• By -


Take both halves of the bill to the bank. They should exchange for free.


Used to work at a bank. Can confirm. That's why there's two copies of the serial number on the face of the bill and opposite left/right top/bottom. That way if a bill gets ripped, there's a high possibility you won't damage both serial numbers to the point that they cannot be exchanged. Bring it to the bank, it's no problem to swap 'em out. The bank keeps track of the bills they accept for exchange and sends it out to the Fed to destroy, at which point the Fed adds it into the calculations of how many bills they need to print. Just make sure the serial numbers match up on both halves of the bills you're bringing them and they'll exchange. And not for nothing, intentionally destroying bills in such a manner is technically a crime. They have much bigger fish to fry so there's no chance in hell they're going to come down on one guy for ripping a few bills, but throwing the threat out there might scare him and honestly, assholes should live in fear.


What if you just had one half but it was bigger than the other side ripped off?


Asking the real questions here! I, salute you!


You can have just one ~~half~~ **part** but you need to have at least 51% of a note


Banker pulls out a magnifying glass and a ruler


It basically just means you have to have *more* than half. So that you don't have another half bill to exchange elsewhere


Wouldn’t be the first lady to do that to something I showed her.


You can go to your local police station and file a legitimate complaint. Those tips are NOT his. They belong to YOU and so that is stealing. File a police report, make sure you are given a file number. Reason: If he gets in trouble in the future FOR ANY REASON and they look up his record they will find all of these personal complaints about him and they can be put in the record. Don’t worry about recourse. The police department only files these things away. They rarely, if ever, contact the party in question. All you’re doing is creating a database.


Be sure to look for a new job as well after you file a police complaint/report.


Considering the circumstances, they should be looking for a new job anyway.


Also, report the boss is attempting to destroy official currency. EDIT: I see half of ya'll can't read or understand what "also" means. He's remanding/stealing/withholding tips from tipped workers by destroying currency he does not legally posses. You report the fuckery with the currency to add to the core labour violations and theft cases.


Report this boss for this for sure










I miss when unions were this based!


Yeah! fuck this guy, break his family's kneecaps too.


Not an attempt, it looks like a sucess :/ that’s not good


That’s not legal*


Nope nope it sure is not :( I really hope OP said something to someone.


It’s actually a weird grey area because that law also takes intent into account Like, those penny masher machines at tourist destinations that smoosh a design into a flattened penny for 50 cents aren’t technically illegal.


It's not the boss's money to destroy. This is equivalent to a stranger stealing your money, then shredding it.


Actually none of its illegal unless they can prove intent to sell the raw materials for more than its worth.


Just tape the halves back together. Still valid currency.


But then it's taped and you'll get weird looks. And you can't use a taped 100$ to do coke. Who knows what's in that adhesive




>You can even do this with just slightly more than half the bill. How much varies by bank. Mine requires about 75% of the bill, with an entire full one and at least half of the other.


But the money is still good. I've used taped up bills a bunch of times. Can't speak to the coke part though.


Also destroying currency is a crime, so if they ask don't lie. Title 18, Section 333, passed 1948 reads: "Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both."


Idk why this isn't higher, I was gonna say it if I didn't see it and I had about given up. Boss is a bag of dicks, yes, but I hope staff knew this money was still good and didn't throw it away or some shit.


"Under regulations issued by the Department of the Treasury, mutilated United States currency may be exchanged at face value if: More than 50% of a note identifiable as United States currency is present." -From the Federal Reserve website: https://www.frbservices.org/resources/financial-services/cash/exception-processing/mutilated-currency-coin.html


Your boss is a turd


No, that's what should be in every bite of food he ever gets out of the kitchen from here forward.


And then, once he has consumed enough turds, he will truly be the turd.


You are what you eat.


I hear Octavia Spencer has a good pie recipe you could use


Hope you all walked out and into the next hiring restaurant


Every restaurant is always hiring. Especially nowadays. It’s shit work for usually shit pay. There’s a reason no one wants to work in restaurants and why turnover is so high.


It sucks that restaurant bosses ALWAYS do illegal shit. It is the sketchiest industry.


After waiting tables for years I always say that restaurant owners are like the slum lords of jobs


They are slum lords tho


Yum lords


The spices must flow?


I used to be a weed, lsd and shrooms dealer also worked line for 12 years. Cooking is def sketchier than dealing and you've got about the same chance in both of getting robbed


Lots of cross over between the drugs and the back of house too usually


I believe it’s called a “networking opportunity”


To be honest I simply could not imagine working BOH as a sober individual.


every kitchen in america runs off blow


I never fucked with powders. People were dying in hs from bunk and mixing benzos and liquor. Alot of the people that used to shit on me for being a head died with a needle in their arms. A couple of the places I worked ran off blow and one of the places the boss was running it from the city.


Ain't it crazy how if you try to kill yourself by downing a bottle of sleeping pills, it's a huge deal. Everyone cares. It's a medical emergency. Support and care and a million bots telling you to call a help line. But if you kill yourself slowly, hooked on whatever got you through 14 hour days in 120 degree weather? You're just a piece of shit who deserves to be caged, tortured and maybe raped a few times.


Yup. In my 5 years of waiting tables I only found one restaurant with a genuinely amazing and kind owner, and guess what? Everyone that worked for him stayed for years until they either moved away or moved on in their careers. The other shitty owners/bosses couldn’t keep staff cuz they were constantly doing sketchy or abusive shit Edit: if anyone is ever in Chapel Hill NC go to Lucha Tigre. Amazing restaurant. I still miss their food and their cocktails are the best I’ve ever had.


Same Now 11 years BOH, coming up to my 5th year at my current place. Couple of my colleagues have been here since he opened doors with the rest of us hitting 5-7 years. Our turnover rate on staff in general is so low


Yup, same with the place I used to work, think he still has staff from when he opened. He’s a Vietnamese refugee and all our BOH staff were also refugees from Myanmar and he pays them over minimum wage and got them an English tutor. He’d cover your shift himself if you were sick and couldn’t find someone. He even cleaned the bathroom himself because he felt guilty asking any of us to do it. Smoothest running restaurant I ever experienced. Amazing how when you treat your staff right your restaurant runs right.


It's because the bar is so low for getting into the business.


I work at a Michelin Star restaurant with an elite executive chef who has worked all over the world for decades. He still pulls shady bullshit I’ve seen in much much shittier restaurants that I’ve worked in (albeit not as extreme as OP). It’s a completely broken industry.


There are a Lot of chefs out there who have just seen all the sketchy shit throughout their time and figure it's their turn to do the sketchy shit. Like how people keep doing hazings even though it is awful. They went through it so you have to as well.


There are also those of us who never wanted to be the sorts of bosses we had before we opened one.


Thanks for being one of the good ones. It's a lot like parenting though: none of us want to repeat the shitty things our parents did, but it's easy to fall back on learned behavior.


Ex-exec Sous Chef here to say You're completely fuckin correct Only one of dozens of chefs i have known in my career was not shady He's still one of the execs for Four Seasons and doing well Even the least sketchy of the rest sold thousands of dollars of weed through me a month The worst is now in prison for tax evasion and having started a second secret family out here in New England when he had kids and a wife in Michigan Now he doesn't have shit and he's in jail so Edit: he also fired me for being assaulted physically off the clock while doing some off-duty employee management, a dishwasher i had personally hired was worried he would get into a fight so I had accompanied him, but instead was the only person the drunk guy hit through the window 17 times squarely in the nose, and then my poor dishwasher buddy had to watch me lose my shit on 6 or 7 people still threatening me while the original attacker locked himself into a motel room, broke out the back window, and broke into the next motel room. He had 12 other active charges, and was hit with felony assault/breaking and entering/evasion of an officer etc, and none of the other assholes were as up for throwing down as they claimed once I had thrown a few punches, seeing as the first one rendered fat Phil unconscious. Real story, spent 7 or 8 months in and out of court for it. Broke my face in six places, I was in shock so I stayed up all night after I went to the police station (walked a half hour from site of assault because they couldn't find me), and then proceeded to go to work the next day, but when I passed out a little at the end of my shift Chef fired me two days later.


i'd venture to say they get over even more cause they have 'prestige'.


There is a bar for getting into the restaurant business?


There used to he


Until they used all the decent people


if EVERYONE walked out it would seriously hurt them. Building an entire staff from scratch, chefs, waiters, hosts, bartenders, takes at least a week if not more, i’m guessing. Even if it took a weekend they’d still be losing a lot of money in that time.


Lol a week? You'd be lucky to have a few interviews scheduled in a week. Replacing an entire staff could be months


Why is turnover so high? I’m only asking to make the other guy that responded to you seem more like an asshole.


Low pay, high stress and work job. It's just that simple. Plus dealing with customers.


The Bear on Hulu is one of the most accurate portrayals of restaurant work I've seen and it is BRUTAL.


That seventh episode though where she introduces the togo system. Holy shit I got chills from the acting in that episode. Followed by his monologue to begin the 8th episode. IMMACULATE


I kinda want to watch but I still have nightmares from working the line and I've been out for almost 10 years.


when you get an episode 7 type of day it just sucks ass both at the front and the back. And all you get is people yelling at you LOL.


Yeah, I used to be a bartender. It’s for the birds.


> Why is turnover so high? Restaurant Industry Standards: * Pay below cost-of-living. * Run by criminally-inclined punks. * Wage Theft. Wage Theft. Wage Theft. Whole industry needs a reckoning.


Forgot the other shitty part. The hours u work you never see anyone, and you spend all you time working in a kitchen the amount of doubles I pulled working on the line makes me so happy I don't do it anymore. It's like going to war every night for shit pay. There is a reason drug addiction and alcoholism is rampant in that industry.




Paying below the cost of living seems to be a common theme among many industries but yeah. Edit: I’m pretty sure (and don’t quote me) that MIT did a study recently that showed minimum wage would have to jump to $26 an hour to match the cost of living; quite a jump from where we are now.


I worked at chili's for about a year, no job has ever made me as depressed as that place. I only worked in one restaurant after that and I'm vowing to never do that shit again. Coworkers sucked, leaving 2-3 hours after closing sucked, workload sucked, basically everything sucked


You left out the food. That sucks too.


Exactly and the only deciding factor other than pay is mgmt. l


I've worked in kitchens for over ten years. This is average behavior for owners.


I did a 13 year sentence myself... Can confirm.




It was basically jail. 6-7 days a week, absolute garbage for pay, 5 hour shifts would, more often than not, turn into 13 hours. I was heavily addicted to drugs and alcohol, they didn't give a shit and the final straw was getting put on "hourly salary", which was just straight up illegal and I didn't do anything about because of said drugs and alcohol. Owner was an absolute bitch and I had about 0 confidence in myself and thought I was only as good as that job. But... 3 years sober next month and I'm working in a warehouse now on the 4 10s, my mental health has seriously never been better.




I'm so happy for you, congratulations on getting yourself to a better place and taking care of yourself. People don't realize how difficult addiction is to overcome.


I love that for you. Your current situation is not your final destination. Keep striving!


There's a longstanding SI/bartender group I'm in that is affectionately titled "Life Behind Bars" where tipped employees are referred to as "inmates" and managers/GMs are "wardens"


Worked in a shite kitchen for a year then got a gig as a dishwasher at a Michelin sushi spot and worked my way up and quit all my other jobs


Is it entitlement? What’s wrong with people? Was the owner born into money? If the post is valid where (s)he rips of $500 in tips bc there wasn’t enough leftovers, I just don’t get it…granted some people stormed the Capitol bc the ex-president “told them to” is also mind boggling.


And hopefully took the ripped bills, those are still perfectly redeemable for full value, tape them together and take them to a bank, as long as the serial numbers match they'll replace the ripped bill with a fresh one.


Fortunately, you can match serial numbers, and take it to the bank. I wonder if he's guilty of a felony? Well, [lookee here](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/333): >Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both. EDIT: Yes, there has to be more involved for this crime to apply. Boss is still a jerk.


Well thats good, you can bury the petty fucker for 6 whole months.


6 months might not be long, but even a week in jail fucks up your life in terms of careers. Bury that petty fucker.


Eh it's extra experience for a line cook lol


3 with good time.


Not if it’s federal; in the feds you do 85% of your time




Yeah, my understanding is that banks send damaged currency to the government all the time. As long as they can get a serial number, they will replace it. I think I read an article in Smithsonian magazine about this, decades ago. So tearing it in half is nasty. If he lets you keep both halves, you can turn it in at the bank. If he takes half, and then turns it in, your half won't be worth anything.


Banks send their mutilated currency to their armored courier of choice, then the armored courier sends it to the federal reserve. Source: I work for an armored courier and pack out big bags of ugly money to the government every day.


Former teller, I’d take money in literally any condition, there’s a machine that you put it through that will be able to tell the condition of the bill as well as how long it’s been in circulation and would pull them into a different compartment that we’d ship off like once a quarter or so


While true, emphasis on “intent” - he may be an idiot that failed to complete what he wanted, but he still wanted to do it and tried to effectuate it with visible evidence and witnesses


I’m gonna report the old religious couple that only ever tips us these pennies that they stamp a cross out of. Fuckers.


Key words are “Unfit to be reissued”. From the pic he did not destroy the serial numbers. Therefore, they can safely be reissued thus no punishable offense was committed.


1. Illegal, report him 2. Fixable, take it all to the bank and they'll exchange it. Edit: thanks for all the upvotes and awards, I thought something was glitched with how fast it was counting up.


I really wish we could follow up with all of these anti-work posts to see if 1) the offending and illegal behavior was actually reported and 2) if the asshole actually faced consequences. It makes me so angry reading all these posts and I hope something good comes out of it


Reddit is the never ending cliff hanger. Reddit is like every Game of Thrones episode.


Someone found a safe and it was all downhill from there


Lost is more relevant


The update tag on r/AITA is like a drug to me because of the satisfaction of getting a conclusion.


r/bestofredditorupdates is my favorite


Ooh I forgot that sub exists! Thanks for satiating my thirst for justice!


Which is why r/bestofredditorupdates has quickly become my favorite sub


Except that last episode... Sorry, too soon? ;)


The last episode/season is something we need people to study because it's genuinely a modern marvel. I've never seen anything like it go down so badly that it just completely disappears off the face of the earth. Meme's about it were virtually non-existent with a few weeks passing. People didn't talk about what happened for like a year. It is genuinely one of the most interesting cultural moments of the 2010's.


Honestly, probably not. The hood vent went out at a restaurant i worked at, the boss stayed open, despite that meaning that the kitchen wasn't venting properly and the restaurant was filling with smoke. Customers complained, all the staff could do was stay "YES, please complain to our manager, they aren't listening to us". Someone called the labour board, they said they could get someone out in about 3 weeks. Someone else called the fire department. They came in with gear and a carbon monoxide meter. Immediately evacuated the restaurant since everyone was getting carbon monoxide poisoning. Someone from kitchen staff went to the hospital to be put on oxygen. Magically management finds someone to fix the hood vent in the next hour. I come in for my 4 o'clock shift to the aftermath of this shitshow and am told we are opening for dinner, even if the hood goes out again. I told management, if the hood vent goes out again, I'm walking out the door so nobody is going to have drinks. (hood vent didn't go out again, so we all got to hang around and shit talk about the craziness). ​ Labour inspector comes a month or two later, finds nothing amiss. The server who called the fire department was fired for being a minute late the week after, so she wasn't even there anymore when labour inspector showed up. Reporting isn't the silver bullet people hope it is.


I had that happen to a restaurant I ran when I was younger. Cooks told me the hoods wouldn't start in the morning so I called my district manager. He told me to continue operation just put a box fan at the entrance of the kitchen to blow out onto the dining area. Not old did I tell him how illegal it was but it was also extremely dangerous and I wouldn't be serving anything cooked that day. I called the fire marshal and while waiting for them to arrive he came in to relieve me for the day. Told my staff and the next door shops that if he starts up to let me know I'm making sure they never start up again. But alas someone must have told him I called the fire marshal because he didn't start up the kitchen till 5 that day after they got it fixed. Fire marshal did show up to verify it. After I was slowly phased out of that position. Which I don't mind, fuck you Dave and your greed.


Pretty much the same thing just happened with a restaurant I used to work out. One of the ACs went out, owner dragged his feet fixing it and, of course, the second AC went out. This place has never had a hood, so the place fills up with smoke from them reheating potatoes on a griddle and they keep doors open to try and vent it, making it even hotter. 5 employees walked out and the owner fired them. He kept saying that it was just taking forever to get the AC fixed, but then he manages to find someone pretty quick when they started getting dragged on Instagram.


Or 3) If half of these are actually real.


OP, we’re calling on you to follow up and close this loop!


Double dumbassery!


Notable fuckery


A notary that fucks?


Tape! But what a baby


Ex-banker here, can confirm just tape that shit together and bring it to the bank. Also if you have 51% of any bill you can bring it in as well since it has the serial number on it.


My first thought was the exact same. "ummmm that's illegal in multiple ways"


I didn't know banks would do that, but I guess it can make sense. I know if you mail in most of a destroyed currency to the feds, they can replace it. I guess the bank will aggregate many destroyed bills, and send them in bulk.


It's one of their main functions, they take bills too damaged, defaced, and worn out of circulation, send them to a federal destruction site and have newly printed bills returned.


Do they recieve anything extra for that, or is just one of their responsibilities under the law?


Ya, they do, they get bailed out everytime they fuck up


You know what? That's a good answer.


We do not, we just have a "mutilated bill" bag that goes with Brinks whenever there is one. I think the tellers have to fill out a form but its at no cost on either end.


I would imagine they receive some form of compensation for the extra effort, but i don't know for certain.


They don't get anything for it. It's more an expectation of their function, kinda like doing chores in a house. The taxes banks pay (or are supposed to) are like the rent. A bank could opt not to return the unfit money, but then they'd be sitting on a bunch of torn up bills and that doesn't really do them any good.


I think so. My dog got into my money stashed in a shoebox when she was like 1 yr old and I had to piece it all back together and tape it and I took it to the bank and either deposited it or exchanged it. It wasn’t useless!


That's a lot of work for a 1 year old.


Yup, as long as both matching serial number are legible.


We would do it if they had more than 50% of the bill intact.


There goes my plan to turn $100 into $200


Someone out there carefully cutting diagonally to create the illusion of being more than half the bill. “Hello, I’d like to exchange this damaged $1” Muahahahaha


Banks are usually a bit more picky than the feds though, as they need to be sure the bills can be exchanged. And exchanging bills also costs some money due to the manual processing. So not all banks are equally willing to do that.


I was wondering about suggestion number 1, "report him". I wasn't sure whether you meant reporting him for stealing tips from employees or for tampering with money but then i realized i just leave a comment suggesting they do both of those.


When I used to move furniture, we had this one guy that was lazy as fuck. I’m talking sleeping in the truck while we’re all busting our ass. On this one job we got tipped by the customer. The customer and the boss on the job were both aware of the lazy dude so they split the tips 20 bucks each and 10 for lazy bones. He ripped up his 10 dollars because he was pissed and threw it away. I grabbed it out of the trash and taped that shit back together. 30 bucks for me, none for him. Asshole didn’t deserve it anyway.


3. Quit


I don't understand why people rip money in half. You can still tape it and use it as legal tender. It's a pain but he didn't make the money unusable.


Gotta have >=50% of the physical bill so make sure to at least grab the bigger halves


Having both serial numbers is ideal proof, so just take both halves of the bill


3. Look for a new job. He has issues


I mean, technically defacing US currency can carry a 6 month jail sentence.


That's often misinterpreted. It's only illegal if you deface it in such a way that you intend to misconstrue the currencies actual value. Such as drawing two zeros after the 1 on a one dollar bill and trying to pass it as a hundred. If this were not the case, those penny flattener/stamper things are amusement parks and zoo's would be illegal.EDIT: apparently it's also illegal to do it with the intent of ruining the money and shrinking the monetary supply. I was wrong. So yea, OP's boss could possibly be in trouble since that seems to have been his intent.


All still completely viable bills. Either tape them, or exchange them at a bank.


Taped bills are not viable. But yes, take them to the bank. And report him. The Treasury Department would have a field day with this.


I used to put together deposits every day. I couldn't even tell you how many taped bills I've sent to banks over the years, and I've never heard a thing back from them that one wasn't accepted.


The bank has no reason not to accept them. The bank also has to turn in worn out and mutilated bills to the treasury so they can be re-issued. Your taped together bills didn't go back into circulation. You could have kept them as 2, untaped halves. The treasury sets rules about what can and can't go back into circulation and banks follow those rules and return to the treasury (well, fed actually, I think.. and the fed gives to treasury) anything that's unfit. It doesn't just go back into the drawer for the next customer. The big reason to tape them up is so that _you_ can still use it in retail and let someone else take it to the bank. But if you're taking it to the bank anyway, it doesn't matter. They're just going to set it aside and turn it in.


No they won't have a field day with this.


Right? Lol. Everyone in this thread thinks you go to jail over ripping money. Literally every bank you've ever seen has an envelope of damaged bills that the send to the treasury at least once a month if not more often. The bank my wife works at even sends back bills if they smell really bad but are otherwise in tact. The Treasury Department is not going to give a fuck, they get pounds of damaged money every day.


Taped bills are most definitely 100% viable! As long as the bills are mostly intact and have two if the same serial numbers visible, any bank will gladly accept or exchange them.


I worked in finance for a few years, particularly monetary crimes and fraud cases and the governmental financial agencies really don’t give a fuck about anything concerning anything less than hundreds of thousands of dollars. Even at the bank we’d only report crimes worth over $10k and even then maybe 1% of them got picked up by a government agency. Treasury department isn’t gonna do shit lol


I've spent every bill I've ever had that had been torn. I've even torn them intentionally, taped it up and then immediately spent them to prove this exact point to someone arguing over this before. God I love being right....


Attempt wage theif also, or withholding your tips due to well destroying money


I would file a police report so it's on record, state he was trying to steal those by doing that, make him prove otherwise. That's kinda what he did to you by making you deal with broken currency that he probably has an easier time changing out


I’m sure it’s on their security cameras as well


Your boss is a toddler


Graduate of the Don “the con” Trump school of bizness and management of workers.


Defacement of currency is a violation of Title 18, Section 333 of the United States Code That is a direct quote from the US Secret Service Website.


Is he aware that it’s illegal to intentionally rip paper money?


This, purposingly damaging bills is an offence punishable by law


since those are federal reserve notes is it a federal crime?


Yes, all currency is made and managed by the federal government. There is an argument to made that while you own the money that bills represent, the government owns the bills themselves.


It is


Why are all the tips in big bills?


Yeah, that was my question. I see a hundred on there, a fifty and a one dollar. Who in their right minds tipped a hundred?


Just some insight from working at a restaurant, we used to exchange our bills for bigger bills. It’s easier to carry around 1 $20 bill for example, rather than two $5 and ten $1 bills.


I am having trouble understanding why he did this? Because you guys ran out of food?


I keep trying to understand this too, but I’m drowning in a sea of “tape it” and “that’s illegal.”


One of my least favorite parts of reddit is when the 35 top upvoted comments in a thread are all just variations of the same idea. And everyone likes to pretend that its a unique thought that they came up with.


*"you should report him for CRIMES."* *"just take it to a BANK."* *"have you tried TAPE?"* *"that's LITERALLY illegal."* *"try some TAPE and fix it."* *"according to PENAL CODE SECTION..."* *"wow! so ILLEGAL!"* *"i would use TAPE."* *"he can't do that, it's ILLEGAL!"* *"maybe TAPE will help?"* *"call the SECRET SERVICE!"*


I didn't understand either. Why was your boss expecting you to give him food?


I truly don't understand this post. Maybe created by a karma farming bot?


Yeah, that makes no sense to me. The whole "we didn't leave enough food for him" needs a much larger explanation. Why tf do they need to leave him food????




Yeah I just left a comment doubting this entire picture’s legitimacy and then scrolled to see if I was alone, and…the sub is just loudly quoting articles on the legality of doing this / suggesting to just tape it up (which doesn’t work in Canada, I doubt it works in the states).


The bank will fix that for ya


I dunno. I'm very skeptical. This doesn't even make sense, and neither does the picture.


Same, I doubt this post is real. This sub is mostly made up stories trying to farm karma these days, like the one about the guy who was forced to work 144 hours in a week. lol. Yeah, I am sure this never really happened.


Time to ruin his life. He likely steals your tips anyways.


Looks like crime




It was $251, but when you rip the bills in half each bill has the same value so $502 duh, learn the law. That's why I rip my 100's into 10 pieces to make them $1000.


We need economists like you in the UK.


Capitalists hate this one trick




Look at the guy's username and post history if you have any doubt, lol. Also what restaurant would have tips in literally 2 $100 bills, 1 $50, and 1 $1? Where's all the $10s/20s/etc.? And if they were exchanging into bigger bills, why would the $1 be there?


Believability: 0%


1: tape it up, exchange it at a bank and distribute it properly. 2: every bit of food this guy ever eats again should have that 'special touch'. I mean, until staff all quits w/o notice.


I'd walk out on the spot then report him to his boss. "And this is why you can't find people to work for you."


Yaaaa this didn’t happen. This feels like 1984 shit where everyone knows that this post is fake but ppl pretend to believe it anyways to farm dopamine


It’s illegal to do that and you can fix the money. Report your boss and head over to the bank.


Fuck that dude.. If you haven’t already, you can try taking those bills to a bank to get them replaced