• By -


What's dirty is the Alty Volt combo. Bad choice to solo push, one by one as well. 🤦‍♂️


You can run the Volt as a short mid range gun and alternator with disruptor is prob the best smg atm. We got cooked between two teams and he bailed, they weren’t that far from each other and he punished them despite the first dude having high ground and all.


Was a great play by this guy, and a real dumb push by them, that one at a time push was just bad tactics, and they got punished for it big time. 👏


Yeah that 1v3 would of ended way sooner if the team actually worked together and stayed next to each other but they just had to go in 1 by 1


This is the case with every 1v3


100%. If they had held 20 seconds and pushed from all angles it would have played out very differently.


This thread is cringe (except OP) and is showing that the average rank of this sub is about low Gold. Instead of applauding this guy for 1v3ing in a D1 lobby, we just see people accusing him of wall hacks, “blue shields only so this means nothing”, “AA is unnatural, anyone could’ve done this”, etc. In another post yesterday, a guy in silver posted a 1v3 clutch and everyone applauded him. We should be encouraging both of these types of posts no matter the rank/input. Alas, here we are. Edit: spelling


meh, pretty much every video posted on this sub devolves into input complaints. anything with movement controller players complain about, and anything with one clip beams mnk players complain about. it's the unfortunate state of the game right now. I say just split the lobbies by input personally and be done with it, but I don't think respawn will do that any time soon. so we will continue to bitch at each other for playing the game, instead of praising cool plays.


Man, when I watch console lobby clips on here.. I WISH I was in those shits cause I would be eating as a PC controller player. Even the plat clips I've seen are just a different quality.


I think that's why the console players complain about our PC lobbies being too sweaty 😂


Yeah, that’s because it’s easier to be that level on PC. Or do you think you and everyone else on PC is some sort of apex prodigy?


Anything on console outside of straight pred/master lobbies are bots. Coming from a console pred. PC isn't that much better let's be completely honest lmao, most real console preds can hold their own in a PC pred lobby.


I am plat player and i won 7/10 times against pred console player who switched on pc and used configs I am pretty sure only small ammount of console players can hold their own against avg pc player and i am bellow avg (also he has around 2k hours and his highest rank was diamond in s17 then he never got better than plat on pc)


I think people on here enjoy clips that are relatable but when it's something out of reach for them, that hate jump straight out their body lol. It should be appreciated like you said, cause this shit was amazing to watch as a spectator.


I just read through the comments and lost brain cells. The amount of silvers that see someone better than them and instantly accuse cheating is lame. Nothing about that clip looked like cheating, just looks like a roller player that’s about to his masters.


Doesn’t happen


You show me the guy that can solo q up diamond one and I’ll show you his hacks


You can’t fathom the thought of someone being good at this game cant you?


Yeah there’s a difference between good and the requirements to crawl up solo q diamond as a solo q player If he’s on PC in EU I highly doubt it’s legit I mean you can’t really prove otherwise right not as tho this guy is gonna point a webcam at his monitor right


No... If you are good, you can do it. Also try looking up streamers who solo queue. You will also notice there is a feature on most PCs to take screenshots or record video. He can prove it, but really a waste of time on his part


Every piece of cheat software you can run whilst taking video


You think every streamer who's playing live solo queue is hiding cheats? Okay then


Yeah you’re right they wouldn’t dare risk it what with all the danger and risk involved. Motherfuckers out there take steroid and claim to be natural for clout, cheating in a free game for clout is… you’re right much more dangerous ? I think if they don’t turn their webcam towards their monitor and show us some hot shit why wouldn’t they be suspect


...tons of semi-pros and pros have solo-q'd to diamond 1.


Cos no pros or semi pros in the history of sports have ever had to juice to keep competitive


12.6k kills in S19. This dude games.


“Let’s attack him one at a time!” - those idiots


they should show people this before entering diamond rank as a reminder to never ever get cocky, always pretend as if the last solo guy is a whole trio and don't even give him the slightest chance to even trade himself.


Stay safe out there fellow MnK friends. These mfers scary as hell.




























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Do you have a 60 fps (or higher) original clip for this by any chance? I'd love if you could upload it for DL.


Stay safe guys, aim assist is no joke


it's a nice 1v3 clutch dont get me wrong, but that aim assist using the volt for the first 2 kills holy crap. aint no way anyone on mnk doing that In b4: bUt My AiM aSsIsT dOeSnT dO tHaT Yeah sorry that even a 40% aimbot cant save your aim


Yea some people try using the excuse that it’s not that good because they ain’t doing that but all they’re doing is exposing themselves for being so dogshit. Me and my friend who haven’t played roller in like 2 years both played a match and we’re hitting shots like this and won the game with like 15 kills each. AA is stupid and controller players just cope


People on this sub are hopeless, if you look at the apex pro scene its almostall controller players now. So it is pure cope defending aa


Exactly, how can anyone defend a 0 ms time assisting you by almost half. it’s crazy how anyone actually thinks that aa has a place in a competitive game


Good job bro, you going cazy in premade pub lobbies.


Just showing you how broken aim assist is, quit coping and accept that your not good at the game you play all day


I mean, I play both and comfortably float around the same rank. Roller gives me a lower room for error and I don't have to jump on aim trainer for 30-40 mins before a session to warm up. Like I said bro, enjoy those discord calls and feeling good about shitting on random kids in pubs.


Exactly lower room for error. Your always gonna have good aim and it will track even if you can’t see a guy because of visual clutter. You want to advocate for something that artificially aims for you in a competitive game then you are not worth speaking to


You didn’t show anything, you’re just saying stuff that anyone can say. By the way, me and my friend switched to MnK for the very first time ever and we got 20 bombs and 4k+ damage on the very first game we played.


Bro you know that’s some bs lol, mnk is very hard especially on a game like apex. I can guarantee if you actually did play it for the first time you would get one clipped by a roller player while your trying to simply hit 1 shot. Mnk vs controller is a matter of opinion it’s a fact that controller is way too strong and allows bad players to be good because they get free aim


Not as hard as you're making it out to be.




😭😭😭 yeah you keep thinking that bro. I could send countless clips of me just slamming pred teams with a sentinel, where is the aim assist on that? You just have a massive insecurity about your skill. Chill out, you're a nobody.


Siri what is confirmation bias


Controller moment


His movement is too good to be cheating


What makes the death boxes glow like that?


It was a buy-able mythic cosmetic from a few seasons ago. It doesn't change the loot inside the box, just how it appears on their kills. It costs roughly $360 to recieve so not many casual players buy them.


Damn, that was nice! Shame that people can't just enjoy the fucking clip but instead decide to bicker about inputs


Cold 🥶 Why does he have a 2x doe


I was about to say “nice tracking “ then noticed your on controller.


Just say that you suck


Nah i just respect that mnk has to actually aim themselves instead of having aimbot do it for them


imagine playing with 25 MS ping , it's a dream


Of course he paid for the death box lol. Good play though


OP are you bald valk?


Bald Valk?


why did bro forget the valk tact though 😭


Cause the valk tac would freeze him from moving for about a sec and he's one shot. He simply just dies if he does it since he needs LOS to position it and if he can see the last dude, then the last dude can see him.


Nah it would have worked, he mag dumped and the guy was on a cell or something. The real risk is the stupid ass rockets hitting the car and killing him on accident


I am 90% sure that this guy has wall hacks :D


Ever heard of audio?


i am nearly deaf (seriously), sometimes i hear a like a small crackle if someone is close by. And REALLY rare footsteps are loud enough so i can hear if they are to my right. On my left no chance. I hear shots, and i can hear my teammates. Guess who i am maining :D Blood hound. I had the time of my life when seer was OP :D


Back to back one-clips? AA is a joke. The dude has good game sense you can tell.. But the aiming is unfair.


If you’re bad just say that.


respect to him to the clutch but them other squad is dumb af, why throw away all your numerical advantage like that going 1 at the time,every enemy in the power rangers show was like that


holy shit the amount of mnk drones


Correction: my teammates aimassist hits one of the nastiest 1v3s ive seen.


No amount of aim assist would result in you hitting a play like this ever in your life.


Dudes a baby on an alt, just ignore him


I play on controller as well and I was legit in awe watching him play this shit out lol.


I play on roller as well, AA helps but you’re not hitting a clip like that after just picking one up for the first time, plays like that take some talent


The shoulder peeks on the last guy to punish him for ads'ing out in the open and covering to avoid damage in return were some shit that will take me some time to learn before it becomes instinct.


I'm sorry but it looks like this guy is walling, prefires every peek, knows the last guy is hiding behind knockdown shield. All aim placement is a little too perfect


He heard the first guy climb the rock, he got scanned from his right side by blood hound, and there is audio from the left side. The last guy is backing up to knockdown as he's hoping he can get him with a shoulder peek fake out in case he turns his back. I'm high diamond and getting low diamond/master teammates who are just better than me is evident. His game sense and positioning is just much, much better than mine and I'm an above average player with a k/d around 2. It's ok to see players who are just much better than us, and not have to cope behind "cheats" "walling" or whatever it is. He had 19,000 kills on Valk last season, this is probably muscle memory at this point.


Idk looks sus for me... sound from first was obvius but second and 3 was sus as f cuz even if u know maybe they are coming from there u dont insta lock on all the time in mid core dats bullshit.... i am pred and i play mnk and controller and never beam so ... special.. and 19 k kills means nothing. I mean watch the last gaming merchant video with the funny revenant ... if u know how to play u can ez hiding cheats


The peak at the guy behind the knockdown after reloading does seem a little sus.


How? It’s obvious he went there.


The small adjustment he makes as he's crouched behind the car looks sus. He was tracking the loba and then perfectly transitioned to the knock. This player is obviously very skilled and has played the game a lot, and of course you can achieve a clip like this legitimately, but I think there really is a chance they're walling.


He died valk ulting into a team in landslide a bit after this.


The pre-aim placement needing no adjustment on three separate occasions was weird. Sound gives you the direction, but lining up pixel-perfect through objects isn't down to sound. You can't make a definitive judgement from this single video alone, but it was definitely weird. I've watched a LOT of pros 1v3 in ranked... and they don't look like this from a pre-aim perspective. This is somebody I'd stick around to watch to see if they're consistently able to line people up through objects.


He wasn't looking directly at the first guy when he appeared. Just good reaction time and rare representative of headphone users xD


He can obvously hear them. Also, how would he not know the guy was behind the knockdown shield? He saw him go there.


No it's just high game iq and audio


Cheating :(


I'm shocked how many people don't see that this guy is cheating


Yeah idk. I thought the same. But I’m doubting myself because I understand this clip is nothing crazy, the shots weren’t hard ones to hit. Just looks super robotic and unnatural.


Why are we acting like one clipping someone running straight at you close range can only be accomplished with AA? Yeah these 1 clips are nice but both guys have blue shield and don’t do anything crazy movement wise except W key right at him


Copium fumes hit apex players different


%100 hacker.


Looks like he won 3 1v1's. Nicely done though.


Ive 1v3 with a prowler and lstar was way smoother then this