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My conduit teammate is new to the game and never tacts me when it’s a critical point in the game. I only get the tact when we are trading long range shots trying for a knock 🥲


They will learn, it takes some time 😅 Maybe tell them "I need shield", when you're broken. (If you don't already do that) Learning how this game works when you're a beginner & having to pay attention to your teammates shield/health can be quiet challenging


Agreed this game is hard and I don’t want them to quit! I call for the heal on those situations where I’m 1v1ing and we both crack one another but they always already used the tact. I think they just use it any time they notice someone got damaged. I can tell them to save it for those moments next time. Def sounds hard to do correctly even for an experienced player too!


I have a couple thousand games with Conduit and I still make mistakes. We all do (despite what some redditors claim) You can also tell your friend, when they get purple shield, to pick the "Split charge" upgrade. I usually don't pick that upgrade, because imo it sounds better than it actually is (two tac charges, with half the shield) But if your friend is in the process of learning Conduit, maybe two tac charges can help them better


How long does it last again? Recently I have gotten it and kept fighting but always forget that it runs out lol


There’s a value in this too. If you get a crack, but take some damage, it allows you to continue to peek and potentially get the knock.


I remember being yelled at down the mic and called trash because I wasn't taccing someone while they were trading sniper shots halfway across the map and telling them I will save it for when we get pushed.


That’s terrible. They better be a god level Conduit if they expect you to know when a long distance sniper teammate needs a heal versus, say, the fragger who could just rush in on a good shield crack. And both situations could happen at any time!


Yeah i get hit once for like 14 damage and while being behind cover and the other team is 200m away conduit uses the tac


As a conduit main, I'd suggest to tell them to watch your shields and listen for the enemy reload then tac you. After they should engage to take the focus off you so the tac can heal then fall back and heal while you engage. Its like a ring around the rosie game


ngl i'm guilty of this. it's just a habit to get into cover and heal.


I use it as a "I can get a batt off and if I get jumped mid-bat then I'm still ok to fight" Sorry but I intentionally use it the way you hate


The thought is if you crack somebody and you got cracked in return he can heal you and then you guys can make a play while they're healing and they have less people looking and giving cover fire. And if you got cracked and they are trying to ape you guys now you can still look safely and shoot them while they push out in the open. It just depends on the situation. The goal is to always be shooting.


Exactly this. A lot of players often can’t see beyond “I’m cracked, I need to heal” regardless of the situation. Conduit is an absolute playmaker, that needs to be capitalised on, hence her name, to **conduce** is to; *help to bring about (a particular situation or outcome)*


there are situations for this to be the correct play though. it’s annoying when it’s not though. some people reset to heal way too early in general.


Yes it's situational but most of the time this is what happens


No 😭


I'm sorry 😞


Same! It gives me time to take some hits while I pop a bat and not die in the process.


Let me put it to you this way: Why do you want to pop a bat if you're already full shield and you need to fight?


Why pop a bat? You have 18 seconds with the temporary bat. why waste a bat? Cancelling a bat takes an extra second, instead of being ready to shoot. everything about your strat is a negative.


Same. I guess I'm too cautious, lol


Same here. It gives me the confidence to bat closer to the fight, I'm still using that time to bat though.


Just accept to use it for yourself. And your teammates shield is just a bonus. If they are to stupid to use it, so be it


I have come to this conclusion too, tbh. Okay, waste my tac, whatever, I can't control what my teammates do 🤷‍♀️ When it's randoms, it's whatever, but when I'm playing with my friends and I tell them "I'll shield you" and they use a bat anyway.... I do get a little bit mad


Bruh. I feel ya! I love Conduit’s kit but even my friends forget about her shields almost every time I use it on them 😩


This is what i’ve started to do. I couldn’t care less if my teammate uses the shield it’s for me


Damn, you are right, I do that shit a lot because the healing is kind of slow. Buuuut also conduits using their tactical before we start fighting is also a big problem.


To the second part, this is usually done for two reasons: 1) Conduit player is not that experienced yet/Accidental 2) It's done on purpose (when you hot drop, for example, and you know you're gonna get damaged immediately)


2) but you don't get a benefit if you have a complete full shield, if you get shot, it cancels the tactical, no?


It does, yes, but sometimes it still manages to build up a little bit. And a little bit of shield is better than no shield We have had discussions in r/Conduitmains before if you should ever shield before a fight and opinions were divided I usually don't give shield before a fight, for exactly the reason you mentioned


After the nerf I wouldn't use the tactical before taking damage ever. And not even while taking damage. I wouldn't even use it just for myself. 33s is a long cooldown and I want to maximise it's value. Before the nerfs yeah it was on a stupidly low cooldown and basically meant you can pop it when you feel like it.


Sometimes I think about pre-nerf Conduit and I miss her.... The stupidly strong tac, the ult that could be placed in V-formation, the short cooldowns... Good times. Terrorizing people with Conduit was fun. People were whining that she needed to be nerfed (fair enough), and I was so scared that she would get the Seer treatment 💀 (rip Seer mains)


The V ult was so good I want that back. And rework her purple perks neither of them are that good and she would absolutely be the only character I play.


I 100% agree. I'm also not a fan of her perks. The only legend that has more useless perks is probably Horizon I also miss being able to use Q on a Revenant + his ult. Was pretty cool, ngl


I mean it depends on the situation. If there are multiple teams shooting at you I’m disengaging and resetting.


What bothers me most is when we’re set up and constantly peaking. So I give them the temporary shield to peak (and take a hit). Instead they use a battery, lose their shield, and then complain they’re out of shields! We have unlimited free shields with conduit and you instead go through your entire supply. Why?


My friends do that in ranked sometimes, but they don't complain about shields (thank God, or else I would punch them off the map. Jk) I dislike long range fights because of that. Exchanging damage & using up heals is so boring


I honestly just think a lot of people don't understand how her Q works and it's evident from some of the comments here. If your teammate is getting beamed and you Q them, they need to disengage for 2 seconds and re-engage while they have 20 seconds of shield. Some players might see you've Q'd them and continue fighting but the shields won't apply while taking damage. Some players will disengage and see the shield apply but think I'll just pop a bat instead so the temp shield doesn't disappear when I re-engage (not realizing it lasts 20 seconds and even slowly dissipates giving you time to cover and bat at that time). In either case your Q is useless. Just think of your Q as healing yourself and if a smart teammate understands how Conduit works they'll utilize it and if not it is what it is. In the higher ranks if you time your Q well in a fight your teammates that know how to play with conduit will appreciate it.


I agree, however, I usually don't Q myself unless I have to. For my own shields I use batteries and prioritize giving my teammates Q when they need it And because I prioritize them, it's so frustrating when they don't utilize my Q. Because nobody benefited from it 😒 But I don't want to be one of those Conduit players who only Qs herself :/


Yeah I agree with you it can be frustrating, you're right you will always want to use it for your teammates but the only thing you can do is use it at the correct time and communicate that you've used it and hopefully they take advantage of it. As I said in higher ranked lobbies players start to understand how to play with conduit and you'll have more success in your fights.


This. We knocked one of them, we need to push. I have a broken shield, yours is half broken, I pop my tac, our Octane is already stimming in we need to follow - WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU RUNNING BACKWARDS?! If I pop my tac and the fight ends seconds later then yeah, sure, use that battery while have time for it. But not when we are in the middle of a fight and we need to act.


I guess that's what happens when you're not used to having a Conduit on your team and getting free shields I also see randoms use syringes & med kits instead of Lifelines healing drone sometimes, idk man


Game sense, some people lack of it even after hundreds of hours. What bothers me more than it should is when Lifeline asks for heals even tho the drone is not on cd. Like, what are you saving it for? To drop it in front of the enemy mid-fiight again?


A lifeline asking for heals? That has to be trolling (Unless you're in storm)


I run heat shield and Quick drone and dont carry heals. If we end up having to fight or res in the heat shield then Im usually dead to zone 🤷🏼‍♂️


It’s not about game sense at all. I don’t know if my teammates are good Conduits or not. I already have the instinct to leave the fight and heal. If I actively decide to just disengage but stay around, there’s a chance that either the conduit will not heal me and I die, or the conduit heals me too late and I die. That’s too much trust for a random m8 I know nothing about.


I think you misunderstood the situation. It's about using the tactical and teammates running away to bat after the tac hit them and already charged up their shields. If you're playing with randoms, bro, never trust them to be good at the game unless they prove it. So, yeah, don't wait around for a Conduit tac, don't wait for Lifeline heals, don't wait for Wraith/Path to portal/zipline you. But if conduit used the tac on you, don't instantly runaway to bat. If Lifeline drops the drone on you, don't start a medkit.


I've played with loads of Conduits who never use their tac, as well as hundreds of life lines who will never drop a drop even when you ask them with a mic. People are idiots in general.


Conduit players don't tac the instant someone takes some damage. If the fight's starting and it's not hectic shenanigans just let that player bat. Even more so if they took health damage just let them phoenix kit or slow heal instead of burning your 30 sec cd tac when it's not necessary.


That's not a waste. That's sometimes a good use. Being able to give someone a temp shield to have WHILE THEY HEAL makes them much less likely to die while healing. They might even be able to tank some shots and finish the bat through the tac. I genuinely don't get how you could parse this as a waste. Sure, sometimes it might be better to just continue the fight, but sometimes it might be more valid to take a moment to heal while having the extra heals.


Does the Conduit shield stack on top of regular shield? Like if someone batts after you use your tac, do they get a "double" shield




When I use Conduit, I activate the tac when someone's shields are low mid fight, this way they are less likely to disengage to reset. You are the one who is supposed to ensure that their shield are up all the time even when rotating.


I obviously to that, they just don't care I'll tell them "I'll shield you", they don't care 🤷‍♀️


I judge my teammates how good they are by how they use my (conduit) tactical


Id like to run into a good conduit like this, I can count on one hand how many times I said “good q” because they aren’t just trying to heal themselves


Conduits balanced in the sense that’s she’s only overpowered when her teammates aren’t brainless monkeys or she’s useless


I just communicate before I'll use it that just fight I can tac you. It usually makes them ready to get shielded and gives them more confidence in the fight. I'll also call out when I'm using tac "healing you keep fighting" and this usually helps to make them not use a battery If they still don't care proceed to go Imperial_Hal on them /s Yeah it's a joke. If I'm playing with my friends I usually tell them after fight that you didn't need to bat right there and they understand As you can see a lot of usually so this doesn't work 100% time. Then I'll play Catalyst.


Somebody had to say it!


I have this problem where my conduits never press the tactical key


This is why is stopped playing conduit. I don't blame teammates either. It's hard to learn how to play with conduit teammate unless you have one you play with all the time


I felt these problems were avoided before she got nerfed into oblivion. Now I just sit there and watch them use a phoenix kit like I didn’t just try to save their lives.


It's too situational to have a blanket statement of "if I tac you you don't need to use a batt". You have to take in to consideration how far the enemy is, what does it look like they're going to do? how long has the fight been going on? How many shield batts do I have? Are there any 3rd parties in the area that may engage us? how much health do I have when this shield runs out? When you see you've had a temp shield applied those questions are what should drive whether you use it as a short term crutch to push an enemy or whether it's a way to move to safety and apply a more permanent shield before getting back in to a fight. Permanent shield > temporary shield. It boils down to one consideration really, "will having a permanent shield be more beneficial in this fight or can I utilise that small window of temp shield well enough to not need a permanent one". The latter is very situational. I get where you're coming from, I watch people pop med kits when they can clearly see my drone sitting there waiting to heal them for free.


Bruh are you crazy? It depletes after a few seconds after its full lmao your teammates batting is the best thing they can do, and the conduit shield is like a backup to keep them safe. Sure, in certain situations it perfect for fighting but thats for someone full sending which yes thats what youre referencing, but its not as infallible as your portraying it to be. If someone takes damage while its filling itll stop. The batt is just the best decision in like 70% of cases because once your shield depletes away theyll just be stuck in a bad situation.


If you're fighting it should last 20 seconds That's more than enough time to re engage and hit flesh/down an opponent pushing. Almost every streamer and top level player I've seen playing conduit play her the same way. Get broken, get shield back, re engage, stop a push on you when cracked or an overload vs your other 2 team mates.


Not every fight is the same, obviously things are not black and white. Sometimes you need to bat, but other times it is not necessary


When pros were running Conduit more often in ALGS, I noticed that they always comm’d when they used their tac on a damaged ally. You aren’t wrong that getting to cover and popping a batt is muscle memory - so its really helpful if you comm that you healed them - it helps break that memory or reminds them to hit a med kit, or just reset and prepare to fight instead. When my squad runs Conduit we use this tactic and its extremely helpful.


I love when i as an conduit want to pop tactical on me but nooo... Bang it goes to random teammate just like that.


I don't quiet understand what you mean? When you use it on your random teammate, you still get shield yourself


they dont play conduit


I hate how conduit tactical is designed. You basically have to use it when the first bullet hits or people have to back off anyways as it’s pretty slow to charge. And the hit player needs to see that he gets the tactical, take into account how quick/slow it charges and how much is left of it, all in the middle of a fight. It’s to unforgiving for all parties.


It used to be different, when she was released. Her tac was almost instant, it was beautiful. But people cried "She's op, nerf her", so they did. And now we're here 🤷‍♀️ Tbf, she was op, I won't lie. But I still miss pre-nerf Condy


Honestly this is good to know. I see Tommy shield fill up and idk I feel like it’s gonna disappear in a few seconds.


I feel like that too, believe me. Since it's only temporary there is this "Oh shit, what if of depletes during the fight??" feeling However. I have not died yet because my shield depleted during a fight There is an audio cue right before it will deplete, that's when you know you need to fall back and use a bat


ONLY YOUR TEAMMATES ARE GUILTY OF THIS Because my enemy teams with conduits are soo good at making double attacks with tac'd enemies.


Must be nice 🥲 In all seriousness tho, not every single teammate is like this, of course


yeah, there were plenty of good conduits teams in Platinum, to the point that i got to think its becoming a meta.


How does the conduit tactical work? I don’t get a lot of them on my team, does it just go empty once time runs out?


I'm gonna have to link you the wiki page for Conduit, because explaining it is kinda difficult https://apexlegends.fandom.com/wiki/Conduit But yes, after a few seconds, you get an audio cue & visual cue that the shield is about to deplete to 0. That's when you need to fall back & use a battery That's why I don't like when people say "Conduit is like Lifeline but for shields". Because it's just not true


Either way gotta fallback somewhat to let it charge shields shit feels like takes forever


Sometimes it can be tricky. If I feel like the other team is angsty but not pushing immediately at that moment I'll pop a battery because the last thing I want is to be popping the battery when they do push because the tactical timer is about to run out and I have no choice but to health rather than fight. If the fight is completely long range or if everyone is duking it out together then yes, a player should not fall back to heal while the tactical is active.


A lot of the time I will repeek a fight with the conduit tac but it doesn’t last that long. If we’re in a close fight and I have a chance to shield bat I’m gonna shield bat. Conduit tac doesn’t last super long and it’s better to have the perm shield if possible IMO


I think it's better to think about Conduit giving time, not shields. The shields you get, like you said, could be from a bat - the benefit of Conduit is staying active in the fight and being able to keep pressing while the enemy is trying to shield up so you get the knock


this is what i have trouble with. it’s definitely muscle memory to fall back and reset!!


Intelligent players will not ape a conduit team 9/10 times if they only got one crack or are not in a guaranteed win scenario. In those 9/10 times, resetting the smart play.


Actual support is a foreign concept in this game lol, my teammates hinder me more than help most of the time so I’m not surprised at all that people don’t even noticed they have over shield. It took me a minute to break that habit myself but playing conduit helped me better know when to bat and when not with the over shield


i have 6 bats. after the enemies die i will have many more. why would i ever want to conserve heals


Yes that drives me mental when we have a conduit on the team and the third teammate falls back to heal. Like dude she just gave you a batt to finish the fight. Go!


In my experience 9/10 conduits will only pop when they need the armor themselves or after teammates are already knocked. Ima keep healing especially if I'm already halfway through a Phoenix kit. Usually conduit chasing a rev that's going for one k while we're already getting 3rd partied. So ima take the full heal while I'm already doing it. Otherwise I'm gonna use the temp armor.


Yeah I always try to use my friend's conduit as like a second chance to attack before backing out to reset. Conduit mains, help me out: is there a preference as to whether you select having two tag charges but half shield or choosing the one with longer range for the level 3 upgrades?


I usually choose longer range, because split charge is very little shield, and I'd rather have full shield tac However, Conduit mains have divided opinions about this and I don't think there is a right or wrong here It also depends who you play with. If both of your teammates are cracked out sweats and their shields barely get cracked, split charge may be enough for them I'm gonna try to use split charge instead of longer range in matches, and see if it makes a difference All of her perks are kinda whack, they could use some changes


Agreed, and yeah I've tried the split charge cause I figured it would be best to support both my teammates but my friend dies on his hill that long charge is the best one


I used to die on that hill too, that's why I'm gonna try split charge for a change 👍


Update, Split Charge is really not as bad as I thought it would be Actually came in clutch a few times However, it really depends on your teammates. With increased tac range you can never go wrong, imo. But you can go wrong with split charge


Funny enough I started maining her trying to climb through gold with my friends and long range was the right call most of the time. Especially with one of my friends that likes to scout a little too far ahead. Got us 3 wins back to back so I can't complain about the utility during our fights over the split charge


Getting tac'd by a conduit just tells me I'm safe to pop a syringe if needed or wait a sec and get back to fighting


I never played as conduit so I never knew this, I always thought I was helping by popping a batt during her tactical. Good to know!


I mean, if you use my tactical to get to cover safely and then pop a bat, it still fulfilled it's purpose in keeping you alive (Some people have mentioned that they do that on purpose 🤷‍♀️) So saying that it's "wasted" was maybe a bit harsh I just would prefer to stay actively in the fight with my teammates


I'll remember to do that with Conduit teammates


It's giving "Anakin, use my knowledge please, I beg you." vibes.


You know what I agree wholeheartedly BUT Apex legends by now should realise that some people do not understand how the game works There should be more explanations for those hard of hearing I practice everything in firing range but I’ve noticed soooooo many people that heal while conduit has already healed them at this point apex should make this a little clearer for some people. Or they will just never know 🤣🤣like those do not eat this signs


I am not cancelling a bat 2 seconds away because a tactical that wears off in 30 seconds is used.


One of conduits strongsuits is the fact that teammates can get shields early. Remember they still have to bat after the duration is up, or when the shield is depleted, so no matter what they are still using a battery. Having the extra protection to bat is still super useful and helps people's moral, even if they aren't getting shot at / getting kills with it active.


Conduit is a shit teammate. I’ll take lifeline any day.


Some people are too dumb to play support.


this is my number one issue / complaint with my team mates. This, or I Q them and they literally don’t back off at all for even a second and still go down. I try to be better in reading the situations but I can only do so much.


Right, like I can't control my teammates every move. I also have to, you know, shoot my gun


>I give him tactical shield. He falls back and pops a shield battery, making my tactical completely useless. I tried several times, but the problem is that I'm getting beamed.


Yes, sometimes you need to use a battery, not every fight is the same I myself use a battery instead of my tac in certain situations


You're using conduit wrong, you're the one wasting your Qs if your teammate can get to cover and bat. Conduit q requires good comms so don't expect that to happen in pubs





