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I always like to do the same. Inspired by mande bcz usually i never open mic and just type ggs when we die/win. One game my teammate landed fragment, i had no weapon and i saw them dying so i ran away and he was shouting in idk what language, told him to stfu and muted him, crafted them and rezzed. Somehow we played better๐Ÿ˜‚he 1v2 when i was knocked and then revived me and i told him he's goated but still muted him as i didn't understand him and he was loud but we really played well. Dropped him heals, he dropped me ammo it's like we weren't arguing. I love some solo que games


Those type of games be funny asf especially if someone tight and just everyone play well together. It's best to play like that in those situations because a good reset can become a win and if you have no weapon there is nothing you can do.


I don't understand how people can do this. If someone's hostile they're always hostile. I can't just ignore that they're hostile


It's rank game. Ultimately, we all want to win the game. Maybe he was pissed off by a previous game and carried it over. I was pissed by him Landing fragment with 5 teams hence my stfu which maybe i shouldn't have been hostile. But if they're willing to move on and play as a team after the rez, why continue being hostile? Like just enjoy the game


It's not about continuing to be hostile it's about not being able to put their hostility out of my mind. It affects my thoughts and my decision making.


When I play with randos I try and talk even if they don't have mics. Just simply call outs like this. A lot of people play this game without wanting to talk in mic, for various (and valid) reasons. But they probably still have it turned on. So I try to communicate when I can ๐Ÿ‘


That's the best thing we can do fam, a little bit of that makes a huge difference.


I also do the same when I solo queue. It just helps so much to give at least a few callouts. Side note: great slide out to do one of the far strafes Raven was talking about in the end. You drew their attention and their fire to allow both your team mates to get an awesome cross fire going. GGs


Dang you have a pretty high senseย 


10 turn sense and 1500 DPI pretty much I woke up and my old sense felt too slow one day๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€.


10 in-game and 1500 DPI!? Holy shit. I used to play on 3.4 in-game and 1800 DPI. I still don't know how I hit anything. Now I'm down to 1.3 in-game and 1000 DPI. You're clearly hitting stuff with 1400 damage though, so whatever works for you!


Geez your old sens was high and to be honest with you I'm shocked myself that this is my real sens so far. I tried lowering it trust and it seems like this does works best for me for sure. My old sensitivity was 1000 and 6 until some life events happen which cause me to take 7 months off and 5 seasons on 25-35 frames on old gear. I woke up one day and was like "this is too slow" and felt off since I thought no way I'm playing on a 10 now.


OP hasnt disabled Enhanced Pointer Precision in windows settings, so that sens is not real


Respect tho if you can handle that high sense. ย Iโ€™m on console too so it looks even faster to meย 


Much respect to you too fam for the good vibes, I barely move my wrist sometimes unless I'm on Overwatch, I'm hard flicking like a mad man with certain characters.


2,7cm/360 is not playable. You just havent disabled Enhanced Pointer Precision in windows mouse settings. So your sens is meaningless


I forgot I had that on since I switched computers this season but still my sensitivity is still high at the end of the day because on my old computer I had precision off with these same settings. It does makes sense to why my aim felt a bit weird at first but I adapted to having it on or off so your comment is meaningless. Also nothing is "meaningless" at all so change that bad mentality of yours because what I use as my sens does not apply to you because we're not the same person at all. It's very playable if you barely move your wrist like I do. P.S thank you for reminding me to turn it off though, now I can feel my normal sens better.


Why are you taking this as an insult when all I am just doing is stating facts about an objectively bad sensitivity, moving a LITERAL 2cm to do a full 360 ingame is not something that is playable, there is a reason vast majority of good players are running a sensitivy thats between 25-40cm/360. Also the setting Enhanced Pointer Precision setting is basically mouse acceleration, which makes it so your sens changes ON THE FLY depending on how fast/slow you move your mouse. So by having it on, your sens is LITERALLY meaningless.


I'm not taking offense, just you can't define someone else sens as being unplayable for them. That is all I'm saying, it don't matter what everyone else is doing because I'm focus on myself. You're too worried about what "others' are doing that's your flaw.


Nice! PSA: Just donโ€™t type encouragements in chat ๐Ÿ˜‚


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Rofllllllll


This is a clip from last week but I took a week to rest a bit tbh, cut my grind hours to focus on health but back at it again this week.


As an autist everything about this post is just terrible for me. Why can't I just cover my own side of the fence and why do I have to support the entire team's moral? Ugh.


I have autism and ADHD and I normally do what benefits myself and the team, so if I have to change my playstyle to help teams while Solo Q then that's what I do. Boosting moral is not for everyone, just stick to what works for you at the end of the day but don't become a selfish player it's a team game.


Your comment is contradictory and unhelpful.


Just being a good teammate is boosting morale though too, hard to put in words and my comment is very helpful you just don't understand it. I'm pretty vocal despite it exhaust me a lot of the times and on top of that I have a gene condition that makes me feel tired majority of the time. So in theory it's not unhelpful I have a bunch of different problems that attack my mood and never make excuses to be helpful to my team, come to my Twitch sometimes and you'll learn something more so than commenting about what's not helpful. I talk to every teammate for 10+ hours a day, that takes a lot to do and be optimistic on top of that by nature.


Yeah that's totally unhelpful for me. You're just bragging about how you do better than I do in a similar situation. I'm glad you exhaust yourself for other people. I don't have that kind of energy.


Your sensitivity stresses me out


My fault OG ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ you sound like my friend with this comment lol.




wide swinging 3 people with little initial demage, while the teammate were not able to immediately shoot them at the wall was close to a throw to be honest.


If you're paying attention closely, I swung while all 3 were focused on my caustic because he was in a bad spot. What I did was very smart because I use my teammate push to swap on him to do damage because I was confident in my bloodhound cleaning it up after observing as IGL during the match. I knew if I could do damage on 2 then the "little damage" would become useful if I swung during that window that was given to me to make a play which worked clearly. It was not a throw, me waiting to make a move would've been a throw because then we're in a 2v3 with no damage at all on 3 instead of me damaging 2 to make them low enough to be a 1 tap each. Also caustic had a ult on the wall covering Blood which also makes everything winnable. If anything I had confidence in my teammate ability to clutch because of what I seen from the start and end of the match, that's trust and not doubting yourself and teammates while using a window to make a move is what makes a difference in winning and losing a game.


yeah, but caustic get beamed immediately and you did comparable little demage. The reason this worked was only you had a solid bloodhound and the opponents played that stupid. Hugging the wall and teamshooting the first idiot peaking over would be the best you can do, the gibby would have just wait for bubble to bubble push the left corner, caustic could have counter that by placing barells at the right corner. you did 124 dmg of 450 dmg combined on both of them. this is a bad deal, and will be punished in diamond for such a traide. You had an opening, when they peaked the corner where you dealt some damage on the gibby. Gibby was backing up right behind the wall. caustic puts a barell down at the corner, which you pop immediately, you smoke right side of of the wall so you wide swing to ramp on your right and play head glitch against them, you might have killed them with that spot easyly. your play was not bad, but it was extremely predictable i would have never peaked that corner as the gibby or the caustic did, i would have pre aimed along the wall telling my team mates "I have the corne look back, watch for climbs" and then swing them after caustic and bang established area control by blocking of potential peaks and LOS while swinging. so they getting nailed at the wall with no cover. Bang and caustic are the best legends for that. Edit if you hear them leave back up the hill you peak corner and shoot them in the back.


This is the heat of moment, we won so your point don't matter and I consistently solo q to Masters but done it on 30 frames on a $150 computer for 5 seasons. I'm very experience and you're over here typing like you would've done anything better under the moment in the situation. This is with 2 players without coms and me IGL the whole match until I got quiet a bit at the end. Honestly I get your point but nothing I did was wrong because I abuse the window giving to me. Also since I Solo Q to Masters on bad gear I adapt constantly to change so clearly I can adjust by climb, I don't get punish in "diamond" that often because i'm a high skilled player that IGL well and trust my solo q teams. I would like to see people that try to read a situation post clips of how they handle things instead of criticism on a great player to win.


i said the play was not bad, but it was risky, and the trade was not worth it. No knock 124 dmg of 450 dmg dealt by you. Your team lost 500 dmg and 2 players, opponents lost less and only one player. Don't feel insulted. You were lucky blood hound cleaned up, and the opponents played that bad! Thats it. there was no need for them to expose to last guy from your team. I mean i can clearly see, that you are way beyond average. I would have swung them potentially too, because its also more fun then playing extra safe, but just by raw numbers, this was not giving you an advantage. by the moment you have seen the gibby bubble in your clip, he was literally 1 second from cool down, I think this is the small bubble. I assume since you saw the dome already open in your clip that he was of cool down. Only reason that worked was the stupid gibby constantly overpeaking. Sorry. But this is not the best logical play. But as I said, you are way better player then those opponents, so dont feel attacked. Edit: gibby bubble visible at second 9, gibby dead at 26, so he was at least on 5 seconds of cool down. but hugging wall after knocking you and caustic, and they would have won that, forcing BH to over peak and team shoot him. Or just hitting enough dmg to get him back up for a 3 second and putting dome down + popping bat.


I like taking risk, I'm a risky player and a lot of the stuff I do work like this plus on top of that the only really this worked because the Gibby and the other enemy did exactly what I figured they would which is both were staring at caustic. I want you to pause the clip on me swinging them and look where their heads are turning to, you're very bad at analyzing situations. Once again post clips online instead of trying to be a coach I understand this game way better than a reddit person that don't even post online. What is your goal with Apex? Once again you're trying to analyze the situation but you're wrong, you're looking at everything besides where the two enemies faces are turn at which makes you wrong. I'm not luck because of the "bloodhound" I'm the one that made the play turn in our favor by paying attention to my caustic movement and choice. I can tell you did not read a single thing I said, Solo Q with two players with no mic and IGL it and observed my teammates ability throughout the match, that's me putting my Bloodhound ability to our advantage at the end in a small window situation to turn a fight, he's on controller too. [https://prnt.sc/rEaitgMh9zgo](https://prnt.sc/rEaitgMh9zgo) Also I'm not insulted by you i just think your logic is not very smart due to knowing I made the best play in my head. I'm a confident IGL/Support for my teammates and I do anything to help or get my teammates out. If you watch my play games you will learn that I'm willing to make risk to win games as in reviving both teammates with a mobile play or even crafting in a small circle during windows. I don't need your "logic" in a situation when I put scenarios in my head to win fights on the go, that was the best scenario in my head after observing what was going on. I've patience I look before I act which a lot of players don't do. Also saying "I'm lucky" about the bloodhound is very undermining my comment about me turning the situation in my favorite, everything that happen was planned by me and only me the moment it went bad, not the blood or caustic that's another thing that makes me above avg, I can turn a bad situation into my favor. Post clips online in short, I respect your opinion but it's not fact and I get u said my play was not bad, I know it's not I play 1.5k+ games a season so how many do you? I'm interested in being a pro on top of that, if I had 2 teammates on my skill level and com just as good as me no one would've got knocked because all of us would've paced correctly.


You know that we analysing the situation completely the same way, you just think your play was the better, because you miss one thing i am saying since the beginning: I just said it worked because they played bad, because as I mentioned in my 2 posts that the gibby was constantly over peaking and peaking this corner is stupid. You did it right, in using your opponents mistake, but still, you did less dmg then you took. THIS ONLY WORKED BECAUSE THE OTHER TEAM WAS JUST BAD, as I said before. In high rank lobbies with a team which is at least on your level, they will not let someone just swing that corner because they are over peaking the edge. Good team will deny getting climbed on or swung, and will wait for gibby bub to shoot you along the wall. If i would have been on this team with that gibby, i would have killed you swinging. Because I would always and every time in a situation like this expect 2 things: 1 Idiot will try to climb or will try to peak the corner. So i will let him over peak and kill him, or shoot him low for climb and use that as opening for swinging (as you did too, but you had made too little initial dmg on the gibby before swinging. If one peaks that corner he is 99% dead. Yes you used your caustic. and you got an opening by him distracting. If i would have been on the gibby team, i would have straight up ignoring the caustic and watching for an Idiot thinking he can swing, or opponent getting greedy and actually dropping the small edge to get shots on me. You did 124 Dmg. I would have have 225 health at this moment. I would have stand further back at the wall that caustic could have done nothing but climbing or dropping infront of my gun. The reason they both went low enough was because they faced caustic just straight forward and could get swung.


Your whole debate still is invalid because "they played bad" and I abused it simply and easy and my play is better. Like I said post videos and show me why you should be trying to tell me how to play.


If we were in a game together, I'd invite you to another game and maybe our discord. We've built a pretty steady group of people just from games like this. I'm a pleb compared to some of our players but comms win games.


I bet you're no pleb and if you're communicating with your group then that's probably helping a lot, thanks for the nice comment fam.


Your strafe goes crazy with Bang's double time passive, nice


Thanks fam, it's so fun doing that and some practice was in place ofc since I used to move pretty bad to be honest with you but I have crazy hours in the game currently and still working to improve.


Do you main bang? If so, what are your stats?


Loba, Wraith highest kills actually and bang sometimes to play around my teammates picks. This season I been on Conduit and Crypto the most probably since they're my top picks too. I'm in a match now so I would have to get back with you on the stats.


Sure thing bro Tell death I said hello (hope you get this Wraith quip reference)




it turned into one of my favorite clips after he started singing lol


Thanks haha


ksksksks good voice


Thank you


I tend to keep coms a little more straight to the point, but being positive is always good, especially when winning!


That's the best way sometimes, I have two styles of IGL actually like I can straight micro and also just keep it simple and switch it up. It really depends on my energy, like right in this clip I'm pretty focus /tired instead of locked on my hard com style.