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why didn't they put this on Mac???


Because that would be far too cohesive a gaming strategy for Apple. /s I wouldn't be surprised if Ubisoft management is getting in the way here, since for all practical purposes it should just work on the Mac too.


Apple is the one that made it so you can't just install iOS apps on Mac


Literally the opposite. This is a Ubisoft problem where they chose to opt out, Apple is obligated to provide such an option


Are they obligated to? All iPhone apps run on iPad. I don't see why they can't enforce that all apps must also run on Mac.


You can opt out of your iPhone app running on iPad too - see whatsapp


They did that by adding the telephony hardware restriction which also blocks iPod touch. But once you remove the restriction you can never block it again. Now that they started a beta program for iPad, it has had the side effect of it being downloadable on iPod touch now.


Interesting, there’s no other condition to exclude an app on iPad?


No. You add the telephony restriction to block all iPads, or gps to allow only cellular model iPads to download your app.


Of course they can’t enforce it, the developer still has the choice of where their app lands. iPad can run iPhone apps because iPad runs iOS on a bigger screen. For Max, Apple literally had to extend the App Store and change up the hardware to be able to run iOS apps. It’s not comparable. Neither is MacOS and iOS.But I also believe there’s a small number of apps that don’t go on the iPad either


iPad runs IpadOS.... Its a distinct fork..


iPadOS is iOS, like only a 5-10% difference, not that distant. And besides, there are iPhone apps that don’t exist for iPad, even before ipadOS was a thing


What part of iPadOS is a *distinct fork* do you not get? Yes, we all know its based on iOS and is very similar, but its not the same thing, especially when it comes to whitelisting. There is a reason Apple forked it.


Like I said, the difference is extremely minor, it’s iOS with only minor differences in feature. In the background, it’s built on top of iOS set to scale and minor additions to suit the abilities of the iPad, but distinct fork is an exaggeration


OP doesn’t know about the calculator.


There is a difference between all apps can run vs all apps run. Apple is between. Get an iPad and you will figure out there is no Calculator app on iPadOS, no joke 😃


Because, among other things, iPhone apps may need phone hardware to work. Likewise, Mac apps may need things that iPhones don't have. Forcing apps to run where they are no designed does not solve this problem. It would cause endless headaches for developers. And, since people may stop using a service if an app doesn't work, even if the app isn't technically supported, developers would be forced to spend money fixing their Mac apps, which they don't even want to have. Do you think Apple watch apps should be required to run on Macs too just because you think it's technically easy to do? Why not leave it up to the developers instead so that they can make their apps good before releasing them on new platforms?


They felt the opposite obligation putting iPad apps on AVP.




From what i've heard from developers, it's literally a checkbox. I've got an M2 iPad Pro and can run all of the Hoyoverse games buttery smooth, but somehow they aren't supported to run on my M2 Macbook. Same chip, mostly the same OS, and noooooope. Other people have the opposite problem, where there's apps they use every day on the Mac that they can't run in iPadOS. It's really stupid of Apple to allow this segregation.


To be fair, sometimes it is warranted. The iPhone and iPad have multi-touch and an accelerometer, and the iPad also has the Apple Pencil; the Mac doesn’t have a touch or pencil interface at all, and they quit shipping Macs with accelerometers years ago. So if the app or game relies on multi-touch, or the accelerometer, or the Apple Pencil, then it won’t work so well on a Mac.


By that logic they shouldn't have supported iOS apps on AVP, or streaming Mac apps on iOS and AVP. The fact they do these things suggest the the restrictions are not tied to what is the optimal interface.


That's the easy part doe, fixing those issues is a couple of lines of code compared to making the game support new os/hardware


Tell me you are not a developer without telling me you are not a developer. If the app or game will flat-out not work without multi-touch or an accelerometer or a pencil, then it flat-out can’t be ported to macOS. macOS has none of those things; the app would need a complete re-work to support a keyboard and mouse. And for the apps that can be made to work with a keyboard and mouse, that is not a couple of lines of code at all. Games would need to add a whole interface for customizing key bindings, mouse buttons, and mouse sensitivity, load and save them, honor them even when the user switches keyboard layouts, etc. and that’s just for translating over basic controls. It’s a lot of work for what is unfortunately a smaller audience, though it’s somewhat easier if the game was already released for Windows & thus already has these things on the other platform. And still, they would need to port that code as well, unless they’re using an engine that already does the low-level work.


Yeah that makes sense, I only learned to code (python and c++) in uni, not video game development. I assumed the controls didn't have that much to say on game logic itself so I thought that they could just be translated from phone format to pc but it looks like it's more complex than that. Thanks for explaining! Btw when it comes to changing, saving and rewriting binds wouldn't that be kinda simple to implement (coming from my basic understanding of the previously mentioned languages) if you already have the structure for keybinds implemented? They are usually saved in another file so can't you just read from it (2-3 lines of code in c++) change it (depends on the amount of controls but thats longer for sure, should be a repetitive structure which makes the time it takes to code much shorter) and rewrite the file with the new code (also 2-3 lines of code)? Please correct me if I'm wrong, just want to improve my understanding of the language further. Edit: I reread my previous comment and I think I didn't explained my stance enough. I absolutely didn't think that changing the control system is only a couple of lines of code, I thought it's a couple of lines of code COMPARED to other aspects.


I’d give a kidney to have hoyoverse games on my macbook. No way I’m gonna play those on my tiny iPhone screen.


Right? I play on my iPad.


As of this writing, there’s one: Honkai Impact 3rd is available on macOS, though it requires an M1 or later chip. It’s on the App Store.


I’m a dev that worked on porting a AAA game to Mac before so can give a bit of context to why this occurs. For typical apps it’s a checkbox. This is a game ported from a 20 year old game engine so it’s a little bit more involved - especially when you need to deal with shaders and are complex rendering issues. Consider also that porting to different platform requires nuanced changes across the whole experience like sensitivity for controls, localisation to the UI, changes to rendering settings, and more… So it’s certainly possible to add a new pipeline and make those changes to a Mac specific platform - but it’s extra work that exponentially increases the QA, localisation, and other requirements for publishing.


Wouldn’t they have done all that to port up iOS? Serious question. 


So getting the game to run on iOS means it’ll have to run on MacOS to a degree. But getting something running and getting it shippable to customers are two very far apart things. Metal on iOS is designed with mobile hardware limitations in mind. It typically supports a subset of features compared to macOS since its optimized for mobile, so certain graphics features available on macOS might not be available on iOS, and custom solutions need to be developed to support both platforms. Metal Shading Language on iOS sort of has restrictions tailored again to the performance characteristics of mobile. Shaders must be highly optimized for power efficiency and thermal constraints, as mobile devices have limited cooling capabilities and battery life considerations. So there are limitations on the complexity of shaders, which means a lot of work needs to go into supporting a simpler shader that can support the graphic fidelity needed.So a huge amount of resources for development need to go into iOS compared to MacOS…resources that potentially could help on a Mac port, but everything has a cost in software development and in order to deliver on one product you really truly need to focus on it. You can see there how it makes a bit more sense to do MacOS first and then mobile but sadly things are never that straightforward in the business world.


Right, so the shaders that are used on iOS are good for performance but maybe don’t scale to macOS monitor resolutions - 4K etc Thanks. Yes it would make sense to do macOS from an engineering perspective but not marketing or business.  Great answer. 


They have to do QA still, and they have to offer support. Not worth it for the mac market.


The desktop and mobile version of the Hoyoverse games are different. The mobiles run at even lower quality than the ‘lowest’ setting for the desktops. I’m not certain my MacBook air could run Genshin on even that setting.


It’s being released for Apple silicon Macs. Edit, I got confused with Shadows.. I guess not.


right?? D:




Only if the developer enabled it from app store.


Is Ubisoft connect on Mac? Dumb excuse but that could be why


Why is it not universal to mac like re4? Really?


Mac and Vision can probably just run it as an iPad app, right?


Not unless the developer allows it. (Or, more correctly, not unless the developer doesn’t disallow it, since it is an opt out.) So far, all of the new Apple-endorsed AAA titles have blocked the Vision Pro for no discernible reason, including this one. I don’t need a VR experience… I just want to be able to hook up a game controller and play it on a much larger “screen” than my phone, yet these developers won’t let me. It’s very disappointing. Tons of smaller games which have certainly never been tested on Vision Pro work just fine… the compatibility layer is excellent. It’s just a choice to block the platform, and I don’t understand why Apple isn’t pushing back.


its not even a compatibility layer, the VP is running a modified version of ipadOS


I think devs are still trying to figure out if the Vision Pro should run VR/immersive games or normal 2D games. Allowing these iPad games to be run may diminish rhe future of VR gaming on AVP


I literally don’t care about “VR” gaming. Just let me have a huge screen


Imagine where we'd be today if devs had to "figure out" if or how we'd get their permission to run all the software outside of Apples ecosystem, like the thousands of titles that were made for older Windows and run on Linux on Steam, or the tens of thousands of programs accessible through virtualisation and emulation, or basically almost the entirety of all software except Mac and iOS that windows and android and ChromeOS can run!


Maybe this will finally be the downfall of Apple


https://preview.redd.it/09kr2l6zts4d1.png?width=2752&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae2ef4d2837732fd33c90760c19f0321c04cd9da The game looks beautiful on iPad Pro M4.


Does it not support the iPad's resolution?


It beautifully does not look like it.


This is incredibly disappointing. Game runs great but the black bars feel like crap. Hope they’ll update this soon.


Does it run smoothly (& if i could ask as an aside, does Death Stranding, etc?)


I have Death Stranding on my M1 Pro and it’s smooth. Graphics isn’t that great tho, I would say better than Switch but that’s not saying a lot lol


While the M1 is still overkill for most of the things that apple lets you throw at it, the M4 is much more overkill and far more powerful


I wonder if that would mean better gfx… I’m also disappointed that the new AC-Japan, Stray and many others which are on mac m series, don’t come to ipad


at the highest settings, it runs at what seems to be 2K at a constant 45 FPS? i think there's an FPS cap in place that I can't remove.


That’s pretty good, if it can reach 60/120 on 1080….


tests are out - it is at a native 1440p at a 30 FPS cap at the highest setting on iPad. The FPS doesn’t fluctuate from 30 (which is a cap enforced on iPhone too), which means that there’s more GPU power lying unused. 60 FPS at 1080p seems possible if they allow it.


Its a shame… the device has so much potential, stifled only by apple limiting ipados


I don’t believe this is an iPadOS limitation. It is a hardware limitation. The M4 might be powerful but the thermals of a sealed enclosure with no fan, plus the need to maintain reasonable battery life, don’t permit them to push the chip to the max.


Hmm good point, perhaps a comparison with the new Airs that would have M4 chip would be the only way to know...


Damn that looks good, I would say that better than a PS4 but worse than a PS5.


Technology is awesome


That seriously looks like crap.


It really doesn't if you apply some common sense and context. The M4 is around 15 to 20 watts, and lives in a five millimeter passively cooled chassis. A PS5 is 200 watts and is actively cooled A high-end gaming PC is 600 to 1000 watts and actively cooled. The visual fidelity you get out of a modern iPad all things considered is impressive. No it doesn't look as good as the modern console, but it's not a million miles off considering how much power it uses in comparison.


So you saying that it looks good for an iPad. But shitty as an AS game. Cool


In what world has a portal device ever rendered graphics better than a console?


It looks exceptional for being a device you can bring on airplane and play at this quality.


don't get me wrong it looks great for an iPad but my 6 year old gs65 gaming laptop (super thin) completely shits on this still and I've brought it an airplane easily lol. (which also costs like $400) now running games on an ipad is a cool novelty, but it is not impressive performance at a $1000 price point. A Steam deck at less than $400 is more impressive. The iPad performance is kinda neat I guess


the M4's GPU is actually faster than Series S (4.4 teraflops vs 4, + dedicated ray tracing cores and ML cores for upscaling). the only limit is the passively cooled chasis. the game doesn't look too different on my 3080 at 4k ultra settings. it isn't one of those games that aims for realism.


I'm not arguing hypothetical power. I understand what the limit is but that doesn't matter, it's still subpar performance for 2024 if we're talking about gaming for $1000. It's a novelty feature. You're joking about it not looking too different right? 4k max settings absolutely looks much better, I have a 3080 too and it's night and day. I genuinely don't think you should even getting a 3080 if you can't tell the difference, seems like a waste. what do you mean? We're talking about assassin's Creed, it's in a pretty damn realistic setting it's not Mario.


IPad’s at 1440p (confirmed), at what seems to be PC’s medium to high settings. Coupled with the smaller screen, the game still looks sharp compared to my 4K 32 inch PC display. sure, PC has a little better graphical fidelity with ultra settings, but it isn’t a huge difference. remember that this game isn’t insanely realistic on pc either - it isn’t cyperpunk with path tracking. it isn’t subpar performance for a 5mm thin device. I can fit 30 of these into the volume that my PC occupies lol.


Free with IAP of full game for $24.99. Is this a demo?


limited time demo afaik, IAP for the full game


Any idea what the other IAPs are for?


Just click the link in the post? https://preview.redd.it/99lzpogujv4d1.jpeg?width=781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cbec855ccc3c04af83fb71c413d8306f9020b91


ugh I hate Ubisoft’s pricing models


Not at all helpful, I can see that in the store. The question is what are those?


You asked what the in app purchases are for, I gave you a list of what they’re for. If that’s not what you’re after then you need to google it


Would love a slide out controller case for iPhone, like PSP Go.


Keep an eye on [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SBCGaming/comments/1d52th0/what_do_you_guys_think_of_this_controller_i_built/)


Dropped his YouTube video yesterday


## [**Assassin's Creed Mirage**](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/assassins-creed-mirage/id6472704261) > by [Ubisoft](https://apps.apple.com/us/developer/ubisoft/id317644720) Narrative-driven adventure. ____ ### ℹ️ **App Info** **Category**: Games. **Release**: Jun 6, 2024. **Last Update**: None. **Platforms**: iPad: Requires iPadOS 17.4 or later and a device with the M1 chip or later.; iPhone: Requires iOS 17.4 or later and a device with the A17 Pro chip or later. **Rating**: n/a (not enough ratings). **Size**: 5.1 GB. ### 💸 **Pricing (in USD)** **Current**: Free **History**: n/a **IAPs**: 1 * Pre-Orders might not show IAPs properly: ⚠️ ### 🔒️ **Privacy** **Policy**: https://legal.ubi.com/privacypolicy/ **Specification**: * Data Used to Track You: Purchases, Location, User Content, Identifiers, Usage Data, Diagnostics & Other Data. * Data Linked to You: Purchases, Location, User Content, Identifiers, Usage Data, Diagnostics & Other Data. --- ^[dev](https://reddit.com/user/fedecalendino) ^| ^[github](https://github.com/fedecalendino/app-info-bot)


Me with my just one generation old 14 pro: hmm…


Tried it immediately when it came out and my 15 Pro Max can barely handle it. It evacuated all apps, taking screenshots is very laggy. I even got an in-world loading screen where everything was frozen except for the camera, because switching between my messaging app and mirage was just too much to handle. Eventually tried to close the game but then iOS as a whole froze and had to hard reboot. Leading me to conclude that I ran out of memory hard by trying to keep that game and my messaging app open. So yeah forget about running it on older phones even if it was an option. The 15 Pros imo don't have enough ram to keep up with these console level games while also managing its own features


The A17 has a much faster and more capable GPU than previous A models, so that doesn’t surprise me too much.


Years ago Apple touted that their phone processors were more powerful than a PS4.  This game is available on PS4. 


And I can see them doing that, because the PS4 still has a surprisingly large user base for a ten-year-old console, and the PS4 port was most likely heavily compromised in order to run without turning the console into an abacus. And I suspect they made money off of it. By contrast, not many people still use phones that are 4+ years old, and the ones that are using phones that old probably aren’t spending much money on them, and supporting older phone tech not used by as many people was most likely not worth the time or money.


Eh, on PS4 it runs fine and looks good. So far it seems most iOS/iPadOS versions of AAA games get PS4 visuals at a lower resolution (Resident Evil: Village comes in at 240p at times), with some visual sprinkles on top occasionally.  Wildly impressive, but you can’t play for long without hitting thermal throttling. I hope the M4 can change that. 


tbh, glad it’s keeping me from degrading my battery. there’s no way one could game on an iphone with the same tenacity as a console and not need a new battery in under a year.


Anyone else getting the low disk space message? I can’t get past it and I’ve got 120 GB free on my 15 PM, no clue how much it’ll take but can’t imagine it’s *that* much…


Yep same issue here.


Gaming on iOS is as real as ever. Love it


lol 1 AAA title in 17 years of iPhone is pretty sad. And no, ancient ports of Bully or San Andreas don’t count.


There have been a lot more than that, unless one resorts to gatekeeping. Death Stranding, Dragon Quest (various), Final Fantasy (various), Genshin Impact, Resident Evil 4 and 8, etc...


I’ll count a lot of those (not RE4 since that’s a ps2 generation game as well). But do you see my point? Remember the Unreal Engine demo all the way at the announcement of the 3G in 2008? I’d argue since even the iPhone 4 the phone has been comparable in power to consoles of the time. The amount of AAA ports of games from the current generation has been consistently lacking by comparison.


RE4 as in the remake


No, because a lot of those games don’t sell well on mobile. The majority of mobile gamers just want some quick distraction while they wait in line for something, and they don’t want to pay for it, as the app stores all became one great big race to the bottom with quick fun games financed by microtransactions. As I understand things, many of the AAA console titles that have come over in the last 1-2 years came because Apple helped finance the port. And RE4 on iOS and macOS is the recent RE Engine remake, not a port of the original GameCube game.


Lmao how are you not going to count RE4R. Just because the game originally came out on ps2 doesn’t mean RE4R is the same game. It’s a current gen release and definitely counts lol. But I agree. AAA doesn’t and hasn’t released on iOS but it’s because consumers would much rather spend 100s of $ overtime vs a single $40 on a game for their phones(I’d rather pay once for the game. I’m over freemium garbage)


Geez at least do some googling before spewing bs


I do agree with this. There just isn’t widespread support. Seeing Diablo 4 not even make Mac was pretty disappointing…an odd AAA here or there really isn’t worth celebrating yet.


Can the M4 run GTA 5 max settings with ease?


It's like you stopped paying attention in 2010


Already platinumed it on my ps5. Its an Ok game


Worst game in the series I have to say.


Well you didn’t *have* to say it


It’s so bad I had to.


Anyone try on the Vision Pro yet?


It’s blocking Vision Pro, so… nope.


It’s great that PC games are coming to ios. But cmon people it’s a Ubisoft game


Can it be played offline?


So sad my brand new ipad 10th gen can't run it


iPhone 14 Pro Max incompatible….


Can’t wait to fire this up on my iPhone 13 mini


Only on A17 Pro devices




I side loaded RE Village on my 13PM out of curiosity, it does work but not great.


I have a 13 mini and a 6th gen iPad mini. They have the same A15. Oh.


like literally


Still showing not available yet...


The assassins creed format would honestly work pretty well in a portable sense. The games are so full of bloat nowadays that I can’t be assed playing them, as it’s just hours upon hours of meaningless side content (or in Valhalla’s case, endless side stories disguised as the main quest). On an iPhone or iPad though? I could see myself popping it on for 20 minutes at a time to play a bit and finishing it piece by piece


I’m trying to play but it keeps crashing on me. iPad Pro m4


Mine crashed in the first 10 mins once but no crashes since then for probably 5-6 hrs of gameplay on a 13” M4 1tb


After reading more comments after more people had access I realized that it’s because I tried using high settings on an 8GB M4 iPad Pro. Switched to medium and it’s been fine, but honestly pretty disappointed that realistically only the few that have gotten a TB+ pro over the past few years can really get high quality settings and that really wasn’t talked about. Like, it all makes sense but it’s still disappointing, y’know?


aww not for iPad mini 5. Oh well would’ve just been a nice option


I would hope Apple would include such games to its stupid AA service atleast even if only for a month. Arcade is a such a waste. Have it only as it comes bundled with Apple One.


Same here, annoying I had to buy this game on top of Apple one premier


it needs to be updated for M4 ipads with 16 gigs of RAM. I want 60 fps.


Can’t play, using Apple’s hide my email service and entering my age (over 40) the game says I do not meet the requirements to play the game. Was an instant delete for me.


What requirements?


And it sucks. It’s been crashing constantly on 15PM. Unplayable, really.


These games are going to flop. People on mobile prefer free to play, pay to win games. Your average mobile gamer is willing to drop way more than the price of a triple a game in the form of mtx but never for pay for a full paid game upfront


Just bought it, it’s great


Yawn. When people post this stuff do they say out loud, “WHEEEEE I’M A MARKETER!”


Requires an ubisoft account. Hard pass.


Same. Me: *Launches the game*  Game: “Hey if you wanna play online you need to create an Ubisoft data tracker ” Me: “Nah I just want a simple single player experience”  Game: “No, create the damn account or I’m not letting you play”  Me:  OK, GTFO


I just put in a hide my email and that’s it nbd


Come to gamepass already.