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Prepare for the subreddit to be MAJORLY censored and shut off. This is insane. The new BP system will singlehandely kill an already crippled live service.


Bro I love the core gameplay of apex so much but EA is such a money hungry f*cker that they'll eventually kill the game because of this stupid decision.


At this point it’s not EA, this is all respawn.


Wasn't there leaks about EA taking a larger hand in Respawn? With all the senior devs leaving they're stepping in? Respawn ain't blameless but is it really so far fetched that a company was hands off with one of it's biggest cash cows and income and then started decreasing in profits so they step in and think they can do it better? Corporate shit fucking sucks. As someone whose worked in one and focused on profits. Every goal has to be higher. When earnings calls with EA happened note they always said didn't meet expectations. Not saw a dip in profits. They expected steady growth when there's a cap on that and eventually they're gonna sink as low as they can to make a goal look good even if it ruins the future.


Apex is up there with Fifa and Madden as part of their main earners. They need it to help carry everything else. However, they share the mindset with the rest of coporate dumbthink and believe in short-term profits above all else. Fixing servers, bugs, imbalances, and releasing playable content are all ways to keep the game where they *want* it to be, but that costs money and time. Or they could stave off some of their downturn by implementing policies designed to simply print more cash. It makes the product a lot worse, but it costs them hardly anything to implement. And if the plan fails, Apex goes down, and some of the shareholders get upset and take their money elsewhere? Oh well, they're not beholden to EA anyway. They can always just take their MBA elsewhere.


Eventually? We're there man the game will continue to slowly lose players from here on out. The greed and lack of content was an issue but at the end of the day matchmaking is what killed the game. The everybody gets a chance to win philosophy always drives away players. Pubs sucks because its often just as sweaty as ranked so people just hot drop and die then repeat. All so the noobs can all play each other and not get shit on. It's not a satisfying long term playing experience. I fell in love with this game because I could run up 12 to 13 kill games consistently, that shit is gone now. So players started smurfing to get that experience back, or just cheating which is a large portion of upper end lobbies. Matchmaking leads to all the problems the game has. We've asked time and time again to just let the server randomly match people. They won't do it because of their algorithms say this stupid way maximizes playtime. The game sucks now, I hate it everytime I play which is less and less. I still watch comp but also less and less because I don't care as much. EA didn't help but respawn killed the game.


My pubs lobbies are preds endgame. No noobs. Top 5 squads play it out like it’s Ranked. And it’s like this EVERY game. I started Apex in the last two months of S11 & have about 4k hours put in. I’m ok at the game, got over 1k wins on Ash alone. But I agree - the shit isn’t fun anymore. 


Not to mention the 400ish Final Fantasy heirloom and more.. not even a unique skin for LifeLines heirloom


Prepare for them to kill it, they will try to milk it as much as they can, and then when no one is buying anymore they’ll shut it off


*hes a lawyer* 🤓 tehe


The old ways


It already Is very censored lol


Prepare for what ? This sub is already hollow husk of what it used to be.


Fr tho Apex saved my suicidal ass during the pandemic. Sad to see this happening...


I hope you’re in a better place now. Don’t let this erase the good times


Im kinda going downhill again but at least I have medication this time/support. The good times are all on my utube cause Im obsessed with keeping memories.. Even if my potato brain forgets. Its still somewhere 😪✌


I’m sorry to hear that but remember progress and healing are not always linear, you’re already a Mile away from where you were back then. I wish I had saved mine! Oh well we move forward


Exactly ✌


Wishing the best for you brother, healing and revamping yourself is rough but feasible. Stick to it and continue to prosper and elevate yourself.


Stay strong brother. Game is still good but definitely could be better


Be careful with the medication my friend had something similar to “withdrawals” and would come down really hard after awhile. Personally I’ve just said “wait it out” to my suicide. Almost like my life is a TV show, and if it got worse, it’d be funnier. Happy Tuesday


Hope you’re doing well now. Please take care of yourself soldier 🫶


I hope you are too! ✌✨


I feel like apex would make me more suicidal but I’m glad it had the opposite effect on you! Hope your doing better seriously though, I lost my brother to suicide and it haunts me almost every day.


don’t unalive yourself go read a book




unalive? is this really a word?


Cya fellow Bangalore main. It was a nice ride while it lasted.


~~Am~~ was a lifeline main. But yeah can’t deny it was the best FPS gaming experience I ever had even with the bugs.


I thought you were a Bangalore main too when you said Oscar Mike


Heads up for a pucker factor. I loved Bang’s lines the most.


Farewell. I’ll prob be joining you soon by next season. 


This game has rapidly been going downhill, they removed duos, arenas, and we haven’t had a good BP since s7


I haven’t been playing since the Avatar update in Fornite. I only hopped in for maybe a few mixtape matches and to try out quads but that’s it. I haven’t even been grinding the battle pass for this season either because there are so many issues and not to mention the game feels stale asf. Not to mention I’m also an Arenas fan and I wasn’t happy with its removal. But it’s been a series of shit happening with this game that never fails to surpass the previous shit. Until they get their shit together I will be fine playing other games for the foreseeable future.


I stopped playing when they took out arenas 😭


I had 6k arenas kills with mirage 😭


I had 5k with bang alone and over 1200 wins with her and now here I am complaining about ranked leagues because it doesn’t hit like arenas


I mean I’d rather have arenas than gun game in the mixtape playlist. Hell, I’d rather have arenas rather than mixtape entirely


The 15-20 minutes of arenas vs the 15-20 in a ranked leagues game are two different entities. No matter how good I do in a ranked game it does not equate to that arenas gratification (win or lose). I came to love apex because of arenas, if I wanted BR I would play any other game but I want Arenas


Same. Same.


I miss Arenas so much, it brings a different element to the game , it should’ve been permanent.


Absolutely, only reason why I got back into it, played for all the seasons until it was removed


Arenas is pretty good, not sure why Respawn removed it permanently.


Apparently it was “not active enough to keep around” which is sorta bullshit considering I never had any problems finding games


It had far fewer players than BR, but the only reason I didn’t play often was because the ranked system was completely broken. You could get 20-30 pts per game and need 800 to go up one rank…


Probably will stay to see S22 but will move on too soon after. 20$ per season is insane. It was fun while it lasted. I'm not gonna make a new post so I'll just use this one if you don't mind OP. Thanks to y'all for the memes, and cool gameplay clips, it was very fun 5 years but the game has been slowly going down the hill and this new bp system is the final nail for me. I need some sort of goal while I play my games, getting bp to 110 was the goal in Apex. Anyway, farewell OP and farewell to you folks, I'll just check the new map in s22 and see the new bp system but 100% won't be buying it. And without a goal for the long run I don't enjoy playing a game where you do the same stuff over and over. Take care guys.


Refusing to pay for 2 shitty battle passes for a boring game can net you Helldivers 2 instead.


Give The Finals a try.






Anything for a paycheck


The mods don't get paid




I've seen plenty of comments from mods that are critical of the game.


They won't


That would be a first... but i hope you are right


Usually when they take down posts, it's because it's low effort or a repeat Anyways, you can find comments on the pinned posts from mods who are critical of this


nah, my console account which i spent money on was completely wiped due to cross progression way back in 2023 and never reinstated (was also never refunded). i made a pretty level headed post on this sub warning people about my experience and telling them to stop spending money until cross progression is over, just in case. my post was removed and no reason was given. i politely asked the mods why and received no response. fast forward to this year and everyone's accounts were wiped proving my old post with my old concerns completely valid lol. to this day i think the reason my post was removed was because i explicitly said to be wary of spending money.


There is no record of you doing any of the kind. However, we have rules on account support questions. Account support questions don't belong on the subreddit. You need to contact EA support instead. Cross progression falls under this as well, and in addition when cross progression came out there was massive spam regarding that topics (100s posts an hour) - despite being against above mentioned rules - so your post may have been autoremoved. Please respect the rules when posting here. ## [Support Requests](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules#wiki_support_requests) We allow posts that are questions or something which can be answered by the community. Account support posts are prohibited. These posts offer nothing for the subreddit and cannot be answered by the community or moderators, as we are not Respawn/EA employees. Any post that can only be answered by game support employees will be removed. You can need to contact their support services for any account support requests. Please contact the [EA/Respawn support team to report issues](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/bd-p/apex-legends-bug-reports-en) and include the following information: * What platform are you playing on? * Origin ID / Gamertag / PSN * What were you doing leading up to the issue? * Can you reproduce it? What are the steps? * PC players - provide hardware specs, OS version, and GPU driver version. * Did your game crash? Please include "apex_crash.txt" from your "Documents" folder. * If possible, it’s great if you can capture the bug and submit that with your report.


to the mod message i can't reply to for some reason, that's because i used an alt account because my irl friend on this sub knew what happened and i didn't want them to find me lol. it also wasn't an account support question, i didn't ask any question in the post. contacting EA support is also useless because you have to jump through hoops to actually speak to a human being in online chat, who almost always don't have the best english skills and almost never fix your problem. i asked these guys for an email contact for EA (after several rounds of receiving different and contradicting info from different EA support chats) and they literally gave me a broken email address lol. i also sent in proof of bank statements of what i spent in the game, proof of what was on my account before it was wiped, everything. they still didn't refund me. another edit because i forgot to add: i literally tried everything here- i even found an email from forums of other people struggling to contact EA, but never even received a response. i just gave up in the end and only came back to apex because of the 5th anniv event giving me back some of the legends i used to own on that account


Wiped? How so?


wiped to level 1, skins, legends, absolutely everything lost. i never ever got it back and EA support refused to refund me and lied to me saying they 'lost the data'. i know that's a lie because back when everybody's accounts were wiped around march, guess what my pc account was replaced with? my old console data they'd 'lost' loll. then when they fixed the mass wipe i lost that data yet again.


Yup. Flood social media as much as possible. EA’s greed is going too far.


The issue is, as we grow older and wiser to their bullshiza, we leave the game for other hobbies or video games. . These companies pray upon young children. When your customer base is CHILDREN you will always have more to take advantage of. There will always be more kids for these companies to deceive.




That's the actual and sad facts. 


This has genuinely been one of the worst parts of my 20s for me. Through highschool and college I would binge games for hours and hours and love it. But as I'm getting later into my 20s it's just different. I work full time, have language course, spend time with my wife and I'm just tired more. The first game big game I moved away from was Destiny 2, it felt like it was not respecting my time vs. rewards. Why spend 20 hours a week doing all the powerful rewards just to get only duplicate slots and still not be able to access the power gated content my luckier friends are playing. This will be another example, I have played since day 3 of launch and maxed out probably 75% of the battle passes only missing out of some season for life reasons. Because I was paying for the next battle pass with the last, I was willing to throw a few dollars here and there for skins. But I am certainly not going to pay 10 dollars a split to access the same content I have been for 5(?) years. I don't know what's next but I'm craving something with a story or atleast a progression system, not something that is round or game based. Feel free to drop some suggestions.


I’m pretty sure this game is t for teen and if parents are worried about money they should be monitoring their teens


Dude is acting like this is fortnite. This sub is plagued by desperate for attention circle jerkers that need to feel important in some way. Apparently everyone has to make a big dramatic post that they’re no longer playing a video game it’s all so ridiculous


Ea apologist ^


Well at least you didn’t disagree


We will be joining with u 🗣️


Same. They cannot expect me to pay double just to have double the bugs, double the cheaters, and probably half the population (or less) after this decision And honestly, Respawn has been tremendously lucky that no one has attempted to enter the BR market with a mechanically good game in these past years. We're all hostage to the tremendous gameplay that apex has, in spite of some of the scummiest decisions and garbage maintenance of the servers, plus the bugs


So... do not buy it? The game is still the same..


The issue everyone has is the obnoxious money hungry game changes. While not doing any changes people asked for that could improve the experience I agree, we could just not purchase anything from them. But alot of us enjoy completing the battle pass and buying skins we like. However, this isnt their first offense with bringing down a good game due to their disgusting greed. Regardless of how wealthy players are the prices are horrendous. Where is our money going if not to fix the game? Their pockets and not even to the devs who make the game either Other shooters offer lower to reasonable prices for their BP and skins. Just look at COD and Fortnite they even have license deals with huge franchises to make their skins


….what new battle pass system? What is happening?


Oh my god fuck that noise


They're splitting the season with a split where you have to buy the battle pass for each. You don't use coins anymore to buy the pass, only real money.


fr!??? that is so stupid 😭 why not just go on to the next season then




S1 player, quit after season 16 or something, they just never fixed anything and the monetization got worse and worse. From the looks of it, absolutely nothing has changed. What a joke.


Nono, it has changed. In worse.


Been playing since season 1. Still no heirloom and now this is just the nail in the coffin.


It takes almost 2000 levels JUST to get a F2P heirloom. If that’s not a reason to be skeptical idk what is


I just got my heirloom like 6 months ago. Played since season 2.


Welcome to the club. I left back in like season 11 and kept watching this sub in hopes there'd be improvements. Guess this is yet another signal that the game isn't going to be worth returning to.


Ha! I quit in S10 when it became obvious that they were not going to do anything about the low 20 hz tick rate and the game performance was shitting the bed. You can only get so far by recycling Titanfall 2 and they refused to evolve the game in any way. Choke on a herpetic dick Respawn!


Only took 21 seasons but I've finally had enough of this game and EA's money hungry antics. Apex out, warframe in for me.


The ONLY reason that kept me for like last 10 seasons was Battle Pass. This seasons i play like two times a week to finish it. I just don't care about the game otherwise.It's the BP challenges that I'm looking for weekly in this game. I'm not paying 20$ a season for this garbage product filled with no-lifers and cheaters. And i won't have anymore reasons to play and that just means i'm out. I had my fare share of fun since season 0 in this game, but the game is at horrible lifeless state and now they just made the final nail.


apex legends turning into overwatch 💀


I’m out as well. Tired of the game. Just over it. Moving on to something new! Wish you guys luck!


Come play The Finals


I have already left best decision ever. just the game has got less and less fun for me over the seasons. I also kinda knew this was gonna be my last season.


Why don’t they update the damn servers and kill the cheaters


Oh your an expert on cheating. How specifically do you want them to deal with the cheaters that literally all fps games struggle to deal with?


W, can’t wait to not be addicted too


I realise a bunch of people are going to comment this about BP and other stuff, but I'm in the same place and tbh I think the games just grown stale for me. I know I'm good, not great, but matches are just a slog now and I spend more time sat in disconnected lobbies or dropping solo/in a duo or getting sprayed in the first 30 seconds with an insane shot than I do actually playing or having any fun.


Peace my dood. I might not quit all together, (tho I probably should) SE21 will definitely be my last BP purchase.


Not me playing the Chinese clone of the game


I wish I could say this would make me quit the game but honestly I quit like a year or so ago and barely looked back. Because of shit like this, but also because I was one of those guys that could just never grasp the gameplay. I kept thinking of, next season they'll release another legend that may be more my play style and I'll get better, and I just.. Kept not getting better? And I was getting more and more frustrated and it just became not worth it. I played a bunch again over the holiday weekend and didn't really like the changes they've made, I was still trash and I didn't like any of the new characters, so... Guess it's time to bounce again and check in a year or two from now.


You won't miss it, trust me. Actual day 1 solo player, I dropped it last year. Used to spend aswell but I saw the direction the game went and was like nah. Was fun the first year when Respawn didn't have EA d\*ck in their mouth. :)


The only reason I play right now is to grind my battlepass so I can get the next season's bp thru AC points then log off and wait for the next season. So that part of the playerbase like me is gone for good.


See you in a week soldier 🫡


If they actually fix the game, better find me before I find you. But knowing EA, get ready for a world of hurt.


EA won’t fix anything, ever. I found posts from like 2014 complaining about shit in FIFA that they are still complaining about to this day. Come play The Finals. You can destroy buildings with a sledgehammer to let out some of the anger.


Did they add 120fps to console?


Doesn’t work properly on PS5.


I'm talking about the finals Also, what's wrong with 120fps on apex on PS5?


The finals is not even close to apex from a gameplay perspective. Also the game is already dead and cheatin is the same as in apex. If you need to change game at least switch for a better one... Or just don't buy the new bp i guess...


Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


Nah not really. The game being dead and full of cheaters is a fact. I can accept opinions on the gameplay, but tbh if you think it's better to have 3 class with few weapons with no recoil that u must unlock grinding and that are also bounded to your class + some cheap ass one shot no skill bullshit mechanics, rather than the apex legends shooting, the in depth movement, the different feel of each weapon, the way better level design... I mean yeah you can like cheap cod like shooting in a poor map, anyone has the right to like bad things...


Do you always get so invested in your preferred brands and, like, identify with them? If I say, Pepsi is delicious, are you going to berate me about how Mountain Dew is clearly superior? Let’s cut the emotional bias and stick to actual facts. Apex also has a cheating problem. Name one game that doesn’t have a problem with cheaters though. Apex also has declining player counts. However, lots of “dead games” are still a lot of fun to play. The rest of your argument is convoluted at best and really just you waterboarding me with your opinions, as if they’re facts. There’s nothing here to take seriously. Chill out. Play whatever game you like.


Dude, i'm just stating facts, is not a war. I would not suggest the finals to anyone in its current state, and quitting apex only for the bp is the dumbest thing ever. Not trying to defend this mess, but at least don't do damage


we neeeed tf3 🙏


Damn. Man. I've already been gone for 2-3 seasons but I can tell this slope of people leaving is just gonna get steeper and steeper. Why do big companies think they can just do everything the core fanbase hates and we'll stick with them forever.


Aye bro I don’t even blame you, they hate f2p players. No wonder this game is reaching all time lows in player count


Come play The Finals


You'll be back. I take multi season breaks often


All I will say is that the game has looked graphically the same since release, it's audio is a joke, I play each ranked match fully expecting to have to beat a couple champions because that's just how they matchmake (ranking system is a joke). The only literal good thing about it is the team gameplay when u have friends. When they move to a different game I'll be very happy cause I'm only playing for them


Yeah...the game has made me a Champion a couple of times, and I legit was confused. Me, who lost the last ten matches I played am the Champion? BS. Yall just want to give the sweats an ego boost.


I rolled over my battle pass every season with coins and have over 300 legendary skins for $10 spent. Well I guess it was good while it lasted and I got great value from that original BP. Now I'm done.


Honestly EA Shut down one of my favorite games alongside Apex, knockout city. So I wouldn’t be surprised if


Game is dead


It's really disappointing cause I invested so much time and unfortunately kind of money into this game. I'm torn between quitting or continuing...


This all feels like respawn have had enough of ea's antics and are gonna try kill the game from inside so they can move on to other projects, killing off the last die hard players would force ea into listening to the developers as to where we're heading long term... whoever is to blame doesn't matter as either way it's crap business tactics and the only victims are the people who have supported this game for so long...


Ya it definitely feels intentional. i would guess that they are working on a new BR to retire apex. Honestly that would be for the best.


I still sub just to see what a shit show this game has become - gave up on it as soon as it became clear they didnt give a flying fuck about their playerbase and just wanted to focus on skins and microtransactions. Gaming is in such a sad state of affairs it makes me a sad 37 year old dad who just wants to play casually, and not grind every waking moment for some pixels on a screen.


If you’re playing for the battle pass your kind of a loser, no offense.


Met my fiancé and two very close friends. It did its job. Game is dead but those relationships are alive so I’m prolly gonna take a permanent break.


The only thing keeping me from stop playing again is now i have people to play with, matchmaking is shit and i would rather not get paired with no life fuckers every game


Please play the finals. it is everything apex isn't 🩷


I can't believe there isn't a comment saying "See you next season when you're back"


i think everybody is rightfully pissed. I fucking love Apex and even im unsure if I wanna play next season


It’s weird that every single EA game subreddit has gimps like that who show up whenever anyone complains.


Or the usual “it’s a free to play game” lol


I feel you only reason I play is for comp :(


See you guys next season … new map. As a former apex mule who’s spent thousands of dollars on the game (at its peak) I significantly dropped buying anything the last 3 seasons. Especially the garbage universal Heirloom and new currency for former battle pass skin rewards . It’s a joke. Please don’t but anything moving forward. I learned my Lesson the hard way.


You guys keep talking about BP and servers and such. But we finally got everything we needed. Cross progression, 120fps for console, some pretty cool ltms, etc. Sure, the game isn't the best, but even if it were, people would get bored, and the devs aren't even adding new things to add to the excitement that Apex once was. The devs have an opportunity to do something extremely great lore wise with titanfall since they're in the same universe. They definitely can since titanfall 2 campaign story was one of the best stories ever made.


I keep wanting to have fun. I've wasted 200 days of my life on this game (18 hour days and booze during pandemic) and not once did I truly not enjoy myself. I haven't really had fun in 4 season. I'm 45, too old to start and learn a brand new game that everyone is God tier at. Last night I turned off PC and sat there lost.


I’m in my 40s too. The movement mechanics you learned in this game can and will apply to others. Test some other ones out. Heck, give XDefiant a try, it’s a movement shooter as well! Has a lot of kinks to iron out since it’s brand new, but still. Keep your head up.


Was my first fps. 3 level 500 accounts. Even learned PC half way through. Have a 1000 kill 100 plus win season with Rampart. Last two seasons I barely touch 300


My problem is the cheaters after they squad wipe me watching them aimbot is so cringe. Crazy how they can one clip without even pointing to the enemy 😩😩😩. I find myself playing still but not as much especially with my homies have all slowly stopped as well


Honestly, try fortnite, been having a blast playing with my son and the battle pass pays for the next.


What are yall playing these days instead?


Single player games. The Finals when I need to scratch that FPS itch.


XDefiant is kinda scratching that fps itch for me too. Just a mindless shooter


I can second The Finals. It didn’t click for me at first but once it did, it has been so much fun. World tour when I’m feeling competitive. Power shift when I just want to run around and shoot people or destroy buildings or whatever.


Yea once you get a hang the game is mad fun. Bank It is my frag out mode. Apex kinda spoiled me when it came to movement so any time I play Medium I have to have a jump pad or the grapple if I play Light lol


Downloaded and played the finals today, I’m surprised the game isn’t more popular. Feels smooth and has some cool features.


Somehow my roommate thinks this change isnt that bad cuz everyone that plays the game spends the money anyway. And I think I wont be playing with him and his 4 Heirlooms anymore


So real


Haven’t played in months. Don’t miss it at all


Well said OP, I came here to make a similar post. EA can will not be getting any of my money until they spend some of their own on anti cheat tools.The BP is the straw that breaks the camels back


Just noticed the new BP system details today I will probably also quit in the future


So does anyone have any decent alternatives? What are y'all moving on to that can scratch that itch? I hate CoD...


Spread Democracy. Be a Hell Diver.


Democracy costs $40+...




This is what happens when players don’t speak up and let these companies abuse corporate monopoly. Never forget however slim the odds may seem, you as a player have the power to control the fate of these games. Don’t like the game? Stop playing it. Stop giving them huge mountains of cash and then expecting something to change, otherwise exactly what happened to Apex will happen to other games in the future.


yeah the server lag is consistent game-to-game for me, it's insane that that's also a problem rn.






Yep I quit a couple months back, best decision I’ve ever made. Respawn get your fucking shit together.


fck this im back to pinball




The game is fine. Play other games if you get sick of it. I'll see you again one of the following seasons. Later.


If there was a reasonable alternative, I would probably quit too. Apex isn't perfect, but many other BR titles are even worse..


Wow so kind of you to tell us that you stop playing


People be doing the most saying ‘goodbye’ to this game 🙄 Bye for now. See you in a couple hours.


Should we start a petition to fix the game and not ask for more money


Fellow Bang main here, I haven’t played in a year and it’s sad that the game is still declining.


Respawn banned me just the other week. I've been a Season 1 player, and their "customer service" or lack there of, won't even provide a reason as to why I was banned. Just told me to leave them alone and to read ToS! Spend money for years and then just banned. Where is Destroyer2009 when you ened him?


They are slowly sinking


Have to laugh at all these posts. Who tf cares about the BP 😂


Good I stopped supporting them when I seen zero effort in lifelines prestige skin. That will tell you alot.


Yup they killed it


Yeah instead of remapping battle pass for only their benefit they should have idk fixed the damn servers. Hell can't even load into a match of quads without blowing my ear drums basic shit they should have fixed with how old this game is. It's on its last leg and they know it so they trying to get as much capital as possible. Sucks because if they actually care about the players they'd have kept this game going alot longer.


This is the 10th "I am out" post today.




I loved Apex, but with the amount of cheaters and smurfs not to mention the sbmm being broken and lack of a decent anti cheat. Its no wonder why this game is dying.


Since season 0, I never minded a few bucks here and there but this new BP is the reason amongst the many recent and long term reasons that I'm also throwing in the towel.


Try the Finals! It’s free and has a dedicated developer team! One of the most fun and addictive games out there


All the best


To be honest i think 90% of apex problems is the community. Apex has some problems like the cheating, the mm, the aim assist and servers, and everyone is complaining about the price of the skins like they play only to spend money on useless virtual objects they don't even own after purchase. Get yourself together. I also see ppl complaining about the lack of content while apex is one of the most updated free to play games, and the one that provides more content every 3 months along with events. What are you even complaining about? Cs is one of the most played games ever since cs source and the game is basically the same. Ea is greedy, i got it, but the reason why apex will die is you


Most played game. I'm Global elite and I would lucky to get a match that doesn't have more than 1 blatant hacker. Half their population are cheaters.


I said another thing. Cs is still one of the most played games, it's been around for ages, always full of players, and never added more content. It's the same as 10 y. ago and nobody cries. Apex changed the core gameplay mechanics multiple times, added tons of stuff, is updated with new content each 3 months with new maps, new weapons, new characters, new items, map reworks, and i still read ppl is bored due to lack of content. Just uninstall the game and save me from reading this nonsense


CSGO has added several maps over the years. New items as well. New graphics as well. The difference between them is CSGO is balanced while apex has a habit of releasing overpowered everything.


Ffs dude... Ok, fine, go check cs2 in 3 months and tell me if they added anything. If not stop trolling


I stopped almost a year ago after 3k hours best decision I hope the game dies for good, yeah u can down vote me


See you all next season anyway


# Yeah ok go, bye, see you. I'm leaving too but I don't gotta make a good-bye post, who cares lol


This isn't LAX No news to announce your departure 


See you next season!


Lmaoooo for real


Keen for the next 500 goodbye posts


K cya