of working for the Raiders.


So, they are not a necessary part of the game. And they don't really get much TV time. The game would do just fine without them.


This just highlights how capitalism works. Leverage is the only thing that matters


This is old news. We've known this for years and the fans don't care. They just want their eye candy at their sporting event.


I went to high-school with a girl who became a cheerleader for the stampeders in the CFL. They didn't get paid at all


Pretty sure I heard this like 20yrs ago. If I remember it was a private contractor arrangement and they weren't employees or some typical capitalist garbage.


If the job and pay is so terrible why are there crazy tryouts with tons of people trying to get it?


Perhaps switching jobs to be fast food workers. Easier jobs


this article from the 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s, and today. same ole same ole.


[Cheerleading has a monopoly problem](https://youtu.be/fIs57yFnHxs)


I’m sure that are a lot like the police where they make most of their money off duty being security or selling drugs.


So they are purposely trying to brain wash young girl so they can pay them a substandard wage! Welcome to America!


They make $20 an hour?


Cheerleading makes zero sense above the high school level.