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If I'm on call, I get $50 per day just to carry the work provided phone. If I get called it's an automatic 5 hours pay even if it takes 10 minutes. If I get 2 calls I get the next day off with pay.


> If I'm on call, I get $50 per day just to carry the work provided phone. If I get called it's an automatic 5 hours pay even if it takes 10 minutes. If I get 2 calls I get the next day off with pay. This is how it normally works for salaried too in sane companies. The last time I did on-call, we had a team that would help do it. This on-call would be from around 8pm on Friday until 8am on Sunday, as this was the coverage gap in US and EU staff. The simple act of being on-call would get you +$250. The trade off was you had to be available/accessible within 60 minutes (or so, it wasn't "hard"). They would call/text on your personal phone and you call back on your work phone you took when you got home. I think I probably would work an average of 90 minutes on-call, but I'd be just as likely to go 1-3 cycles without so much as a call. I'd get the $250 whether or not my phone rang. If you basically had to stay up late, you just got Monday off comped. It wasn't ever bad except one time I was basically working from around 5pm on Saturday until 10am on Sunday. That was a singular extraordinary event and my boss and his boss outright told me to just take off Monday and Tuesday in trade. I heard later someone tried to call me about something that Tuesday and got *reamed* for it by a Director-level. Apparently in a conference meeting, the Director said, "Did you see the shit AmHoomon had to eat? Leave them the fuck alone." That's how you do it.


It's nice when we get to hear the good ending once in a while.


That is so reasonable it took me a second to process how *DECENT* and *LOGICAL* it is to treat people right and pay them their worth. It saddens me that something good immediately makes my mind jump to doubt and skeptical cynicism…. I’d love to work for your company and I don’t even know what you do.


That's a damn good boss and boss's boss.


This Hoomon adheres to the rules of acquisition


I’m always on call. Salaried. No extra pay for being on call. If they need me at any time (nights, weekends, holidays, when I’m out sick or on vacation), I’m expected to answer the call. I work 40 hours, am online so they can teams me during that time, but I’m also scheduled on evenings and weekends (I worked the Saturday and the Monday of Labor Day weekend and the Tuesday night before). If you don’t want that kind of tether on your time, don’t go into IT. This week on Wednesday evening, I got the call from the lawyer that they’d settled the case (civil court) so I wouldn’t also be on call for a few weeks during the trial to testify in the city 50 miles from my home. I was so relieved and so stressed and anxious I still couldn’t sleep through that night. I slept well the next night. It took that long to realize that relief. This kind of thing should be rare in a person’s life. It shouldn’t be every day for our entire working life.


Yeesh. I am in IT. We have an on call rotation schedule. If we do get called in the middle of the night, we can take off later for the time spent on the call plus a reasonable amount. The only reason allowed to call us during non working hours is customer impact, and not just a single customer either. The whole of production has to be down, or near enough anyhow. Otherwise if someone calls me at 4am I hang up the phone. Vacation is scheduled ahead of time, if we need info from someone who is on vacation we will call but there is no expectation they will answer. We just had someone get back from Burning Man who was the only contact on a contract. During those two weeks they were out of touch we could do no work on that contract. Oh well. If this isn't how it's been for you, you're being exploited.


I’m in IT but I just work the regular 40 hours a week it really just depends on the company you work for. The only nights I work are deployment nights when we are pushing updates live to the website. Never done tech support though I can see how that could be stressful having to be attentive at all times even when not working


I'm in IT, am salaried, am field services, on call gets you lots more extra money, even more if you need to actually work. No idea what being salaried has to do with the fact your company exploits you.


I'm in IT, though have just transitioned to a sales engineer role because even if I got paid alright for being on call 7 years of it was more than enough to make me flinch every time I hear a ring tone or notification. We got a 20% standby of our normal hourly rate per hour we were on call, increasing to 1.5x (minimum half an hour), then to 2x after two hours in a week. Holidays was great, minimum 3 hours at 2.5 times for any call that came through, only downside was that the windows didn't overlap so you hoped that if a second call did come through it'd be three hours after the first one. I'm not from the US but some of the other responses look like they are - I think you've got yourself a dud company or contract. Get out before they burn you out entirely, a company that expects free work out of you outside of your hours is never going to value your health (or time, or sanity, or skillset, or...).


Nothing is better than a boss that appreciates their workers. "Take 2 days off, you deserve it mate"


Years ago the company I work for supplied 24/7 support for accounting software. I was frequently on call because I knew enough to answer most questions - even production down issues - and was willing to do so. We found out that folks on call in our company for other applications (all accounting apps) would get paid if they answered a call. My boss asked "why them, but not us?" The answer of "because they get more calls" was bulls\*\*t, so we started getting paid for answering calls. It wasn't much, but getting that extra little tidbit once in a while was nice.


This is closer to how it should be


Do you happen to know if there is any law pertaining to being on call requiring pay? My previous job would put employees on call on weekends if we werent busy enough for everyone to have a shift, and would call us in if someone called out or a service got called in that day


Depends on the state. Some states require the employer to pay employees for part of a shift if they're on call but not actually needed. Federal law only requires payment for actual work performed.


Doing what


Just Hoomon things.


Yep. I have a 1 hour minimum of $55 per call just to leave my house and I won’t leave the house for anything less than 8 calls. Most calls are approved for 2 hours even if they take 20-30 mins. You gotta pay me a heavy fucking premium to get me out of bed


Husband has damn near the same requirements. He gets 1 hour for answering phone calls. $200/ weekend on call "bonus". Plus $66/hr from the minute he answers the phone until he gets back to the front door. Heavy equipment mechanic (mobile).


I'm envious, I used to get extra pay for on call works but they ended that fast back in 2019. Instead, my manager gives me a day off if I'm lucky with no extra pay. I'm salaried at a big health insurance company that starts with a C and has a tree for a logo.


I used to work for a restaurant that scheduled you on call one shift a week. You had to be available from 4-7 in case anyone called in. You were not paid for these hours. You were automatically fired if they called you and you didn’t answer or if you didn’t arrive to work within 30 minutes of being called in.


My husband is an on-call diesel mechanic. He's salaried and gets *paid* for it. Sometimes he'll go on one job all day, sometimes he's gone from 5 am to 11pm. No way in hell he'd do that for a damn DG.


I get 35 an hour for everything I do outside of my normal hours and I’m salary. Not sure why they pay ot but at this point I’m too afraid to ask. Covered my co worker when he went on vacation and then got covid. Made enough in just ot to cover all our bills.


I feel like I'm going to end up dating a movie star before I have a job this nice.


What job is this?


And I am sure that by firing her he resolved his staffing issues, right?


"Why doesn't anyone want to work anymore??"


These places with their "staffing issues" that they create. I recently applied for a job. Manager tells me they're badly in need of people and hiring for all positions. He then tells me he can only hire people "part time". So I'm thinking ya know 20 hours a week or something. Tells me it's EIGHT HOURS A WEEK. Like wtf. Yeah....that would explain being short staffed ya morons. Wtf is 8 hours a week worth!? These businesses create their own problems.


Then he should supply a pager or company cell phone, and pay her a salary with benefits. Might be worth reporting to the department of labor about their business practices. There might be a lot of people who aren't getting paid for the extra time they are doing at that store.


They'd be expected to clock in, so they're getting paid at least. It just blows my mind. If you need people during busy times... Schedule people during busy times!




That’s definitely not true everywhere, but if that was an expectation of the job then it needed to be in the job description. Shame we let employers fire employees for no reason in this country.




Well usually somebody who’s liable to be on call is salaried so the hourly doesn’t actually matter. Also I would like to see the federal law on that. I suspect in this case there’s some legal loophole where this doesn’t actually count as being on call.


Legal loophole: Boss says "I didn't fire her for not coming in. I fired her because she put that she had open availability, and that wasn't the case."


To me, part-time first job at a Dollar Store is not unloading trucks at 5am. Hire a damn stocker.


Yeah tbh this seems like cutting off their nose to spite their face, especially in the middle of nowhere


but then we couldn't have skeleton crews running the store!!! think of how the customers might react if they could buy their stuff and get out in less than an hour. /s


dollar general is one of the worst offenders, usually there's like 1-2 workers in the whole store even during prime shopping hours.


That's how they schedule. They penny pinch everything. If you're part time you're not supposed to work more than 30 hour weeks and they always have a keyholder and one other employee on staff. The only times we had 3 people or more at once was on Fridays for truck, inventory or shift changes. The store manager and district manager would be constantly watching the cameras to make sure you're moving at all times. If you're just standing, you're not working.




You also have to think they are probably scraping the bottom of the barrel for managers. The pay is probably just a step above what a regular employee makes and other places pay more. Who in their right mind would stay at a job like that?


Haven’t worked at dollar general, but I’ve been part of retail management for over a decade. The managers are shit on just as bad, working 60-70 hour weeks covering call-offs instead of managing. Not trying to make it a woe is me story about low level managers, because what happened to OP’s daughter is bullshit. Just to say that there’s roughly 10 degrees of separation between a store manager and anyone who can make any semblance of a real decision when it comes to staffing.


I work at dollar general and have a great manager, unfortunately that means he regurlarly pulls 50 hour weeks and gets paid less than his assistant manager.


Upvote for the full metal jacket reference


But then they can't claim that no one wants to work! What about their butching about stupid shit that makes no sense?!


So as a parent, I get the anger part of it. But I think once I calmed down I would still schedule a meeting with the managers boss and absolutely shred him and point out the hilarious absurdity and incompetence of their expectations. I would openly laugh in their face and whip out my best sarcasm. "If only their was a free market solution to offer an employee to extend their availability as needed in times of heavy traffic with some sort of medium that they could use to then turn around and exchange for any good or service they desire above their normal compensation.... This is so hard!!!"


When I was 17 my mom did that at Arbys. My moms the GOAT.


If she’s a minor they might not legally be allowed to call her at 5am. That in itself could be a huge no no.


there are actually laws in many states specifically about “On call” workers, and extra pay they are required. Report to the relevant department, get a fat check from stolen wages or settlement.


I know that's insane. I still occassionally run into people whom doesn't think it's unfair for the management to overstep, pay less than minimum wage, and more.


‘We can’t afford it’ lololol


Definitely worth reporting. The firing could be illegal, ie fired for not being there when called is an admittance she is on call, bur she isn't paid for her limited personal time


I used to be a store manager for DG. I can guarantee 99% of corporate knows and just doesn’t give a fuck. It’s their business model.


The way OP's daughter's manager is acting is pretty standard for U.S. retail business operations. I worked in two different grocery stores in 2018-2020, and they were both run this way. Only managers are full-time and salaried. Everyone else is part-time but has to have open availability. It's completely bonkers, but welcome to America, where companies don't give a shit about you. I called HR because the assistant manager (not *my* department manager nor the assistant department manager who made the schedule) was telling me I "had" to work certain days or he would take away my overall hours. He got smacked down because as a part-time employee (couldn't be full-time because not management!), he couldn't dictate the days I worked. Guess what happened anyway? My hours were cut within a couple weeks.


The DOL likely won’t do shit about this because he didn’t require her in advance to be on call, he just fired her for not ever helping out in extraordinary ways in retrospect. However, the boss’s boss might be interested in knowing that the boss fired a good worker who never missed her shifts just because she often wasn’t available to pull extra shifts. It’s hard to find a minimum wage worker who can show up every time, on time, and especially so right now. The regional manager will likely be pissed the next time the manager tells them about a staff shortage.


As a dollar general store manager half way through your story I can already tell you that the manager there is an absolute idiot. You can't fire someone for being unavailable on their time off. Have her call 1-800-334-9338. Have her former employee id ready and the name of her immediate manager. They can force them to give her job back. Calling someone in isn't the same as a scheduled shift. Only time hours become available for anyone to be called in is when there's a lot of call outs, barely any staff, truck is late or he is terrible at making schedules. I'm constantly adjusting the schedule around the needs of my employees not the store. Seriously the manager needs to be fired for sheer incompetence. I didn't read the entire post but by company policy there's very few things that will get you fired on the spot and even then there has to be a meeting with the employee first and paperwork filled out. If he failed to write her up 3 times for it then he's already fucked up. I'm already looking for another job and I do well to stay anonymous online so I don't care much if any soulless individual from corporate sees this. It's my job not my personality.


He never wrote her up even once. He simply stopped putting her on the schedule. He said "I didn't put you on the schedule because this isn't working out. You're never available when I call you. We need someone who is on-call for when it's busy and you never answer your phone." I will absolutely have her call that number. Thank you for the amazing advice. I'll let everyone know how it goes.


There is a caveat though, the minimum anyone can schedule anyone is 4 hours a month. If he really wants her out that's his next choice of manner. There is no on call pay so there's no expectation that you remain on call when you're not scheduled. It's purely up to the employee if they want to accept extra shifts or hours. Past when the schedule is made they can't really decide last minute on those kinds of things and they shouldn't be able to hold anyone accountable for declining extra work. Go to the nearest store and just politely ask for the district managers number and have her call him or her. Explain the situation. If you want to play a gamble and make them stress out a little to actually do something about it have her tell them that she will be applying for unemployment. The reason they want us to document EVERYTHING is so people can't be shitty employees and get unemployment without proof they were shitty at their job and it was justified. If there is no documentation that your daughter did anything wrong then she has a real shot at getting it. This will definitely tarnish the managers reputation since the district manager will get yelled at for it too. I started as a cashier myself and made it up to manager over nearly 5 years of work. I even got one of my previous managers fired once and he started stalking the store after conveying violent threats until I started open carrying in the parking lot on my free time to protect my friends at work since the police said they wouldn't do anything. He sounds like a really shitty guy though and will probably retaliate at every given opportunity I would tell your daughter if she gets her job back to consider transferring ASAP or find a better job. Seriously this company has gone down the shitter in the past 3 years and they're trying to compete with Amazon by just shoving so much stuff in stores that they almost routinely get shut down for fire hazard.


This whole story is insane. Go work for a company that knows what they are doing and care about you.


And while you are at it, hug a unicorn. They don't exist either.


There are companies that are smart enough to know that employees are valuable assets, and retaining the good ones is important, and good for the bottom line.


But in a small town?


In America?


Call the number and report the manager. Don’t let her take that crap job back. Let her claim unemployment and let them try to fight it.


Here’s a better idea, don’t have your daughter work for a piece of shit company like dollar general. No one should be working for minimum wage right now.


I'd say it's pretty tough to get fired there if the manager is doing their job and the employee is not terrible. If a manager is regularly calling someone to come in either someone else is calling out a lot or the manager isn't doing something right. Even late trucks don't usually need someone at the store now it could be something like "hey if you could come in and work for a few hours soon that would be great." When I dealt with inconsistent trucks I didn't care when they got done. Corporate wants the trucks off the floor by noon? Don't care you should have gotten the truck to the store on time. I couldn't imagine firing someone who did their job and never called out. Sure maybe I'd wish they would come in more when I called them in but I'd be happy I could rely on them for when they are scheduled. Also lol at calling someone in before 10am good luck on that half the 18-20 year olds I'd hire wouldn't wake up until noon+ if they weren't scheduled for the morning. When I wanted someone to maybe come in at 6am I'd ask them ahead of time and say something like "if the truck comes on Tuesday can you work Wednesday 6am? I'll let you know by 6pm Tuesday" good luck calling someone at 5am that will never happen.


If she’s a minor, then definitely report this to the DOL. Those hours aren’t legal hours for her to be working, much less try to call her in on. That’ll get the boss fired asap and hurt his chances of ever getting a managerial position.


And if she's not a minor and was fired for not being available for hours that she wasn't scheduled for, she would have an excellent claim for unemployment.




Having been on unemployment, I can say it's not great, but it's still better than nothing. Also, filing for it would hurt the jackasses who fired her by raising their unemployment insurance rates. This could cause the boss to not be such a shithead in the future, or it could make his boss take notice of how much it is costing them to be a shitty employer. Death by 1000 papercuts. Edit: Very tired after work. Proper spelling and grammar added.


If she's 14 or 15, report this to DOL. https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/youthlabor/workhours#:~:text=18%20hours%20in%20a%20school,are%20extended%20to%209%20p.m. Permissible work hours for 14- and 15-year-olds are: 3 hours on a school day; 18 hours in a school week; 8 hours on a non-school day; 40 hours in a non-school week; and between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., except from June 1 through Labor Day, when nighttime work hours are extended to 9 p.m. If she's under 16, she should not be called at 6AM to come in and unload a truck. Either way, they should post a schedule and stick to it. No one should be expected to answer the phone at ungodly hours to come in and work, unless that's the agreed-upon plan. I had a job in college where I lived a few blocks from the store. I encouraged my manager to call me if extra help was needed (because I wanted the hours/money), but I was not expected to answer every call or accept every offer for more hours. I took them up on the offer about half the time, got an extra shift or two every week. If I didn't answer or was busy, they called the next person on the list or just dealt with being shorthanded (no one ever held it against me if I wouldn't come in). They also scheduled me fully each week, so these were extra shifts on top of my normal schedule, not me being on call by design. This is very different from what your daughter's former manager was doing.


DG doesn't hire underage people. Must be 18 to apply.


"nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe." Offers minimum wage, expected to be on call 7 days a week, cannot even afford to survive or get a 2nd job


This doesn't even begin to make sense. Were truck delivery days somehow a surprise? Do trucks just show up random mornings and the manager hasn't the slightest clue when this will be? Because otherwise, why would the manager not simply schedule employees to work when a delivery was expected?




Deliveries on fresh stuff for DG varies wildly. You could be scheduled for delivery on Wednesday morning and it not show up till Thursday or a really big fluke is when your scheduled for Wednesday morning and it shows up on Tuesday. It really blows that the delivery logistics aren't more reliable.


Yep, produce and dairy deliveries are always unpredictable, which is why so many convenience type stores don't like to stock them.


Absolutely. It was way better when DG had Smithfield as a vendor and deans milk, but they brought fresh to the DC and screwed us workers in the store with unpredictable truck delivers and having to putting all this shit away in the coolers. It takes 3 people to put a fresh truck away without feeling like your killing yourselves. 2 people isn't enough to deal with all the milk and frozen crap, plus checking people out and stopping every 15 minutes to help "Chad" find the "bugspray."


Our Fresh DC facility is literally down the street. 30 minute drive, tops.


I was treated the same way at a dollar general. I was 18 years old and it was my second job. I basically had to keep it because I was living with a friend and definitely didn’t want to go homeless. Initially it was CRAZY I was working 48-56 hours a week to get the store “right” because it was sooo backed up on truck. After things settled down I was working a solid 24-32 hours a week for a few weeks which was nice but I was taking call ins whenever I could to see those checks. Then a day would come off my schedule so I’d HAVE to take a call in… and then another one and another one until I was essentially on call as well. I brought this up to my manager basically saying “if you need somebody reliable on the schedule then schedule me otherwise I won’t be taking these call ins anymore.” I got some extra days scheduled but ultimately I was still taking call ins and my being confrontational only served to create disdain between management and myself. Things finally reached a boiling point when I was the most senior sales associate and a younger girl was promoted over me. So I confronted my manager again which ultimately resulted in me being fired and then the following week it came to light that it was because he was sleeping with her! Lost his marriage and gained a baby with some kid half his age! How’s the baby Jorge!!?


They didn’t expect her to be on call for minimum wage; they expected her to be on call for FREE. Fucking shameless.


I’ve said this a million times- this is the chain that needs to unionize. It’s literally their business plan to be everywhere, every 5 mile radius, and work understaffed. They over their managers- know at least one who committed suicide after working multiple 80 hour weeks- even while her husband was dying of cancer- just an absolute shit company. But they are in rural areas where people don’t have options - for jobs or places to shop.


I used to work at a prestigious college in Manhattan. The salary was awful, less than $40,000. I lived with my mom and commuted 3 hours a day 5 days a week for 10 years. My coworkers had 4 roommates in 2 bedrooms. Several others lived and commuted with parents, two had husbands who had jobs with appropriate pay. I mean the way we twisted up our lives to have the privilege of working there was wild. All of this prestige was supposedly going to open up doors to some future amazing job that would actually pay. One year we tried to hire a young woman. We offered her the crap salary and we were sure to highlight the prestige. Her dad called about 5 people up the chain to yell at them, that his daughter is not moving to NYC for less than $55k. She has a college degree! Very good grades! How dare they lowball her! We all clutched our pearls and talked about how sad it was that her father was holding her back from the prestige of working here. Some higher ups were indignant that a parent would interfere. It took me 9 years to wake up. My other coworkers figured it out much sooner, they left with rage for how they felt conned at the end. I didn’t have a dad to look out for me. I think about that young woman. I bet she is doing great, her dad was going to make sure she was valued. I am still waiting to cash in my prestige points, they don’t transfer as well as promised. An It’s awesome you are looking out for your daughter and making sure she is treated appropriately at work. I don’t know that you would change the minds of the higher ups. But you would make an impact on the other employees. Get them asking and thinking. Hopefully, your daughter never faces such a bad situation again.




You should show this thread to your daughter. We back your father 100%. Don't sell yourself short. Your manager's bad planning is not your emergency. He knows when the truck is coming. He knows how to schedule. He didn't schedule. Not your problem. You get paid to little to be responsible for any of that.


She should let the keyholders know that as hourly employees, when the clock out for luck they are not legally bound to the building. DG, FD, and most "discount" retailers love to schedule a key holder for an 8 hour shift, give them a cashier for 4 and tell them "take you lunch when the cashier gets there". Problem is, policy says a keyholder has to be the building for the store to be open and lunch is unpaid; when it should be paid as you can't leave.


I had a truck driving job that would do something similar. When I first started, I worked 14 days straight because I was either scheduled to work, or they asked me the preceding day. The first day I get off, I get hammered the night before. They call me at 3am to work but I'm still so drunk I don't even know where I am. So I said I couldn't, obviously, and they were actually pissed off at me. Not only the boss but my coworkers as well.


Dollar General is the worst. They actually ask the CUSTOMERS to help stock the store because they are short staffed all the time. I’m serious. They do at my local DG. It is fucked up.


That is just nuts. They pay so bad they ask *customers* to help for free??? Oh hell no.... I'd be xalling corporate and telling them they need to pay enough to hire people, and give the store enough labor hours to get stuff done if they're doing that! That is wrong! I don't work for free....


Now they have even less coverage. What a bunch of dumbfucks..,


It is outrageous that so many garbage retail jobs are co-opting this concept meant for immediate access to emergency services. When I was on-call It was for traumas, strokes, hemorrhages- critical cases. I made an hourly rate plus if called in would automatically get 4hrs of pay, no matter how long the case was. If called in after midnight I would get a post-call day the next day. There is NO analogous situation in retail. Unloading stock is not life-or-death.


DG appears to be a terrible employer just judging from how they look when I go there. Bare minimum employees expected to stock and run the register, aisles with overloaded carts of inventory that need put away, coolers that can't keep up in the summer, plus usually a high turnover rate since there's always a new face. I really don't even want to shop there, but they hook me with convenience like all the other rural customers.


Exploitation is actually how jobs work


Definitely not worth it. I worked for Dollar General for one day. From the beginning they had me running the front register by myself, after a brief overview, with one other person doing the stocking/whatever. I had to call that person and wait for them to mosey up to the front to help me. That seemed to be the norm for the company. Never again.


Dollar general worker here and can confirm dg is bullshit company and they expect you to sacrifice your entire personal life to appease the unreasonable expectations and deadlines they throw at you each week. My manager alone has done all doubles this week because they've been put in charge of running 3 different stores in the district at once and the dm still has the audacity to bitch at them about little insignificant things. Fuck them and fuck that manager. Hope your daughter finds a way better job that at least acknowledges her whole life can't revolve around it at least not without a hella good paycheck.


I'm so sorry your daughter had that mess be her first experience with working. Dollar General is notorious for understaffing and overworking their people. That's why they can't keep anyone. The local store near me literally only has one person working, normally the GM, and they don't even bother coming to the register anymore. It's self checkout only 99% of the time. And half the damn time the self checkout isn't working properly. So it's a hot mess. I have no idea how they even stay open.


tell ur daughter everyone is hurting for employees, so jobs are a dime a dozen... if they dont respect her, she can absolutely find something better who will


How to ruin young people destroying their sense of self worth, I really loath these individuals and they are more and more getting me to a boiling point


Roto-Rooter in CA had a class action lawsuit for not paying for on call time. Basically techs were considered “on call” for a set shift but their time clock only started when they got dispatched to a job. They either settled or lost that suit because my husband got a settlement check about a year after he had quit and the new rule was they had to pay minimum wage for the time they were on shift but got paid the higher wages when dispatched. Depending on where you live he could be breaking the law, I would sent a letter to the regional manager and to corporate and your state/local labor board.


"I had to explain to my daughter that he was only angry he couldn't exploit her and that's not how jobs work. They give you a schedule that adheres to your availability and you show up and do the job you were hired to do." Please explain to her that that is EXACTLY how jobs work--they exploit you as much as they can get away with.


I’ve been trying to find a stable job since 2021 June and most managers expect you to live and die for their shitty little company. You must have open availability to even have a chance of getting hired. I refuse to be taken advantage of so that’s why I’ve been struggling to find a job for a year. I had a summer job which was nice but since it was seasonal I’m again out of a job. Managers expect you to be a wage slave and like it. Fuck this country, fuck capitalism, fuck wage slavery. Edit: I’ve also noticed that even minimum wage jobs want experience nowadays which is completely ridiculous.


I feel this. Been looking since March and seriously since June (I had a leg surgery between then) on one hand I get any money is better than no money, but jobs wanting years of experience, or degrees for entry level positions is incredibly frustrating. Not to mention the number of obnoxiously written indeed ads and one way video or audio interviews, you must have 100% open availability, the no one wants to work rhetoric is ridiculous. Also the number of, "by filing this electronic application you recognize you can't follow up, so you may never hear from us again." Sorry if this is disjointed, main point people want to work, they don't want to be exploited. Employers seem to have a real problem with that.


I'd also explain how retail fucks salaried employees like her boss. They take it and take it until they burn out and then they're back down to being nobody like everybody else.


DG can get fucked. I worked there from Dec 2014 until July 2016. Our store was ran well with the pitiful hours they gave us, then they doubled the shipments every week and had the district manager come and micro manage us. Literally everyone at my store quit. Even the fucking district manager eventually lmao. I was one of the last to leave and felt such relief when I was out of there. Garbage company and store. To this day that store is still filled with rolltainers of freight lining the aisles. Edit- I want to add that those dumb motherfuckers were taking the profits of our store to help fund the other stores that were struggling, and that turned out to be the reason they barely had hours to give to us. I hope that company burns to the ground and the dickheads running it die of aids.


DG = Nightmare https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2021/worker-revolt-comes-dollar-general-connecticut/


Those trucks come in on a schedule, they should have a pretty good idea when they are supposed to get there, why didn't he just schedule her for those days?


Because they either don't have enough employees or they schedule the crappy employees that don't show up on Sunday morning at 5am. So they take it out on the kid who does show up on time and takes calls when she can. Then the reliable kid gets fired or quits... rinse. Repeat.


I worked at dollar general too. They did the same thing to me. just a cruddy place to work for chump change.


Go to labour relations, or the equivalent in your area. If she is under 18. That is exploitation of youth, not to mention that her employment was based on the unfair practice of possible forces over time. If her availability dictates ger employability outside of a 40 hour work week,, then they are liable to pay her for on call hours. She should have not lost her job due to the fact that she needs two consecutive days off.


I'm middle management at a grocery store and I would very much like to go and hit him. When I make the "pleeeeease come in" phone calls, if they don't answer or can't come in it's a "no worries! Thanks anyway." If they say yes I thank them about 40 times. No one is obligated to come in outside of their shifts for me and I am forever grateful when they do.


I had a job as a dishwasher in a small restaurant when I was in college. So I am going to school full time and working 30+ hours a week. They split tips so money was good. One day I have the same day off as my wife for the first time in a few weeks. So we plan on just kicking back. They call asking if I can come in and cover a shift, but I explain I have plans with my wife. A bit later the owner calls and says since I am the only dishwasher with a phone I am on call. Tells me to come in or else. I politely decline so the asshole fires me for not coming in when I was on call which I was never told I was. I hope they had fun that shift.


Retail is a special form of hell. They think they’re entitled to 24/7 control of your life for the privilege of making minimum wage, having to either have no insurance or pay for marketplace coverage, working every weekend and missing every milestone event in your family, and being abused by customers AND management. And you’ll make just enough money not to quality for assistance, so you’ll be hungry but any programs to help feed hungry employees, if they exist, are paid for by your fellow broke employees who maybe have a little more money than you due to circumstance. It’s a cancer on society. I worked in retail for about 13 years and I still get sweaty palms whenever I can’t avoid going into my old stores.


retail is a special kind of hell you are right but its nothing compared to my job. i would work retail to get a break from doing my job. my name contains my job. you want to know hell, there is literally no up side to my job, unlike retail.


See, there are times I'm not even mad I'm disabled and unemployable. So much free time. I have a good quality camping chair and a cooler and I would happily march into that place, buy poster board, paint, glue and glitter and then camp out in their parking lot all day, loudly explaining to passersby why I was there being mad. I would decorate my van and bring a fuckin beach umbrella.


If he needed her that often, it sounds like he should've... I don't know *managed* the schedule better.


I work as an in home staff for adults with development and physical disabilities. I took the job treats so because it was overnights on the weekends and matched my schedule will. After covid calmed down about a year ago we had a run of people leaving the job. My boss would call me at around 3 o'clock most days during the week asking me to come in and work. I would tell her no repeatedly. They instituted mandatory overtime meaning that if you got a call you had to come to work. Which meant that essentially you were on call every single day and would often get less than an hour notice you were needed to work. I had just started seeing my boyfriend and so I took the view that my time was better spent with him and told them I would not be participating in their schedule issues. I got wrote up and refused to sign it. When they threatened to fire me I told them to go ahead. I'd collect unemployment on their dime and eventually go work for a competitor of theirs or at a hospital since I'd finished my RN degree. They backed off. Not everyone is lucky enough to do that. Time is the one thing you never get back. Establishing boundaries and forcing them to respect that is difficult but worth it.


You’re a good parent. I would have done anything to have my parents advocate for me in that way


I am on 24 hour call 7 days a week and get $1,000 for it. Am extra $52k a year for it. it doesn't matter if I get called or not. In 4 years not a single call.


This was a tense conversation I had with my ex’s father. A log cabin republican trapped in his own perfect world. This was a few years ago and he was like, “I don’t get it! Everyone’s hiring! Home Depot, Kohls! God people are entitled and lazy” I responded: “It’s not work that is conducive to what most people need.” “That’s bull crap.” “Okay so let me ask you this? Can you offer open availability for $9-$10 an hour, for only 15-20 hours a week?” “That’s not the point!” “Yes it is! These places will fire you if you get a second job. It happened to me twice- twice I was fired because I refused to commit to those requirements and got a second job. They exploit people.”


Good on you for teaching your daughter to not be a doormat.


Check your state laws, what the manager was doing might have been illegal, depending on your jurisdiction. Some states have laws that say schedules must be posted at least a week in advance, and any changes must be posted in advance as well. Depending on the hours the manager was demanding and the age of your daughter, he might have also been violating child labor laws too. Definitely report this to your state's Department of Labor and the federal DoL, and let them deal with that human-shaped sack of shit.


This is the effect of the "unskilled labor" mindset. Specific industries have been cast as unrespectable, and it has fostered a culture of exploitation and disregard of the highest magnitude. The prevailing mindset that these jobs and those that work them are worthy of contempt has opened the door for businesses to prey on the desperation of those that rely on service, retail, and factory/warehouse work for their livelihoods. It's disgusting that our society treats people this way while relying on their labor so heavily.


If she's a minor- Dont stop, go file complaint with DOL and make a phone call to the Dollar General HQ then give them a piece of your mind. Hope this works out for you both.


I babysat all the time in high school and even I was paid to be on call by police officers and hospital workers. They definitely were exploiting her. When she does find a new job be sure to point out the positive behaviours of her workplace and how they don’t expect what her old boss does so she can learn what is acceptable in the workplace and what is a red flag.


I had a boss once that used to strut around saying we had to stay by the phone because we would be on call. I helpfully pointed out that in California they had to pay you half time to be on call. She stopped doing that.


I had a nephew work for them as well. I'm not sure what "help with truck" even means. The truck driver uloads the wheeled vertical carts themselves, they are called "Rolltainers" A "key holder" just has to stand in the backroom as the receiving rooms doors are open. To make sure the truck driver isn't stealing. For stocking, the store manager should have themselves and at least 2 others specifically scheduled for working product to the shelves. What they call "T1, T2, and if needed T3 days". I'm going to assume this, is the type of manager that thinks stocking is beneath them. So they road a young employee like a mule over it.


If they fired her, she's eligible for unemployment, isn't she?


as a teenage its tricky but with how it sounds, more like a wrongful termination lawsuit since the manager wanted her to be on call all the time and that is not legal.


Sounds like trying to take advantage of a young worker. Fuck all that bs. 100% file for unemployment, explain everything that happened and continue to get paid until she finds a non shit job


This was exploiting her lack of experience. She is better off not working for a bad place like that.


I watch the McDonald's next to me cycle like 200 cars per hour as I door dash for beer money. 🍻. They recently raised wages to $15 an hour. These guys gotta be clearing a quarter million a month, minimum wagers are slaves to these greedy ass hats. I get building an empire, that's one thing. Building an empire off of slave labor is just straight wrong though. When you are doing that successful that s*** needs to trickle downhill to the people that are building you up. I'm a capitalist, but I also believe in maximum generosity and profit sharing. When you are doing so well, you need to share that with the people that make you do that well. What that guy was doing to your daughter is just straight wrong, even sinful I would add.




I had that with an IT company I worked at. I was unemployed from full time work, but had about three or four different part time jobs. The owner of the company would never call me unless there was an emergency and when he would call I had to drop everything for him. After about a month of no calls.. I wrote him off, and figured I was done working for him.. A few weeks later, he called he was in the hospital and wanted me to be at a site ASAP. I was working another job 160 miles away. I told him to stick it. Then he starts slamming me on social media..


My mom has gotten 3 DG managers fired for not only abusing the staff (one of the managers slapped a 17 year old in the face because " As manager she rules with an iron fist and it don't matter what she says, just do it!"), but also abusing the customers. The manager that's there now (and will be getting a call from regional manager Monday about his possible future lack of employment) yelled at an old lady just Monday that he didn't have time to cash her out and she'd just have to use the self checkout. Mind you all he was doing was putting stuff away on the floor. He blocked the aisles with displays to try to corral people to force them to only go one way through the store. Luckily we have half a dozen volunteer fire groups within a small area and they came in and made him change it back because it was a hazard if you had to evacuate the building. DG managers are a special kind of asshole. I swear they breed them purposely for low IQ and huge asshole behavior. BTW it's not like my mom constantly tries to get managers fired. Only the bullys and truly stupid. She vowed to only use her Karen powers for good.


I took the best paying job of my life a couple years ago, as a manager of a series of group homes in two counties. Quickly found out that I was on call 24/7 and that my employees would yell and scream at me if I didnt respond quick enough. The emergencies I got called about in the middle of the night and on weekends were usually personal issues if the employees, drama or concerns about the schedule. I didnt mind being in call for the occasional emergency involving one of our CLIENTS but the fact that I was expected to play counselor all day and night to a group of 25 degenerate staff was beyond my ability and desire. I begged my supervisor/director to help me by having on call weekends help so that I was only on call every other weekend to get a break but he acted like his hands were tied. After 2 years of sleepless nights and not being able to plan even the most simple of things with my family on the weekends, I gave up and quit. I gave that company 730am to 11pm monday through friday while on salary. They wanted my weekends too. The money will never be worth it.


My daughter wanted to work at a job that only pays minimum wage at $7.25/hr. Her friends, who are teens, work there. I refused to let her perpetuate a business that pays that little, no matter how old the workers are. The work is the same whether a 15 year old or a 55 year old is doing it and if the business can't pay more, they shouldn't be in business.


No on call without on call pay. Very simple. BTW, why did they fire her when they are obviously in need of staff?


I don’t know…. I might still be tempted to drop by, cause a huge scene, and drive business away. Shitty management == no more store. That’s how it should be.


Fuck him! Write corporate a letter detailing the unacceptable behavior of the store manager and any/all details pertaining to the phone calls at all hours for ur part time teenage daughter. Also detail how she was conscientious and always on time for her shift Corp address: 100 Mission Ridge, Goodlettsville, TN 37072


Thank you for explaining to your daughter that this isn’t right!! It sucks that this was her first job experience, but she’s learned a very important lesson. She doesn’t need to be on call for a dollar store, ESPECIALLY AS A MINOR!! Expecting a minor to be on call is just bs. I’m assuming she’s still in school, and thus needs her sleep, is doing hw, or extracurriculars when he tries to get her to come in. He’s an awful manager and any reasonable future employer won’t hold this against her


I’m pretty sure that being an on-call, minimum wage hourly employee is illegal af, especially at Dollar General.


This location will be posting a notice in their window that they’re unable to retain staff and Fox News will use it in their exposé on ‘quiet quitting.’


All dgs expect you to be on call 24/7. I currently transferred stores and my old manager tells my new manager “shes not reliable, she never answers on her days off” “She never answers on her days off” YES BECAUSE THOSE DAYS ARE MINE. They get me most of the week so those two days are mine and mine alone. I shouldn’t have to worry about making plans or appts because I might get called into work. DG makes it impossible to have a work/life balance, they always want you to be available for them, but of course won’t pay you for basically being on call.


Hi, ex Family Dollar worker here. I quit my job as an assistant manager and this is one of the reasons. I hear the same complaints about EVERY dollar store. They are overwhelmed, overworked, underpaid, and understaffed. They refuse to staff their stores properly, never allow for breaks even when working doubles, give an unreasonable amount of tasks in a small time frame then call you lazy for not getting it done. She dodged a bullet getting out of that job, honestly. I'll never shop at a dollar store ever again. It's just a sweat shop at this point where bosses AND customers are upset at you all the time. The physical labor almost outweighs the mental abuse they put you through. My third day there, I passed out from heat exhaustion and dehydration because it was 90° in the store and I busted out three skids without a sip of water, why? Because they don't provide water or breaks


That manager definitely says "Nobody wants to work" regularly.


I don't know what state you're in but have her apply for unemployment. Having worked retail, the manager failed to schedule people adequately. That's his fault not hers Trucks don't just show up at 5am, they know day and time they are coming. The way jobs are working now, they want people to be available as much as possible while they do the work of be three people. I worked a retail job where the head cashier took money from my till and they wanted me to come in and confess. They knew I didn't do it, but they tried to bully me into filling out a paper in pencil but signing in ink. I refused. They were looking for an excuse to fire me and had to invent one. My one regret was not applying for unemployment. They were getting rid of people who were in college and I had been working in that store since I was 17. I was the last student they fired.


well this manager committed at least 1 federal labor law violation in wrongful termination and i would contact dollar general corporate for it. teenagers are not allowed to work more than 4 hours a day and usually 3 days a week as they still have school. teach your daughter that on call means a minimum of time and a half since you can not do anything but be ready to go into work and your work has to compensate you for that. and if you do contact corporate over this, once the manager gets fired, please come back with an update on where he will be working after this.


DG is the worst. I always try to be extra nice to the folks that work there. I know they are underpaid understaffed and under appreciated. Hopefully your daughter has learned some lessons to apply back into her journey of life. She would probably make better money working at a daycare or after school care place. The hours at those places are usually only like 15 hours a week in the afternoon.


If you want me on call you can pay me 50% of my base pay while on call and if I have to come in I get my base pay. No two ways about that pay me or get someone else.


On call minimum wage would have to be paid on call for it to make sense, so if you’re there or not you get paid hours they could have called you, even though your scheduled agreed upon hours are all you work most times and there’s a limited number of hours beyond that they can call you on, unless they give you time off on your scheduled hours


Honestly, minimum wage kinda surprises me. I live in rural south Dakota and they are hiring at about 15/hr here, which is pretty decent for the area. They are known as being a terrible place to work though, huge turnover.


So I don’t know how this works in other fields but I work in home care and about 10 years back I was offered a chance to have guaranteed hours with the understanding that I would be on call. The plus side, even if they didn’t need my availability, I would have been guaranteed pay for 20 hours, regardless. (As a side note, I wasn’t interested in a 40 hour work week then or now.). The downside, no regular schedule. I opted for the regular schedule understanding that if things came up and a shift was cancelled I might not be able to get a sub shift. Now as a person who has worked in home care for 25 years I’ve never had a problem picking up extra shift, on the contrary I often get requests to pick up extra shifts, but I’ve never been threatened with being fired or had work attempt to blackmail me in to accepting more shifts. Partly it is because I have a good employer, also partly because I have a good union. You should definitely look in to what recourse she has. I hope everything works out. Good luck.


I’d drive up there and tell that MFer off


I would go over and tell him off, if it were me. Go tell him that your daughter was an EMPLOYEE, not a manager, not a slave!


I was on call for my last job. Response within an hour, and you get an hour pay. Nothing else. And you would be on call one week out of the month… when they were fully staffed, which was never. Thanks, Id rather quit than be paid $10 to stay at home all weekend for one call.


If its a chain/franchise I would report him to corporate. Also have your daughter collect unemployment. If they attempt to fight the unemployment get an ****unemployment lawyer.*** They usually cost a few hundred bucks but greatly increase your chances of collecting. Leave out saying "how could they be expected to be on call for minimum wage" (if you receive compensation you're expected to work) & replace it with I went to every scheduled shift. When I'm home I charge my phone with the ringer off as to not disturb others. Point out this is relatiation for not coming to work when she wasn't scheduled to be there. Always remember in an unemployment hearing always let the lawyers talk, only respond when asked a question, never cut someone off when speaking even if they're full of crap. No rolling eyes, sucking teeth, or sighing. The unemployment judge is usually just a broke lawyer trying to make a little extra cash on the side. 90% of winning is if you don't annoy the judge with childish antics, hence why an unemployment lawyer increases your chances of winning. Best of luck.


Don’t forget to file for unemployment


For retail jobs, any of them, I make sure they know I am 100% unreachable when I’m not on the clock. I will not answer my phone or respond to text messages. The only exception being if I have an emergency and am unable to cover my shift. But then it’s a “I cannot make it in today” and nothing more. I’ve been doing this for years, even before I found this subreddit. If they need me to work an extra shift, stay over , or come in early, it needs to be discussed while I’m on the clock.


How old is your daughter?


Fuck dollar generals. Seriously, fuck them. For minimum wage your daughter should’ve told them to fuck off The labor market is hot anyways, she can definitely find a better job.


I left DG a week ago due to shit like this. Like your expected to work the job of 3-5 people while dealing with register/customers, be expected to be on call no matter what. On top of all that if your not in the little friend group of the keyholders/managers your s.o.l period. I did it for 2 years first making $8/hr then $10.75/hr after the lockdown/pandemic. Sadly it's not just the bosses it's the whole company on it's own. They give no shits about their employees all they care about is money. ​ I'm glad I left and I shouldn't have went back the first time but was desperate.


Dollar General is hell i don’t recommend any one ever to work there. they will use you until you can’t be used anymore for minimum wage or $10 in my case.


I used to get 4 hours pay if the on-call phone rang. For any reason. Wrong number? 4 hours. Emergency call, need a crew? 4 hours. We had a rotation so every one at my level or above had the briefcase a couple times a month. Wasn't time and a half, but if we had to go into work, it was double time.


Minimum wage employers need to stay in their lane


You should have went in there, and then reported him.


This is especially abusive and terrible because it's her first job. I think *everyone* carries the experience of their first job with them forever. I still remember mine like it was yesterday (also a bad experience). That man is a big giant piece of shit to treat a young first-time employee like that. 🤦‍♂️


He absolutely tried to take advantage of her and figured she was naive. I took her out for dinner tonight and she got ice cream. I reassured her that she did nothing wrong and we'll get her a better job. That place doesn't deserve her.


Wow, What a jerk that guy is. I hope your daughter is not to upset over him getting mad as I can imagine something like this having quite an impact on younger people. Honestly the fact that she wants to work is always shows up on time are 2 major plusses so whoever employes her should be very happy with that alone. I hope she finds a better job that repects her time as an employee and where she can be happy


Dollar General on-call? This isn’t the hospital.


Damn dollar general always seems to be so bare bones. I've never been to one with more than like 2 people working there. Fuck them being on call.


Oh I have a good one about dollar general and my son but I won't hijack your thread. They're garbage employers and hand the reins off to any tweaker over the age of 20 to run their stores. Nuff said.


Unfortunately a lot of retail jobs are like this. It's like my grandfather always said. The jobs that pay the worst are always the ones that expect the most out of you. Hopefully she'll take this as a learning experience and want to find a good career path. There is always a better job out there. Just like there is always someone willing to take the one you left.


I used to be on call minimum wage. The way ours worked was that it was considered a call in. So say they’d give 4 scheduled shifts and 1 call in. This was all given on a printed schedule which by law is actually a contract. Whether she works or not that is day that is considered a “shift”. Did they ever release paper schedules? If so.. they could get in trouble. I’ve been at 2 companies that got in trouble for labor laws. At one company they had scheduled shifts that were on paper. A few times I showed up to my shift on time and they said that they didn’t need me today and to just go home. I got upset that I had gotten ready, drove to work (being there at 7 am), for the manager to be like “actually we don’t need you you can go home” there were times it was snowy and I’m driving at 6:30am to go make $7/hr… They got in trouble and the company had to back pay all the times they did that to me for the entire shift.


If someone is actually 'on call' those on call hours are compensated as your time is reserved as if you were going to work. There's supposed to be a stipend paid for every on call hour if you're in North America in general. The same applies for some EU countries, but it can vary.


You’re a good mom and eff that manager. What an ass.


Ugh! The manager is mad that he doesn’t know or is incapable of scheduling employees properly. Sounds like a him problem. Crummy first work experience. Your daughter sounds terrific. Don’t let her give up on her work ethic or her values-and don’t t let her take on HIS issue/problem as hers. Keep her chin up. Lots of employers would be appreciative and delighted to have a reliable and engaged person such as your daughter in their team. Grrrrr.


Thanks for teaching her EARLY that she doesn't have to tolerate this kind of mistreatment at work. You're setting her up to stand up for herself throughout her career. Pp


"that's not how jobs work". It kind of sounds like that IS how jobs work in USA.


I’m on call at a small family own meat packing plant. I have to go unload the trucks when they come in after hours, until about 2200 (10:00 PM). If they come in after that they can sit and wait until I get to work the following morning at around 0630. OP that is ridiculous what your daughter had to go through. Especially if that wasn’t expressed when she was hired. But, even if it was they should be paying her more than minimum wage.


Honestly sounds like a shitty job. Not her fault manager couldn’t make a schedule. Or even have a schedule for when his own trucks would be delivered. Good luck finding anyone for that position.


There is a distinct legal difference between being engaged to wait and waiting to be engaged. You need to file a complaint with the Department of Labor. Or, rather, she does.


Capitalism, baby. Your boss owns you, pays you peanuts for the benefit of giving you a job. You should be thankful. /s


Depending on state it’s literally illegal to not compensate on call.


Right out of high school my husband worked at a grocery store deli and they did this to him as well. They would schedule him for maybe ten hours a week, and then call him throughout the week to have him come in for a few hours here and a few hours there as needed. The result was him being unable to do anything because he was basically on call but without being paid to be on call. And this was for $8/hr about 11 or 12 years ago. It was pathetic. They literally expected him to drop everything to go help for two hours during the dinner rush, and then leave and commute back home so they wouldn't have to pay him for the full shift.


On call people get paid at least minimum wage to just hang out and wait for the call. Her boss was trying to exploit the crap out of her


Thank you from all of us. This manager deserved a good ass chewing. You sound like a great Dad and we need more parents like you.


Poor thing to have to deal with crap like this at her first job! Tell her to keep her head up against these assholes


You're a good dad.


Theres a reason why this shithead is the manager of a Dollar General.


She will find a better employer.


You and your daughter should look up #Putitinaticket. It was started by a Dollar General manager because she was tired of DG Corporate always telling them to write in(put it in a ticket) if something was wrong, and they would never do anything about the tickets. She got fired by DG cause she started posting on social media about it when she got fed up with nothing being done, and it was a bad look on the company. If you watch the videos it shows you how unsafe the working environment was/is at some locations, and they talk about how little corporate cares about their employees and customers safety and health. I know it doesn't take the hurt of being screamed at by a manager away, but it may help you both heal from the experience.


So do these people not know when the truck comes?