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This will absolutely change everything for me personally. Been wanting this since year 1 and won't actually despise hot drops anymore.


This game has been around for like 4 years? How did this not happen sooner? The amount of hot drop matches I've had and ran through 3 bins and 2 floor loot tarps without a single gun is statistically insane. Fucking finally


Dude right? Seeing a dude grab a havoc and r301 and im running at him with a blue sniper stock chock full of confidence, no more "Ha! You think you got the upper ha- Arghhh". So damn happy right now, EA has definitely had some fuck ups but at least the studio dropping some kick ass contents lately.


I just want to say that you absolutely nail the story telling and you just might be the perfect reddit commentor


Gotta admit though, there’s little more satisfying than dodging bullets and meleeing someone to death.


For as much as I like this change, one of my fav memories was winning a 1v2 without a gun because I kept punching the opponents through fences


Or hawking them with Caustic traps. It’s a flex lol. It’ll still happen if you don’t open a bin fast enough or if yall go to the same bin at the same time. But winning a fist vs gun fight is the best


one of my fav moment is when i beat down a person on a hot drop who had a gun. once i downed them i blocked them into the corner with gas traps and made them 'breath it in' as a staired at them.


5 of ridiculous that a punch does 30 dmg, and a bullet does 9.


Melee does so much damage because it’s significantly slow. It would have very little utility if its single hit damage was proportionate. That said, the only gun that does 9 damage is R99 to the leg. And that gun empties the clip super fast so it’s DPS is certainly higher that melee. The R99 does 11 to the body. It’s a decently balanced mechanic. lol Halo and COD have instant kill melee if it’s a back shot (no Diddy)


The devs don't think hot dropping is a smart tactics, and as such, didn't want to encourage it. But since the game started dying, they are more perceptive to vox populi.


Hot dropping is mostly a pubs playstyle, higher level ranked rarely has any hot drops. I don't like hot drops, but I can't deny that hot dropping is by far the most visceral and thrilling part of a match, after that its just waiting in a bunker to 3rd party a team to win. (Usually, not always)


Two things can be true. You can can find Hot dropping as a high risk-high reward adrenaline junkie fun. You can also find Methodical Strategic gameplay with careful rotations and contested multi team end games to be fun.


Not even just hot drops but any contested POI. I’ve been reamed out by so many random teammates for not coming to help fight because I happened to land in the section of the POI without a single weapon. Getting thirsted immediately sucks….but running around for what feels like the first three minutes of a match while your teammates are sweating it out is somehow even worse. This change is going to be great for the game all around. I started just landing directly on the nearest weapon supply bin if I’m playing an assault character because it’s the only way I could guarantee a weapon. Even if it’s a little further off my teammates, I at least know I am getting a gun and running straight to them instead of risking that awful experience.


This..... My randoms get so mad when I have to do this, but you're right. It's either get a gun immediately and help them or run around for 3 minutes while they sweat it out. I do the same as assault


Apex weirdly the only BR where this is a problem, for some reason it can be greedy with weapons and loot


There’s been times when I leave instantly when I see the team dropping with 20 enemies in a small area.. Now I might wait and see if I can even do anything besides run and hide cause I have no gun, until I’m last alive and get one punch in on the guy who kills me


lost count on the amount of times i opened a bin on hot drop and it only having a single pair of syringes - nothing else , i agree this should be game changer


Gimme that p2020 Poggers


Loot bin: here's your charge rifle, sir. please enjoy! 😉


Lol, I would rather fight bare handed than pick up a charge rifle, I have better chances wining a with my fists against an enemy on drop than using that ass of a weapon


Not gonna lie, it still sucks compared to other guns imo but I was forced to use it yesterday and the shit hits for like 104 to the body at RANGE….


idk if im the the odd ball but i have better results with the charged then i do with the others. it takes a little getting used to so that you edge the gun in cover and pop out and plop people. LFR in destiny got me trained i guess.


I think the skill gap is definitely high but the reward could be there… it essentially fires at the same clip as a sentinel but hits way harder. Prefer it this way however compared to the laser beam it used to be for the sake of the game


the projectile just seems way faster then the others too. last night i hit at guy at 504ms, cant even lead a shot with the others at that range. (vantage main)


It's not that you can't do that and have success. I love hitting the charge just right on a headshot, it completely turns the tables. I would use this version of the charge rifle if everything went as you suggest. The problems arise when you can't play cover to avoid getting aim punched or getting aim punched at the peek, which gives you no chance of both charging your shot and landing it against most weapons in a 1v1.


You get 1 shot in before I laser you down with my volt. Losing/winning because of weapon difference is real in a hotdrop. 


It's so good off of the rip, though; people underestimate it, and it's damn accurate - and high ass damage. Great peak weapon


What turns most people off is that chargeup and immediate release, sure it can be good when poking enemies at long range but you'll have to have insane aim and planning if you can ever hope to use it on drop and win any gun fight at close range which is not the majority of players Atleast the other snipers have a somewhat decent fire rate that can increase your chances of winning with them on drop


As a side note does anyone else think P2020 with Hammerpoint is severely underrated?


Better than nothing at least ><


Every loot bin I open will have a p2020 or Mozambique, I'm calling it right now


Don’t disrespect the Mozambique like that.


Yeah Mozam can compete off drop.


Mozam can compete at any point of the game. Just pro’s even prefer running it.


Oh yeah I’m an avid Mozam user o7


I would not underestimate the 2020 either, tbh.


Getting a 2020 or a Mozam implies that there is a slight chance of hammerpoints laying about. Early game that's a breaking combination.


it's a good chance even. Those drop quite regularly!


I’m always amazed how my rando teammates almost NEVER pick up or use hammer points. They are so good. If I see one I’m picking it up, don’t care what other guns I have kitted or not I will drop it for an RE45


P2020 slaps, with hammer points it becomes destruction


I just discovered the P2020 this season and I love it, I use to write it off but with disruptor rounds it’s a work horse.


Would you rather an extended sniper mag, a barrel mod & syringes?


That bin was going to have a Flatline, but it detected you didn't have a gun so it gives you a Mozambique instead💀💀💀


Id rather have a p2020 or mozam than no gun at all.


It’s so much better than nothing


This is massive.


Yes wayyyyy bigger than people think.


I can't believe it took 4 years to implement such a basic change to loot. I don't know what they did with the dev team but they've been killing it this season with getting rid of the worst aspects of the game.


Honestly yeah, is a good change; but damn, Apex is half a decade old now, and this clip is even relevant till they implement this patch. https://youtu.be/pXXJG1T6H5Y?si=RlapbAw-sQPNynzY


I was really hoping it would be this clip and it was lmao. This one cracks me up every single time. "WHY DO YOU HAVE A JOB?!"


Thus the rage quitting wraith was born


I’ve never seen this before and it’s amazing. I’ve had the same exact experience way too many times but instead of me yelling it’s my teammates criticizing me for not rushing a team that downed them.


And there will be people here saying they miss old king's canyon. That map had the worst loot imaginable


I will always miss old king's canyon. Not because of the loot, but because of the nostalgia.


The real loot is the memories


I just miss kings canyon. I hate having whole seasons where maps are left out


To be fair though, we dont know how basic this really is.Depends on the design of the software. Imagine if the loot bins are populated upon initialization or when players enter that zone - not unlikely. That would have forced them to rewrite that part of the engine, with all that implies for the rest of the map.


likely from the second the map is generated due to something like loba passive. But with time they experimented with the player specific loot likely worked out most the bugs and made it possible to achieve this.


I agree, it is very likely. So this is per design actually not \*that\* simple, and hopefully it will not lead to performance issues in moments where several squads drop on top of each other.


Yeah, I can guarantee this was far from a trivial change. The server likely gives each player a "no gun" flag until the first time they pick one up, then have a secondary interaction program that runs whenever a "no gun" flagged player opens a bin that restocks it in the time it takes for the bin to open. And considering that about half the lobby in pubs drops hot, that means about 30 of those restock interactions are going to be happening pretty close to simultaneously.


Actually, probably is trivial (at this point) because weapon cache's work like this. If you open a weapon cache with an assault character while not holding any weapons, the extra compartment will always contain a weapon loadout.


True, but part of the standard scan for a weapons cache includes tailoring its contents to the opener's loadout (I'm pretty sure, at least), so the contents already aren't determined until they are opened. On the other hand, I'd have to assume that part of the server initialization includes pre-stocking each loot bin with items, as I feel it'd be a bit wasteful on resources to have it roll them dynamically as they are opened. So while the "no gun" flag on weapons cache simply modifies the existing program that's already tailoring the contents to the opener's loadout, this new system would actually overwrite existing bin contents with new ones that include a gun. I'm making a lot of assumptions about how the bin stocking works as is though, so I could be wrong!


But even that's fairly simple to have the extra compartment contents preset. I suppose each bin could have two configurations and if the opener didn't have a weapon it can pick the config with a weapon in it, but seems like it could be fairly complicated to generate the contents on the fly across the server


Especially since Loba can't open the bin nor see what is inside it before it is opened.


yeah but that's the special compartment. Loba doesn't see the content there.


Exactly. But this flag would only be relevant for the first BIN they open - remember that. So it's even \*more\* complex. :) I sincerely hope this is well tested out, and doesn't give lag spikes right after drop. Cause it's exactly stuff like this that can create such stutter.


Wouldn't it just function with the same thing that scans your team Comp for assault bins?


I wonder does this work for Loba passive. I guess the pin will extend a shelf with a weapon so it doesn't "overwrite" what's currently in the bin.


She can't see weapons anyway


Less about seeing a weapon and seeing the item that was in the new weapons slot


what about gold weapons


With every update, they eliminate more and more of the game's main problem, which is the randomness. I'm all for it as it means there are less things to get upset about that are out of your control. It's the worst thing about BR's in general and Respawn is aware of it.


But randomness is also essential to the game, because it enables the replayability. It's a careful balance.


True they need to be careful. Part of the allure of brs is how unique each match can feel. The story that unfolds from the start to the end of the match. If they make things too generic you lose that aspect of the game and every match feels like every other match. Often it's the rare shit that happens in brs that makes you come back.


Don't want to end up like warzone where people just get their care package and run the meta immediately. Need that randomness to equalize those who play 24/7 and those who just play when they have time.


100% agree. The more similar each round gets, the faster it gets boring too.


I'll drop a hot take. Randomness isn't why BR's are great imo. It's because in the last couple decades most FPSs (outside of halo) have some sort of level up system that means certain people who play more (or pay more when it comes to CoD) start with better load outs and then those load outs become meta and boring. BRs are great because everyone drops in with the same exact weapon and you aren't facing the same faceless 20 players all using the meta guns there is variety in engagements and gameplay.


i second this, same reason why i didnt like warzone (loadout drops)


Randomness is how this is accomplished.


>Its the worst thing about BR’s in general It’s the __defining__ thing about Battle Royales. You spawn in with nothing, loot and fight your way to better gear and compete to be the last man standing. If you don’t like the looting/randomness aspect of Battle Royales, then Warzone is your best bet. You get your loadout with exactly the weapons you want customized to you.


If Randomness is a problem to you, why are you even playing a BR?


I don't. I hate the genre. Apex is the exception because it has some of best gunplay and gameplay for an FPS game. That it feels less like a BR where you run around and loot but instead there is actual action. I don't play it regularly anymore, but I hop in now and then and its the only BR I'm willing to play. I regularly say its the greatest BR ever made. But its also why I have had the opinion for the longest time that Respawn wastes their potential with a BR, that all the good Apex has is wasted because its primarily a BR. It's extremely frustrating it is to have the greatest FPS developer on the planet, fucking around with a game where half the gameplay is based on luck and getting the advantage over people. I follow the game and Respawn in the hopes that eventually go back to what the game was based on and take what they have learned with Apex and make the greatest FPS game in existence.


The randomness is the literal core of a BR, if you don't like it, you don't like BRs.


But the first loot bin I open is always emptied by octane! 🫠


This is the top comment idc what anyone says.


How does this affect Loba’s ult for unlooted bins? Isn’t loot predetermined at this point?


Finally. I've been saying forever, there is no excuse to drop and find no weapons. It's a shooter. There should be guns all over the fucking place.


I wish they would turn heals and attachments into a holdable object you can beat someone’s ass with if you don’t have a gun 😂😂😂


Yeah I would love to beat someone’s head off with something like a barrel stabilizer 😂


> 1x HOLO [All weapons] > *+1 melee damage*


"Mozambique here"


This changes everything


I remember hot dropping and both of my teammates getting into it while I was looking for a weapon. 3 bins and 1 building searched later I was running to their rescue with 8 Shield batts, a medkit, lots of various ammo, and a thermite and arc star. I wasn’t successful and my teammates were pissed at me


Interesting. This also means avoiding picking up weapons you don't want is more worth it since you get more weapon rolls in general


it says the _first_ one you open


Hmm good point. So that also means if you open a bin and someone else snags the gun it works same as it used to. Rip.


id say it still severely improves the situation, with this knowledge in mind you'll be less encouraged to fight over one bin and maybe head towards the next one? or maybe trying to snag the opponents gun is still a valid strategy? at the same time, they were a bit ambiguous with this change. in the first description they made sure to point out that it's the first gun, but in the dev note there's no mention of that, so maybe your initial assumption was right!


this is only a problem if youre fighting people over 1 loot bin, which imo is a good thing to discourage


No because it guarantee you a low tier weapon


At *least* a low tier weapon. You can get any gun from your first bin.


They should have changed it to: > Any loot bin opened by an unarmed player will always contain a P2020.


Just give us a p2020 off rip and duo p2020s if you find one and have one already. Stop with these slow changes.


Only took twenty seasons


It a guarantee low tier weapon btw guys.




I 👀


“While completely unarmed” Ok what’s stopping me from staying unarmed and opening a group of loot bins and getting a weapon per bin?


It says it works on the FIRST bin only.


First bin


But what will you do with 6 Mozambiques?


How about adding at least one weapon in a structure(building). Nothing like walking into a room to find no guns.


I have complained about this everyday since season 0


Solos mode coming back and now this? I think I’ve died and arrived to heaven. Someone say it ain’t so.🥹😍


Its a shame this has taken 4 years. I play ranked only and I ca t describe my fury. When at times I land open 4 bins while my team mates get 3 vs 2 and I get no gun


Games getting so soft


I CALLED IT https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1bjyo01/every_bin_should_have_a_gun/kvxjeob/




Since they introduced 3-strikes, this is the path they want to continue to follow, people like the large map and the closing circle, but looting and playing to survive is apparently something that many are not interested in! Personally, I will continue to play Apex precisely because it is a BR, but also great weapon combat and smooth movement, something PUPG really lacks, Fortnite is 3d person and COD(BR) is just not fun and so we are "stuck" to Apex, even though it is full of other problems and are going in a direction that makes it look more and more like COD than what Apex Legends originally was


What Apex Legends originally was was half the server dropping into the location closest to the dropship to fight over scraps with grenades and punching, before a Wingman+PK solo Wraith slaughers them all and instaleaves to queue again before Ring 1 starts to close.


How? All this does is guarantee someone a weapon. Its not guaranteeing a kraber or fully gold gun. Just a weapon. You still have to fight


A random chance at zero guns is not a positive aspect about randomness in this game. Having a bare minimum guarantee at getting a weapon and not getting fucked by RNG can only be a good thing. There are some aspects of randomness that just don't add anything positive to the game.


I got in a match this weekend where I opened what had to be m y first 12 bins and only found attachments and a single P2020 across them all.


So if you're looking for a specific weapon, then should you drop both current weapons? Or is this only for the beginning when the player has not touched a weapon at all?


I really wish they implemented the scattered spawns from straightshot into standard matchmaking


So if you don't like what you see when you open it, open another one without picking anything up.


Only works for the very first bin you open while not having a weapon


Should have always had the p2020 or Mozam off drop haha


We will see


I actually enjoy the chaotic drops where you don't have anything but still manage to win the fight with nothing but fists and then they get to sit there for a few secs wallowing in shame before turning into a box haha. Shake and bake, baby On the other hand looting bin after bin and ending up with nothing but shields and ammo gets tiring so being guaranteed a weapon is a welcome change.


Just wait till EA makes it like an 80% chance of dropping a charge rifle or 2020


how's that work with Loba. Are all loot bins quantum now?


Fantastic but why did this take 4 years lmao


At least a low tier. Ah, yes, the triple p20 per bin 👏


There will be wraiths and octanes grabbing weapons from bins their teammates open.


IDK I sort of like the fist fights early in the game with drills and knuckle dusters blasting.


The first bin I opened in a match contained… 1 and I repeat 1 Thermite There was like two other bins with one or two guns but that thermite exclusive bin kinda stinged when I got jumped by two enemy teams


Low tier weapon you now 90% of the time it will be a Mozambique or p2020


"Mozambique here"


im out of the game now. but boy this is the best change ever cuase that means you can land at more random spots and not hope for weapons.


hopefully this discourages braindead behavior of landing next to a person hoping u get a gun first and the other does not. This was one of my biggest peeves in Apex because I only lose contested drops when I do not have a gun. I have outplayed many havoc and peacekeeper players with mozam by playing cover correctly.




Great change! But I have a question... Let's say an enemy landed next to me, so if I open the bin there will be weapon but if the enemy gets to pick that up will the next bin I open have weapon as well since I'm still unarmed?


# I have a complicated feeling about this. They're taking away the fustration caused by randomness, bit by bit - itself could be THE essence of a BR, but, yeah, on paper it improves UX and I'm all for that. On the other hand, it **encourages** hot dropping. Mind you, the regions (yes, regionS) I play are infected by literally brain dead hot droppers from certain geographical regionS. IF those players somehow survive the first POI they simply push wihtout any sort of coordination, for example - engage head on with Path/Oct Q and get smoked in no time, in fricking ranked mode! For that I now don't play in my local region with single digit ping, my main place to go is now 50-70 ping and I can certainly feel the latency. Let's see how this plays out.


Holy shit


No longer have to open 6 bins to get mozam


So a mozam or p2020? I can work with that. I run re45 by choice.


Where patch notes??


one of the few changes in the last few seasons that actually makes sense.




Huge W. One of the more frustrating aspects of landing contested.


As a new player who keeps getting matchmade with instant droppers that force a TDM and die within the first minute, this change is huge.


I've always wondered about this how and why do some loot bins have weapons and this is a huge plus because it's nothing more rage inducing than you opening a supply bin next too a enemy he gets a pk spitfire and you get a sniper stock energy ammo and a grenade


Only took half a decade, fuck


Thank GOD


Everyone gonna hot drop on bins instead of buildings now? Maybe not all but significantly more ppl.


This is great!


One of the best changes they’ve made in so long


Best change of whole patch tbh


That only took 34 years


Bro Thank the LORD


Finally! Been saying we needed this change for several seasons. I have genuinely had runs of 3-4 loot bins off drop with only nades/ammo/attachments and no gun, it was so frustrating.


its so funny how a lot of design decisions in this game that used to feel really bad (banner animations, no way to guarantee weapons, no class perks including scanning the whole map for enemies, ash tact not being offhand) were laughed off for the mere mention of removing or adding features that would make the game less tedious or more dynamic, claimed to be absurd changes that prove the people asking for them don't know what they're talking about. and now every patch we are getting those exact changes


finally 😭😭😭😭


I wonder if this could be abused by dropping all weapons before opening a bin


Why did it take many years to finally do this


No more opening 2 bins and finding 3 meds and ammo. :) I can finally win my drops.


It’s wild that it took 4 YEARS for them to finally realize “hey, maybe people might need a weapon off drop for a fair fight, especially in a gun fight. I can’t tell you how frustrating it was to open bin after bin after bin to not find a single weapon and get shot down 💀 I welcome this long overdue change. Huge ass W!


Knowing EA and how they hate making their players happy, its gonna be just Mozambiques. Just wait.


Every supply bin : Mozambique x3


It is ridiculous to me that it took until season 21 for this to happen.


Thank god. I hate when the JM hot drops us in ranked next to multiple teams and I come away with a gray energy mag, grey bolt and a backpack…


If they add every weapon in the loot pool i can just exploit it no? Drop somewhere with alot of bins and just drop the weapon before u open it till u get ur fav weapons? (This ofc would be only viable if u dont hotdrop o.e)


This is HUGE change. And good for teams that are expecting contests :D


Devs are getting better after years, nice


No more heavy mag, shotgun bolt, shield cell, and a grenade while some guy unloads his blue mag volt into me???? D:


I can't tell you how many times I have been without a gun and opened multiple bins and just found attachments. This will be a nice change and make hot dropping way more enjoyable.


Why would they add this? My favorite part of the game is dropping, clearing an entire building and having nothing but attachments to show for it 🙃


"I don't have a gun!! "Help me!!!!!" "I can't I don't have a gun!!" "Full squad on me!!!!" "I DONT HAVE A GUN YET!!" ....no longer will be a thing :)


Mozambique here


Finally! No more bins only having attachments or grenades or just ammo!


Time to get good with a p2020 and Mozam…lol


What’s going to happen: you drop, your teammate doesn’t disconnect because he was eating Doritos watching Naruto. You open your box, your teammate proceeds to yoink your gun while running ahead of you looting everything while you get gunned down.




So tired opening 6 bins to only find attachments nades and ammo


Wow, only took fucking 4-5 years... It took *that* long to realize players hate opening 3 bins with no fucking weapons in an ever-expanding loot pool? really dredging the bottom of the barrel for ideas now huh respawn? /s


Hoooooly shit bout f'in time!!!!


“When completely unarmed, opening a bin will guarantee at least a low tier weapon” meaning I could just keep opening bins until I get the weapon I want?


Only took 5 year, bravo. At this rate they might make it so that an area doesnt spawn 7 of the same gun by the year 2030


I don't see why they don't just drop everyone with a p2020 and a stack of ammo.


Holy fuck this plus solos. It's time to play the game for two months and take another 5 year break.


Thank you. But I kinda like seeing if I can punch someone to death when I first drop at time. Lol


Yet they can’t fix the damn audio


wtf too good to be true now what about buildings with nothing in it


Still gonna get a P2020 while the guy next to me gets a Sheila


Mozambique here




Another week 1 obvious change finally implemented hundreds of weeks into the game lol


Can you just drop your weapons on the floor before unlocking a bin to force a new weapon spawn?