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#**PS5 update installing early: Respawn looking into these issues** https://twitter.com/PlayApex/status/1757116495120011735 https://twitter.com/Respawn/status/1757166068647575586 >We're aware some PS5 @PlayApex players are seeing Breakout early and cannot currently access the game. We apologize for the inconvenience, and this will resolve itself tomorrow when the season launches at approximately 10 am PT. >If you want a temporary workaround you can download the PS4 version of the game by following these instructions: https://bit.ly/3HYJeNm posts have been made about this here https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1ap7mng/s20_early_launch_bug_no_servers_found/ https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1ap7gnk/unable_to_connect/ and it's really not necessary to make dozens more posts saying the same thing. --- Apex Legends: Breakout Battle Pass Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzFvHuD4Snc


It's amazing that the Wrecking ball now finally wrecks instead of immediately blowing itself up when it hits one thing. Stoked as a Maggie user.


Maggie looking real good with the buffs and the perks


2 burnies! And the auto load as shotgun is huge. That and the ball fire and not blowing up right away are amazing.


\- Squad members can now be muted while spectating \-------- ​ BOUT TIME


You don't like hearing your random teammate tell you how much you suck after they run out in the open alone and get 1 clipped?


Or shitty rap music interrupted by a smoke alarm beep.


Crying ignored child


The child is crying because you didn't push when their daddy had them flesh.


Omg the smoke alarm beep. That kills me. Why are there so many people without 9v batteries lol.


So many beeping smoke alarms wtf! Why don’t people just put batteries in the fucking things??


That's a US server thing. In the EU we get French and Russian duos yelling down the mic in their native tongues, which is hilarious because half the time I have no idea what they're mad at.




The change I never thought I'd see, no one else even noticed, and I'm low-key excited for: "Most in-game dialogue is now synchronized between clients". Finally, no more looking like an idiot when I chuckle at or mention a voice line when my teammates heard a different one!


Teammates of Pathfinder mains everywhere rejoice No more awkwardly yelling "I AM!" when I'm the only person on the team who heard "who's ready to fly on a zip line?"


Me and my squad are all fellow "I am!" yellers, and we see you.


It took me an embarrassing amount of time realize this was a thing. One day I'm playing with this random whose mic was giving feedback so I could hear everything he was hearing. And yeah turns out the voicelines each of us hear were different for some reason. Really weird.


I am on the hype train with you for this one 👍


“Players spending too much time outside of the ring will now be eliminated.” LMAO


The time for ring balancing is over It is now time for kill


People always suggesting in-depth ways to counter storm camping Respawn: you in storm, you die.


I really liked how battlefield did the storm on their BR, a raging wall of fire that destroyed everything.


Valk Rats: Not STONKS 📉


I wonder how the specifics of this work. I'm betting its going to wind up killing people that just dropped in the corner and are making an earnest effort to make it to a ring across map. You can't always just beeline it if you wound up having to take a fight, or respawn.


Probably something like two minutes outside the ring


Let's say it is (or even one minute). This raises some questions, like "Does the time reset?" There are real reasons to be in the ring: - It's pretty common to get stuck in the ring, especially if you are always chasing it on the far side - If you're chasing the ring the whole game, then you likely don't have loot, and when you finally kill a team, you might have to sit in ring for a few seconds to loot their boxes. The. You're stuck in the ring again legitimately trying to get to zone - And when you finally get to zone, sometimes you need to go back into the ring and rotate around a choke point - What if your teammates die and you have to go into the ring again to craft banners or hit a beacon? Imo all the ring changes suck bc Apex was unique in that the ring wasn't super deadly until later. But I get they had to fix people abusing that. I just wish they gave details on how this big change works


All very valid points that need to be addressed.


Yea, thats not nearly enough. If my full team is completely healthy and has some mobility, its easy. But if you need to respawn someone (maybe craft a banner at a fresh replicator now), potentially take a fight in storm, or backtrack because you got gatekeep at a choke, you will be in storm for multiple minutes sometimes. Especially if your team doesn't have pathfinder, octane and/or jump towers.


Gun run: Removed charge rifle, added Kraber HUGE


This made me realise I want a TDM mode with only krabers and p2020s


I swear that was a mode at some point


You're thinking of Hardcore TDM with Krabers/Sentinels, Wingman/30-30 and Hemlok/G7.


They need to bring this back, that was such a clutch LTM


I would kill for it to be back on the Mixtape rotation.


Wasn’t there a snipers only LTM a while back?


Shotguns and snipers yes


This was a mode for a while, during s16 or 17 iirc.


Wild that they straight up removed charge rifle instead of buffed it. That gun is fundamentally unusable in it's current state and only exists to dilute the loot pool.


“Mad Maggie’s Ult now destroys Gibby’s Tac” I could’ve sworn this was a thing like a year ago. Remember it being considered the gibby killer.


Correct, this specific change is under bug fixes section, so it wasn't always getting destroyed.


Oh so it was hitbox shenanigans or something, cool


I’m glad Ballastic got some general buffs because his perks were quite boring


I really dont get why the only legend that can have a 3rd weapon and infinite ammo was given a perk to see ammo, like why?


Because his role in the team comp is "guy that gives the team ammo" he can do that with his ult and now the perk


Loba is far better at getting her team ammo than Ballistic. Not really that good of a change imo


Loba has been an incredible character since release. People underestimate how awesome the ammo pulls are right before end game or a long fight. Not having to leave cover and restock is HUGE.


Yes, but he is an assault legend, all assault legends got selfish perks that makes their offensive power great, and he gets the skirmisher class passive or a way to tell his mates to get bullets, like he can't give them himself with his ult. Extremely underwhelming.


Yeah it doesn't really fit as well as it could. What would you have given instead? Feel like a simple reload speed buff works thematically


Yeah, maybe a reload buff or speed buff upon overheating opponents (fuse is getting one with his knuckle's) or something along the buff he will get to his sling weapon being able to have level 1 attachments and option to get level 2 as well, making him more versatile.


90 meters on Ballistic Ult is wild haha


And all-white attachments on sling weapons too, ATTA BOY


This actually makes his sling so much more viable, but will go super under the radar.


I suspect this is because nobody ever bothered to use the slinged weapon when his ultimate was inactive.


I didn't even bother to carry ammo for the sling weapon lol


See this is where people don’t use him correctly. I typically run him with an Re-45 in the sling and almost always run a light ammo gun. That way I always have ammo for my sling gun but don’t have to grab another type of ammo.


it's a good buff but kinda pointless imo. Why? Because other than during ult his third weapon was mainly a last resort when you couldn't finish off someone and you need just 2-3 more bullets. This is not a situation I see needing any attachments and is just a luxury buff, nothing game changing for him.


Will they still be gold during his ult?




Big nerf for the repeater. Guess we can see more long bows and G7s


Thank fucking GOD. I am so sick of the 3030


Me too. Ring 4 and 5 is nothing but 3030s


idk maybe i’m stupid, but i don’t think it was that big of a nerf? it’s one more shot to kill-ish across all armor levels, sure. but i always thought its appeal was the fact that it was so damn easy to use when you let it charge up, alongside the fact that is has a skullpiercer (which was hardly nerfed. 2.1x damage to 2.0x if i remember correctly) That massive projectile when charged plus the skullpiercer was letting me hit 100+ damage headshots on people damn near 100 meters away, when i could MAYBE see a pixel of their head. i thought for sure they were gonna take away the skullpiercer and reduce projectile size before they nerfed the damage. but hopefully this works too.


Reload much slower


Less spam-a-bility basically. That was the biggest issue with the gun IMO. The 30-30 was just a better version of the heavy ammo wingman from some seasons ago. With the current 3030 before these nerfs, you can just permanently shoot the gun and never have off time since reloading is so damn fast. New 3030 is much worse because it actually penalizes missing. You miss 5 bullets? Enemy team can cross in the open for free.  I think the new 3030 will be usable for sure but it's definitely a fair gun now after the nerfs. 


Yup, I’m getting tired of trying to poke and having all 3 members of the enemy team instantly peppering me with 30-30


Agreed. This + the gun having zero recoil + the hip fire still being strong were bigger issues IMO


Its a lot of little things. I'm willing to try it out before damning it - but I'm sure it's gonna be an adjustment.


Am I understanding this, right? Wattsons pylon, with one of her new perks, is going to spit out arc stars for the team when it intercepts enemy grenades? Like a vending machine?!


Fuse is salivating right now.


Wattson, Fuse and Gibby will be meta solely for the Arc Star-generating powerhouse /j




Ring Exploit Prevention: Players spending too much time outside the Ring will be warned, then eliminated Odd that they didn't list the maximum amount of time we can spend in Ring before being eliminated.


Yup, I've done some major rotations through ring 2 storm with tridents/jump towers to avoid teams gatekeeping a choke point, I would like to know how viable some of those early rotations are without having to experience a surprise elimination


I bet it’s like 3-5 minutes straight or more. It’s because of zone healers at high levels


Can you explain what zone healers are? I’ve only been outside the ring for a minute at most


Loba/Lifeline can camp outside the ring for the entire game, by pulling heals and heat shields with their tactical/ults.


true, i hope it is like 3 minutes because some games you are forced to go around the ring half game.


I don't know how true it is, but some people are saying the first message pops up after 1 minute in ring, and then you get a 60-second cooldown to get back in ring before you're eliminated. Not sure how I feel about two minutes if it's true, but I guess we'll see tomorrow!


That's way too short. It doesn't happen often but sometimes my team is in complete shambles trying to get into ring because we took a bad fight. Do we get punished for that? Sheesh.


i totally agree! my biggest concern is if we have to respawn teammates outside of zone and walk it back in because of no beacons in zone. not to mention the loot pool is going to be a bit oversaturated with all of the shit back on the floor from crafter, so i'm sure evacs and beacons spawns are going to be awful.


Maybe it'll prevent my teammates from wanting to push ring fights.. some of the most annoying things.. oh, you wanted to push this fight.. great, we won.. but none of us have heals, none of us have an evac tower, no one has a heat shield.. so now we're going to die because you're a dog that sees ball chase.


true! some of those fights are rewarding in the early game but for the most part, fighting in ring can be just as bad as giving up the high ground in a fight.


I can see this being really bad.. sometimes you just legitimately need the time to move around in the ring. Or to wait out a team to leave or something. Or you get into a big fight in the ring.


I love playing Maggie. Super pumped to see her get an ultimate buff combined with her upgrade tree.


I don’t think this last long. They will adjust Maggie for sure.


They could be happy the meta has finally switched and leave it


Wow maggie just became THE assault legend, still wondering if better drill or more chargers its the way to go.


i think i'm gonna end up taking extra tac charge most of the time. its rare that ur drill will do more than like, 3 or 4 ticks before the target moves anyway, a second charge would just let us push people out of cover twice as much while pretty much still doing the same amount of damage.


I think this is the most substantial update (for the better) that Apex has received in years.


I’d say ever. Even more so than the class changes a couple seasons ago. And I’ve been around since S0 about 3-4 weeks after launch.


TBH I find the changes this season very concerning for the health of competition in Apex. The unique upgrade options for each legend make it impossible to know what is coming and use your game knowledge to counterplay. For instance, playing the game for a while, I know the EMP range of enemy Crypto ults and can counterplay accordingly. Now im going to randomly come across "level 3" EMP with wider radius and just get unlucky? Same goes with pretty much every other legend. New tactical ranges and durations. New ultimate effects and radiuses. I can see this becoming very frustrating for seasoned players that will now be unable to add normal counterplay integration into their game because the enemies could be leveled up without them knowing.


* Reduce Ultimate cooldown by 60 seconds. * Regenerate HP while inside Smoke. Dang Bangalore was already an insta-lock pick at the pro level, now with digi nerfs and her talents she's even more busted.


I saw a video of the healing in smoke ability and the healing rate is painfully slow. I don't think it will be nearly as strong as people are imagining.


That’s what I figured. It’s probably half the speed of lifeline drone. But I think taking digi away from all SMGs is a big buff to Bangalore


It's not even half lifeline drone speed. From what I remember it's closer to like octanes passive


and the auto-ping enemies who trigger her passive, literally pinpointing your enemies for you


Tbf, the ping doesn’t matter at the pro level when there’s 17 squads in ring 4.


you can still see enemies through smokes simply for getting shot at


It doesn't highlight it just a ping similar to Mirage's bamboozle one. So you wouldn't be able to see people through the smoke just have a general idea of where they are.


Huh? Bamboozle puts a live ping on enemy's head.. just shoot below it and you are hitting enemy. Depending on how long it lasts, it could be even better than BH scan that is fairly short.


Damn, Loba getting 3 items instead of 2 was moved to the purple shield perk (was blue shield in original videos). The value of getting 3 items that late in the game is just… not the same :(


Loba can see and claim shield caches, you’ll without a doubt get purple before everyone else.


Didnt even think about this interaction, Loba mains keep winning


Meh I think it's still fair. Being able to swap weapons, get shields, and pickup grenades all in one go is still a very valuable addition to her lategame.


Maggie’s wrecking ball change is actually huge. Hopefully now it can properly clear out a room of caustic traps or Watson fences.


Ranked level requirement reduced to 20? Why? Seems like that would add more smurfs.


Seems like this system is set up so that you can gain rank a lot faster, increased RP for kills, the streak bonus, etc. 


>>Ranked level requirement reduced to 20? Why? Seems like that would add more smurfs. >Seems like this system is set up so that you can gain rank a lot faster, increased RP for kills, the streak bonus, etc. This is the wrong way of looking at the smurf issue, which isn't really about how fast you *can* rank up. We aren't talking about how fast people who want to climb, can climb through the lower ranks. We're talking about how long people who want to linger in these lower ranks, can linger there (possibly cycling through multiple accounts, creating new accounts etc.).


Yeah, but hopefully making them increase quicker discourages them from doing so too much. If you can only be in low ranks for less than 10 games before having to make a whole new account you’re less likely to keep doing that to stomp 10 ranked games.


Smurfs have people play on the new accounts to level them up so they are ready by the time they are needed, or they just buy accounts at the required level. Nobody is taking the time to level up an account themselves just to Smurf. It’s always been a common practice in any game with a level gate to ranked/competitive.


I agree with you. I think this change is an over correction from last season. They just really really want people to play ranked and stick around this season vs last season.


Totally agree. It’s a massive overcorrection and will end up being like s17, maybe not as egregious but similarly bizzare. No MMR and a light level requirement means we’ll see silver/gold level average players stuck in bronze for months, or half the playerbase in plat by week 4. All depends on how they scale the RP


Prob cause the real new players would find lvling to 50 to be too much of a grind to start ranked and could be deterred from playing the game. I rmb even lvling to 20 felt pretty long as a new player.


I don't think it will be that bad. It used to be 10 before it was 50, so it'll still be twice as time consuming as it was before. And if you are new player, it sucks to have to play ~35 hours before you can touch ranked. Maybe 20 ends up being too low, but 50 was too high.


> it'll still be twice as time consuming as it was before More than twice. Until level 58, the amount of XP needed per level goes up each level. 46450 XP to hit level 10, 152400 XP to hit level 20. It's over three times as much XP. In my opinion, this is plenty; the level 50 requirement was actually insane in terms of real play time (estimated around 35 hours of actual gameplay, now dropped to more like 10). Playing a couple hours *every night* used to take basically a month to even be able to play ranked and see some sort of skill progression, but now you'll be there in a week or so.


I'm kind of sad they're getting rid of clubs.  I always enjoyed seeing our club name in a win.


Tags still exist, just not clubs.


Yea but when you win its just going to say "You are the champion" now instead of club name


Yeah man the few time Scroatum Sizzlers won we were fucking hyped


For Wattson the arc star spawner is going to be the optimal pick. Extra HP on revive is nice but not nearly enough to justify it over gaining free throwables For perk two, I feel that double pylons will be the route to go. It already doesn’t take much to destroy them, making them more durable really ain’t going to do much to keep the around. With two Pylons in combo with the arc star perk it’s going to be full stop impossible to push her team in a lot of situations. Two pylons will cover such a larger area than she can now, it removes the small deadzones that exist now that let teams wiggle their way into areas she’s holding down


It only spawns throwables if people are throwing them at you and the ult intercepts them though


That happens pretty often


> For Wattson the arc star spawner is going to be the optimal pick. Extra HP on revive is nice but not nearly enough to justify it over gaining free throwables if you place a pylon on revive and have the extra hp, that is getting close to a gold revive, at least after a few seconds (not instant). so it can be strong as well. arc stars sure sound nice, but ultimately is having couple of arc stars which can be hit and miss really that good? not sure. as for the other perk, it depends. right now if i'm holding a multi-storey building, you have to pick one level to place the pylon and the other levels aren't protected from nades or ults. allowing placement of two pylons can be good in these situations. in other situations where i really just need the one, i would go for the single stronger pylon. > It already doesn’t take much to destroy them, i mean you will place them where no one has an angle on them. if you place them in line of sight, they will be destroyed no matter what hp they have. you have to place them behind cover. >With two Pylons in combo with the arc star perk it’s going to be full stop impossible to push her team in a lot of situations. i don't see how spawning arcstars will stop a push. you stop a push by dealing damage with your guns and punishing advances towards you. firing your gun will most often be a more effective use of your team during the push. having arc stars doesn't hurt obviously.


Some folks in this subreddit just want the world to burn.. This is a great update, they've tried their best to rehaul a 5 year old game to keep it fresh while listening to the community.. As a day zero player, I'll for sure come back to give this a try..


People complain about absolutely everything. Respawn can improve 20 things but people focus on the 1 thing they don't. It's annoying.


So really, catalyst isn’t getting any longer or farther Veils through perks, the perks are just putting the Veil back to what it was before the nerfs? lol wow


she still gets a nerf early game, and late game she chooses one or the other, it's a nerf in the ends for sure


Blood hound got similar treatment with his ult change from ravens.


Its still a nerf even with the perks lol, they decreased her wall time 10s and gave her a 5s increase as a perk. We've gone from 35s wall time with a 60m long wall from launch to a 40m long wall that lasts 15s. Arguably one of the most nerfed characters from their orginal kits (including horizon and seer)


Same with horizon. Lift cool down is 5s longer, purple perk reduces cool down by 5s. Wtf


Nobody is mentioning how the big characters will supposedly feel less sluggish now. Actually the worst part of playing those legends. I might actually play gibby now


Same! That's my biggest problem with Newcastle and Caustic (even though I think their kits are interesting).


My opinion is that this is mostly a W.. \- Lots of legends that have been left behind have had significant buffs in perk system, looking forward to how lower tier legends that can affect the meta and gameplay in turn \- 3030 Nerf is much needed now, I am not sure about the nerf to SMG's across Digi/Hip spread but don't want to judge too hard, there's also a increase in gravity of bullets which seems like they'll have less velocity overall? \- Actually feel like the replicator had it's place, when you're having a rough game they're nothing but a godsend being able to craft. I think this will make games slightly more oppressive personally \- I wish they had just included a hard cap on being in the ring (just like they've added) rather than nerfing the ability to craft resources, I am sure that the data will show that removing the crafter will improve quality of games, but people will always find way to exploit a system to their gain.


Good bye Loading up on bats or upgrading the shield for that last little bit. You’ll be sorely missed.


On the otherhand instant crafting and replicators now in 12 locations means almost every rotation you can take a few seconds to grab a free batt each poi. Lack of shield upgrades though is going to be interesting to see how it pans out. Especially not being able to upgrade via shield swapping with a squad you wiped.


I think the increased bullet gravity is intended to make them less usable at range. I've seen so many higher skilled players just lasering people with the R-99 at assault rifle range, maybe this will keep SMGs more effective close up but make it harder to use at longer distances. The replicator thing overall I think is a good change, it seemed to cause a noticeable slowdown in the game while everyone waits for their turn to craft, and made shield batteries and med kits a little too commonplace. There's going to be more of them in a match, so we might still be able to get a good amount of heals from them, just not a lot all at once. With them being free, having a replicator drop near you late game could make them a high priority for teams to seek out too. We'll have to wait and see how it plays out in game though 🤷‍♂️


>I think the increased bullet gravity is intended to make them less usable at range. I've seen so many higher skilled players just lasering people with the R-99 at assault rifle range, maybe this will keep SMGs more effective close up but make it harder to use at longer distances. agree it's another step after removing barrel mods from smgs. it's good, because an smg is supposed to be short range. r99 was used like an r301 in the past.


I feel good about the digi nerf since at the end-game if you didnt have an smg with digi you were automatically at a disadvantage when there's smoke and walls everywhere.


in end game you'd be at a disadvantage without an smg regardless of smoke and digis, simply because the ring is small and it's SMG/shotgun range. granted now shotguns are more viable.


Looks like wingman stays in CP, everything i saw said wingman coming out Wattson looks like she's gonna be strong as fuck too edit: Other things showed ash tactical being changed to being a 1handed cast instead of 2 handed? not mentioned in patch notes? Also hilarious that the patch notes don't mention the shields rework


They could have posted more detail, for sure, but the patch notes mention the shield rework under “Legend Upgrades,” which provides a link to a blog post that goes into a whole lot of detail on how the new system works.


The thing with this season is they showed like 4 different builds in various trailers. Some of the stuff you mention was in some builds but not others It's a fair bet to assume the ash buff is coming eventually since they're at least testing it.


Prowler has been in for longer, why would they remove wingman 1st?


spend too much time outside the ring and you get eliminated. that's a big buff to zone. SMGs sound nerfed hard at range. Ashs snare lasts 24s?! one of the best perk buffs


From my understanding the person you hit isn’t snared stuck for 24 seconds it’s just there for 24 seconds and can snare people who walk into it. It becomes more of a zoning tool


ohhh that makes more sense






> Dark Veil: > lifetime decreased to 15s (was 25s) > length decreased to 40m (was 55m) All this just so the perks make sense.


Perks are just another way to bring legends more into balance. Cat is already considered one of the better legends and was never going to get an outright buff - but this still allows a nerf without taking away all the current utility. We’ll have to see how this all shakes out. It’s the crypto mains that should be whining right now!


Grey Weapon in Sling ! 90m on Ult ! That's amazing !


Double tactical perk as well , nice buffs for Ballistic all round


>Updated Loadouts to reflect Weapon Meta changes This is a funny one to read for mixtape. Every weapon change was nerf (minus the smallest of r-301 buffs). So what is going to be the weapon meta anyway? My bet is longbow/scout see more usage in ranked/comp. Still think the hemlock will be strong.


Bang getting her ult cooldown reduced by 60 seconds as a tier one perk (labeled as level two but it's the first level you unlock) is a wild choice. Higher level ranked and comp about to see even more bang ults. Somehow the r-99 got nerfed again lol. Pathfinder somehow finds a slight nerf as well, though at least he got one god tier perk. Can't let you be having that many ziplines though, that might be fun! Actually the cooldown reduction might be better in the end, depending on what the maximum cap is. Just an interesting decision. Like who was looking at that system and decided it needed this specific tweak?


r-99 is still used constantly. All the SMGs have a problem because aim assist is way too good with them and even with decent control on m+k they're really strong because they have such crazy ttk.


Every other ult reducing perk reduces the cooldown by 30 seconds, not sure why they felt the need to make Bang's reduce by twice that.


I'm pretty sure hers was the longest cool down in the game


>Heat Shields and Legend Ult items can no longer be placed on Tridents No more mobile Sheila? :(


Man, I hate that they keep nerfing hip-fire. Such an integral part of Apex gunplay.


r301 hipfire buffed


Yeah it’s wild they essentially made the new purple the old white laser


It's their indirect way of nerfing aim assist. Also, I think they want people to use shotguns more.


Ya I dont get it either. I guess its a nerf to controllers specifically? Which the MnK crowd will appreciate. But seems like they want to push SMGs out of the meta and increase shotgun use maybe? Idk


"Players spending too much time outside the Ring will be warned, then eliminated" Curious how long is "too much time" because my dumbass has been running across the map before to get back in the ring and it'd suck to not be able to make it anymore :(


Patch notes label Loba as ASH in the perks section lol.


Lore spoiler. Loba trades her flesh to become Ash to hunt down Revenant


Why does Respawn hate Kings Canyon?


Finally 120Hz mode. It took way too long. I wonder in what resolution it'll run.


I didn't see the rumored shield changes in there...did I miss it ?


They had details in a previous post but I'm also confused why it isn't in the patch notes. Would think the patch notes would specify amounts gained from different actions and how much to go from one level to the next.


It's wedged in with the perk upgrades bit. First paragraph. Definitely thought they would have a larger breakdown for it.


Biggest buff to heavy rig legends now use medium rig first person animations. Now I don't have too move like I'm literally carrying my team


Terrified of the shield changes tbh :O reminds me of Rampart's season when they lowered shield capacity. It was such an unpleasant time


wait I thought wingman was back on the floor.. 2 seasons in a row no wingman? it's a staple of apex legends and the most unique and fun weapon. absolutely tragic


*Cries on Bocek* Give me my only good marksman weapon back goddammit.


Overall they're interesting patch notes, but mostly I'm happy that the Kraber will now soon take the place of the Charge Rifle in Gun Run.




We will destroy them...with decorum!


We will tear them apart… politely


With a glut of firearms!


“We few, we happy few”


We'll make sure they know that their commitment to mediocrity is astounding!


And you know what elevates us beyond them? Manners obviously


>Mad Maggie's ult now destroys Gibby's bubble Tasty


Definitely the most exciting patch I've seen for Apex in a while


Damn,is Maggie next to get her heirloom? Those upgrades are crazy


Was really hoping to see a line of sight nerf to conduit but I guess at least she was nerfed. Although, the nerfs don’t address my main complaints with her kit. Mainly that her tac gives her target instant shields with no buffer time. So now players will get an immediate 20 shields on tac instead of 25. Still kinda busted IMO. Stoked on the supply bin upgrades tho




So shield swapping is still in the game, just in the form of shield cores now? "Legend Armor is supported by a Shield Core which contains the current shield HP. These Cores can be swapped or dropped at any time, and downed enemies will also drop Shield Cores in their Death Boxes."


Dang the Catalyst nerf is pretty crazy. They have reduced her dark veil time 3 times in a row. Now they have shortened the length as well. The perks are completely uninteresting since they just partially undo some of the nerfs. Time to main a new legend!


>Performance Mode aim assist has been tuned to feel similar to 60Hz mode I'm not a console player so this doesn't affect me, but man just tell us what you did lol I'm curious. Instead they gotta be all cloak and dagger about it.


120hz console players get 0.4 aim assist like PC has always had.


Ah thanks. Yeah that's what I've said they'd have to do. Gonna be a nerf for kids that don't understand they need a 120 hz TV too.


If the game still runs 120fps with a 60hz screen it'll still help the input latency a lot.


Ash mains :(


Where is my one handed snare 😭😭